• i ‘ 's * i ■fr >• r f J •W r W *r 4 I I -A b * r .. I v COURIER. COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS. LOCAL EPITOME. UNITY ITEMS. 1 5. «.■ {..»if. ■ — Ï LOffl STAB SALOOH, J. ÏÏ. CLABK, Proprietor HJBT BE KLEY, JUDGE, U n ^TY, March 8, 1876. . The weather is about so-so. Vouchers in the matter Account and ___ __________ __ of , Your call for correspondents in the last Lafayette has a Five Points. FRIDAY, MARCH 10, 1 876. the estate of D. Garrison filed by J. W, issue of your valuable paper seems to A waste of “t”— Putting it in depot Bridwell, administrator. have awakened an interest never before LAFAYETTE, OREGON. The boys have got it bad—the dancing . T. J. Jeljlison, administrator of the es­ • THE MAILS. shown among the readers of the COURI­ s fever. tate of J. Van Buskirk, filed his final ac­ ER'in this part of the world, and I sup­ Arrive at Mails close at 5:30 o ’ clock P- M. 4 Something that always socts — a chim ­ HYING JU8T PURCHASED THE count,, which was examined and found' pose your table will be loaded with the 7 j 30 o'clock P. M. above named rstablishment, I invite ney sweep. correct. $525 ordered to be distributed. literary productions of the several “quill my friends to give me a call and try noy SKCRKT SOCIETIES. Fresh Steilacoom beer kept at the Leverage & Wadhams vs. John Bos- slihgers” of this, our beautiful and fer­ WINES, 1 . 1' . . Lone Star saloon. ton; action, fcTreiover money; judgement A. F.A A. M.—Meets the Friday on or before tile littlo valley, which some envious liquors , Another snow storm last night—a light by fle|aalt the full m >on. Members in good standing itivi- person has vulgarly called the "grubby one, however. SEGARS, W. M. S ¡Staggs vs N Duncah; action to recov- ted to attend. Hy order of. z 4nd.” Meets every Saturday night st 8 A marriage is to take place next Sun ­ PROPRIETORS. disnhssed at Plaintiff 's cost. er money; 1. 0. O. F -1 TOBACCO. Crops are looking splendid1 now, and ' ••- e o'clock I*. M. Member* in good standing jnvi- the verdant fields luxuriant with grain, day in Chehalem. R Petty, ohn and T Hutt, road super­ K^“A good Billiard Table will be found N. G. ted to attemf. BJ order of r here for the accommodation of my custom­ where less than a year ago stood vast ■ There are fifty-seven cases on docket visor sfhan led iy (heir reports. ers. ■Meets every Tuesday night at7 for trial in Marion county. ,1. O. O.T - wford appointed road super- R A Cra ’ * " forests of youn^ firs, and still the timber J. H, CLARK. E WOULD RESPECTFULLY CALL P. M ! Members of the order in g«od standing Quarterly meeting commences at the vi^r of di itrict tNo. 28. is steadily falling before the axes of stur ­ the attention of the citizens of Yamhill W. C. T. Smith chapel next Sunday. 4 invited. By order of otice, County to the fact that we are manufacturers Mstray Semi-annual Account of D D. Deskin Meets the third Saturday of each dy choppers. Slashing is being done in of and dealers in i P.of H - Miss Loughary and Miss Umphlet, of filefl.; • Inadvertently we neglected to ?end aken up by - tue undersigned ibis part of the county extensively this i t ' ' " ■ a> « month at 10 cl«> kA M. A Amity, gave us a call tjiis week. SASH, living sixunilee North of LafsyettA on Final aqcoun^and vouchers filed in the the Press the C ourier . N oív , J os . Winter; in fact, more has been done with- or about the 8th.