■ ■ * ' • .. ■ ' ' . I ■ LAFAYETTE COURIER, LAFAYETTE COURIER PÜ1LIIIID BATES or ADVEBTianrO. LAFAYETTE COURIER ------BT----- DORRISS HEMBREE, TKKMb OF SUBSCRIPTION :v One Copy, One Tear ............................................ On» Copy, Six Mouth« ................... ................... On» Copy. Three MoMlu . ............ i.......... 1 « ■ 1 I I I Personal Advertisement« 60 cents a Lino. Onbecriptlon» Mnt *2 U0 a Tear X 8 loche»...I > 50 4 ÎMI8M... I g (D ’ P ; Legal Atlv«rU«eiuenta to be paid for upua making Proof by the PublUber. 1 InlA ... linches... I l M ■ K Column ! 4 50 W Colunia. g S 00 MColumnj 7 00 fftotagm.. 110 (T) ________ ___ ■< 4. VOL. XL—NO. 6. ao001 BOB Ko6 1~ 48~do tito I «00i'Join lido' IFBT ao7T>~T~(v dbITooft) « BUSIKKS8 NOTICES LAFAYETTE, OREGON, MARCH 31, 1876. ■> PRICE TEN CENTS. 4 In the Local Colamos........................ Í.M . > naca usaanox. * » j • ‘i rhe Children. Earnings of Journalists. Another Mammoth Cave. — Gigantic ran, then in the height of his fame, ex­ Incidents of Life in Paris. Write Soon Commodore Vanderbilt’s New Pur­ Human Skeletons. claimed, in burning eloquence, against chase in Horse Flesh. Mention has already been made of the [win made a little speech at I Parke Gi Long parting from the hearts we love Two well-known Parisians, who are the horrible cruelty of her fate. She was a meeting o?Íhe Society for the Preven ­ salaries paid* to popuftr comic singers, A correspondent of the Louisville now independent of fortune, but who ’ Will shadow o’er the brightest face; William McGuigan, Jr., the driver and reprieved for three months, in the hope j the figures in one instance going as high tion of Cruelty to Children, and paid the Courier-Journal, writing from Columbia, were once her slaves, stopped a few even­ trainer of the horse 8mall Hopes, who And happy they who part, and prove that new evidence would transpire to as |250 a week. I won’t attempt any .following compliment to Mr. Bergh, the Ty., says that t a f short time ago, two young ings since in front of the ticket office of gained such a reputation last summer, Affection changes not with place. save her. None was forthcoming. She between the work of a comic Preridentof ttie Society for the Prevention men named White, while idly wander­ the vaudeville; both werp embairassed. writes-as follows from Jackson, Michi­ was executed amid the greatest excite- comparison ' A sad farewell is warmly dear; singer and that of a first-class journalist,' of Cruelty toAnimals. Said he: “We have ing in a large tract of wild, dense forest, One said: “How stupid I Am I Would you gan, where Small Hopes was owned, to ment throughout the metropolis; and on ’ 4 But something dearer may be found of us Sof if late years delighted in the southeastern part of our country, believe it, I have come out without my the Turf, Field and Farm: but it does seem rather odd that a vulgar ,ail a warm July day she was borne, amid the To dwell on lips that are sincere,1/ fellow at the footlights should earn a to honor ansí bless one of our fellow­ discovered whit they supposed to be a purse?*’ The other replied: “Well, I am Now that the notorious horse and in­ sorrowing faces of ten thousand specta­ great deal more money than a leader of citizens, who, if the horses had sink-hole or fok den, and with that "dea in still worse plight—I have just paid the comparable trotter, Small Hopes, alia» And lurk in bosoms closely bound. tor^ and her pall upheld, by six young ' public opinion. Whitelaw Reid is said votes, like |the greater brutes who iroceeded to explore it. After a little last cent I had.” The former smiled: Lothair, alia» Lapland, alia» Westbrook, girls robed in white, from her humble The pressing hand, the steadfast sigh, misuse them, and could hold con- rouble in making their way through “What ungrateful dogs we are! Pros­ has been purchased .for the stable of to get $10,000 a year, and this, I believe,; home to the graveyard of the Foundling Are both less earnest than the boon ventiuns, wow|d nominate him not for a t le entrance, tlic cave (for such it proved perity has made us forget our old, our Commodore Vanderbilt, you will indulge Hospital. One who lived amid those is the largest editorial salary paid in the Which, fervently, the last fond sigh United States. There are rumors that Mr. first, a second, or a third term only, bht to be) became large enough to admit of best friend—the pawnbroker's shop is his former driver and a reader of your scenes wrote, long after: “Poor Eliza Begs in the hopeful words “Write soon! tr» ’ for perpetual President. [Laughter.] His their walking upright. They had pro­ round the corner—we both have our paper in giving to the public through Ilcid will soon lose his place, but thus Fenning! So young,so fair, so innocent! defense, uf t|e -poor dumb animal, who ceeded thus in this passage probably 150 watches.” far they are only rumors, and probably “Write soon!” oh, sweet request of Truth! ' , your columns what may be called the Cut down even in thy morning, with