•j Nero and His Golden Home. DetroitCurrency. J « I I _c I * Richard A. Proctor on Sea Monsters. r. « Renovation, not! Prostration. Did any enfeebled hut^ai an being ever be- cotne strong under the opei ‘ration »( powerful cuthartics or salivants? ut , is sometimes uec- essary to regulate tbe te<> iwels, but that can- not be done by active feu lurgation, which ex- hausts the, vital forces Ju .nd serves-no good purpose whatever. The |>nly "I- true ’—> wav' to pro- ! mote health and vigor, which ar are essential ■ to regularity of tbe orgir nic ‘ functions, is to i invigorate, discipline aial I purify the system at thiMiame time. ThecAi traordinury efficacy ' of Hosteller's Stomach,Bitters in cases of ! debility or irregularity Of the organs of di- ' geetion,assimilation,seci tetion and discharge, is universally admitted.' Appetite, good di- geetion, a regular habit i bf body, active circu- lation of the blood, and burity uf all the ant- mal fluids are induce'd tj [y this superb tonic and corrective. It has j >io equals, moreover, as a preventive of cliilisi and fever, and other types 'of malarial disease. —- To emigrai emigrants and travelers it is particularly serviceable * S as a medical safeguard. a_______ , Fw Cwcl«r\ * e.u st Con* Richard A. Proctor writes in the L >n- Nero's life as an emperor was one long I t might be well tpr every man Jo in- K.P. NCAlA sure his own life. Then he’d know all aeries of stage effects, of which the leading ,doa Echoi “The Isea-serpent has lung about the assets. k I feature was a fev» rish extravagance, llh been regarded Vy most persons as siin- p'y a giginric fraud. ^Either the object P lease keep your eyMfti the fact that return from the art-tour in Gieece outdid which appeared like; a Sea-serpent was ali the triumphal ptocersidns of the pa-t- I medical m n pronounce cigarettes a great Thou-anda <>i carriages were needed for something altogether (liffereut—a float­ promoter of consumption. his baggage, hissjjtnpter mule* were sho-i ing tee ent inuled-iu sea-weed, the ser­ P rof . P roctor says there are sea with silver, ani fll the towns he pa-sed pentine outline of uistaut hills half lost serpents 130 feet long, aud he never upon his way leceived him through a under the scudding haze, a row of leap­ owned a sea-side hotel, either. breach made in their walls, for such he ing p> rpoi>.es, or, if a (»ingle living crea­ M ost of us ought to know how to heard was the “sign of honor” with which ture at all,then onelof a known species seen C. & P. H. TIBR^Xili & 00 build a poor railroad bridge by tlie time the qitizens we e wont to welcome the under unusual and deceptive conditions U se Burnham’s Abietine for rheumatism iwporrxa* .«n Maxnracruaaas'or ! — or else the circumstantial accounts the Ashtabula investigation is finished. Olympian victors of the olden days. 1 he. and neuralgia. which could not be thus explained away T ub report comes again that green public works which he designed were C onundrum for St Valentine's Day: teas are p >isonou*. but every American more to feed his pride than to ser*e the were concoctions of falsehood. “ Yet, as the naturalist Gosse long Was Saint Valentine , , . , « public. He wanted, like another Xerxe\ NO. «1» CLAY MTMRKT. is ready to die with a teacup in his hand. A varnish maker? to cjuf a canal tlnough .tlie Corinthian since pointed out,] iu his curious essay Between 8io«>tneand Battery. SAN FRANCISCO J osh B illings is going to purchase a fstbiuus; thought of making va-t lakes on ‘The Great Unknown,’ it is altogether URNHAM'S ABIETINE fur b urns ,- scalds . Mannrasturera of Men’s. Boys'. Youth's, and Chil­ ranche in Texas and remove to that State. — Cute und and Sure» Sore* uf ujf ali all Kind*. \ ______ dren’s FINE CALF B-IOTO. be supplied from the hot springs ol unlikely that men know all the forms of He regards himself as.spelled out in the Order* solicited and promntly filled Al) stse* ano animils which exi»t in the ocean, and Í1 A n tf>O r per day. Send for Chromo Catalogue. Bl ihe, and schemed great works by More About thp New Piano. 