- of December, lb75, one CHIH( IIES. The steamer Orient took 170C sacks of estáte of 4 —- Martin-; E. S. Martin er­ DOORS, roan mare about 14 hands high>7 ream old; in the past two years than has been done you know we don’t take much stock wheat from Wheatland yesterday. no marks or brands perceptible. The above ecujtrix. J 'i ■ ecutnx. , BLINDS, in ten years before. This speaks well estray was this day appraised by J.T. Hein- BEV. J, HOBERG, 1’. E iui the ‘ ‘ whitew ishing business. ” But His majesty, King Mtesa, of Africa, bree, J. P., at $20, thia the l»th dav of Dec. Wm. Whitt itq [vs N. Bird; action to re- MOLDINGS,' ft»t Sunday of e .f Rev. Ï. W. Watts, rapid transit, large progts, and-no re- [ WINDOW FRAMES, to recover ¡money. Continued until tion u.ai < ftqtice be given. rectors believe that the greatest good to ing, breaking harness, etc. Willie knows Addresss: ant, for the sum oT $769 in United 8tate.-i_ gold this place, has sold one-half of hi^farm SMITH, SAMPSON A CO., the greatest number will be derived by how it is himself. •stati | of Wm Dempsey, account coin, I am comma tiled to make the sum of 8 >73 „ lu the Lafayette, Oregon. on the Chehalem mountain to the Stew­ United Statesgol. coin now due ou said judge allowing, say $3.30 school money perj no49j:m6 examinee ánd ilisallowed, for the reason ment, w.ith inteqi it st the rate of ten per cent. Who is to be road supervisor is what ard boy». - -v ¿.,iu u*. dav -fi af ■»>«»', May 1 ->5, and quarter to each scholar, and we do not) agitates us at present. More anon., Hon. J. C. Rraly, II. H. Snow, and therL w|n | no vouchers as required per annumtrour' le c 25th the further sum o $s co»ts. I have levied upon I know Imt that they are right. With a all the right, title and interest of the above ' E uterpe . Others of McMinnville, and B. F. Lewis, bylaw, ' ' * J I tax of $800 or $»00 and the district’s ïn the mate ?r of.tho county road lead- nam<'d defendant Jane Ariuitrong. in and to et al., of Dayton, were in town during the following des : ribed real estate, to-wit: school money—40!»!'—» free school could E xhibition .—We are informed that the week. ing from A H[ utoberts to Win Laughlin; REDUCED PBICE, $35. easily be maintained here. Better order t All those certai i tracts of land -ituated, lying on the evening of the 3d an exhibition A dead man was found on the streets pet ilion Hid l«nd filed and proof of prop- anu being in Yamh I’ hill county, Oregon, and more could and would be kept—the teacher' HOME AND .HOME SHUTTLE E8 ..... ... ..... bi.._. _ T il iled .tml iiescribed as follows: b<»uu 8............................ fraid of losing his "bread: would not be afraid bread) was given at the Mercer school house in the other day—He was dead drunk. We er notic s 'hJkle.j N K Sitton, , W R particularly » NG MACHINES. .Notification Nu inbcr 1.264. surveyed and umber>72. being parts ot- sec- • fl ' Viewers; to r H-ct at McConnell’s store, tioiys 33, 34 and $5, ‘ in ,T 4 8, 114 West, and town would derive therefrom. One of, A young lady*dropped a—some said it S'urth Y; to scholars phd teacher. After the pro­ claim Number sii ty one. bring pasts erg to give an ejiti-rtainment th.- »outlie am prepared for business. To ree is tuconvince vourtnlf. tv C0U ’ A I •■•.3 24 80 ner oi no special effort has been made by tlef 4 west, .in,. - running ...................... ------ _ thence --r-- . south 83 de' C£7“Higbest m’aiket price paid fur' beef cattle, least in their own imagination they are at Gcod Templar Hall for his benefit at 1>;M. Sen DÍgginu' same........................... 28 40 4'S, It I old residents to attract to our villagi gru-s west l’l'i < h.iitis a (id 111 ty links : tlcnce liogs, 0 plars. They left the dance and procur­ and 20 links; the ice ea-t J-t chains and 30 links; noi vxi-tf Lafayette. i and wander up here they were not onerH “ ' >p, six «ay- extru pay stipervis Miss Loughary will be pleased to see A’ ’ "Mil~a|> ed a supply of tangle-leg whiskey, of thence so ith 25 , i egrees and 40 chains; t'.ence di-t ík I ..................... . ........... or road 12 00 i-d any inducement to locate. 