(tos Mmt& Sunday Edition USE TIMES WANT ADS Member of Associated Press. VOL. I THE DAILY COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SUNDAY, APRIL 21, 1007. No. 248 POLICE ARE TO YESTERDAY VERY HOT $0W PALL IS HEAVY LOOTED; COME NEXT mm BANK S Eighteen Inches In Colorado During Storm of the Past Few Days That End of the San Francisco Munici pality Will Be Investigated By Grand Jury. San Francisco, April 20. Captain of Police John Mooncy, of the Bush street station, appeared before the grand jury today to substantiate his sensational charges recently made that houses of 111 repute, saloons and the redllght vice generally, since the fire had been flourishing In his dis trict by the protection of his superior offlcers, Chief Dinan in particular. Charges of Insubordination have been preferred against Mooney by Dinan as the result of the former's public declaration. The calling of Mooney to the stand is looked upon as the first step In an Investigation of the police department, which graft instigators promise shall be ex haustive ,and productive of results. After Mooney's examination Heney refused to make a statement regard ing the strength of Mooney's state ment. Several other policemen are scheduled for appearance before the grand jury. A subpoena Is outstand- WILL IMPROVE R0SEBURG ROAD Uy Private Subscriptions Two Thou sand Dollars Will Dc liaised for the Work. The Improvement of the road be tween here and Roseburg is almost a certalntyvand will probably be ac complished in the next few months. A plan is on foot now to raise by pri vate subscription $2,000 for the im provement of the road in Coos county, and after this sum has been raised the county will be asked to raise $4,000 to help out. The Douglas county part of the road will probably be improved soon also. In fact it is known that the people of Douglas county are almost as anxious to see the road improved as are the residents of Coos county. ALCOHOL AS A BY-PRODUCT Surplus Farm Crop Might Be Dena tured With Great Profit. Ask the western or eastern farmer and he will tell you that 200 bushels Is not an unusual crop of potatoes to the acre on many of the nation's potato patches. This quantity will furnish fully fifty gallons of alcohol. The country's potato harvest reach es In an average year 250,000,000 bushels. A bushel of ordinary field corn such as Is grown on the 1,000 acre and 10,000-acre fields of Kan sas, Missouri and Iowa will yield Ave gallons of spirits by modern distilla tion. Allowing but four gallons to the bushel for the sake of argument, the national crop of this cerel would pro duce the enormous quantity of 10, 000,000 gallons alone. While we call the raising of sugar beets one of our infant industries and have only begun their cultiva tion, we have the waste product of 200,000 tons for raw material for our spirit. The cane fields of Louisiana alone would contribute every drop of alcohol needed in the southland for light, power and other purposes. Figures Seem Incredible. Of course, It is preposterous to suppose that all of our potatoes or corn or any other staple will be con verted into nclohol, but In a "big crop" year, when corn, for example, goes begging at 30 or 35 cents a, ushel, there Is an opportunity to j turn it into something which will i mnko It worth perhaps double Its value In the original form. j There will be no need of burning, it in the stove because it is cheaper than buying coal, as has been done many times on the prairies. The, manufacture of alcohol thus creates a new source of consumption for somo of our leading surplus crops, ing for Former Police Commissioner Alexander O'Grady, whom the prose cution has ums far failed to find. According to his wife O'Grady is in rteno on a iip for business and health. She said he expects to re turn Monday. Campbell, Matson and Drew and John J. Barrett, who will defend Schmltz, today filed in the supreme court a brief support ing Ruef's contention in his applica tion for a release on habeas corpus, that pending the trial It Is In viola tion of the state constitution to keep a prisoner Incarcerated unless charged with an offense the punish ment for which is death. The Schmltz attorneys filed this brief as "Amid curiae," that is, friends of the court hoping the decision in behalf of Ruet will stand their own client in good stead when the trial comes on. Ruef's trial, which was adjourned Friday on account of Ach's, illness, will be resumed Monday. " BASEBALL SCORES. Pacific Const League. San Francisco, April 