1 V b J. H. Burroan’a B qn *. Boa ton Mas*. qcAliUe* made at the lowest market price*. < East. Phase examine tbe rood* and prices. which the sea might be brought almost the antecedent probability against the We have explained tie principles of con,- E aster ^ piano makers have about t > the w,alls of Rime. But it ’wa-» only theory of the existence of creatures such structlon whiih make the durability of the A Ta Sinn per day at borne. Sample* worth Si free.. twenty different libel suits on hand t>y hi# buildings that he left ejiduring as the great sea-serpent has been de­ Patent “Rogers l’ianoi” a certainty, and UlO^wZU S tinson * Co.. Portland. Maine. Ú* 1 <) a day at home. Agent* wanted. Outfit and against each other, and the tune isn't tiaees, and to this the great disaster of hi# ' scribed to l>e is not sufficient to out­ which ensure, for the ffuture, instruments •J) 1 & t.rtrt* fr«« THUR ACO. Animata Mam» which are free from tba| most serious objec ­ ended yet. weigh the evideuce which luis been given tion—the inability to . jeinain in tune. To nd FANCY CARDSwIth name in Aft I It Try Bowen’s Yeast Powder. time gave an unlooked-for impulse. P each trees will do well to wait a bit. Some little shops iu the low grounds respecting such creature». No one who secure these great advqfltages, .most persons SfeO 15c. 25 fine Mixed Cards 10c. Post VULU Business College, ASK TOUR OROCIR FOR IT. The budding out in advance of time will near! the cirfius took fire by ch luce. The has read the account givbb by the offi­ would be content to Sffriiiee something in paid. W. F bllows A Co.. North Chatham. NewYork. MEN wanted . in all parts 320 POST STREET, compel poor men to invest iu white pants fluBjes spread fast through the harrow I cers and men of I tbe ^Pwdaltu, for in­ the appearance or even in the tone of tbeir 1 1 fMMl VUV of the Pacific States. Address W. A. HKN- Piailos. But, fortunate^, it happens that the that street« ai d ctowded alleys of the quarter, stance,cqn fora liiometttsuppose _ H. they | new improvement not <#iiy does not lessen PERSON, P. O. Box 53, Santa R<.sa, Csl, pposite union square san F rancisco . befi re April. oldest and most oomplete Commercial Col­ rs . h . a . boore ' m hair produc - lege The T he Red Sea is rapidly changing-color, and soon begin t« climb up the higher were deceived in any of the ways in- the power or sweetness bf the tone, but gives on the coaat. Elegant ball*: new furniture; thor er, IO* Market str et. San Francisco. instruction; practical teacher»; high standing an i some day folks wiil go sold Hatch's Universal Cough Syrup for~ the fiolin, the vibratfous become freer the and Ship Building, while the FIB and CED AB have escaped injury. Travelers are some- seem to imagine, worthy of au emperor to act in, and sung years. Ky nslng it in my own nifaily, I Barren Fatcnt and are a* valuable for a great variety of pur­ more the instrument jis played upon. Iu about four satisfied of it* merit It lias become the lead­ A n Oregon paper says that Bijih, of tbe story of the tali of Troy among the times said to tel marvclous storie-», but other Piauo<, on the contrary, the freedom became Wood Hub Wheels. ing article of its kind, having by far th* best sale of poses. the Detroit Central Station Court, is a crushiog ruins and the fury of the flame«. it is a noteworthy fact that, iu nine cases Of vibration of the wqbd Is checked by the anv. Sample bottle* were freely given away, »nd this SOLS A0XNTS FOB Last year thirty millions of foot were rat, lea to Its rapid lotrodaction. JAMES JOHNSON, iron tuning pins holdlim the strings, which out of teu, tin i marvelous stories of myth. Omnibus drivers don't think so. Even w ilder fancies spread among the i - Clayton. Jeff. Co., N. Y. and the estimate for 1877 is fifty millions; fif­ strain upon the libre wiMi »pressure of several CLARKS ’ » Ex-Member of New York Legtelatnre. Men confirmed.Meu Neither do shoemakers. xople; men wluspered that bis servants travelers have been confirmed.