7 Í. L » r > X ' I 4. f i 1 f - • - . fr ' Í I ,y- i i a t J « ,r e 4 9 ■f : - • -4^. * * 4- 9 « / 'b . I y "t z rV" V II ( • 1 > • f H olloway ’ s P ills and O intment . I j —Scrofula was considered incurable un­ Following are the proceedings of the ’ CHICAGO, Sep 29. 2 —Telegrama Fort Still it rains. til the great discovery of “Holloway’s in ex(4iuiiA.e for pnotogr.iphin^. A^res^rD ÁN-» Montan ir, says the Nez Perces IEI a F. BEA1 1. SQUARE AND Notice. Read our notice on the front d*>r. chargesand fij Uting until ten o’clock these peerless remedies. Scurvy, Ery- ry had not agreed upon a verdict. UPRIGHT, and BEATTY’S CELEBRATED Mail» close at 5:30 o’clock Ifrjf,' Arrive at Having taken up my renidence in Wes?Che- GOLDEN TONGUE PARLOR ORGANS John Monroe et al vs Sarah Glover et, the next morni tg, when they left, prob- 1 sipelas Saltrheum, itch, and all cutane- halein The cry is, “will it never quit rJntiing.” 1 will be found ready at all times to at­ ate the sweetest toned and most perfect in­ ; ous eruptions are curable by them. ‘ 25 7:30o’clock P. M. to the duties pertaining to niv office. struments ever b« fore manufactured in this Rather slim docket at this term of al'; suit for partition of land. Partitioni ably for Milk ¿liver. Sunday night they i cents per box or put. f < 195 tend June 22,1877. - M PAYNE, or any other-country. The world is chal­ SECRET SOCIETIES. 18 pile containing three . ___ _ ■ made and report of referees confirmed. burned a freig Circuit Court. Coroner of Yamhill county. » 1 lenged to equal them. Best discounts and 1 a ent and twenty tons of i Wm II Ba.ley vs O H Adams ®t al, tons of Govern terms ever belore eiven. Rock bottom pan- - <1 NOTICE. A.F. A A. M. —Meets the Friday on or before I If it rains next week the school at this ic prices, now ready to jobbers, agents and suit in equity to foreclose mortgage. Re-i private freight, Weimer and Walker the full moon. Members in good standing invi­ 1 place will uot take a vacation. i the trade in general. An offer. Ihese cel­ , I, take this method of announcing to ebrated instruments (either Piano or Organ) ted to attend. By order of. W. M. port of referees coiifirmed and judgment| were woundec seriously in the fight. the public that I can be found in Lafay­ Two young deer were killed in the boxed and shipped anywhere, on five or fif­ It is, believed .io hostiles are making ette for a few days, where I will be I. O. O. F.—Meet.« every Saturday night at oil findings of referee. teen days’ test trial. Money refunded and field of Judge Fenton last Wednesday. ' o'clock P. M. Members in good «tauding invi- freight charge* paid both waya if in anyway pleased.*' accouaiuoilate, all those hav- Agnes A Allatt vs Wm j Allatt; suit for' their way to th ¿'British possessions. , til to attend. Ry order of N. Q. I unsatisfactory. Fully warranted for six What has become of the mill project? j divorce. Dismissed for want of prosecu-i C amp S turc IB, Fish Creek, M. T in w yches, clocks aud jewelry which veai a as strictly first-class. EXTRAORDI­ need repairing. “’Till work warranted. ELEGANT STILUS, wi:li valuable Im­ NARY LIBERAL DISCOUNTS given to P. H —Meets the third SaturJay^f each Has it fallen through? We hope nut. 1 tion. lidians were camped at Oct. 2. — The I - I I njso have an excellent assortment of provements, New iiud Beautiful Solo Stops. Churches, Schools. Lodges. Halla. Miuiatera, > onth at 10 o’clock A. M. at Gaange Hal. two days din sight, sight^two Put up your .stoves, and replenish James M Hendrix vs M J Griffin; suit; Judith Gap no' ¿in watches and jewelry which I will sell at Over One Thons md Organists and Musician« Teachers, etc.,- in order t<- have them intro­ -------- —---- --- 1 endorse these organs and recommend them as duced a’, once where I have no agents. them g/te'h, hoping to _ the lowest cash prices. | your wood piles for winter approaches. for partition of laud. Fartitiou of land*, We do not pust |( CHIRCHES. strictly First Class in Tone, Mechanism and Thousands now in ude. New Illustrated ad - A. B oison . X 1 Durability, Warrantd for six years. Have vehtiskk (Catalogue Edition) with list of give General i i es a chance to get ahead \ The recent rains will make a marked decreed. 