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Year 11 13 1 »COÖ *10 (B *15 00 1 Inch....... 1 Si no m b i 2» t bb 800 lido ~ï)0Ò i InéheH... | 1 73 s so 4 SO • 00 20 00 25 C0 s IncbM... 2 30 4 Inchet... tft) TOB* 1 5 Ö0 ITITIf B » so ào »00 5 53 COO 18 00 X Column. 4 90 toó" * ÒÒ ■V 'te oft X Column. 1 "s ÔÔ 4b» X Column- i 00 • 00 20 00 taoo 12 00 1 Column.. 10 00 15 «V 18 00 som TT» j .. asm ♦ r i 4 . BATES OT ADVEBHSDfG. i 4 EGON, MARCH 2, 1877. LAFAYETTE « 9 ■I PRICE TEN CENTS -, » ■ i ■ ■ i Hi' i Di: lipig Comfortably. London Antonelli’« Estate. The robber proved to have ajiesrt be­ tention to the subject, but the efforts of Nye on Webster. neath all Lie wickedness and was unable the government are constantly aimed to pie a'e aware, even without OX CHRISTMAS SVK. Most pcop] All roads lead to London, os once all The Liberto, published at Rome, con­ Some years before .Daniel Webster’s to resist his prayefs. Then came the suppress brigandage.— New York Evening „ / *■ . 1 ' any sciptitifid knowledge, that the mind roads led to Rome. Here all the world ’ s tains the following mysterious state­ death, a dinner was given to him in Bos­ Part. other,more ferocious still, and determined Welcome, Christmas, heel and toe! has a rçiôst d ¡rect influence ou the stom- balances are struck at last, and here the ment : ton at the Revere House, I think, aod - to kill hinTbefore they were taken pris Here we wait thee In a row, I . stomach reacts upon the aeh, Hint tin vibrations of human life and progress “ The succession of the property of Nye—who, though then a young man, ■/ oners or killed themselves. But when all Come, good Santa Claus, we beg— mind,akd tha EthetwO|linked mysteriously from five continents quiver and tremble. Cardinal Antonelli will give rise, it is had already gained considerable reputa­ other meantfof touching him failed, the ‘ : Fill us tightly, foot and leg. The honey bee iz an iuflamible bug­ I stood upon the dome of W?en, a mar­ said, to a trail which will excite the in­ tion as a speaker—was invited, aod se­ reproach that Vincenz » C ipraro, whose ger, sudden in biz impresshuns and hasty together,, act and react upon each other ; r certainty. Digestion thus with unfailing ble mountain reared into the sky, solid terest and curiosity of the public in the lected to reply -to a toa4t following Ed. Fill us quickly ere you go, geuerodty and goodness of heart he had in biz conclusions, or end. obviously to * ) great extent will depend as the hills, and , yet vibrating to every highest degree. The Signora G. L., whose ward Everett. Webster was theD at the Fill us till we overflow. so applauded, would not have acted in Hix natral disposishun iz a warm cross on the 5lhte bf mind in which we sit passing cart and omnibus upon the maiden name was M^ pretends that she height of his fame, as Everett was, aud !> That’s the way; and leave ui is nio^e that way, disarmed him at qnce. He between red-pepper in the pod and^fusil lai. It is not sufficient al ­ has a right to a portion of the heritage, thronged streets below. The day was dôwri t®A m idolized by the Hub, which was proud to. promised to save his life, but on condi­ oil, and biz moral bias iz, “git out ov Heaped in piles upon the floor. ways merely ■ > set the bread-winner down glorious with sunshine. For you must inasmuch as she was boufld to the late name him the god like Daniel. tion that in whatever prison he might be mi way.” to a.g<--.iii:ike his escape, . While they were mak­ phisikal importance lays at the; terminus rabie fro ro|i u d®ly life, in whatever tailing, as far as thè eye could reach .»wept away deny that the Signora G. L. has any sort anxious that everything should gosm oth- Li« all pink, and warm and still. inor oninnct the assault aud the de­ of their subburb, in the; shape of a ing tlii.4 this f compact his ine4fepf is to do .him all the good to the misty horizon the roofs and dome^ of claim whatsoever; and are all the more lyr and i>pired no pain» to diacliarge tbeir 8eJ us! how we lightly swing; 1 fense continued in the darkucss and storm javelin. it should; ild; in it bp a cheerful one; and it and tower» of the one great City of the resolute in denying it, in that they think duty to the fullest. Having heard, after and suow. The brigands iu als Signo­ lle»r us! how we try to sing. This javelin iz alwus loaded. And stands is as m i|Hl|—lipiy check much more than washed palaces, of Naples and her sap­ shortly. The Signora G. L., at the period room, and, going up, they found, to their press on the capture of Sir John Rose are their javelin fly, and are az certain low tepid Funny olJ8t. Nicholas! is thought tip process of digestion, even phire bay, of the great discrowned “L idy of her marriage, had need of the legal as­ horror, that be was still in bed, recover­ resented by the Italia is, who already feel hit az a mule iz. J— ---- g **------- -— when spirits gre go>d and appetite keen, of Kingdoms” herself, in all her ancient sistance of the Hon. Mancini, who was