The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, April 23, 1907, Daily Edition, Page 2, Image 2

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(Eons lug tmra
Thk Coos Bay Times 1'onLtsniNO Co.
A. E. GUYTON, Editor ani Manager.
The policy of The Coos Bay Times
will be Republican in politics, with the
'Independence of which President Koose
velt is the lending exponent.
Entetol nt the poatonlce at Murshfleld, Ore
gon, for tnuiamiralon through the malls a
accund cln malljmattcr,
s Single copy, daily, - - 5 cents
Per month, daily, 50 cents
Three months, daily, - f 1 25
Six months, daily - - 2 50
One year, daily, - - - $5 00
Weekly, per year - - $1 00
Address all communications to
Marshfield, Oregon.
fow knew her name, but the work
which she started has boon felt
everywhere. She Is more of a hero
than the man whose name Is on
every tongue. She did something for
the world. Such people make the big
things In the world more than those
who get the personal heroism. Mem
ory of name3 die out, but the effect
of good work started not only lives
but constantly increases. The world
needs more such people.
Mayor Straw quietly slipped away
and has been married. His friends
suspected what was coming, and now
It 13 learned that their suspicions
were well founded. The mayor has
the hearty congratulations of, all the
people, who will welcome himself and
his bride on their return. His bride
formerly lived here, and Marshfleld
Will Represent Wg Snn Francisco
Hnrdwnrc Finn In Coos
E. K. Jones of the Pioneer Hard
ware company received a letter yes
terday from F. A. Baker, 'of San
Francisco, In answer to one written
by him some time ago, which stated
that F. E. Hague, late of the Pioneer
Hardware company, has been select
ed to take the place of E. A. Flske
with Baker &. Hamilton, a wholesale
hardware Arm. He will represent
Baker & Hamilton In Coos county,
with headquarters In this city. t
Mr. Hague has been In the hard
ware business for something over ten
neonle will be glad that she is to re
turn to this city to live. The mayor years, In most of which time he has
The suggestion made by a Rose
burg newspaper for an electric line
from that city to Coos Bay has met
with much approval. A line over
that route to this place would be a
vast help to'both communities. Coos
Bay Is the harbor for southern Ore
gon. It Is the natural outlet for a
vast country behind. Railroads or
electric lines are what will make pos
sible the connections between the In
terior and the natural and logical
There must be an outlet for the
Interior so rich In resource. All of
the country behind us need not look
gt'i nwaj' up to Portland or down to San
Francisco, but must have a nearer
port. Here Is Coos Bay, the natural
center for shipping, which is needed
by the Interior of the state, and rail
road facilities are what will make the
connection. It Is only a question of
a few years until this will be the
point to which the shipping is direct
ed. So rich In resources is the coun
try around us and behind us, that the
possibilities of what this will mean in
the future can scarcely be realized
This proposed electric lino from
Rosoburg would be a big step to
bring about the connection which
must ultimately come. It would help
Rosrburg In bringing her In close
touch with a seaport, and would help
to make Coos Bay the outlet for the
Roseburg district, not to speak of the
benefits to the Intermediate country.
It Is to bo hoped that the proposed
road will become a reality.
has been spending a
time worrying about street paving
and other public improvements.
Some of the aldermen are wondering
If now he will not have to put In
some of his time making garden and
improving his own front yard. It Is
safe to say, however, that the fact
that the mayor will go to housekeep
ing when he returns will not lessen
his good work as a public man.
good deal of been connected
From the People
with the Pioneer
Hardware store. He also had some
experience In the wholesale business
In Seattle, having been connected
with one of the big 'firms in that city
during the Klondike excitement.
Having lived in Coos county for a
number of years and being well post
ed In hla business makes Mr. Hague
a valuable acquisition to the Baker
& Hamilton staff of representatives.
Recently Mr. Hague resigned his of
fice of the Ploneei- Hardward com
pany owing to hlfl health.
(Times Speclnl Service.)
Myrtle Point, April 22. Rev. Mr.
Rogers, of the Methodist church of
this place, will soon move into a
handsome new parsonage, which Is
being erected for his use. The car
penter' work Is about completed and
the inside work will be finished in a
short time.
BornTo W. J. Reeder and wife,
a daughter Sunday.
Handsome Clothini
Back at Dunkirk, N. Y., so the tel
egraph news tells us, there died an
old lady, Mrs. Esther McNeill. She
was the founder of the Woman's
Christian Temperance Union. She
was ninety-four years old, and past
the ago when she could do active
work. But hero was a woman who,
while ns an Individual has during the
declining years of her life been prac
tically forgotten, has left behind her
a real monument. The W. C. T. U.,
whlh this woman founded, has
grown until It has reached all parts
of the world. None can deny that
the union has wrought much good,
and those who have been helped to i
bettor lives by Its officers owe their I
1 ill 1L Mill UUKl'lj ill lilt; llllllllltri . w
After all the really big people aro i
those who do things that outlive
them. Mrs. McNeill was not a ppr- ,
sonnl hero In tho minds of the people
of tho world, because probably but ,
Editor Times: As a reader of,
your paper I ask you grant me space j
to tell what I think a Carnegie 11- j
brary should be like. First the com-
mlttee should purchase in Marshfleld '
a lot and erect thereon a two story i
building, that is providing Andrew '
Carnegie will furnish the money to
.i t. Tu.rt rr,.r.iin'l rtnnr alimilrl be 1
" "- fa'"""" iw
fitted up for stores and the second Kj
floor for a library, reading room and ;
museum, where the products of Coos j
county could be shown. Much has
been said and written about taxing
the people for the support of the
library and this to the reader seems j
unnecessary. The stores on the :
ground floor of the library building ,
would bring enough rent to cover
ill expenses. Let the committee
subscribe sufficient money to buy a
lot and the books would come after- ;
ward. The writer of this communl
"atlon is one of the few In Coos (
county who have seen a Carnegie j
library fully equipped end In run-,
Tiing order. I cm sure tlie people
In general In Marshfleld would like
to see tho library estnb'lshed and
will no doubt give their hearty sup
uort to the gentlemen v ho have the
matter In hand.