3 1 been awarded tire Highest Rremi'i'm in compe­ testimonials, now ready, sent free. Estab BEV. N. DOANE, P.C. of them on-the .Missouri river, then to Leroy Kimberlin vs T F Kimbiirlin; tition witlrothers for 11 A.M. difference in the attendance at the Statu lishe-l in 1X59. Address, DANIEL F. BE« 1 1st Sunday of eich month st Lafayette Simplicity. Durubilify, Promptness and ATTY, Washington, New Jersey. action for money. Report of referee af­ attack them sitfijiltaneously. This must Fair. r_ '• Piuho Like Action. I happen within r|n days. Then the expe­ #, .. ___ def. X. Fh?er-Swee: and Evenly Balanced Tone. Do you think it. will, rain Fair week? firmed and judgment^against Acres i.f the well-known “ ARM- ■. « — • LITTLEFIELD & CALBREATH, Regular appointments of Rev. J. W. M atts, dition breaks, t}»L* infautry aud artillery -G W Walling et al vs John Ramage; Orchestral Effects, a^d Instantaneous Access STRONG l'AK.vi, ” j n Yamb.l) see.nis to be o^ie of the anxious questions eocoud Sunday of each month at 11 o’clock a . ' • - may be hadda the Reeds, —** r for plaiutiff by de-j going to Omallft via the Missouri river, couuh, near .Mckiaps ll.e; in lota ranging fioui which »nd wife* Judgment < jifirt-now. , bend for new Iilustritecft AnvrRrisER (Cata- M. and 7 o'clock r. m . ' 109 TO I?« and the cavatrj leave Fort Ellis for fault. liffue Edition) containing testimonials from • f I K. B. .Mercer opened the Essex Hotek I many persons who are ttaing my -instruments, Corinne, Settled.j Amos Wood vs T B Nelson. I acres, or in larger or smailer lots/to suit pur­ s true of whom voti may know Address DAN­ NO PAPER. 4t. M. T„ Oct. 2.— for the accommodation of the public last ' - kt is chasers. IEL '■F. BEATTY/ Wu.hingrta, New Levi Brock vs Wm N McCoy aud A ’’J udith B ai Jersey. Next week as everybody and his wife Monday. Thorp; action to recover money on prom-’ supposed that ijiles arrived too late for LAFAYETTE. OREGON. or «omebody elses wife are going tp the Dissolution of Copartnership. Should the weather clear up, a great isory*hote. Settled. the Indians at le Missouri river. Tho FJLL WABBANTtt MBM-r » -, ----- X Fair, and as there is nothiug lik ijd pay a 1 tirm debts and It collect all *- Att-rnej at Law, Port «nd. •accounts due th“ «Id tirm 'there is do manufactures qf Pianos and thing has been topsy-turvy since we stock. Oijt. 5tli. 1877. ’ tf John Wrd vs D II Perkins; siiit for They go via Fof Ellis and Corinne. We Lafayette, July 13, ls77. w. j A mer . Organs in this or any other country who has , moved into our present quarter^. So nerved as many unsolicited indors. menta A gentleman living on the Chebaleai partition t of land. Continued Ly stipu- shtril keep aftj ’ the hostile* if they 4- /A Tf T~\ Great chance to make' J, t.NELáON. as has Mr. Beatty. From every' State and kind readers, de ■? DIABLO 25th, 1877, a g dl. • ‘ kriAl ’ K > H. TODD, . agent rejiorts making og^r $150 in a week. A , of answer.- , i. - » Executárs. Lafayette, July 27,1^77. E xecutdrs. I lady agent reports takiiuN^ver 400 siil»4i-rflwrs . I - last summer, was brought from Salem, guilty. He will be sentenced Satiyxlay John Sax vs F.IIirsch; action to recov- A in 'ten days. All who engage maktumokey j ST.4 TE .NEWS. '' ! .. where he was taken for safe keeping. mvrnin is- • ( fast. You can devoteall your time to tlie^us- i I ----- - ---- Settled. ¡Summons- . r er money. The man Wilson, who stole a sjjan of I Misses Kate and Anna Stewart, of iness. or only vonr spare time. Yon neadurit 1 , / LAFAYETTE, OREGON. Grant county ¡levies 1 a tax of 37 mills. be away from home oycrniglit» Youjt-ari do! John W Gaunt vs James A Fri»toe;ac- horses from Mr. Rogers, above Mv Minn- Vancouver, who have been visiting it as w'ell as others. Full parilyylars. direc- In the Circuit Cqurf of the State of Oregon i|y ‘that her county of­ ti.iffsand ■4t is useless to si terms lice Elegant-tflid expensive i t I ▼ille, seme five years ago, wa 1 also friends in this place, returned to their tion to recover money. Settled. - for the County f the Sj£te of Oregon, yon are of ........... freight passed Eight ltundr kt tons ' was a charge against him for bin glary rect from Pliilad- Iphia some window William Reid vs John and Jans Gov­ beieby required to appear and ailswerthe Cotg* in Marion county, and for which 1 e was shades, which are ahead of anything ever an; suit to foreclose mortgage. Contin­ througl ;h the loos, at Oregon City last LIQUORS, plaint of pl linliff.jiow on file in the Cleik’s of­ fice. in Yamhill county, Oregon, on the fust day sentenced to the penitentiary. H s sen- brought to this market. ' • Saturday. SEGA RS, ued until next term. of the next term of thè < ircuit Court of Yamhill ten co has about expired tor th, lat- s.. county, tu be begun and held on Mqndav, the Winqsky, the horse that won the race W B Reece vs Charles Myers; action Hillsboro huis voted to deny a petition ter offence, and he was taken fro in the TOBACCO 1-t day nf October, D77; and if tou fail to ap penitentiary to be tried for the st ?aling for three year-old colts at Hillsboro, is for money. Settled. to retail whisky within the town limits, uniujuiiu, uuiwumi! pear and an*wer B iid complaint on the said 1st C7“A pood Billiard Table will be found day of Octobei. 1*77, and for the want thereof. here s. of the horses. ON the State Fair Grounds. lie was sir­ W J McConnell vs J B Standley; ac­ of my cuetôm Liituyette, Y'amhill County, Orej-on. Corvallis ha 3 recdhtly indulged in a plaintiff wi 1 apply - to tlie court for the relief ers. for the -, accommodation . ed by Napa and is owned b’y Mr. West­ tion fur money. Continued. l< therein demanded-, to-wit: for • a decree parti­ L prize fight, *2( a side, which was ffusrlly 'The Lafayette Academy ■ will be-opened, ST* eet L amps .—Mr. K. B. 2 lercer n3:tf ‘ J. H, CLARK. for tioning the fol.owing desei ibed Ignd lying and fall of West Chehalem. J C Pearce vs Martha Pearce; suit for tfye reception of schoiars on Monday, Sopteni- being situated in Yainhill county, Oregon, Jo decided a draw. has had * large street l.amp plac d on bbr 3il. r«77. Mis Lutila C. Cai son will have section 7 in T 4 8 R 3 W and a part of .the dona- , 1 Mr, Ilobvrg lias fitted up a paint shop divorce. Continued. the corner next to his hotel, whicl. is a Top» Merry, Hhe-well known running charge of the Primary department—Mi’S Car- turn land claim of Joel Perkina ami wife, claim L A Baker vs W W Nelson and T B is a grad of ¿t. Helens Hall, and a No. 33 commencing on the sotr-h line of s.iid great convenience to persons passii g that at his new r-sidence, where be * would bj horse, owned, i r Jno. Finnell, is now son * teacher of expei fence. claijn 39 at the southwest corner of J. R. Sarnp- Nelson; action of replevin. Jury trial, pleased to serve those w.ho have anything way after night. We would sugge:nt that being used fot breeding purposes only, ' son’s land, 1 */0 chains westerly from the S E Can be saved if vou wish to purchase a Pia­ 1 CAI.KN'DAK. : cotner of claim N<>. 3a, thence nqrtli 14.83 chs, | no or Organ by buying directoi me, and be­ the young folks give a necktie s< ciable that needs painting.. ,Buggv painting and verdict for defts. hiving Telirtd from the turf. ' I First quarter lievi s Monday, Sep. 3d, 1877, thence west 22.65 chains to the -i.nth 1 ne of -aid sides you are sure of gening the'genuine Louis A Conlee vs John J Conlee; suit and raise funds enough to place j ,< na on done in a good and neat style. and end- November 23d. 1-77. claim, them e s jutl easterly 1 n tl.e south line of Beatty Piano and Oigau, the sweetest toned . Workmen a < engaged at the Salem I • • -, SeciÀid quarter begins Monday. NbvcmbeY said claim 2 1.17 chli s to the place of begin aud most re< feet ever made. Years of trial * Lieut. G. L.. Scott, formerly of this to recover possession of -realty. Case, Wigwam, fittitig * th» corner of Jefferson and Thiid streets established 'hem the more tirmly in * it up for t4ie Bert the- 26. 