■Rv* - H? J ■ - j I / - : ♦ ’Z- • ’ r I » 1 .i « > r I j - » « f B « « « jt < ■ : 1 it I X I -«r i A RE MARKABLE RECORD. F B f • i Temple Bar and Charles Tamb. newspaper upon the Pacific Coast, was Cogent Re&sons for a Grand Detroit Currency. Transfusion of Blood. the East ;rn and ¡Foreign Success. T here is a great deal of f«ii Tin in a But we pause in the almost impossi­ Truly science has, as was said recently Conspicuous among the highest examples TELEGRAPH NEWS. task of endeavoring toliring to mind How à Great Journal was Created. newspaper office. I by one of its eminent votaries, “its: ro-, ble of success which the present century can names of the author?,Aits and poets, An old monopoly on the coast called allow ia Ilostetter’s 8touiuch Billers. The I T he way to qount the electoral vote is rnantic side.” Its history preseuts opt a the have most contributed ty sustain the California Associated Press hud con- rçcortl of ite l ri urn pits ,over disease is to l»e ' one, two, Ihrt e^—185, aud nothing is few/feeds of heroism and self-sacrifice; who in the written acknowledgments of and, it may be added, ¡^popularize the strolled the new» for years, consisting of traced its results have not seldom been attaiiie«! p plainer. ... « thousand® who have experienced its t»eneti- fame of Temple Bar, to ask ourselves the two’papers iu San Francisco aud oue in j cciit ctrecta, mid the evidence of it« popular­ I ” I taly will h'ing no more murderers. by suffering voluntarily inflicted, and ha» question M who of them it is, after all, that Interesting; Episddes in its Career. Sacramento. These papers had special ity is to be found in the vast and growing nowand then cost the lives of williug:« This will keep 1er population from pet- ■4------------ has most endeared its memory to us. It privileges granted them by the News As- demand for tlie article in North aud South victims. The young Berlin doctor who, I ering out. not been Dryden, nor yet Pope. We sociatioir of New York» one of the pro­ America, Mexico, Guatemala, the West In­ •i- when a deadly contagious distemper was has I * W i | at E nxrbv abb E xti rrtPRIftX CAJ< ArCÒMPLlRH. Australia and Europe. The reasons for T he Wisconsin remedy for frozen ears ravaging the poorer households of that find but scarce allusibn to.it.in the writ­ prietors <>f the paper- being the Eastern dies, I its unparalleled success are cogent ones. is to coat them with varnish. It im­ city, thought he had discovered am*;tlioj ings of Swift, Steele, or J^ddisou. Neither agent; and the other journals here were The accumulated evidence of nearly thirty i proves some ears wonderfully. The follow|ng appreciative .sketch is either obliged to copy their news the next years shows.that it ia a certain remedy for <* the most pathetic, nor Smollett for ita cure, and, knowing that its tost Sterne ! T he Ohio Legislature is debating the might be fatal, nevertheless boldly tried the wittiest of writers, nor Congreve the from the Spirit of ¡¿'ie Time»: The bis­ day, or pay for obtaining special tele­ malarial disease,2as well as Its surest "pre­ that it ffl-adicates dyspepsia, consti- 4 grams over the other lines at ruiuous ventive; subject of hog cholera, and every breeze it upon himself, and who, as he lay dying most courtly of dramatists, nor Garth the tory of a progressi pation, liver complaint and nervousness, journal is interest- rates. The old San Francisco Time» en­ counteracts a tendency tq gout, rheumatism, that sweeps froin the West brings grunts from its effects, jotted down his poetical physician, has given us pleasant IN PATKNT FAVCIT CANS. of satisfaction. • observations of its actions on his recollection of its presence in anything ing to the general p|blic as furnishing a deavored to break the monopoly, but urinary and uterine disorders, that It imparts to the feeble, and cheer» the mind rPHE FIRST THAT HAS BEEN IN THE MARKET T iiere isn’t much danger of sunstroke system until within uine minutes of bis he has penned. Dr. Jolinsbn has left us record of the growih of the community only attested its power by ceasing to ex­ vigor A for sixty daya. while it Invigorates the body. at this season, but a sponge in the hat departure from earth, was a hero to whom, plenty of glimpses of it through the in which it wi|s established. The rise of ist. The Herald, a large and enterprising IT IS THE ONLY OIL Thai 1 iaABSOLVTlLt may prevent the top of the head frdrrt Sir Philip Sydney would have doffed his diary oflhis familiar Boswell, but not- of the San Francisco Cf ironicle to influence journal, powerfully backed by influence . Buy the BeBt. and capital, subsequently’ repeated the hat. A deed scarcely less noble, as it in­ a kind -that makes us yearn toward it being frost-bitten. The piano is an article of luxury, and is, as with much of kindly concern. We nat­ and prosperity shov 1 wliat can be accom- attempt, and, after a brief struggle, W hen one crimes to look over a com­ volved serious self-sacrifice, has just been urally love to think of the old gateway ,plislie ing 1876 he feqls that he ought to lie That ia PERFECTLY weakly young mau haai a leg amputated smith and his thoughtless vanity; of how little fourteen by t tv| knty-five inch sheet, paying high prices Tor special telegrams, gtyle pianos is thftt they soon jjet skaky and .very thankful, flnd very, very humble. ODORLESS. But it required no large journalistic < easily affected by the changes of the weather, at the hospital, which made him so feeble he, scores pf times, iu that exquisite suit A • ONLY OIL Which . has never leen T he Baltimore Gatetie is trying to in­ that he was n^t likely to recover. H« +>f Tyria^blypm satin grain, and dark­ appeared, eve its fi ¡ends could not have sagacity to see that this system would and liable to »ut oj time.” AH of this IT IS THE . is obviated in the ! Rogers Piano. Ladies who duce people toi go to Texas. It says was fast sinki ig when the hospital doctor blue silk breeches, must have walked prophesied foi it a q ¡ore brilliant sphere, not do for a paper that aspired to noth­ used it say that Ft is as easily tuned as a IT IS THE ONLY OIL'“""“* there is everything in that State to make declared that there was but one possible traily by_it to vex tlw kindly soul of It was then d voted to dramatic matters, ing less tliaii to win the proud position of have guitar, and they never need outside assist- ' \ Indorsed by all the In- one rich, happy, tat and good-natured. suranc*- Companies and way of sivi ig him. Iuto the patieutV»- ReyflTffds at the studio in Leicester Fields criticised theatres] and concerts, and the leading journal of the Pacific C^ast.. ance to keep it in order. We advise our Firs Commissioners. 1 ’ ’ ' , ___ of an who contemplate the purchase 1» you have k big boil orf ; your neck languid veins must be transfused a quan­ by his preposterous extravagance. We The step to be taken was a.daring and readers Parties wbhing a supply should send their orders to tre.itcÀÌ the news «; instrument to see the Rogers'before buying. their dealers iinmedi >tely. [ the day in a'lively, ,and want to ge| rid of it, mn«k .sjiow and tity of w arm bl >od from a vigorous, liv­ have Bur|te in our eye and Garrick; the hazardous one. But the only alternative For sale to the Trade In lots to suit by Blackuiar & Davis, under Baldwin’s Hotel, salt, apply, ahd you can whittle the' ing man. A youug student who heard poets Gay and TUomson, and the clever manner, though nevi ir assuming to speak was to ipeur the risk of to renounce the San Francikco, are the Agents for this coast. T1ID OIL OF pesky thing right MF without hurting you. this, at once stepped forward and offered artist who drew the character of Squire of import tn t_ Subjl jets in a ponderous aims which tbe founders of the Chronicle Self-Threading. had so loug cherished. Wlieu it became hi« own blood for the purpose. A pint Weston; Gibbon his strolled past the I r costs $40c, i room the ladies of San Francisco. Its simplicity is everybody at poker for couitesy’s sake.; arm ami body of the moribund youth. admirable novelist; Il »gers the banker­ aud animation-. - Type, RELYING ON THEMSELVES recognized by the intelligent mind as a guar­ CALVERT'S Tiih^Chicago Journal complains that Within two hours he revived, recognized poet; poor, nervous, unstrung Cowper~iff Were all at fir itiproupred on credit. The and the appreciation of the public, they antee durability and reliability. It re­ d io i people and was pronounced on the way the days of his terrible malady; Sheri ­ labor need« 1 « jo 1; tie the first number entered <>u the struggle in which others quires of no its readjusting it i« cokb-st j^sjt about the time a man VAR BO UtO of tension when the dan on his way to the spongiug-house; nearly ended 1 hjeca caj 1er of the single edi- had signally failed. The Chronide waged bobbin is replaced in the shuttle, being at all has decided; to get up and build a fire. to recovery. The young medical student to w hose un­ Samuel Taylor Coleridge ruminating, tor, publirhe and|c<>mpositor.' ' At the This w hole "epunf try should be heated by a long war. uuaided even by the country times ready for work. Its movement is so selfish heroism this g >od result was due mayhap, over the terrible seductions of end of the fir« wee|r ¡the “L payment ‘ of bills, pressi On the 26th of June, 1876, the mo- light a child can operate it. All who cannot steam. K2 per BBlloa. call at their office, 124 Fifth street, 8an Fran­ may possibly have w’orked even better his unfortunate passion; all these excel­ T he tact'thijt Sergeant Berrv and two than he knew. It was long a matter of lent and worthy representatives of Eng­ and the geneialLkiq I recognition which nopoly,succumbed before the determined cisco, send for circular and price-list, which T. W. JACKSON. Ban Fraa- other soldiers whipped fifteen Iudians in discussion and doubt. whether this op­ land's literature have at some time or the paper received I gave indication of onslaught made upon it, and the Chronide will be sent free on application. ciaco. Sole Agent for Califor­ r ____________ soon became a startled its readers by appearing with the nia an« Nevada. a fair fight g »e^ to show that this glori­ eration of^Ltaasfusiou "tumid really be other hailed at the very spot where we l»etter times. The !>aper popular /drer/Mto such air exten| D 1 » 1 Berkshires. Associated Press news. This was a re­ ous old Union must and shall be pre­ performed so as to transfer .the vital vig.»r ourselves have stood in our journeyings ■» C. & P. H. TIRBELL 9i CO.. was more in ddmanid at r.t the t!._ restaurants ___ I am breeding Pure English Berkshire Pigs served.