I Ir » •3' lit : 1 ■ i i I is / V - J r ir 1 » ; National Democratic Ticket 1 u For President of tbe United State«, • ■AMUEL J. TILDEN, Of New Yerk. For Vice-President, / I. •T A. HENDRICKS, | Of India«*. Democratic State Ticket > . i % THOMAS For ConjTfU, LA FAYETTE LANE. Presidential HrttRY KLIPPEL,,- - . Electora, ............ Of Jackanh E. A. CRONIN.................. - * » Of Multnomah W. B. LA8WELL. ............................. Of Grant i I Political Notes. Stanley, the African explorer has been heard from. < - How i^the .goverijaent going to resume specie payment? a Speaker Kerr died last Saturday, death will be mourned by all. ■ It is gratifying to find so manv Re­ publicans who recognize 'The ability of Mr. Tilden’s letter of acceptance. i j Compare the two—Tilden’» and Hayes’s letter of acceptance. All are compelled to admit that the former’s is the most sensible. r i 4* tr '■ e----- e 9» ----------------------------- The Boston Poet asks, "how*» this for • itnw!” 1860. ' R am I L in / 1876. lin coln TlLD ¡ KN H en i drices . We had supposed that the Rev. J. H. Acten, editor of the Pacific Christian Advocate, intended to continue in the path made by his illustrious predecessor, and let politics alone, but we were sadly mistaken. V A Notwithstanding the report to the contrary, the Republicans expected to . carry the recent election in Alabama. Note the action of Gov. Haves, Zach Chandler, Senator Morton, and oth- era in uaiting the Spencer and anti- Sppncer factions. Grant lias ordered that Moore, a clerk who made himself serviceable to Babcock in the whiskey trial, and —wbo tm damiBeed- /corn- office,-shall - be reinstated, and that his salary shall * date back to the time of nis dismissal. This is one of those shameless deeds by which Grant expec’s to aid the election of Hayes. * It has been suggested to place U. S. Grant at the head of the Smithso nian institution when he retires; but we hardly think, says the Sun, there would be much in science congenial to his tastes. What can be done with him? We have it, Give him charge of a sample room! j '*■< ■ *• ~9 Such of our soldiers as are killed and wounded in the Expedition of t t. Gen. Crook against Sitting Bull, fall under the fire of breech-loading rifles of the best patterns furnished our sav­ age enemy, either directly by the agents of Gen. Grant or through their connivacce. It is a faet worth thinking about. r compelling the Government function- ariee at Washington to pay in their assessments to the Grant-Hayes fund under penalty of dismissal. He tol­ erates no nonsense, listens to no ex­ cuse, and gives no heel to the plea of poverty. They must walk the plank if they do not come down with the two per cent. He employs Govern­ ment clerks, drawing their salaries from the Treasury, to enforce his de­ crees. So it goes, and Hayes, like Grant, is a reformer, opposed to offi­ cial assessments for political purposes. * I0F.Í-4 ■■ <, r 9 t f I '- i / - 3 ! l e ; q « *>. The answer of Gov. Tilden and other defendants concerned in the St. Louis, Alton and Terre Haute Rail- road Company transactions, is long but perspicuous and to the point. It shows that the company was immense­ ly benefitted by the accession of Gov. Tilden and his friends to its control. The transactions in the stock were individual acts and not those of trus­ tees. The amounts paid Mr. Tilden for legal services were for specific work done, , and his charges were less ’ than they might justly hare been made. In short, there is no apparent occasion for the mud throwing about this business in which some of Gov. Tilden’s opponents have so vigorously indulged.—A*- F. Tribune. Will the Oregonian and Bee please make a note of this, and he more careful in the future? 4 Nor is denunciation unmerited of that of the peapie; under the in^ueuce of this COURIER’S COLUMN. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. LumbeR ! Tie Lafayette Courier!11 f ». I I SAW-MILL- ' i t \ I ’ ! ~ V r '^aiigasser'ß i Z- Ê5 T Cigars and Tobacco. I- ‘•-NEATLY7 EXECUTED I ,'ilt 1 Fine Wines ani Liquors. I « r « r t e r. I r1 » i I J. K. SAMPSON & CO.. F r W I* It Nothing to Pay Off the National Y Drbtl • ■ i ■ W ■ - dor bis p oUer to issue bonds; the leg islatire Ihdmtnand and the official promise«, :ixing a day of resumption have « bees made, but there has been e(*on•<< <■ F. A. HILL, DAYTON, OREGON, i AMH ImDlements! •$ W W essary to its economy and efficiency, neefessary in order that the ordinary employment of the public business may nm be the prize fought for at thé bal lot box. brief reward of party zeal in stead of ports of honor assigned for proved constancy and held for fideli­ S um . ty in public eriiploy. Theconveutioi widely allowcxfthat reform is necessa­ W. J. WIMER. J. C. NELSON. ry even more tn tlie higher grades of public service.; The President, Vice President, Judges, Senators. Repre­ sentatives, Cal iinet officers and all oth era in authorii y are not a private per- No. 4* Jefferson and Third Sts. quisite—they |re public trusts. Two evils infest thi i official service of th§ LAFAYETTE, OREGON. < *' federal gover rement: One is the prev- aient and d d^moralizing notion that mu Clothes, Ex. ? M ? ? lade............................. 97 00 o 9*5. Call and exam- of Geaeral Merchandise g elsewhere. Na trunk- the public ierfrice exista, not for the business and benefit of the whole peo­ ple, but for tl e interest of office-hold er», whe, in tr .th, are bat the servant* WIMER A NELSON. KELTY awl 8 Ï80N, DRÜGGIS f S, LAFAYETTE, OREGON. A. M. HURLEY, A' EXPRESS LINE, Ätterttey at Law, LAFAYETTE. b . t - K IM 1-1 I st '3 OREGON. WALSH & REED, 9 I WILL rub a hack from Dayton to St Jo« via Lafay.tta, connecting with the car« «v •Vln bneinoas promptly attended to. 1 decll’74:tt ■ MERCHANTS, 1 WAGON A ' '' ' FOR | i * J. BEST. | ' r i ii > SALB. . BAIN WAGO, GOOD A8 NEW, SjiBoh . .u öP«dle' tafor,aI* cheap for cash. ^Ayiy at this office, or to al:tf H. A s 1 I ». '->v - ■ s « and see and learn our price.-*. ° It i« the misfort me of the United •F*Newell posts, hand rails and banisterr made to order. States to be repre ented at Berlin by Addrepss: : SAMPSON A CO., a Minister into wliupe heart there nev­ ljtfajette, Oregon. er entered one get i nine ' American sen- no49j:m6 « t tiinent. A fawninr ■ sycophant of pow- er. a snob of snob ,:. ! Mr. Bancroft Da- vis has been singni ally rebuked for his On Hand or Printed to Order -c i.:.... ..... infidelity to the p inciples of his owu --Dealer in— BUSINESS CARDS. Government by 11 large body of the subjects of the monarchal Govern- Wheeler Combined No. 6 Reaper and J as . M c C ain , meut to which he is oiir Minister, M.wer. Wheeler No. 5 Independent Mower. Ashamed of hi: own country he re ATTORNEY AT LAW Burdick Independent Reaper and Kir­ by's 4-wheeled Mower. fused to receive i congratulatory ad LAFAYETTE, OREGON. A. W. Coatee di Co. Lock Lever Bay dress from a lar^e number of Ger­ ILL PRACTICE IN ALL OF THE Rak*. McCormick’s Improvsd Harvester, nasd '■¡»ate Courts. i marllv8tf mans on the occasion of our Centen­ Reaperand Prize Mower. . Haine«’ Header and Chicago Pitta nial Fourth of Ji ly. Thresher. - M line Wagons and Hacks. The very monarch'*’ to whom Mr. P. C SULLIVAN, Garden City Walking and Salky Davis has showi himself such a sveo Plow*. Friedman’s Patent and Scotch. Har­ Altornsy-at-Law, pliant y^iist despise him, as it is evi row». ILL hereafter be/ound at the south dent the Germt n |ieople do, ¿post FRANK A HILL. east corner room of Reed's Opera House, up stairs, Salem, Oregon. nilly heartily. What would the American people say to j iving such an anti- W. M. RAMSEY, American as Bn nc -oft Davis a life tenure in his office? Attorney at Law It is the rare n ¡sfortune of Gen. LAFAYETTE, OREGON. Grant to bring iis country