1 -7 ; ; e.n.s Mari hjl. 1*7' nine: containing Iff 3 » I1*) :rcr. j more or 1 cm . have continued and costs taxed to plaintiff. popular favor, and theuhiveiaal verdict now placb — in fact one of the boys -will lea l 1 from next to the post office. As the ma ThrNl qu irter begins Monday, March 4; ends and for co-ts and d.sbm semnts of guitti Mary Delashmutt vs J K Delashmntt; atrical troilpo The scenery of the Port- May 2|. i*;8. This siimino s published by order of R. P. is, that there are none better manufactured now en the rest of the winter wit 1 > come a bride to the alter in San Francisco on land New Ma l et threatre will be used Iloi-e. Jud -e of said Court, made at Chambers in the world. Bent on from 5 to 15 days’* after night. A lamp on that corner theJith inst. The ceremony is to be per­ suit for divorce. Capt. Humphry ap­ tyst trial and fully warranted for six years VACATION. August 11th, 1877. E. C. B kadsii I w . there during f i r week. would be a great con\ Ai> nce as it would as first-class in every respect. Money re­ pointed referee to take testimony. From Friday. De e uber 21,1*77, tp Monday, Aug 17th j Atty for plflT. ----------- ——------------- ----------------- funded and freight paid both ways by me if ght'up all the cross walks wbic 1 lead formed in the Trinity Church. We have i Jan. 7, 187' — two week*. 4 i James Emmerson vs Rachel Emmer­ unsatisfactory. Beatty's Illustrated Anvxx- forgot the name of the fortunate lady, o that place. • r^pitie'e. Bates cf Tuition Per Quarter tiser (Catalogue Edition,) Iree. Address, son; suit for divorce., J. W. Baker, ap ­ but she is the dm®iter of some General. «r The onder'igned'have l>een duly appointed DANIEL F. BEATTY, Wasblnffton, Primary Depait'iicni; inel .ding First and < jy271y WOLF C lub .—We have frequently pointed referee to take testimony. ioint éxi-cntois ol the l-i t w ill and t et.-rment of New Jersey. bee-irti Reader, Writing and >peHing, Í Ural Exerci es ............. . $> U) Walker Chrism iri, deceased, by the HnrtCounty T he B est T ime .—All of von who in- Martha A Getcbel vs George Getchel been asked of late when the Wesjt Side Court of Yamhi 1 county, State of Oregon. All J’repMrutorv D partnn ntcThird and Fotti tli , . / * . ■ . 5 ing the State Fairshnuld cut oht suit for divorce. J. W. Baker appoint' persons having blainis against the estate of said Wolf Club met, as it has uot met for the ; “it would besumined ' It It er. Fir-t t.essoni n Geography, Gra­ ilecea-x-i! are hereby notified to present t..e in -Y. U riti g and bpellii g. Mental and and paste in your hat, so that ed r.feree to take testimony. past two months, At the last ^meeting i ds- -diinncd humbtf*."’ rudiments i-t al itlunetic, u. al exes c si s'. .$6 00 same to us within six months from thie date. 1 ~ July 20, 1877. J. E. Il cub a RD, Senior« >e?;. rt in nt; 1 lie Higher Bi .inches ‘ f 7 00 Virginia Hess vs J. S. Iles»; » Suit fot the Club adjourned to meet the 4th Satur- you may be posted in regard to best rec­ i ? and coarse, but it un- IL H. Tof u. Tuition" <;Ti 1 rge i fr ni time Jf en ering till ords. The last number of Wilke ’ s Spirit of divorce. W. M. Ramsey appointed ref clly fh W?Sb‘l, If w'e are rightly i 11 for tn- Executors. , of*'tearing scbaol. »xcept in case of pro­ I tJoiiblc Hy rii j rcsses the sënt'méht- ol^ time ti acted iliac». , C lare G. M obky ,. ei./ A new Secretary will havt t° bt^ the Time» contains a record of the fastest eree to'take testimony. Aug. 17. 