all can utter no ¿ojnplaints, and cannot even yards when they emerged into a large do not deserve much attention. Mr. How tenderly its accents come! A diner-out says that three evenings unwritten reminiscences of this match­ life's brightness only in its dawn! Little of the Time», likewise said to express theis gratitude, (if they could, and picturesque gallery, the beauty and sincehe went to dine with some new ac­ ess little son of Hambletonian. We heard it first in early youth. So did it profit thee [hat a city mourned Jennings, ' be on the point of decapitation, also re­ what a universal neigh,, meaning aye, grandeur of wl ich will rival that of the quaintances. It was his first invitation much bos been said and written about When mothers watched us leaving home. over thy early grave, and that the most-' would greet-ft vote of thanks!) [Laugh­ old Mammotl|, itself. The room, accord- to their house. He entered tile mansion Small Hopes that, to some extent, repeti­ eloquent of men did justice to thy ceives a large salary, and a few other And still amid the trumpet-joys, leading journalists may be put on the ter.] has tbucyond a doubt. How tenderly its accents come! figure that we see in they noticed soiine strange characters, or tumbling, bounding, breaking, rattliug, iis best rate he seems to be going at the each little siualid sf liberally for special news, but its salary The story of the Danish pastor, Soren We heard It first nt early youth, f the gutter s| Mewls the futurqyjcitizen; in hieroglyphics,Jieatly carved in the wall, clattering, distributing beef tea, cabbages, greatest1 ease. This is true, to a great Qvist, is one of the most touchingly rate js no higher than that of any other When mothers watched us leaving home. p&intive girl face, so old be- which, upon close examination,proved to carrots, parsnips, shin, rags of meat and extent, of all famous trotters; but each little'pl leading paper. The Times, Tribune and tragic in judicial records; and once more fore its time] is the mother of the future bp the head-rock of a vault. A few min­ fragments of porcelain right and left, t lere is a difference in the degree in World are managed with close economy We part, but carry on our way. examplifies Paul Feval’s complaint that in ajl departments below the editorial qitizen ; in é h lies infinite potencies of utes’ prying served to loosen this and front and back.' The culinary cyclone which this quality distinguishes even , Some loved one's plaintive spirit-tune; justice is sometimes too quick to seize good and ev —usefulness, honor, purity, disclose to view the interior of an in­ rast, he, finding himself even unstained, one great performer from another, and- That, as we wander, seems to say upon appearances, and neglect the sup­ and «ven in these no such thing as waste r and the bibs ngs of whole generations; closure in the solid rock of about five by kept up stairs. Dinner was announced to Small Hopes we give the credit of is allowed. The average salary of good “Affection lives on faith—Write soon!” position of fabricated evidence. Horen editorial writers, taking the New York ór worthless ss, disgrace, putridity of ten feet, which contained the remains of soon after he had saluted his hosts. possessing this rare quality in the high­ was a clergyman of middle age, settled , —E liza C ook .! body and m d, and the curses of long three human skeletons, which measure ’ 'hey took seats at the table. The servant est possible degree. His feet are perfect, press all through, docs not exceed $2,500. over a small, primitivs parish in..Jutland. eight feet seven and a half inches, eight wrought on a turpot. The husband said which is a point of the highest impor­ Reporters can hardly l>e said to average agvs to co Pure and irreproachable in character, Enigmas of Justice. i’eot five inches, and eight feet four and to his wife: “My angel, tell our friend tance in either a turf or a road horse. He above $20 a week, and there are scores of •genial, generous, and devout, he was -• .............. W" C ure fo C roup .—A Kansas lady three-quarter inches in length respect­ the bill of fare!” She—her face wreathed ias a way, peculiar to himself, in what reporters in New York who cannot make W-3 doubt if there ever happened a cursed wjth a fiery and ungovernable over $15 a week the year round. ThePo«t gives the fol wing cure for croup, which ively. The Iliads were lying towards in charming smiles—answered: “No, horsemen term knee action. He lifts, more qxeiancholy instance of what is temper; yet he was universally revered: and the Graphic are the only afternoon' she vouches r as reliable. She has had the east, each body parallel to the other.» darling, that duty is the host's.” He swings, and places his feet with the ut­ termed ‘judicial murder” than the fa­ and varied his pastoral cares, as is not ice wfth a child always Beside them lay three huge—what looked therefore easily said: “Well, I must give most grace, and yet they go the shortest papers which deal liberally with