LAFAYETTE COURIER LAFAYETTE COURIER V . ‘PÜIL1IB1D sates 1 One 1 week. —BT----- DORRISS & HEMBREE, i Iueh....... | »1 00 t Inches... ] 1 75 S Inches... [ 3 50 4 Inc be«... f J 00 M Column. | 4 50 k Column, j 5 00 TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION J I On« Copy. One Year....... On« Copy, Six Month«... Ona Copy. Three Months LAFAYETTE, O EGON, SEPTEMBER 29, 1876. VOL. XL—NO. 32. •» •l í L »1 75 100 4 SO I 50 è»ob 8 00 U 00 • 0Ó Tööö 4ÖÖ' J ÖÖ 111 « 5 »0 »00 18 00 ioo ' • 00 SO 00 Í'LI l J MÖÖ to® is 06 B 'I1 1 IS 0Ô SO 00 «a «ff» 20 00 ri'.j im A-.'] ltLA.1 PRICE TEN CENTS. In th« Loaal Columns............................. M i base uaiBTic^r. perso of the King is sacred. He Heat and Cold in Their Relations to Closed Blinds. The Gorilla. the Grand Royal Palace of bon at the throat and soft lace ruffles at Life Sleeplessness. Siam. r . is np|imèrçl [enthroned; he is enshrined the waists,clungtloscto abeautiful form; It is a large,comfortable looking farm- The Philadelphia Times described in irti S ------------------------ . wcri i a god. The highest, not Tune, Father Grimes" as i and tfie hand that held the baby’s was Cold is often a cause of insomnia. If iouse, situated on the summit of a grassy the followiug manner a gorilla on ex« that has been written about i lowest of his subjects, ap- » small« snowy white, and daintily shaped. Siam jidi the Siamese, there remains a fess an the insufficiently clad, so that the cutane- moll, a few rods back from the public libition at the Centennial show: Let dogs delight to bark and bite» r r All of which did the doctor take in in great! leaf of valuable information still to pH) i him hn all fours, crawling in a ous vessels are not relaxed, sleep is rarely road. On one side of it flourishes a large, Or chase the buck and ewe; Those who have read Du Cbaillu's Af« posture. N q person is sl­ mo three quick glances, after the manner of beacqpirW. • sound, when attained at all. It is only well-kept orchard; on the other a green rican Travels will be interested in seeing Let dogs eat sheep while farmers sleep, . low to stai id erect in his presence, or whfen stupe’action from the cold occurs his kind. meadow stretches away to the edge of the the stuffed hide of the terrible gorilla Theicitjr of Bangkok is so peculiar in to j “For God has made them so.” in the rooms of an upper story “A seamstress?—a princess!” was the itself th«f it would* take months to that the dangerous coma-sleep comes on, cool, dark woods. * that was killed by the plucky little judgment he pronounced mentally as he do auythij g like justice to Its strange ar- ove is hpai| Jr He must therefore inhabit which is often fatal. With many persons Let dogs come forth to till the earth;- Behind the house we catch a glimpse frenchman in an encounter which he per cl lumbers of his palaces, and sleep is uni favorable if the bed 'be not drew off his .gloves, and, with unusual chitt “ [urt? civilization, manners, customs the Let sheep in plenty grow. of a neat vegetable garden, and still be- , graphically describes. It is exhibited all the bridges also in Siam s reasi for urbanity, proceeded to make some pro­ and To make the meat Tor dogs to eat, warmed pn vious to their entering it. In lind that, barns and grain-stacks give with the Ohio archaeological collection, of government. idled that he may not pass □strut are fessional inquiries about the child. “For God has made them «o.” • these cases the ateriole contraction in- evidence ot thrift. Surely this must be in the mineral annex of the Main Build­ TlA; tei ¡pies, palaces and monuments The seamstress answered in a wonder­ of Si] m s< im to bear the impress of al- und anyth» igon which human feet have duced by the contact with the cold bed­ the abode of happiness, and yet a chill ing. The exhibitor is the Mount Union Let dogs a score surround each door— fully pleasant voice and in a remarkably most Ejvei’!