LAFAYETTE COURIER, ♦ rvazise» I 3s,vx:j»'sr f I LAFAYETTE COURIER ——BY----- ¿T. H embree : ¿T. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: One Copy, Ono Year....... One Copy. Six Month*... One Copy, Three Month» Su no 1 7i 1 Ou fIncline... I 8a) , 3M ■ 1 luc.-nn. ~7 Xltttn¿7 X Coloma. K Column. 12 00 i A Ä CO UTB •* ‘ A«lvcKla*inenta to be i>*l stop grows like * potato sprout in the cellar with the double purpose of propitiating Such liveliness as that of the Neapolitan various sorts, of pens manufactured. * Clerk Richard tales of love can tell. Allah, and of making the men haul to ­ at early spring. Its stems and leaves are them! ” f past nine—why, it must be later than woman and coquetry are foreign to Ro­ When the different sheets are prepared The tap-wife; sells her foaming beer, And the deacon rehung the pendulum, but poorly devoloped. It has had the in­ gether.^ He placed . himself, with the that! Why, land o’ Canaan! the old man female nature. These women move they are handed to the stamping da- < Dan Flsly£-flsheth in the mere, strong party in charge of the two bow fluence only of air, heat and moisture. clock's stopped! I wound it up this and set the iron tongue of the old clock like queens, with fine, broad shouldered part ment, where the first and subse­ ▲nd courtiers rutile, sfl*ut aud shine. morniu’, I’m sartin,” said the deacon, very talking again. Tim Marshall paused on Add another element of growth, the sun­ cables. All being ready, and ouri party, and broad hipped, figures and flexible quent processes of pen-making are goie While pages bring the Gascon wine; Including the ladies from, the “ Zarifs, ” much disturbed. “It never served me the front door-step to whisper to Mary,— light, and the plaut loses its sickly hue Its leaves are all on board, our boat was cast off, and waists. They do not bend or wave from through. There are altogether twenty- But fall to each whate’er befall, “Which shall it bi, Mary—a death or a and its feeble breath. such a trick afore. Your Aunt Jane used The farmer he must feed thcii all. able to decompose carbonic acid of the the stern hauled out; so that she soon side to side as they walk, but glide along four processes; every single pen baa to to say it was a sign of death or a marriage marriage?” air and add the carbon to its structure. stood in the thread of the current, with with sweeping draperies like so many go through them all before it is com- , Aud ehe in turn answered,— in the family before the year was out. Maikhullds bis castles fair and high, Ekch worker Thus exposing the young plant to the her bow fairly in the rapid. Now began wandering goddesses. These physical at­ pleted and fit for use. marriage, I h *pe.” These springs must be out of order some­ Wherever river runneth by, tractions are accompanied by a dignified, has a separate table, with k statnping vitalizing rays of the sun, its leaves as ­ in full chorus the Shellalee soug, of “My darling,” said Tim, “it’s ^vorth how,” he added, fumbling on the shelf “ Great cities rise In every land, gracious bearing,.and the bal mobile par- machine on it, and a stool to herself. passing a life-time behind the clock-case sume a green and healthy color. Here which we had heard severai specimens lare, the noble speech of the Roman Nearly all the processes are done by for the clock key. “ How scared you Great churches show the builder’a-hand, we see the influence of sunlight in the the day before :- r look, child! There ain’t no cause of be­ to feel as happy as I do now !” When stamped out, the Great arches, inonumeuta and towers, vegetal world. It lends vitality, and has “Yah Saiéd! Oh, yah Saiéd! Yoom woman, is peculiarly fascinating. No one stamping. ing scared; I don ’ t put no faith in your pen, any kind whatever, is at first per- _ who has once felt the charm bf this elo ­ Fair palaees and pleasing bowers; the power to give force and effect to heat, bahmy! Allah yoom bahmy! Yok sainy! Scenes on Russian Railro:uls. aunt's old-time syperstition. Where in quence, whose deep, full tones .and flow­ fectly flat. The sheet used is rolled and Great work is don*, be’t here or there, Allah yok sainy ! Yah yoony, sahla^hh air and moisture, so that the leaves can the name of all pósses ed is that key? I ing vowels are as harmonious as fine mu­ placed on the ground on one side of the And well man worketh everj^rbere ; North or 8 juth, there is scarcely any absorb material from the air. In this rah tn v!” rahmy could ha' declared I left in the case.” r