ing from a debauch ot of tl the previous night. acutely the mortification of such a breach This testy kritter lives in congregations it will |iót so prejudicial to the I health-3splendor, or in her pathetic decay. But not that time a Cabinet Minister. She, Feeling that it would never answer to Among the Brigauds. of national hospitality. Tney would numbering about 20,000 sduls, put ful assi illlatii n of food as will be ¡dolorous here, from the “Dome of the Golden with the consent of her husband, thought have Nye appear, still half tipsy, in that The history of brigandage in the south gladly rid Sicily of tfie brigands as well whether they are male and female, or tales of dome itic cares or the.announce- Cross,” where Nelson’s ,bones and Wel­ good to recur on this occasion also to the august assembly, and trembling at the "talian peninsula and in the iove- for their own safely as for that of for­ conservative, or ma’ched in bonds of ment ol bai of the I: s. Whatever trials and lington’s rest beneath your feet, sweeps above-named illustrious lawyer. But he narrow escape they had made, they tried ly islaqc d of Sicily is full of thrilling epi­ eigners. One professor in Naples pro­ wedlock, or whether they klub' together sorrows have o be faced, dinner time and around aud away the world’s one city of replied to her that, lieing a Minister he to persuade him not to keep his engage­ sodea, Ione of which is still .fresh in the poses to raise . a subscription, which he and keep one wife tew save expense, i the tiule im ediately succeeding it is our day. could not occupy himself with private ment. They said they thought the affair I hever ex­ not th0 itim to grapple with them, or minds of the English and I'a'.ian public. begins with twenty dollars, to pay-the don’t kuo nor don’t kare. The roar of London‘rises faint to j,our affairs; that he had no difficulty however wouldn’t be very pleasant anyhow, and r .u_ Ro^e, . - a ___ I'»_______ if 1____ sum required for theredempti of Rose; amined thqir habits mutch, i never con­ Sir John wealthy Englishman means by which they are dwell ____ w am t ears, a multitudinous, indistinguishable in using his good offices as Minister should qhey had nearly decided to stay away traveling in Sicily, was captured* by the but this is impracticable, ag it would be sidered it helthy, for what would it profit to be surpiou ted. mass of mingled sound. You are alone. the Signora G, L. apply to him for an act themselves. bandit Leone and his companion on the an encouragement to crime and a con­ a man tew "kill 99 bees and hkv the 1 Again;| hi ly animated discussions, You ite above it all. It comes to you as of justice, and that he was ready to have Nye, who had risen, and was dressing, 4th of November and held in captivity fession of weakness in the government. hundreth one hit him with hit javelin? lapsing ofte into virulent arguments, the sounds of the great world ascend to an interview with the. legal advisers of told them—seeing their object—that they The only real remedy is for the loyal The drones seem alwas bi^zy, but what are distinct* by them for three weeks« After being nrejudicial at ineal time; heaven. Every human passion is in it, the Cardinal’s heirs—as a friend, it is to needn’t be afraid of him. “Let me assure carried about secretly and exposed to people to report faithfully to the proper they are about the lord only knows. fqy tetopei stood — for the purpose of com- you, gentlemen, that I never get drunk : rutiled, will retard di- and every human pain. God only can >e understood great fear and privation, he was at last authorities ell information they may have They don't lay up eunyJion^v, they seem gestion’ as i if possible— a couree above my ears. I’ll take a bath and a •ally as dampened spirits distinguish between the laughter and the ing to an agreement, released on the payment of $12,000. The upon the subject, and the authorities will tew be bizzy only jist for thd sake of will. Ida prd, there is no by-way to tears, the curses and the prayers, the all the m< iore desirable, as the matter to be drink, and be all right. I intend to go captive's account after his return of the then adopt means to punish the outlaws. earing awl the time, they are afiwas in az health ippri irectly _ useful and general- groans of* the vanquished, the shouts treated is j one of the most delicate naturb. to the Webster dinner and reply to that life of these R »bin Hoods in the green-? But this is the great difficulty. The peo­ mutch ov a hurry az tho they was ^oing ly worth sticting to than that by which of the victors. The interview, however, has never taken toast” < I suppose this uneasy we can have $ur meals in peace aud com­ wood is romantic enough to satisfy the ple are intimidated; public confidence is for a dockter. Unable-to dissuade him, they deter­ I know not how one can help being placé, beepuse,'as we are assured, the ad­ most adventurous traveler, and recalls lost, and no man knows when to trust his world would grind