| ancient and modern civiliza- tro ■the m|n .VU iti inkers of his body have an clothes doe: i not pass readily inti the op- strikes to our hearts at the thought of College, o^Alliance, Stark County, Ohio, The lank, the leau, the low— well-bred and self-possessed manner. tion, Kgl riian, Indian, Persian, Mougo- josite of re axation,and so sleep does not lome life there. An irrepressible feeling 'or the museum of which it was obtained espiliti . d nau e, which it would be -«tacri- come on. This Or track at night the lambkin's flight, “Baby seems to be all right now/’.jsaid lian, mud state of affairs is very ’ 1 European. uropean. i lego4i> appi to those of any other in- commonly net with among the aged, and of lonesomeness comes over us, and we at a cost of $10,000. When this formida- “For God has made them so.” she; “but I think you had better wait a congratulate ourselves that it is not our !>le beast was attacked by Du Chaillu Afffl I ¿ yetj, through all these varieties of diviUlial. 1 ideed there ia an especial vo- — - - • >• Let flop-eared hounds range pasture groqiul» little while, doctor, fdr f&tr the spasms style^Jthej have a strongly.marked into e»Ki g’s presence, the great ladies would not be familiar with these poems, one Oh may I join the choir invisible in the brute kingdom to man, from whom, tions puito me as to the meaning of two of t inner court were so outraged they ture is the c ause of disturbed sleep,some­ the blinds are always closed, tiodk and he paused, to have her, to his greater crowneilnheads .a. . . . - * *] Of those immortal bead who live again i nting to sleeplessness. This times amou “ What! ” questions a new neighbor, in outward appearance, he differs but lit­ in Siam than ïj could my dress behind, and tugged too rid q is most freq uently seen in febrile states, “ does no one live there? Are the rooms tle except iu the formation of the head, In minds made better by their presence; live ►surprise, take up the subject, and deliver wellknswer. , Even when I did toy best at i ith » much violence that I might where a delirious condition takes the a criticism far better and cleverer than to ._ Explain not furnished? What kind of people own the length of the arms and legs, and in be­ In pulses stirred to generosity, • the relative positions and as 1 ha re hopped, for I fell back his own. riace of n itural sleep. After the tem- the house? ” ing covered, except on the face and palms, In deeds df daring rectitude, in scorn fuuitiouvof the rulers of Siam, my hearers spr (ng i n the floor. From Browning and that more resplen­ havi-goii^ away with confused and be­ been brought down by the rerature has ' “ Two old people live there, ” answers with dark brown hair, which is long and Of miserable aims that end with self,! when the King seemed less II ever^jwhen dent genius, his wife, to Tennyson, Dick­ wildered Ideas. of cold a fever patient vtfiil our companion. “ They are good, honest application < bushy on the head, shorter, but equally In thoughts sublime that pierce the night ens, Thackeray, and at last George Eliot, Torn able^I told him that this mode of Iaithe;»pinion of Pickering the Siam­ app 1 h Mjjis very unpleasant to me. He commonly all into a refreshing sleep people, but they do not know what par­ thick, on t^e arms, legs and back, and like stars of whom the seamstress spoke with a origin, tliei Emitted me to stand erect, if he until a retu u i to a fever temperature dis- lors and the piazzas are for. They al­ very light and sparse on the breast and And with their inild persistence urge men's deeper crimson on her cheeks and a ese lire Undoubtedly of Malay prig conditions of rest- ways stay in a little dark kitchen at the >ack of the hands. His height is fiv® » _ intelligent; Euro- E‘>' minds wer tandlng; if not, that I should sit turbs it. Ii i slightet brighter light in her glorious brown eyes. Buda majority of the essness, associated with too great a body back of the house, coming and going from feet, eleven inches. Belonging to the« ( 8. wljo have lived long among them, ‘ dow fb’n 1 ie floor the moment I ap- To vaster issues. “Silas Marner,” she said, “is the loveliest P® hi the dissipation of a certain temperature, of quadrumana, he has four hands, tlfe native populations as a mixed reí jro $edji