Our “praying man” danced,sang,waved sic, can ever forget it. The rich, high table; the worker takes hold of the un­ difference between the aspect of the I Rus­ way the sunlight aids the leaves in ex­ But work or rest, whate’er befall, “Isn’t it>on the shelf, father?” asked sian stations. For hundreds of Versts tracting from the air carbon, that the his flag, bent almost almost- double, -leaped leaped in born beauty blooms and flourishes like rolled end and passes it at regular in­ The farmer he must feed them all. Mary, guiltily, conscious that it was you have beeu jolting through a flat or sunlight aids in forihing into vegetal the air, shouted frantically. The sheiks the flowers and shrubs nr the luxuriant tervals beneath the stamper on the * •r a snugly repo-ing in the pocket of her slightly undulating series of enormous anc^ living structures. Vegetáis do not aided, the motley cretf of men and boys Roman gardens; «the wretched peasant block, and by the help of a contrivance. Death or Marriage. dress. snow-clad plains. Stunted birch, fir grow in a healthy way, nor do their seeds pulled in every possible direction, and woman of the Campagna is poor, haggard, worked by the feet by a motion of the “No; nor ’tain’t in my pocket, ntither.” and larch are all the flora you peijceive. mature without the sunlight. The .incient clock io Deacon Shermer’s we fairly started up, slowly at first, tanned by sun and weather. But her handle, the stamper descends with a old-fashioned kitchen was slowly chiming And down went the deacon, stiffly enough, You uever set eyes upon a town—one, The sunlight is the great vital force of then with a rush that brought the vessel gait, too, is proud, her eyes also flame sharp rap and rises up again immediate­ the hour of nine. It was no smart toy, on his kuees to examine the floor, lest, I mean,with smoke curling from the Ichim- all Organized things. Visit children who clear, all but the stern; then a pause, as brightly—they flame, alas, with hunger ly. With great rapidity the pens are re­ no trifle of bronze or alabaster, but a perchance, the missing key might have neys,with women peeping from the: case­ are rendered sickly either by their wealth we hung there, and a little change in the and fever, two maladies hereditary in moved from the block, and the sheets tall, square, solid relic of the last cen­ fallen there, “Well, I never kuowed ments, with children playing ou the door­ or their poverty, and observe that the soft direction of the cables; the “praying her blood! There is character in her fea-i pushed on. The process is similar to tury, lo >kiug nbt unlike a coffin-case set anything so strange in all my life.” steps, w ith dogs or poultry at the street­ and solid structure of the frame of infancy man” and sheiks recommenced with re­ tures; and even when her countenance that of the stamping of the seals on pa­ “It is strange,” said hypocritical Mary. ends. on end in the coruer—a clock that had iuffers from want of sunlight. The teeth doubled energy, and with a wild rush we shall be utterly withered and wrinkled per, with the exception that in the. case • j “I’ll have a regtdar hunt to-morrow,” lasted through four generations, and, For strategic reasons, the railway lfis early decay; the bones are deformed; the were through. A few more pauses, some and discolored by years, hard work and of pen-making the stamper is made' judging from appearauces, was likely to said the deacon. “It must be somewhere been made to run straight as an arrow skin loses its ruddy hue; the muscles are more changes of the cables, a few. more weather, it will yet be fnll of character, sharp so as to cut through the steel . last through several more. Deacon Siter­ around.” from a Tartar’s bow from one great soft.and poorly developed; the nervous frantic pulls, and we soon reached a thoughitbeasugly and hag-like as that of sheet placed on the matrix. The subse­ “ Yes, it must, ” faltered Mary. ai er cherished the old heirloom with a po|nt to another of military vantage. system is feeble and easily disturbed; and position safely clear of the cataract. an old witch. The bluntness and disagree­ quent pr” -3«, such a* rounding the “Only,” the deacon went on, resuming They say that when the Czar Nicholas was the digestive power is diminished; and Noyf appears our reverend friend, ready able sharpness which age impresses upon pens, puttiqg on the name and number, sort of pride which he would have scarce­ his place before the fire, “I kind o’ don’t