1 hese art of grub. We are not pre- ____ 30 . i .jin .tes w[e-t < 4 chains and JM) and I selves if they are not true. Io us it apL Jy I &V9 extra pay supervisor pared to vouch for the truth of the above Kelty, where she will remain'during this .' s of b ,-J ning. in the Distn. t FROM 8 On 1 link- to the plat pears that a good way to attract *0 our j ii.ul di it NoSy and next week. bind s ibj-ct 6 sale atO egou t ity,-Oregon, but give it as narrated to us. 8 00 of '•Y R. i’o ry, ««lin e, 1 dist.22...................... midst and populate the place woulu *e id .1-100 : a. ¡es: contjine.g 610 a i.:.. 8 ■ tienisi same. dist35 ................ The literary exercises of Prairie .Acad ­ OO it F. Ca r ’ .~l! < to establish a free school. $1400 a And also No' tiea inn 7>J, certificate 461. G rand E ntertainment .— A grand emy closed last week until next fill. J Smith' ~ ‘ |l7,000 leet lumber load. < .i Sons nated iii i the surveys uyd • plats Lire a goofi known and des ; — — * — — — i i - i. e , for nine months, w ould < di-t 25J 70 00 of the United Stites as th- fractional south half » teacher and an assistant ; Duytou Day— tried ---- eiitertaìiiment will be held in Dayton at During the pa it winter a pleasant time .1 liainbr ight. Í Ipdf feet lumber road dis the northeast quarter pf sectio i 34; fraction­ and much benefit has been derived from If ............ < ........................ 3» 64 of tri t io. 4 experiment, altnougu xnany inauj ot u, her u,«' the Grange Hall Oil Thursday evening, the-«qip «-ritnent. although al south half of tiro north we-t quarter of sec­ WILL run a'hack from Dayton to St. Joe these exercises. J Eaiunr «hf- HO feet lumber road dis itizcLs against it, and >n -14; fractj"! al north half of the south east citige —- "bucked --------- ’ ,--c ... now via Lafayette, connecting with the cars ev r March 23, 1875. A cordial invitation is 5 00 ti ttict ,o H. lion 34; fractional smith west qu ilter ot. sec I find ft works well. But, some will sa: I extended to the citizens of Lafayette. ery day. The leap year necktie for gentlemen is j[ llanibr gbtr E50 feet lumber road dil­ quarter of section 34; liacti uial north vest qnr. Hz”All business promptly Attended tn. that the tax to some will be enormou 22 50 of tne south wi it the year in which an agitating it. J I> FcUt >n, 1 | cords wood at 51 «7J per • ------ f braced in the arms of slumber ” ;. Tl> ■' e-t quart, r of the north wect and the south v i — — J. E. CüOVEHT, I Opposition lloii>e of Representatives, the first . e « »■—----- - ----- Ì Com. 20 67 quarter of sect on eor..... i 3 anj Lot 1 of section 4 in since the close of the war, will be in power at question is, who in thunder is sltirube»? E. H adaway , jut vuu>**, dear ien-es of taking State tax M Ke t T he S treets .—Don ’t think 1 5 >. R I W, c ntainingoue hundred and fifty- Washington; and rhe year of the twenty-third 14 00 • to, Sa i J ennie S cott , Prof. Day will go to North Yamhill fourkn-1 34-!0( 1 acres, j to write renders, that it is our intention L. election of a President of the United State-. All lunty Treasurer, ', 1 q'iar j M Ke I An i also l.ttu I c aim i Ko. 57 lying within the ■f the-e events are sn* to be of great interest ! The mot imp .rtant improvetn nt ever L F letcher , next week for the purpose of organizing 100 00 te '- > 1 r ......................................... Cttation on the condition of ma.i'e. It s ives labor ami preserves health. a long dissC. - t s ui d bp 1 mis on outli bank of following in t * ■ : J E. S mith . andimpoitance, Apeeially the two latter: and, a dancing school. To those who wi-li to k fl Bi : I i, ^Ltty’s le«, State vs Mo- ’ er and more particularly bound- all of them and everything connected with them Xo more disease and death-, side or back­ the Yamhill rit the beautiful streets of Lafayettie. 