! X Detroit Currency. “ Gladstone’s Speech on the Turkish Question. A. Complete Music’House. A New Use for Carrier Pigeons. CALVERT’S EALD'8 0LIEGE Messrs. Blfttktnar Jc] Davis, No».'950 and Po. Circolar^ C ardinal red is lotsing its grip. ’ ? The uncertainty and delay attending, 952 Market street, San Franeisco. have lately rail at Colte»» or uddcoŒ At a late public meeting in England, the arrival of ocean steamships from for­ bought out the large »Cock of foreign music G en .. M oltke says that R ush * will £.P. NKALTL of tlie long establishedi hnuse of Schuberth Man Fr*nci«co, eign seaport*, and the difficulty of- estab ­ whip Turkey iu the end’. Hope it yrill Gladstone said: IMPUKTERS OF & Co., Clay street, wfiiz-h, being added to lishing communication with them while bound to »2 per gallon. The people of England are whip both ends. their own extensive c«$ieetion of American f. W. JACKSOÑ, San Fran- at,sea, has suggested the query, Why do music, enables them to present to tlie public S lade ,the medium, is to bo again tried resist the se«luctive language of those ciscó. Sole Agent for Califor­ ffot the steamship companies utilize the the moat complete depot of European and who tell them, nowit the Conference for vagrancy. The English mean to get nia and Nevada. ha* met and failed, that there is no carrier pigeon as a mean* < f c -mnninicr- American sheet music gweflt of New York. CARRIAGE HARDWARE and TRIMMINGS, some benefit of him. more to lie done. It is yon, the people tion between their vessels and either the Mr. Blackmar has be, t‘ for nearly twenty SXTZRIEIEE-A., yeup a leading music ______ , ___ ____ , ’ H? TIRRELL 4 CO, •• tiiblisberi au(l many A rnold , the writing-fluid man, has of England, * h«*e resources and whose pout of dopai ture or the poit of destina­ efiiiipositioiin iiow,faml|hir in every house ­ AMebsTBsa abd MASurACTuazua or made a million dollars by it. That's the actions have maintained Turkey iu her tion? * And all ether styles of hold were tirst issued fjjom his presses. • VVe We Bodies, and sijft of an ink-come to have. The use of carrier pigeons passed into will only nHine the favurlte ” Ite songs, songa, “ Near the position of power. She has j^een about-, Murveis Patent and “The C hicago is the great pork center, grain inably misused. After the Crimean war, desuetude /to a certain extent with the banks of that lone riven;'; ! L. by La r*t Hache; .*.___ .---- --- W« m >4 Hub Wheel*. MO. 41» CLAY «THKCT, center, snow center, raid center, wind the Europeau Powers took the engage­ advent of the magnetic telegraph, al­ Gray Hairs of my Motti-r," by Bishop; “Mol­ lie dear, eome then with me; or, Barney’s SO LB AGZNT* you ccuter and counterfeit center. ment of Turkey to do her part. Tlmy though they are*' still used with succe s Ceurtsbrp,” by Macarthgr-; Eatou’s charming Between sansome and Battery. SAN FKANGlSCt*. CLARKS? T he papers arealways talking alw>nt declared by the Treaty of Paris that in sòme parts of Europe by minor jqur- fantasia, “Rain-dro’ps;”| La Hache’s “Picnic Mannfwtnrera of Men’s. Boy* , Yonth’e. and Chil­ FINE CALF B«X)T8. the “Blue laws,*’ complain* an exchange. they would not interfere with her in tlie nals. Iu France and Belgium the pro­ Polka,” and Bares ’ “Lal C’apricieuse Valse.,” drens orders soliOHod and promptly filled. All rises *D<) ADJUSTABLE CARRIAGE UMBRELLA Among the many guodx|iings lately publisb- prietors of many newspapers raise car ­ fulfilment of thxt engagement. The r - qualittas made at the lowest market prices There is color for the complaint. ed by Blackmar A Davijwe fl| We particularly cotn- com- Please examine thertoods and prices. aving removed to our new »- story rier pigeons in their office?, and w hen a suit is, that the Treaty of Kainardji, con ­ ta EY inpud the bea ul if til t® aiitt ” touching ballads, I t efrats more to die in .China than to Building, built for our spectaj use, we ars bet­ ter prepared Ilian ever to supply the Trude and Mau- live, and yet lots of Cliinumen are reck­ cluded a century ago, which gave Russia correspondent