around on its- axle- fort, if nut iti iiabsolute absolute gayety. saddened at the sight of a greaj. city. I vocates of the Antonelli family have not mined to stay with him so as to prevent the story of the brigands’ life told by neighbor. The mafia, as it is called, has tree onst in 24 hours, even if tfiere waut him from another excess. They waited know m t how one cud stand upon the seen the necessity for it” Washington Irving. The band, consist­ taken so deep a root in Sicilian society that enuy drones, but drones must be good Commenting on the above the corres ­ until he bad bathed, dressed, and swal­ dome of St. Paul's, and not feel knock ­ T her ^ is in objection to the common ing of four or fire men, first made a it not only includes outlaws and robbers, for somthing, but i kant think flow what ing at brain and heart all, the riddles of pondent of the Standard at Rome says : lowed a glass of brandy; then they pro­ way of iboiltfig eggs which people do forced march of sixteen hours, Which was but men in every class of society. In its it iz. Thare liaint been a bug 'made in uot understand. It is this: The white, l|uman life and destiny. “I do not imagine that the affair will be posed that they should take the air. He so fatiguing that the horse of Sir John ranks are peaceful citizens, agents of the vain, nor one that want a good job; under three ttinutes’ rapid cooking; be­ Such motes there are below there! allowed to come before the Courts, despite graciously consented, and was walked' Rose fell down twice and was finally government, and it is not impossible that there iz ever lots ov human drones loaf­ come! )iopghBud indigestible, while the Peer’s ¿hariot and costermonger’s cart, the game of brag in which the parties through the streets for au hour between abandoned by the chief. They arrived even members of Parliament are secretly ing around blacksmith shops, and cider yolk is j^ft oft. When properly cooked, how much alike! Palace and hovel seem to be at present engaged. The truth bis guardian*, holding each arm and in the night at a grotto, where they re­ in league with it. The other day, when mills, all over the country, that don’t eggs arif ¡don< evenly through like any dwarfed, from this airy distance, to the is, as I am informed, that the late Cardi­ steadying his pace. They finally accom­ mained hidden seven days, feasting in the in consequence of new outrages, a dis­ seem tew be necessary for entry thing other foioli.' Jins result may be obtaiued same proportions! Millionaire and beg­ nal left a daughter by a certain Countesse, panied him to the Revere, and consigned meanwhile on all manner of delicacies. patch with various signatures, which but tew beg plug tobacco and sUear, and by putiihg t'iie eggs into a dish wjjh gar boy,' they creep on yonder, much the lady referred to by the writer in the him to another of the committee while They then heard that the public force was were necessarily kept private, was sent steal water melons, but you, let the cover, a4 a tin i pail, and Liberto; and that, inasmuch as the law they slipped off to dress. aud then pouring i^likel iu search of them, and moved away with to Nicoterô. the Minister of Internal Af­ cholera break out once, and then you ^bpon tliein bpi ling water, two quarts or The roar of the great city faintly rises.- îere awards a maintenance to such a child, The dinner began. The most distin- - the utmost quiet and secrecy by night fairs, a member of Parliament itself de­ will see th^ wisdum ov halving-j(st sjch more to 4 do; m of eggs, and cover and You are in its very center. Every street such a maintenance is now demanded from 4 guished Bostonians were present,and Nye, sired those names to be made publiç, for men laying around loose, they help count. and on foot. Having found a tree and a the heirs to, the late prelate's wealth. The set them awa from the stove for fifteen radiating from St. Paul’s is {crushed and looking a little disordered, sat near the Bees are not long lived—i kiant state mass of shrubbery around it, they threw the benefit, no doubt, of the outlaws. Nic- thronged. It is not the roar of London sum that could be demanded 6n such a much honored guest. In due time the minutes, Tt s heat of the water cooks tue themselves fa :e downward dn the ground, otero, however, refused, and said he was jist how long their lives are, l)Ut i kjio, eggssldwly i id evenly, and sufficiently, only, it is the murmur of the world. No claim could be but a very insignificant fftasts were intnxlueefl. Everett respond­ and lay there without any movement or ready t<> combat with the mafia even in from instinkt and obseivashun, that efiny and to a'jelly- ike consistency, leaving the sound of war or peace, no change imState one, it would be thought, to 'the inheri­ noise whatever, even killing a dog which yellow kid gloves, and that he would use kritter, be he bug or be he t devil, who center pf yol harder than the white, and or Kingdom, but mingles its echoes with tors of such a fortune. But it may be ed in the cold, exact, polished, artificial rnmnerfor which he was r« m irka »le. and came near them by throwing stones at it all possible means to subdue the evil. It iz mad awl the time and stings every theeggi tastq s much richer and nicer, as the sounds of London. No misfortune that the heirs in question are justified in which the Bxy State so grexly «imired.