5 00 rin.... learn how to trip the light fantastic to - ed aod d< sc rib , d a- f'dlow-..’to wit: l.cginning will be fully and.fresbiy reported and expound- aches from ttsi g Sewing michincs. No S avage B og .—Among some few of artistically, we recommend this gentle-, k ? Bra 1 islm w sAttv s fee?ilurley et al vs teaching r.<|air.-d. A child can run it. Al Their condition during the past winter at the,south e . -t i-ori ci of Richard Boo.h’s anu f * P.ewh V. -tl l reine ( our|.................... 30 00 Margaret i.oo. i's i laint, running thence wtot •ed in T he 8ex. way* starts the right way. N'-ver tt<> - the nuisances with which the thriving mau, has demonstrated the fact tnat something The O(>P ‘sitio’i House of R -pres -ntatives. ta­ backwards and br»'jaksJh;ngs. f'ati be sto;:- [rid fees. State vs Morin 31 C Da ! 24.81 chains to • stake < ijthe line between U. I‘. king up the line of inquiry opened years ago .1 ed iustanth. With it on yonr machine, i -onrit q 1 bus'ijie-s 42 75 Haw ley and -a i 1 Booth’s cl.iims; thence*.-oUtb should be doue to improve them- It hjas little town of Dayton is blessed with, is A Gospel Ridge man dreamed the oth­ IH and by 1’iiE Srx. will sternly and diiligently investi­ \o;t can dy double the work yon can wi ir (.' I'; le. 5 V peeks’ board of' prisoner ,e:'i seiil lll iwley 's and Booth's on a li e betw been suggested, and the suggestion is a a savage log. This canine has been an er night that lie was going over the Falls, : thead west on south line of tale the corruptions ar d mis ieeds of G baxt 'S out it. Fitly stitches can 1» made with o e administration ; and w ll, it is to be hoped, lay good one, that the old ferry boat at Dajy- eyesore to many of the residents of that and he had his wife by the throat when Hiléis loger) County Clerk and Clerk said Booth's cl lim t > the center of -aid Yam­ the foundation for a new and better period in pressure of one foot. It can be applied ko be woke up. Next night the wife had a lof 1 iiinrv takrrirt............. '.................... 109 i»0 hill river: tbei t ce any sewing machine. Approved by the follu'.j ing down the meander- < national history. Of all this T ue St s will 'tassachusetts State Board of Health. (*ayi », same............................. He attempted to bite Mr. Frank Mai tin , south on said .vt tin (to the plat e of beginning information upon these absorbing topics. o eral men be hired or volunteer and lciad 4 ^.1 Bal. ker; 4| lime... . .......... . ............... Mechanic's A-so«Jnti<«n. The Hall Treadle containing 42 acre-» ;of>re or l.-s . a!r ljiag m a short time sihetj. but was deterred by Watkins, was convicted of an assault ' 1 q The twen'y-third Presidential electiun, with is a part of a'.l Home Machines s41 by us. .. I) ts, vl . fewer on county road aur with gravel. The boat could be taken Mr. Martin using his cane. Since theu with intent to kill; sentence will be j W o 0r> sections 31 and I 35 iu T 4 south, 11 4 west. the urepartion- for it, will be memorable as Ì Jvey 188... The Hull Treadle Grinding Machine And also tl e foil ovjng described real e-tate. there by the steamer Beaver in the motu- « a little daughter of Mr.Harker tan across passed this evening by Judge Bonham. ' [jfcfferSJn E «vias same........................ 2.(0 to-wit: Begin ming at ihe .-o,:th easf comer ot •dec.dirig upon G halt ' s aspirations f-,ra third Must be seen to -te appreciated. For .a jng and brought back in the aftet Yvn-fi^he noon term of power and plunder, and «till ’ more "as 2 (KJ claim Numbti r 72, in 1- owns1.ip 5 south of Base farmer or n echanjc to sec it. is to buy one. street when she wa* attacked by this Anthony Miller, was convicted of petit i ‘ A J Bi Ker, jjnue who .