LAFAYETTE COURIER, i 3 ■/ r % « i 7 J*.. srrrEiaTr frixat —>r— O’. L A F A 1'ETTE H bmbree . ¿T. TERMS OF SUBSCP.1M1ON: Oae Copy, One Year......... . ................ ' I no Oas Copy, Three Month» /C........... .................. X- • I 1 co Personal Advertisements BO cents a Une. » COURIER ■ S Inches... 1 ÎW |8 30 | 4 90 | »00 4 Indies... J Siti j 4 OÙ | 9 (IO 111 OD M Column. | 4 «0 | 6 50 ! 8 00 ¡18 00 4 X V w LAFAYETTE VOL. XII.—NO. 5. EGON, MARCH 23, 1877. 29 CO 3D OD SOO BU8INK88 NOTICI« s ? t ra 29 ® so® M Column. 1 5 0( ' | 7 00 I S00 | Ì0 0(i « 00 IF® KÓolusa. 1 7 tn 1 »oo 112 ¿o '¡90 oo “'404)0 «db rC3unin..7Mft) 1 15 do rifoo lib®' r®'®- /•- I >1 BATES or AIVEBTISmO. 1 Inch.ET»l » lit «« iÜVUIM' riuc¥eing apprised of his father's change sea; ana it may be that Columbus him­ wipe the I with crude petroleum dripping from his i the Slavonic countries beneath the scep­ brought in, riehjy caparisoned in the soft liuen ' y time it nurses; wash the of residence, B'tarne declared that he self felt some vague ripple from this And yet I would not that the moon , of the Czar,” says : “We Russians Mooriih style; powerful Moorish bits, clothes and his legs enclosed in tight ter 1 mouth wUh a weak decoction of golden dying wave of trndition. But before the shoufd still follow his custom of passing belong to the great Slavonic family, with the ring encircling the lower jaw; Should always prove a simile; Jy sore. boots, entered the Derrick office and asked : I seal, if a eai" the year with Heriulf. and demanded <>f era of tHe voyages of the Northmen to which numbers 90,000^)00 souls, aad short stirriips, serving also as spurs; the For she is fickle, and full soon t-This disease is of little mo- “ Want an item? ” Red Gi n.~ his crew whethe^ they would follow him America; one can scarcely find an age consists of the following people: First, high saddle, covered with velvet hous­ We remarked that we were on the look- < pitie herb teas, if anything; ment; us i Will smile upon another sea. to Greenland. They all promised not to which hud not in -some form a dreamy, ng is necessary but to let out for such articles, and he proceeded: the Russian nation. There are 60,000,- ings, embroidered and fringed with usually n i l thi half-consciousness that the sea lay between forsake him, and without unloading his No! rather be it like the skill “Wa-al, I tlio't so, and I've got the < 000 of Russians, subdivided as follows: gold; heavy gold fringes on the neck and nature ta e i|s course.. war-ship, Biarne made ready and put to the Old World and another. Which traces with a sculptor's baud Vomitiin.r -If the milk thrown off by dumbest item you ever hearn’ tell on. I 1 Great Russians, 40,000,000; Little Rus­ breast of the horses. AH the horses were sea agAin. They sailed many days, but Leif atnd his men passed the winter, the child lis merely white curd, it -is of struck an ile well on my lease Monday, sians, 15,000,000, and White Russians, good, some very flue. Five sons of Sheik An image on my heart, that still Through every change of life may stind; were driven out of their course, and en­ which seemed to them a marvel of- warm very little recount; but if the matter an’ she flowed a stream of ile 100 feet more than 4,000,000. But outside the Achmet, all clad in Oriental robes of veloped in fog. At length the sun, re­ and deligl titful weather, in houses which frontiers of Russia there are also terri­ brilliant silks, all wearing the turban, appearing. gave them the means of deter •they haq erected, and which-in aftertimes vomited is y illowish, the child’s bowels high, straight up for half an hour. Then tories with a Russian population—name­ now mounted and the sport began. It So deeply graven there that Time y constipated; use gentle she kinder died down, and ceased work­ are probab mining the cardinal point , and hoisting went by tlrf uam an of “Leif's booths.” Shall fail e’er to obliterate; ing. One of my drillers was standing ly, Galicia, with the territory beyond the consisted, mainly of dashing across the sail they proceeded in a north-westerly It was pear sprin >g when the company laxatives. So perfect that to move ope line occasioned by wind ------- alone, , over the hole when she