into ¿on Office in the Court House. tempt abroad is well as at home. i*1 I -i A »S Scroll An American >vh > la No American. S-v-' ■ V PRINTING • « * * M. DANIEL’S 1/ i >• , « , >■ 1 4 T i! r improvidence which n the 11 years p«ruicious error, public employments [ContinuM treei.] Morton in the Senate, and Eugene The public |ebt pu nine hundred since peace hag eon si >|med[ forty five have been multiplied, «nd he number of * Hale in the House, have been fran­ those gathered into the rai ks of the of­ ». « , ft could not af- fice holders have been already increased million.dollarfTaud y< and eighty-fiveinill bears interest 8 tically waving the^bloody shirt, thus un(l wven hun­ ford to give the peo[|e a sound and beyond any possible requi ernent of the hoping to frighten Northern voters at 6 per cent, fen dred anti twelve million« at 5 per sta de currency. T\q^ and a half per public business; while ineff ciency, spec­ s < into the Republican ranks. cent, in gold. gThql'hverage inteqest cent, of the expenditut ire _ of these 11 ulation, fraud and maladn in ist ration in J. Democrats have ever denounced I I i to the years or less would h| |ve provided all public business, from the ighest & ’ ■ financial policy j.« 5.58 per ceift. Í Ç such demagoguery as false iu fact and ■ curi the highest .cred the addition^ coin negdful to resump- [ lowest places of power, ha »e overspread a which should 7 belittling to its perpetrators and to •ilffl of, - ought - grad 'lion! Jle«d ¡stress jiow felt by the the whole service like a eprosy. The it, and wisely ¿vailtjd other evil is the organization of the offi- our nation. The war of the rebellion people in all their industries, though cial class into a body of poli ical mercena­ I ’ ‘ ‘ ti a tijdiiction of I per nally to obta -■‘T- . was not a Democratic war, but most i. |se in the enor ries, governing caucuses ind directing 8n inriKt of the loans. A cent, interest it lias its principal ca r decidedly a Republican one, or rather I the nominations of their o vn party, and f cerilb on the average 1 occasioned by mous waste of capiti saving of 1 pc it was the clash of elements iu our na­ J> dr'ed and seventy the fills? jmlicies of d hr government, attempting to carry the e ections of the tion older than either of the parties would be top and wish; the luercLant dares ernment becomes intolera )le and public t There- is no slavery and no defenders chosen with i referem > civ 0 credit operations not buy for the Tutur j; consumption of spirit has been stung to tie pitch of civ- Fencing >9 per thousand. ft of slavery. T.vo Democratic platform state of tradji ar il revolution. The first sf ep in reform is his customers; the mi uufactnrer dares I . i pledges its candidates and -it® policy in our own cfuut ; and the course of an elevation of the stam atd by which not make fabrics wli i'h may not ro- foreign comjner&and - condition of to defend the citizens without regard this appointing pbwer se ects agents to fund Ids outlay; he tflut? bis factory execute official tr.ust. Not less in irn- S3 exchange wi i th otw •r nations. to their past condition, and certahily ■ ; 7-21:4 * 1 The specitc n insure.« and actual ami discharges his «j wk men; capital portance is a conscieqtiou i fidelity in the ? tin se who have striven to maintain • ( • < dates are hiflij ..1er if detail having re* ists cannot lend oil | rt'iirity they do exercis . Í The>e Southern mas°acres. as a rule, tive statesiMi )UtÆ sacrificed to the usufruct . _>f r ineumbiHita.