-halt be the Candidata of the par­ It is an iudispi n-aldciirticle in every farm by the Fannie Fatton, rerna u or or rice rue rtr/a. “-dog, and had not help been at hand she jarceny at the present term of tho Cir- I .To [if Willamette Meridian: deciding west ¿I Line, rang« I, ...................... . S72o 4j of Reform, and »selecting that candidate. house, shop or hotel al Ik the becu Merely Cuit .Court, at Salem. ' I WiSt 16 ty thence north 23. degrees 30 in.nates a good force of men C — boat -- u* could be un^oubtedly. wJld < onceruing all these subjects, thbee who read The Hull Treudle Jig Saw and Bor­ ( links; them e ^outh 75 degrees 30 chains and 5 loaded by the time that one of the steam­ bitten. Kill the rascal. Thtì Í view brs on the change in count y minutes ea-t 11 i liainh ami t0 links; thenc? 8. T he .S i x will have the constaut ujeana of being < ing Machine. A letter from A. M. Waddle, of Broad- ers return from below. Two or three rhorotighly well intormAl. Is an accomplishment in every workshop load ] »etitii 1 degree 30 m'h wes ’ 39 chains, thence north 85 [tied for by P. M. Scroggins The-W eekly bus, which has attained a circu­ The Hall treadle is applicable to all ma- boat loads of gravel would be sufficient , .P ertinent .—The Portland Journal meads Farm, to Dr. Littlefield, says that degrees 30 in nates w(st ¿7 chains and 60 link-: lation of over eighty thousand copies, already qJiinery requiring a foot power--i-e wing ma­ the Chinaman, is doing well. It will et al, will. he paid by petitioners. to make Third street good. If anything I thence south l degrees 3(1 minutes west 5 dis : a • has its in every State and Territory, chines. grindstot.es. jig saws, turning lathes should not make fun of the "country ” I be remembered that this is the Chinaman thence west i9 ehait.si an H links: thence north and we readers is to be done in this direction it should trust that the year 1876 w ill see their jewelers' and dentist»’ lathe*, etc. Bend for » Se?kin Security for t!»e Future. 12 chains th isnee east 27chains amt 50 links; be attended to immediately, for in a short i towns that want to celebrate the glpri- that tho Dr. put a lip on. Ilis appear* doubled. It will continue- to be a circulars. thence soutl'“(rdegrees ami 30 minutes east numbers time the water will be top low to permit ous 4th of July- ’Cause 'taint right. We ance will be much improved, says th|| Ambng the various reasons why Mr. 12 chains; thence north 73 degrees east 71 chs. thorough newspaper. All the general news of ^[ to the place i iftieginiiing, containing HSscres the day will l>e found in it, condensed when un­ boats eoiuing to this place. If this is of the country have as good a right to be writer. 17 New Montgomery st. S»u Fracisc Iresence in the Cabinet is con- And also a lot that certain piece or parcel important, at Tull length when of moment: and not done, we understand that the rOad. patriotic and urge the citizens to cele­ nu36 He came home very late one night, an< I 8jdcrld g lesirable, is one which has not of land vin; land bt-iing in thei-oiint/of Yam- always, we trust, treated in a clear, interesting supervisor, with the permission of the brate as our friends of the city. \\ hy known uml designated as follows and instructive manner. hill, Oregon, I r .CAj, 11 attention from tliq press. T'iS.i;4 W, and beginning to-wit: Beii ig.in i...... It is our aim to make the W eekly S i n the property owners of Third street, intends haveti’t we as much right to urge the after fumbling with his latch key a goo< I srrees east from Charles best family newspaper in the world, and we at u tost not 111 14 ilegrces throwing up^he street to the center this citizens of thi3 county to select some cen­ while, muttered to himself, as he a It rs 1 Sown that New Orleans has M. Johnson'r southeast corner of hind claim, shall continue t-> give in its columns a large id beginning post being north- 45 chains, aa|* summer. Better have the streets ^ell tral point and unite in having a good length opened the door, I mushnntakeik '[ i been the bld of extensive depredations west 8 links rroni atiloak tree two -eel hi ili­ amount of mi-<’eUane<>us.readii,g. such as sto­ » gravelled and then they will be good.