suddenly spurted Carpathian Mountains, or Russia of Ugor, court at full speed, and suddenly bring­ , Colic. — 'If ----------- -, direction, when they cuna into the Bay were rep ly for a return home. Tite heart and image both must break. U9e anise-seqd cordial ; if from acidity,use agin, and blast my eyes if it didu't take belonging to Austria; in ail, 3,500,000 ing up the horses on their haunches, and of Maine, and saw land somewhere be­ On the voyage, when in sight of the tnaguesia; if from an overloaded stom­ that driller righf dp with it. The stream of Russians—that' is to say, of Ruthen- of riding rapidly around one another in tween Massachusetts and Nova Scotia. shores of Greenland, tliey rescued a com­ The Northmen in America. ach. give leak food. Was a powerful one, you see, and he went ians.. The capital of Galicia, Lword, various circles, lunging and parrying It being Biarne's opinion that this could pany of Norwegian travelers who had Di/.irrhata'\ —If simple, use barley coffpe, up 100 feet. You've seen those little called Lemberg, was founded by the with long, light lance-polap, one endeav­ There is always a tendeucy in a thriv­ not be Greenland, since there were no been wrecked upon some rocks. Front, made of scotched barley ; if the bowels jails as dance about on top of those little Grand Duke Dafiiel Bomanoviez, who oring to gun the unguarded flank of an­ ing and prosperous nation to become so high, snowy peaks to be seen, as he had this circumstance, the explorer was after­ need correcting, use gentle altetatives, spurting fountains, su.*h as they have in* resided there during the Tartar invasion, other. It was an admirafiU display of much absorbed iu the cares aud activities been told was the case in that island, ward called Leif the Luck; in accordance but if sever! Consult a physician. the cities. Yes; w.a’al, that’s the way and named the towu after bis son, Lword. horsemanship, and with the fine carriage of the present, as to let the past gradu­ they sailed on toward the north. Event­ with tl|e custom of surnaming heroes liornw.--If a child is troubled with this 'ere thing acted^ and there's that air While Eastern Russia was still occu­ of the animal^ 'the superb riding, the ally slip iuto forgetfulness. So in New ually they reached their destination, from some notable exploit. Leif ad­ worms, its ¡cheeks will be briglit red, driller right up oa top of that hundred pied by the Tartars the Poles were dom­ rich and graceful robes of the men, and England we have too little considered, having seen, but not entered the continent vanced greatly in wealth and considera­ while the ccior around its mouth vili be :‘ut column of crude ile, and he’s dancidg inant in Red Russia. There are also the housings of the horses, formed a Re­ a tion fro n the voyage' he had so success­ pale, breath'fetid, appetite irregular, and perhaps, the early history of our land, of the New World. arotind like chaff in a fanning mill. What Russians in Turkey, upon the Dauulie, markable spectacle. It was a scene of But although Biarne had not set foot fully accomplished. In this winter, A. but have carelessly assumed that as far and even in the ancieut possessions of another age and another race, and' the tl\e nose tngibled with itching; it often do you think of that ’uni” ” the ----- Red died, and - - it seems as our own raee, that is the descendants in the new land which afterward was to D. 1001 Eric Russia in North America. Next to the first, thought that occurred to all of us starts in its sleep, and is sometimes The fellow told it soberly, as if he was of European stuck, i«, concerned, Amer­ p'ay so important a part in the history of plain t lat Leif succeeded to the author­ thrown intoiconvulsions. Sage ba is a jassing the contribution-l>ox, and we Russians, the principal Slavonic race was »that at' last we could realize the ica is only about four centuries old; and America and the world, his voyage was ity which his father had exercised in simple remedy, it should be sweetened didn't feel like telling him it wasawhop- consists of the Poles, with 9,500,000 dis­ gamC« that graced the festivals of the . Greenla nd.