or reporter is dispateheti “Little Joe,” and “The (lying Message,” both ufacturete with ail goods In our Hue. We also have _ iueiody, melody, “Don’t Call the right to interfere for the protection of for news toysome place not readily ac­ by Addison ;,the lively^ connected with pur Sarruiuen.o house a Wheel and less enough to drop off evefy day. 9 er t ■ CARBOLIC o|ing, and the'jwpular Body Factory ana Machine department, enabling us Turkey’s C’m^stian subjects, was de­ cessible, or off the line of the ^telegraph, in tbe Morning,” by Yogd, - 8UCCB88OR TO st all time* to dll sp. clal orders, on ►hurt notice. All B eecher thinks there are some men in stroyed, and we, iu conjunction with I he takes with him from three to six of Southern ¿bug, .“1 woulp^like to 6etroìd’mas- FRANCISCO goods furnished at the most reasonable prices. F. I. SPAtJLDIXG A CO., Stale Prison who are better than some Enim’e, destroyed that right. Can tmy- these faithful carriers, and dispatches sa’s face again,” by Rulipdge. Tlie lovers of ; UfcOAKÏA ’NP^i Nos. »» and 81 Fremont Street. San Francisco. good dance music wi|l uind nothing prettier men at liberty. Henry ought to know. thing be more plain thi^n if we destroyed them with news at ¡Ntervuls. Upon’their or St., San gallon. Francisco. Noe. BOO and <418 J Street, Sacramento 3, 415 Sansome Sansoma 1J W’i per more “taking’’ tnnn Auguste Davis’ . 411. 413, Mazurka,-’’ “Bi BitHs in Summer Waltz,”' Y es , it was true about that shower of that right we c»i>n >t divest ourselves of arrival at their destination the news thus “L’ Elite Mazurka,-" Try Bowen’s Yeast Powder. snakes at Memphis, but the men who the obligation to put in its place some­ received,' wlun unusually important, is and “Youth, Joy andj Friendship Waltz;” Eaton’s “Merry Christmas Waltz;;- Young’s driuk the hardest saw the longest snakes. thing equivalent <>r lietter? Therefore, to published in ‘'extras.” Mr. August “Mardi Gras Polka,” /pud 8. Low Coach’s T he Elmirs, New York, Adcortieer be­ say that our responsibilities are dis­ Brunio, editor of the Journal L'Epervier, galop of all galops, lluf “Velocipede.” •- In addition to tnej popular songs and lieves that every American has a right to charged by having sent an honorable of Brussels, has been most successful iu lira. Blackmar Ä — or TH« — pieces of the day, Mesirs. & Qavis V“’’8- ìaising carrier pigeons. - His birds are believe ai he believes. We believe he m tn to Coastaivtinople to give the Porte he attention of nurserymen and have air tiie works of tlie great classic mas­ Planter* is Invited to my large stock of FRUIT COAST, t of the Antwerp breed. This gentlqnau good advice, and that lie cam£ away has. C , . ' ters — Bach, Betithovi ■ n, Mozart, Haydn, TREEa of the very best varieties for Markei. Ship­ The Larg<*sjt and. Be«t Assorted Stock for Printer« ping and Drying. Also. Grapevines, Currants,Goose- An Unrivaled Illustrated Magaxine. has supplied many parties in this coun ­ with uothi'ig but a refusal of that ad ­ Be li uber I, Sdhumaun,, \ gendela&Qhu — all the N ew Y ork mourns the death of an and PnbliB'wr*carried by.any House we«t of Chicago. tH-rr es. Blackberries, and Raspberries: Shade Treea. When S cbibhxb issued Its famous Midsummer Holi­ accountaut who overhauled dishonest vice, is nothing morejior less than mock­ try with these birds, realizing haudsome brilliant fantasies and < peratic transcriptions Price» Moderate. Evergreens and Shrubs; Green llonsc Plante, Bedding day Number In July, a friendly critic said of It : “ We of Asclier, Ketterer, Lulybach, Richards, Sid­ Plants, etc. CF'Send for a ICxtalogne. profits on some of them. Mr. T. < O. ery. The Prim • Minister has rcpiatedly Term« Faay. books aud sent fotmecu different clerks ney Smith, «.tc.; all th Standard ‘ studies for _________ JTOHM ROCK, Han Joae. are not eure but tkal SoklBMBB kae touched »iff»- Atteutlon Prompt. ' daelt upon the importance of maintain­ I Weatherly, of Filila lelphia, has a flock piano and other instri i menta, to pii-«on. besides solos, A: D. R kmisotox , •rater