I Lx * ■ ■ UT V \i I fi r / 1 Y ,4 f .fir ■ I 4 % ■ ’ ÎÀÎ. Í Ji .. » « t ■ r I > r* a F \ » - 1 a ■> , ■ I < f I i i JJ f' i I i » < i "%sr Jr 4 MARK THESE FACTS ! di.-jilaved tn France a few years ago; the Democratic I rale, and the result NEW ADVEETXSEMENTS. 'COURIER’S COLUMN 1 i * ^bli-ans. 38 Demo- ------------- T ■"■*■•11111111 I - - A- •-—-- ------------------------ and we may red assured that the I would be 31 Rep Tliere seems to be great demand t. t FRIDAY. )/■ r.er:»iic, ticket account of the charges which it make« «3* All order* from the country promptly at­ f • fort with reasonable certainly count rhee of Mr. Morton The enforced abs .that has been out since 1870 and we against the Sec clary, Il is not very tended to. * , • •’ do not believe lie ever cntei tniued. a important to know wl ere the Origin on its continuance under such con­ will be a severe I Ruiow’ to the aspira t I • ! , r E«14*if political notion that was not origiu i ditions and circLmsiatiecs as w ill pro lions of Kellogg! gild his colleague, for. Cy l.et the Suffering and diseased read the . » following. > • > > al document is, as a "well preserved ted within the creed of bourlioiii.-in. K7“i.et alt who h ive been given iib by the’1 no other Senatoj will espouse their i long through ojie or two more bar- ' ■ * Doet -¿s. und spoken of n- iucurUble, read the Tho remark however is truly charac- copy ot it remains for* Sunday read vests the present dependence of Wes cause ns they wc Li have done, An ¡ follow ing, 1 STEAMER M’MINNVJLLE I teristic of the Standard, its editori ing. From the best information we C^-l.'-t all who ran believe f|ic(f, and cun Will Leave tern Europe upon the American mar effort |nay he po jibly made by Mr. l ha- « faith in evidence, re.-J the foil w ing nla are made no. from dav to-day, of can get, we believe it charges Mr. Know all men by these pre.eiice, 'lint Mi-Minrvi le every Tuesday, Thuisday and Skt- * • ■ Howe and other pl iiis stamp to re- I on t .is. th - twenti th .lav . f .m, e i.ith -jear [ just suclr reckless, blundering mis Chadwick with.being a ‘‘corrupt bad ket for breadstuff« and provisiot ?. . urdav , f<>r - | . I ol o .r l.o <1. (J .■ tho sand eight h ndred 'and sist til? inevitabl , but it will be weak statements.— Reporter man;” in that he has received ^rres sivt? six. p. is na h cam- Joseph lta\d <-k to And intermediate pointa. SUPERINTENDENT CARSE. at the very Woi>t, >»e know:» ass cïi.’iind tacii»; du‘v sworîî depo Snyde. we hardly thought this of and mhist fail, Io a s ><. / as -i J follows: a- »* "Da 1'1 « 1.■ » 1 entsfor performing official services, he is al. the ' . sol- general For rates apply oa board. ’ ~ Ja234f '4 you. Instead of defending an honest \ report nas gone the rounds of tlie Democrats ¡fc strong enough, advent for the United stat- > a d dependencies for which the Stale paid him. It af lb -reoffor preparations or medicines known us I official when unjust charges are n ade. so charges him with drawing a war- the press to the effect that the super witlio it court tin j inllies ready- to vol Dr. Hollow a> s l i t-and O.ntin n-, and that the I V ( 4 t .Hownig c rtttiçates are verbatim «cop s to * you try to shield the- Republican par i anv accession from the b.-?i ol his knowledge und lielief uuteei ’ ., to preven intend ’ nt of schools of ibis county I iant upon the treasurer upon the Pen- [L.s.J " J ames S.ME.TKE. Xv fr°in (imagined) disgrace of !>itentiarv Fund, which had not been lias acconn ted for greenljaeks at 9d these pi acaiicies. t tbe side of their V, I -■ Nota y Public. I hi m j ■ liaving in its rank« an honest man 14 Wall s:reet. New York. opponents. J 1 allowed or audited by the superinten cents when they wen? worth irfhrc. ■—w* fi «• like Mr. Carse. Don't alarmed, and ■nt taken into the den!, ns by law requited; and of bpec- , This report is silly. Mr. C.ir«e has ■. Outside, i ------ ♦ r- ’ ’ ’ ‘ r Jtme 1st. l-SGit. you will never Im to to shield* Mr. k '(j ' nothing4p,do with the school money, above account at gill., Indiana, Illinois, idatioir in public fund.