- is a malady of so long standing in that good chance he kan git, generally dies iu order not to use their guns. Thus for a fresh ;g ¡¿nicer than a stale egg, and •or fraud, or failure at the world’s end, thinking that in any case their allowing Then it wn* Nyc’s turn. He rose te rn *- thirteen days Urey hid amoug the busboy, part of Italy, and was so dpeuly encour­ early. but repeats itself in the streets below such a matter to be brought before the what un>teviy, the eyes of the me nlx-rs i will waut to'eat them boiled no per» Tne only vhiy tew git the exact fiteing in grottoes and valleys by day and walked aged by the Popes aod the Bourbons, you. No disaster by flood or ! fire, but public. tribunals cannot Tn any degree of the committee fixed anxiously: upm ng this method once. at night. They had nothing but bread, often assuming a semi-political character, weight ov the bee, is tew touch him,det sobs its sad story at your feet. No ship damage the reputation which their brother him, lest' he should disgrace tht-m, ibe cheese and wine to sustain them, and the that it will be long before the evil ia thor­ him bit you with his javelin, and you îas left behind him.” occasion,the St ite and the iinm >rtal Web­ __ -The following is claimed goes down iu tfie farthest seas, but the * I- scarcity of water was bo great that Sir oughly eradicated. (Read Colletta’s His­ will bo- willing tew testify in court that moaning wind and the plunging .water* ster himself. He had some trouble at pertafti cure for diphtheria. A tory ¿>f Napleiuibr stories of the Bourbon sumboddy run a one-tiued pitch-fork John was obliged to wash his hands in tell of it here at last. No blight falls ou the Frightened. 8»i j; that in one thousand cases first in arranging his thoughts, and bis wine. Often the bertaglicri, who were in protection of the brigand.) The infa­ inter ver; and as for grit, i will state for vintagesand harvestrof 5 men in Europe, it h& been tried, not a single * search bl »f them, passed very near, and then mous Q teen of Naples, Caroline of Aita,- the informashufi ov those who havn’t had'! Mrs. Helen Hqnt, in “A Colorado words halted for a while. But very soon Asia, or America, that the cry of dis­ he warmed to tiis subject, aud the ua’u al ms patient __ J )een I 08 *- The treatment tria, sister of Marie Antoinette, openly a chmce tew lay in their vermin wisdum Leone pl ilaced the captive in front of the tress vibrates dot along the grauitc Road,” one of hef «ketches in the Atlantic eloquence of the min fl »wed forth. He consist^ ts ip Simply swa i i siiRply swabbing the back of called Fru Divolo aud other outlaws az freely az i hkv, that one single bee Monthly, tells how she was amused by the group r and gave him a pistol, ordering ofith and throat ; with a wash »made masses of Lindon’s heart»!— Church actions of a dog that had never seen a ap< s rophize i Webster in some noble him to fire at the first appearance of the equally vile “her faithful servants and who feels well will break up a large the moi and striking passages, and then drew • thus: . Table ' silt, two drains; black pep- Journal. subjects,” “the friends dear to her and to camp meeting! woman. enemy. per ’ V lk ■al, I nitrate of potash, alum, en the tbrooe. ” At times it has been the A half mile farther on we came upon from his aaistcoat packet a silver 4-alf What the Dees do for amusement-iz He was always guarded by four ban­ one drqtp earn. 1. Mix and pulverize; put How the Wall Street Biters Get Bit. the camp of the men who were building dollar, saying: “I trust I shall be par­ dits, bat otherwise was not tiea*ed harsh­ dominant power in the Kingdom of Na­ another question i kant answer, but some doned for referring to an incident of it into a tefeup, which half till with ly. His liberation was effected by a per­ ples, and Colietta relates of Murat that ov the beat read aad heavyest thinkers The vicinity of Wall street was greatly tfie road. “Camp” is an elastic word. In which I am sure our distinguished guest boiling waterji stir well, and then till up meeting one day on the open plain some amuDg naturalists say that they bov tar­ son of influence in Palermo, who is se­ excited, Jan. 17th, by the report that the this case it meant merely a small pine has no recollection, but which I shall re­ cretly in league with the famous brig­ soldiers with a man in chains, he asked get excurssi<>ns and heave their ¡javelins with good vi»gar. Use every half hour; Union Trust C mipauy had been defraud­ grove, two big fires, and some piles of one, two,'andlr “ hours, as --------- member to my dying day. This coin he idS’our recovery