LAFAYETTE COURIER, LAFAYETTE COURIER. •* * i rvsxxsass bates ...... i ——ST——* ¿T. ¿T. > H embree . < •• J / TLRMS OF SVMClUPtlUN , ’ Oaa Copy. Oae Tear.................................... 4 Oa» Copy, Six Months. One Copy Three Months . .yri" W 00 t 73 1 00 « » » I T- C ffartonal Advertisements 50 cents a Line Sabteripeiene Met East, S3 00 a Tear. , -A bne Two Three Three 1 Six week. W*iCA w*k». mos. 1 mua. 3 Incltea... fl inches... 4 MChes... K Cofaina. X Column. « Column f dolama.. 01 flO Í 75 2 50 J® 1 4» 1 foo | TOO Í loto -- Leeul Advertisements to be paid tor upon making PrewT by tbe Publisher. 4 - . fl— - SI » I Si 73 1 tó ■j to 450 3 50 5 00 4 oö 4 00 5 10 • 00 TOO • 00 13 00 fÑTJT té® I Ite '■-1 '■» 1 W 00 3M to üra rs'oo- 13 to 30 00 33 00 1 «00 ¡Uto TTWl Kto nr» 30 00 ■ OD Too Ato listo 1 30 00 toto itoflö" i»ar "irar S BtTSINESB NOTICES LAFAYETTE, OREGON, OCTOBER-5T1877. VOL. XII.- -NO. 33. or ABVZBTxsnra. j . PRICE TEN CENTS latta LoaalOatamaa............ .a....M , aaca urnanes. . ’ s=? “The lad say% ’Tell ’em I hear ths surf - Taking Comfort. A By-Way to Health. An Armenian Village. had drawn nigh, “Cap’n i, whatever tbe lips, and An tones that rang strong and lad »ays ye can sartioly take for gospel clear above tbe roar of the storm and the on the beach.”! Tbe dream of mortals ia of a time com­ Let it be remembered that the best A correspondent of the London Neve, Then tbe sm|ke suddenly lifted, split ST MART A. LATHBCKT. truth. And if be 9ays he was born here, flame, shouted : “Ha^d-a port with your ing wfien cares shall cease to infest, anx­ while riding toward the headquarters of cookery of the bast viands in ths world by a gust that tore through the air, and halml Hard-a-port, I Yell you ! Jam her he Whs burn here rand if he says.he knuws h'vaiu u( the ms ! Foam of the sea’ those behind Uw three men instead of is comparatively thrown away, in its ieties to oppress, every wish to be grati­ the Turkish army, on tbe Soughanlu this shore, be dues know it; and ye epn dow n for your lives I” Elay!—we arg weary of calling to thee; two stauding <>n the deck. The trapper health-giving and nourishing qualities, if fied, and they »hall “take solid comfort.” range, suddenly felt his hone »inking be* Tbe men in control of the helm obeyed rely on him to do what he says he can Weary of bearingtbe ceaseless beat Many wa«te all their lives in the vain neath him, aud in another instant he was the food be swallowed hastily ‘and in do; for his words b6 truth, and his acta with an energy born of the peril of the and the lad still at their station, and thir­ lumps. From tbe sedbetical side of the pursuits of this dream, which, like the enveloped in a cloud of dust and splin­ Of thy ailver-sandaled, unresting’feet, . ty feet farther ¿ft Herbert, hose in hand, moment, but tore on as if unwilling to be like his words.” Hither and thither, and o’er and v’er, question, too, a grave mistake is this will-o’-the-wisp, leads them a sad chase ters. He bad fallen through the roof of “Young man,” said the captain^ “have yield. But the next instant the immense flooding with water the' blazing deck on haste and imperfect mastication. If to over tbe bog „ and fen and moraas, . eluding . « a house, into an apartment where a family Along tbe level of white «ea-flour, you any other friend on board beside this pressure of the helm hard-a-port began which they stood. Bat what could the eat be a necessity, and if tbe satisfaction, ithem to the last. A few thoughtful souls waa breakfasting. For evermore! • i ¿b tell, and tbe monstrous bulk swung power of man Jo against tbe rush of such hunter?” of this necessity be pleasant, as nature: ^arrive seasonably at the wise conclusion An Armenian village from a distance, Thy gauzy garments have swept so near “rartin be has,” said the old man an­ slowly about, rolled downward into the Haines? The young man did his best. intends it to be; if a sensitive palate b«r that “------ not -- in ‘ this u:------- 1----- 1,1 the ‘K* time “---------- world will ever resembles the heaps uf refuse one secs Our outstretched hand, but to disijppea^ With bands blistered b^Jhe awful heat, trough of the sea as if she would never gering the question for the lad, “there given to enhance our pleasure, and to en­ come when, without any dregs of bitter­ around iron smelting works. Here and And slide away be Henry there/who has boated with him rise, reeled over as she met the mighty he stood heroically at bis post; but the able us toenj iy tbe goods the gods pro­ ness, the chalice pressed to our lips will there a couple of feet of dry stone wall » garments of'the lad were on fire, and the ■ A In a silver spray and camped with him off aud on, and wave square amid