«. r Ú / T>n. II oli . ow vv : — T take my pen to w.ite yon ' 's Car.-e from charges of coi rnptioii. of n.y great relief a id that the awful pain m ny We do not know whether the char excepting to apportion ii as reported Nevada. New g»rk, Oregon; Ohio, si le ha» left me at ia-t-thanks to voir pits either as a Democrat or Republican. NYisconsin. are Oh, Doctor, how thankful I anilbat I epn get ges are line or f.ibe. * The law to him by our Radical friend, tr.easiir-' Peniifyivania, mil MR ' ' > eep. lean never write it enough. I Mr. Carse has nothing to do wjth ()| an/oi»^ the dotili ijnl States to cV>ct soute ihanK V i . ii again and again, ami am sure that | presume.« that lie is ium cent until he er Bink T1 e repoyt is undue s » turning over the school money. Mr. Stnatbrs f< r 18®. It will not die you nr.- ré.ill. the fi i ud of all sufferers. I could is piwved guiltv. We think Mr. Chad course. not help.writi :g to juti, and ho-e von will not Bird tho county treasurer has the ‘JAMES MYERS, pretended that t^e Republicans will take it amiss. / w irk should "come out of Iiis hole” lit» Avem^e D. business to attend to; and although The Smale Carry them all. aj rid if they did, the rc PROPRIETORS. and deny these chariica which have fi ' •( ilreadv gifcej a Republican he is an honest and up­ ..'P would not be < the Tbe do -e ¿tate of partit*, in jbeeu made in Republican papers, as* This s V> certify that, I was discharged from . « right man, against whom there jwill the jinny -w ith ( hronic Diarihœa, ai.d have r vote gained from cjmilpcd. Ever Si n nr actually throw s ’ the ’ balance , iiy well as in Mr. Walkitid-’ letter of bee i c..red bv Dr. Ho 1 .wax’s Pit s. ( never l>e made any charges of|cur e ar •'WM/’E WOULD RESPECTFL’LLY/CAL l I WILSON HARVEY. ' " '-A iX(i hand« of the car i¡ them will’ iliCM i^FjC the Democratic resignation. When an «»Hi er i« grave ' of powi-f int<>xli<- / New York, April 7, 18Gb. il 1 ‘ i.tstreet. ▼ ▼ * tlie attention of tlie citizens of YamhjU ruption. Il is true.that iu the re'j»ort «jier States to elect majo rlty. The County )o_tlie fact that we are, manufacturer* ly charged w ith malleasauce in office, pel baguéis, ol whom but four remain of und dealers in of the supci intendent. it shows that» arc | ronounced ref one side o^ the he owes it to Iiis party to clear up the ti>-m fleeting reminder of their for­ I The followin, SASH, greenbacks were cashed for 90 cent«. follovvingk an kiteresting care of a man V other, and there ‘Bite are not disputed, -, accusation or resign. It won't do lor mer strength iti that body. employed in arf Iron f.'jndry, who. in-pouring 1 But this report was made for the ■¡r ^hibaggers are in a .• DOOtl?-,.- melted iro i into a-tia-k that wh»damp und wet TI e four carp Under ordinary circiim>tance«, at him to throw himself back, upon his t’ caused an ex 4 si -n. The melt« d iron was Ì r year 1876 Alien greenbacks were on MOLDINGS, » would be 39 lie like to make « | bargain with the e- iMli ate was given in me' to him, abouteight he is innocent, let hili' sppcifficallvjie of October, there « . i weeks after the aee.d nt: . Mr. Bird sotd the greenback« at tlnj ¿u|vìding the spoil«. Dembcrats fur j 4 DOOR AN'D nv eacli of the charges. Die Demo­ publicans, 33 Peniocrat', and one In- ' u ' N< w Y’ofk. Jan. Il, 1-66. In the Republicans best market figure.«. • The greenbacks My n ime Is J.ic^b Hardy; 1 ain an iron foun­ By sortiraiing fi WINDOWFRAMES, cratic pin tv Ims a licht to a fill and depeudept , Jmlg*" Dai is of Illinois, der. 1 was badl/iitun. d by h t iron ih Novjm- which have beet) paid to the schobb and going over ) their r>p|K>nont«. .her last: no bi ns lieHed^luit 1 had u running —ALSO-»- 1 specific accoiir.t from tlie per«oti Two vacancies from Loui'iana and sore on mv Igg twit wo ldnot heal. I tr.e^ fund this-year arc still in the comity 1 the officers ^and tht'v ’ conld elect V Tiidlnwav siiinpu nt and it «■ ued me in a few All kinds of hot sch’ld furniture, etch as whom diey have twice honored by one from South Carolina are coutCs i , weeks. 