m; and as his favorite habit amount of superfluous heat by _ getting the back door. See, the grass has grown order So to live is heaven: —” But by this time the doctor had be­ twice as large and three times as power- almost over the front door-step. ” pwtly Mongolian grafted on an whe £tudj ng English was to lie flat on To make undying music in the world, come so Interested in watching the play ral out of bed and drinking a draught of cold ul as those of an ordinary man, from “ But have they no children or frends? Aryyan stijick. e am hands on the floor, with his his Breathing a beauteous order, that controls of the prettily curved lips aud the be­ Ijiey ape generally of a medium stature, boo >efor him, and his heels swaying water will isually be followed by sound )o they never open the parlor for com- which those on the arms do not differ in With growing sway the growing life of man. witching dimples that came and went form, while those on the legs are shaped qroadj the forehead low, the eyes to a fro n the air behind him,‘I also sleep. At c tlier times, throwing off some >any?” with every smile, he ceased to hear what thejqice :1® May I reach like a man’s foot, but have longer digits of the bedclothes will achieve the same “ Their company is mostly like them ­ the was cheek bones prominent, bla«, th;? < to remain prostrate fur hours end; though if the amount removed be the enthu.iastic speaker was saying; aud chi jiretr^iting, the mouth lafge, the lips That purest heaven,—be to other souls and are used both as hands and feet. The selves. The parlors, though elegantly tog r.—■ FoutA's Companion That cup of strength in some great agony,— wh^n she, looking him straight in the thi ' , and too fj^*at, wakefulness may follow from a furnished, have never been open but animal walks on all-fours as readily as ’ the " * beard scanty. face, asked, “ Don ’ t you agree with me, Enkindle generous ardor,'feed pure love, ow temperature being brought about. twice—when the daughter was married on his legs only. The legs are about six Ini coimnon with most of the Asiatic 1 lood-Sucking Bats, doctor?” he was obliged to stammer, “I With some ; ersons, if the rest is Uisturlred, and when the son was buried. A wed­ .inches shorter and the thighs much thin­ Beget the smiles that have no crtfelty, ’ » ent, beg a thousand pardons, but what was racei, tliv’ Siamese are apt to be indo t is shfficier t to protrude an arm oy a leg ding and a funeral. The chairs are all ner than those of an ordinary developed Be the sweet presence of a good diffused, late . distinguished zoologist be- imppvii * greedy, • intemperate, • . iMoviMnt, Ser rile, your last remark?” he bedclothes so as to secure wrapped in white linen sheets, the car­ man of the same height as the gorilla. rom under And in diffusion ever more intense! Society, Mr. ’ inquisitive, superstitious; and on J t<| the Zoological “It is I who should beg pardon,” said eri I vi™, Si ’ * 1 more loss of heat, and sound sleep will pet strewn with sandal wood to save it The bones of the Animal are, however, So shall I join the choir invisible bserved this habit in a leàf- Bly has il krdlSi but individual variations from the pretty seamstress, with a charming follow. from the moths, pictures all covered one and a-half times as thick and strong Whose music is the gladness ol the world. orfl repulsive types are happily uot nos bat < f India, one belonging toquite little grimace. “How thoughtless I have with tarlatan, piano legs wrapped in pa­ as those pf such a man. The fist is a ano 4 fat fai div than that to which the ’ j I been ! Of course you have patients wait­ r T he Western Rural says: “ If one por ­ One glance inside the door would veritable sledge hammer, and- the arm public they are scrupulously polite, Am qau i ampire belongs. The bat in tion of vegetables be boiled in pure wa­ pers. Baby's Grandmamma. ing for you. IIow could I go on so?” make one shudder a whole day through hardly less than a battering ram. As he called Megaderma Lyra. n i decojous according to their notions que The doctor wished she'd gone on forever. ter, and