L afayette courier . j d r i TI----- 1 —T-K .U.11 L 1 — FRIDAY. FEBRUARY. 9, 18’7. 1 HE Mails close at i:30 o’clock 1*. M, Arrive a 7iW o’clock 1». JI. SE118ET SOCIETIE8I. A. FA A. M. - Meets the Frilay on or before the full ninon. Members in good stuutliug invi W. M. ted to attend. Ry order of. L0.4J F — Meet* every i-afurdnv nig kt at o’clock P. M. Members in gOod etandii g invi N. O. tad io attend. E| w order of l.’O. G.T.-M net« every Tuesday tii ht at 4 P. M. Members of the order in good stand ing W. c.T. invited. By ord< rof P. H.—Mee»» the third Saturday of e.ack month at IO o’ckn k A. M. at Grange Hall- HVKCHES. REV. J, HOl’.ERG, 1*. E. Sunday of a |ch mouth ut......... 4.. .11 a . ......... 4 ..; 7- .’ 3d 31. 31 Regular appoiji tmeuts of Rev. J. W_. Malts, ■ecdud Bunday << each iiiouth at H o’clock M. and 7 o'clock r. a. Rev. T. P. Haynes. , pastor in charge of this distriel. , for the M. E. Church. South, will*preach at this- place ou the month, 11 o’clock 4th Sunday of each < and also in the evening; HERE AND THLKU. ’ THE STATE. A rrival of the N ew B oat . Yftiahill UflC, the McMinnville, made The scarlet fever is very bad at Cor- her first trip up th« Yamhill riyer last Monday. Before the whistle sounded to neliqus. Thcyjtrade bacon for whi lrsy at (Jor- tell the people that she bad arrived at Lafayette, a majority of the citizens were nelibus. on the bank to give her a welcome. The T!i0 Ifemizer sadly announced that cannon which had been taken to the riv­ | “Dallas had the mumps.” er to give lt«*K a salute failed to fire when j l|i»n county has paid its entire tax the proper time arrived, therefore the of­ for 1876, amounting to ¿28,737. ficers will have to accept the will for the A thirtyfive foot shark w as landed high deed. When the float arrived and was , ! and dry near the Uinpqua lust week. tied up the citizens boarded her enmasse ari~l thoroughly inspected her front stem i Partners want nrfffc->-Tbis is a strange to stern. She is well built for carrying demand in Oregon at this season of the freight and, although her cabins tuje not year. Bethel people are jubilant over the overly large they are very well arranged for the comfort of passengers, and she prospects of railroad communication this v, t will be found to be plenty large for this . Summer. trade. The officers were very gentle- j The Indians on the Columbia between manly and courteous and seemed to take i Celiloand White BluTare becoming very a pride in answering questions and show­ j troublesome as cattle thieves. ing the people over tho new craft. She - The Warm Spring Indians shot and rides the water very gracefully and judg­ beheaded their “medicine man” a few ing from appearance she had ought to j^days ago, because every one of his pa- make good speed. As she steamed on up tieuts died.. The murderers Lave been the river, to McMinnville, she was fol- | arrestvd. lowed by ufeuy admiring ej es, and sa­ Jflhn Ct Work formerly of Portlaud, lute after salute was Arc'd—Captain Jake cwvote a letter from the Elack Hills which having mauagtd to got bis gun to shoot. Tuesday morning quite a number of the is published in the Dalles Tribune. He stockholders took advantage of the free- givt p a glowing, account of the present pass arrangement and went to Portland and future of that country. On her. JxHig may abye float. sideut’e to on Resumption •j__ ■ i W ashington , Feb. 3.—The following is the President’s message essjge to ( Congress on thejsubject of,rei^jinption of ’ specie pay- ineirts: . .* T<> the Senato House of Represen - tätiges: .By act of Cougrefis, approved Jani 14, 1875, to piovidv fur the resump- tiontof specie payments the first of Jari. r— is * .■-.