^nd time as you to wish them to come to the noisli, caush theoloinan’s ashleep. H l|) the i ce port fili degrees east 35.73 chs. ries. tales, poems, sen ntific intel igence and ag­ upon the evenue of the United States, aineter: the axle-trees of wagons will not drag in city? Remember, God made the countjy, Ituffuni's line: thence to post on 31- rs. ..__ ____ _ west ____ _____ __ ___ ricultural information, for which we are not divested himself of his garments witfl and hat |ie Secretary of the Treasury north 4 deg: u ces we-t 13.51 chains on Mrs. Ruf- able to make t oom in our daily edition. The the mud. • and some of the cities we don’t think He some trouble, and was congratulating Ium’s west line i ..... to post; tlience west 51.20 chs. agricultural department especially is one of its has reen [taking investigations prelim- topost in cm'ei-of slough; (.lienee south 9 prominent features. 1 he fashion are also reg­ had much to do with, \ a e;- the said “■“i *.-r slough 1’ to •- L iberal —Mr. Emil Bories, of Mc­ p. himself on his success as he was getting inarr to [i onslaught upon the thieves degrees west 17.70cqains up reported in its columns. , post; theiK-i i' soul li 56degrees east 85.51 chs. ularly into bed, when a calm, clear, cold.voiife . The W eekly S vx . eight pages, with fifty-six' Minnville, writes us that he will, if so C attle DYING.--We bear that a good to t he pliice •of beginiiing, containing 175 an< ’ 4F sent a chill down his spinal colutuf; who hav. been robbing the government Kl.liHiairj--< t land. The ___ said ___ land hereinbefore jbroa-l columns is only $1.20 a year, postage I desired, lend his services on the occasion many cattle that have been exposed to , prepaid. As this price barely repays the cost ci — JXy. It is also well, known that descrilied 4» plairf nrrtoodiis operundl, and insiruct season similar to that of 1855. They say Oijando Hoar, a minor. reg ird t > the result of any prosecutions Sheriff’»? Sale / • We suppose that Mr. Perry Hubbai the auditors in the manner in which they that so far this season and that have ^IJOW ou the 17th, day of February. 1876. wli Jch mí Ight be instituted in that court. formerly of this county, has run bis hq is hereby givi n that by virtue nnc I n comas James Moar, guardian of Orlanda „ X-’ t V 0TI( ’ ii are done. In short, make a complete ex­ i been very much alike. Should it prove At ut il ^Secretary Bristow is permitted AN aathol •ity of an Execution issued out of tbi Moar. and presents his written verified peti­ into the matrimonial loop ere this, as Hon. CircuL it ______ ____ State _____ of _ Oregon fo tion. praying for an order of this Court livens? Court of the position of the whole thing. All 1 ask so, the farmers need not make^ny calcu­ to i emaijrin Hr1' charge of the prosecutions the coiffity lof Yamhill, and to me directed by ing lnni to sell the real property of his sai«l is to have my expenses paid. I da not lations on summer-fallowing for the soil notice in a Polk county exchange that i clerk of I — s * coint. — said in f; Vor of Janies Fris- ward, which said property is «lescribed as fol­ 1 marriage license was issued to him : to >e brought against offenders in New the wish to make anything.” Ladies,, this will be too dry. i<>e, plaint f L and against J< Jin Boston; ilafend- lows, to-wit: Situate in Y’amhill county, State of Oregon, _______ ___________________ Or cans, it is understood that ho will ant. for tht I sum of one hui dred and eighty is a very liberal offer on the part of Mr. Misa E.