deferentially consulted as to-the :direc­ the blood is poor and thin, and no to receive the congratulations and back­ the women of other European countries splitting the nibs, are all executed by ly confessed to.1 There was a great ruddy fire of cheat­ like to hive the old clock stand still a tion which the St. Petersburg & Moscow longer able to deposit atoms of bone aud sheesh so well earned: these were are not seen among them. They are all »tamping machines, nearly in the same A nut logs in .the red brick fire-place; and single night. When I wake up, it seems Railway should follow', his Majesty sim­ muscle. Even the children of the wealthy showered upon him to his heart’s delight, fit to serve as. painters’ models. Roman manner as the first process. In every the candle* in the brightly-polished brass like it was talkin’ to me in the stillness.” ply took* pencil and ruler, aud struck a iu our large cities, who have all thegood, and he promised to bestow the light of girls are utterly devoid of sentimentality, case only one single pen is done at a TEe'deacon looked thoughtfully at the straight line on the map from the new no less than the evil, that wealth bestows, his countenance upon us on our down­ and women of the Roman populace talk time. The last process is the tampering, stkk» were winking marrjly Jfoin tlie high wooden mantel where tfiey shared fiery log. Mary fidgeted uneasily about to the old metropolis of his empire; and are pale, feeble, and very susceptible to ward trip, and see us safely through. as familiarly of thw*latest tragical ^tab­ and is the most important; fdr through --------- , ,.!* * - — - bing case as our women talk of a hew all the various stages up to the twenty- 4he post of honor with« curious sea-shell the room, straightening table-covers, set­ the consequence of this inflexible^ mili­ all the disturbances of infancy. Nearly novel, and whenever a man has been third process the pen remain* in a brittle and a couple of vases. At the window a ting back chairs, and thinking—oh, if he tarism as applied to civil engineering is every mother who is compelled to keep * Rufus Choatev J curtain of gaudy chintz shut out the tens would only go to bed! As he sat there that the majority of Russian towns are her young children confined to their killed they immediately take the part of state, and hence it is unfit for use until At the bar, or in debate, Webster was the wretched assassin. There is nothing it is tempered. The pens (one sort at a of thousands of stars that were shining bis eyelids began, to droop, aud his head two or three miles distant from the rail­ school has an opportunity of observing I brightly on the autumnal night, and on to nod solemnly. • Mary’s ey«s lighted up way stations which bear their names. pow much they improve when they can I more like an earthquake, but Clioate to be done for the dead man, but the time) are put into a large pan placed the cozy rug of parti-colored rags .a fat with a sparkle of hope. The platform and its appurtenances are spend a few weeks in the country and was a whirlwind.' A late number of the other interesting, much-to-be compassion­ within a heating apparatus—a large cop­ American Law Review gives the picture of ated criminal, who has had the misfor­ per cylinder—but not directly above the tortoise-shell cat was not the only inhab­ “Child,” he said,’suddenly straighten­ isolated in the midst of a snowy waste. there enjoy (he fresh air and sunlight. the latter while making a plea: itant of the »id farm-house kitchen. tune to kill somebody, he, indeed, may first, and by an ingenious process they ing himself up in the stifiTbacked chair, Round about you are gathered a few ? * * i L When greatly excited, he appeared to have need for help and sympathy, for the are kept constantly stirring, and shifting “Timothy,” said Mary Shermer, de­ “you’d better go to bed. I’ll sit up till shedsand wooden cabins, together with Sai/riNd M eat .