^ teen millions are now on hand, thorougly sea­ tons, by the numerous Won bolts and screws VEW VINELAND TEMPERANCE T he Security-Life Insurance Compiny had been seen with lighted to dies in ridiculed the tai?, brought back by tho?e which are required toflceep the wood from 11 Colony, in Southern California. S7.U00 acres good ADJUSTABLE CARRIAGE UMBRELLA soned by the hot climate of Bed Bluff and ur to the S >u)h, >ufh, tli^t that beiug torn asunder, aiyi by the iron frame land, well tested fur several years for fruit, grain, had an .app'opiate ualne. Four ot the their hands as they were hurrying to and who had sailed far AVING REMOVED TO OUR NEW S-STORY Chico. vegetables; well wooded and watered, reqnfrtng no thesunm >vesfrom right to left,instead of acting as a clamp upoqlt. We suppose it is irrigation; Building, built for our special use, we are bet­ Large orders can be filled on a day’s notice for officerfl secured the funds, and the law fro to spread the fire. to be'sold to none but shareholders. Only from the freedom of vfcration that the won ­ ter prepared than ever to supply the Trade and Man- families desired as colonists Provision Nero had been heard to wish that the from leftt»right as you face his mid-day derful “singing” qualità of * tone is produced Temperance all kinds of BUILDING MATOBIAL8, rough or secured the four officers. for Schools, Churches, free Public Library^ Sc. Pros­ ufacturet e with all good* in our line. Ws «Iso h«ve place; but we know that those tnavelei stell mailed to any addresses sent to office at Lom­ connected with our Sacramento bouse a Wheel and dressed dry, by which elegfit and substantial will produce a ----- tone pectus T he New York Herald says that the «»Id Rome of crooked streets and crowded the truth. Tlie frst account of the giraffe in the Rogers Piano. Body Factory and Machine department, enabling us poc. Santa Barbara Ce.. Cal. anes might now be swept clean away, resembling that bf an gan, or the shortest at all times to fill special orders, on short notice. All work may be accomplished without delay at E ldkb JAMES W. WEBB,President. Free Preet is getting blind. Guess not. goods furnisbed-at the most reasonable prices. was laughed to i corn, and it was satisfac­ »toccato, at the will of io » performer, Cn abl xs_M a ltly . Secretary.____________________ _______ ,______ and ». its the usual cost for green lumber. - . . Look over this issue and see how many that he might rebuild it on a scale of No*. 2» and 31 Fremont Street, 8an Francisco. volume can be increased from the softest Orders for the interior filled at lose than Ban torily proved th it no such creature could L. CUGMWKLVN DKN- royal grandeur. Certainly he claimed lor Nos. 300 and 202 J Street, Sacramento. ¡HMrs of capital l's you can find. pidhi»»imo to the grandest franflest and fullest Jarti»- forti»- •. TAL ROOMS, »SO Kearny St, Francisco prices and freight. himself the liou’s share of the space that possibly exist, The gorilla would have eiino, without any belj/from near Bush. K thxb or CHtoaoronx i-J„.* pedals. If you , T he lady who wears one-button glove» the flames had cleared. The palace to been jeered out of existence l»ut for the DOORS, 8ASH a*d BLINDS always on hand administered. A lady assistant in at­ wish a mòre explicit ii "understanding of the ' ALWAYS FOR THE tendance. GBADtTATxa only am- VERDICT is oaly half as good as the lady who which the Palatine Hill had given a name fortuuate arrival of a skeleton of his at peculiarities of the nei r invention, you have in large quantities. ployed to operate. Address weais'two-buttous, and thus is life grad­ now took a wider range and sp:ea l to the an early stage if our acquaintance çith but to drop a postal q ard to Messrs. Black- Dividend Notice, No. 5. mar Ùavis, ut San F; ancisco, who are the ed for the foot-steps of good society. SIEBBA FLUME AND LUMBEB CO., Esquiliae, including iu it» vast circuit that prepossessi lg cousin of ours. LOAN AXD MAVINOM agents for the Rogers'? Piauo for the Pacific POLLATKKAL Bank, corner Post and Kearny st*., 8. F.