- ; J of oue person to another. It is not at through London, contemplating the mud- and other public plices finn thè regular markable victory.' And-although the and have them constantly on band. Also, IMPOKTFB» AMD MX»UFAOTUBIBS OF fight required a great outlay of money fifteen two and three-year-old Sows, several T he Prince of Wales (luring his Indian all anew idea, indeed, for we read of its bespittered face and -rueful outline of dailies. jr„^JL...i^s é --------- lluijdreds lot persons came to tour received presents to the value of having been tried on a certain pope four the much-maligned, oft-abused, but pa­ the office of t| ie “iil lie gratuitous sheet” and time, its results more than compen­ of them with Pig; 22 One young serviceable sated. Since the achievement of this Boars. These are mostly from Pigs I import­ $48i),000, and some disagreeable persons centuiies ago, three young men being tient-looking mem »rial. But these were each NO. 41» CLAY BTHBBT, at ii he hod Ir of publication to great victory the Chronide has eclipsed ed from Kentjuky. ‘’Short-Horn” Cattle, f hope be will now pay his debts.— fti>cht»-i compelled to sacrifice their liyes in order not the men who made us feel the kiud- ask for “my C Aromi. o_______ if«.” .____ Strangers often all its cotetnporaries, in telegraph news. Merino and Cotswold Sheep. P eter 8 axe , Between Sanaome and Battery, SAN FRANCISCO., w-i ter Chronicle. I til it the decrepit pbntiff might thus re­ lier toward the old/Bar, l>ecause they so came when al| put tef return home, for the Importer and Breeder. P. O. address, 1312 The full particulars of the Iudian war in Manufacturers of Men's, Boys'. Xonthl, and Chil­ I.«»Td of’ men walk around Marquette new his youth; but the experiment failed. often passed and strayed within it's shad­ purpose of “J pbscrir M ■=,. ing, n _ in order that the Bliick Hills, and the incidents attend­ Folsoiji3»treet,corner of Ninth, San Fraucisco. dren's FINK CALF BGOT8. . Orders solicited and promptly filled. All sixes sad without overcoats when the thermome­ The experiment 11 is been tried many ow. Who, then, lias it been that Inis the little paper Qi|ght’ be sent to them. ing the last fight and death of the gallant qualities tnadeat the lowest market prices . Peerless Yeast Powder. Please examine the roods ami prices._____________ ter stan Is at 30 degrees below zero. times, and in different countries, and for kept us^as we may say, so firmly at­ It gradually fibecat ' je apparent that the Custer, were all published first in the T ry it .—For sale in quarter, one, two, five, There must be something inside of them the past half-century the practicability tached Jc » the tottering, inconvenient jnon- Chronide was¡ isldebti fed to attain affCxtra- ten and twenty pound packages by all gro hotel A of transfusion has neeu generally admit­ ument, in Spite of the fact that each time ordinary^ po[ ipfularit r, and to develop into Chronide, some of them exclusively, and cers. B. F. B arton A Co., manufacturers, 824 international ' to keep the heat up. and 8-s® Kearny st.. San Franelaea. all more fully than in-any other news ­ ted by the profession. The difficulty is, 211 and 213 Sacramento street, San Francisco. 9 we passed under one of the arches we a permanent And p posperous institution, ' paper west of the Rocky Mountains. By • 1 50 and •* OO PER DAY. T he Victoria bridge across the St. to successfully effect it; but it is well felt a terrible misgiving lest the calcined, H. C. PATRIDGE. .... P rofbibtoa notwithstándif ng tlje fact that ^it had Lawrence is more than a foot, shorter inj special arrangements with the New York Land Owners Without Two Csneord Coaehe., with the name of the A | Patents winter than in summer, and if provision known that the bloods, of animaU has age-worn stones supporting it should started with u| i> capital and with no reve- Herald, the Chronicle received a telegram Should enclose f2 with their receipts to Col. Hotel on, will always be In waiting at the landing to been again aud again transfused to the tremble with long-suffered weakness, fall nue except tl convey passengers to the Hoiel free. tN~Be sure yon |iat derived from its special of over 7,000 words, giving a full account Y. Bingham & Co., Attorneys for Claims, Ac.. were not made for the change? something get into the right Coach; If you do not. they will veins of huîïHui beings with the best to the ground, and bury us beueath the advertising pi, kronaje, and with its sole would have to break. Custer’s last battle, sent by its special Washington, D. C\ and receive their Land charge you. physical results. ruins? Who else should it have been ddpeiidence fd r daiij existence upon the of , correspondent from the scene of the bat­ Patents. TnE Grand Duke Alexis wants this Of course the idea of transfusion gives but Charles Lamb?