—When dry salt is cidedly, “if you don’t behave yourself the logs burn out.” vast piles of roughly-hewn logs for fuel. rubbed into fresh meats a brine soon be almost in convulsions, every fibre in accursed carabinieri are after him, and he about, so that an equal degree of heat I’ll—” “But, father, I’m not sleepy.” That is all, save the signal-boxes, which forms, amounting in bulk to one-third his body quivering with emotion, his must not be left to fall into their hands. is imparted to each single one. This face ashy pale, his eyes flashing, his gest­ Wheresoever he goes and relates his bloody process goes on for a short time, and, What she would do, Mary did not say; “Go to bed, my child,” reiterated the look either like gibbets with pijck'iug- the sentence was terminated by a laugh deacon, with good-humored authority cas*a instead of corpses suspended from the fluid contained in the raw flesh. Lie­ ures most violent; and be would shout, j story, he is sure to meet with shelter. The when ended, the hot pen* are scattered that set the dimples around her mouth in that brooked no opposition; and Mary them, or packing cases without gibbets. big ascertained that this fluid contained and even scream, with all the force of women press round him full of pity and on the floor to cool, which being done the chief constituents of a concentrated inotiqn, just as a.beam of June sunshine Crept out of the room, re idy to cry with Women are often employed in signal­ soup or infusion:, of'meat, and that there­ his lungs. He did not, in the torrent, curiosity, the children stare at him as a the work is completed, and the manu­ plays across a cluster of ripe cherries. anxiety and mortification. ling, and wretchedly unwomanly they fore the salting process changes the com­ tempest, and, as I may say, whirlwind of hero, the men admire him and help him factured articles are ready for use. hie passion, beget a temperance that as best they cad.— T. A. Trollope'» New The process of making boxes for the Mary Sbermer was just seventeen—a “If Tim will only keep quiet a little appear, bundled up in hoods and gabar­ pen is also very interesting. The mak­ plump, rosy girl with black hair, brushed while longer,” she thought, sitting oil the dines of sheepskin reaching no lower position of the meat more thau boiling. gave it smoothness.” Like a high-met­ Book on Italy. ers have a great dumber of solid pieces back from a low forehead, and perfectly stairs where the moon streamed in in than the knee, with their legs swathed In boiling, wh$re the meat is placed in tled steed, he was off at a tremendous arched eyebrows, that gave a bewitching chilly splendor^. “Father sleeps so sound­ and muffled to almost elephantine pro­ boiling water, the albumen remains in a rate from the word “Go!” and he kept • M any years ago, a gentleman ik a sub­ of wood made in tlie shape of the required expression of surprise to a pair of hazel ly—and he is sure to go to sleep iii his portions in canvas bandages, cross-gar­ coagulated state in the mass of the flesh, up or increased the pace to the end of ordinate department of the Bank of Ire- boxe«, and about the required size. Tne pa­ eyes. She was rather dark, but the chair. I could just steal in and release tered with strings of untunned leather. but in salting the albumen is separated as the course. When I have seen Choate laud discovered a device more useful than per used for the purpose is cut in long strips coagulum. It is now easy to understand severest critic could pot have found fault him as quietly as possible.” These, with heavy clogs of wood; com­ that, iu salting meat, where this is pushed employ two extraordinary instruments of hair-splitting, though of the like nature; of two diffeemt widths, to suit the top and expression—his nose and his heels— he fouud out the way of splitting bank bottom and sides, respectively. The with the peach-like bloom upon her She sat there, her plump fingers inter­ plete the costume of the anomalous crea­ cheeks, and the red of her daintily curved laced, and her eye9 fixed dreamily on the ture, who mechanically waves a tattered so far as to produce the brine above men­ drawing in the full volume of his breath notes, so that each note became two, and strips are then pasted on the box all around, lips. Evidently Mr. Timothy Marshall floor, while alt the time her ears were black or ragged yellow flag as the t^ain tioned, a nuipber of substances are with­ through a large nose with * noise heard to all appearance were the same as wheu but so managed that the end of one piece— was satisfied with Mary’s style of beauty strained to catch every sound in the passes, and makes-us wonder whether drawn from the flesh which are essential all over the room, and then, to double they were one, including, of course, the after it has been bent to fit the corners— “Come, Mary,” said Tim, picking up kitchen beyond. Hark! was that .the Mother Eve could ever have realized the to its constitution, and that it therefore the force of the- expression; closing his water-mark and all the rest of it. He