20. Portland, 2; Oakland, 5. Northwest Lengue. Seattle, April 20 Seattle, 0; Butte, 5. which should be a valve of the ut most Importance in regulating pro duction and in maintaining prices. Yes, these figures seem incredible, for the reason that we have consid ered alcohol as a rare, a costly com modity, but before congress decided upon its release from bondage com mittees obtained convincing testi mony that the spirit Is not merely one of the most useful servants of humanity, but one of the most easily obtained. Alcohol Less Costly. We remember that the farmer lighted his home with spirit lamps. Why did he not use kerosene. Be cause the spirit gave him more ill umination for less money. In recent years the gas mantle has become pop ular because of the light It affords for reading. A versatile Frenchman discovered that the mantle can be utilized with an alcohol burner. A gallon of alcohol Is sufficient to keep it burning 1,475 hours, supposing that each hour It furnished a light equal to that of one candle. A modern lamp, burning the high est grade of kerosene, requires one gallon to burn 783 candle-power, as the expert terms It. Therefore a gal lon of spirit will furnish nearly twice as much illumination as kerosene. In fact, if It sold at 31 cents a gallon It would be more economical to use than kerosene at 15 cents a gallon. RECEIVES .MACHINERY. II. M. Tuttle Gets Large Shipment for Water Pipe Plant. H. M. Tuttle received on the Breakwater Friday a heavy shipment of sheet steel and machinery to be used In his new plant to be erected for the purpose of making water pipe. At present Mr. Tuttle will have his plant in the Marshfield Water company's warehouse. A new building will be constructed as soon as he can get around to It. HERE FROM BAKER CITY. Capitalist Looking for Investment and Possible Location. J. O. Bodinson, a capitalist of Baker City, Is in Marshfield looking around with a view of locating here, or at least investing if he finds prop erty to his liking. Mr. Bodlnsin Is making himself thoroughly acquaint ed with the local conditions. Mercury Bcraks All Previous Records of Last Year Excepting One Day. WOULD NOT SUSPECT Unless One Had Spent One or More Summers In the Coos Buy Cllmntc. r ' MERCURY YESTERDAY'. ' V Highest 81 degrees Lowest 42 degrees (1 p. in 71! degrees It will seem strange to a great many persons who have not lived on Coos Bay during the summer months to learn that yesterday, when the temperature reached 81 in the shade, was within one degree of the warm est day experienced last year. During the first two or three days in July last year the mercury reached 81 degrees, which was the highest it went up until in October, when the hottest day was registered, being 82 degrees. WILD CELEBRATE. Odd Follows Arrange for Annlver-i sary of Organization. The Odd Fellows' lodge will cele-, brate its annual anniversary Fri day evening in their hall, by having a social, and serving a banquet in the rooms. The Rebekahs will also bo In at tendance and about 200 persons will bo present. The Irish orchestra has been secured to furnishmjisic. fo,ri the evening. The local lodge has about 150 members In good standing, and the Rebekahs have In the neighborhood of 50. Here From Mexico. Arthur McKeown and wife of Old Mexico are In the city with a view of locating permanently. Mr. Mc Keown has been In the mining busi ness In Mexico for some years, but is as yet undecided as to just what he will do on the bay. JOHN PREUSS BETTER. Will Sooii 'Bo Able to Leave, the Marshfield Hospital. John Preuss, who has been seri ously ill for some time in the Marsh field General hospital, Is much 'Imr' proved, and is expected to be able to leave that Institution today. GETS A GOOD JOB. John F. Stevens of Canal Funic Em ployed for Big Work. Washington, April 20. John F. Stevens, formerly chief engineer of the Panama canal, is to be employed by one of the largest eastern rail roads to make a physical valuation of Its property. Stevens declined to night to name the railroad with which he Is to become affiliated. Will Take No Coal. The Breakwater will not receive a cargo of coal on her next trip on account of the accident at the Libby mine, but instead a general cargo will be arranged, so she will not have to lay over a trip. SIX RECORDS BROKEN AT BERKELEY MEET Berkeley, Cal., April 20. Six new intercollegiate records were estab lished in the annual field meet be tween California and Stanford today. Stanford won the day by a final score of G5 points td 57. Fred Lanagan .