1'77. . ’ Prie cipal. State of Oregon vs Cain (an Iiylirn) the vasi inaji ity of | the Republican e.re|ted owing to the resignation u f W. J times made by Korses; np tp August 4, Wimer, who has gone to Southern Ore­ ■1S77, which we reproduce as follows: Indited for laaceny. Arraigned for tris party., Inde®' Mr. Hayes’« civil. scr- / j X otice, DENTIST, vice rule is th »ie perfectiofi of slline««. gon. After doing so much? tows rd 1 the Running at Louisville, Ky., one mile, by and case set for Friday. Xnifce is hereby given that 1 have sold and extermivation of the Covote in th: t coun - Ten Brock, at four years, carrying 104 State of Oregon vs Wilson; Indictee biit the great ohjaction to it is that it assigned to Messrs. Gòldemith & Lowenberg. ot Ptirthinil, ritoglili, all the notes,debts, dues ty it will not do to let the orgaj ization pounds, 'time 1:39?; two miles, 3:27^; for larceny.' Arraigned and pled guilt is contrary to Lthe Constitution of the and aiiiounts that 1 now have orown,or which Time table for Feb, March, go down. Let there be a gm^l atten- three miles, 5:27}; four miles, /7:15|. nee in any manneif owing, b -lungingior com­ and Saturday set-for passing sentenc 4_ to»- _ ¿¿fice at the next meeting. and April. I>77. U ni led -t Slatèrf —._______ ! ing to me troni any pr-i -411 or persons whom­ ........ J.nt>y<-»fe. tfr-t Monday in , U7*Call and see our mammoth stock of soever; arid the snfd Goldsmith & Lowenberg, I Trotting at Boston Mass., one mile, by State of Oregon vs -Maxwell; Indict or their duly authorized u-gents, are theoifly each month, to remain four I Confectionary, Stationery, Tobacco, Cigars, / Tlie Projibitionists of ? I ’ ennsvl Goldsmith Maid, in 1876, 2:14; two A ble D efense .—Hon. E. A. Cronin, ment for forgery—changing returns o part tes entitled to receive and collect the days , etc. sailli*. -r W. B. Carey. miles, by Flora Temple, 4:50j; one mile, North Yalnbill.’Feb. Sth and l*tb'; March. 8th one of the able counsel in the cas< of the SrJpt. 20. 1877, «.. ' 2:15. 2:17 2:16, by Smu*rgler , J n otice. tate for language to express his ideas. - -i —— R age S tock —Monday night Joe Tajr- >vho .may need nay services to call on me there. richness and volume of tons, combined with , * ” ■ last, at half past 1 P. M.,. John Thornp He brought out all the advan' wgeons OTICE is'bereby ;4ven that by virtue and My charg< s are reasonable, thus making it pos­ a rare brilliancv, clearness and perfect ev- , Ilayes stiiHed out to divide the points of law for the benefit of 1 is cli­ I lot s’ fast 3 year old colt Olo stopped here. son was banged at Seattle, W.' T., fo ------ À ---------- ---- authority oj' an; order ot the County sible for ail to have work done who may need ennes* through TIT lTnn° ut l ‘ h® «»tire party. He lias gotxfio it. I’aLe t< eth inserted, on robber plate. Bro­ scale, and abo Court of Yamhill i-punty. Oregon, madp.iiniL ent io a striking and .forcible manner. Olo is a fine looking colt and surprised the murder of Solotnan Baxter, on th De «■nteret record on the got 11 day ot Sept, 1877? ken s<-is mended; %nd7kTTwork promptly and prising durati-,________________________ » ------------ - --------- T----- everybody at the Fair last year. In tho will selFat niiblteauction, to the highest ne^ltv done. far :to divide the Ilepuldicnn. f2tf changes under the moaLdelicate or power­ I nsanity .—It is claimed t| at the. saute stable was a black trotter that look- 11th of February lasl*, near that plac dder. lor cash in hand, in front of the court ful touch. — •_................. . “ _ - The celebrated “Golden Tongue ” 'iuguli, VII This is the,first execution of a white ma se door, in YiunViH county.Oregon, on 9 oaf - A A "W"TW *V^A fw ’ ’ a s Aalah»»eied An Opportunity for the Afflicted. eanse of the Insanity of the man froetz- - ed as though- it might step at a lively j in the Territory. The execution too Reeds in Bes^c tv celebrated 2k CARD, 'he gotti day of October, -, »»n- r • Organ in con~zM.lN 1# Junction with •1, who was sent tolhbi^sylum fr >m this gait. The horses were on their way to 1 place in the jail yard the ir of one o'clock in the afternoon of To all who are suffering from the errors and the perfected Reed producer-sweet. Heed Boards produce' ’ tweet Dr. J. N. Hinkle, of the National Sur­ at i ’ ’ . .. . ...... : ............... “ _____ said duy^jhe following described real estate, indiscretions of youth, nervous weakness. Every * instra i pure, ■ and ‘ . powerful * ■ ' tones. " * county aot long since was not fr< m do­ the State Fair from the Washington -------- decay, lo** of manhood. Ac., I will send l-i to-wit: x . . uarly gical IustituW; with a competent corps, 1— .