ship till her larboard vide—why, in the name of all that is ■be full of comfort only. We must take and a cave-like entrance, suggest the pos­ While laughter ripples along the shore, ! the lad saved aved bis life once, and that’s rail lay deep in the hissing water, strug­ hair of the trapper,, was burnt to the rational, should there be anything grosser the bitter with the sweet as we go along. sibility of the existence of human dweli- i __ And the ’broidered silver is change« to gray, | a sarvice that aSnan isn’t apt to furgit. gled up, righted herself laboriously, and, scalp. Contentment is not an outer growth. ngs. Huge, ungainly bufla:oes, with- Suddenly the starboard half of the in enjoying the fine flavor of a well­ fiea-foatn, rest! Yis, you may set it *down, qap’n, that as ehd straightened her course with the Its roots spring from the very depths of bodies like bisons and tbe eye of an octo- cookeddish than in enjoying the scent of gale square astern, and with her steam- upper deck fell with a crash. As it fell, Henry and me be the lad's friends.” Safe in this circling arm of rock, the soul, and are nourished as well by jus , low and moan, standing mid-leg a full blown rose, particularly when the Away^rom the breaker»’ shout andl shock, “Call him here,” said the captain, gauge* standing at 75,ishot toward the those behind saw the lad turn to the trap­ former in some shape ia a necessity, while rain as by sunshine, by sorrow as by joy. deep in the filthy .paths. Turbaned men per — saw him totter — saw him steady hoarsely, “and then follow me to the shore like an arrow Rom the bow. ’ Rest, O rest! ’• When once one has resolved within him- are perched here and there, like storks on “Cap'o,” ^aid tbe trapper, as he lowered himself—saw his companion catch him by the latter is merely a luxury! Therefore, pilot house.” And tell us the story unconfessed aelf to take life as it is and make the boat the house-tope—pulling their beards, and I philosophically, it is a grave error and an It was with the greatest effort that the thetrum^ -from his lips, “give us the the arm—saw the old Herb with the sleeve ungrateful deed to swallow well-cooked, of it, then be may, even in tribulation/ giving tbe whole place a scriptural ap- Through all the ages to mortal eaq, of his coat, that was itself smoking, wipe four were able to re »ch the point desig­ iustrerument, and do ye run back there Locked trout poet, and safe froui seer palatable food at such a pace as prevents take comfort, though the majority of peo« ipearance. Calves, bogs, and fowl wander nated, for the gale was blowing with in­ and keep the poor creeturs from throwin' the cinders from his lips as he lifted the in tbe ocean's breast. your getting the full amount of pleasure pie do not prefer to take it in that form. iromiscuousiy among the chimney pots« creased violence, Knd tbe iron rod and themselves overboard—for they be gittin’ trumpet to h|s mouth; and out of tbe out of the act of esting, and which ren­ Tall us thy charmed history; The delights of life, like pleasant weath­ »nd now and then a dark-eyed, olive­ the ropes they grasped to steady* them­ wild; I can talk through the horn as well black, eddying smoke, as it swept over Unravel the silver thread er through the year, are scattered all along seed woman comes stealing shyly by, her ders you indifferent to your cook ’ s skill. the three and hid them from sight, hol ­ selves were already hot; and even as they as ye cau—and the lad will tell me the X)f the glittering tissue of mysterj loaed the words, strong as the trumpet There are some supremely virtuous beings the way, and unless we enjoy them as ace half averted from tbe gaze of the reached the upper deck the flames broke words.’’ who condemn epicurism as something they come tbe opportunityonce past never Giaour, and partly concealed by the folds Veiling forever thy head. “I can't leave you, old man; it shall could sound them: fiercely out from the batch way, and the horrible, and as likely to lead ¿o murder, returns. It is all very well to provide for of her linen head-dress. Why art thou wooing forever “ The lad Bs^ys, ‘ Tell them I see the surf fire began to run in wavering lines along never be said that Charles Stearus left petty larcency, and other objectionable a rainy day, but that man is very foolish The gloomy interior of one of the The golden smiles of the sun,— the inner timbers , of the bulwarks and two brave men to dje, while he- saved liis on tbe beach!' Hold her steady as she is!1 crimes; but, good souls, they often con­ who allows himself to be soaked by louses, or earth heaps, is forty feet it Wooing and winning, yet never God—” . the ornamental edgings of the up|»er own