-5T THE DAILY COOS BAY TIMES, MAItSITFjlELlty OREGON, SUNDAY, APRIL 21, 1007. CAMP OPENS POR SEASON former rpyal library in, the palace I at Versailles. These, documents, I which Include a plan of the park,' set forth that on a night In October I 1788, Just before the royal family's, flight, certain noblemen burled In a' spot, carefully marked In the plan, FOR SALE the private treasure of the crown, which Louis cvould not possibly take In his hurried secret flight. Besides, the documents state the coffer con tained hereditary crown Jewels of enormous price and Important pa pers, which to Dq Nolhae seem most valuable of all. Frank Boutin's Company Has Con tract for Large Amount of Timber. Ice Cream EMPLOYS SIXTY MEN j(J- -" g) L. J. Simpson anil Courtcnny Mill Will Get Most of the Output. The Beaver Hill camp of the Coos Bay Lumber and Coal Company, of which Frank Boutin, Is at the head, has just been started for the ensuing season. There are now employed In the neighborhood of sixty men, and more will bo used later in the season. The Coos Bay Lumber and Coal company has contracts for about 40, 000,000 feet of timber to be delivered this season. L. J. Simpson Is to re ceive 30,000,000 feot and the Court cnay mill has contracted for 10, 000,000 feet. SURVEYOR'S HEN LAYS QUEER EGG S. B. Cnthcart FJnds a Freak Egg When Prcmrng for Ills Breakfast. RICH JEWELS FOR REPUBLIC Tract- of Crown Gems of Louis XVI Found In Versailles. Paris, April 20. The republic will be enriched, It seems, by crown jew els of Immense value and by much gold which that unfortunate, Louis XVI, could not take In his vain flight from Paris and which agents lie could trust Implicitly burled In the park at Versailles. There at earliest dawn, for a week past, have stood four men Briand, minister of fine arts; Dupardin-Ben-numptz, under secretary of his min istry; Calllaux, finance minister; and De Nolhae, than whom no one Is better versed In French history. These four stand at the edge of a gaping pit In which picked laborers liave dug all night long. As the dawn brightens the digging ends, the pit Is covered with boards and earth and a policeman, posted near, makes certain they are not disturbed until work Is resumed at night. The ministers are seeking a coffer of whose existence De Nolhae learned In papers which he discovered in the County Surveyor S. B. Cathcart's hens have been playing some queer pranks of late. Yesterday Mr. Cath cart found an egg which Is quite a curiosity. It was especially large, and Mr. Cathcart decided to fry It for breakfast. He broke it and in side was the white and yellow of the egg, nnd In tho center of the yolk was another perfect egg of smaller size, but nearly as large as an ordi nary hen egg. The latter has not been broken open, but as It Is un usually heavy It may contain still another freak. Mr. Cathcart ate the contents of the big egg, and says It tasted better than any fried egg he1 ever enjoyed. Cement Telegraph Poles, Telegraph poles made of cement, with an Iron rod through the center to Insure against breakage, are the latest novelties in railway and tele graphic construction. Officers of the telegraph and operating departments of the Pennsylvania lines and of the Western Union Telegraph company the other day Inspected poles made of this material in a test yard at Rochester, Pa. Manufacturing these poles will form a new industry for the Pittsburg district. a Campbell's Wood and Coal Yard. Four of the " finest water front lots in Marshfield Paying business Good reason f on selling j 3 ?! c Art Club. The Ladles' Art club was enjoy ably entertained by Mrs. I. Condron at Its last meeting. Mrs. Charles Ed man will entertain the club next Friday. . D. Campbell D at .. i . '? THE PALM KKSBfflKSCSTESEaCSKL jmmmmm in i i i jtmw imi'whii hi in ww Our Portland Correspondent Says: "Never in the history of Oregon has there been so much interest centered in one place as there is in the Coos Bay Country at this time Forget what you might have done yesterday, but do not make the same error to-morrow It is not wise to tell how much you might have made on an investment of a few dollars last week, last month, or last year History repeats itself, others will be saying the same thing in a year or two. There is no time like the present, grasp - the opportunity to; make good Over-conservatism is not business ability. Where else in the great Pacific Northwest is there another such vast and undeveloped country? Where else on the entire Pacific Slope is there another country so rich in resources, and with a harbor to equal Coos Bay? With the thousands, whose faces are turned Westward, and with the pre vailing high prices ,of real estate elsewhere, and in less favored localities, you will make no mistake in buying property here We have business property, residence property, and handle some cheap close in lots in good additions Better Call or Write for Particulars Coos Bay Realty and Investment Company North Bend, Oregon Offices, Ground Floor, Corner Virginia and Sherman Avenues. HREfitEta ESEaP IPBMWllMIWillill PaMMMMBnMWMMMWl Phone 631 t n Iff it mi iisra s . irtu w - -r-M - l3EESfiHHHm3f niigir