mark. Ws do not eee tekat worlde are left to F. M. Sraui.Dtxo, ing what be calls the faith of treaties. of over 50 birds, of which the original duos, trios, quartette! . and quintettes for KELNE1>S A eu> York, F. W. Al «« worth , $ M U to conquer.' But the publisher« do not consider H oobay for the Turk*! Though _____ ______ ______________________ A'-m fronmrea. stock «in received from Mr. Bruuin. violin, viola, violonce lo, flute, clariouetle, that they have reached the ultima' thule of ax< ¡celiente mean, ignorant, mi l dirty, they 'out­ The vital question for us is, Are the treaties of 1856 in foice, or uot? Turkey Some of them cost Mr. Weatherly as high guitar, harp, and orel tisira) and brass band —they believe "there are otlier world* to copqi lusr, and talked all the re^t ui Europe und carried music. Any music w i| " be ‘ sent, post paid, thfcy propose to conquer them." had not fulfilled her obligations, and as 380 fianca a pair, having won prizes iu on receipt of -the price every point. . ■ /The prospectus for the new volume gives the titles races of 400 miles from the south of thcrefore-the treaties were not in force, Oakland., Cal. We huye on former occasions alluded to Jot more than fifty papers (mostly illustrated), by A citizen of Paris has invented a fire if the treaties are iu force, I hardly know France tv> Brussels. - - - - - ,- - - - the. famous invention, be “Rogers” Piar.o, of writer* of th* higlie*t merit. Under the head of alarm which rings itself when the house what liberties you possess.’ You are in a Tue Àutwerp birds are large and which this firm holds Be ageney for the Pa- The Oldest and Most Extensive on the Coast gets afire, thus saving the owner two sec­ disgraceful position. “FOREIGN TRAVEL,’’ You become ac­ strong, and are capable of carrying all citie Slope. -Thejr hu 'e also an assortment — :EST.A^3LISSrE33 1S52. of elegant low-price«! iw-prieet $quaie j and upright onds of trouble. we have “A Winter on the Nile," by Gen. M o C lxl cessories in the maintenance of a power the manuscript a correspondent could pianos, which they I' otlïÀ Jon easy installments See the following collections; not a home should be Lax; “Sauntering* About Constantinople," byCBa*. T he New Orleans Picayunt has been marked with perhaps the deepest dis­ write in half au hour, und when well-, or very , lc^v ____ 51 r cash. , fur >Ve would advise any The Centennial Gold Medal & Diploma, 1876. without at least tills amouiy of Fruit* and Plants, all <■ D vdlbt W abxbb ; “Out of My Window at Moscow," for »U.UO. there, and it says: “Man| ladies of grace recorded in the history of man- trained have been known to muke a mile of our readers who contemplate purchasing 2 year*. 5 Monterey Cypres*. 3 ft. by E vobnb 8 crx ; tlbb ; “An American 1» Tnrk- w rite to Messrs. Biackmar Blackmar A it Davis for The Scott Medal,.......................... 1875. 12 Apples, fashion in Paris powder their stockings kiud. The Turkish Constitution Tv as a minute, although their average rate of to write *» Iatan," etc. Three serial stories are announced: Pears. 5 “ Pines, 2 44 The Franklin Institute Medal, - - 1874. *7 4 Cherries, prices and terms, iusfeud msgEfod of dealing witli with 2 4* With gold dust.” , 3 Lawson Cypress, 2W ft. worse than an imposture, itecause it com­ 1 speed is about 30 miles an hour. ' The traveling agents, whoSpeddle” pianos about u 8 Plums, 2 Italian “ .4 ft. 2 “NICHOLAS MINTURN,” The Report of the Centennial t’om- 4 Apricots. T he longest day in Spitzenberg is mitted a Christian minority to the ten­ 1 carrier pigeon is larger than the ordinary the cwuulry. 2 5 Eucalyptus or Gum*. country. By tliiicourM thif tourM they tliey will save mlolon aays: "The DA VIM is awarded By Dr. HoLtaxo, the Editor, e as 3 Quince«, a assorted, \ 2 ft. pigeon, being usually about bi tten inches the large commission paid jiaid the agent, which the GRAND GOLD MKDAL OF HONOR three and ^a-half months, and yet a fel­ der mercies of a Mahometan majority. 