—who. but Charles energy and hbpefui ! perseverance of one tle. This w as a courtesy never exXended c nintry to treat him the same as a pri­ rise to many amusing fancies. Can you Lamb, most loving of men, t_________ phlegmatic, by exchanging tlie vi(al fluid essayists, who almost worshipped the j and was no linger i L precarious venture, newspaper that has a world-wide reputa­ VJ.OO per day. tion for H atch ' s Universal Cough Syrup Las becojne one JOHN KELLY, Jr., RaaagM-y * A W estern clergyman’s wife received iu toe vein»? Is there a modicum of so- 1 ground which Temple Bar has sb long I At the end of. six f months an edit »rial of the leading cough remedies in our trade. We have (Tor 28 years Proprietor of the BROOK- ENTERPRISE AND ABILITY. thirty-six sugar spoons from diftarent ber truth in E imond About’s funny con- i ; blocked with its presence, ami adored it appeared in it$ colui pus which expressed kuown case» where it lias given relief, where our best LYX HOTEL. B. E.) medicine« have failed. We warrant it In every case, This arrangement with the Herald con­ and persona as Christmas presents. They ceit abodt the “nose of a notary?’’ Tiie ' as if it had- beeii supporting the most ito hopes, as f illowd i: ‘ Though not dis- aresatistled that it is one of the best medicines SHARON, 8WIFT 4 CO , hadn't a pound of sugar in the house as blood <»f lambs is sometimes u»ed in the magnificent temple ever erected by the satisfied with? wha| l.we have already ac- tinues, The Chronicle'» Washington dis- of its kind. Boots and Shoes. Stlrlingvllle, N. Y. and doings of the last session of \JOHS HILLIVAM, N. E. cor. Bat­ patches. she counted up the spoons. operation-of transfu.si m; do thedoctors genius of man? , complished, u ; Aure tby no mean» attained tery and Jackaon t>ta., San Fraaeiaco. ¿Milo CMK P» ûV • t*eDd for Chromo Catalogue. offers to make to order the best French T he Boston Gloibe knows of a Massa­ find the patients thereafter more hirnb- . Cnkrles Lamb was boTn and passed the the height of opr a»¡ \iration»." These as- Congress, especially that containing the *J)1U H $Z3 J- H. B üffobd ’« S on ». Boaion Mass. Calf Leather BOOTS at from U to •»¡'Cal­ chusetts clergyman who his a«ked that like? H »w gratifying it would be if, by first seveu years of his life within a ■piratious weije obli | hinted at ; to have full report of Bluford Wilson’s testimony, (bi off <111 per day* at botue. Mm pies worth SI jfoa ifornia Leather Boots, M; French Oalf has be in admitted tty all to be great Oxford Ties, It; California, |d.5fl. Boys’ merely vivisecting the gentle denizen of S tinson 4 Co.. Portland. Maine. ston^’s-throw of Temple Bar, a spot expressed thim fu| ay would have only Ids salary be reduced $500 per year on and Children’s Boots and Shoes made to Tilden's long examples of enterprise, the pasture, and transferring its blood to h f KM. H. A. MOOKE'B HAIR rKODlC- order. Persons in the country ordering Boots and which he has characterized as “ the most provoked mirth in t| j|ose who could account of hard times. It was reduced lil er, 108 Market street. San Francisco. Shoes to the amonnt of 112 or more will dc allowed a letter of acceptance was present- delayed mortal veins, we eould transform the un­ elegant in the metropolis;” and the de-’ SEE'NO* GERM OF ' fllE PRESENT GREAT- before he could wink twice. tir~ N e u d_ for Circular». wi| reduction of four per cent., to make the express ed to th iB readers of the Ch ron ide, twenty - BBOWJi charges light. I sell Boots and Shoes of MT OWN ROWW LEGHORWM LEGHORN A HPKCl/lTY. MANUFACTURE ONLY. Boots and Shoes sent T he editor of the Vermont Farmer comfortable tempers around us into per­ lightful “Essays of Elia” were penned al­ k F* ’ v I <- *i four hairs iD advance of any other news ­ r Stffi k »elected — Pure bred, - ; Reduced price«. Ad- ennial docility ! We fear, however, that most within viewaof its venerable Vene­ C. O. D. Positively one price. knows of fiftee» women in that State Of the Datlm Chronicle in th£ little dra­ paper On the Pacific Coast. With "" the dre«« J. M. Kl*Lr ■1NGER. Ellis. Sun Joaquin Co.,Cnl. who can lift a sack containing two bush­ psychological results are not to be at­ tian parlor. Daily he must have trudged matic sheet. J ob tge first of December, breaking up .of the old monopoly the w ew LOOK! - ___ vin NELANO TEJIPEKANCE lx ' Colony. Colon,. (■ In 2: Southern _____ __________ California. Si.UOO __________ acres good ___ ALBERT E. BURBANK. Im- els of potatoes. — [Ex liaoge. That tained by this very material process, ! patiently witji that dear sister whom he 1ÍJ65, a thoughtless go'emporary rebuked Chronicte'» news from all parts of the N land, well tested for several years for fruit, itrain. rjrter and Breeder of Fancy wouldn't be much of a lift for fifteen Very much will be gained^ however, if we tended aud loved so well, through the it disparaglngy fori venturing out of ita world hi is been full and perfect —the move­ vegetables: well wooded and watered, requiring no owls. Pigeon», Rabbit«, Doga, irrigation: be sold to none but «han-holders. Only cau restore a ruddiness to pallid cheeks, old gateway, bent on collecting the little etc. Also Egg» for hatching from women. path as a strictly dramatic paper. It re ­ lempatwnce families desired as colonlsik Provision ments of the great powers in Europe, the the finest of Imported stock. and strength to a tittering body; if we store for the morrow’s meal, and expa­ S<»> o ! b , Churches, free Public Library. Ae. ’ Proa- \ Eg«« and Fowla at reduced' P erson B rownlow quietly remarks can see the consumptive revive under the tiating by the way on the glories of Lon­ plied editorially thaf it did not intend to events constantly happening in all parts for vectuAmailed to any »ddresses sent to office at Lom­ prices. Co., Cal. that “it was a solemn and aff cting sight circulationy»f healthy blood yielded to don, a place which was to be preferred, remain -a grathrtousfedvertising sheet, but of the Jnited States are faithfully re­ poc, Manta Barbara ALBERT K. BI RBAMK. E ldxk JAMES W. WEBB, President. 