(Stanford) after winning the pole vault at 11 feet 11 Inches, tried for the world's record, clearing the bar at 12 feet and four inches, which is of an inch lower than the rec ord. Three Intercollegiate records were broken by each college. FREEZING IS EXPECTED i Tonight but Snow on the Ground Protects the Vegetation From Damage. Denver, Colo., April 20. Accord ing to the local weather bureau's measurement 18 Inches of snow fell nere uuring me siorm wnicn swept over Colorado yesterday and part, of today. Freezing weather Is antici pated tonight, but little damage is anticipated, as vegetation is covered with Bnow. Half a million dollars damage Is estimated to fruit trees In the Arkansas valley, but it is thought the larger fruit raising dis tricts have escaped great harm. ELECTRICITY -AS ANESTHETICS French Inventor Prefers It to Ether In Operations. Paris, April 20. Professor Le Due of the Medical College of Nantes has perfected a method of anesthetization by electricity. He sends a mild elec tric current through the body, which so perfectly lulls the sensory nerves that any surgical operation can be performed without the patient feel ing the pain. Le Due claims that his method produces anesthetization as deep as that of chloroform or ether, has none of the dangers of chloroform, and Is much more conveniently used than ether. Besides, the patient revives from it in a stronger condition than from chloroform and ether. Aigw dav.s a8 Le Due himself submitted to "a "test of his discovery before many of his colleagues, who seemed much Impressed by the re sults. MURDERED IN OWN PLACE. Llinu, Ohio, Man Is Killed by Rob bers Who Rifle Place. Lima, Ohio, April 20. W. E. Legg was shot and killed In his meat mar ket in the suburbs of Sydney, south of this city, late tonight. Two strangers entered his store and while one covered Legge the other proceeded to rifle the cash drawer. Legg made an effort to secure the pistol and the man with the gun shot him four times. The robbers secured about $25. Horseman Dies, t Bakersfleld, April 20. Charles Kerr, a well known breeder and horse raiser, died tonight after an extended illness. Homo From Visit. James Flanagan, wife and son re- .urned from San Francisco on the Breakwater after quite an extensive visit. The infant child of the family will not be brought to the city until later. NEWSPAPER OFFICE BURNS. t- Seattle, April 20. The plant of the Seattle Daily Star was burned to the ground nt a late hour tonight. Dmamlet, of California, clipped 4 seconds off the mile run. The time was four minutes and 33 2-5 seconds. Crowles, of California, established a new record in the high hurdles. His time was 15.4 seconds. Nash, of Stanford, knocked 10 2-5 seconds j from the record for two miles. Time, 10 minutes, 10 3-5 seconds. Hall, of California, cleared the bar in the high Jump at 6 H feet. The mile re- lay was won by Stanford In 3 mln- utes 19 1-5 seconds, and was the sixth record broken. BANDITS PURSUED Robbers Blow Open the Safe In an Ok lahoma Concern and Whole Town Is Awakened and Gives Chase Norman, Okla., April 20. The safe in the State Bank ut Agra, in Lincoln county, was blown open with dynamite this morning. About $100 was stolen. The robbers entered the town on horseback. The towns people were awakened by (he explosion mid n running fight ensued. The bank building was wrecked. A pos.se is hunting the robbers. WHITE R1BBONER GONE. Dunkirk, N.Y., April 20. Mrs. Esther McNeill, founder of the Woman's Christian Temper- unce Union, and first president of the organization, died at her home in Fredonla tonight, aged 4 ninety-four years. TATTOOING AMONG SEAMEN Strange Designs nnd Pictures With Which Bodies Are Decornted. Tottoolng is an almost universal rule among sailors. The young men who enter the service see the designs on the older ones and believe they are not real sailors until they have been decorated. The older men have formed a habit of patronizing every tatta worker who seeks employment and-gradually they acquire and keep acquiring a varied collection of work. Some sailors have thelrb.odleslalmost covered with designs that have un dergone the most severe pain In or der to "show up" as good a collection as some other Jack Tar. The de signs run from snakes and anchors to pictures of the crucifixion, the last of which seems to be a particular favor ite with tatoo workers of some Cath olic countries. In spite of the fact that the Ink Is Introduced far under the skin and produces