—An ex­ VERTICAL FEED I t is high time that some one again long lines of porticoes, lakes, woods and “Monstrous cittlcfish were thought to Slupe. j tra dividend of 5 per cent, for the six months ending. asserted that green wall-paper was park«, while tlie buildings were so lavish- be monstrous lies, till the Alecton, in 1861, December 31st has been declared payable January Sth, to stockholders of record Decemlter 27th. A . SEWING MACHINE. Principal Office*: poisonous. Don’t let up on it till the 4y adorned with every art as to deserve came upon oue and captured its tail, Church Organa. F. 8. CAlfrER.Sec’y. matter is settled one way or the other. the name of the ‘'Golden House” which whose weiglit o forty pounds led nat- ' Pl The Centennial Gold Medal & Diploma, 1876. DEVELOPMENT OF AN IMPORTANT BRANCH OF Dividend Notice, Np. 6. KELSEY’S D iaz pays four per cent, a month for the people's fancy gave them. In its ves- i uralists to esliti ate the entire weight of - - .1875. ’ LOCAL INDUSTRY.. OLLATERAL LOAN AND HA VINOS The Scott Medal, - Bank, corner Post and Kearny sts., San Fran­ The Franklin Institute Medal, money. He should be inaugurated with tiouie stood the colossal figure of tbe em­ the creature at 1,000 pounds, or nearly a - 1874. —The regular monthly dividend of 2 per cent, No proposition cau e more clear than that cisco three balls.—[Cincinnati Commercial. peror, one hundred aud twenty feet iu couple of tons, ’ Iu 1873, ag.iu, two for January, 1877. is declared, payable February Sth, Tbe Report of the Centennial Cona« tliis city uiUBt neces irily be benefited by of record January 27th. 1X77. He is more likely to be killed with oue. height, which afterward gave its name to fisheimeu encoi utered a gigantic cuttie even- progressive elrije made in tbe various ’ to stockholders nslasion snya : “ Th« DAVI» to awarded ’ _______ F. S. CA RTER. Sec'y. -- -J the Coli sseum. From it stretched por­ in C’onceptior Oa.lEla.3Xd., OaJL Bay, Newfoundland, . brane lies of légitimai industry. - Whatever the Ci RAND GOLD MED AL OF HONOR T he American Express Company is set­ ticoes a mile in leugtb, supported on and DIPLOMA OF MERIT for excellent whose arms wtfre about thirty-five feet h^lps in the employin' it of labor, or supplies tling up for the loss by the Ashtabula triple ranged of marble pillars, leading to material and con*traetien. adapted to The Oldest aid Most Eiteisin 01 the Coast in length (the fishermen cut off from one any description of lpci want, adcktd with *210 per month; will be sold for SI^UO, cash; can be E CLAIM SALES UNPRECEDENTED AND its body was estimated at silty feet in view of the subject hafe found at all the Me­ made See the following collections; not a home shonld be to pay to» net per month. Expenses of pub­ »«t1«f»ctk>n UNIVERSAL. In it* construction L ong J ohn W entworth walking, up wild annuals of every sort. leilffth and five feet in diameter—so that chanics’ Fairs Held inf [this w it host at least this atnoaui at Fruits and Plant», all ‘ city many things lishing are very light. For particulars, enquire of it differ* from ALL others, and Is equaled by nous. CARLX>8 WHITE No. 582 Clav street. San Frauclsco. As an EARNEST of what is here claimed, the Manu ­ for 824.00. Tbe halls were lined with gold and the devil-fish of Victor Hugo’s famous lor complaisant rsflel lion, »eeihg that they and down Wabash avenue singing: “u facturer* CHALLENGE all other* for a friendly con- Syear^ S MontereyCjpre-, «ft. D Apples, furnished evidences of Industrial skill and en- precious stones, the banquet-rooms were test, either for amusement or »more SUBSTANTIAL story was a meie baby cutile in compari- Ever I Cease to Love,” is taken by the t Pear*. CONSIDERATION. The Family Machine is light terprise. For this i easoD the handsome ' S Lawson Cypress, 2M ft. 2 *• 7 Cherries, x ' ivory, per J*_ ­ souwiththe Ntwfouudiaud monster. Tne church organ wtich a Chicago press as an indication of the fitted with revolvinj 12 roofs uf running and easily comprehended: hn an ingenious I 2 Italian •• 8ft. 2 •» 8 Plum*. las exhibited at tife last device “ to take up" lost motion or wear, which to a SVncal^ptus or Gnm*^ forated to scatter flowers and perfumes mermaid, agai^t? has been satisfactorily Fair by John BergsU ¡om, the manufacturer, 2 rerivsrof trade. machinist, la positive proof of durability. We are 2 j Uninces, VJ/ JClastlo Corlc Truss, Blessed to refer to machines in manufketurtng estab- 2 5 Acacias, assorted, « Peaches, I t was an old but a good thing said by on the guests, while shifting tables identified with me manatee,oriwoman fisli,’ (on tlie corner of Misj libu and Twenty-fourth shment* hare, wnere they have been In constant use 5 Roses, - The best in use. Never fails to give perfect satisfac­ 2 Almonds, 2 streets), received a li |rge »hare of apprecia- seemed to vanish for themselves and re ­ as the Portuguese call it,which assumes, for nearly three years, to verify tbe above. Has re­ a French paragrapher lately, to the effect tion. No radical cure. No magnetic hasss- 5 Geranium*. “ 2 2 Fig», tive attention. The er igant points of its man- bug. Call and see It, or send for descriptive circular ceived more medals and complimentary testimonials 20 Grapes, appear . charged with choicest viands. 