another in a little water to whi^b with the bare remembrance of its sepub- never carried a pocket knife his finger “No, sir!” said Dr. Stone, emphati­ “But pray don't stay another minute; only ood planners. They are tender. and Kes jetiug its habits Mr. Blyth tells us added, a decided difference nails appear to have been in mourning salt has beer chral gloom. ” cally; “no widows. I’ve an unconquer­ tell me whiff to do if baby is taken sick iictfuj to the aged, affectionate to their as f ows: Is in the taste and odor, and - How gladly do we turn from this since birth. The circumference of his is perceptibl able aversion to them, and have followed again, and if I find I can’t manage him, g one evening to see a rather anci qnts and kindred, extremely j’eliglous, old Weller's advice to Samivel since my I'll send for you immediately. I hope, _________ :____ _____ al e iter an out-house from which especially in the tenderness of the two gloomy picture to the sweet little cottage chest is fifty-four inches and that of his boifutiful to their priests, of whom lar earliest boyhood, and most carefully be­ however, to be able to get along .without as 4 o other egress than by the portions. Vr egetables boiled in water upon the opposite side of the road. It is waist about forty. When erect his arms Ie thap twenty thousand are ¡supported without salt are vastly inferior in flavor. a very small cottage, and the owner is reach three inches below his knees. It is wared of ’em. If ever I marry, the bride you.” doo roluutary contributions in ,the> city of y,i was fortunate in being able This inferiority may go so far, in case of not rich enough to affJtd blinds, even tn in the bead that his animal nature is must be a young girl; so young, in fact, i a light, and thus proceed to ley are almost entirely deA- that I can be almost sure—no one can be nally, of course—and then he said, “I arriage sixtee'p for the pturi of the animal. Upon finding titute of o<|i Jor or taste, though when shut o.ut the glare of the noon-day sun. that of an ordinary man, forming in the MRL is contracted at __ But the pretty housewife there has planted quite sure of any thing where a woman assure, you, madam, I have still an hour ¡pursued, it took three or four turns itself ;s, apd fourteen for females, and cooked in sa ted water they possess, be- vines beneath the windows, which have rear an almost straight line with the back is concerned—that 1 am her first and at your service.” Oh, wicked Dr. Stone! gamy is the common practice, 4ith- rouas I the apartment, when down dropped side» the pleasant salt taste, a peculiar grown up, and half conceal the pretty of his body. The ¡prehead is scarce half only— Don’t screw up your face in that and old Mrs. Aspen groaniug with rheu­ liihit^as to the number of wives^e^cept wh« pt thf mopient I supposed to be its sweetness and strong aroma, They also home-picture within. But not quite, for an inch high, flat on top and receding al­ outrageous manner, Payne; you look as matism and expecting you by appoint­ |,*ai i which I deposited in. my 1 is may be imposed by the humble soluble matter than when contain more see, even now, though it is hardly twi­ most horizontally to the immense bump though you were going, -to have a fit. ment this blessed moment! “I shall be te or ■ poverty ot the husband. The hanql ierch ef. After a somewhat tedious cooked in pure water, Evidently the light yet, the fire-light is shedding its behind. The upper half of the face is Laugh and have done with it, ami-then only too happy to stay—I Ynean, I think Ulen in secureu secured the mu uujeev object oi of my my «¿•e generally treated with consid- chase, i I th salt, by addi ng density to the water, hin- ruddy glow over all the room, giving a flat and square, the eyes being very large, let's stop talking nonsense, for I haven't it necessary to remain. These childish pursuit, w licii proved to be a fine preg- ion, i£nd are on the whole superior to ders the solu ition and evaporation of the rich background to the sweet, suuny face brown, glaring, about five inches apart the