writers, much expe mous case of Eliza Fenning. The tragic infrequent in Scandinavian countries, and the Graphic is a good deal ahead* of »troubled w r croup—had tried hive to be—swords, but they were so decayed ' ou warning that we have adopted the xissible distance consistent with ease to history of that unhappy youngi woman, by cultivating a modest farm. He had the Post in this respect. The editor, Mr. riru p, goose irease and scores ofk other t ¡at upon bein| touched they immedi- tWbuglk well remembered by old London­ a daughter gentle and comely. A farmer Croly, is one of the few New York jour­ remedies, an^|| finds the following better ately crumbled to dust. After examin- English custom. We never have soup.” he muscles called into action. His foot strikes lightly at his greatest speed; ers, is probably forgotten, or at least but in, a neighboring village, one Morten ing the remains closely, but finding noth­ nalists who sympathize with struggling than all : ' xissessing remarkable elasticity of ac­ A Previous Understanding. little known, in the United States. Eliza Bruns, well off but of bad reputation, writers and give them whatever encour­ I Take of hfiney one- tablespoonful, pul­ ing that would serve to throw any light tion, he steals along over the ground at a Fenning was a fair girl of twenty-two, of sought this daughter in marriage, but A night or two since a chap about rapid pace without any apparent exer­ agement they can. On the whole, there verized alun^pne-half teaspoonfu), salara- on the question as to who and from more than usual intelligence for one of was rejected both by her and by the are few professions in which men of mod­ I tas, one an one-half teaspoonful, and whence they are, they closed the vault, thirty-five years old, looking as if he had ( tion. His stride is its regular and steady her class, bright, coquettish, but well- Sastor. Soon after a brother of his, Niels erate talent cannot do better than they One-half the liite of an egg. Beat all to blit in doing so " knocked their torch out, crawled out of a cave to commence life as the beat of a chronometer, and so; disposed and amiable. The daughter of Tuns, entered the pastor’s service as a can in journalism. Those who get into a cream and ive one-fourth teaspoonful, which they had lighted before entering, anew, entered one of the hotels in this , ^reat is.his control over his feet and a poor couple who dwelt in High Hol- farm-hand- Niels was lazy, imprudent, ■ the first editorial rank get what may be This will be nough to give relief if taken caving them in anything but a pleasant city, and waiting at the counter until the limbs that he never yet has made a mis­ born, on the very spot where Day se you don’t trust?” towever, is perfect, too, as a roadster—a Mr. Turner went to his son's house to .into the woods, and was not seen again. unhappy set, and the deposed Kiug of when this remedy has not be;en applied perpendicular gulch—which led them “No, sir.” twenty-pound pull will always control dinner, and Mrs. Turner ordered Eliza to The rejected suitor, Morten, after his Oufle, who held sway in India before soon enough(she recommends to take a into another si lacious hall, the size of “Wouldn’t let a man stay here four or him; his various rates on the road may make some ye^st dumplings. When brother had thus mysteriously disap­ ingland took possession, appears to be,-Do .piece of flannel large enough to cover the which they believed to be quite as large I ve days until something turned up?” be gauged by the driver. He jogs dinner-time came the three Turners sat peared, boldly charged the pastor with exception to the rule. The palace andt throat and lungs well, grease it with fresh as the first. Opt of this second opening, “No, sir.” , elegantly at all rates of speed, and it is r down at table, and began to discuss tine the crime, and offered to produce con­ grounds provided for the deposed mon­ lard «nd wen it with camphor, then'V arm and through w|iat they conceive to be “That’s what I wanted to know. I al­ savory dish. The dumplings had scarce­ vincing proofs of the fact. Soren was arch by the British Government extend it and apply«- This will relieve the hoarse three others similar at least in size, their ways like to have a previous understand- the same style always, no mutter what ly been tasted, however, when all three therefore arraigned, when the following one mile on the river’s bank >*> Calcutta, -breathihg infla very few momenta. If way seemed to gradually ascend, until ng about such things, for if anything rate of speed he is going. He resembles )exterin the weave oL his nose when in were seized with sharp and agonizing evidence was arrayed against him. A man with a width of about one-eighth of a given in timi no outward application will their hearts weife made glad by the dis­ makes me mad it is to have a great big action. It, like the vibration of a pendu- pains. The dish was taken out into the testified that, on the night after the quar­ mile. There is the main palace nearly in be necessary covery of light ahead, and finally they otel clerk jump in on me and kick me um, marks exactly each stride. As .far kitchen, and there Gadsden, one of tbie rel, he saw the parson, in his green dress­ the centre with smaller palaces elsewhere; emerged from their ugly confinement < own stairs on account of my straitened as we know be is the only horse resem­ apprentices, partook of it, and also fell ing-gown and white night-cap, digging t iere is a long line of magnificent stables; - How to G |> kan B lankets .