— Portland Transcript. • that it first became known to the inhabit not without its results. salt and water,or tur- >er, but we asked: and drank ¡farm; warm; «alt 1 -’ - tributed over Rusria, Austria and Prus­ Alhatflbra. Among those who took part ants of the old world in 1492, at the dis­ Some eight years later, A. D. 994, ' the sia. Third comes the Czechs, numbering were two very marked men who hap­ pentine, witt turn them d< lown, if rising “How long has he been up there?' adventurer paid a visit to Eric, Earl, of How the Palace Car was Introduced in the throat. It will do childrai, who covery of Columbus. 5,000,000; fourth, the remnants of the pened to lie the best and most daring “Abnut.four days and four nights.” ofl Vanderbilt’s Railroads.’ It is indeed true that the truth of the Norway. Here he related his travels, have worm& no harm to eat a littlt pure “lie must be very hungry by this time. Siberian Servians who are settled in riders; these were- the oldest and young­ matter has long been known to r-ipe stu­ and among others this voyage to Green­ Prussia, while upon the shores of the est of those who rode. The elder was a “Did you ever hoar how Wagner got sugar everji day. To expel worns, use )<>esu’t he come down to get something dents of history, and tl^at all that can be land, and the shores which he had seen. -r Adriatic the inhabitants of Carniola, powerful built man of about forty, per­ worm lozenges, or other preparations for to eat? ” gathered of early European voyages to He was somewhat blamed for not exam­ his cars on Vanderbilt’s roaut all he was worth. length on the ground, the young sheik toarse cold, but it should not VI-etui in a Ii.aiac vuiva, vui. n euuuiu uvl he ha 1 given, we didn ’ t have the heart to “Well, after the car was built, the next voyages of the Northmen are for the most He had nearly reached the ships when his After an absence of two years in the keeping his seat until the- horse rolled be used afj ;r the membrane has-formed. hutt bis feelings by refusing. thing wias to get permission to'run it on part taken from the Coeleji Flaloientit; a horse lost fooling and fell. Eric was interior of Africa, Col. Gordon re ac hjyi over on bis .side. Mr. Wagner The wine i of ipecac should always be work finished before A. D. 1400. The thrown aud his foot injured. Convinced the commodore's roads. Cairo on his way back to Englaud on kept in the bouse when there are young A T ramp ' s L ove for L abor . — The genuineness uf these MSS. is now pretty that this was an unlucky omen, he refused went to New York. He first called on children if the family. If the simple aversion of the lordly tramp to any forqa the 1st of la^t December. The task ¿s- A Carious Freneh Story. William H. Vanderbilt, wli© at that time t generally acknowledged, and careful c >p- to enter the ship, and Leif set sail with­ remedies dx i not, within a few hours, af­ of manual labor receives fresh pro >f al­ signed him was the opening of a practi­ did not'have so much to say about the les of them have been published by Prof. out him. At all times the Northmen lighway from that city * The London Newt says: “Among the ford relief consult a physician immedi- immedi­ most daily. An ordinary able-bodied cante commercitl highway were very much under the dominion of xgetnent of the roa ls as he has had ately. It i i the colds tt^at are the longest tramnpill work harder, suffer greater to the Albert and Victoria Lakes. Sir misfortunes whtch haV6 befallen the- in­ Rafa, for the jast tour or five years. He listened Of the traditions concerning the visits superstition, uperstition, and some of their beliefs are developing tbe croups that are the mo-«t most privrftmns aud ex;>eud more braiu forc^ Stmuel Baker, who preceded him, bal habitants of Alsace must assuredly be in­ . u • • — •_ - ------------ — - ( . k of the saints to our continual there i- to be traced iu the popular, superstitions, to Wagiier's--description of his new car fatal; in st)bh of­ in an effort to beat somelxidy out of.a been compelled to fight his way back cluded the existence of a ‘Tichborne case’ \h cases the membrane is of- 'and wai taken with the idea; but he told abundant tradition, but it is of an origin Tif to-day. ten formed before the mother • su«pect¡s au a pectH nickel, than would be