6 Peaches, 2 5 Acacias, assorted, whose story of “ Serenoaks ” gave the highest satisfac ­ ItenuConsideriiig^the lime 2 Almonds, 3 5 Roses, “ In conclusion, Gladstone said the good in length,and weighing from one pound to must be no small item^consideriug^the low can borrow money by agreeing t<£ tion to the readers ofthe Monthly. 2 Figs, i aud labor spent and the expenses of travel- and DIPLOMA OF MERIT for excellent 2 5 Geraniums, u a pouud and a half. Their plumage is fame of England was never more com ­ mate« ini and construction, adapted to pay it back to-morrow. 21) Grapes, 2 3 Fuchsias, The scene of this latent novel is laid on th* banka of ■ _ — I ■' ing-. .• _____ j- 20 Currants, 2 2 Abutlllons, the greatest range of work." the Hudson. The hero 1* a young man who ha* been O ver 14.000 childreu under five years pletely at stake. If the incessant din­ I generally either dun color or black. As 10 Gooseberries, 3 44 i 5 Pinks or Carnations, ? alway* "tied to a woman'e apron etringe," but who, 25 Raspberries, 5 Assorted Shrab*. Trouble and Vexation. of age died iu New York last year. When ning into our ears of the maintenance of i to the instinct which ieads lbeui to make WE CLAIM 8ALF.8 UNPRECEDENTED AND 25 Blackberries. by the death of his mother. Is left alone In the world— I such wondrous flights, naturalists seem British interests — if the infusion of every ««tisfaction UNIVERSAL. In Its con»tructlon 150 Trees and Plant«, 318. 50 Plant«, - - »8 00 Horace Greeley said, “Go West” he was Many people who lihve sewing machines it W to drift on the current pf life—with a fortune, bnt differs from ALL others, and is equaled by none. to be pretty well agreed that it is made word of suspicion against the policy of are Constantly aunoyei by finding t belli evyry woman who uses it. in the November number, and “Toad Lcne Roch ' I t has just come to light that Bene­ norance that we all labored under, aud from the bug iu which tliey have been Those who visit the eily should not full to on 1 J dale," In December. Other paper* are, "The British dict Arnold was a tip-top man in most having been once ayrakened to a gallant and l-curried in order to conceal the objects cull at tbe office, 124 rtf th street, and see fur Worklnfflnan*» Home, ’ “A Nation of Shopkeeper*," respects, and that after he went to Eu­ noble effort in favor of the principles of the road, they ilare oil' on an irregular «x- themselves. “Ha’penny a Week for the Child " etc. ! i cursion. When they find themselves at humiuity, justice and freedom, were con- rope be lived well, had lots of friends, - A richly illustrated series will be given on “Amert- I tent to be lulled to sleep again; that full liberty, they direct their flight iu Aching Heads a^d Uneafey Nerves and died wftfi a smile on his face. can Sport* by Flood and Field." by various writer*, ■ when fikey found the task of duty tho circles around the spot whcuce they .have Are often soothed by Hostetter's Stomach and each on * different theme. The sublect of T uk Omaha Horald sends greeting to and o^ter sketohea, etc., is a long one. f up-hill business. I PLEASURE. The editorial department will.continue to employ doctrine of human progress. But, gen­ ! circle until they ascertain some known upon, that the etiect of mere sedatives and CENTENNIAL SUCCESS! Warranted for fire years. Send for Circular am T he rage fimpfild va;es and broken tlemen, if you really wish to be worthy object which enables them to shape a narcotic»,like bromide of potassium,valerian, Price the ablest pen* both at home and abroad. There will List to TRUMAN fe. CLARK, Sole Agent. UR HOME SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINE chloral b j dratc aud opium, is less appreciable , 1 217 Bush St. San Francisco. Ca'. pottery has run its race, The fact ia we of the forefathers from whom you are dc- \lirect course. waa awarded the first and highest prize and di­ be a series oi letter* on literary matter*, from Lon­ Wuatever may be said the longer they are psed, aud that they can ploma at the Expoeitlon In Philadelphia, and any don, by Mr. W blfobd . have too many fires in this couutry, and scendtri, of tlie