wounds that take weeks in healing, It is said that few serious results are experienced. One man who was formerly aboard a navy cutter had a design of a snake which coiled overalls body from head to foot. Snake Coiled Around Body. The body of the snake was two Inches wide nnd It was wrapped around the man's body almost like a coat. The work required several weeks, the tattoo worker charging so much a day for his work. When it was finished the sailor's body was covered with sores and he was com pelled to go to the hospital until the wounds could heal and scale off. Al though the design covered almost the entire body, the sailor recovered and was soon in his former good health. Pictures of the crucifixion or mere ly a crucifix are occasionally designed 'on the breast or back. One of the most elaborate designs of this nature was on a. sailor aboard the man-o'-wars-man's boat. It consisted of six pictures representing the scenes im mediately preceding the crucifixion. The pictures were done in colors and by a skilled artist who portrayel faithfully, even the facial expression. Besides snakes and other reptlle3, butterflies anl small insects are pop ular designs among the sailors. Some of them have these small marks scattered over the entire body until the general impression suggests the spots of a leopard. The United States coat of arms, flags and the American eagle are also favorites, and foreign tattoo workers have made a careful study of these designs for which there is such demand. AVoinen Often Tnttooed. No matter how much tattoo work i a sailor has'on his body there Is in- variably some design suggesting hls native country, and these are usually displayed In a prominent place. Certain Japanese and Chinese tat-1 too workers of the far east have per- j fected designs of Chinese women that are popular, but their drawings of j the American woman are invariably bad. The workers do not seem to catch the facial expression of the American woman and the faces they draw are hideous. It Is an Interesting fact that wo men display the same penchant for tatoolng as men. There are many wives of officers afld yacht owners who put up In foreign ports and send for a tattoo worker immediately and have design after design drawn on their fair skin. Their tasto runs particularly to butterflies and small birds, although many of them are fond of chameleons and lizards. Fre quently the same tattoo worker who has been employed by the sailor of a ship performs the same work of art for one of the offlcers wives. The de sire for the colored designs seems to follow the ship and It seizes men and women alike. HERE FROM PORTLAND. Charles M. Hemphill and PhU Harris in the City. Charles Ms Hemphill and Mr. Phil Harris' of Portland who are in terested in the towns of South Har bor" are"reglstered at the Central Hotel. Mr. Hemphill and Mr. Harris are here to assist In the opening of the streets of the new town hnd looking after manufacturers who desire loca tions on the water front of South Harbor. These gentlemen as welll as others who are Interested in South Harbor are well pleased with the new town and hope to see It soon well established. They are very hopeful of the fu ture of the Bay and tho promoting a new town, their Interest for tho whole country Is well expressed by the fact that they are willing to see the Greater Coos Bay grow to take in South Harbor which lies Just be low the new C. A. Smith Mill on Isthmus Inlet. NAVY TO RACE ON THE HUDSON First Time in Years Middies Have Had This Chance. Washington, April 20. Secretary Metcalf has given his consent to the participation of a crew of midship men In the Intercolloglate rowing races to take place at Poughkeeqsle, N. Y., June 26. This will be the first time In many years that the middles have had an opportunity to match their strength and skill (out side of their own waters) against the aquatic material of the great colleges and universities, and Is, In a way, a return to the old traditions, when the naval academy sent forth the winning amateur crews of the coun try. SUICIDE IS FEARED., Clothing of Prominent Labor Man Found on River Bank. Cairo, 111., April 20. A coat and vest belonging to P. H. Strowhunv general organizer for tho American Federation of Labor, was found to day on the Mississippi river bank. A search is being made. It Is tho belief tnat while delirious he jumped Into the river. AVEATIIER FORECAST The weather forecast for to- day is as follows: Oregon, Washington and Idaho, fair. i thA AjAi - Ji- ..