should overlap the other. By this means the. thread of the conversation where 4e wail of the wind? or was it something to possibility of her daughters bein ig put loses ita nutritive qualities in proportion sentence by coming down on his heels was an honest man, ^and informed the the paste does not touch the box, and . ] , with a muscular effort which shook the had dropped it when it became necessary her literally “nearer and dearer?” Ye3; to such base uses as these. ^London to this abstraction. * therefore the paper does not stick to it The great error of over-salting is one of whole court-room; when I heard of liis government of the result of’his ingenuity; When dry the sides of the box are cut a for Mary t> bid him “behave himself”— ^he could not be mistaken now; it was Daily Telegraph. whereupon, upon his solemn promise of I ’ such often occurrence in this country tearing bis coat from top to bottom by “you might promise; it’s nine o’clock, actually a snore. .little about tl v middle, or about one- thkt it is seldom that home-cured meat is the violence of his gestures, I was pleased never revealing his secret, they made him third the depti from thb top. The papei- and your father w^l *oon be home.” Turkish Women. governor of the bank. Anomer gentle ­ Mary rose softly to her feet with re­ free from this evil. ' Ju many instances, at reading that a gentleman in England “Promise what, Tim?” said Mary, de­ man, but who, unhappily, is a rogue, has box is then in \ jo pieces, and a thin Women of all classes learn early to re­ one-half or two-thirds of the salt used told Cuoate that he had frequently seen ¡lately made his appearafice in London; p%ce similar to the shape, of the box, murely, fitting a square of red iu her newed hope. Surely now was the accept­ patchwork, and intently observing the ed time.-> Noiselessly as a floating shadow press their natural emotions aud feel­ would be amply sufficient to preserve the Erskine, iu addressing a jury, jump up he has invented a certain acid which but without top or bottom sides, is in­ she crossed the hall, opened the kitchen ings while in the presence of their su­ méat, and that is the design of salting in and knock his feet together before he effect. causes the writing to disappear from the serted in and pasted for the lid to r “Nonsense, Mary ! You know what door, and stole across the creaking boards periors or masters. Slave girls show no bijlk. Over-salted meat is not only very touched the floor ¿igain. check, and then he fills up the blank slide upon. of the floor. The candles ______ were ___ ___ burned sign of feeling in the presence of the mis­ unhealthy, but not half,»L_ so nutritious __ a^ ‘ . “"T very well. Promise to marry me before f-— space according to his aspirations. His but the shifting shirting light of the fire re­ tress; but once out of the range' of the when properly salted. Christmas! I tell you what, it’s all very out, bnt Shortening the Ocean Voyage. T he question whether -the Centennial modtu operandiis the following: He pro­ t mistress’ eye, surrounded only by those —----- ..r— ----------- . . > . . . cures a real check, drawn by a good name, well fur you to keep putting me off, but vealed her father nodding before the fire, fem- Ri.euMATMM.-Boh I with closed eyes, and bands hanging by she cau trust, the slave casts oft the ha­ The New York Tribune says; A lit­ I can’t stand it. What with your father’s for seventeen or nineteen pounds; the his sides. • bitually assumed indifference of man­ a wall potful of potatoes and bathe the the $1,500,000 appropriated by Congress, tle pamphlet just issued, entitled forbidding me the house, and that Tom With a heart that beat quick and fast, ner, and gives free play to her natural pah t affected with the w’ater in which the or divide it among the Centennial stock- word “pounds” is obliterated so com­ “The Problem Solved—How to Shorten Stanley’s coming here every Sunday pletely that no trace of the original writ ­ z.,... i holders, has at Su£m last been legally decided like the strokes of a hammer, she drew style, mode of speech and characteristic ootatoes th^Unlted Circ «it JCourt for potatoes were boiled, a as > hot jte its can night—” ing can be discerned even with the mi­ the Distance Between Europe and Amer­ the key from her pocket and proceeded, gestures. Thus the same individual was H applied, immediately before going to £a8tera D t PeQD lvani in croscope, anddhe words “hundred pbunds” ica,” is a commercial curiosity. The . Mary gave