slightest idea of marrying, or falling complaints are, as perhaps you are not the men.'; nanVfema ; of Megaderma Lyra. Ct f then ! ooked at the other bat which soluble and lavoring principles of the peering out from between daiuty lace cur­ and located near the top and sides of the in love, or any thing of tfie sort.” aware, often very dangerous.” And Byhe bodies of the dead are burned and face. The lower half is the bump of a “No old bachelor ever has,” said Payne. again, oh, wicked Dr. Stone! for you tfie emblems of mourning are white rlobes I h pi :ked up, and, to my surprise, vegetables. This explains the advan- tains, “watching for papa.” monkey's physiognomy,« chinless, but tages of an addition of salt to the boiling And look! above the child-head, and “But I say, Doc, if I were you, I'd have kuow you are quite sure nothing serious twr thosn thoSft of the family and kindred who foul it td be a small Vespertilio, nearly water. And it is impossible to correct, through tfie interstices of vines and cur­ having a mouth, the cornels of which are a neat little card dangling from a button­ is the matter with, baby! Prescribe for youiÜger than the deceased, blaci: for allii to he European P*. pipislrellus. by addition i bf salt to the vegetables, tains, you can catch glimpses of pretty four inches apart in a straight line, and hole bouquet, with the inscription, ‘No yourself, doctor. It is you who have sfor whijS is c tceediugly abuqdaut, not only se wfio are older, and shaven heactf_. in such as have been pictures and brackets, which always will uine if the measurement is made Around the want of flavor I Widows,’ for, ’pon honor, you’re exactly caught a “dangerous” malady. In spite cendAnts, dependents, servants aud ieri qjbut r ipparently throughout India, boiled with» ut it.” make a home look so cheery. Surely the lips. Where the social and intel­ I the sort of chap a well-to-do, pretty, of your sneers and scoffs all your life beii the >ume also, to all appearance, res. . • the sight of such a home can but warm lectual “bumps” are in man there is next susceptible widow would be spoons on. long at the tender passion—ffn spite of Dr. i. * which ’ ' ' my . friend * " •pula- as i >m|l species the heart and quicken the feet of the to nothing in the gorilla, although, cor­ M aking G raham G ems . — To make Handsome, Cleveland j ust turned forty—” your emphatic declaration not more than r pr< cured in Uhusan. . The indi* Car oung porally, he is only one step lower than roughest home comer. “Stuff!” growled« the doctor. “What a an hour ago—you have fallen in love, and vid ial no’ ’ referred to was feeble from Graham gemsiu perfection, put one quart man. In spite of bis great yawning And who would not rather be the owner uf Graham four in a basin, to which add fool you are, Paynfe!” And then, glanc­ she isn't sweet sixteen, and she is— a OSS _ bh od, which it was evident the mouth, horrible grin and four immense of tfiat sweet cottage home and its darling two tablespcous of sugar, a little salt. Me^ti ing from the office window, he continued, seamstress. erm i had l>een sucking from a large Vhen a king dies, the whole jjle po| most canine teeth, the ladies inspect him with inmates than the possessor of all the rich as bis friend, with "a mischievous twinkle ill I feeding wound under and be- Then beat tv o eggs light in a bowl, fill the __ exception of very jMÍtsíof y< o a with . ______ _____ a “A princess,” he repeated to himself great interest. fends that surrouud the house where the up with cole; water, mixing them well. in his eyes, was about making some fur­ again, and then he said, aloud, “I will, at Mouse ldren obliged to have their of are lords, or Senabodi, and a lijeads San hinarthe eir; and the very obviously suc­ ther remarks, “And do be silent for a few least, remain until the baby's grand­ «Luang, >ved. or secret | ' council of twelve of the torial fori of the mouth of the vampire Stir these qi ickly in the flour and stir blinds are always dosed. Running in Debt. moments, if such a thing be possible, for mamma arrives.” The powerful government of