civil and religious liber­ about the insliuct that is at work, a gopd never permanently relieve nervous excitabil­ company claiming to have received any higher honor* The pages of the magazine will be open, as hereto doee 00 to deceive the public. We tell “the beet sewing too much crockery*if thrown from pecood- ty you possess,and of the religion which it deal of training is Decessary to make the ity, because they canuot remedy the weak­ machine for the least money.” and challenge compe­ fore, so far as limited space will permit, to the discus­ stury wind rpncisco. A new and commodious four- erly J unagarh ) there rises one of the most tioned in Luke 14: 17, "Tefuddalu el story Hotel,“With ITS first-class light rooms, elegant­ 1 vLHJ of the Pacific States. Address W. A. IIKN- He don't make many calls, for the girls ly furnished, and a steal** elevator. Free Coach K O. Box 5», Santa liosa. Cal. treat him as coolly as they can. But asha hadeo.” (Come, for the supper is famous mountains in the world, though DKttoUN. ■nd Carriage* to th* House from all poluts. CUarfea, ■ 1 —i------------------------- _________________ _____ ____ f H. A. MOORK’S HAIR PROBIC- •x.oo pur day. when a young fellow that I like comes re^dy.) The fact that this custom is many of our readers may never have 1YA K». er, 108 er. 1OÄ Market » Atreet. I reel, o*u Sau riauviavv. Francisco. JOHM KKLLY.Fr. Manager, heard of it before. It is Girnar, or the mainly confined to the wealthy and to »P~ 3 — ¿»nd “ ? r A fo for r Cl C ’ Irenlnr*. r re I ars. _¿E3 around, a man that I think would suit (For 2« year* Proprietor or the UROOK- LYM HOTEL. ». F.)____________ rumm leghorm * a aritt iALTV. _________ me for a son-in-law, I don't let him make the nobility is in strict agreement with Lord of Mountains, also called the Bin­ Stock «elected—Pure bred. Reduced prices. Ad­ destroying Mount; the Mount of Safety, > - many calls before I give him to under­ the \Prtfkb\$.-3-IIome Journal. dress J. M. KEKUhiGER, E111«.ban Joaquin Co., Cal. TEETH SAVED, the Golden Mount, the Overshadowing stand tltat be isn’t wanted around my e'm LU mKB WHO WAS wjunmed “ Whether for use on man or beast. Merchant's Gargling Oil will be found an Invaluable Lini­ illing teeth a specialty - gold , silver T he R hinoceros .—A rhinoceros lately Mount, and by many other similar names. euedv tv Ell I wU I Ell or Contracted permanent bouse. I tell the £irls, too, that they ment, and worthy of use by every resident In the land, we know of no proprietary medicine er and Bone Fillings warranted. Beautiful Sets oi diBeaae in the Army,can grt * FMNMIWN by writing High up on its first peak, above a stupen ­ died in Paris that had been in the Jardin article now used in the United States which shares the good will of the people to a greater 4» Teeth for Sio and upward. Laughing Gas adminis­ shall not have anything to do with him, to JOHN KIRKPATRICK, Cambridge. Ohio._______ tered. gree than this. Yellow wrapper for animal and white for human flesh.'’—AT. F. fodepriidmf. Ten year* constant practice. Office, 1*4 Sut­ dous precipice, and at a height of nearly de» Plante* for twenty-two years. He and give them order* never to speak to | Extract from a letter from G. H. Simmonds. Unionville, la.. July 94,1878.—“ I am selling mor« (WALID PBNMI0NN 1NCUKAN1C1» RY ter street, above Montgomery, San Francisco. (Take the Elevator).__________ I)K. MoRFFEW/DenUat. Gargling Oil than all the liniments put together, and 1 am keeping twelve different kinds. 1 The enactment of recent law. hiip again. *The plan always works’"first was so surly and cross that not even his three thousand feet, there is a series of I think it is the best remedy for horseflesh in existence, and can say It without tear of succeaafhl rate. The young folks begin to pity each keepers ventured to take any liberties magnificent and beautiful temples, sacred AMKRICAN MMd FOHKIGN PATMNTM: . Dividend Notice, No. 6. contradiction." How to obtain them. Ad dr eee G bm ’ l L. B ibwhax A Kxtract from a letter from Shoemaker A Co.. Bloomington, Ind., Sept. 17th, 1878.