her pretty head a toss. or at fayor the 9tockbolder9 aod in9t’the inserted in its place; two ciphers are add­ author comes to New York tp obtain “As if Mr. Stanley's coming here made in spite of the DCrvous trembling of her continually coming udder my observation bqd The pams fingers, to fltit into the lock. 9o ab­ at different hours of. the day ini diverse least alienated, by the next morning. I any difference in my feelings, Tim f simeof the most obstinate rheumatic government. in the course of he ed to the figures, and then the thing is funds for building a railroad in Nova u__ . — - - - Scotia, the ultimate effect of’which, iu No; but, Mary, it isn’t pleasant, you sorbed was she in her task that she never phases of temper and t behavior, and pains have lately been cured by one ap- °P,n‘on’wh'^ « ve? comprehensive, the done, since all the other parte of the doc­ his opinion, will be to concentrate alt the know. I'm as good a man as Tom Stan­ noticed the sudden cessation of the heavy sometimes she who had appeared^ in the .T UbU. .nd r Cm Jy. o«! 1 ument, including the signature, are quite ley, if I don’t own railroad shares and breathing—never saw the deacon start presence of Khpnum Bffendi, to be m< st correct. This ingenious plan is cauring European trade of this continent, and the into wakefulness and look around him. fussy and careful about triflesj would, shipping engaged-therein, at Whitehaven, keep an account at the 'Hamiltonville ;8 ure C ure for I nflamed E yes .— seton foot and sanctioned by Congress, great consternation in London, -and the bank; and I love you, Mafy, from the Love is blind, and equally true, it is deuf. when off duty, laugh the loudest and Tike half an ounce of Golden Seal (you but the Centennial commission and the gentleman who invented it could get a Nova Scotia, at the expense of New York bottom of my heart. Now this matter The deacon rose with a shrewd twinkle give herself up entirely to gossip and wjll find it at the drug stores), pour one- Centennial board were made thS“ agents good round sum to retire from business. and all other Atlantic ports. The rail­ way is seventy miles long and is to con­ lie* between you and I alone; no other in his eyes, and Mary g".ve a little fright­ merry-making, utterly disregarding the hilf pint boiling water upon it and let it of the government in preparing and con- nect Whitehaven to New Glasgow, where person in the world has a right to inter- ened shriek as a hand fell softly on her duties she ought to have beeu attending cpol. Bathe the eyes with a linen rag ducting it. The appropriation was E ffective E loquence .—The most Elo­ a connection will be made with the rail­ to whoa the younger slaved (who were fep between us. Come, promise me!” arm, possessing itself of the key. dipped in this each night upon going to avowedly made to complete the necessary quent orators iu the English Parliament, way Bystem of the continent. The idea “Let me help you,” said Deacon Sher- under her orders and really anxious / He held both her hands in his and looked preparation for a celebration and ex- and in the Congress of the United States, about their especial functions being duly bed, and you will soon effect a cure. of the author is that it is necessary to earnestly into her eyes. “Do you love mer. 1 L amp S moke — T o prevent the smoking whJctl Congress had declared rarely change a single vote. They apeak shorten the trip across the ocean for the “Father, I—I found the key,” faltered performer!), would timidly press her fur me, Mary?” Mary. directions. The harem is quiet and of a lamp’ soak the wick in strong vine- national and under its sanction^ in which more for their constituents and for the benefit of that “steady and ever-growing “You know I love you, Tim.” gL, and dry it well before using it. it other nations had been invited by the country at large than fortheir fellow­ “You did, eh?” said the deacon. “Well, peaceful,,and regulated by etiquette ; a stream of wealthy and cultivated people “Then we may just as well—hush! that’s lucky; aud now we cau find out quiet, sedate demeanor, absence of hurry, Si then burn both sweet and pleasant, government to join, and the proper ar- members. But Lord Macaulay, when in which pours down to the tteamahip whMt was that?" fo.r the preamble | Parliament, on two occasions changed wharfs and diffuses itself throughout the restfulness, form rather a part of their i ! apd give much satisfaction for the troii- There was a portentous sound of draw­ what’s the