43 and 44 Cal. Market, S. F. C h * hlxs M altly , Secretary., to see t wo men who ‘»wore off" together him by the self-sacrificing of another, as in his opinion, so greatly did he love the should aspire to br&hter positions, and corded. ; The free and unprejudiced Enclose Stamp for Price List. appealed to the yea| 1877 to bear out its course of the Chronide from the first has L. COUNWKI.L’M DES- on New Year's day, suddenly meet at the the fainting vampire revives under the town, to the finest prospect of country [ Plerue »tate where you »aw (hit AdrerUtement. I J . TAL BOOMS, »80 Kearny St., samfe bar, early on the morning of Janu­ moon’s riy^; and if "the effects of those ever planned by the allwise providence ambitious clainfs. g loon after being es- not only won it credit with its news read­ near Bush. E tbzb or C hlobofobm 187T.-Fo»tp>id.-fl.60r~ administered. A lady assiktant in at­ ary 3d.” horrible sudden hemorrhages which end of The Creator—though here we think he lablished on a t rm j boting, the Dramatic ers, but I with the commercial community. tendance. G badcatks only am- . ” Chronide brune ene<| the scope of its edi- ployed to operate A minister in Lexington lately said in abrupt death from mere loss of blood was joking. ITS CIRCULATION THE nSTTrZR^EZR/y, t »rial departmt nf, k md began to discuss in the pulpit th st be bad seen a pack of can be obviated by a prompt transfusion. The gentle humorist loved the city, all Shatters of publij A Monthly Magazine for Ya a ng «at Raadsra. Dividend Notice, No. 5. has increased montji by month until it t interest, both na- c «rds aud a backgammon board in. the It may not be that the fountain of per­ and Temple Bar was the grand aud hon­ pOLLATEBAL LOAN AND MAVINCM S vpxrbly I llvitbatrd . IWSend ten cent» for tional and munici|>|| jl, with a vigor, free-, has attained a circulation of nearly 41,- L Bank, corner Po»t and Kearny »ta , 8 F.—An ex­ a Sample dumber and Premium-Utt. parlor < f a member of his church, and petuating youth is to be found welling ored gateway to it. ' tra dividend of 5 per cent, for the alx luoutha ending JOHN L. 8HOREY, dom and independí that caused it to 000 copies. Its advertising has increased December Slit ha» been declared payable January 5lh, after services seventeen men scolded their up from the heart of one’s neighbor; but hat a transition for a countrymiin,” be read with ubiditi ince 8® Bromaeld Street. B m I ob . in a corresponding ratio.' In small ad­ to stockholder» of record December 27th. by all classes of the wives for carelessness.— Boston Traveller. the gift of health from one mortal body writes he, “visiting London for the ¡first ___________________ , 'F. 8. CARTER, Sec'y. vertisements, such as applications for to another bus a certain poetry about it time—the passing from the crowded community. The tt£sh and racy style in situations, houses to let or for sale, and WHITNEY & HOLMES Dividend Notice, No. 6. scarcely less pleasing to the fancy than Strand or Fleet Street by unexpected U-hich its views were expressed, offered a all brief announcements of a similar char­ 1OLLATF.RAL Webster and Jenny Lind. LOAN AND SAVINC19 ( 7 Bank, corner Post and Kearny »t»., San Fran­ the ancient fable, being significant of hu- avenues” to the Temple! Whereupon he dieasing coutraft tqAhe solemn editorials —The rennlar monthly dividend of 2 per cent Jenny Lind gave a concert at Wash­ m^n self-sacrifice, a noble emotion in proceeds to write learnedly upon its» df «the leading journals of the day, and acter, the Chronicle now takes the lead of for cisco January, 1877, is declared, payable February 5th, of record January 27th, 1 k 77. ington during the session of Congress, winch the ancient table was wanting.— many memories and classic beauties, ex­ its readers p !Dceiv|d that sound argu­ all papers west of' tlie Mississippi. On to stockholders The Finett Toned and Mott Durable Made. . ■ , F. S. CARTER, BscY. ment and. so id o¿íi nions ' rn*ed ..... not lose this coast it occupies 'the same position and, as a mark of her respect, and with a Appleton»' Journal. pressing the hope that the younkers of I H EVERYTHING NEW STYLES. NEW SOLO STOPS. as that occupied by the Herald in .the of their » eightjrom being expressed view to the eclat, sent polite invitations used in Aplarys, such, as Hive«. after generations may pace its stately auy Warranted Five Tear». , , Send for Price List*. city of New York, and the Ledger in Honey Extractors^ Knives, in an agreeab e ancT . — 1 animated style, en- the mem- to the President, Mr. " Fillmore, _ Silent Singers. WHITNEY A HOLMES ORGAN CO.. Quincy. III. terrace with the same superstitious ven­ «livened by wi fend ifa mmor, Veils, etc.: Pure Italian Queens. The and occasibn- Philailelphia. It averages daily about American Beeke'pere’ Guide —pyper bers of the Cal liinet, Mr. Ciay, and many eration “with which the child Elia gazed ally;pointed lu, y biuvnsm. P. N. P. C. No. 133. ten columns of these advertisements, aD cover. 