2 : 3 Fuchsia*.- ' says C.ipt, Seefesby, ‘ such positions that that he hates a girl when she is trying to than any other tn the same length of time. ufacture and its fine < iapacities of tone were to WM. BEEMAN, 3^1 Kearny st. (up stairs). 8. F. 2 Abutillons, 20 Currants, 2 tV~We Invite tbe especial attention of manufactur I 5 Pink* or Carnations, 10 Gooseberries, 2 l»e a woman and a woman when she is There were baths, to«», to suit all tastes; the humafkapnea'-ancc is very closely im­ deservedly much adml red, aud the intelligent era to our new No. 1 Just out. 1 5 Assorted Shrab*. 25 lia*nj>>-rries, some supplied from tue waters of tbe sea itated.’ verdict was that Mr. Jg lergstrom’s exhibit w as • trying to be a girl. 25 Blackberries. • 88<» among the ‘ most miF fiiorious in the Fair, and Some fitted with sulphurous streams Agent» Wanted in all Uuoccupied Territory “ As for storiies of sea-serpents, natu- 150 Trees and Plants. 814.Iso Plant*. J oaquin M iller ’ s new drama covers a •that bad their sources miles away.Jfbou- rali-ts have be0n far lers disposed to be That urgAn was subsdqi luently sold to the In­ But One Block from Depot and Steamboat Landing, tJF'The following Bedding Plants in 2 inch pots. period of 2,100 years, but be was con­ tjinds of the choicest works of art uf MARK SHELDON, depeudeut Presbyterian Presbyter|uu Church, ^UUivu, u> wuivu dependent of which $1 25 per dozen; incredulous than the general public. Dr, Rev. Mr. Hamilton isj SXchAMEXTO, CAL.’ i*pastor, pastor, and has given dene^tl Agent for Fnclflc Coaat, sistent enough not to carry all his char­ Greece and Asia had been destioyed, but Agératum Mexlcanum. Geraniums, Ani^'W Wilson, lor instance, after tbe fullest strtisfactjbn. *“*' * 'tin. The enterprising Verbenas, acters clear through. Only .the bera. tbeir place was taken by the paintings HI’ Hotel I* entirely New. having Just been com­ 130 POST STREET. • • ♦ SAN FRANCISCO. Salvias, in sorts, manufacturer, howevSr, ' vwr, was given an oppor- speaking of tb^ recorded observations in Altennnthera, - Neerembergi* Gracili*, pleted with all the Mod-rn Improvement*. The comes out 2,100 years old. . Polyanthus, Heliotrope*. iff ambition to a much only House In the City with Patent Elevator and Fire and statues brought from every quarter much such tenps as I have used above, tunity to 'gratify hiff Li bou tea. Pellsa, in sorts. - dur- Escapes. 250 Nicely Furnished Room«. A lecturer on optics, in explaining of the Empire. Nero sent Spectel agents says: ‘We may then affirm safely that greater extent, aud tiordingly he has, Pelargonium*. Forget me not. Board and Lodging. *1.00 to *1.50 per mg the past six mont , been at work on the Lobelias, Vinca*, tn sorts, Ac., Ar. Day. Meal». 25 Cento. Free Coach to tbe the mechanism of the organ of vision, to raiisack the cities for art treasures, and there are many verified pieces of evi­ largest church orgal al that has ever been Hotel. Exchange Office. Barber Shop, Bath Rooms Send for Catalogue and Pries List. Free on spplt- remarked: “Let any man gaze closely many a town among the isles of Greece deuce on recoip of strange marine forms built on this coast. I' It is being made to or- and Laundry in tbe House. Shower Baths FREE to cation. 1 r WM. LAND, Fr.