» « I ■J’ 1/ 1 \ I f 'Tft- « e V • - ■* A * $ * t “ » •V / I ♦ Packing Platon Bevtila....... 66, '<1 T he latest remedy for hog cholera there must be a dead whale lying some­ the Creator has made the natural bever­ stipation, bilious complaints, rheumatic ail­ 42 Sledges........................... ..J Bitts, Auger. Handle«, Ax and Pick. 142 Pan*. Fry ............... 43 Slice re. Vegetable....^, B ocks. Tackle Handle*, Auger............. ... »4 Parer*. Apple........ I East, is lye and soft soap. Our butchers where down on the beach. The next day age for these two classes of human beings ments and general debility, likewise rapidly 43 smutter*....................... ,-.i Bolte................... Hangers, Barn Door... '... 100 Parer*. Potato........ itî Snaths. use up all their lie and soft soap on their the smell became more offensive, and so different in temperature, he has made vield to tbtdr regulative and tonic influence. Wholuaalc and Retail Booksellers. Manufacturing Borax....'......... Harrows............................ ss Pencils, Lead.......... I They are an incalculable blessing to the wtak Stationer* and Printers. 69 spade*................................... 1 Pick* ............................. Borer*. Bung. . Hasp« and Hinges... 95, 96 The Trade, Schools and ■ customers. 87 spoke 8heave*.............. 1 Hasps and Staple*... 87 Pincers, Blacksmith. Mrs. Horter said that it was an outrage their stomachs of one temperature. Nature and nervous of both sexes, an excellent fami­ Libraries supplied on most liberal terms. All order* Boring Machines. 32 Sprin *, Door............. Pipe, Iron ..................... Bow« Ox ........... . Hatchet* ...................... P atrick , lamenting his late better that the authorities didn't clean up the says to the Esquimaux, “ice water is your ly medicine, and tbu best safeguard which promptly and carefully attended to. Price* atrictly Brae«-«........... . .............. 89, !M> Headers........................ 4 to TO 7 84 Spring«. Seat.......... 1 4» B Sprttokler*. Ho«e......... Brakes, Cheney s' .V.... 10 Hinges.......................... .. 95 piane*.......................... Pi half, said: “Ocb, she was a jewel of a street and remove the garbage that poi­ proper drink,” and to the BorneaD, “drink the traveler or emigrant can take to an un- moderate. ■T Sprlnklere. Law ....... Planters. Corn ............. Brakes, Wagon.. 7?^... Hinge«, Gate .............. 140 .. 9i 5.1ls<)uar a, Steel........ ..J wife. She always struck me with the soned the air. On the the following'day nothing colder than dirh-water.” We have healthy climate. ■ » 11 MONTCIOHERY MT.. Brush-«.................. «,110. ill Hoe«............................. ; .. 66 Plows, Evans'.............. 54 Squares. Try......... «... Plows, Gang................. I Brushes, Flue ........ H■ .... 1*2 112 ***** ••••• 66 Yoke*, nek 68. 69 Mil4*T*tiKMrt p. Cover. Sc v the«....................... . I Fork*.......... said Julia, reveriingto Charles Augustus. Oy8ter8 around jn the sun in that man- if be bad the intelligence and en­ and am prepared to execute country orders “Nonsenee!” replied old practical, “he is ngr ddretto M “ rs — . W. ” H. A * shley ----------- , terprise to pioduce it. As it is, with-dispatch. Addr lone furnish the true test f O ragri - * " » ' Room 51 Ban Francisco, cnltural Machinery. Short-lived patent inven­ a man after the fcjoney your uncle left “Oysters!” saidHorter. “Oysters! you le drinks enormous draughts from 120 Suiter street, , P jee----- ------- tion». manufactured 3.U00 mile« away, are being Send for Catalogue aud Reduced Prices you. Am t ien all was quiet. don’t mean to say those are oysters! the mountain stream, whose waters are offered to the