*«!. * • when such ra- 1879, fwred ’ as thé date F ■ * • i suruptioh is to beg llii It may not be de- slrasle to fix an eg elit r date when it shall bectnne obligatory ||Upoh'the government |o nbdeein its out wandiug legal tender notes, in coin,’ onf |ireséntation; but it is certainly must dej fiable, and will prove uios| beneficial toi ivory pecuniary inter- eat of the country j hasten the day when the paper circilati | n of the country and goldlcoin shall liai lé equal values. I be- lie^d the time bus; Ijoine when by a sim« pie i|ct of the legj ||ative branch of the gövdpnmeiit this j tost desirable result cdu fle obtained. I am strengthened in this view by the course trade has taken .Li. last i -x t wQA-ettíi x, an(j by tho strength in the of tiie crediffif C lie United States at liomb and abroad? i For the fiscal year ©tiding June 30, lfi' 6, the exports of the r ■ exq^K-ded the imports by I liiti'd * ■" States ^20¡213,102;| bul pot exports include ¿10,469,621 of sputH e and bullion in ex- coss pf the imports of the commodities fort|ie six m,onthij i)f the present fiscal the II. ROBERTS, _-- *. GRAND BALL, fLV/; FORM OF GRANTISM. T hat F racas .—At the examination year; From Julyjl, 1876, to January* 1, of Dill Roberts, charged with shooting Quo of the strongest arguments in j 1877; the excess OEi xports over imports oue William Vanderpool, it was clearly I ! Very good roads. favor of transferring tiie management ! amounted to $17d'j|H8 69, and imports of proven that no shooting was dune, as tho Beautiful weather. of tl.e Indiana from the Interior to 4*-cie and bullionlfixceeded the exports pistol used by-R bullion amounted to that he haJb been shot —this imagination to Lieut. ’Col. Carlin, Commander of H R Littlefield to pay See notice $113(737,040, shoving for the time being, will cost thecounty about two or three of the post at Standing Rock. Dakota. accumulation of specie aud bullion in the np. r huudred- dollars. In his examination Floor unger»i A ^ght rain yesterday settled tbe In Aaigust last, Capt Johnson, in com­ country amountiiw to moru than $21,- William sa|d that he was going for J ohn H enpiux , dust.** - pliance with orders, assumecTcontrol 000,(foo. In addif^pn to thenational pro­ T. H. Durcis, Roberta and that he (Roberts)told him to J. J. H emurxe . lonx H anky . fey the same period Select your Valentines before the best stop or he would shoot him. But he of tiie agency at Standing Rock, d»s- duct ¡01 these Invitation Committee. the increase of g&ld find silver for six ones are sold. said be didy’t stop as he didn’t think p.acipg Mr. John Burke, the agent months is not farjshort of $60,000,000. L. T hompson , W. J. M c C onbll - W R. ßaowN, Sleighing and skating has been a fuil- Roberts would slioot. The defendant ¡of the Indian Bureau. Immediately ^t i? very evident that uuless this great G. W. M organ , R. B. L aughlin , was discharged, it being proved that Mr. dre this winter. H. W. H ill , charge of the agency, apon taking i ‘ increase ofprtjeiou^inetals can be utilized Roberts acted in self legifiinate busuisssil interest. Tho act to Wardle, William Tustin, Adam Scott. port, D< c. 20, including returned bos Shore, gave us; a call yesterday. Sti rling awd Edit Carse prflvtpe.for the rests at pt ion of specie pay­ ee i- hereby liienthatby virtue of. a W j OLt-I Hilt»; TriplitL fonpil! u.» «*lfL4 liUlill h V. » i MO 1 re- An eel is not as slippery as a politician wceived the prizes for receiving the great­ tiles and Indiuus from other agencies, tneg^jj'authorized | ee Secretary of the*1 writ of cx« i;u fo’n iss ued out of the « ounti court of the Blaie of )r I, gon, tor the county of est number of huadmarks in spelling bat it can livejou water longer. it was but 2.397, while Burke, the de­ Treasury to issue b^ (ids of either descrip- Yaiuhiil, atU to me »lire! ted by the clerk 01 said . during the quarter. I'cou t. in favor of Join Bax, _ plaintiff, and ag _ Í tiohskiuim d in the < Try and not hurt auyonea feelings with tor _ ' " the ' sum ____ ol 1 1 posed agent, had been reporting the 1870,jentith’d tin aj ct, np|>roved July 4 r.iust 1> B Craw lord, de «.udaui. T he D ifference .