pro- ands. Leone professed to desire nothing who it was. “Your Majesty,” quickly re­ nt the mark; but i don’t imbibe, tins as- ed out of $04,000 by a skillful forger. Ou blankets. Here the road ceased. As we gave me for some trifling service when I gi esses. dTh^ii Th£ patient may swallow a lit- sponded the prisoner, “ I am a brigand, halted, three dogs came bounding towards fur himself, but said that his companions surshun raw, for i never^nu enny bodd tie each — • time^! ______ ___ 3 Apply an ounce each of January 3d, a check for the above us, barking most furiously. One of trfem was a >mall boy. I recall the circum­ would never liberate their captive with­ but worthy of pardon, because yesterday, s» bitter at heart az toe bees are, amount, purporting to have been drawn spirits oif -tvpentine, sweet oil, aqua stance as if it were yesterday. It was an , k out money. He said also that in compen­ when your Majesty ascended yonder waste a blow. >y the New York Life Insurance Com­ stopped suddenly, put hef tail between era in my life. My heart swelled with ammonisi, mixed, to the whole of the mountain and I stood hidden behind a. her legs, and with a pitiful yelp of ter­ There is one thing that a bee does, i sation for the service which was asked of pride and joy that I li4d a personaj^me- breast-bonb every four pany ou the previous day, was presented ror turned and fled. him he wished bis passage to be paid ft» reck, I could have killed you. I thought will give him credit for on mi books—jl he throat and tol|he I__ to the Trust Company aud Baukiug As ­ I to the part. hours, kbepin^ flannel of doing so, but you/ dignified appear ­ I walked slowly after her; she woiild mento of tbtf’greatest nun of-his time. I ala as attends tew hie own bizzness, and some vessel which would carry him very sociation, and was paid yesterday. It % have kept the coin ever since aud treas­ v I ? — £ ------- ance prevented me. But if yesterday I had wont allow any boddy else tew attend far away from Sicily. But the truthful­ \ Il was discovered to be a forgery. Mr. look back over her shoulder, turn, make ured it most sacredly. I resolved never f well, you ness of this virtuous deaire is doubtful. killed the King, to-day I should not tew it, and w hat he duz he duz ClTRid IERVES.— Pare the citron, Morris Franklin, President of the New one or two lunges at me, barking shrilly, to part with it, and have kept my resolve. . . • ! ♦ J» - » The distress of Sir John Rose’s family, have been a prisoner and near death.” never see him altering enny thing; if they take out? the I >eds, and cut it into small York Life Insurance C41 mpany, m-akttf then with the samer yelp of terror run 5 after ' dark J --’- and J pieces;! j ^weid l.it and put it into cold the following statement < of the facts: ' swiftly away; at last she grew brave I have been hungry aud cold more than which, divided between hope and fear, Tire king pardoned him, and the outlaw, make enny mistakes it is once since that day. This little Coin kissing the knees of his horse, went away I ; . . 4- . • sought for help from every source, even it aint seen. water aff d l>o| until tender; thro»’ in a Tuesday moruiug, while balancing the enoifgh to keep her face towards me, but would have given me food and shelter, from those connected secretly with th<> free and happy, and lived honestly in If bees made haff az menny blunders few peaph leifl res to give it a green color; bank accounts of the Trust Company, continually backed away, alternating her but I would notspendit. When I fell in brigands, was intense until reassured by that neighborhood from that day. The az the men do, even w ith their javelins, also a spiall lx imp of alum to hardcii it. the cashier discovered two checks “bear- bark of defiance with her yelp of terror in my pocket; when I pressed it with my generals of Murat, to eradicate brigand ­ their secret agents that he would be lib­ everyboddy would laff at them. Make ^ksyrul [> of ¡three-quarters of a ing-the same number, one for $150,000, a way which was irresistibly ludicrous. fiugers; when I remembered the eminent erated on the payment of the required age in the kingdom of Naples, employed In ending oph this essa, i will cum tew pound oir spJi ;r for each pound of citron, »nd the other for $64,000, drawn by the We were utterly perplexed by her behav­ man who had given it to me; when I sum. He was finally conducted to a rail­ the most severe measures. GoocLcitizens a stop by concluding, that if the bees and fqH| evÄy seven pounds use four New York Life Insurance Company bn ior until her master, as soon as he could thought of his shining face,his deep, lUs- were enjoined to imprison or kill the J way station at some hours’ distance from w»z a little m »re'" pensive, and not so lemons ¡ah¿ id two ounces of green ginger- the Union Trust Company. Upon ex- speak for laughing, explained it jtrous eyes, I was no longer hungry aud “Yer see, that 'ere dog’s never seen a Palermo, dressed in brigand’s cloak and brigands, and