The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, April 23, 1907, Daily Edition, Image 1

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Daily Edition
Member of Associated Press.
VOL. i
No. 210
r y
MARSHimD's mayor
weds miss wkeman
9 JJrilTliTL
fire Started Late Last Night and This OLD SETTLER
Morning the Largest IVlilliog Plant
On Pacific Coast is Total Loss
Mien Fight Fire to
Save Home-Will
Be Rebuilt
(Associated Press Special to Times.)
Seattle, April 23. !l n. in. A lire which broke out at 10:4." last
night in the planer room of the Tort lllakeley Mill company's lumber. mill
at Port lllakeley wiped out the entire plttnt, the largest lumber manu
facturing establishment on the coast and one of the largest In the world,
entailing a loss of between $300,000 and $."00,000. Of this 70 per cent
is coveied by insurance. The Are originated from a hot box, and from
the moment of discovery there was no chance to save the mill.
The (lames shot up immediately, enveloping all that section of the
plant. The night force was nt work at the time, and 300 men vt ere com
pelled to tlee for their lives. All escaped.
Helpless to check the flames in the mill proper, the men turned
their attention to saving the houses In Port lllakeley, many of which
were not more than 800 feet from the fire. Every in the town was
pressed Into service, nnd the flames Here controlled.
Within a few in I mites 200 men with 20 hose were engaged in the
work. The fire boat Snoqunlmic, of Seattle, was sent for and put into
service shortly after midnight, and with the AVyadda, which arrived
twenty minutes later, have five two-inch streams of water playing on the
flames. At this hour the mill is still burning.
The Port Mnkely mill opposite Seattle is the largest on the Pacific
coast. The capacity is about 750,000 feet of lumber in a day of two
shifts. The ten-hour capacity of tills mill compared to others follows:
Port lllakeley mill 375,000
Deinpsey Lumber company 200,000
St. Paul and Tacoma Lumber Co., one mill 175,000
St. Paul and Tacoma Lumber Co., another mill 125,000
Vancouver Lumber Co., Vancouver 150,000
"II. L. Jenkins Co., ISInine, Wash 225,000
Puget Sound Milling Co., Ludllw, "Wash 225,000
Puget Sound Milling Co., Port Gnmble, AVnsh 150,000
Eastern nnd "Western, Portland 200,000
Funeral of Mrs. M. A. Jackson Is
held Monday at
White Settlers to Come, to Coos
County and Conducted Pi
oneer Hotel.
Members of Baptist Congregation
i of Marshfield have An !m-
portant Service
"Story Comes of Heavy Snows
Mountains in Eastern Oregon
and Idaho.
MoJI, April 22. The Pacific
Mail steamer Mongolia, which
went ashore in llayatomo strait
tills nioi ning, was pulled off to
night and proceeded on her
way. .She was not damaged.
The funeral of the late Mrs. M. A.
Jackson, who died Saturday, was held
yesterday at 2 p. m. from the Pioneer
hotel at Empire. The services were
conducted by Rev. D. W. Thurston,
pastor of the Baptist church of
Marshfield, and were largely attend
ed. The burial was at the old ceme
tery at Empire.
Mrs. Jackson was one of the oldest
settlers. She was one of the
Hy Addition of New Chairs and Gen-
cral Itcmodcling of House
of Worship.
Dr. E. E. Straw Married to Former Res
ident of This City--Affair Takes
Place at Santa Rosa, CaL
The dedication exercises at the !
Baptist church Sunday were carried j
Dr. E. E. Straw, mayor of Marsh-
! field, and Miss Sara C. Lakeman have
been married at Santa Hosa, Califor
I nla. Friends of the mayor expected
1 that the event was to take place, but
have not yet learned from him. The
first news received was the following
In the San Francisco Chronicle:
."Santa Ilosa, April IS. Mayor
Edward E. Straw, of Marshfield, Ore-
, gon, arrived here today for the pur
pose of making Misa Sara C. Lnke
mnn. nf Mountain View. f!nl.. IiIr
working since last August. During ... ,. ,,,, ,, ,,, ,
here tomorrow morning, Rev. A. L.
Burleson of the Episcopal church
out exactly as planned, the pro
gram being given as announced Sun
day morning. The exercises were
Important, Inasmuch as they marked
a goal toward which the members of
the church have been faithfully
that time something over $1,000 has
first , been raised and expended by the
three white women in Coos county, church In much needed Improve- m , 4,
oi co ,.. . ,. .!. .., .. .,.- . .,' .,. officiating.
one Kua oi jvaia uiu, hub uuiu 111 iimjim, uiiu ui me present nine uiu
Tennessee, and came to Oregon In ' church Is entirely free from debt,
1852. She lived In Jackson county which is highly complimentary for
and in 1853 came to Empire, and has a church In a city of this size.
lived here ever since except ten years, ' The Improvements Include the in-'
when she resided In Curry county, stalling of new opera chairs through
Mrs. Jackson was married twice,' but the edifice, the recovering of the
first to Curtis Noble, who died In ! floor and altar with carpet and the '
1857, and afterwards to A. J. Jack- building of a three-room addition at
son, who died five years ago.