1 i.isris a 1 true andafob dy can see safe. gel nosstssion (1 the entire .pation- me at Jackson s lion Works, 2d Avenue. .election, and Mr. Chadwick w ill find ted. and w hen added to the above Chairs, Bedsteads, Safes. Bu I J. H a RDP, 11 j Goercii street. . t'vertui cs have I age |'of that boi ► . > wiil complete the Senate ol number*. that he cannot p t dow n the accu«a HA YES DEFYING THE LA IF. I reaus. Stands. Tables, j beenj ma.de lo thj *5. effect, but ihe ics- ' ---- - I tions by a «loic silence. Mr. Wat 76 meinbci s. < hving to the state of -£ Mr. Hayes should be warned in ponsc« bar irnt^b ¿eon eucoHraging. Whatnots, Etc. kinds .«ays in a’public caul that he Iiis health. Mr. M Ji ton i< forbidden 'Fxtraettt from Various Letters. » time lest l\c fall into the clutches of stands rea»!v to prove all that he has |o appeal ; so that, wilh all others l’Iie ¡gain of a — ALSO— * / < „.officers would l»e ; ’ the law. Hardly six months in pow but ¡itile in con»; i|0ison wilh- the !<>«» count would stand 38 All kinds of | I charged Mr. Cl adwiek with iu any prcseii t. the “I h.d m. appe.ite; Holloway's Piila gave Ing done " ith er, lie is already threatened with im-1 <>f màiral pi-cstijS I|roin a corrupt ami me a hea t,* one. ’ y apparent njajorit) I'emorrats, or an and di-patcli. I ____ ____ court of jn-ti. e whereever his charge­ an<| see anil learn our price-. prisonment.fine and disqualification for rb. .Therefore; th»’ • Y<> ri’il s die marve'lo s.” i disgjaceful alli w ol 5. vxcl lusive of Judge Davis. Look- may *bc brought in question. It is ‘ Lf«n 11 z U X era o s '1 he i.car lit 1c, th ng got well in a ’■V no492.m6 Hi-mocratie paitv to have this matter long a«eriideiiry r of the Rupubüi'uú ' !87p.-- ( / i * day." ' ■ for the latter was threatened cent.-.but ol fraud or corruption let him I >e causes cannot, therefore, be assigned tii-H’ I - in "i — Net* Yd j the medicine to me is worth- Ir a dollar." with which be is charged is—intirni i .1 w . At tjie Old STAND, for this great cliaugq. Tho trim ci III riimi) <>f i| ‘ bend me ti e bo e- if vo' r 1 il s.” I ‘■i.ei m • I,««■ e -liree o' V our Pill* by Í J dation. s- LAFAYETTE, - - - - . - OREGON. ! cause is, the country has ■lost Colili Ceil trai Cofmnii rclur i mail, for Chills ..ml Iv ver. ’ ■z THE WAR. It is alleged that Rutherford B. Havei- donee in the paily which •is rcspon Iedfh and mana-jd ibe prosecution of t . t B2ALEBS IN conspired with or.e John Sherman liyf / Among the many theories}put for 1 ' ?ible for the prodighlitv, corruption: iheiTwccd Ri| t It made Tildeti threaten or intimidate one Alonzo DU ward,in regard to Bisiparck’s policy public plunder, and demoralization r - «- Governor of the gEmpire State, and ■Cornell, a citizen of the United with ic.'ereu e to the ‘furco Rus-iau which have produced the existing elected him Pri |i*leiit. Tweed, ami FOR CUTANEOUS DISORDERS, State.*, in the free exercise oT his war. one that attributed to liiu^a general distress. » ■ * * . c all Joi’ Jiis corrui jbnists said il would. right to hold and enjoy the 'position 1 foroight of the veiv le.-iift that' lias Until the 4th of March. 1879, tho ' hqrt the party] If^a party cannot * » * * \! <1 .vl crr.iptio’n.of the sjrin. hhis Ointment j- of chairman of the Republican State followed We keep constantlj-'on baud a first-class as­ the conflict of arm«. It was Republicans will hold two Senators stund uli) invest^ ■¡tion of the act of in<>st invai mb e. It <1 es not heal ext-rnally sort inent of - 4 Committee of New York, a right and «aid that he thought Turkey able yi in each of the following 14 States: al ue, l> ,t p, ni trales « .th the mosLseafching ? DRY GOODS, n j its ■ officiù!.