—An Eastern ex­ du.tarsand ____ 2-------- soveuty-fi'e , 2 _ to authorize the re- 1 three h .n tel and fort. C_.2 your valentines next Wednesday. number at 7,000, and has been draw ($ .10 7.'.) iu U Ji ¡;Lld coin, wj h interest change says: ’’’Sponge your windows.with fundijug of the natl 1 iul B iTawierd in aud to the The Assessor will soon commence his following described psi .« or parceja ol land, tu way. Out here money is too scarce, and I nually had been drawn for more than ed at| par for igyl tf H tints strengthening wi : Begfnni' g at the «oulhwes. corner of D round for the purpose of assessing the l it is all the people can do to raise enough i 4.000 Ipdians who had no existence. the tiiasqry tifincvi Igfinal f resumption aud [ B i.'iswtlrd's ciaint in 8» clion 31, 1 4. B R l W, county. > j running th-m e north 3 < ha ins to ti.e south line 1 to buy alcohol to sponge the coats of A fracas between two little hoods yes­ Clipt. Johnston says that he is fully to kiep an eycesffl > if coin,over the de- of Kamne! !*avis'n donai ¡ou land claim thence l‘> Vi" 8 ji corj.er o aaid laud c ami No . their stomachs, and often have to sponge j maii< pi-udiug .'rmanent use us a e..si terday caused two colored eyes and one thence n rth to southn» st coiner of W J llog- j that amount.!. Besides the people who convinced that there have never been, eireu atiiig uiediu 7 thence east on the At homo all I j I eis’donation claim No. 74, red Rose. I I deal in alcohol' would not c we to submit ' at anv time, ht that agency more than t the nói thu eat emuer J Ltiir. d would be to south line of said claim t<> would )«• r< that A south on the west of D V, MdCalFs toad, tl lenco ii , t Some of the boy* have stood upon the it to such a severe test. 3,500 Indian?; probably not more reduce u t the voluti L of legal tend r line of McCall’s laud a. i >;*ut 33* chain-, thence corners so mudh that they have got the D entistry . • -Dr. Glenn, of Portland, than 3.000. lie aleo «ays that he is not» 4 in c'ircUlfttio i, and to accomplish west t> ibe N E corn«r of the donation lqnd claim of J A Cdrnwall Ko. • 3. tlx-nce west to •nn-grins. will visit Lafayette, professionally, on of the opinion that about ninety lodg­ this I wo would sngsr»4 I an set authorizing the place of begnmin;;. Also the following tract of land: Beginnkij a» ut thsquaitcr corner Miss Nancy Martin’s birthday party Feb. 13th, 1877, to reuiaiu one week on- L . and 24 in T 4 S B 5 W es, numbering 500 men, women, and the 4 Lcrrlary ut tii | i’reasury to issue 4 post be we. n se. li us 2|> last Saturday evening was a very enjoy­ ly. -Dr. Glenn is highly spoken of fur not th 22.10 che, _ per <-h ¡nt. bonds, wii Ii forty years to run tlii-we east 18.10 chain«, 1 tfience eLildreniare absent with the hostile?. bufera t ence wt st 1 lo chai is. thence south 22.10 able affair. ft IF; • .J | ' j.« . his skill in dentistry/and those having I: umturity, t tl>e p ace of b ginning, containing 40 »way tears, not shedding where tl|?y will undoubtedly remain galtj i dv-crilwd trxet of any work in that line which they wish It is wiping ¡nd( r notes w| |etitver presented in acres. Also ike follow i*g land: l eginning at n a k* î Lit l’i.Í8 chai: a Minili of them, that proves you're made of the performed will do well to give him a until 8it$ ng Bull is brought to terms sum.AR bf fifty gq 11| j-s, or any multiple tiie N E corner of f, file wbuL hiount of such bpmls, i claim in Ti 8 IU aml.5 XV.’ th-.-nce sou^h 18,61 right stuff, by the military. 