, the back of the church. Of these one
Have Not Prevailed There During
the Last Forty-seven
The Dalles, Ore., April 22. Each
spring the same old story of high
water is repeated o'er and o'er, and
from the time the snows begin to
melt and the streams to get out of
bed until the month of June has
passed, settlers all along the Snake
and Columbia rivers are In constant
apprehension of floods.
While it is true that there is much
snow in the mountains, the same con
dition is said to prevail each year,
and yet sicne 1894 o serious floods
have occurred. The height of the
waters depends upon the weather.
If it should turn real warm next
month and the same atmosphere pre
vail all along the upper rivers, caus
ing each to rise at the same time,
then look out for a flood.
The condition described by Mr.
Kurtz, who came down from Idaho
Monday, Is also referred to in the
following dispatch which comes from
"Fear Is being expressed here that
the warm, showery weather of the
past few days will cause the highest
water ever recorded In the Snake and
Clearwater rivers. The foundation!
for this belief lies in the great area
of accumulated snow in the Snake,
and Clearwater watersheds, reaching
back 250 miles Into the Bitter Hoot
range, which Is reported to be rapid
ly melting under the influence of the
warm rains. From present indica
tions spring freshets will begin ear
lier this year, the usual period being
the first of June.
"In the Thunder Mountain district
from four to fourteen feet of snow
covers the ground. The Buffalo
Hump mining camp is buried under
15 feet of packed snow, and other
mountainous sections of central
Idaho are" covered by from three to
eight feet of solid snow.
"Never in the history of central
Idaho, extending over a period of
forty-seven years, has such a condi
tion prevailed as late in the spring.
Unless a cold spell Intervenes this
snow bids fair to go off with a rush,
and should such a thing happen, Lew
lston might again see rowboats pad
dling on her main streets, as In the
spring of 1895.
"Weather reports show that the
showery condition is prevailing all
over the plateau, and If other sec
tions of the Columbia basin are af
fected by snow In the same degree
as the Lewlston country, It looks as
If there might be a repetition of the
floods of the nineties. Within the
last few days the Snake river has
risen several feet, and Is now at the
highest point of the year."
In 1SG7 Mrs. Jackson started the room will be used by the pastor as
Pioneer hotel nt Empire, which she a study, and another by the Sunday
conducted until four years ago, since I school and Young People's society,
which time it has been conducted as The third room will bo used as a
a lodging house. , dressing room.
Mrs. Jackson was the mother of In addition to the Improvements
eleven children, four of whom are mentioned the church has been over
dead. The survivors are Mrs. E. O. , hauled In general, two new chimneys
Sanders, who was the first white , being erected, and the platforms J
child born in Coos county, Mrs. Al leading from the sidewalk having
Owens, William Noble, Charles Jack-, been rebuilt. In the near future the
son, Andrew Jackson and George . church will be repainted and pa
Jackson. I pered,
' The members of the congregation
are very grateful to all those who
have been so kind as to give their
support by subscription and other
wise. At the close of the services.
, 'Sunday a collection of $110 was
C. llorton, Who , taken ""
According to this the wedding took
place last Friday. When Dr. Straw
went away he said ho would be ab
sent several weeks, so the couple Is
not expected back for a week at
The young ladywhom the mayor
of Marshfield has chosen for his bride
is well known in this city, ns she
lived hero until recently. Her homo
Is at Mountain View, Cal., but for
quite n while she owned and con
ducted the Mnrshfleld General hos
pital. A few months ago she sold
the Institution and went to her Cali
fornia home. She is a handsome
young woman, and one who is hold
in the highest esteem In this city.
While residing hero she made a host
of friends, who will be delighted that
she is to return hero to live.
Everybody In Marshfield knows
Dr. Straw. He Is a native of Mis
souri and attended college and
gained his professional education hi
the east and came to Marshfield to
practice. While a comparative now
comer, ho was at the last city elec
tion chosen for innyor. Hd has taken
a deep interest in the municipal af
fairs, and has put himself on record
as an official standing for till that
is progressive. Dr. Straw is, a man
who is easily met, and Is known es
pecially for his frank and outspoken
way, which has stood him In good
stead as a city executive. As physi
cian and official nnd also personally,
the mayor has won many warm
friends in Marshfield and on Cooa
It Is learned hero that the mayor
has fitted up a house which ho and
his wife will occupy on returning
from their wedding trip.