50cts. : cloth bound, 75 Tts. and sarchsm. lu Iu aiarcil, March, 1867, 100Z, The numberdf silent singers in New on the old worthies that solemnized the other distingu! Lii»hed members of both ll.OO. Send for Illustrated Pamphlet- amount surpassed by only two dr three the pappr was,. ........ » i._ . l . a Siabai^enlargqd by the ad- free. Also energetic Agents want'd fi 1 O • day at home. Airenta wanted. Outfit and houses of (,’opgress. It happened on York at this time is larger.than ever was parade before ye!”— Appleton»' Journal. 1 tpnriA TRFR A C!O.. Ann>r». for ihe best selling works bef re the jition of thi ijei mbre columus, a step other promiuent journals in the United public. H. R. CAMEKOX, that day several members of the Cabinet kn >wu before. Mme. Pappenheim and States. These short announcements are a P. O. Box 805. San Francisco, lirhnted by the growth of ita which was warrant« EALD’S mUSIKESS ft OLLEGE and Senate were dining with Mr. B »disco, Mme. Palmieri made a little money early > reliable index of the business prosperity Tur Cml.r^ WANTED for the most business and its grefctiy __ t in the season; but although both of them ■eftly increased popu- The Young Russia^ Czarevitch. uiostst. Mrh;exr*.ul nil the Russian-Minister. His good dinner at Colta* iular»sel!lng BOOKS ( of any city, and especially so in San larity. Several^bold awl consummate* or s44rwwi lished. Address, for ; and choice wines had kept the party so are good singers, there is no-prospect N..rK-ray, If B.F. MB» LU The yojuig Russian Czarevitch is a per ­ ___ particulars, A. L. I Francisco, where the market for employ­ Baa Fruasc^ STROK LEJt OF Í ENTERPRISE, late that the ¡concert was nearly over that either of them will be hired this fect Herbules, resembling greatly in RAHCROrr A €!•.. T»1 M a BXBT S t .. 8. F. 1 J. F. cu. CaL ia Ufa ment is greater, perhaps, than in any other w hen Webster, Clay and Crittenden and winter. Mme. Gulager and Mme., Brig- build amjj stature ty-is magnificent grand­ After it had fai aiily entered into competi- municipality of equal size iu the Union. . others came in; whether from the hurry uoli are both anxious for an appearance; father, the great Czar Nicholas, though tfioo with th0 [ other daily papers for the Theincrease in these small advertisement , but there is no indication that either will iu which they came, or from the beat of with lessj handsome features, bis counte­ ■freshest and in]ost reliable news, still and the evident partiality with which the ESTABLISHED 1833. 7 tlie room, their faces were a little flusheid, find an opportunity to be heaid. At the nance befog thoroughly Calmuck in type. further attracj qtjd public attention, and Chronide is regarded as an advertising Belvedere House are any number of and they all looked somewhat flurried; His strength, says the correspondent of aided in mal ¡k^ng if a popular pet and medium; has necessitated frequent en­ After the applause with which these gen­ really endowed ladies, including such the Philadelphia Telegraph, is some­ favorite. Tbii I was notably the case in largement.«-, until it is now in size, as it tlemen Were received had subsided, and artists as Anna Drasdil, Antoinette.Heune, thing prodigious, and of itsViisDlay and the r°mplete I report, which it furnished has long been in attractiveness, one of silence was restored, the second parts of Henrietta B.-ebe aud Clara Perl, who of the git*at control that he exercises at grbat exjien of ; the Chandler-Harris the very largest newspapers in the coun­ the concert was opened by Jenny Lind are sufferers on accoant of the unusual over his naturally violent temper; a curi­ prizofigliLia |he latter part of 1867. It try. It has a larger number of readers with “Hail Columbia.” This took place stagnation. Miss Emma Thursby is for- ous anecdote isftold. On one occasion he dispatched I its couriers to Alaineda than any other newspaper in California, chant ! I during the bight of the debate and ex­ tuuate in holding the leading position discovereq that! his private correspondence- Couuiy, rherfe thej rmg was secretly aud ii) ibusiness and circulation, the limit­ J» w' citement on the slavery question and the in the Tabernacle in Thirty-fourth street had been tanijpered with when passing pitclied. Ita ers repaired Its îrepor ireixirters reDaired to the th« ed population of the Pacific Coast con­ / 1T compromise resolutionafeoi Mr. Clay, and in these hard times, Miss Gertrude Cor- through tt§e postoffice. He went at once Oakland telegraph at ition, aud succeeded, sidered, it stands PAMII this air as a part of the programme was' bettj who obtained an appearance as to the Emberor, laid the c^se- before him,/ Ta pftrauauee <|’ thei ’ instructions, in tak­ Norma , last year, is still studying, but IN THE VERT FRONT RANK considered peculiarly appropriate for a and begged to kuow if it was by hAs or4 ing exclusive^ posse ision of the wires. / 1 conc-.-rt, whtrj.the head of the Govern­ without present prospect of exhibiting ders that?the letters had been opened^ The fight exited t )e utmost interest in 6f American newspapers. It stands the result of her studies. Then there is ment and a large number of both branches the city, andf infkm nse crowds gathered sixth on the list of an official statement, for in that case, as a dtitiful son and sub­ I sag of the Legislative Department were pres­ the latest American singer, with--the ject, he would s*y nothing mordj but un­ around the" little “free •eô sheet’s” b bulletin in which the Boston Herald, the New ent.