1 chains, them e west 16 » hai: s, thence north 40 howiier/’Lot to cx< Ld one hundred and, ¿.degrees K .4 17 chains to the place of begiu- P robabilities .—Rising temperature Late tailoring notes say: The business ìli . ! 1 ' ping, containing 15 snd 1 13-iOiJ acres Also the The 1 he rifonrt n’fcr of the Coni imi-sioncr fifty y millions, ▼eat is cut high and long, It c^nt^sily followed by. «quails, for the month of : foillionst To IcTetiSe bome demand j fvilewj. g d scribed tra ■t of land: Beginning Interi af Revenne ‘•hows finit the for sijiclt of Interrar land, claim of sijicli 'feind "bonds I w ild recommend that at the 8 E co.ner of tbe donation January 1877, as follows: Peter Daw­ ¡of ' ba pulled do win. Sainuel Davin No ■ '71 *11(147, __ thence west to they ^be Available fi • deposit in the U. S. We notice in the Portland dailies that son Alta Cast-el; Jane Rogers Isaac work oftiecnitary Bristow in fight tl>e count ro-ad ruunfni; by Kelly and Ma\es, treasljry for bsukii j purposes under tha Prof. Day will soon organize a dancing Collard.' The present mild winter and j ing lhe wbitkey Ring, whic! ;h led fo I thence north to lie co n ty road running b/the ldente of I) 1> ¡; G Crawl . and E 1’ Wullace, idenre Crawf >rd [irospects of a boautiful summer eertain- variolas provi«i<4is i 1 law relating to ua- re school in that city. ■ tnence S W 'tuner ol W J Bugera's (nem'e ea-t to tne the 8 ’_______ of 7 the Cabinet, loten.out y has something to do with the matri­ I his being jin _ ..... .. claim, ._..... theuce _____ _ i >utlt to the place of be- tional banks. I w< ild suggest fui tlier, donation Preparation! for a grand time at the monial market. this Te.'iilred in a gain of several mil- ginning, co il tainiug 74 aerea; all of said land ly- that hationul batiki be required to retain i.ig anil b -ing g sit la ted u Yamhill county. Ore- ball next Wednesday evening are being A C hange .—Mr.’R. Hanis has pur- life Treasury. During the a cerm in. per cent. f com as interest ro- gon, and on made. Let every body come. chased the drugstore lately owned by pa.«t li.«cal (year tho Government col- ceiveB-by them froi | the bonds deposited Sutiirdaj’, the 171 h day of Febrnary, Ml 7, Miss Eva Burbank came up from Port- 1 T .V- 11.11 »..a n.. 11 I... Lu—.—.—— 4.. I Littlefield A Hill, aud will be happy to lected the WJfil of (51,394,499 u|K>n with teasury as n uifed by their crcu- at thi hour of one o'clo ck, r it, I will proceed land last Tuesday. She has just recov­ . — -x _..uu u— {o tjje bidder, sell i at public ------ auction see his friends and administer to their | distilled lim its, showing an increase of, latioi 4 I Ì would al( 0 recommend the re- t'i ered from an attack of the mumps. lor < ash in hand, in fr< nt of the Court House peal i’ the 3d seetiö 11 of the joint resolu- want». The very best of every thing in 14,344,374 over last rear, white tion it* the value oä ,silver coin, approv- door, in Lalajette, Yam bill county, Oregon, all | Next Wednesday you can send your the right, title and interiest of saii^defendant in 4» . l! ■ 11 * ' e > his line will always be kept ou hand at ■ ■ • (true love a missive containing the little sixty-two distilleries, rectifying houses ed Jr |. 