Farmer« under every apparent Induce­ i I ’ \ P hysicians of 1 high standing unhesitating- ment. The . T eacher —Define the word “excavate.” Well, well! that beats all! I was won- so cold as to “make the teeth ache.” Now’, ly give their indorai irbdment to tke use of the Scholar—It means to hollow out. Teach- dering what made all those stones split as the Creator furnishes these mountains (xraefenberg-Marshall’8 Catholicon for all fe­ e *4~+~ / • . A I er—Construct a sentence in which the even down the middle. I couldn’t ac- for the untutored red man, ice-cold wa­ male complaints. The weak and debilitated Hn* been Tested IO Tear«; MtimCToiY E asteen Ornea: And wonderful relief from a constant use of 9 to^LS ’J S treet , 1« uned by 4,000 American Farmer« ; 7 to 19 F ront S t . word is properly used. Scholar—The count for it! And so those are oysters? ter winter and summer, fit’* fi°es it hap­ this * I* made here In California from MW Wall Street, valuable remedy. Bold by all druggists. .- f Sweepstake Plow Co., Hprare Wood; baby excavates when it gets hurt. Why, I thought oysters always came in pen that his stomach does not become 11.50 per bottle. f SAN FRANCISCO. , S an L bakdbo . C al . SACRAMENTO. Nrw Y ork .' 1« fully Warranted, or no Bale. «. I owa farmers near large towns have ca“8/’ ' ; . , . , A. . „ _ . wholly demoralized and the enamel of 1 San Francisco, May 30,187*7 Uss Burnham’s Abietine f»r croup, colds, Send for Circular* on Pump* and Windmill*. been forced into a system of rotation of , That afternoon he buned the shell-fish lis teeth crack and peel off? While ice­ CHARLE8 P. HOAG, sore throat and hoareeneM. We, the undersigned Wholesale Grocers crops by the boys. Last year they cul- deep id the sand, and the smell ceased. water is an undoubted evil indulged io 11« Beale Mt.. Nan Francisco. take pleasure in remarking the increased de­ CpuGHS.—A Medicinal Preparation in the Uvaied watermelons. This year they Th?u he out his cottage, and moved very extensively in Europe as well as in mand for Bowen’s Premium Teast Powder, We principally raised shouguns. to Lu°S BrancJ?- He t0‘d Brown’ Lh,a America, the guLsiitute for it is not so form of a loNnge is the mo*t convenient and of testifying to the general satisfactios “T hat ’ s our family tree,” mud an »«^¿migfbor ‘hat he knew they clear. Cold water (without ice), as the '“Brown't BrJnihiill Troche»," allay irritation gi/bn by this brand: * ». ». - . j . - were oysters all the time, and he did it for Creator furnishes it, varies in tempera­ which indites coughing, giving relief in J?Uli,’ M ^a* Ia j°fce; but he moved because the people ture all the way from the boiling to the Bronchitis, Hoarsefless, Influenza, Consump­ Wellman, Peck ft Co., i Dillepiane A Co. W orous hemlock, and added, A good 8etitncd to see too awful much fun in it.— freezing point. Two wells in the same Boot.ft 8anderson, z Kruse ft Euler, ? tive and Ashmatic complaints. OiAn bra C tiful rosewood pianos of Ledden, Whipple ft Co., Jones ft Co., many of our folks have been hung on pABuUeiin, RJ beat make, worth.old rate». NA5O SQUARE town yield water varying from ten to --------- i **-------------— »nd UPRIGHT, guaranteed for six year», at the low Haas Bros., that tree for borrenn horses after dark.” I _______ _ ______ M. Ehrman ft Co., F armers ’ G vidb B ook to the P acihc rate« of *‘450each. 100.000 piece* of Sheet Mu»'c. twenty degrees in temperature. If ice­ Adams, McNeill ft Co Taber, Harker ft Co., C oajtt .