- At the close of the first verse stamp of European success, Miss Emma less such ordersjiad been given he would board to get tie only tidings that : came, York Herald, Sun and Neat», and life the paper was Webster’s patriotism boiled over; he Abbott, to whom the times afford little demand redress. The Czar sent at once An extra edition} of the was print- Philadelphia Public Ledger alone exceed­ could sit, no-longer, and arising like real encouragement. In addition to the for the really guilty party, the Chief of ed, w, 6,000 v,wV copies v.fMvo bqi k,^ing sold in an hour, ed it in the number of subscribers. The olympian Jove, he added his deep above array of prime donne we have "Polich, severely reprimanded him in the whilp the other ¡journals still awaited the Chronicle has always been and always souorous voice to the chorus, and, I ven­ for tenors, baritones and bassos, tjignor Pv.flce’g presence, and then bade him arrival of theiT ; re porters from the scene will be independent of party, clique and ture to aay, never in the whole course of Brignoli, still the silver-voiced after so 4ternly begone and sin no more. -Terri­ of the fight, mheftiil particulars of the combination. It is a newspaper “of the I her career did alm ever hear or receive many campaigns; Charles Fritch, a fine fied and trembling, the abashed official assassination oil President Lincoln were people, and for the people.” It has car­ d|ip thï thi Dramatic Chronicle. ried out the histoty foreshadowed in an one-half of the applause as that with German singer, who also does the Italian Was about to make a hurried exit, when' first publishedjiii The success acquired by this, «. and aud 8Íiñilar aimiiur editorial published in 1868, of which the which her song and Webster's chorus and Euglish;. William Castle, long a A Liniment for Man and Beast e Czarev|tch, who had been a quiet, was greeted. Mrs. Webster, whosat-im- New Y’ork favorite in English opera; ■strokes of enterprise^ determined the prot following is an extract ! “We shall sup­ ’ , to all appearances, a perfectly un*- “ Whether for nse on man or beast, Merchant’» Gargling Oil will be found an invaluable Lini­ mediateiy behind him, kept tugging at Signor Palmieri, Signor Tagliapietra, ed spectator of the interview, merely i prietors of the Dramatic Chronicle to en- port np party, no .clique, no faction. ment, and worthy of nse by every residennn the land, we know of no proprietary medicine cm large it, and c languit into Whatever interest we may take in elec­ his coat tail to make him sit down or George Simpson, of Brooklyn; Tom Ca» iug some little object between bisi article now need in the United States which shares the geod will of the people to a greater de tions or candidates, whether for the Presi­ tstop singing, but it was of no earthly Mr. Romain, Jacob Muller,.Mr. S«-' gree than this. Yellow wrapper for animal and white for bnman flesh."— N. Y. Independent. A REG JLAR ifiEWSPAPER, •s as the colloquy proceeded, camei r Extract from a letter from G. H. Simmonds. Unionville, la.. July 34,1878.—“ I am selling mow dency or the Board of Supervisors, will use—and at the close of each verse Web­ Herr Blum, Signor Reyna aud * I and stopped him. Without a sold and distri Gargling Oil than all the liniments put together, and 1 am keepins twelve different kinds. 1 rimted like its cotempora- not be a political interest. No bank, Dor Lawrence. In this bundle of arti ster joined in, and it was hard to say think it is the b4st remedy for horseflesh in existence, and can »ay It without fear of snccesafal •e pnace placed the thing where-. riesi This wi as done Sept. 1st, 1868. It are singers enough to form two contradiction.” ' railroad, nor ring, nor moneyed interest, whether Jenny Lind, Webster, or the »ad; been toying in the official ’ s then appeared - - Co.. Ce.. Bloomington, ImL, Sept. 17th, 1873.-” It is th« as a seven-day paper, un- Extract from a - letter from Shoemaker & Bli will have power either to inspire or to audience, was i the m »st delighted. I opera companies, and yet, even popular horse liniment in this countrj " ’ a| a silver ruble, twisted round' der the name, >, Daily Morning Chronicle, Braman>Corners. N. T., Ang. 9th, 1878. - "I sell F Extract from a letter from Geo. A. Snell, Lr«iu«> have seen Rubini, Lablanche and the two best of them, no manager b- . ft corkscrew fashion, as ordi- announcing ita 8 principles iu the phrase: restrain our public utterances. We con­ inimentsdsombined, and bare seen it used on horaei more of yonr Gargling Oil than of all other liniment sider ourselves retained in the cause of Grisis on the stage at one time, but such to risk one short season ruu^i ” »» ’ migbt twist a scrap of paper, “We shall be f independent in all things land cattle with good affect when other» have . failed. — . * - the gre»t generaL^iublic, aud shall have ■ H., ~ Ang. Mth. 181S. 1878.