Î s , will not borrow; coil ^miiption has fal farting from New After these immediate sttps, which will are the hellish outgiowth of unscru­ a steamer atji York to Lfvl» rpfe) does not assemble len below the natural .1 liinijt« of reason insure the exhibition of Letter example^ I 4 * Bll pulous politicians who hire men to a council ov L r Inwocean chart; a Im able economy; price] Hof many Things we may wisely go on to the abolition of kill that they may have somethibg to iic^Miust be at the helm are under the range] H»f the frugal spe- uunecessarj offices, and f nally, by a pa- li» .z Y fire the loyal Republican heart with. man intcllig It » liiitlbg forces of waters cie p-riment time^f before the civil tient and'«careful organi atiou of a bet- to place the» LV The trick b old and devilish. ter civil service system, u îdeç test, wber- wlf I _ Jf l and winds, | raid the ekntents, day war. Vast masses qf currency lie in I ever practicable,>of proved competency History of Alcohol. by day, an | gqi'ile to mastery over hands,unused. A )|«r ami a half ago and fidelity. While mi uch may be ac- HE .UNDER8IGNED RESPECTFULLY informs the public that he ksepa constant­ The Baltimore Journal of Com­ them; such pi re Mirations are nothing legal tenders were agtfieir largest vol­ tpomplished by these m i ithodi it might ly on hand a choice assortment of without tbe | ume and twelve milgon dollars since . legislative commit encourage delusive expec i a ¿ions if I were merce of recent date gives the follow­ to withhold here au ex pression of ■ my retired have been t a;|ttnd official promises tee fixing a 1 ing history of Alqohol: ^conviction that no refort i of civil service - Alcohol was invented 950 years are shams. A dong thoughtful men. »ssues qf one huhdrd iii this country will Li complete and 1 _ ______ ___ _____________ i_ ago in Arabia. Ladies used it with whose judiHii it will, at- least, sway of bank uotes. In tli|meantime, banks —ALSO— permanent, until its chi f magistrate j a powder to paint themselves that public opinSn Bn attempt to act on have been i surrenlie mind will no tiou^ by candidates or inctuu bents, no 1 - suffered ’ matter what may bf th» ir solemnity. In an act was passed envoi raging the calamity prol fr of confusion, distrust Ion ger accept sliarts; it has manufacture of spirits. Soon alter and distress. »lie act of Congrosof e iHuigli from illiisioh'i in an insincere this way the President can beeffectually delivered from his gret.t tempta|ion to iutemperance and profligacy prevail-, July 14. lfc SCnacted that on and poli ¡ey which iucreags distrust, and an misuse that power and patronage with « ed to such an extent that the retailers after the 1-it < Wuly, 1879. tlieS ere uns ¡table policy wh®i increases bncer- which the Executive is lecwssarily char-^ need to know ged. Educated in the belief that it is of intoxicating drinks put up sign» in tary of theTL'i! (isury shall redeem, hi . taintV,1 The 4 till! ( the governnmt is moving iu a tbe first duty of a citizen of the Republic public places, informing the people coin legal » |CII I?r notes of the United « J to take his fair allotinei 11 it, care and trou- din ectjofi of ultimate safety and pros ­ that they might get drunk for a pen­ States, on arc hitiitjon at the office of e have for forty ny, and have some straw to get sober ¡' the assista tmasiiier in New York. perity, and that it pomg so through ble in public affairs, 3 years, as a private citin •11, fulfilled that .-ate ®ii I! se»-vat ire iriel li­ on, In the sixteenth century distilled It aiithorb p |he Secretary to j reparc prndept duty, and though occu >ied in an utiusu- spirits spread over the continent of. and provi |e pr such resumption of od«, which will be& ne to inflict no al degree, during all that period with f Europe. About this time it was in ; specie payi bj* use of any surplus ■ new “di-tM»«s < on .. tift’ business of the concerns of governuie it, 1 have never i>t jAhherwise appropriated, country. " Then t! ■ e inspiration of new acquired the habit sf official life, When LEGAL troduced into.the colonies, as the U. ! reven no ti * i BLANKS Pt»PJIE^)R8. a year and a half ago I entered on my hope and tfell fou.t«i|ed confidence will ' S. were then called, t he first notice I and by is4 iiiijf in his discretion cer- present trust, it was ii order to consuni- we have of its use in public life, was tain cb.