life.” drenching rains that he may save bis um­ engtb, and is divided into two compart- found refinement and discrimination in Staying thyself to be won? r~ The sentence was never completed. “Cap’n,” returned the trapper, “I know deck. feeding with gluttony, and in their desire brella ella for some future storm. meats by a low, boarded partition, four Lowts the light in the west/y t “I have called you here,” said the cap­ yer feeliiis; for I see the stun ye be made Tbe flat bottom of the vessel touched the Pleasure-taking is not nearly so much Jeet high. That next the door is devoted to avoid this, aDd set a high example Sea-foam, rest! C tain, “to ask you in the presence of my of; but the Lord appints duty unto man, sand—slid along it—and was driven by of indifference to the flesh, adopt a irovided for among earnest, intense, en- to horses and buffaloes—the inner space —St. Jfic holos. officers if there is any safe spot, any cove andjt's not of hischoosin’; and it’s yer the momentum of her movement half her scornful disregard of what and how they irgetie American people as it should be. »’ords accommodation to travelers. ▲ or bay, into which the steamer can be duty to go, and ourn to stay. Don't yer length up the beach. Then she rolled eat and drink; aud pretending to be We live altogether too much in tbe future, itile terrace of beaten earth, six inches The Buruiug Ship. worry about us, for I be old,.and a few over with a great lurch; her smoke-stacks run along the coast abreast of us.” too little in tbe present We live poor above such mundane considerations bring above the floor, flanks both sides of the “Do you mean to beach her, captain?” days more or less on the ’arth don’t mat­ went down with a crash, carrying the themselves to a chronic state of ill-health, that we may dis rich. We get already to A THKIIJJNG NARRATIVE FROM ADIRON- room. It is covered with coarse, rush upper deck on which they stood with ter, and I can see by the look in the lad’s asked the lad. dace muhkat ’ s new bo K. which it takes years'of strict regimen to >e happy, and when we are quite ready, matting, and constitutes a seat by day, a “Yea,” he responded, “it is our only face that be be ready. So give me the them, and thie three men sank from sight recover from. No; you must linger over infirmity or disease or death steps in and Tbe captain stood another Instant iu bed by night. Two square holes in the chance. Wq must beach her. Can you horn and you go where you ougbter go, in the smoke and Are. the taste of your food as you linger over the chance to take comfort in this life is roof admit light and air. profound thought, during which! his quick • « — ? ------- and we’ll stay where we oughter stay.” do it?” tbe smell of a flower; nature demands of gone. If we only could be content to and fearless mind had considered, all tbe The old man uttered these words with “I can,” said the lad, simply.- L etter -D ropping B lunders .—Many you this concession to health, and there leiae upon the. little pleasures that lie k Legend of the Long Ago. - contingencies, and, without a word to the “You can!” exclaimed the captain; “do such solemn majesty, and the truth they amusing instances of absent-mindedness three men that were with him, lie started can be nothing more sinful iu indulging , ust outside, and often within our daily you mean to say, young man, that ypti conveyed was so evident, that the captain come under .the attention of postmasters. I ie sense of taste than the sense of smell. »atbway, they would make a large sum for the deck and the pilot hfuse. He can beach tills steamer? Gentlemen,’Jhe did as commanded. He passed the trum­ Long ago when the white man ib foot Postal cards are frequently dropped into ! ‘ Having swallowed your dinner in lumps, tout at the end of the three-score and summoned the chief eugineei and his continued, as he turned to his officers, “if pet to the trapper and started aft, where the box without being directed. One the usual custoifl is to endeavor to coun­ ten. Far too many of us scorn pleasures lad never desecrated the Indian’s beau- . officers around hint, and state« what be this young man can do what he says, every his presence and words soon communicat­ gentleman, daring a fit of absent-minded­ teract the discomfort produced by wasb- that are cheap and near and within our tiful valley, when tbe Yoeemites dwelt had discovered—laid the whole subject tere in perfect peace and security, there ed new hopes to tbe terrified throng. In ness, walked deliberately up to tbe box- soul can be saved.” og it down, and rendering it soluble by ^rasp, and complain because we cannot in a few terse words before hem, and ^“1 can do just what I tell you I can do,” a