- Garg HExtract from A Co.. Derry, N. —“ We think your Gar a happy conjunction in the natioqid air of Music. >m a letter from Pattee * H.. . Aug. .ithirwr •» ’’ q ^rtling proof of the conceu- —neutral in nothing. On u 1 t|ie 19th of idedihat sold.” ling OU one of the best artlclee for what it is la recommem recommended that we have ever need or »old. no private clients nor friends to fegrve. of “Hail Culombia” as Jenny Lind’s of the heir to the throne April, 1870, astuilrer. column was added Extract from a letter from Snowdon & Gibbs, Concordia, Kan., July Kth, 1873-— *‘We m N ever accuse a child ¿lie Republican party, Ror the tenor and Daniel Webster’s bass we shall more your Gargling Oil OU than of any liniment we keep. keep?' tore of yonr ” functionary was suffered to to each page, and soqp after a four-cylin­ Neither you are certain be co» Democratic party, nor the Pacific Rail­ never hear or see again. At the close — — “ • -------------------------- r der'Hoe pressi capable of printing 12,000 road, nor the Bank of California arc of the air Mr. Webster rose, with bis bat dren should not be t* > | Merchant ’ s Gargling Oil as a Family Liniment per hour, was bur chased. On the 16th ■I in his hand, and made such a bow as We should act tow I ’ou«o L adies .—Never of December, |872, tflis, with a couple of great enough to frighten us, nor rich We are now, and have been for some year», preparing thé OU free from stain, to be need M ter as we feel ’ Chesterfield would have deemed a fortune I co ai mon liniment for human flesh, extracting the coloring ingredient which ha» heretoforerei he is handsome; improved folfl|ipg machines, was put in enough to buy us. Idered It objectionable. Thia Oil poeaeeeee all the medicinal propertie» of that prepared wUr tl for his son and which eclipsed D Orsay'a others, onl«' WE SHALL ASSAIL, f his own beau- operation, and the ? problem of rapid ¡dark tinge for home» and cattie. and will be found one of the beet remediee for all purpoei l»est. J winy Lind, blushing at the dis- less, as ! a nnimentl» required that naa ever been manufactured. x... . .. printing was Apparently solved. But in our power and with every legit- where wav From J. K. Fisher, Uniontown, Pa., Jan. M, 1857.—” Your Gmltng OU 1» doingmuch beta - tinguished honor, courtesied to the- floor; >se he has less than six mionthsjfhe increased busi­ eapon, all principles, measures, | here than formerly, »ince its virtues have become known ; and the bottle» put up for family an the audience applauded to the very echo. hemselves ness began to ) lutrud« Intrude upon the resources without 4 ........ - - , doctorines, parties and cliques, that we stain, aremuch eourht for.” Welister, detertnined not to be outdone rar The Gargling OU called “ Family Oil,” although prepared IntentionaUy for numan M of the office, [in JQi Tne, 1873, the paper regard as exercising aa influence hostile ............................ lanawers as well for oeasts; vice verta, the dark OU answer» as well for human flesh, only it wl in politeness, bowed again. Miss Li ¡stain and discolor the skin, but not permanently. ^Yellow wrapper far animal and whit® for hi -entage; was again enlairged ; al ____________ o to the best interests of society.” flnd _ _ in the following tecourtesied, the house reappl%udedz . man flesh, > bad October a C(»rpfi of artisans The Chronicle was founded by one of irtisans was brought j 1 4 - ..«L ------------ - -------- this was repeated Dine times. 41 , ^jmrial »(erial was purchased, its present proprietors, ¡Charles de Young, from New Yo ' u Merchant’s Gargling Oil as an Interpal^'Bemedy. and a stereot I foundry was attached to who wa« shortly,afterward joined by his * A jian in Indianapolis, Ifrc* brother;; M. H. de Young, and together Merchant’s Gargling OU is a dUfosible stimulant and carminative. It can be taken internal ' - Chronicle rooms, thereby dupli ­ F was formerly connected 'njfr 4 when such a remedy Is Indicated, and is * good subetitute for pain kUlen, eordfols and anodyne hg the cu city (if the press. On the they conducted all the affairs of this great ta~- For Cramps Internal Pain, the done may be fro ip» or Spasms of the Stomach, Colic, Asthma, or Inta army, has a pair of ghyK^ <’ '»inuarj ,1874^ the first number of journal. Charles de Young directs the fifteen to twenty drops, on sugar, or mixed with syrnp syrup in any cony« convenient form, and repeated tanned hide of an intervals of three to six hours. Yellow wrapper far animal and white for htiman fleeh. editorial staff, and Ml H. de Young, with ÇA onicli was issued, and in in a desperate • * i »er succeeding the daily wras unusual ability, manages the business I MERCHANT*ff^qARG|*ING Oil* b the Standard Uniment of the United Stat« the Black Hili * n . lie columns. Up to this department. The Chronide is worth not l&tablished 1883.. Urge.ixe^Fl; mwUum, family nee, fl a fine grain * í local success had less than $450,000, upon which amount I i I ¡»le, s U a and and thfl the nhlv only it 'paid thp past year a revenue equal to I « the >e it f- foremost '*------- * two percent, a month. I f AGAIN IN THE MABKET. D owner Oii. ♦ -> * ’■ 1 > DOWNER M* KEROSENE, L Q : Í- Í-. • »» / . .J. r . UUOU A11V ^imi UIIUCUIIV IU Uli Ui LUC V1U F. B. TAYLOR A CO., SHEEPWASH t *« » ■V ROOTS AND SHOES, 4 n , " I t -a COMMERCIAL HOTEL, I < / ir a* x’ a •4 \ / , 1 ORGANS r * Agents H <- .». 1 ? 4 L * / IN f I ' jt » Merchant’s Gargling Oil! * t I » V * » 1 - (w I ■ '■■■ nn * 1 I t 9 i -* * » ! t * I 1 t I ♦