matter with the clock.” uL ’ to the act declared to be a matter of the vote of the House of Commons by countries of the Old World’V annually, Mary’s heart, throbbing so wildly a moral obligations, for the body 'must be ing bolt* and rattling latches io the porch 1 & honor irood faith Dart of honor aud aud good faith on on the the part of the the moment or two ago, seemed to stand ab ­ maintained in a state of quietude that beyond—a scraping of heavy boots aloug • T he London Milk Journal says that a government of the United States. A speeches which enlightened and con­ and of the return tide of fashionable vinced those who held opposite opinion*. European travel, and also for the benefit solutely still as her father turned the key thtrmind may be in perfect equilibrium. pint of milk,heated a little but not boiled, the floor. In 1842, a Copyright Bil) wa* intro­ of trade. To shorten the trip be pur­ and opened the’fall door of the clock­ A well instructed, “orthodox” Mussul­ tfken every four hours, will check the careful inspection of thiB act makes it “Oh,Tim, it’s father!” evident that Congress did not intend I duced, and was likely to pas* by an al­ case. I man woman admits to herself , all this poses to have all ships sail from White­ “Suppose it is?” i$O8t violent diarrhea, stomach ache, in­ thereby to create the relation of debtor most unanimous vote. Macaulay opposed haven, which is the moot easterly point '• “ Hal-lo! ” ejaculated the deacon, as and more; she recognises the re&sou of “But he musH’t find you here, Tim! cipient cholera and dysentery. and creditor between the Centennial Board it in a brief speech. When he had taken of the continent, from which point Timothy Marshall tumbled -laughtffgly her seclusion within the sheltering walla Hide yourself somewhere, do!” qf Finance and the United States. The » in five days. “What nonsense, Mary,” said the young into the room. “8o you was the matter of’the harem to be due to a tender solici­ • D rop C ookies .—One cup sugar; one language used is the ordinary language his seat, Sir Robert Peel walked across steamers can cross the floor,shook hands with him and assured Travelers and mails, Hb] a train with the oLi clock, eh? ” tude that she may be shielded from the man, resolutely standing l^is ground. “1 g; one cup sour cream; one teaspooa- of an appropriation, not of a loan. For I “Y»*s, Bir,” said Tim, composedly. “I effects of disturbing influence* in the haven't come here to steal his spoons. l-soda; season with lemon extract, or these reasons we are of opinion that the him that during the last twenty minutes between Whitehaven and New York, his speech bad completely changed his would still make the distance between Why should I creep away like a detected hope I haven’t seriously interfered with world without, and may follow ¡the bent ythiug else suitable, and stir in flour fund in the treasury of the Centennial (Sir Robert’») view of the bill. Member Liverpool and New York at a saving of the works of the clock. ” which one masculine miud only im ­ burglar?” ough to make the mixture thicker than Board of Finance should be' distributed after member confessed to a similar twenty five hours over the fastest time poses on her. “ You ’ ve seriously interfered with me, ” cfcdiuary cake; drop on a buttered tin, in pro rata among the stockholders of the “For my sake, Tim. If you ever loved —.—.— *■ _ ——' me, do as I say I Notin that closet; it is said the deacon, waxing indignant. Axamusingsto >ry is told of the Baron X—>r ‘Honful*. about two inches apart, and corporation, as directed by the 10th sec­ change, and the■ bill 'was defeated by * ever made. The author of the new large majority. A similar result hap­ scheme believes that all the grain, coal, cioeq L> bis bed-room; not through that “What do you mean, sir, by hiding iu my a member of one eofthe oldestand proudest1 ,ke quickly. tion of the act of 1873, and as it is in- pened in 1853, on the Judge’* Exclusion cotton and other trade of the continent house like a thief? ” window, for it is nailed down. He is i S oft G ingerbread .