—“ It is th< otlier, and tbe next thing I know they with him. One day, however, the little to the religion of the Jains—a corrupt Co Attorneys for Claims and Advocates in Patent pOlI ATEHAL LOAN ANU MAYING»* U/ Bank, comer Poet ana Kearny ste.S F. — An ex ­ popular horse liniment in this country." form of Budaism — and one of which con ­ and Lapd Title Case*. Washington, D. C.____________ are engaged to be married. When I see lapdog of the wife of thq director got tra dividend of 5 per vest, for the six months ending r Extract from a letter from Geo. A. Snell, Braman’s Corners, N. Y„ Aug. 9th, 1873 — “I *el tains their famous Perspiring Statue. On into tis house by squeezing in between \TEW VINKLAND TKMPKRANCK December 31st has been declared payable January Sth, tha£ they are determined to marry, I al­ more of your Gargling OU than of all other liniments combined, and have seen it used on hocnei to atockholders of record December 27th. II Colony, tn Sonthera (Jallfornla. »i.UOV sere*good land cattle with good effect when others have foiled.’’ ways give iu, and pretend to make the the bars of the iron work. Instead of the summit of that peak there is a temple land, well teated for sBvcral years for fruit, grain, F. 8. CARTER. Sec’y. Extract from a letter from Pattee A Co., Derry, IT H.. Aug. Mth. 1878.-" Wo think your Garg vegetables; weU woodsd andI watered, requiring no best of it. That’s the way I manage it.” killing the intruder, as was expected, the containing an ancient and sacred Hindu Irrigattou- ling OU one of the best articles for what it is recommended that we have ever used or sold.” to be sold to none bat shareholders. Only Dividend Notice, No. 6. image, or rather stone., the Amba Mata, rhinoceros allowed the little creature to Extract from a letter from Snowdon A Gibbs, Concordia, Kan- July 38th, 1878.—" We Mil Temperance faiitlles desired as coloulsis. Provision -------------- a ». ■ — OLLATERAL LOAM AND SAVINGS more of your Gargling OU than of any liniment we keep." Schools, Ctiurchea. free Public Library, Ac. Pros­ Bank, corner Post and Kearny st«., Ban Fran­ C ardinal A lbeboni had a large quan­ play with him, scampering over his back, or Mother of Gods, 'rhe peaks beyond for < 4 - • pectus mailed to any »ddrcuae* sent to office at Lom­ cisco—The regular monthly dividend of 2 per cent, tity of silver plate, and among other ar­ biting his neck, and playing off all man­ have sacred siirines, to which hundreds of poc, Santa B,r^*rI\^oj^ljC8 w WEBB, Preaident. for January, 1871, is declared, payable February Sth, to stockholders of record January 27th, 1«>7. I Merchant’s Gargling Oil as a Family Liniment. ticles he possessed ■ various salt-cellars, ner of sportive tricks. Tiw two became thousands of pilgrims yearly ascend. CnA«i.«s M altly , sycretary. F. 8. CARTER, SOe’y. We are now, and have been for some years, preparing the Oil free from stain, to be used as 1 L. ¡UOfiANWKLL’IS 1AMN- wrought in the form of different animals. great friends; the “wee doggie” passing Hundreds of naked devotees, besmeared . TAL ROOMS, 880 Kearny St., ,_______________________ common liniment for human flesh, extracting the coloring Ingredient which has heretofore ren A friend of his eminence borrowed s salt- several hours each day with his undemon­ with paint or ashes, are scattered over near Baah. Knizaor CnuisoroBs Idered it objectionable. Thin .________ Thia Oil ______________ possesses all the medicinal properties of that prepared with thi this mountain, exposing themselves to al ­ administered. A lady assistant in at- cel ler made ia the shape of a tiger, but strative acquaintance, which put up pa­ park tinge for horses homes and cattle, and will be found one of the best remedies for all parpesei tendase*. GazntrsTBa only em- most incredible hardships. Its last peak, tiently with all his teasings. One day where a Hut liniment ment to la required that has baa ever been manufacture. manufactured. forgot to return it for some time. At plovedtooperjtte_________________ From J. K. Fisher, uniontown, Pa., Jan. 81, 1887.