—A handsome 2l>.page Monthly, con­ worth 50 cent* each. *t 4 cent*. Also, the celebrated THE CHEAPEST. THE BEST. “M u 8 img on the infinite, eh?” said a Let Every Young Man Take Heed water chills the stomach to a dangerous taining map of Pacific Coast, list of (arm» AXTISELL PIAW<»M. the beM in use. C*U- J. M. Pike ft Co., F. Daneri ft Co., extent, why is not cold spring-water, such for sale, statistics, aud information to settlers. logue* free. 1OO ORGANS at half price. w The only common sense Pipe. facetious chap to a melancholy looking to Himself. M. ft C. Mangels, } EF~Plea*e «late where you saw th* advertlaemein.' I J. A. Folger ft Co., as is common in the Miami valley, objec­ Published by General Land Agency of Cali- individual who was walking along the —------------ Easily Laid. Stand any Pressure. T. X. AXTISELL « CO.. Tillmann ft Bendel, Newton Bros, ft Co., I «*5 Market Street. San Franc toco. roadside with bowed head and seriou* In these days of strike* and difficulties? tionable only in a less degree? Aud foraia, 405 California street, Ban Francisco. I Easily tanped with an ordinary augi Albert Mau ft' Co., Castle Bros., 1 countenance. “Well, yes; same thing— between employers and employed, it may what relief can people bave who drink Price, 15 cento per copy; |1.UU per year. t W. W. Dodge A Co. 1 rhos. Jennings, v (WSend for Circulars and lnfbrmatkm io thinking of my debts.” be very useful to the young men of the water having its source in the glacier or S. Foster ft Co., AEKMCAX PIP« CO.. S urgeon —“Your pulse is still very land to,be rt“in?ed.of snow-capped summit of a neighboring . T rapper ’ s I ndian O il —The simplest an<* -:** CaliCsrnla St., wan Fraa A W. 8AKB0KN, Agent, S3 Beale St., A I. Mebnis ft Co., powerful remedy for rheumatism, neu* ... rx j you get . .u JI principles of . business which h!gh my t friend . Did tho*e P P Mo9t f fae meQ ifl never mountain—clear as crystal and as cold as most y Booth ft Co., ralgia, sore throat, and all aches and pains. a the “isrzHnKr” ice? And if people thus situated enjoy letches all nght I sent the day before | 8tart out i/nf/poor. They Sold everywhere at tiftv Cents per Bask. Milliken Bros., Allen A Lewis, good health, long life and fine teeth, may j___________ Sacramento. Portlanc yesterday t” Patient—“Yes, sir, I got 33 must remain poor to the day of their it not be that the habitual ice-water U se Burnham’s Abietine for rheumatism ’em right enough. But mightn't I have death, unless they improve their con­ » drinker of the cities owes his want of < *ud neuralgia. ’em biled next time, sir?” dition by tbeir own exertions. these blessings to other causes?— Cincin­ Sewing Machine. íp \ “C ats are worth a dollar a piece, in __________ NAVK YOtK IOXBY If a man is po<>r, _____ at the ____ Start, certain nati Commercial. Rome,” said an old lady, looking up I conditions are requisite to the bettering BY getting your PHOTOGRAPHS at HOWLAND’S Tbree-gnartern lea. frlctina Slum anv NEW GALLERY, No. «5 Third at reel, San Fran ' other ■achine. from her newspaper. “1 don’t wonder,’ |of hi* situation,and all the societies and as- Instinct and Intelligence. 209 KEARNY BT., San Francisco. claoo. Flrot-cla** Photograph* for half the price i said her husband, grimly; “ I ’ d willingly I aociations in Christendom can never change K IT BEATS TH RM ALLI ESTABLISBSD IN 1854. charged at other galleries. Llfe-*l*e Portraits, in oil ’ I'lMk .uiteuell Farm, Freight and bpriua Aajroij give a dollar a piece for all the cats in them. The — first “ is fi industry. There can In view of all the instances given, I or the permanent cure of all special Melf-Thrwnn- 1 tare well known aa the best in the market and wll this neighborhood—dead.” and Cnrvnlc Dteease«, as also all Female Com­ be no such thing as prosperity resulting think we may conclude thst instinct ia or water color*, only T£N DOLLARS. Old Picture* «ri theta nd the climate of the FatiSc Qoaat bette I plaint* and Diseaae* of the Nervous System. than any other. Mr. Sanborn alao keep« at the Mm> The immense destruction of human life annually. 