« it dd s not deserve to sue t ft’ c.s to the very .r ot of the pvil. GHtOCEniES, , privilege secured to hiift by tlieeonsji a (fefeii'ive war to teaeii Ru-sia tliat California, Colormil), Iowa. Kan«as, TOBACCO, ♦ cced. » CIGARS. i tutionarid lawsuf the United States. he, r.s writ us ail Europe, hud, over Maine, M i—achu»ctts. Michigan, Min ♦ I p *1 1 STATIONERY, iU Pasl.M. *-» -, This grave charge, w bile, if sustained. ■ estimated her offensive>trcuglli. He -ncsota, Nebraska. Nevada, New NOTIONS, ♦ Hard and Stone Ware, Willow .and Tin Ware, f would expose Mr. Ha/es to a fine of iH’licved thn-t a good set-to l>etweeii [Iamp>hire, Rhode Island. Vermont, ■I’be identity j Osuian Pasha bid« Glues aud Queens Ware, ' , ■ k not more than five thousand dollars ‘tUcni would leave them both bank and Wisconsin: and one Senator in’ fo be a« pe! exjiisr a problem a? Invariably cure tbe following diseases: *.» ti • s • a * and imprisonment for not more than I nipt in 4uitional credit and in a f ame Alabama, Aikansa«. Florida, Illinois. tl.a t of tlie^iutlii of the Junius let 4 t. ten years, besides .di qualificytion to of mind sufficiently huinide to listen Indiana. Mi«*is>i|>pi. New York,Ohio, t(^^. Amci icai claim the name for i Di ■orders of the Kidneys. ». hold office cinder the genera.IJFbvcni- to reason Land the. Turk i ’ li It*. Clay Craw fi Oregon, ’ Pennsylvania, ami South expounded by Bismarck * * ^53- ’ ' -A, - 4 ment, is deliberately made1 by the himself. Whether the German Chan Caro!'na--39 in all. Mr. Morton, legation repor® that the 2»—Í. Give n« a cat, and examine, onr goods and 1-------- price« before piakinx year mnxlia«es, * Buffalo Commercial, one <>f the fowl | I i nil dis -a«"« eflT-ctin i these o- gans, wheth­ Pro-lncc taken in exebantre for goods. cellor had any such notion or not. who-e condition .is,precarious, and ¡was born iu As ■ ’ Minor of er toys cret<- too much or to litt e waler: or l.iftaveue. Oregon, Aug. 17, 1877. most Republican journal« oTtbe State. I the war seem«' Io be working itself \l r. Paltersnu, who is likely to be 'man parent«. wnether they b • adlirte I with s one or gravel, L EGA L ,'B L,A N K S A js left for a y or with a -.>es r d p.iius s ttle.l n rtie loins over / z (>ut in that way. a» d proving that expclkd. are both included in this newipii|h>rfuild •rd in Pt’-lh to utve t e egi uh o the kid iey». the e ¡-ii.s should be EXTRA SESSION. ! taken according t»the piiuted dir-ctiops, ai d • * a more deiailci, ftaortrait of the hero the ointment sho i d l.e well jobi ed into the Russia is the, veritab!e'‘giant of brass count. ■t *> It is evident that there is an effort small of the back at bed time. This treatment * with feet of elay” which has so loijg > It will be observed that the Repub of Plevna. A imrdiiig to this uu will give almost immedi^e le.ief when all other on fool yet t«» procure the calling,of E.eatTs have failed. anti ... I been the bugir oo of European state.« lican strongholds are in five New ' thority Osman iPasha was born in. ▼ an extra session of the Legislature. men. When the war began a few England States, and nine Northwest­ Hungary of J ewish parents named i ■z It is claimed that • two corners of the I i ‘T For Stomach. Out cf Order | months ago. after liberally discount ern States—some of the latter by (Wi­ Wolf. On atti lliing liis majority he Stato Capito» art) sinking. T. H. | CONFECTIONERY to Falk«?. * He ing tlie defensive strength of I’urkey ly a feeble and passing grip. Cali­ changed his n ine H : j . I ■% Cann, deposited his religious opinion ‘ » ..., At the drug wore oF.;, , and tie fimiiii'ial decrepit tide of both fornia ha« just dii-curded Sargent, I participated in I lie revolution of 1848. Xus Com- Fever* of all King's Evil. ihat^he was socni charged with the LAFAYETTE, OREGON ✓ in spite of the efforts of Field Mar ing to pieces liken rope of sand. The Viiginia, and West Virginia: and plai it-. _ kinds, Sore throats, i t f K Blotches on t leFits. of the education of St >ne A (travel, i Christian provinces welcomed the in ­ ssi|x*rintendanc(- one Senator u) Alabama, Arkansas, eh al Murat Halstead to in..kc4t so. tiki i. Secondary : itldren. During the Bowel Com­ Head irhe, Symptoms. West, the Republiean candidate, has vader and were ready to place their I Florida, Indiana, Missi.