«__. ... cure you. ' ----- -- ,OF ment. Piano A ccident .—A ypung lad named Gri Beginningat the center of the conn y road n* receipt that will FREE meatic troubles or the excessive use. of county Fair. Owing to the muddy roads n ted of assistants Mill visit Portland, Oregon. reading troni Dayto.n to the Polk Fuiinty line CHARGE. v « • . « « ma gii ai 1V.U4U » <1^ u ir»v4 » a tiA/’i- warra . , This great rente v was disebveced- ‘ ___ I__ _ Send-1*-+’J®speci. ana tobacco, as was at th$ time reported. most of the horses were taken from Titlls- fin while riding a horse out of the Con Rixnns at St^ Charles Hotel October 22d, or to Corvallis, at a )>oint w iierethe piSu^it f-~ by - a — intesicmary in South America. fiom tive to fifteen days’ test trial, the nyrt- 8oro to the State Fair by rail. 4 traveled road front George liorsys intersects ,s<‘l -nddrcssed envelope to tlie Rev. joseplr*f. tenial livery stable Sunday mornjn Ths sorrow-stricken wifà says that he tlie aforesaid Payton roud at a stone hurried lnninn, Station D, Bible House, New York. ufacturer paying freight both wat-s, if the to November ’ 1st, 1877, inclusive. No under the surtac», lieing'40 féet troni,a large instiumentis not satisfactory. Illustrated got a splinter into his eye, and that it J A R eminder .—Wednesday afternoon met with an accident. Tho horse f<* other iustitutiion in the world has suc­ oak tree standing u littie south of west troni A ovekii - irr , (Catalogue Edition,) sent free down with tiirn and one of his ankl Sained him so badly that bis reas >n was a case on trial was somewhat delayed by » said stone, thence south 51 5 degrees west to Hlixck'siriith. Shop upon application. Address. DANIEL F. was badly sprained. cessfully treated so many cases of Spinal the west homi laiÿ line ol the land deeded by •throped in consequence. It is t nought BEATTY, Wa«iUnffu>n, New Jereey -. Andrew Smith awl Ills wife Sarah to Joel Pal ­ the calling Qf two witnesses, who were Curvature, Diseases of the Joints, Par­ mer. thence south to the southwest corner of by some that the splinter worked through V E stablished . —The post office (Jgwn town. Judge Boise lost all pa­ the çye ball into the brain. f alysis?Club Feet, Piles, Fistula. in ano, said piece of laud, thence east along the south line of. the same to tjie south west corner of tience when the bailiffs called the wit­ Amity has been commissioned as a m®ne Scrofula, Nasal Cattarrh, etc. Patients 1 he same, being the northwest corner of the A larmed . —A number of our^itizens nesses but got no response. The J Judge order office. Ths* will prove a great be 9. land claim former v owned by the late An­ * from almost every county in the United drew Smith, dece ased, thence northerly along wefe somewhat frightened last Fri day ev ­ { States have applied to it for relief, either the Horsy road to the place of beginning; be­ I then ordered the clerk to issue attach­ efit to our Amity friends. This mak - WOULD respect fully announce to the ing the tract of land deeded by Joel Pajnier ening by hearing the factory whisi le blow ments. Some of the attorneys interpos­ the third money-order office establishe at the home 'Institute at "Indianapolis, and t citizens of Lafayette and 2 vicinity Sarah Anu Palmer to Joe.ine Palmer, on ____ — . j that 1 I in this county., Indiana, or at one of its Grand Divisions ted to do , and recorded in aiu prerMied ing some time after midnight, What ed add tried~to pacify the Judge, but A line ol business, with neatness and dispatch. .CAAYETTE, . bifok - K. ” I>agc 1«2 and lti3. Also tlie follow ­ at Philadelphia, Pa., Atlanta, (la., or ■ Li*’ made it seem strange was tha every he to6k in their pedro by the gentle re­ C. L. ESTÀ BROOK, ing described trac'-ot land in Township 4, S. WnEN the B lossoms C over U s D a San.Franciscb, Cal. The afflicted can- can­ 1 R. 3 west: ft being tv part of the original dona­ f minder that vl'm running this court.” ■241 body knew that the factory wai closed not afford to jn nias the opportunity of be- tion land claim of Andrew D. and Polly Smith, LING.