1 A stranger arrived in St. Louis, took from idleness. Work, ,and bard work, not a fixed, immutable, perfect law anc Enlarged to any size and beautifully colored. Beat place. Imported from hit own manufactory at Mai n*rm Chronic and Difficult Diseases, caused this old I *■« a look at the city and shot himself. In should be welcome to every young mau guide, but an imperfect, improvable, Enameled Cabinet* and Card* VEIM CHEAP, at Chester, N. H., a good aaaortment ot bis celebrated and reliable Institute to be established firet in Phila­ HOWLAND’S NEW pALLERY. t3TP lease call and ■i ¿5 delphia, Penn., in 1850. and afterward* in San Fran- his pockets were found 35 cents and a who has bis own futurA to make. As to gradually-acquired method of adjusting Cal., tn 1864. aa a private Dlxpenaary, in order to see unr work and get our price* beforp visiting else­ TH0R0U8HBRACE, EXPRESS cise.'. highest he can; actions to the surrounding conditions; (X ------- AN --- * stub of a lead pencil, which caused the wages, let him get t afford the afflicted the le«t Medical and Surgical where, and be sure spd remember the number: 85 I treatment, for the above and all other ffectlons and coroner's jury to return a verdict:! at the same time w ing for whatever and therefore subject to slow perfection coniplaluta. Permanent aud ifhkk cure* at reasona­ Third street, cornef uf Jessie. Mille. Wagons. Jr ble charge«. “Chicago editor—couldn’t stand pros­ be can get, for thet^me being, cultivating through the survival of the fittest varifi- r ■«__ B. F. HOWLAND, Artist, . Of all sizes. tVAlso, Raggi«*«, Phaeton» an« , Consultation« at the Institute Zir by letter free. •4 I bis mind in his lei re hours, and resting tions. Let us now 6ee whether animals perity. Medicines sent bv express. AditoTiw. L J. C za PK at , Licht Carriage« of all kind». ’ '* a j S ax F bancisco . C al . M. D.. ’-SOW Kearnv street. San Francisco _____ __ bWf**tUlbècòmÌa« A tourist , in search of natural curi­ assured that with/increased intelligence possess other mental powers than the in­ r* ONTGOMERY’S TEMPERANCE HOTEL, »»7 known aa th« osities, coming to a small stream, looked and skill be may safely calculate on an stinctive; whether they exhibit any fac­ ank of ommerce Second at., ban Franci*co. 44 Mea) Ticket*. Bl. increase of compensation. We began by ulty which may properly be-called in ­ over his memorandum, aud asked a 421 California Street, San Francisco. I Dutchman near by if “this was Alder working for twenty-five dollars a year; telligence. No one doubts that most of 1HF.CK ACCOUNTS KEPT IN .GOLD. SILVER SEE IT! TRY IT! BUY IT! 1 and Currency, and Certificate* of Deposit* Issued. I creek.” “Yaw,” was the reply. “Dis and that is the only way we built our­ our domestic animals admit of individ­ IAROS, »1 Cabinet« EVperdoz. PEOPLE’S > ART GALLE ■*1«4 Third St.. San Franci*co. CELEBRATED < payable on call and available for remittance to any I ual improvement or education, but it mav vaa all der creek vaa I knows about yust self up. part of the Pacific Coa«t. - - Warruted to Give Entire R FERGUSON. MiRADUATE DENTIST. OF- The next thing for a young mail to be said that this improvement is due to Exchange furnished on the principal cltlea of the round her.” FICE, a «3 Kearrty Street. Sau Fram i-co. United stole«. Canada, Europe., Mexico, South Ameri­ practice, who wants ever to get ahead in man’s intelligence, not to that of the ani­ American Sewing Machine Co. V URNHAM’S ABIETINE FOR BURNS, SCALDS? ca, Japan, China, India, Sandwich Islands aud I “I want five cents’ worth of