—'• Your Gargling OU is doing much 1 length, after tlie lapse of some six or tho rhinoceros unintentionally set his the Dread Mother, shunned by pilgrims, here than formerly, since its virtues have become known; and the bottles put up for fomU; gi> ktwityat . I without stain, are much eourht for." seven months, be sent it back, xequesting fait on his little pet, killing it instantly. is sacred to Kalt or Durga, the blood­ warded to palmer ’ s edge tools , by tne I GTThe Gargling Oil called “Family Oil,” although prepared Intentionally for at the same time tlie loan or another in The poor brute’s grief for this sad acci­ stained spouse of 8iva the Destroyer; and Mechanics' lastttMe Fair. 1875. Manufactory, ¡answers as well for beasts; vice verea, the dark Oil answers as well for human flea) Berry »t., between 4th and Sth. Ran Franr.taoo. the shape of a tortoise. The cardinal de­ dent was pitiable; for two days he did that peak, with the jungle at -fits base, is and discolor the akin, but not permanently., Yellow wrappe* *- •"*—* jl < oo i T I stain num flesh» WAKELEE’8 sired to see the person who had brought not eat a particle of food. So that «ven infested by the worst of all devotees— ~1 ALBERT E. BURBANK. Im- e ' ■ i n ■ w—— ......... ....... ■—■■■■■ ii jgwBBHI. porter and Breeder of Fabcy the message. “You are st-fot,” said be, the rhinoceros, with a hide so tough and Agnoras, who live on carrion and human ■ Fowls, Pigeons, Rabbit*, Doga, flesh, and shun the face of mankind, — a temper so cross, had a soft part in bis “by the signor to borrow one of my salt­ Merchant's Gargling Oil as an Intu._________ NMMU etc. Also Egg* for hatching from the fiueat of Imported stock. Blackwood'» Magaeine. cellars?” .'“Yes, your eminence; I am lieart. Merchant’» Gargling Oil la a dMWatbie stimulant and carminative. It can be taken tab Ezgs and Fowls at reduced For the prevention and cure of Scab, etc., and the 'ben such » remedyla Indicated, and ia a good substitute ter Mtn killers, cordiate sad anc his steward.” “You will be good enpugb deatrudUon of p.r^ltea [PvA'’ ALBSCRT B. BURBANK. or Oampe or Spasms of the Stomach. Colic, Asthma, or Infernal Pain, the done may b I n the case of Miss Elizabeth S. Cook, to tell your master that I lent him one in T ub Roman Catholic peers of the United Importing and Manufacturing Druggist*, cor. Mont- tyjaty *0» « sugar, or mixed with syrup in any convenient form, and 48 and 44 Cal. Mar*«.8- T. itervaie of three to ste hours. Tellow wrapper for animal and whlt< ' ‘ * Enclose Stamp for Price List. the form of a tiger, which is one of tbe who was elected a Couuty Superintend­ Kingdom now-number 80, two of whom goniery and Bualf street*, San Francisco. [ Pleaee etale vekare you eaw tkte Adverlleement. I “ J WANTED for the moat fiwift4ist animals on the earth, and ¡t hus ent of. Schools in Iowa, the Supreme are in holy orders. .There are also 48 Euler selling BOOKS been more than six months in returning; Court of tbst State has decided that she Roman Catholic baronets, 50 Roman llshed. Address, for were I to lend hftn tbe tortoise, which is is entitled to the office, as there is no pro­ Catholic members of the House of Com­ ba * e*r, st c#-» V*1 m abb -......... - -. the slowest of animals, I fear it would vision in the State Constitution disquali­ mons, and 7 Roman Catholic members of A. LEHMANN. Solicitor of Patent*, Washington $12 the Queen’s Privy Council. fying women. • D.C. Mo Patent No Fay. Send for Circular. never return.” WATERHOUSE & LESTER Waion and Carriage Material 4 Î BOOTS AND SHOES, AD REMINGTON I^FALUßLE H W S a N en A _1 . \ SHEEP WASH V THE ■ Paper Warehouse DOCK'S NURSIRIiS, SAN JOSE, CAL. T Y VEibliT ALWAYS IFOR TH E DAVIS bro 5 A8K TOUR OROCER FOR IT. SCRIBNER S imiHLI. N urseries VERTICAL FEED ’ SEWING, MACHINE. y 2» S3OI ♦ UNION WIRE MATTRESS CO. O PACIFIC Business College, O / m Boots and Shoes. WIND MILL!PUMPHOUSE PATENT SHJN8LE MACHINE. ARTIFICIAL LIMBS. M INTERNATIONAL HOTEL, « COMMERCIAL HOTEL, M B F i * C / â r J A Bath fpr Sheep PATENTS. F 1 A ORGANS