required of him to from tTiè extreme pomt readied in the at Muhlhausen. It appears that a young it »yas no tqfe fur him to see the cr»m-' the j— vear — A. ------------- D. 1000 that 1 It was in _ ___ ----- him later than^xhe voyage of C->lumbiis. St. danger. Tite writer knew uf one inataaqe earn an honest liviug f.»r a weakL At interior of^wndokoro, and had left the man belongnqfto'Strpsburg succeeded in niodore, as he was satisfied the old mail ColumlraXSt. Thomas, the Apostle, and Leif's ship set sail from Greenland, would have nothing to do with it. lie of a child! child being saved, who was almost Logan, Ohio, a few days since, a number newly explored country in a disturbed» . persuading a driller n» U)e 4 iAg tany St. Patrick are l _. among „ the number of| There were in the company ¿thirty r-five told him, however, to go ahead and tit up .gone withi this disease, ‘ by j excessive of tramps were arrested and placed in the state. Cdt* Gordon has succeeded in tier, his wife, an 1 their children, that ho meBr..including the commander. 1 They re traditi«uM» ‘Ay accredited those whq are traditinnv'-G aeiyjUited me«,-.including Weeding; le was bled until he faint«! lock-up, preparatory to being put to pacifying the hostile tribes, an 1 has es­ was their son and their brother, and in iis car, put it ou the road, and wait until with havMg-come to America up >u mis- sailed toward the coast of the continent, frrtm I* the old gentleman saw it, assuring him from loss n who fur ¡ faint, breathed perfectly ant custom in vogue am ng the miners. apart, from Khsrt >um to G mdokofo, a id a the mnth. that he wuuld soon hear from him, whiqh- are said to have visited the banks of New­ try, either Labrador or Newfoundland. het f >ur years ha 1 resided in Fra ice however, in this case, the The haughty instincts of the tramps re­ thence to the Alb rt Like. The com he did.Z J free. It Was, w “It shall not be reported of us as of foundland “from time immemorial, if the physician to save his bis belled at the prospect of shoveling. It munira i >n w.ts s> far perfect d that in order t > e-c«pe service in the German tip of “Wagner, acted on the hint, the car was wp last resorb whereof the memory of man runneth not Biarne,” said Leif, “that we did not come put on, and made several trips belorb.the life, and when he fainted, was himself was for them a moment of awful trial, Biighrii pipers were received with toler­ army, since which time noae-of bis ban­ back to the coutrary;” but this does not upon land, for I will give the country a uncertain i about his breathing again, but ingenjity, born Qi' desperation, tri­ able regularity in seven weeks from their dy hnd -*een him. A few months ago, commodore espied it. jWhen he did seem to denote a very remote period of name, and call it Helluland.” Joseph Keller, the Alsace ‘claimant,’ wh > gave it a critical examination; and than Watch the; symptoms of this disease with umphed. Iu their lonely pris >n cells the date of publication. The name is taken from Hellay a slate occupation. It may be surmised, also, The pathway to the hexrt of the Con­ resembles very closely the miller’s son, asked whose it was and how it cai canie the utmost; care, if you would learn to tramps carefully removed what clothing although it must be owned that there is or a flat. stone, quantities of which are they bad and stuffed it in the roaring tinent thus secured is by no means per­ was taken for him by the owuer of a tav­ He was told that it belonged to control it J not the slightest historical evidence upon f<>uud in these regious. Whether Leif there. Whooping-cough.;—If possible, keep all stove, aud when the cruel task masters fect. As the Nile approaches the equa­ ern in which he was drinking. Just at Mr. Wagner, and was being run as au ex­ which to fbuud »uch a conclusion that left upon these ledges of hella any rec­ A came to marshal them forth with pick tor it becomes a morass. Readers of this moment the miller himself went by, periment. Wagner was sent for immed' young children from the contagion, may not be applied with as good reason ord of his visit, does not appear; but it child shop d ' reach its sixth year before Sir Samuel Baker's narrative of his ex­ and the tavern-keeper called him into and shovel, it needed no arguments to ately. When he came, he found the <>l I to other countries, that America was seems likely that such was the case. The taking th» disease. If the child has not convince them that the prisoners were in pedition will remember his graphic de­ the boos', saying, ‘Here is your son.