Siam the and a wadof itself sufficient to hint the strong like lightnin i j, aud always have plenty of QL>st princes in the is land, The Mystçlies of Birds. batter should be just thick here comes young Pbiliips’B nurse-maid, liour. The ptolAbilit r of such being the case. Dur- singular in the world. It Consists “Oh, if that is all that detains you, go frst and a second King. I dwell on this point, fori would deter and in a hurry too, which is something at once,” said the fair one with the golden 1 erv lngMltf r* — short time that elapsed J enough to bi ,1 rely pour from the spoon. others from entering that place of tor­ The Second King is generally a young- It is generally knbwn that at the height Water can be added if too remarkable for that usually easy-going locks, a mischievous smije dancing over *r brother, or sometimes a copsin of the bet _ I e itered the out-house, it did not More cold gem pans are supposed to be of two, three or four miles from the earth ment. Half the young men in this coun­ and eminently genteel young person. her lovely lips and in her big brown farst King. He has commandI of the army, app^ir t| jat the depredator had once thick. The try, with many old enough to know bet­ “Well, my girl,” as she entered the office, eyes. “She is here,” all/* Ied;l J put I am satisfied that it sucked mating on the stove, Take a bit of but- the cold is much more intense than at ter, would go into business— that is, into i ' ‘ ‘ ‘ and a palace and court of his o^vu “what’s the matter?” ter on a 1< nife and grease the pans the surface. Balloonists sometimes expe­ debt—to-morrow, if they could. Most “Here?” repeated the doctor. Where?’] actor. “Where?'! By his high position he is exempted the] Etal C hrrent from its victim as it flew, quickly. If they are heated right the rience great suffering, and even death, “Oh, doctor,” she gasped, “baby’s took b»^ ubably seized it on the wing, “Why, didn’t nurse 1 you? I'til ’from the customary prostrations before half full of the from this bitter cold of these higher poor men are so ignorant as to envy the very sick, and we're awful scared, and baby's grandmamma, and tell butter will ‘ sizzle. ” * .. Fill ......... and mat ; |t was seeking a quiet nook dotingly font merchant or manufacturer, whose life is the first King, whom he may salute* by his mother'^tffvay, and won’t be home till will sit n light devour the body at leisure, batter and bike in an oven almost hot regions. of my grandsonfloo. ” Then out bursi aa incessant struggle with pecuniary dif- simply raising his hands and joinihgibem night.” H . It is also well known that when a cold , b
  • oi imliung by the hind-legs to one the gates” if the proper means are' velocity of a hundred miles an hour. The nate or poor, so long as he has the full use independent organizations. There is an Beason. It is a great deal bird thus flying is therefore exposed for of his limbs and faculties, and is sub­ away from home, too, ’cause Mrs. Phil­ the room, forgetting all about the diri|c- inner and an outer court, the’ one of sidÄ&f it prison, and, after sucking its adopted in i easier keeping them out than to content a long time to the most severe tempera­ stantially free from debt. Hunger, lips scarcely ever gssoms but once, and then the said the doctor, springin lightly up the radish pods, small onions, and small cu- the air to circulate freely through it, am debt—that which involves risk or sacri­ The body is entirely covered with ori# urig^ati al' plant dies. Like the pine apple, cumbers, stairs and gently openin e door of the al butterfly, and being »leased with’the When the jar is full, pour ol' thus produce great cold. How kindl; fice on one side, obligation and depend - eauty of its person am ana the _ glory rf its pointed armor, on tfie face is a grotesque it sehds'out suckers from the roots, and beauty nursery. the vinegar, spice it with green pepper, do we here again see the gracious hanc ence on the other— and say from all such, wings, made an offer of perpetual friend ­ mask, with brazen horns on the helmet, ants from the top of the stalk, yoq The baby lay in its lib fast asleep, Adi of a kind Providence carefully arranging let every youth iiumbly pray God to pre­ cloves, alia]: ice, salt, aud ginger. gi ter grow on the branch to a gooc mustatd seed to yellow it. Boil it from even the feathers of a poor bird, so aR to serve him evermore.