starch,” Australia. - the world, is the most rigid economy, mals , themselves. Cat* and Sore* of all kind* abun There is G Id and Silver Bullion, Greenbacks, Coins of all said a little girl to a grocer’s clerk. The however small his wages may be, always G. R. WOOD. Msurngw. ' ani nt FRENCH MIXED CARDS-N0 TWO ALIKE countries. Eastern Drafts, Foreign Exchange and dant proof, however, that clerk, wishing to tease the child, asked: with name, H*e, post-paid. GEO. I. REED A Government Bonds bought android. tie fifth ^ tkeet , - - • - SAN san francisco spending less than be makes. T mats are capable of much individ­ CO.. Na»aau. N Y.,-^______ . ______ Having good Bank connections In all parts of the J “What do you want five centa’ worth of Here are two very simple rules, but ual improvement in a state of nature. Drum UED CDCE SAen-shot revolver, with world, we have the.beat facilities for making collec-J Agent« Wgnted tn *11 wr U, starch for!” “Why, for five cents, ot they are imperative. Every young man KCVULVtn intt box cartridge* Addrea* tlons. and transacting any finxnclaj business. rwpled Terrttery. , V , Deposits with thlsiBank will not be 1 aned, but kept You can’t catch old birds with chaff; and J. Bowx A SOM, 136 Bud 138 Wood *t.. Pitto -urg, Pa. course,” she answered, and the clerk con­ ■ ■■IT WILX WII. * in Coin, Currency. Bullion, Exchange or Bonds, *• who practices them will succeed. He a new trap partakes of the properties of CBJ/ MAGXHIC TISKPIKC-B. Reml avatlsble at any time. cluded to attend to his own busines. who does not, has an unhappy prospect * new broom. Morgan, in his book on Mb/o works. Hunter caw. Sample Watch free to We have large vault* for keeping Bullion, Silver-1 wsrS, Trunks. Valuable Packages Bon-is. Stocks, Ac. O/if Agent*. A. COULTER A CO., Chicago, Ill. A mother , in commendiog her daugh­ before him. CALIFORNIA YEAST “The American Beaver and his Works,” For the accommodation of general businPM, .our Bank will be op\i from 9 a . n. to 5 p. M. every oust- . ter to a situation, waa asked if she was eavy Molid Milvcr Thimble 50 eta.. Or It is a prevailing moral disease of the says that beaver-houses are often found y Wold filled, warranted JO year*. •1.50. riess day In the year. * an early riser. “An early riser?” she times, that too much dependence is of a construction very inferior to the av­ Ag u ea> To all customer* We guar ntec courtesy, promptness, aend *toinp for catalogue VAN a CO., Chicago. V the most favorable terms. w exclaimed. “I should think so! Why, placed upon mere association, and cor­ erage; and that, according to the Indians, 4 • Small Font* of r HL’ve said tne ■ ost. San Franctaco,(I p Stairs.) MCBKKK.La Porte. Indian*. Box ">5. Between Marae« ITSend SiantflTvr IUuetraUd Circular.^ Nos. 41L .413 sni 415 Sansom« Strset, A n old gentleman, dated by losses unUl bedtime, he was at tbeii service, nests made by young birds, and that the anrMT|-SKyD QUICK FOR NEW CIRCU- __________________________ ; in fact thia argcle auutoi be «MMOed, ' -ir---------------------- ________ capacity where good p**nM to required. j »AM FRAXCIM'O, CAI. and troblea, was handed a letter by his planning numerous excursions, visiting best aud most complieated nests are J4VCR I Q lars of T he A tlantic W eekly . UM.dL¿KF 4CO., SaemmenwCity.Oal. Great change«; entirely nuvel announcement.; free made by those species of birds whose A. D. REMINGTON, New York. wife, which be opened and looked at in a neighbors, or entertaining them at the ouUlia and certain proilUi. F. M. SPAULDING > Managers, A. DURKEE * CO.. distracted manner. “Why, my dear,” table and in the parlor with his immita- young remain a long time in the nest F. W. AINSWORTH J San Francisco. 