* commodore in a towering pa-sioi known to the inhabitants of the Old Dighton Rock, or that part of the in­ been vaccj lated before taking the cough, no fit condition to face the winds of win­ scription of the utter disappearance of Joseph Keller had n >t at first any inten­ ‘What business have you to put a car <1 World perhaps a thousand years B. C. scription which is of Norse origin,qs an U a » manner U...VUV. the ...C propriate uame Marklaud (n >vel-land.) ious to be forgiven. The miller man­ poison), made iuto ' tea, and sweetened The commercial value of this route w.n dopbt receive the hotiest gratitude of heart. As he was leaving the comm >doto ling stone between the Old World stepping The stay of the voyagers here was spoke, Buying, ‘How many cars have yod with hon y or — sugar, —j— all 1,1 are --- - useful, r-1 but thqir kiud.— Cincinnati Gazette. . proved by C>1. Gordon hitnseif, whose aged to get him released from prism, snd the New, wan1 known by the discov­ brief, aud a fair wind from the noith-east’ the couçb; will take its course, unless i trading in ivory, if Jho dispatch to the where he had beet incarcerated upon the eries of a Dane as early as A. D. 860. soon brought them to the shores of Cape got like tuis!’ Wagner explained that h« vacçinàti' is performed, J no matter x what A merican B eef in E xoland . — The London Timet be correct, “enabled him charge of vag-ancy, and to >k him to his About fifteen years later a permanent set­ Cod. The configuration of the country had two or three more on the works; tbh» medicine used. London Timet of the 15th says: “ The to pay all the expenses of his province, own home, where all the family wel­ tlement was made by one Iugolf. wjto^ut in this place was somew hat different from it was a joint stock company, and thht The first symptoms resemble butchers’ shops in Sheffield on Friday including the pay of his men, bis officials, comed him as their Ibng lost August. For Meat they would be ruined if they could n«>t first built upon the eastern extremity of its present shape, as some of the shoals n slight jld; the eyes are weak, and dis- presented a most unusual Beene. On the and himself, and to bring back a sur­ a month things went on well enough, but t Iceland, at the »pot still called Ingolfshodi around the Cape of to-day were then make an arrangement to run their cars on charge a hitery fluid; the patient coughs tile roari. ‘Well,’ said the commodore, previous day large consignments of plus to the Egyptian treasury.” The the brothers and sisters, jealous perhaps It was the custom of the Northmen in above the surface. The voyagers coasted and ap s languid; if this disease is pre- American beef arrived in the town and country is poir in food supplies, the na­ of the extreme tenderness displayed to­ approaching a new country to throw a'xiut for some time, un i continuing on ‘you cab tell the other parties that I will ce led or jillowed by the whooping-cough, were quickly dispose 1 of to the retail tives raising no more than suffices for ward August by their father and mother, overboard certain posts carved with the their way came at length to Mt. Hope take their stock off their hands for what itisolte , fatal; both ___ ... diseas _____________ s very much butchers. On Friday it was being offered their wants. To establish the conuect- began to conceive suspicions, which short­ images of the gods Odin and Thor, and Bay; or, as they named it, Hop. Here they hajve paid on it. The sooner you at­ affecting*lhe lungs. The chief dinger iu the shops, and met with a ready sale ing-liaks on land where the waterway ly afterward ripened into certaioties. tend to this the better it will be for you; Which was called Setttakkar, or Seastakes. they were much pleased with the aspect from me les is in the inflammatioa of at prices ranging from four pence to fails will require time and the pacifica­ The result was that August was proceeded Wherever these were thrown upon the of the country and with the climate, and So hurry up now.’ /‘Wagner saw the point, and in a sh<|it the luni some seasons it is so very ligl^t nine peuce per pound, the tatter price tion of the native tribes. A road yill be against for imposture, and discovered to shore the vo ager made his home, con­ made prepa ations for passing the winter. ire no medical advice; when beiug charged for the primest joints and needed from Lake Altieri to Like Vic­ lie a Joseph Keller, against whom a war­ time he had bought a'l the rest of tl the as tp r sidering it the place appointed by the The company were divided into two parts, this is ttj* case, use light diet, keep the i cuts. At first the butchei s were disposed toria, as the Sumerset River, which unites rant was awaiting execution for larccney stock and taken it to the comtnodo« gods. Ingo’.f did not find his Setttakkar who by turns tpeDt a day in exploring at Strasburg. The consequence is, that body o i by gentle laxatives, avoid cur­ to have nothing to do with the meat, but the two, is obstructed by rapids. for three years, at the end of which time the neighborhood, and doing the neces­ ‘Let’s see,’ said be; ‘how much did yt) for nine months he will languish in some rents o Id qir, keep the temperature on a large shop lieing opened for the sale Col. Gordon, in thir-^oog j journey, say the capital stock of your coinpm they were discovered by his servants on sary labor at home. Alsatian Dartmoor, but it is to be feared neither arm nor cold; if the measles i of it by a firm of grocers they widely de­ his shown himself a skilliiipitiipl is? ’ Wagner told him. ‘ Well, I guw plomatht the south-western coast. Hither he re­ Among Leifs followers was one named come ou|iwell, and the cough is not se­ cided to sell it. The effect of the intro­ as well as a bold explorer. There Ther were that his c »mpatriots wilt*not assemble in moved and founded Reikiavik, the pres­ Tyrker, who had been brought homo by wet’ll multiply it by four; you can ke| vere, th will be but little trouble. duction of American meat into Sheffield i no ~ Europeans in his force; so many of - their thousan Is to demind his release one-fotfrtb, £bd I'll keep the balance, an ent capital. There were at the arrival of Eric the Red, or fits father, from one of Nursing grants usually feel the effects has already been greatly to reduce the his-soldiers were left to garrison po-ts l , .from captivity.” we ’ ll build some more of them cars iigl Ingolf certain inhabitants of Irish origin his viking expeditions, i&l had been of this disease less than older children. price of home produce. English beef and that the number taken with; , with, him'was him was in Iceland, but of them little is certainly an inmate of Eric's house? He is de­ away.’ r’ T he S ecret or B eautt .—The secret Injuribi front Fallt Prevented.— If a mutton, eveu the best j>>iuts, were being nece-sarily small. Yet he maintained And that was the beginning of Wag- known. scribed as being “a south country man,” —•_ child, iu;Salling, hurts the head, ou no s »Id on Friday at eight pence per pound. order, arbitrated the disputi* of qHirel­ of beauty is health. Th me who desire To-day he . is a rich ner's prosperity. To-day be . is a rich Iu A. D. 878, Icelandic fishers were which s >me have interpreted as meaning The old commodore saw what« what a account i, allow it to sleep for several hours ; On 8aturd iy the sales were continued with ing natives, and did much to repress slave­ to be betutiful should do all they can to driven by tempests upon the rocky islets a Turk; others, with a greater show of man. fTlie iiy these cars were destined to be b®- ­ bathe it» »head with cold water, and give unabated vigor, and the chief importer’s trading. necessity If he has not solved the , restore their health, if they have lost it, lying off the const of Greenland, and in probability, as implying that Tyrker was a gentle tie cathartic; itathartic; if this plan of treat ­ stock was cleared out before six oclock problem of commerce with the lake re­ or to keep it, if they have it still. come, i iud took bis own way to get cojv 988, Eric the Red, driven from his home