— This is the name of another of tl No. 48, uiidtiotiüeaitbn No. 7.13. Imumled AM STILL TO BE FOUND AT MY after nigKt, and when the whistli sound­ T heatrical .—The Wilton troupe popular Charlie Baker’s new songs ,ca ing cured at to jome. The Doctor içakes claim as follows, to-wit: Beginningat thenort* old stand ready to serve the boyswith < no for ’ consultation aud examina- 1 .corner of the south half of said donation est the dead hour of night, at id pro­ gave another performance at this placo be had from any music dealer in tl share, bath or shampoo. claim, tlience north 12.21 chains tc the t % terms for**treatment are longed the sound for oyer half «n hour last Wednesday evening to a crowded s Hair cut in the latest style. cdst. eocBermf the main lx>dy of said United States, or from the publisher, within tho rep ch of every oné. tbenewtvest 31.40 chains to a stake at 1 it seemed indeed strange. It wa caus- ----- ri: ■ ! ■ Ä JOHNSON&GRAZIER nerjlffgle of said claim, thence north 7.30elts. ed by the rope which is attached to tbe house. Although their peformance was Helmick, No. 50 West Fourth Stree can'buy first-class P iamo « and ifie center of tlie county road, thenecsoutb Every than, to be successful in any • Proprietor«, whistle becoming wet and dr^vt ing ; up hardly equal to that of the first night, Cincinnati. O., by sending 35 cents. O ko ans cheaper of DANIEL K degrees, west 34 43 chains to stake in tlie BEATTY, Washington, New cenïerof said roa I. on north boundary bràuîfi) of manufacturing, must turn o until the valve was opened. yet they received frequent applause frdm Grand Jury Items. line of the south halt of saidclaiut, thence LAFAYETTE, : : : : OREGON. Jetsey, than of any other mana good goods. ’ There is no permanen east 66.12 chains on the division line between the audience, which gave evidence that fncturer in the United Statee R unaway .—Saturday a* Mr. A. M. their efforts to please were well received. north and south halves of said claim to RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCE TO Why? Because he sellsonly fot The Grand Jury in the case of t cess without it, consequently sueffess is a the the place of beginning, containing 67 acres, cash, takes no risko and haa no . Hurley was returning from C lehalem Af‘er the performance all that desired State vs G, Goodman, charged with more or less. A. M. IH RLEY. strong recommendation for quality. the public that we are prepared to accommo- book account*. Every inatrument is fully t Sept. 21, 1877. Administrator. indulged in a •iocial dance. with bin wife in a buggy, , the tiaru got dipte customers with ho's-s. buggies, hacks, Ac warranted for sixyears as strictly first o’aaa sault with a dangerous weapon upon When wo find parties like Mr. Daniel F. ---- f ' » rtZ^Tenn«. Very Reaaoiiuble. and are sent on from 5 to 15 daya’ teat '.rial, - frightened, when abourtw wo miles from - * f Beatty, of Washington, Jf. J., the man­ T he B ar .—Among the legal fraterni­ Angell, reported uot a true bill. money refuuded and freight paid both way» totvn, and runaway, coming in o town Notice. < by him if they are unutirfactory, Send for ty in attendance at the present term In the case of the State vs Cain, an It » ufacturer and proprietor of the Beatty - r Illustrated A dvkktii - kb ^Catalogne Edition? with a rush. Fortunately Mr. H trly aud and rqad testimoniala from his patrons, some of the Circuit Court, we notice J. F. Ca­ dian, charged with stealing cattle, tl e Piano and Beatty’s Organs, making • ■___ family had just alighted from tl e buggy whom von m»v know. Address, DAN­ sweeping salfe each month and each The unden-igned. Executors of the last will of IEL F. BEATTY, WaOlafU«, New previous to the team starting There ples, Judge Strong, II. O. Yocom, C. jury reported a true bill. The India 1 month