11* Monroe Stieet, Chicago. STS'W ASTIC T .TB ♦ —- the wife exclaimed, “you are holding ble stories. One of his guests expressed and thus have more opportunity to Bee ARKCrERIORTOTHEOLD STVLK /All grade* of Book. New*. Flat, Writing, Poster. how it is made. that letter bottom upwards!” to >hich -urprise that he had so much leisure, Manl’a and 8traw Paper. Card Stock of every de- We also have the Common and Regular ■criptlon. _________ • __________________ He says that not only are the nests of th« America« he replied: “1 know t I know I That’s so “I ca“’1 understand, Sir Walter, when Prsatier: and r--------i— ” A valuable ------- _ authentic hlatory ol young birds badly made, but that very the CALIFORNIA WASHBOARDS I I can read it, with my head upside down, 7°« do your writing.” SEEHER.HÎ ............................... • ------- Captlvi- Heroum, Adventurea, Trial«, - Privation*, » Of Superior Quality and Finish at same price _______________________ _____ o' and noble llvea and death* __ of the “ _fotbera M< A New ■«- as I'm turned completely topsy-turvy.” “While most of you are sleeping,” was unfit places are chosen for them, and tiea, as the inferior article. , theRepub ibltc.” “ “ By William ------- ------- W. Fowler " F. DEWING chlnejaet ont ! i. « »-a the laughing reply. He rarely worked that these defects have been remedied in ecu. Pul jbltahera. San Ff ncia-n Cal It far eaeei* HUNTINGTON, HOPKINB - T he Rev. Dr. McCovh, of Princeton I night, but beginning at six o’clock in time when the builders have been in­ AHEMTfi-DO YOU WANT THE BUT LINE ail other* in •- » MANUrACTVKlKS* Aowcn. i th« Market. Coliege,tells a story of a negro who prayed t|je morDjngt |je wa8 over jeak till structed by the sense of the inconven­ AVER IQ or Chrono* »nd Framr» in Junction Bush and Market Streets. San Francisco. No Patent! No Mo ­ Do you want the luweat pi ice* and free « nopoly! No High earnestly that be and his colored breih- oine# Hi* day’» stint was then completed, ience tbey have endured. Wilsou like­ Amerba? outHtat Ifao, • drw* , / H. N. COOK, Manufacturer of rrieeat Runa ALBERT DURKEE ft CO., ren might be preserved from their ”up* aud be was ready for recreation bimselL wise claimed that there is a very percep­ light, eaay and fast Oak Tanned leather Belting 11« Monroe Street, Chicago. and make* no notae and Haaae, 415 Market St., San Mitin’ sina.” “Brudder,” »aid one of bis Bn£| for service to his guests. Lord Bul- tible inferiority in the nests of young It I* large, heavy, , 8UFFER NO MORE FROM SORE FEET. Francisco. Satlaf.ctlon Guaran ­ * tro ng and durable, friends at the close of the meeting, “you wer Lytton, in his busiest literary days, birds. To one at all familiar with ani­ ^-The” White Swan Salve” not only cure* and w -rthy of In­ teed. The Flne»t Lacing in Cut Taweaty and tender feet, but aleo feet that ain't got de hang ob dat ar word. It s wag «.customed to devote only two hours mals, the fact that each individual un­ vestigation. It will String* or Side* aiway* on Hand. » are continually burning and fevertah. *ew from the thick­ bGMttin’, not upseitio . “Brudder,” re- a d to ^ng. Mail, Express and Bullion Bag*. dergoes a process of intellectual develop thereby hacking up ana becoming very est to the thlnnesl. ore. It aloo effe. tually dlapel* the offeb- ied the other, “if dat’s so it’s so. But - ' _______ tET'Mend for Price Lint. and u»e the conree» t ment and self-education is so familiar alve odor tha Invar.aolv arteea from di»- to the finest thread was prayin’ de Lord to save us from de number of suicides committed in that it seems strange that any one should eaaea feet. No-family «bould be without It. If your THOMSON orallk. If you are druggiat haa not got it, by all