> m T. n Cooper in February. and being tile undivided one-fifth part of lots T ime F ixed . — The ladies have decided Bories and you cannot do better thfrn to ur< ;e a change of venue, and trials before seven 2<• lOi > dollars. U. S. coin, together with Nos. lot, 97, 99; anil the undivided ohe-flftli JT At the residence of Mr. Thos. Holcqtn, the sum of; and 25 i|Mt dollars cost, with in- Rrt cf the upper half of lot 27 tn the town of accept it. It will be a grand feature in to have their entertainment on Friday a ( Ourt Jlilit has a reputation to sustain. terest at tin t:7 ivton, Oregon. Also the undivided one- i rate of ten per cent per annunf, n v*r»Vì 7th, /A dy tr Rev. CZ "W f J March G. W. Goucher, 4 the entertainment. X evening, March 31st. The programme from Dec. 5 ¡th, 1874; I have levied upon ali the flftb of the followingdescribod tract of land in Su jh a course might result disastrously Jackson and Maggie York. I ’ right, title | ind interest of the above named de said county aniLState to-wit: has not been arranged yet, but from all Beginning at a point on the south liank of / to lomd Of the nearest friends of Grant, fendant, jJ |>hn Boston, in and to the following S harp P ractice .—A applied to B for |o- At St. Joe. March 9, by Rev. J: 7 the Yamhill river; north 2Sdegrees west dis ­ described j real estate, . to wit: ______ we can learn there will be a very inter­ Lots ___ thrpe (3) tant 2u feet from the northwest corner of the and it il be prevented if possible, a losn of $100 B replied: My dear A, esting time. The entertaiinent will be berg, Henry Hamilton, and Mary" J •e- and fouMtf) in block 5, with h imp improvements __ _______ and town plat of Payton; thence south 52 degrpes i a it "is durai for Grant to feel that appurtenances thereof, in Rowland's addition _22.__ west parallel with the line of said town-plot Vinning. nothing would please me better than to of a literary and dramatic character. the town of Mc.Minuville. Yamhill county, Or­ 15 chains; thence north 17.63 chains to the Sejretary Bristow's room in the Cabinet to Yamhill river; thence dowife'aid river with ita egon. Anion ■L. oblige you, and I’ll do it. I havn t $ 100 L afayette M arket .—Below is would'be, better than his company.—AC Saturday, the »Sth day of March, 1876. nieanderings 11.60chains to the place of be­ A 8VCCE88.—The entertainment given by me, but you make a note and I will ginning, containing ten acres, on» rod and en the prices for which country prodi uce Y. i ‘ <9un,|i at thqrhui r of 11 orclock, in the forenoon, I will twenty-six perches, more or less, all in the endorse it, and you can get%the money at Amity last Friday night under the proceed t< i sell, in front of the court _____________ house door town of Dayton, Yamhill county, Oregon. is sold at this place: Eggs, 16 cents!; And it appearing to the satisfaction of the from the bank. Grateful A proceeded auspicies of the Literary Society, was a in the towh of LafSyette, Yamhill county, State that it is necessary and will be benefi­ dozen; butter, 37 cents per pound; j [Ra- A preftty waiter girl in an Iowa hotel of Oregon, , at ' public ‘ " auction, to the higiicst bid­ Court success. The performer* all did well. cial to said ward to sell said real estate. at once to write a note. Stay, said B, der for c ash in h)ind, in (T. 8. coin, the above *toes, 75 a $1 per bushel; bacon, 12 at a military banquet, wore an apron WHEREFORE, it is hereby ordered that the make it $200. I want $100 myself. A The receipts were $6 50. The school described real estate to satisfy said execution next of kin of said ward, and all persons in­ children were admitted free. cents per pound: hams, 14 a 16 c fnts; upon w|iich was the American flag. An and costa with accruing costs. terested in snid estate api*ar before this did so. B endorsed the paper, the, bank Court on