-prletor. into his wife’s eye, and he will see him­ mourned in after days the visit that had tfoving been V* »10,000, for Rev. I. 8. (luests. beeu m< Let with, which evidence, der, at a cost of ovi -------------------------- a—... — ........................... s UNION WINE MATTRESS CO. Kai loch’» Tabernacle lejbn Fifth street, aud will self looking exceedingly small.” ^despoiled it of some priceless treasure. judged according i____ d|ng to ordin try and com- be 22 feel wi<|e and 8' 37«feet high. It will have PUMPS FOR ALL PURPOSES. th it cer- 54 stops, T he New York Telegram announces When all was dune and the emj»eror Aiou sense ru ids, go to^rove _ •J tr Wind Milla WarraatMl to Me EelY- with 58 not >lq| for each ___ stop, ______ running *VOC«*»OM TO that “the wages of servant girls are to be surveyed the w«»rk, eveu he was satisfied, tain hitherto ubdescribed m.iriue organ­ all through the scale ^rilh a ■ full ■ lull bank vmm of v. key^ AX7.S, <»overning or no Mie. ¿TOHK Xi. HALL, cut down at that point where the mis­ and be cried, “Now at least I feel that I isms do certaiuly exist iu the tbe sea depths. ’ and will be a» hand* me in its exterior ap- Iron pipe laid and fitted. All work guaranteed. Manufacturer* and Dealers in tress of the house will be able to over­ am lodged as a man shuuid be.” It was As to the support which natural history pearauee as it is pose ble for artistic taste sud" ' to make it. Thi pvoods used ___________ in its man- take them on the question of bonnet.” in halls like these that tue privileged few can give to the above proposition, ‘zool­ skill ufacture are cedar, black walnut and sugar CUMKTHINU ENTIRELY AMD Send for particular«. Address gathered:"round their lord when he re­ be SUPERIOR TO ALL. f teutal feature» will wiil"be T here is one good thing about Ameri­ turned from the grave business of the cir- ogists can but admit,’ be proceeds, ‘the pine, and the ornamental strikingly beautiful. >Mr. Bergstrom is also LIGHTNESS AND DURABILITY va** io «axoO CaA.8, F. H oag , KOK ; STRENGTH, can illustrated newspapers. Iu each’ ctis and stage, to indulge iu the pleasures correctness Of the observation. Certain making ” ’UNSURPASBRB. a very eleL gasit ' organ for the next organisms, and especially those of ma- 118 Beale Street. Man Franeiaco, number is a long and lucid explanation Mechanic’s Fair, dt t _______ •' . The only Mattress will be 9 ___ feet by 15 feet of the table. riue («. g. certain whale»), are known to aud h'avejiO stops ytunuing the full scale. of the pictures, so that one can general­ No. 136. THAT CAN BE TIGHTENED OR LUOSMKD AT P. N. P. C. Window Weight», Cordu and Pulley/ be of exceedingly rare occurrence. Our Both theie' organs aie from plans prepared « S PLEASURE. ly tell which is meant for a house and Empress Eugenie’s American Alices »knowledge of]marine reptilia is confess­ by William F.’ Smith, architect, late of Bos­ 1877.-Po«tpaid.-Sl.eO. wholksa E x AND WHOLBSAZB and xitaiu BBT AIL. which fora man. / tors. edly very small; aud best of all, there is ton. Mr. Bergstrom Is developing a great in­ Hare one of the largest and best stocks, which we no couu(£r objection of feasible argu­ dustry in the ma»ufajture of church organs, offer al low pr.ees. bend for Catalogue of Prices. Olive L»gan tells this tale in a letter lind’deserves the fuln-st encouragemeuL— S. Burlington Hjtwk-Eyetems, 11 and 1* California stand 114 and lie Market at A Monthly Magazine for Youngest Readers. ment which the naturalist can offer by F. Poet. ________ ,_______ • to the New York 0raphic : SrFxxutT ln.rs.TB.ATKi>. tWSrnd ten cent* for S ax F k V ncisco , P. O. B ox «18. way of denyinjg the above proposition. a Sample Number and Tremium-Liet. .< L ester W allack ^B playing “All for I did not set out to write a chapter He would be forced to admit tlie exist­ w--------- JOHN JJ. 81IOREŸ, Improvements of the Age. A.LKHMANN, Solicitor of Her.” That may do in New York, but fitted to that interesting volume, “Who’s ■< . DC. No PataBt No Pay. Held (Street. Boatan. The improvementstliat have been made in tbe law allows her only one-third out Who in 18771”—which, by the way, is ence of purely marine genera of SDakes which possess com pressed tails, adapted labor-saving machinery during the last Here. just out and fails as usual in solving its for swimming, and other points of orgaui - twenty years if something really wonderful. new own qaestion of who ’ who is — but to say T he New York Sun has put on a conceded that ’’ ‘ zation admittedly suited fur a purely It is now. almost universally dress. Aud, as usual, “the great pres­ that never till now have we had the leat>t aquatic existence.’ any labor that »an b£ é performed by the hu hu- ­ man hand can be dotfc quicker and better by sure” of reading matterv“crowds out” »u«picion that the Empress was iu any □D. XI. T.-1868, of mechanism |>a*rtmentof “Ij', therefore, we admit the possibility machinery. In no department way connected with American families. the advertisements. is this principle mdi;e practically and fully — nay, even ;the reasoning probability — S gaining a wide spread notoriety. Testimonial» Miss M ary G uild , of Boston, is .fol­ But the recent actions for damages for exemplified than 14 F the sewing machine. from all part» of the coast .how it to be a compan­ that gigflulic members of these water Step by step, difficulty, defamation of character wLich the Em ­ after difficulty has ion tn every faini’y. It qnickly remove* Wind Gall*, lowed and annoyed by “ a noisy ghost,** aud » ghost^” snakes may occasionally be developed, Spavins. Callous Lum pa, 8w eny, sud ali blemishes been overcome frbin jhe first stitch by means whose racket and rapping is only audible press's mother, the Countess de Montijo, the horse, while the family fiud* it indtepcntable of Howe’s rude majhine up to tbe preseut' if ^we should state a powerful case for the has instituted against more than a hun ­ for Sprains, Bruise«, Achea, Pains, and Wherever a «ry is present. She in the room where Mary CHUN assumed and probable existence of a time, when every dejftription of needle work good liniment I* required. dred journals in France have revealed the bad better marry the spectre; he’ll be is done more strodrly, more rapidly, more natural ‘ sea-serpeut. ’ We confess we do fact that Eugenie is the granddaughter beautifully, and, in effery respect, superior to WILLIAMS & MOORE, Prop’s, ^juiet enough after that. of an American. Yes, the Empress ‘Eu­ not well see l*>w such a chain of proba­ auy work done by haqd. Standing at the head Stockton, Cal. T he news from Europe is so depres­ genie’s grandfather was the United bilities can be readily set aside, supported of the list of really tirsi-class machines of the sing and uncertain that a man on North »elf-threadiu| as they are in the possibility of tbeir oc- present day is the seU-threadiug,self-regulaL WHITNEY & HOLMES tug, New Americatg Americai£ Machine, Machine, sold by E. Hill has felt compelled to reduce his States Con-ul at Malaga under Andrew cuirei.ce bv zoological science, and in ujg, Jackson's Presidency, and was also en­ H, Harrhigton, Gejp „ __ ... ______ H. Harrhigtou, General Agent for tbe Pa ­ pew rent and sell one of his dogs, in tbe actu^UetRils of the case by evideuce vltic Coast, 124 Fifttt Fifth street, San Francisco, r order to pave the way to a safe and steady gaged in the highly honorable—though as trustworthy in many oases as that cific C;tl. This ia undoubtedly the best machine not either aristocratic, diplomatic, or N ew and eleu ant style «, with resumption of a new suit of clothes in the consular—occupation of selling groceries. received in our courts of law. When we in* use, as ite rapidly increasing popularity in- Valuable Improvements; New and Beautiful spring. dicates. We advise omj friends not to pur ­ Solo Stops. Organists a,<1 Musicians everywhere In- This American family afterward settled remember ho# few fish or other iuhabi- eliase chase until they havu have seen it. dotpe'thcse organs and recommend them a* striclt* A N ew E ngland man has invented a in Glasgow, and the “Misses Kirkpat­ tauts'of the sea are ever seen compared ■ ■ 4«-— in Tone, Mechanism and Durability. War­ ranted Five Years. Send for Price Lists. process for,disinfecting onions, but the ricks” whom we saw iu Paris were" its with the countless millions which exist, MlHiTNEY A HOLMES ORGXW CO.. Ohlncv, III. A most effective remedy for the P hyl ­ regenerated fruit does not meet with any youthful representatives, and Her Maj­ that not one specimen of some tribes will loxera is a weak solution of -carbolic acid, UOOK. I favor. An onion without its flavor is as esty’s were first cumins, being daughters be seen for. many years in succession, and one gallon of the strength of Calvert’s ALBERT K. BURBANK, Im­ much like an onion a* an oyster withont of the Countess de Montijo's sister, and that some tribes are only knowu to exist Sheep wash, with