all men able to fight were darned peremtory with their javelins, root. Slice til $>e lemons and ginger-root amiuiug tlie check for $64,000, it was cold; the force and magnetism of the cap, and placed on a train of the third armed. All correspondence with them they might be guilty of less wisdum, but thin, sqald tl®: Jun in a little clear water, pronounced a clever forgery. The offi­ woman afore! She was reared in the mighty Webster were communicated class 4ith an injuuction not to make him­ was punished with death. Husband and morp charity. But y.»u kant ajter bug after which ni add the sugar. Boil the cers of the Union Trust Company were woods, an’ I hain't never took her no­ through bis little gift, and poor and in­ self kuowa immediately. This is the in­ wife, mother and son, brother and broth­ naure without spileing it for enny thing s; rup oòwn 'pntil thick, then add the notified of the forgery immediately, and where«, an' thet's jest the fact on’t; she significant as I was I ceased to feel cident that has caused the English news­ er, were divided by this scourge ! In the else,enny more than you kan an elephaqt's citron aod lei f it boil five minutes. Take the cashier stated that it waspreseuted to dunno what to make of a woman." year 1800 the government, which was It grew droller and droller. Thq^other my vulgar ' needs. His memory' came papers to reproach the government bit­ egg.— Joeh. Billing». I, the whojp up iljnjars and seal up close, him on the 3.1 of the month, aud he, sup­ back to me like a^lorious presence, and ■ * s dogs were our good friends at once, leaped terly for these outrages, and to compare molested in Calabria by the brigands, and keep inri 4;dark, dry, cool place. posing it to be perfectly regular, certi­ under the protection of the Pope, again about us, snuffed us, and licked our hands in its light I stood exalted, idealized* the public safety of Italy with that of M r . E dward K ing tells a romantic lit­ fied it. After the straDger had accom­ transmuted to myself. Such is the effect C hilpren ’ fl P udding . — Fill an earthen adopted serious measures. I have often Turkey. 4 tle story in aa article on Spainj¡in iJip- bakÍBg-«ish i with finely chopped apples. plished his object, he presented himself as we spoke to them. Poor Bowser hung of a great soul and overmastering genius.”. listened to the descriptons by the colonel back and barked furiously with warning Another case, marked with even great­ pincoU: “In Seville, some yca'B since, a itlkJftigar Ilgar and nutmeg; add a at the office of Mr. Maxwell, a broker of and menace whenever I petted one of the This was turbid and hyperbolical er atrocity, took place about the same in charge of that expedition of his $ bt - youth, who hail been encouraged by one Season Witlxri little wBtei., iter, b Set it on the back of the Broad street, and purchased $40,000 iu other dogs, but if I took a step nearer enough; but Boston did not - believe rible work there. He caught the outlaws time. Dr. Signorelli, an Italian, was lib­ s of the fairest of the Audalusian maidens, gold, and left after obtaining the treas­ erated the other day after a fierce conflict by fifties and sixties, and ranging them arrived under her balcony and began, as range until tl p apples are tender. Then ure and difference, less the commission her, she howled and fled in the most ab­ Webster could be overpraised, and as Nye make aHcrus I of one teacup of sweet delivered the words, they sounded mag­ ject way. between the bereaglieri and the brigands before his soldiers’ guns shot them down he had often before, a love ditty. He of the broker. The loss will fall upon x. - nificently, and awoke high enthusiasm, who had captured him forty days before. like wild animals, regardless of the looked up; no light burneij in her win­ milk ; ohe ta| ilespoonful of butter; a lit- tie saltjone 1 paspoonful of baking pow- the Uuion Trust Company, the officers of Lie prayers of wives and children. But as He was captured on a stormy night and T he shock ot a railroad disaster, like amid the expressions of which he sat dow; the street lamp only, dickering Hohr enç ugh to roll out. Lay the which have assured President Franklin that of Ashtabula, upon the nervous sys­ down, glowing aqd triumphant. taken to the house of a person iu Rocca- this was a means of public safety and faintly at the house-corner, threw a feeble der; flogr they will make the $64,OOH good. The Nye’s incident was a pure invention. mena, in Sicily, who bad no apparent not mere cruelty, he afterward gathered gleam upon the image of the Virgin in crust off top < at* the apples and bake. To detectives are busily engaged in w-irk­ tem of a survivor, must be something be eaten hot ;nvith 'sweet sauce, flavored the children into asylums, where they He had never been in New England be­ connection with the brigauds, but was terrible. A glimpse of its effects is seen the niche qf the wall. Ashe was won­ with lemon < or vanilla. Other kinds of ing up the case.” fore that time; he had never until that secretly tbeir ally. More than five min­ were well taken care of. » dering at his lack of success the gryat The following caution appears in the in the case of conductor Heun, who was evening laid eyes on Daniel Webster. After The evil in Sicily is now continually oaken door of the mansion*crcaked on its fruit may be sjiisetl in the same manner. utes before reaching the house he was in charge of the train which went through afternoon papers: “The public are cau­ made to dismount from his horse, his increasing, and calls for serious attention. hinges and a priest came out. ‘Go away, P otat I o S cenes .