increasing, there is no other con- The undersigned, formerly of New York, but and u-stanietM - R. H. T odp , with tLebars every day. Mr. Joseph Moore who was wound d tel will now be kept on the latest im ­ son in this world that is suffering with Executors. able that the attendance will be large­ ET’AU business promptly attended to. Hats, Caps, Trunks and Vallees. proved plan. Mr. Mercer will act as by-Indians when Ben Norton was kill* I, Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint and its ef­ decll’74:tf LOGAN-A PEEBT ly increased after the Fair. ---------------------— aftir lingering many weeks, poising t >- fects, suc|i as Indigestion, C.ostiveness, ye host. Nntice. Misse* and Childrens Balm. Gaitera; tween life ana death, has at last Sv ;- Sick Headache, Sour Stomach, Heart I Ladiea, C ircuit C ourt .«—This court, Hon. Gents, Boys nod Youths Boots and Shoes. OTICE ta hereby -given that the under* E xercises .—Although tho scholars cum bed to the grim monster, and died )f Burn, palpitation of the Jleart, Depress­ Likewise, Groceries, Crockery,' Hardware, B. P. Boise presiding, has been in ses­ signed, Tlios B. Robertson, by an order his wounds. He died at Mf Idaho,, TH is ' and all articles usu dly kept in s-tores. of tne County Court of the county of Yamhill voting a email portion of your leisure time sion during the week, and per flaps will had but a short time in which to prepare three cf the wounded citizens of tl st ed Spirits, Biliousness, etc., can take above, lino of goods were purchased <>f and the State of Oregon,.made July 31, A. D., to my intarest. I do not expt ct you tosaa- G reen ’8 A uoust F lower without get­ the The for their exercises at school, they wsre best known bou-e in Bap Francisco.- at the 1S77, has l»een appointed administrator of the vass for my celebrated Fea tty’s Pianos and not adjourn before Saturday night. One place have died of their wounds, Wf>o ting relief and. cure. If you doubt this, lowest market prices, and will be offered for estate of Robert McCullough, deceased. Xb unless yon see fit to; but the service very good. As space will not allow us Ides- can measure the extent of the evils >f lore **** all persons i>avm^ having w.. claims salt , , Organs business or two tedious cases have made ,uis —. against r«-’- io o to your Druggist and get a jSample Sample Bâle accordingly. I require of you is both plesssnt and profit Hh i tale aré hereby notified to present tnengpwtt Come one, come all. Quick 5ak« and Small. tate are notified prese nt drag rather heavy. The attendance of we will jiot speak of any in particular. this Indian war induced only by » rfi 1- bttle dttle for 10 cents and tn try it. Regular Profit» able- ' Full particular* free. Addrenw, me, - * at my m ,*8'”eT'W». M Í will be the motto of 1 I njmper vouchers to me . I« DANIEL Y. BEATTY. w—«-Ingin I Worth Yamhill, wJrbln six moniha> fro#thl the l»w vyers is not so great thie terra as Tbs exercises by the first dii vision will taken polioy of the government agei ts size 75 oeats. Two doses will relieve I. G. JACKBON. - Í- p S ROBERTSON, . KrwJwwr- vk’ J data. THOMA# B- ROBEF f toward the««t Indiana. take ptkee two weeks from to-day. ttonal. i you. . AdmialsSator tsfavette, Dragon, Sept. 14. 1877. Dated Aug. 1«. 1«77. Adminialator. t •LAFAYETTE HERE AND THERE. » COURIER THE - INDIAN WAR. Circuit Court Proceeding». PloloffliitaSS-S — ■ ■ - ■ ■ ■ ■ ' - "fc 1 /■ - ■— « * ; .frBEATTY^.PARLOR i I * ORGANS. I I » » aba LAND FOR SALE. ♦ .,.,S ! ’ i * ri\ .0 tv VVUU j 4 I * TITLE PERFECT. BEATTY I ' cm c MOUNT, J. IL CLARK, Proprietor i H r i MONEY « 4 A KELTY & SIMPSON, J? M. ROBERTS, DRUGGISTS ’ *5 X LAFAYETTE. OREGON.' 'dr x-r I A i---------------- 7- N flAlw.'&iySr ' ' ORGANS«^ « ■ j . C.L. ESTABROOK lit I I I • O moi s / I S»iuiial Livery StaMe, 5 1 u T « Auction Sale. New Store and. New Goods * * I express line , ♦ z ' FBOM DAYTON to St JOSEPH. W School Teacliers: N Il .1 « >1 * - » '• ♦ 1 t I L * J r 9 ♦ « I I - t ¿¿Äs J- « I i » ■ L •* si « ¥ - «• ~ J f. ♦ r. Î* * S ; I ¿ ____ Y