about 450 gallons of water porter and Breeder of Fancy Fowls, Plgeona, Rabbits, Dogs, its tlipperynes* would be like a raw granddaughters (iike Eugenie) of the because a single specimen, or even a sin- sprinkled over the stem and roots of tbe etc. Also Egg* for hatching from viue. The ^ame wash is useful for preserv ­ oyster. ttie finest of imported •Cock, stock. uiay AmericauCousul and grocer at Malaga, gle skeleton iias been obtained, we, umy ing W et H ides , even after it has served for ■ria ^ar, «• for"beasts; >ui uca?m.i *fc« vxx «ersa, versa, the tne dark oars Oil on answer» answen a» w< ktain and discolor the skin, but not permanently. Yellow Blaine suffering in the United States would have been better pleased to find Hawkeye. 211 and 213 Sacramento street, Ban Francisca Iman flesh, , the blue-blooded bar sinister ou Eugeuie’s Senate. T he sleop1 ig-cars now in use weigh D artmouth C ollege has suffered a ter­ escutcheon than to learn of her honorable Land Owners Without Patents For the prevention and cur» of Scab, ete., and toe Merchant’s Gargling Oil as an Internal Remedy from 24 to fl tons. The . tipper portion 8hould enclose 32 with their receipt* to CoL destruction of parasite* infesting the fleece. rible blow in thefloss of it* boat-house, descent from an American Democrat. I Merchant’s Gargling Oil Is a diAtslble stimula ■ • H. P. WAKKLEE A CO.. of the car is made very heavy and strong L. Bingham A Co_ Attorney* for Claim*, tfcc_ Importing which, with its boats, shells and sculls and Manufacturing Druggist*, osr. Mont­ Iwhen such a remedy & Indicated, and Is a good si gomery and Bush street», San Franeiaco. N ice B oy .—“P a , what does it mean to in order to support the upper berths. Washington, D. C, and receive their Land was destroyed by a heavy gale last Satur­ iFor Cramps or Spasms of the Stomach, Colic, Ai Patent*. , Senator Wagner hopes to diminish the be tried by a jury of one ’ » peer»? ” “ It Klftoen to twenty drops, on sugar, or mixed with day night. The college will probably HOTEL, A C urb for rheumatism, simple, but pene­ «M INTEBNATIONAL be closed until this indispensable ad­ mean«, my son, that a man ia to be tried exces-ive deadweight of a coach by us­ sm »«SM Esaray »*., S« m * rrsMtela junct of a collegiate educational course by a jury composed of men who are bis ing lighter materials in construction trating to the »eat of pain and giving instant i BIHudMM MB DAT. relief, is Trapper’s Indian OIL Bold every, H. C. PATBIDGE, .... P bohuw can be The intellectual inter­ equals, on an equality with him, so they and by introducing simple appliances for where, at fifty centq-per patent flask. rtf would be at a stand­ will have no prejudices against him.” keeping the upper berths in place. The boat-houses were “Then, pa, I s’pose you’d have to be tried new cars which he had recently ordered U se Burnham^ Abietine .for croup, colds, by a jury of bald-headed men.” w ill not weigh more than 19 tons. sore throat and hoarseness,'. SHEEP WASH BOOTS AND SHOES B PACIFIC GREAT ENTERPRISE. O M B I- OLLEGE THE PACIFIC PRINTER, issued Bi-Month­ I. W. Taber & Co. The popularity of this well-known house ly, sent free on application to Miller • Rich- seems still to be upon the increase, and their afd, Type Founders, San Francisco. _______ business, notwithstanding the dull times, CALVERT’S gives bright promise for the future.’ Tlie ambitiqu of these gentlemen is evidently to CARHOLIC do the very best work in the efty, at the low- est remunerative prices. Brought into ac- tive competition with tlie best photographic talent upon this coast, or indeed in the •3 per gallon. world, they still maintain an enviable posi­ T. W. JAÏRSON, San Fran­ tion in the front rank of photographic art­ cisco. Sole. Agent for Califor­ ists. Visit them by all means when you are in San Francisco, ut 24, 2(J and 28 Montgom­ nia and {Nevada. ery street, opposite the Lick House. T Waion aid Carriage Material, - J H J DAVIS — - I — C NURSERIES NEWSPAPER FOR SALE. Í A W RUPTURE! M WESTERN HOTEL, T > E. H. KITTREDGE & CO. r DOORS, WINDOWS k ZBX-IXTZDS, ..-J H. H. H. PATENTS. F HORSE MEDICINE I ORGANS Merchant’s' Gargling Oil « t COMMERCIAL HOTEL, 1 V J Bath for Sheep <9 •• ■ • I I I Í-* ¿pSMjjg» $