—Mash boiled potatoes tioned against negotiating our check, the bridge, and who went or duty again he had risen to speak it occurred to him eyes were blindfolded1^ a brigand's cap The daily journals of Palermo, reluctant my son,’ he said gently; ‘the good girl kill i they| — are s jjuite smooth, adding a little No. 10,392, for $9,509 gold, on the Bank Tor the first time last week. A passenger that the story of his coin would be appro- and cloak put on him, and so be was as they are to confess this state of tilings, within is uead; she died but a few mo­ salt;-th4p * kuyad out with flour to the of New York, certified by the bank, who was on his train when be went over . priate and taking, and so he told it, with led into it. Of the four brigands who say now that the cup is full. Society is ments ago.’ The Andalusian broke bis thickness redpired; toast, pricking them payment having been stopped on ac­ the new bridge for the first time, told a all tl» color and embroidery he could lay Toledo Commercial reporter that he no­ upon it No one present would have took him, two of them left him and so corrupted by the evil that Rose asserts guitar, knelt for a moment before the with a fork to prevent them blistering. count of fraud. ticed that as the train neared the bridge ! known of the broad poetic license he had were seen uo more, and two remained to that Leone knew all the watchwords of image of the Virgin, then rushed away When e iten With fresh or salt butter they “W. T. H atch &S on .” the troop*, and all that was said and done HenD seemed very much agitated. The , token, and he preserved his own counsel. keep him in custody. He slept forty and very nutri- ’ * into the darkness, and the next morning are equ 1 to ’Crumpets, r J in the family of his captive. horrors of that awful night of terrors , But he was never reticent about anything. nights in the arms of sns of these, on a . 8 ? a boatman drew his corpse out of the tious. A ncient L ibraries .—In Egypt, the seemed to come over him so completely Beside, the thing struck him as a good The discussion of this subject in Par­ Quada'quiver.” sofa almost too narrow for one person, and * O at eal G riddle C akes .—One and' cradle of civilization, the first library of that the great drops of perspiration joke, especially after he had noticed the npon which it was impossible to turn. liament two years ago, and the project of a half ps oat meal, two teaspoonfuls of which there is any trace on the pages of rolled down his face, and he grasped the fervor"ind feeling with which Boston's taking exceptional measures in regard to When the padrone went out the house . ‘ h‘ of salt, One-fourth of a history was founded about 1.400 years seat nervously for support. When the most illustrious respectability had re- . C old W eather .—The coldest weather sugar, . p was locked, and no ono was allowed to public safety in Sicily, produced an ex­ ex|»erienceJ by the E-.iglidi sailors on the teaspoonful soda. Stir well together before the Christian era, these ancient -train passed off the bridge on to terra , ceived his sentimental fabrication; and,' smoke, as that would have betrayed their citement and party feeling which almost Alert, in d overnight; then add one iu the Arctic regio regions,, us., was in and let Jt i books being written on papyrus, atone flnna he exclaimed, “Thank God, I'm over, therefore he avowed the oratorical trick threatened the unity of the Government. presence. The victim of this romance, of milk, flour enough to March, the thermometer on. the 4th going egg, on | c worn with fatigue and anxiety, often, as The Sicilian members were loath to have under 70 dogre.-s below zerb. 'this was make tlge ba r right to bake. Bake on and metal. Nor was this the only col­ and now I’m not afraid to go over it a he had played upon the Hub, and his de­ scription of the scene was decidedly com­ lection of writings which ancient Egypt thousand times.” he says, felt the tears in bis ej es aud his their part of Italy less esteemed than any too much eveu for the dogs, who were a gridd| cakes. ical.— St. Louie Globe-Democrat. s •. t contained, as is proved by the fact that other. They reineml>ered the sacrifices it mind overwhelmed with grief when he usually tolerably comfortable out of C arls I^ xad .