few moments the shouting aud scream­ and dropped in a five dollar bill, while huge draughts of fluid. This is merely l^ve such as are costly and remote and ivecl among that tribe an exceedingly said: She was beloved by said the lad; “that is, if tbe engines work, ing ceased, and not a sound was beard, he carried off the letters he intended to adding insult to the iojury you ¿have al­ inteccessible. But if we would only mag­ ovely maiden. “Gentlemen, in five minutes the saloons every one who looked on her for the and we can fetch her around in the sea, save the roar of the wind, and the waves, post. When the bill was discovered in the ready done your stomach, and is resented nify the little things that make life pleas­ will be like an oven, aud the windows of and the flames don’t get ahead of us: for. and the flames. beauty of her form and face,and the sweet­ * box it was returned to its owner. At one accordingly. Copious draughts are just ant as we do those that make it unpleas­ ness of her manner—all tbe young war­ ■ this pilot house will be cracking. Have there is a light bay nearly abreast of us,' “Henry,” said the trapper, “it’s time of the State post-offices, a visitor was as injurious as large, quickly-devoured ant, tbe cup of our joy would continually riors strove for her favor, but she‘re­ you anything to suggest?” and the water is deep in it, and the beach shown a pile of letteftTcollsoted that day, mouth-fulls; and drink should be taken overflow. We complain cloud and mained “in maiden meditation fancy free.” Tbe first officer, a sailor from boyhood, is free from rocks and stones, and l ean ye be goin’, for the fire is gettin’ hot. fit’s not likely that me and the lad all of which it was necessary toeend to as cautiously and slowly as food. Thirst storm, bat do we rejoice in sunshine At length the Spirit of the Night Wind, whose bead and bearej were already gray, tell the pilot just where to steer to get will come out of this; and there sartiaiy the Dead Letter office. There were forty- is really more effectually assuaged by and fair weather! We grieve tbe cold charmed by her beauty, wooed her for said promptly: into it.” isn’t much time, for leave-takin’. Ye’ll two in all. i Some of them were so direct­ swallowing a moderate quantity than by uess of a friend, but do we v “Qaptain, we must beach herj’ fully bis own. He sang softly about the tent “But,” said the captain, and he spoke go, I know, and get tbe pups, and tbe ed that onv tbe name and street were taking a large one at a gulp, and a little the fidelity of those who re true! at night, and watched lovingly over her, - The others looked their asseflt. with hurried utterance, as one who feels rifle, and fiddle. Ye know whero they given, wbiS the name of tlte town or city thus goes further thkn much, 'rhe best We count tbe hours when Si ess pros- jut in day time be was powerless to speak; “It’s ottr only course,” said the cap­ there isn’t a moment to lose, “you ought« foe. And if there be any other thihg» iu was entirely omitted; a great many were check upon immoderate draughts is never, but how many of health but the maiden was resolute against bis tain. “Pilot,” said be, turning to the man to know, and your friends here ought to not stamped at all or insufficiently out thanks- suit, and when be found himself feared whose eye was on the lookout, can you know the danger you,run, for the flames the shanty ye would like, remembeY they stamped; some were stamped with inter­ UMdrink out of too large a tumbler. Tak­ pass utterly unnoted and are yourn. Thiasartinly isn’t the way I ing it in moderation, tbe fluid assists^ji^ giving? We mourn passi tely for the where he would have been loved, his love beach her?” will break out in a few momeuts. You thought things would end; but the Lord nal revenue or “proprietary” stamps; dissolving the solids, instead of seT* ’ ~ dead, while we neglect J g whom turned to hate, and whqn, one moonlit g Tbe other deliberated a moment, and can hear them roaring under deck already. knows ivhen to call, and I dare say it’s while others were «tamped with stamps them floating, and sluicing them al to-morrow we may w d. It is night, tbe maid walked with a noble said: cut from postal envelopes. Regarding The flames will break out in a moment, the wise young warrior whom she was learning to “Captain, I trn ready to take any re­ I »ay; this pilot house will be on tire, and the best as it is. So, boy, just take my the latter, It should be understood that fore it, as is inevitably tbe case whin a well for us to heed so-called hearty draught ia taken.