2g. 1876, liiji iting subsidiary coin and to the above deaeri led property, to satisfy reasouaple prices. Give him a call. and ! Si< ■Ottonai curn ncy to fifty millions. »aid execution and acci uing cost. ^wrebin with more wings than alethes. and other property of the* value of Pani ja1 Lata) ette, Juu 19, Ibi 7. H C DALE. itiafied that i ’ Co 1 grass will enact MCMINNVILLE. bl «♦iff Yamhill county $1.530,744 were seized, assosmeuts some auch few as iggested they will A good steel-barrel Shotgun, in good were matiej against various distillers give î relief to thu j ;ountry in its effects- [From the Reporter.] ' order, for $12, at Uncle Harris’, 702 JS lieriff: s Sale. and F. which they! will receive the grut- At the;regular annual r&eeting of Mc ­ Kearney Street, four dobrs from the City to the amount of $1.625,772. and suits itudt of the whole t L-ople By virtue of a decree ind order < f sale to me Minnville Hook and Ladder Company, 1 Hall. > Send fer it. direcied. is-ued olit of t io (ircuit Court of the U. S. G rant . j ■ 1 instituted upon distillery und other held Tuesday evening February the 6th, Blate of Oregon, for Yi luhill county, in favor In Norway drunkards are compelled the folkiwing officers were elected to serve bonds, and for the recovery of taxes AN.« PPORTUNITt FOR THE AFELIC- of 'talker * hrinman plaintiff, and again.-t Rich­ ard S Johnson, defendant, for the sum of two to sweep the street as a penance. But T] tn. ensuing year. Foreman—John A Chap­ to the amount of 13.208,414. The hundred and sixty-eight dbllav and ninetv cents ** J that is nothing. They have to hold up ’.Ml) in United Sta es go d coin, and inter­ man; First As’st Foreman—Geo. F. Comissioners expresses the belief that Tv d or more of jtbe surgeons of the est thereon in like gold coin, at the rate of one lamp poets in this country. , month ------ - from tlm 2d dav of Octo­ Barnum; Second As’st Foreman Geo. the fraudulent combinations of wins- Nati itial Surgical anstitutes will visit per ceut. per ber, A D. lH’ti. damagefR on the further sum of The new bufeher shop is about finished W. Morgan; President—A. V. R. Sny­ key thieves are .cffecually broken up, Port ^nd, Oregon rj jms at Cosmopolitan twenty-eight dollars a ai id twenty cents costs and is an ornament to the town. Now if 1 did <f Oregon, one bun- Tha assessed valuation of property the convicted members of the Ring to be < jured at liom<^ This institutiouis n 1 in Yamhill dred and saventy three and ----- 17-100 (1*3 17)acres lv„ ki— for pay, to put his light under a aled in the w|rld, in the cure of imri' i __ __ ________ - within the city limits of McMinnville is as fast as he dajed to, and by visit­ dufoi iities, pairaly^s, piles, fistula, &c of land, which judgment ." was docketed ‘ ~ in — the r~J . W » -T-r-- — J*» ' bnshel. office of the Clerk of sa jd ‘ Court, on.the 2d day *228.723 79. This is about one-half its &C. ■'*• — — :*v them **- —- appa- ------ ■ I — They will b’iig — with of October, A D, 1876. _ Now, therefore, _______ by vir- ing with tbe severest marks of his dis­ The pupils of the school at this place actual value. ratui for all kiiids ta deformities. toe of said decree und erder of sale, on pleasure those officials who had beeD are already practicing their pieces fer Saturday, the 17th d»y of Fein-alary, Mr H. H. Snow returned from a ten The Peopl« AVant Proof. 1W 7. the most prominent in bringing them the exhibition at the close of tho present months trip itr California, ou Monday st the hour of 12 o ’ clocl:, m , of said day, at the T1 ure is no megeino prescribed by term. They have some very good pieces last, looking extremely hearty. to juctice. Court House door, in *apd county, I will «ell the ns, or sol^* By druggists, that 1 above phy described real estate at publi ■ auction, refected. • ■’ * ' » - i ' ’ • 1 such evident!? of its success and to the highest bidder, to satisfy said decree, in­ HOTEL ARRIVALS. The following is very appropiate fer carr r virtue as JposcHEE’a G erman terest and accruing costs. A merchant who does not advertise su T. 'H ODALE.’ the last words of a cobbler: I feel that BL — Yanihillcoiiuty. Jberiff p fer severe Ctoughs, Colds settled dab fioniore succeed in drawing custom I Following are the arrivals at the Essex , F'u-or weaker every day and that I am j breast, Com^umption, or any dis- — Lafayette, ■ .1. . Jan , , 17, 1877. -L--- ------- A— than a young ludv, without» bustle and I Hotel during the week; /* a >f the Throat aid Ifiings. A proof fast approaching my end; a tew more a few pounds of false hair, can succeed J. H. Colemen, S Bird, C Myers, B W it fact is that ihny person afHieted, Lafayette Market, in drawing beaux. gtiiche» and aud will be over; and I shall ;et a Sample liittle fer 10 cents and Wilson, Oren Hutchinson, Alexander, II go where there is rest for the weary »ole A superior effeqt before buying the IL W. Oi NN, Proprietor, Y. C. W. S-iA.-rThe Yamhill County A Glenn, J W Thurman, R Shook, H A and every sorrow will be heeled. And .ar size Wt 75 dents It has lately K Woman Suffrage Association met at the Fristoe, D L Turpin, F A Huffman, . introduced in this countiy from when he break» bis last thread, he caa • - court house in this place, last Wednes- Williams, Geo Comeggs, James Fish, H calmly breathe his last. Gern i^nyi »nd its wtmderfu! cures are as- toui ibing everyone that use it. Three «•r and continued, their session until C Wood, L Samuel, J R Walling, J I wouli? respectful!.: announce to the pub- s will relieve afiy case. Try it. dosili Under carpet bag Republican rule Thursday evening, when they closed in Ketcherside. i lie of Lafayette and vicinity, that I always 1 Muddy. Dark nights 1 Str TNT. “MTOTICE is hereby fi ven that the co partner 187£; _ NEW YOWL «77, 11 ship heretofore ¡listing between I.ittle- held A Hill is this day dissolved by mutual con Ths different editions of T h * Kr« sent; said firm having ■old ________________ „ I out to R. Harris. All the prreeat yotf trill be the «mTi. debts of said firm will be paid by H. R. Little­ tA*,-year-i?iat h°jurt P««fod. The daily field edition will on week days be a sheet of tour All persons indebt<etei ce, inbecility all indebtedness. ’ F ‘ I snd fraud m the administration of public ai- , ,O f H R hITTLEFIlD, ' i ’ , *?• *t will contend for the government Jan. 19. 1877. H w HILL. of the people by the people and for the peo- DENTIST, togoierument by frauds in I the ballot-box and in the counting of votes I h . K. littlkhïld , x . d , i j. r. calbkeath , m . d enforced by military violence.* It will en­ s deavor to supply iu. reader»—a body now Time table for Feb, Martb, — 18 trom . espeef i • Uy.yfli be full, accurate, and teaVle*s;and McMinnville, second Monday in each month. it wiU doubtless continue to deserve snd en- to remain two days i LAFAYETTE. OREGON. I joy the hatred of those who thrive by plun Dayton, Feb. 14th ai d 15th; March, 14th and dering the the Treasury or by usurping trhst 15th; April. 11th a i¿d 1 »th. . ■ « the law does not give them, while it will en­ CgTOFFICE AT THX DRUG STORK. Amity, thiid Mi Ónda y in each month, to re- deavor to merit the confidence ol the public main six *r ices to eall on me there. S month or ««.50» roar, postpaid, or with yeti- e. . i My clinrg. s aie season Mile,.thus making it poa- the Butiday edition «7 70 a year. aible for all to have w >rk done who ' may , need •Zin 8,'n,lay edition alone, eight pages,’ it I-al e teeth insertet on rubber plate. Bro­ Servant monerj^and have •1-40» j ea>, postpaid. ken sets mended; anp all work promptly and got to have it. AU persons The \\ ekkly S cn . r ight pages of 56 broad f-tf neatly done. trill be furnished during Is77 at the indebted to the late firm or L. columns, a year, poet paid« H. or Dr. Littlefield are re­ rate The of b W nefit of this large reduction from the previous rate for T he W eixly can be quested to settle irnmediatelu, enjoyed by fatdfvidnal subscribers without and save cost' the necessity of making up clubs. At the I Pay and enable us to pan. same time, if any of our friends eboose to FEBHLAR1 