-sippi, New j i¡he Sultan’» c f I. ■ lmli.-estion, j Tic-Douluureux I ci conducted all the plaints,' Crimean wa- 1 j York, Ohio, Oregon, and I ’ ennsyl- fighting men under his command. Colic*, Inflammation, Tum>rs, been engaged ever since his nopiina- i the Turkish, ConstipatS >n of Jaundi Îorre.«pondence ! between I ■¿A. i ___ e, » fleers. „I lion in a melancholy effort to explain But now, outgeneraled and licaten vania--33 in nil. ‘ the Bowels, Liver Corn­ Venera 1 Affec­ T ____ and Er Eitfliifli armies, and on French, Consiuapticn. plain's. tions. -AL80-/? Twenty four Senator.« will go out 0ie conclusion (if peace the Sultan Dstiiity, his Communistic utterances on the in buttle both ill Europe and Asia, Lumbago, Worms of all K Î I V . ■ Vies. kinds. everting of the Convention. Stanley the Czar finds himself forced io for on the 4th of March, 1879, and with |ai«eihim to t it dignity of a Pa«ita, Dropsy Í Dy.entJry, Rhe imitism, Weaknesa from L • i I r 1----------- 11 the name of Osman, Erysipelss, Retention of any, cause, if c Matthews is buried miles deep under tify winter camps ot) th?Danube and out Fpcculating upon probabilijies, when he assumi I* «» ( In the early pa • of tin* struggle pre foolish talk: Gomly has at last sail drain his empire of resout^ces to’ hold there are certain data to determine n ppitated by tin ■ Montenegrins upon I I ed for the Sandwich J^lands; and . t" them. ’Iodo this without striking the political complexion ol the body Turkey he was ikgiven an im|»ortant V I make matters still more dismol, Fa some telling blow to recover lost on tliut day. Alabama, Arkansas, jK>st, and wpg nee capture] by a ps pnc * < i ETTAVR A LARGE AND WELf m None are genuine uni* as the signature of J. tber Taft is raising his head from the presume is to enable the Socialist ag Florida, South Carolina, and Cal for- body af iirj e^lar ■ soldiers in the R at lected stock of . hick , hs »Bent for the Uniied Stites sur­ i Montenegro. This piountains of rounds each box of Pills, and Ointment. A itators to put in a winter of very mis- niu will suiely cleid political tomb to say a few scpulcliural ■ Democrats „__ T_ _ in Patent Medicines, Paints. Oils, Brushes »tatement i* enfi irined by his brother hands >me i ew .rd «iil be givm to any one ren chevibus work among the discon ­ place of Spencer, Dorsey, Conover, dei ing s icli iuLoi mation us may lead to the de­ word» in favor of the remonetisation Fancy and Dye Stuffs, Beniiard Wolf, 1 vfio m mt present a tection o! any party or part so counterieiting of silver. Mo.«t of the campaign work tented and suffering Nloujiks al home, Patterson, and Sargent. The clianc- leading member of the Jewish »yna I the medicines or vending the same, knowing - Motions, fcc., &o. on the Republic up-aide seems to be while, conquered province» both in e.« are that Patterson will be in tbe gogue in PesthL ond who pay»« he is them to be spuiions. t •»•'Sold at thn Manufactory of Professor H ol - ' * ' ' V done by Honest John Sherman, who Euro|K> and Asia may seize the op­ [«nitaitiary or beyond the seas. long ¡in the con«tantu eceiot of letters from lowa . v A C >., Nww York, and bv all respecta­ —ALSO— ' ' f ble Druggie s an 1 Dealers in Medicine through ­ . 0 has recently hinted to (he Ohio men portunity to revolt. A campaign before the time fixed for Iiis regular Osman, narratS J. E. SAMPSON ACO., S3 PER . V J £ JOB PRINTING » : Scroll Sarà£*fe I J NELSON • ■ > ■■ ■ -r Ti- . .L-' V», J i fl t t f V *4- I I j k t 4» - - ■I 5, * ’ ' ä • - < I ¥■ J ir