— Tine- man: “There is no better than that love dearly, tbe Spiritof the Night Wind sponsibility that a man in my position be who stands beside it will s^and in tbe hand a minit. Ye needn't disturb the lad, for he is busy. No, jest give me yer a stamped ¡envelope issued by the Postal ley'e Magazine. a man should rejoi his own works; seized her suddenly away from his side, should take. I am ready to execute any through hand for a minit, and then go. Ye be Department is not good, ^ven though center of flames, and it will gl it for that is bis i.fur who shall aud carrying her to the top of the rock order you give; but I will u<>| i ’"e the ja. the envelop«, ut with bis faitlifui and true, and in«y yer days be may uot have Less» used pa envelope God’s mercy if he cqroo C ountry C rullers .—One and one- bring him to see w shall be after him!” over which Puhonu pours its silver stream, ' responsibility of running thia stt ner, on which i has been printed. Another in ted. ojemn duty . to happy and yer life long on the ’arth.” life. I feel it to be ----- — half pounds of sugar, four eggs, one pint —Nfw York Tribunh. i r- ie cast her from him, aud she was Dever passeogers ¿board, on with six hundred I directed in such a _____ manner that <>f milk,one large teaspoonful ofsaleratus letter was 21 ____ 2 1 ____ .11^ state these things'to you, yjjmg mao i “ I am not going, John Norton, ” said fl ------------- at I know nothing heard of more; but the maid’s pure spirit to a coast t tl - --------- o luf ----- beyond -------- there was no attempt at words or writing made very flue, one-half pound of butter, Schneider’s Tomatoes. the knowkdge I have of the lights; the in the presence of y>ur f uds who are the young man. must attract tbe beauties of nature to her, interested in your life?-JN^>V(W knowing • properly, there being nothing on it but a rat-fa and the harbors. It wuuld be mere your danger, knowing that youtwrill prob­ * “It be well said, boy,” returned the numberofizig-zag marks. This, however, flour sufficient to roll. Roll out in small 8clmHtW*is very fond of tomatoes. oy rainbows hover about the foot of the trapper. “ Yis, it be well said ; or would rings and join well with hands, not mak­ Schneider has a friend in the country who all,4 aud the soft, sweet Spirit of tbe cliauce if I gut her within half) a mile of ably lose your life, I ask you again, will be it things was different. But things be was probably tbe work* of an ambitious ing them very large, as they become the I • • I ...e shore.” rai.-es “garden sass and sich.” Schnei­ Day’s Wind plays gently with the stream, you pilot this steamer to that beach? child. ■ t larger by cooking. Have half a pound der had an invitation to visit bis friend swaying it from side to aide, aud some­ Tbe captain actually groaned, The groined. He i'here are six hundred souls on board, and as they be, and ye must go.” “I shall not go,” said Herbert. of lard very hot, and try small pieces of last week, saw and admitted the force of ¡the pilot's if you do it you will be their savior. andri eek, and rogale himself on his fa- times thro «ing it so far that it deaoeqda E ducation of N orman M ac L eod .— “ Henry ! ” exclaimed the old man, earn ­ dough to see if it browns quickly; then' vo rite i vegeUblB. to Che rocks below in one shower of sil­ assertion. For a moment not word was irt of the education of emiuent turn it, and when both sides are brown Will you do it!” estly, “this is downright foolishness. Ye Á »mall liart ver and golden drops falling turough rain­ spoken, while the sbip went ‘»ring on His friend Pfeiffer being busy negoti ­ ceived in the schools. The take it out. The .lad’s face never changed a muscle. can’t help us by stayin’; and two’ll be men is Care must be taken to » ating with a city produce dealer, on his bows. So runs the legend. Tne Andians through the water, and tbe premonitions larger and better part comes from tbe keep tbe lard het, but it must not have called tbe fall P.»h«»n«», or Spirit of of ristug tumult fame to theiij ears from The light in bis eyes may possibly have enough if wust comes to wust.”^ family aid from society; from nature, burn, as it wotfid spoil the crullers. arrival, Schneider thought he would take , “ Jotin Norton, ” returned the young ihe Wind, and never will one uf thdta below, showing that tbe passengers were darkened a little, and the old trapper a stroll in the garden, and see some of and from, tbe general influences of the already on the move. He looked an in­ noted that his long, awkward tinkers shut man, soiemuly, “say no more, I shall stay age. This fact is shown very clearly in Bake in small iron pot, five or six at bis favorites in tueir pristine beauty. We veuture anywhere uear it when night lias- stant into eachjace before hinoj, lifted bis into their palms with a slightly tinged with you and the lad. If we live, all the life of Normán MacLeod, who was a a time; lay on a plate to drain; then will let him tell tbe rest of bis story in come.