iEiyaini'WjwuwwnBWtf "-" -;- -r fant jfaSvi ftw M' JHE DAILY CUOS nAY TIMKa, blAKSIIFlELD, OREGON, SUNDAY, " J mmmm APRIL 21, 1007. q w s ft: WILL RUN A SPECIAL Railroad Will Accomodate Lawyers at Coquille Monday and Tuesday. IS MUCH BUSINESS To IJc Transacted ut This Term of Court nntl Attornvjs Will He Riisy. Owing to the large number of per sons attending the session of the circuit court now on at Coquille, a special train will be run from that place to Marshfleld Monday and particularly those who work all day and devote half the night to the much more exhausting pursuit of pleasure. It Is, however, In the mat ter of exercise, or rather the lack of It, that most persons make the great est mistake. I have tried riding, driving, rowing, tennis playing and swimming; all of them excellent, but each to a certain extent possible to only a limited number of people. But more beneficial than all, I think, Is ono In which everybody can In dulge, the poor as easily as the rich, the busy man as well as the man of leisure. It Is walking. "Electric cabs, trolley cars nnd subways are great conveniences In this busy age, but I sometimes won der If they are not too convenient for the mnn who uses only his brain and who rides every time he has to go two or three hoicks Instead of deriv ing the benefit that Is to be obtained from the exercise of frequent short walks. William H. Crane, the com edian, recently said that after trying yachting, driving and all kinds of diversion during the last twenty I STEAMSHIP F. A. KILBURN The fastest frisco Boat Afloat Will mnko regular trips between 8 AN FRANCISCO and PORTLAND, caUlng at COOS BAY going north and south. Will make the trip from Coos Bay to Portland in 20 and to San Francisco in 30 hours, For freight or passage apply to MARSHFIELD COMMISSION CO. Agents, Marshfleld. 'Phone 1421. -naarvan California and Oregon Coast Steamship Company. Steamer Alliance ns the best of all. Tuesday afternoons. A special was yearg ne i,ag come to regard walking brought over yesterday afternoon to accommodate those wishing to at tend the first day of the session who did not care to stay over Sunday. The regular session will begin on Monday, with Judge Hamlllton of Roseburg on the bench. AVALKING AH EXERCISE. Viola Allen Prefers Pcdistrianism to Swimming, Golf and Hotting. An energetic public promoter for one of the unmerous "health foods" recently wrote Viola Allen for one of those "unsolicited" testimonials which ho promised, If she would write, he would cause to be displayed together with her picture on bill boards and in grocery store windows from Portland, Me., to Portland, Ore. To add to this glittering Inducement numerous cases of the llfeglving food promised. Although Miss Allen promptly declined to help the world at largo to select Its breakfasts, the matter turned the actress' thoughts to the subject of health and caused her In a recent interview to express the following opinions: "It seems to mo that the three fundamental requisites to a healthy body are simply food, plenty of sleep and an abundance of exercise. There in no doubt that almost everyone eats too much and considers the palato more than the nourishment of the body. Most people go to the other extreme in the matter of sleep, How Knot Club. The members of the Bow Knot club met yesterday afternoon with Miss Sengstacken for their regular weekly meeting. The method of en tertainment, the decorations, and place cards were unique. The after noon was one of the most enjoyable that has been spent by the club since its organization. yTH its organization. Miss Mlnot will en tertain the members next Saturday afternoon. KELLY, Commanding. SAILING FliOM- COOS BAY to Portland and Return GEO. D. GRAY a CO., Generalagents, 421 Market St.. San Francisco. ',. W. SHAW, Agent, Marshfleld. Phone 441 The Old Corner Grocery Will be open for business ay, The Steamer M. F. PLANT Sails for San Francisco Monday, April 15 RS DOW Agent MARSHFIELD, OREGON The Steamer Mond One of George Ado's characters, In conversation with a traveling com panion, said: Young man, you will learn that life is a series of wasted opportunities. When you are all In and a new generation comes along and gives you a good swift bump and 'j ou light on your back over by the ! fence, ou can look up at the sky and count the good things that got past you." That corner lot over there valued at half a million was I offered me for less than a thousand, i "Where the Fhst National Bank I stands," ho said with tears in his j eyes, "I like a blithering pin head j let go by and now I am getting too old and weak to kick myself " I. S. Kaufman & Co. will save you this humiliation (If you will give them a chance). They have bargains scat tered all mound April Give me a Call PHONE 1891 JAS. HIBBARD, PROPRIETOR Corner 4th and C Streets Bfii m a& 1 WmiiMmWmiWiXSJ2B!3ESt3&&E3JSm .MflMiMjaBgBicgarozagimBg BREAKWATER Sails for San Francisco direct Saturday, April 20th, at 4:00 p. m. For freight and passage apply to C. F. Mc- COLLUM. I COOS 9 o THE CITY OF BAY N THE MAINLAND In Full View of Marshfleld Plat B And North Bend Where Rail md Sail Will Meet, It will pay you to inspect this New Townsite It Has: One and one half miles water front. J 50 acres tideland sites for mills and factories. On deep watef-cast channel of Coos River. 3000 platted lots size 25x120. Streets 100 feet and 66 feet wide alleys 20 feet. LOTS 35.00 TO $350.00 Take our launch. Cos Bay Townsite Co. N. F. THRONE, Sec, Marshfield, Ore. OfficeOpposite Centra! Hotel - Marshfield, Oregon THAT EAST MARSHFIELD PROPERTY IS GOOD ENOUGH FOR ME-Homeseeker 4 SEE W. U. DOUGLAS, Pres. W. J. RUST, Sec. 1 And all Real Estate Dealers. m JHP SB 0 ft Mm. s a i iiMirMOTM Mir-MniTii LuiwXjiSHEKj ttrai