Purchased by M,
Also Owns the Adjoining
Mrs. May Worse.
Mrs. Marshall May, who has been
111 at her home in Ferndale for some
months, took a sudden turn for the
worse yesterday and owing to her
age is not expected to recover.
M. C. Horton, who purchased the
corner 100 feet square at C and First
streets, on which Is located the
Wheeler real estate office and several
other buildings, has also bought the
Coos Bay Times building, which ad
joins. This gives Mr. Horton 100
feet on C street and 150 feet on First
The Times lot Is 50 feet wide and
the building is 40x60. The lower
floor Is occupied by the newspaper
and there are offices on the second
floor. The Times will continue to.oc
cupy the building for at least a year.
Mr. Horton with the purchases he
has made will have the finest busi
ness corner in the city.
Accident Was Not There, hut at the
Beaver 11111 Plant.
An error was made In announcing
that the LIbby mine was not running
at full capacity owing to an accident.
It is the Beaver Hill mino and not the
Libby mine that had the accident.
The facts were correct, but there was
a confusion of the names of the two
mines. The Libby mine is all right
and is running at full capacity.
Coroner Notified That Man
Drowned In the Coquille
at Riverton
Could He Learned, as the Tele
phone Line to That Place
Was In Trouble.
Six North Bend Men Fined For Al
lowing Gaming In Their
. Places.
.Naturalization Papers Granted, and
Grand Jury Makes Return
to the Court.
Did Not Meet.
The Shakespeare club did not meet
as usual laBt evening, owing to the
fact that one of the members was
out of the city.
Lnfe Ronebrnke Is Seriously 111 at
the Hospital.
Lafe Bonebrake Is in a critical con
dition at the Marshfield general hos
pital. It was necessary for the doc
tors In charge to perform a surgical
operation yesterday. His condition
last evening at last report was much
better than earlier In the day.
Progress Club.
The Progress club will meet this
afternoon at the resldenco of Mrs.
P. C. Lovar Instead of with Mrs. I.
Lando as had been planned.
New Floor.
The East Marshfield Land com
pany wharf has received a now floor
over its entire length. The wharf is
100x40 feet.
Plant Is Here.
The steamer M. F. Plant arrived
from San Francisco Sunday and will
sail on her return trip with a full
cargo of coal and general merchan
dise. The schooner Guide arrived yester
day from San Francisco. She will be
loaded with lumber.
Calling on Trade.
L. C. Collins, representing the TI1I
mann & Bendel wholesale grocery of
San Francisco, is in the city calling
on the trade.
Dr. Mlngus, the coroner, wns no
tified last night that a man was
drowned In the Coquille river at Riv
erton. No name or particulars were
given, and It wns impossible to learn
any details, as the telephone line to
that place was In trouble.
Will Visit Spokane.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Kaufman
have gone to Spoknne, where they
will visit for several weeks.
Western Oregon and western
Washington, fair; eastern Ore-
gou, eastern Washington and
V Idaho, cloudy and threatening,
followed by fair and cooler wen-
Getting Retter.
Charles Sneddon, who has been 111
nt the Mnrshfleld general hospital for
somo'tlme with typhoid fever, Is pro
gressing ns well as could bo expected.
Ho is slightly better.
Tho local weather, as report
ed hy Dr. Minimis, Hie weather
observer, for yesterday is as
follows: -
Highest (10 degrees
Lowest -If) degrees
ft p. in r2 degrees
AVInd In northwest; clear.
(Times Special Service.)
Coquille, Ore., April 22. In tho
circuit court today the following de
fendants were arraigned on n chargo
of permitting unlawful gambling In
places under their control: Fred
Johnson, J. J. Curren, J. C. Wilcox,
John Nasburg Jr., John Volty and
Joe Shina, all of North Bend. All
six defendants pleaded guilty and
each was fined ?100 and costs.
Trial by Jury." """
Tho case of Larson & Co. against
the Bandon Manufacturing Co. was
taken up today. It Is an action at
law to recover personal property,
nnd embodies the title and posses
sion of some 200 saw logs which
were cut. on Catching slough. Judgo
15. D. Sperry Is tho attorney for tho
plnlntlff nnd C. II. Harrow Is defend
ing. Tho caso will ho submitted to
tho Jury tomorrow.
Granted Papers.
Godfroy Strohm, Jacob Anderson
nnd Patrick Daton wore granted
naturalization papers on tho testi
mony of J. T. Hall, J. Wickmnn and
Charles Rodin.
Two Indictments,
Tho grand Jury returned a truo
bill against William Forry for point
ing a gun nt nnother man; also a
true bill against a man named Mc
Cosby for committing forgery.