-i csiqr bond«. More thin hasten, re-toi'ing tf k* prices nf nature. mate reforms to whirl I I had already de­ ■ one and I and prosperity w I 'licgin to return, j i lltlif of four years ImVe among the laborers in the Hungarian veted several years of my life. Know- E WOULD RESPECTFULLY CALL _____ t? mines, in the fifteenth century. In passed ai |l ^Congress and the Pieri The St. Louis coi| rent ion concluded ing as I do, therefore, froin fresh expei i- the attention ot the citizens of Yamhill County to the fact that we are manufacturers 1751, it was used by the English sol­ dent havg i ipontihued ever since to its expies.-ion in ■ égard, to the cun­ encet ildw much the difference is between of and dealers in r > diers as a cordial. The alcohol from unite in I |cti' which have legislated renev bill bv thd declaration of its going through an o picial routilie and N ash , working out reforms < f systems and pol- convictions as to. flic practical results 1 Europe was made from grapes and out of »‘X itqi'ce everv ¡»o-siblc surplus DOORS, icies, it is impossible for me to couteru- t of the system of.preparations, i We applicttblj tphhis piirpo:-e. Die coin sold in Italy and Spain as medicine. BLINDS, pliite what needs to ba done in the Fed- The Genoese afterwards made >t from in the' tr ii -tiry claimed to belong to believe such a s; Ætem, well devised,! eral administration w ithout au accute MOLDINGS, grain, and sold it as a medicine in the goyc ulpnt, had. on the 30ih of and above all. in Bfusted to competent sense of the difficultiis _ of the tiudertak- DOOR AND I p ^ f thanjorti live mil hands for exert anon, creating nt ‘no ing. If summoned sy the suffrages of liottles. under the nr.me of “water of July, fall I WINDOW FRAME», life.” Until the sixteenth century it lions, of < I .Ifcirs «against . Vp fiftv • nine mil time an artificial Scarcity of currçfricy,. my countryinen to attempt this work, I » —ALSO— of July, 1875. and the and at no time i alarming the public shall endeavor with God's help, to be the was kept by apothecaries as a medi­ lions on i |iol«f iiij.’ All kinds of household fumitnre, such aa OF ALL KINDS cine. During the reign of Henry avail^bil1 pyjpf part of the sum is said mind into a with nrawal of that vast efficient instruhierit cf their will. EL Y TILDEN SAMI Chairs. Bedsteads, Saf^s. Bu­ VIII., brandy was first known in Ire to be qufl ptipnable. The revenues are machinery of cr'ei £it by which 95 per To J. MnCleruand, c i: lairiuan; George W transactions are laud, and soon itsalarmiug^effects in. falling [stir than appropriations and cefitt of all bu-iii Bss reaus. Stands. Tables, Æ * . B. Franklin, lion. J. . J. Abbott, Pon. doced the governor to pass a law pro­ ex pe rra id jrcs are reduced, leaving the performed-~a syl fiem open tn the pub J. H. 'Spannliorst Hon. J. Rodfield, Whatnots, Etc. A hibiting its manufacture. About 120 treasury wJth diminishing resources. lie and inspiring] general confidence— others of the Hon. F. S. Lyon and ¡ — AL80 — committee, etc. yeas ago it *as used as a beverage, 'Hie Sen eiRry has done nothing un would, from tliei gtlfly .oi it? adoption, especially among the soldiers in the English colonies in North America under the preposterous notion that it prevented sickness and made men tearless in the field of battle. It was The managers of the Grant-Hayes looked upon as a sovereign cure. Such is a brief history of its introduc­ campaign, Secretary Chandler, is tion into society as a beverage. - X— PER YEAR. Gov. Tilden distinctly represents the principle of reform in politics; but can the same thing be said of Gov. Hayes. 1 ACCEPTANCE. THE BLOODY SHIRT. 4, .» I I i FRIDAY, AUGUST 25, 1876. 1 1 ; -4 *- • •k i / « f f '■ '■ —" ' 1 » * LAFAYETTE COURIER. •Jr i - -^•j ♦ à f •- > A ¿ ,7.1