14th, 1877, aid in extending our circnlation. we shall be Littlefield HilL to them, and every such person who sends us ten or morn subscribers from ' AT THE One place will be entitled to oae copy of the Paper for him-elf without charge At one dollar a year, po-tag? paid, the expenses of paper and printing are barely repaid; and. considering the size of the ‘sheet and the S LAFAYETTE, quality of its contents, we-are confident the people will consider T he W kesly B in the cheapest newspaper published in the world, All are invi ed to attend. and we trust also one of the very beat. Address,THE8UN. New.York City, IfjY, grano : I i Lr.... t THIS , in Georgia the school fund was sto­ OLLOWAY’8 PltiLS AND QlNTMENT. keep on hand the be it quality of meat, at len and only 6,648 colored children »• — Sfe'^fula was considered incurable un- reasonable prices. ““ of * “Holloway’s attended ficliool., Nt w, under Deino'^il ^» b great '* 1 ■* ♦ery Also evsry variety of pare Groceries, Fish, >and Ointnjeijt” flashed upon the cratic management, the fund is being Canned Fruita, Ve . / è i 7 < You can not afford to pay Credit i prices for your goods' —- - - - MOUNT - DIABLO J. ÏÏ. CLARK, Proprietor LAFAYETTE, OREGON. i ?.>U iding just purchased the above named rstabii«hment, I invite my Mends to give me a call and try my H WINES, LIQUORS, SEGA RS, TOBACCO. H7"A good Billiard Table will be fount here for the accommodation of my ! custom ere. . J. H, CLARK. n3:tf IN ótice Notice is hereby gixpn that the nnderaigned has been duly appointed administrator of the estate of James McCain, 8r., deceased, by the County Court of Yamhill county. Oregon. All persons having claims against said estate will please present them to me withiu six months from this date. JOHNATHAN STOUFFER, Perrydale, Jan. 5th, 1 n 77. Administrator. FIN AL SETTLEMENT. * On the 15th Nov. we will open a strictly cash Store, when Goods will be sold at least 15 per cent, below former Pri­ ces ever obtained in this County. Will pay for Producer all we can GET FOR IT! Hi os nt it tn* ■ mm 4 mm . 8. A. YOUNG, M. D. M c M innville , • ; y t « O regon . I Notice is hereby given that the undersigned Physician, Surgeon and Aoooucenr. executor of the estate of Samuel Kiiiney, de­ radaate ceased, has tiled Ids final account of said estate, ? rancisco. of University of Pacific, San and that the County Cenrt of Yamhill county tjafOttioe: W. H. Boyd’s Drug Store. haftiuade an order for the hearing of said ac­ —----------------------------- ----- — count at the Courthouse, in 1-afayette, on Tuesday, the 6th day of March, 1>77, at 10 o'­ clock a. m. of said day, at which time and place J y all persons iuWrested msfr appear. . _ _L L. C. K inney Jan. 12,1877. b Executor. —--------- -----1 . - - - ' - <& WEÉÔ, FINE WE k UOnOl WALSH Final Settlement. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has tiled in the Conntv Court of Yamhill coun-. ty, biate of Oregou, lier final account of her administration of the estate of James M. I^nghlin. deceased, and that by order of aaid court, said account will be heard by sa.d Court at the room of said Court at the court house, in I-afayette. m said county, on Tuesday, the 6th day of March. 1877, at one o'clock p. m., of aaid day. at ahichtima and place any person interested therein may appear and object thereto. .. d Jan..5,187T. NANCY C. LAUGHLIN, ______________ _ Executrix. ~ TftlTIjAlfillilll [ MEROtlANTS, >N. P. C. SULLIVAN, Attorney-tt-Law, L hereafter be found Mt tbs Mt earner room of Seed’s otice is hereby ' given that -Tins oeuj .’FreJiE* Wfiio has bum at ^o’clock a. ■». «< avid day’, at N houde, In L&fayrtte, At which time and placa afi parsons interested may attend. D *. r« Jan. 1J, 1377. CT nr n artefre Dcroggin, AdainMrator. LAFAYETTE, OREGON ■ 9