— Moraee ffroeloy. and by its side, holding p le tiny hand, ship. “I cannot think of it,” wast the while on the feet are worn bronze shoes, Th< ;ing a full formed, plant, which ten to fifteen minutes, and turn it over promote its greatest comfort. And sat a very pretty woman, < io, at the first reply, “as you once spurned me,and called which somehow are made to represent the me a crawling dolt. ” “ Impossible I 1 ? ex ­ huge claws of a tiger. what is also remarkable, these same is tb^n blown off by the wind, an< the ^ takes glance, the doctor decided to be about pickles. D esertions from the A but .—The This strange guard surrounds the per­ Iferever it falls. In the West In- feathers that keep out the intense cok twenty—at the next, at least twenty-five, claimed the humming-bird; “I always F ruit S n . aps . — One and one-half cups Adjutant General of the Army haa stat­ son of the King whenever he *veptures entertain the highest respect for such beau ­ & Agave blossoms at from seven to perform the opposite service of protect­ with artistic Her golden hair was knotl of sugar, one-half cup of molasses, one ing from the intense heat—upon the ed, in a communication to the Secretary abroad, and represents an aspect at once tiful creatures as you. ” “ Perhaps yefu do years old, according to locality, ' her small, carelessness at the back 1- ­ so weird and unnatural that |t might In jneighborhood of Kingston, Ja- cup ol 1 chopped raisins, two cups of cur- same principle that we wrap ice In woolen of War, that during the last five fiscal shapely head, a few pretty! . tendril-like now,” said the other; “but when y<£i l- in well terrify the stoutest of hearts. suited me I was a caterpillar. So l<$ me Bundreds can be seen in bloom at rants, one cup of butter, three eggs, one blankets to keep out the wafm air, woo yean ending June 80, 1875, there were curls escaping to lie like lilt ie sunbeams give yob a piece of advice. Never insult The rule of the King is absolute though te, on the sides of the mountains. teaspoonful of soda, cloves, ginger, anc and feathers both being poor conductors over 30,000 desertion» from the army. on her low broad brow. l| eyes were cinnamon. Mix soft as you can and roll of beat. &a Agriculturist. : During the fiscal year 1875, there were large, soft, bright, dark thrown, anc the humble, as they may some dajf be­ tempered,by law and custom, but ¿every out. over 3,500 cases of desertion, or 10 per i <» — --------- - • subject, even the most humble, has by shaded by long silky lashe^.« Her nose, come your superiors.” To take i uildew from linen, mix soft KAN,” said, an old divine to his A ll the waiters at the Profile House, cent, of the entire force. law the right to complain to hith ip per­ ■lightly “tip-tilted,” as Tennyson has it, j she besought him to leave bis im* soap with starch powdered, half the quan­ save three, are students from Hartford, lent an archness to her face,|yybicb other­ V ery few people overwork me«tally son against any official, however exalted, A. T. S tewart had expended $2,000,- g with God, as it was past mid- tity of salt, and a piece of lemon, and lay Dartmouth, William»’ or Amherst Col­ wise, with such eyes and perfect a or physically. We could, most us, and twice every week throughout the 000 on the Women’» Hotel, in New York, be in the open air — on ¿ras» it on both sides with a paint brush; let it leges, while in the kitchen there w* • d retire to rest. “ I have three mouth and chin, would ba “fault- with great profit to ourselves and, the year the King sits at the gate of the pal­ The Sheep vs. Dog Question. % Three Three TKx moe. 1 mot. 1 Tear wTw. R ubines » notice « Bubscrtptlwn» »ent East. S3 00 a Year. ? Two w’ki. KColumn. | 7 00 » 00 ii oo 1 Column.. 110 Off irsr L«r»l Mverti«*nif*nt9 to be p»l ts - V