—One cup of New I sufficient to pay the stockholders, the full] Bill, which was likely to prevail, till a can be and will be gathered at White­ “Indeed, indeed, father,” cried Miry, families in France, who bad ^arranged coming! Here, Tim, quick!” Orleans molasses; one-half cup sugar; amount inve-ted by them as stockholders, I speech of Macaulay’s defeated it, and it haven. He calls attention, therefore, to for him” a marriage with an English In the drawing of a breath, she had iMirsting into tears, “it wasn’t his fault. lady of immense wealth. A few weeks one egg; one cup sour cream; teaspoon­ as no part of it is made up of profits, the was said to be, “not thrown out, but the grandeur of the Whitehaven scheme, pushed him into the square pendulum He didn’t want to hide, but I put him in before the date appointed for the wed­ fill soda; one tablespoonful of ginger; case contemplated in the proviso has not and urges that the projected railway kicked out.” case of the tall old clock, and turned the there.” ding, the lover found out that his .be­ half teaspoonful of cinnamon, aud two arisen, and the United States is entitled “would be a veritable bonanza to its “ You did, eh? May I ask what for? ” key'upon him. _ It was not a pleasant to no part of the fund.”_____ trothed, instead of lieing of good family, and one-half cups flour. “ Father, ” faltered Mary, “ I love him, D uring the thirteen years that Presi­ wners.” ' place of refuge, inasmuch as his shoulders as had been reported to him, was the ■ G inger C ookies .—One cup New Or­ ... ---------—f---------- - and he loves me! ” . dent Smith, who has lately resigned, bad p were squeezed on either side, and hi* head A sub - kditor and a reporter were charge of Dartmouth College, $960,000 A t a certain hotel up town three la­ “Is that any reason why he should die daughter of a quack doctor, her golden leans moLasses; one cup sugar; ohe egg; quarreling flattened against springs and wheels one day in the editor’s roo?’'» I guineas having been derived from the one cu'p lard; one cup warm wat^Y, with were given to the college in donations, dies on the same floor have each a above, and the air was unpleasantly close; in the clock-case, misa?” “ You are a donkey!” said the sub-edirof. sale of patent pills. He broke off the a teaspoonful of soda dissolved in it, and “No—but—father I I can never marry * but Tim made the best of matters, and _ _ I “You are another I” replied the reporter, the largest gift being from Tappan Went­ piano, and, by one of thoae singular ar­ match, whereat hi* father, Count A------ , one tableapoonful ginger. Mr. Stanley. He is so soft, and I — ' worth, of Lowell, who gave $500,000, and rangement of Providence, al| practice shook with suppressed laughter iu hi* A. Li. rf whortleber- Mary’s tears finished the sentence for who was a widower, was sorely distressed. the next largest, $130,000 from Joel at the same hour. Nine guests have al-, prison cell. “So many millions —aud all lost to the ties and drank in place of water is a sure Parker,of Cambridge. The faculty, which, ready been taken to insane asylums, her. The deacon looked down (not un ­ “Wall, a jolly scrape to be in,” thought family. Rither than that should occur kindly) on her bowed head, and the ten ­ thirteen^evra ago, numbered twenty ¡and those who remain on the floor are he, “and no knowing when 1’11 be out of he would marry the lady himself,”— however bad. treated by physician* for brain it. Mary’s a shrewd little pus*, however, der arm that supported it. Apparentl “you forget, I think, that I am present!” members^ po* numbers thirty-six, and hieh he did forthwith. J the number ^f students has increased from the courao of true love, roughly | To presqyve smoked meats through the The *ub-editor apologised. nlnbiuidi”b*ttwthBa 263 to 479 ft» that time, while the library it ran, was overwhelming all bis ow lx taking off a sheathing of a Ken­ summer: Pack iQ data, sweet hay before contains 55,000 volumes against 86,000 the flies come; cover the boxor barrel world-wise arrangements in its tide- A ccording to the judgment tucky house the other day, some hen’s }>■», and keep it •- in a dry place. | New Milford m*u, who bad seven men then. ' “And so you two young folks really eggs were found sixty years old. The tight, u n eggs, ■ i S aucktor Tlnwiwr Ds using .— *** Two one- to assist him to hi* feet, “the hind end Gunk that you love each other?” said the Kentuckians in that vicinity vidui now 1m- ■ finraWna .'.7 : a.).^ --------------------------------------- *------- thtQ T here has been afew crops of Chinese alf cup . TZT of sugar, butter ... the size of an l.k. I of a male more premature mule is much mi patiently aweit.i ,the arrival of » temper* half I tea raised thia season in Louisiana. % %■ i I : r'" /à. t •«5 ÿr?' t j ■ ■ ar■ Ogg, fopr tableepooufulsof boiling water. J the front end.” ’ Il ‘ ’ t ’ : * I* , A I t \ ' /»-U Ì . d; ‘ V X.