—Put two through a hole aboiat midway the cliff of linances.” bling Dexter in this**respect; and proba­ violently ill. Eliza herself next ate of hard in the garden. It was also proved there are a hundred or more small houses large tablesf [S>onfnls of borax and a pint tussell's Creek, having been confined in “You’d better find some other place,” bly this peculiarity does not detract the dish, and was attacked by the that, search having been made in the along the street side, occupied by the bow 1 of soft; foap into a tub of cold water, their subterranean discovery over thirty­ 81 uggested the clerk. from his value. It was intended, when same strange symptoms. The apprentice garden, a body had been unearthed, un­ ling’s retainers, numbering 400 in all; When dissol^ lyed put in a pair of blankets eight hours. Tl e whole country there­ “Oh, I shall,” replied the stranger. speaking of his knee action, to draw the i King, and Sarah the maid, who had dined doubtedly that of Niels, with his clothes there are fountains and pagodas and other and let them remain there over night. about is rife witl speculations concerning “The outside of this hotel seemed to conclusion that, with reasonable atten­ earlier, did not taste the dumplings, and and ear-rings upon it. A servant-girl fanciful structures on the grounds inside; Next rub tb thdm out and rinse thoroughly in this interesting liscovery, and numbers smile a welcome at me, but as I said be- tion, he would always have good feet, for there is a large pigeon-house for the flock testified not only to having heard Soren were not ill. tf~o waters and hang them to dry. Do not of citizens will v|isit it as soon as the ore, my present policy is to get along we like to cling to the opinion that high The physician who was called declared repeatedly threaten to kill Niels, but to of more than a thousand of these birds,, wring them.fi This recipe will also apply Messrs. White fi i lish their work of rep- without being kicked. I’ve got mental actors .forward cannot have as good feet if th« symptoms of the sufferers to be those having seen the parson go out into the which are trained to fly in one direction I td the w ‘ » of all kinds of flannel and dering the entrai ice less difficult to pass. feelings as well as anybody else, and I’m called'upon to any considerable' extent of poisoning by arsenic. Then every garden on the fatal night, in his green and another as their keeper waves his flag; woolen . It is equally4 useful in getting so worn down't in flesh that a mere or their speed upon the road especially. Still there are walks, lawns and gardens artist­ washing component part of the dish of dump­ dressing-gown and niglttacap. curtains and mosquito bars. common grand bounce from a healthy !ior must we forget to say that the dis-, B laine P hotographed . — He looks lings was examined. It was clear that stronger evidence was prodqBed to the ically laid out,-with a wonderful show of .Remember |not to wring the article lotel clerk upsets me for a whole day. Misition of this horse, which p an im- witl surcharged with tremendous nervous the poison was not in the sauce, of which effect that the parson had been seen, in ornamental trees, growing fruit and beau­ washed, and invariably use cold water. ' farewell, young man—don't bile no xirtant point to mention, is perfection— energy, 60 irresistibly impelling him that the elder Turner had not partaken. his dressing-gown and night-cap, carry­ tiful flowers. For a distance of a mile extra ’ taters for r;three or more large pota­ shouldered, and < of stalwart, muscular ‘Arab and his dying steed.’ ” that she and she alone* had mixed and cuted. i turf performances we will pass over, as made the dqrnplin^S the circumstantial Twenty years after, Niels Bruns turned several thousand pounds to liquidate his toes, and wlten you have done this go on frame; a trifle stout, but with a step as “How did you train him?”. rou have in former communications been evidence went to show that no one else, . 