— Ptttebwg Telegraph. hand and wiped the great drojjs of sweat grip, but his voice was as quiet as ever as will live. If we die, we will die togeth­ leader ofjthe Established Church nf .Scot­ place on a large plate to cool; when bis own language: I.............. ... er, for I will not leave you.” sufficiently cool place in a stone pot., he said: from hji forehead, and said : * “Veil, 1 vatks shust a liddle vhile A «CfauRCR Rxnu kxd . —There aiw land, as 0r. Chalmers was a leader of the “I will help you beach her, cap­ A.dd more lard to cook in when necessary,, when I sees some off does der­ “Be it as you say, then, boy; yig, let it “Gentlemen, what shall we do? I feel churches. weMion t tbiuK tuey are numer­ Free Chifrcb. He was large-hearted and and keep hot. This receipt Will make a marters vat vas s > red und nice as I never be as ye say. This is no time for words; tbe floor under my feet heating! The tain.” ous, w bich f >rget “ to entertaiu strangers.!’ * full of enthusiasm; a lover of nature, and Tbe captain hesitated yet a moment. and I cau understand yer feelios; and it urge potful, and they will keep in a cool dit see any more, uud I (jinks I vill put passengers are moving out of the saloon! A church of this inh>>spitaule character with great personal magnetism. His bi- place a week or two weeks. Some warm He knew himsejf that the lad was g<ue little sarvices fathers, ¿did much to farm bis character conveniently small, takiug care that them oup und ask me vot mate me feel so pad, party determined to return to tbe hotel, is fat enough added to prevent raw veg­ und if any of mine vamily vas dead. 1 J pumps an 1 /or each other that men in tbe woods vessel was almost one sheet of flame. A for m crew, who were busy with thej ood. If he had been brough up when suddeuly appeared wardens and the hose, and shouted, with the concen- ■ don’t forgit, and I guess you’re about column of fire rose out of the forward tn L n n, or educated at Oxford or etables from burning. A dessert spooufai dold him dot I vas der only, von of der vestrymen. Proiu»e apologies * were tration of voice that penetral ifisd the roar right, cap’n, when ye say that I love the hatch fifty feet ihto thoair, but was mer­ Cainbr his whole life might have >f coarse brown sugar may be thrown family dot vas pouty sick; uud den I ask made. If the pew openers bal known lad.” 4 • cifully biown onward by tbe force of the nto the pan while the meat, vegetables, him rut kind of dermarters dose vas vot of the storm like a knife: «. thu tbe chiaf magistrate of tbe State, etc., “God forbid I” exclaimed the captain, gale. From this the trapper and the lad been di Ac., are frying. After it has simmered I had shust been picking; uud, mine cra- . “Is there a man here who > knows this r “Gi>d forbid that I take the responsibility were at least safe, but the flames were coast!” nqfkllow ’ s daily habits are four hours, it should be set to cool for tbe cious, bow dot landsman laughft, und M r . But Mr. Seward very properly declined When the captain dropped a mong them of the sacrifice—for that’s just what it is, now breaking over all restraint. The describ for the hundredth time by a fat to be taken from the top of the soup said dot dose van red beppere dot be vaa to enter again the intiu»pit»bie cnurch, old tnau. Ought the boy to stay? ” deck itself was being burnt through, and before being served for use. Tbe meat raisjug for bepper-sauce. You pet my tbe men stopped their work and stood writer n the bòston Herald; but saying that be had no desire to worship ----- the —- “Sartin, sartin,” said tbe old trapper; sections wer^ fai lingula to the hole. Tue subject is always interesting. His careful should be sent to the table in the souj^ life I vas mat. I redder you geef me staring at him. Only tbe < Id trapper iu-a church which bad a seat for a Gov­ i' v feetiy tollers as to cut some mure ov dose ernor and none for a stranger. and Herbert, each of whom 1 itood above t “if the lad can save tbe wimmen folks stanchions and the timber» of tbe bul­ revisioij 1 of mauuscript , and proofs is thus uot strained as is usually done. warks were already io full blaze. The outed: ¡“Every day or two he calls on his th«* fnrwerd hatch, hose in h »nd, direct- and Ji’tle uus, not to speak of the m.en, StxyroH P anoakb . —To one pound of bepj^r sauce dermartrrs.” " ----- - . w »------ ' ing the streams that tbe ] mmps sent : by stayin’ here, then he sartinly ought to outer edges of thè upper deck were gir­ printer^, Welch, Bigelow A C at the fl»ur add oup teaspoonfuI of