of German origin. No one can lay down specific rules for pro­ in the evening.. There was a-fair supply gion of Africa by the way of the Nile, trol of| i them. For every dollar Wagner ment is pursued, but few falls would pro- in Norway for manslaughter, and after­ One evening when the exploring party ' other people in these matters. The work duce the.ta l results which too often fol ­ of the imported beef throughout the he has at least simplified the element» ward outlawed in Iceland, determined to for that day returned borne, Tyrker, who has nr ikdc out of them, the commodore , which one may do, the rest he must take, jiheir If in falling, the low in ¡their wake. town, and the effect on the ordinary mar ­ made 1 of the problem and has prepared the three.— Neu> York.Sun. go in search of the new country. He -had accompanied them in the morning, bruise appears like a bag of water, wet kets was a reduction of one and one-hall way for farther advances of civilization ' hir bath", his diet, his exercise, are mat­ reached Greenland, and spent three win­ was found to be missing.1» Leif was much paper inj,camphor, and change it often, pence per pound in the price of English into this remote region.— N. Y. Tribune. ters for individual consideration, but A Ci C onsiderate M an .—At a grand ters in the island. It is impossible to disturbed at bis absence, and with twelve they must be carefully thought of and . — a e- * .iu«-, just as the days’ sport has begun; Until theiwater is absorbed. If biuised beef.” identify the places where he lived, but men set out to search for the missing man. battue, sever neglected. to discolor, bind on brown paper wet in -M rs . S arah M c C abe , of Chicago, is they were probably in the south western They had proceeded but a short distance an i unhappy hunter blows off a sufficiency^ As a rule, when a person fecit well Be Q uail on T rust . — An impecunious vinegar;l|f a limb is injured, swathe it in «plucky woman. Tne other night she parts of the country, and near the coast. when they met the straggler, who seemed of the head of Iris companion on the lookt well, and when he looks bad he ‘. The wounded man dies without i a. cloth ^et in wormwood and viuegar; person recently visited a prominent De­ was aroused from sleep by a noise in In the summer of A. D. 985, he re­ to be in a strange state of excitement. right. feels bad, as a general thing. There are troit restaurant, and aiked the junior for a suijden cold, induce perspiration, her room, and observed a tall man visited Iceland, and calling his new home He began a long declamation in his own cry, and the hunter, as no one has noticed times when one could guess, without A proprietor if he could be furnished with and givogentle cathartics. For scarlet searching the bureau drawers. A re­ by the name Greenland, that it miglrt be language, rolling his eyes and clinching the accident, silently inters him and re- a “cup of coffee, some baked potatoes and volver was in another part of the room, looking in the glass, his eyes were dull ' . ' if fever, consult a physician. attractive to the inhabitants of hold Ice­ his lists. They were quite unable to un­ loads. and his skin was mottled. This is not a a quail, on trust?” but out uf her reach, and to get it without At. dark the company reassembles at land, he gathered a company together to derstand him, and had about decided that case for something in a pretty bottle “ Oh, yes, ” was the reply, “ give you attrae ting attention she employed the ruse from the perfumer’s, or the lotions that colonise the unknown land. It is saic Tyrker was insane, when he began to the given rendezvous. Smith is missing. - S naking .—The way not to be healthy anything you wish.” of pinching her baby till it cried, at the the advertisements praise so highly. TO “W is Smith?” is the cry. or happy il to keep up an incessant snarl­ that twenty-five ships set out with Eric, speak in Norse, and relieved their anxiety. The order was repeated to one of the same time saying “Hush, baby, and “Oh, I killed Smith accidentally,” re­ ing. Ifiyou waut to grow lean, cadaver­ but that of these only fourteen reuchec “I went not far behind the others,” he waiters, for br.dled “quail on toast, etc." mamma will get you a drink.” She then have a fresh complexion and bright eyes, their destination. 