4ip again, alive and well, grown now old ¡abilities, at the same time warning his paring them cutting them as thin and as i uick as a boy'k and every movement “By kindness—that’s the only way— ully informed; except I will take this as free and supple as that of a trained could have had access to them until they and gray. He recounted how his brother deposed majesty that he must in future .evenly as possible in- ribbons nearly an to be sure. Of course you can make any were served upon the table. She had I Morten (now dead) had concocted a plot try to get along with his allowance of inch wide; throw these into boiling fat, athlete. He ha» a full, high forehead; animal obey by lathering him enough; opportunity to say it is but a jog for been in the kitchen all the time they to fasten the crime of murder on the pas­ $356 a day for the maintenance of his re­ let them take fully equipped, officered ous, will have many adtqjrers, particu­ of white paper, and lay the mixture on in i very successful, and that a society has kind. Some horses learn very quickly, faculties to start with. The man is rich crinkle them over with fine been formed uqder the name “Associa- that the arsenic was in the crumplings, and manned, and thus to form one of larly among sensible men"*, and she will spoonfuls; sprinkle but that kind forget it just as soon. I who has a good disposition — who is and not in the milk. 'To further disprove the great attractions of the “big show.” therefore be in the way of getting a good Sugar, and Ifake them at a moderate heat. zion Cristoforo Colombo,” for the pur­ like best a slow horse, because he’ll re­ kind, patient, cheerful, hopeful, and who W ashin J black C alico .—To a boiler pose of securing a large representation of the presumption of inm>cence raised by She was placed upon the stocks on the hqsband. If a girl with rosy cheeks and member longer.” has a flavor of wit and fun iu his com­ her eating herself of the poisoned food, 80th of December. At half-past eleven curly hair will avoid late hours, tight full of strong soapsuds put two "handfuls the scientific and literary men and art­ position. - . dresses, too many nice things to eat, will it was shown that she had shortly befdre o’clock, after elaborate preparation, the A K nowing I>oG.-?-Tbere was a panic of logwood Ships and let it boil one-half ists of Italy. They have hired a steamer, The hardest thing to get along with in take plenty of exercise in the open air, liad a hearty meal off a beefsteak pie, vessel made a slide, causing a shout of hour, and s^tain. Free the garment from to leave Genoa on the 1st of June, reach­ in a Paris street over the conduct of a this life is a man’s own self. A cross, and therefore was not likely to have eaten “There she goes 1” to go up from those and keep good natured, she will probably spots of grAse and wet thoroughly. Put ing New York on the 15th of June. The magnificent retriever in front of the win­ selfish fellow—a desponding and com­ the “cold and heavy” dumplings, as she assembled. After moving along smooth­ be a good-looking and happy lady, and It into the boiler and let it boil several party will remain in Nev York until the dow of a picture-frame dealer. He plaining fellow—a timid and care-bur­ described them to Gadsden, because »lie ly about half her length, she stuck, caus­ if she obtains a good education, she will minutes. Ijfinse in clear cold water until 1st of J8ly, in order to ki in Philadel­ jumped, yelled, barked, tried to make dened man—these are all born deformed phia on the 4th.| After,leaving Philadel- his way through the glass; and he was on the inside. was hungry. Having tried in vain to ing considerable delay. The difficulty be a fit wife for a Governor or President. ■ 'the water is colorless. ' They do not limp, but Pitts- mad, of course. The bystanders were - persuade people that the poison was in was finally overcome, and the famous In all these cases the hair and eyes are of To T ake ! O ut P itch , P aint , etc .—If, KIlia they will isit Washington, their thou ghts do. urg, Cincinnati, St. Louis, Chicago, about to kill him, when a philosopher the milk, she declared that it was in tiie vessel was firmly settled on her dock. no great importance, but the other req­ any of the He, quarters by means of the accidental plac­ a great patron of art, and had c F irmness , both m suffering and exer- proached the subject with the words: ‘I- afterward.'^ the light-hearted, amiable young girl, I tion, is a character which I would wish say, master, I wish you would make ¡njr If a person is safe in ing of the picture in the show-window valuable pictures. He was as i in his _____ hole. F ried ’C akes .—-Two cupfuls sour ________ noisseur in the matter of whose worst-known fault was her coquetry to possess. I have always despised the man do a little more work, and me less.’ cream, tw cupfuls sour milk, four eggs, his hole he does not care how much to exhibit its beautiful frame. with the apprentices, poison a whole whining yelp of complaint, and the cow- It was her fate to keep her husband and: one teas being specially manufactured for cursing goes oh outside. It is the same nful cinnamon, two teaspoon- fsmilyt The great Irish advocate Cur-1 ardly, feeble resolve.— Burn». Now the Brooklyn Bs are busy buzzing. Havana.— London Letter. with ground hogs as with grown persons. »» ” ‘find him money to drink.’ ” cupful sugar. fills soda, ---- —r*------ * '.is. ?'■' $ *’■ ■. -, J Z. ■ • X [ r E r: 1 ■ - ;,'' » ' g *- il r 'M ‘ 3P J. ;-J ■ Tl 1 g "1 « ' J;