cream tar­ A F ervent A ffeal . — A giod story of T he Bliss monument at .Rome, Penn­ through tbe swelling 5 tube J downward, stay, even if be starts on bis last trail dled with fire; The roof of tbe pilot Unitereity Preet, aud receives or returns tar and a little salt well mixed. Beat a hospital Sunday »ermon was told m house had begun to kindle. Tbe flames sylvania, is thus described: Tbe monu ­ captain waitec from the deck of a vessel instead of from kept their position. The — proofs uf his works, if he has anything in up two eggs aud acTd. Wet the ^h>>le CUange. In a district inhabited by^ faded from his the shader of a pine; for death never were already eating their way toward tbe type, which is mostly the case. He studies with equal parts sweet and s<>ur milk, ment stand» iu a small cemetery or grave a moment, while the light 1 wealthy people, but m’latiy connected , stern and would soon be in the rear of countenance as no response came, and comes too quick to one who meets it at his matter carefully after it is in priut, making it about the consistency of m >- yard, for it is a bare spot of ground, tree­ with trade, aud in which “commercial. the two men who were standing half tbe post of duty, and it never comes slow less, and bounded oy stone walls and then, aa if iu very despair, he shouted: and gtxierally submits his proof to John lasses. When thorough y mixed allow “Is there a man here who>; knows this enough to one who shirks it. Yes, let the bidden in tbe smoke at a point which Ow?n,Ihis former publisher and friend. it to stand some time before baking. common board fences. It is exceedingly credit” is everything, tbe clergimaa ia lad stsy where he ia, and an old mao who would soon be the very centre of the Little,^f any, of bis poetry, as published, Butter your spider or frying pan, aod noticeable by contrast with the small and question prefaced his 'discourse with coast!” I has faced death on many a field where conflagration. But they never fliuched. is written un the spur of the moment have ».moderately hot fire, so as not to unpretentious slabs and stones that mark these words:— Again no reply cams, and he was upon “Before commencing my appeal to bullets wereHhick will stand by his side, They stood in the exact position where ‘The Divine Tragedy’ is said to have been burn tbe cakes. Pour a large sp «onful tbe resting.-places of other inhabitants of the point of turning away when tbe lad, who bad been kneeling under tbe protec and the Lord of Marcy shall do with him they were when Henry left them; the rewritten after it was nearly all in tybe. on the pan, which will rpread all over. the valley, and in itself is very graceful your purses, my frieuds, I will mention a tiea of the bulwark trying to stop a rent as he will. I should like to have seed^e trapper still holding the trumpet in his During late years be has been in the habit VVh€n dry on the top, cut across the cake and appropriate. It is quite generally case uf conscience which has been put which the pressure had made in tbe hose pups again; but the Lord will take care haud, and the lad still gazing steadfastly of publishing bis poemsio the magazines, iutL quarters aud turn them. Tbe thin- known that the memorial is due to cou- to me thi* morning by an esteemed mem­ ber of this congregation. He U, he says, aherfd. that the old trapper was tending-^ rose out of the dogs.” aud after having obtained a sufficient nertbey can be baked, the nicer we Old iributious of the Sunday-schools of the to qll appearauoe a rich man, but in real­ “ Tell them to port two points, ” said the While tins conversation had been car ­ of tbe shadow aud approaching tbe cap­ number, adding a few new ones to them Country people consider them. Some Uuited States and Great Britain, made ity is Ou the verge of bankruptcy. He ried on, tbe officeis uf the steamer had lad, quietly. tain, said: • and issuing them in brtbk form. He butter the cakes as they are baked, upon the suggestion uf the evangelia* D. wuuld wish to put his five dollar note in The old man placed the trumpet to his made the arrangements necessary to steer L. Moody. Its coet is $8,000, aud u is “Yesr sir, I know the coast.” briogt his ‘copy’ to the office of the Hni-^ sprinkle with sugar and roll them. “Who are you!”said the captain, “that the craft from the stern; for the pilot lips, and through the brazen tube his eenitg Preu, which is only half a mile or the work of a Philadelphia artisan. It the collection plate as usual; but wouid S andwiobcs . —Sthw a chicken until it be honest, be asks, seeing that what claims such knowledge! Are you not house was already so hot as to make it voice poured steady and strong: so frpm his own residence, written in very tender. Use nd seasoning except stands with its face toward tbe west, “The boy says, ‘Tell ’em to port two money he has left is, in fact, bls credit­ the youth I saw with the old hunter at unsafe for tbe four men stationed at th» »king upon tbe road and the little church lead-gencil, in a small back-hand, very vW muctelike tbe average newspaper mao’s exit. Take out the bones, pack the meat on the oppo-ite side thereof. Tbe snb- ors’, and nut his own. I have advised the table to-night! How should you, wheel to remain in it longer. The ropes pints.’ ” firmly in a deep dish, mixing the white Tbe vessel swayed suddenly to p^Jrt; him, dear friends, not to give; and if any born in the interior, know anythiug about aod blocks had b6en adjusted, the pur­ style pf handwriting, clear, aud muotly and black meat as nicely as possible, buee or foundation is raised upon a mOwk ot you are in »similar unhappy plight, I and as she leapt away the lad said : \ chase tested, aod the steamer was already this coast?” ot earth, and is composed of two blocks free from interliaiatlons aod erasures^ pour the broth or soup over this, just “Tell them to hold her steady as she “I was not born in the woods,” re­ being directed from behind. The cap­ of Pennsylvania blue-stone cut on the also say: ‘Be just before you are generous.’ A C hicago young man’s wife enter­ enough to cover the meat, and set away surface into smaller blocks., This is four Th ose in good circqmstaoces will, on the •J sponded tbe lad; “I was born within tain, still stood by the side of tbe lad, is.” Again the oldupan lifted the trumpet tained him with selection» from Wagner, to cool. In an hour or two it will be feet square on the ground and is four feet other band, give according to their ten miles of where we are, and I know trumpet in band, ready to give the orders and called: after which he expressed himself aa re­ firm jelly, and this cut in slices and In height. )Tbe monument in all is twen­ means.” every rock, and reef, and point, for I to veer her around. “ The boy srffs, ‘ Tell them to hold her Ii is sai-i that so many five dollar notes “ Yonng man, ” said the captain, “ you signed to go to bed, where he slept very Claced between slices of good bread or ty-four feet from the ground to the top have fished on them all; and kbow every iscuit, cut in any shape you please, were never l steady aa she is. ” ’ . 2^ are pilot now. When »hall we swin^ soundly. Toward midnight cats assem ­ beach, for I used to play on them when a of the urn, which rest» upon tbe plain For a minute' not a'word was spoken. bled in the back yard and yelled fright­ make as good a sandwich aa can Jtie get done capital of tbe column. All but the before as on about! It’s a rough sea; but tbe flames boy* , 4'~. The steamer tore on through the gloom, fully; The sleeper did not get up and up, we think. 2 Tbe captain looked incredulous. He give us no choice.” sub-base is of Italian marble, with a appeal. lighting her path with the flames. The The lad looked steadfastly a moment at Q uince M armalade . — Pare aod quar ­ throty bootj turned on had associated him with the hunter and base, a die aod a shaft, which decreases Ir ever household and loves his dreams, ter the fruit and cut it into little dice; al­ in sixe as it rises. On the different faces tbe wilderness^, and it seemed incredible the beacon they had passed, asked the roof of the pilot bouse dropped in, and one elbow ai are graceful things, they are graceful il in the smoke and cinders hid the two men low one pound of sugar and one-half “Sing it once more, Elvira; sing it once that he shoolrrbave been born where he captain a question as to her course, and of the monument are appropriate inscrip­ thepopr. Tba ties that bind tbe weal „ __ wealthy from the sight of those who, with prayers pint of water to each pound of mor£ M — < then said : . said he was born, and that be should be tions commencing the work of the evan- and the proud to homo may be forgdd oa Boil water and sugar, skim, and “We are passing the cove! We musn’t on their lips and witir agonized faces, on tbe boat that night, and be discovered wlKAT isit which baa a mouth and the fruit garefully. Cook until tl earth, but those that link .the poor man by tbe merest accident at the very instant go a rod farther! Quick I Swing her were gazing at them from behind, j’** to his bumble hearth are of the pure ‘ abed «ndnever i are soft bist whole, aod the syrupi Bleeps! Suddenly, ont of tbe smoke and fire, round I” of supreme peril. metal and hear the stamp of heaven. came the tones of the trumpet: pour carefully into tumblers or bowls. The captain lifted his trumpet to his “Captain,” said the old trapper, who Sea Foam I