With replenished stock we
have the most attractive offer
ings of the season in men's clothing-
Handsome fabrics, in rich
new color tones, and with that
expressive tailoring that differen
tiates our clothes from the ave
rage sorts.
1 v uirccL 1
- fT-. - L t-Lf'IIT m "'""'''ill lrTI",f,f"' '' 'm J ""
fc u
Sister Comes.
Mrs. Charles Solin, of Allegany,
was down to meet her sister, who
arrived on the steamer Breakwater
from San Francisco. Mrs. Selln's
sister has just recently arrived In
the country from Finland.
cm,KW3TrjerrrnuiiraytmxmKmr'v?jtmr?Kn -
Of all desc:Otions'
House painting, Pa"
per hanging-, grdu "'
ing, carriage paint
ing etc.
Strictly pure stock
sold on all jobs.
J. E. Rohr
Opposite Bear's Livery
For your Real Estate or Business
No Matter What Your Property is Worth,or in What Town, City State or Territory
it is Located
It I did not have tlie ability and facilities to sell vour propertv, I certainly could not
iilfuidto pay lor this adi'itiyinont. This "ad" (like all my other "ads") is practically
i-u.e to place on my 1 i t a number of new propertied, and 1 am just as fine to sell )j-'le!'u
propel Hih and make enough money in coiiuuNsioiiH to pay for tlie cost of these "ads," and
make u good prollt beside. That is why I have m larye ii leal estate business today.
Why not put vour piopeitv among tho number that will be sold a-s a ieult of these
1 will not only lie able to sell it 111110 time but will bo able to sell it quickly. I am
a specialist in quick -.lies.. 1 have the most complete and up-to-dati equipment. I have
branch ollices tliiouiihout tlie country and a Held t'oico of men to lind lmyeis.
I do not handle all lines usually earned by theoidinary real estate ajiont-'. I MUST SELL
leal estate and lot of it or go out of lms'ine-s. Icanussuie you lnm not going outof
business. On the contrary, I expect to find, at the close of tbo'year, that 1 have sold twice
a-manv piopeities as I did tlie past vear, but it will first be necessary for me to 'Mist"
move properties. 1 want to list YOURS and SELL it. It doseu't matter whether you
have a farm, a homo without any land, 01 a business; it doesn't matter what it iswoith,
or whero it is located. If you will fill out the blank letter of inquiry below and mail it to 1110
today, 1 will tell yon how and why I can quickly convert the propel ty into cash, and will
give you my complete plan
andn tdrasfomeliritl ing. The information I will give you will bo of great value to you,
even if you should decide not to sell. You had better write today before you lorget it.
If you want to buy any kind of a Farm, House or Business, in any part of tlie country
tell 1110 your requirements. 1 will guarantee to till them promptly and satisfactory.
David P. Taff, The Land Man, 4 1 5 Kan. Ave., Topeka, Kas.
ft You Want (o Sell Fill in, Cut Out anil Mail Today.
,, . -end, without cost to me, a plan for finding
.T.eUts. - ,.,...,.,. .,;. ,i, ...,.,: i . ,.
q t' .'. . j'H'J'VllJ nillLU LUU3l?l Ul
vn Count v State
Following is a brief description
ft ra. 1 1
Lowest cash pvice.
Name .. ,- -
... Addles ...
VKagaaiM-i ii7i MiwuYffr,wrrevi-iflia winmi EBHESaEEStSSESilsa 3ES GJEHHKE.
If You Want to Buy Fill in.Cut Out and Mail Today
Idesiiotobuy property eovresionding approxi
mately with tlie following specifications: Town or
city. County. . ..State
.. . Price bet ween $ and f I will pay
down and balance
Name Address . .
! Shirt Waist Snaps at j
BT6i v
J The biggest bargains you ever
: saw Waists selling from $3,50
! to $6.50 Your choice while :
they last ::::::
. - c:
We have about 40 or 50 waists left J
over from last year that areTtakingup J
much needed space and in order to get
rid of them in a hurry we have cut ' the
prices as above
These waists consists of Taff eta, China
Silk, Mohairs and light weight summer J
worsteds Colors, Eilack, Blue, Pink, $
- - - TtfTUTHIWUH in IMIIII-" - hi lii I nil- ii i
White, Helo and Cream,' mostly in
medium sizes from s32 to 38
wait until tomorrow and regret that you
did not come sooner.