'The others were said, “but I have found something new. marks the murderer; “you will find most ous and unlovely, excite yourself con­ When the stranger had broken his evi­ reachfid out to an adjacent table, took even to have white hands and a graceful of himuuder the big beech tree yonder?* tinually -about matters you know nothing wrecked or driven back. I have seen vines and grapes.” dently long fast, he banded a card bearing up the revolver and emptied four figure, you must be well. Health, and Ge ' stupefaction, and the slayer of about. ^Accuse other people of wrong­ There was a permanent settlement “Is this true?” asked Leif. his name to the gentleman who had chambers at the thief, who fled precipi­ the happiness which usually comes with Smith jis severely censured for not having doing incessantly, and you will find bu ; made in Greenland, but the continent it, are the true secrets of beauty. » _ , “Yes, it is certainly true,” replied Tyr­ sooner jgiven notice, that help might have little tiffie to see any wrong in yourself. agreed to give him his “quail on trust,” tately. was still a terra incognita to the bold ker, “for I was born where «grapes are been *■>«-•• teuded to the wounded man. We wisB here and now to inform all men stating that he would call before the end Northmen. They could not long, how­ plenty.” T he wife of a well-known and wealthy " T hb legislature of Indiana has passed “Of course — I mij u.ight have done so,” he of irritidtle dispositions that they will live of the week and settle. ever, be so near the mainland without From this time they devoted part of prote« “but I didn’t want to spoil your longer i£ they only keep cool. If such Upon being severely remonstrated with, a law prohibiting any-change in school citiaen of Somerville, residing on Somer­ discovering it.' their labor to collecting grapes as a part day's —Parit Paper. men wapt to die, we have nothing to say; he stated emphatically that he would not text-biMrks within periods of less than ville Avenue, a day or two ago gave a |" The first European certainly known to of their cargo, ft is related that they snarling will kill about as quick as any­ have patronized the establishment if he i six years each. There is one legislature, tramp all he could eat, and as ho was have beheld the shores of our continent filled the stern boat with the fruit, and A n experienced lady observes that a thing we know. We have had good health had supposed there was any misunder­ ata least, which has done something leaving the.premises be met the lord of was Biarne Herirelfson. Among the i«L 1 loaded the vessel itself with hewu timber. .good wav to pick out a husband is to see for the whole period of mauhood, and at- standing of bis request. Wuile the dis­ to atone to its constituents for existing. the household, who always dresses shab­ , turers who had accompanied Eric thw bily, when the tramp «aid to him: “No was raging, the fellow kept a sharp From this circumstance of Tyrker’s how patiently be waits f>r dinner when it tribute most of it to the way we take pute Pu’« fe Hcrialfl discovery of grapes, Leif gave to the is behind time. Her busband remarks use of your going in here. They’ve lookout for a chance to — -I. _ --- ------ escape, and when Youxo lady clerk« walk to thoir places isaqcus-. . country the name Vinland (vineland;) and that a good way to pick out a wife is to things. -^Exchange. The the opportunity offered, he darted through of business dftenar than i young men given me all they can spare.” 1) ** > by bis name it is always mentioned in the see whether the womasi baa dinner ready E xcept a man rise up and go j beyond an ojxen doorway and was out of sight clerks. The latter are 1 feeble aad not owner of the premises merely said, “Oh, Sagas, memdries of the country lingering I b Üm*. immediately.— Detroit Frte Fret. go along.” v himself; he is exceedingly smal dl. ablj to walk. i 3 I . X ‘ i ..;4 ■■ ■ " Tv- ■. i I I "» i * J. - • Í 4 .! ; ; ft ra. I , • - - i Ì Constancy. L_______ > ' « «»' ■»»»•«U, ----- —J----------------- t — —— - - — ».1_______ _ _______ _ _1 _____ ______ t j I z - vjo 1J ♦ * i i