nicau* aend for it. Sent in want of a Ma; sin ob ’tuxication, an’ ef dat ain’t an up- gt Louis has been a matter of remark question it; but, as the contrary statement by mail, po*tage paid, on receipt fff price—fl per .box. chine. It will pay all order* to H. J. SACKETT, 22 Webster aettin’ sin I dunno what am.” 1 • for some time. There - fteemB ----------- you to examine it to v be *- in the is still occasionally met with, it seemed Addrea* avenue, Pittobureh, Fa. ’ before purchaaln* A gentleman had been bothered so verjr »tmusphere of the place something proper to give the above instances of im­ elaewhere It will „ ------------------- be on exhibition at 1 constantly with tramps and their en­ which sa)8 to the melancholy mao, “To provement.— Popular Science Monthly. the state Fair in r i*u«i* u.and foraale t»y JOHN­ SON, CLARK 4 0O..O78 Mi«¿un St.. San Frandaco. I treaties for something to eat that be in­ tie or not to be.” If one goes to Chicago, N. B.—Agento Wanted in every town. HE BEST lit USE. EVERYBODY BUYS IT. structed his cook to tell them she had he gets perpetual catarrh; if he goes to A lady reared in affluence, an excel* Bead for Circular* to No. leak nothing. The other day one of them St. Loui», be lays violent hands upon lent musician, and a more than excellent P. N. P. C. C.D. Al E. HINCKLEY, A dropped in *nd made the usual plea and himself; if he goes to Cincinnati, he is linguist, applied to the Buperiotendeiit AGKNTS WANTED! ______ 149 lew Montgomery Bt,» 8. r. inquiry. The cook responded promptly, bored. _______ of the Government Printing Office at 5 “We have nothing at allThe tramp i SAN FRANCISCO. TO SOLICIT PICTURES S eals are common on the New Eng­ Washington for work—any sort of work • ‘ then courteously asked, “Have you an TOHN KELLY. J b -^FOR ■ YEARS PROPRIETOR — scrubbing floors even, so long as there? ----- FOB ----- > J of the Brooklyn ^iotel, a. F., jf now connected old basket you could let me have!” The land coast this year. Two laundry girls by she could earn a salary sufficient to c«ly with me COMMERCIAL HdTKL, on Montoom- Copying, TSiito-wgring1 and Retouching. ery *vi »nd Kearny at., sTF The Commercial to a a wirl reolied. “No I What do you want in the Rose Standish House, Hingham, a enable her to live decently and honestly. I flretSi. ¿4 wmmanatag new Gatorv hotel, with *tb a LkuF Tramp—“Ob, I thougl.t i esort favored by Bostonians, have tamed ESTThe beat week »nd hlghe*t_epmml*Mon* 0v*n low elevator, etc., and «■**• *aperlo r racfi ltle* ai tcy F rench politics aij bubbling. onthi»coMt Addr*** »‘C’OWlfIMP. T1» rate*. Me coach and carriage* from'all point». A I would run over to the poor house and two seals by feeding them, and they ap­ Me. IM SaUar «trewt. mm Fraaetaee. can from former patron* reapectfully Invited. proach the wharf regularly tor their food. get you aene cold victuals.” ; Oyster Planting. The Use of Ice-Water. SHEEP WASH X A I » - 4 * BAKER & HAMILTON, 1 y BOOTSANDSHOES, INDEX FROM THEIR CATALOGUE OF 187,7. . '^3 A A. ROMAN A CO. ¿ A I I NEW BOOKS Hew Stationery. 4 CALIFORNIA ELASTIC ;’4 » ■ t ‘ -7 j « ir1 .->»• ¿J M a WAKELEE’S i Bath«Sheep ! A S~ a* 5. i. L- •* . 1 ■ ; TIME AND STORM 4 T' A ■ F ’ v BAKER & HAMILTON, ECLIPSE WINDMILL Water, Water, P iano S < A b I L I T V MITCHELL WAGONS. I DR. L. J. CZAPKAY’S A merica ! Medical Institute, * f * > ‘ r F r £ * M B C D B C C ,! Wi WHITTAKERS BEST IN THE WOHLD •> 4 s X t V 4 H ■/- J GAR-CURED HAMS R J Presses THE PAPER. WAREHOUSE &BIIIN >• * •/ X G lobe W ashboards . AGENTS WANTED t I ’ 7 r J J 4 I F r STAR^PRING BED T \ N. CURRY de BRO COMMERCIAL HOTEL lite i ,.fe ■JJ 4 1 / • ■ i. ¿Í I . V/ « A t ' f ■ ¿ó < / I V f. < /J I » •ft. > J 1 I Í ílO - - Jf ! ; ’r*v /?; •T «*. <5