—Boil a large carrot in on several ancient toihbs inscriptions remembered bis wife, children and aged had made for the unity and liberty 6f doors, and they walked about, lifting Q ueer F ish .—We were shown a day salted •until tender, chop it tine, have been deciphered which refer to ap­ the kingdom ; how its patriots. had con­ father. or two ago, by Professor Dewes, two T he University of Vermont and State with tv^ their feet like a cat on hot bricks, while ard-boiled eggs. Pour over propriations of lot» of land for the But being assured that his life would spired and suffe ed imprisonment, exile one of them was frozen to the floe by his them’hj small fish of the perch ' species.' He in* Agricultural College has 168 students; titre of one tablespoonful of erection of libraries to the king. The be spared be became philosophical and and death under the Bourbons; how they tail. On February 4th there occurred a J- sweet of ¿re of vinegar, a little salt, great mass of the works which such li­ forms us that they were, sent to one of none of the students take the whole agri­ joined in the eveniug conversations of were the first to assist Garibaldi in 1860, sudden ch mgeof foity-five degrees ih a pepper^’ the teachers in the public school by a cultural course. At Dartmouth it is taken xr, and made mustard if liked. braries must have contained were, in the - his captors. They recounted the exploits and they could not brook an aspeision, morning, the thermometer rising to one gentleman in Montgomery, Alabama. by one only, There is hardly a farmer or as they considered it, upon their honor. course of a checkered history, swept out These fish were caught, or we should say a farmer’s son who thinks it necessary to of the generous brigaud Vinceuzo Capra- degree below zero. The Esquimaux R em $ d > y for T oothachr .—Oil of cin- of existence, and the only traces or them dug, from a field near Montgomery. The spend three or four years at an agricul­ The Avc^at » Tajani went so far as- to stand the coldest weather usually as well «0, in whose school they bad been edu­ namon 3 a mditoil of cloves, equal parts. which remain are infrequent but sug­ cated. The traditions of this great pred­ accuse the Lanza Ministry of having as the dogs; in the days of lowest tem­ b' — * to conduct him - • Mix; dip » a piece of cotton in the mix-^ gestive references to a few lost writ­ field was originally a fish-pond. The tural college to qualify jlieve ecessor served at last to save the Jfe of aided the majbi and kept memliers of it t it will pay. water having been drained off, the place farm. Tney do not be perature they were working outside the ture, arid put it in the tooth. ings in those books, which for religious is now in cultivation. By digging about C If they are going to spend that time ia Signorelli; for when the soldiers in search knowingly in office. This excited Lanza ship with naked haods and said they felt _• . „ ‘ . ErstV rATft R.—Pith of sassafras, half a reasons have been preserved.— N. Y. a foot below the surface, these fish are study, they prefer to take a broader, more of him had stretched a cord around the to the utmost, and the discussion will no cold. It would seem rather idle to house and were firing continually upon long be remembered as one of the most attempt to acclimate Americans to that dram; n> >se ftater, one pint; white vit- Herald. found imbedded io the mud. They were generous course, that will give them a it in hopes of dislodging the inmates, violent that eve rtook place in the Italian region, when the Esquimaux are perfectly riol, one < dram. For acute inflammatipa alive when taken out, and resemble what foundation for any department of labor— « ' .4 one of the brigands called for him to Parliament. But the commission which was able to occupy the country and eat up all of the èy res.;1 is commonly known as the ♦‘yellow-bel­ professional, literary or scientific, as their V eracity is the correspondence be ­ •* “’I come down from the garret in which he at that time appointed, and the excellent it produces. at A mfcUe of chestnut leaves and tween a proposition and a man’s be­ lied” perch. They are, no doubt, blind, tastes may at the end of their course in* vas hiding. Signorelli knew for what administr ation oirthe part of the govern­ drank ip place of water will cure the lief. Truth ia th« correspondence of as their eyes were perfectly white, hav­ cline them. purpose this must be, and implored him ment, have kept the brigands at bay. S oft words and soft water should be moat ÿbstiùate case of dropsy ■ in 4 the proposition with fact.—J*. W. ing no pupil or transparent appearance. by all that was sacred to spare bis. life. These recent outrages have directed at- abundant and in every home. 1 A ooOTMffTOOtra stream : the River Po. —Columbue (Ga.) Inquirer. few days. Rofterisnn. Stocking Song. JI K *L I 1 X. S * JLj « -, X '/ ¿¿KF ■- ' «rii - ■ 5'' ... S s ;■ 5 ■ * ’ P I—T*----- J I’ ♦ «# X t r a > »» I ■a r 4» t ti » 1 r * * r Í a 1 à S t « «, X 4 £ y I * • 4 It A JX ¿SÍ Ì > • 1; f ; " ...» ! i ' '• J i ! -*. ii L> Í í ■:<4 4 h I 1¡