Tuesday, the 4th day of 1 pril, 1*76. IgUayetle, Feb ’ ’ 25, ‘ 1«76. -. H. C. DALE, shoulders, 10 * 12 cunts; wheat, 82 hj)9° oficer approached and pointing to the at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon, SheriS Yamhill county discounted it, and the money was divid- U nroofed . -The old Campbell house cents per bushel. (We quote at 82 i|i' 90 a]iron said: "That is a beautiful apron. »• and show cause, if any exists why said real - ed. When the note was due B ifas in estate should not be sold as prayed for .in said which is being fixed up for rent was un­ because if you wanted whuat for fe^. Pjthe "Tes si SHERIDAN, OREGON. petition, and that a copy of this order be pub­ iw,” said she, “that is my flag.” California, and A had to meet the pay­ lished in the Lafayette Courier for three suc­ latter paid.) Qa1 Qats or price would have to be paid.); jo hear it, . ” said shoulder straps, ment. What he is unable to cipher out roofed Monday night, during a severe •J Had I, cessive weeks prior to said day. at 75 cents, and but few for Mtli Lo, » I 11. HUKLLi» • is whether he borrowed $100 of A, or A wind storm. The only wonder is that are held " or I’Ve fought many a hard battle un­ t Judge. is • ' -„I so we are informed. Feed - ch< more houses were not damaged. / borrowed $100 of him. February 25, 1876.' worth Since the chop-mill has. an der that flag. ” “Not under this flag, ............................. in operation the price of feed has declin­ sir, if t know myself! ______________ ” And with that trated ob stole - from la . ay - S now .—Tuesday night it snowed like S ligut S kirmish .—The two prison- «tie, about the 1st o November.' .875, ed somewhat. Bran F is worth at'febast she sailed off leaving the hero beaten at WAGON FOR ML a sorrel horse; star in orehead: fifteen blase« at this place, and on Wednesday oner* who are caged in the socalled coun­ $25 per ton. Flour is quoted at $5«50 a bands high: no. brands. Ifa5*l will pay a his O ’ g*^e- _______ morning the foot ty jail, wu suppose, __ w for „____ want ___ _ of exercise, ___ ____ to< hills were covered with $6 per barrel. The principal supply i w. BAIN WAGO, GOOD AB NEW, H Inch reward of |10 to any one .»ho will rive me > Bpindie, foforsale cheap for cash. Apply Information of his whereabouts or brin^ made a few passes in the manly art. snow, E ^larch, March, bj far, has been as fickle we believe, brought from Dayton. w ------------- l*rim ‘ts J at this office, or to H- L. DALE. I 13 VlkrHfl £nr Air TTnmoDtiAa life jw as a girl of seventeen. 13 yards for $1; Domestics, 10 * Í2 cts. [ >e for the C ourier . Subtfribe Sal JÍO flerious damage was done. c n2;tf 5 il’ ■iF I II ¥ » 41 » a' J Ti -V • *r y ■J ■ - i ! I A It is now thought by good judges that the Democracy will be able to carry Multnomah county, and elect their county and legislative ticket. The difficulty between the Mitchell' and dnti-Mitc^' ell wings of the Re- publican party < is becoming greater» and there is no prospect of harmoniz- ing these matters. The removal of Scett has created a panic among them and they do al in their power to iñ- jy re each other. The prospect for tlie Democracy wan never brighter than now. Corrupt on and demoralization everywhere exist in the ranks of the Republican patty. PIONEER H SMITH, SAMPSON & CO., W T Garden City Plows. I ■ r „ i * Scroll SOliDE^E * I X 4 SEWING MACHIN’S t « r 4 * BUTCH’R SHOP 4 *4 REDUCED TO LIVE AND PRIGES. , 4 4 T HALL I TREADLE i * express line 1 1 DAYTOK ID ST. JOSEPB. U* Í I z ; bUwi] 5° r 1 * ■-* ■ I t I ; ' 1 J J' * 4 HALL TREADLE MANUFACTUR’D CO I nr NOTICE. > •JI B { I t $ t r « ¿j fl I rl MERCHANTS, DRUGGISTS, LAFAYETTE, OREGON. $10 REWARD! S A 0 4 A ■ a A 4 i WALSH & REED, k14 . ■ n : ’I w ' & 4 . > » V 1 «, V . -.if 1 I < k ' J r <«>.** I ». <««1 ■ . * ■ -■ t ' . 1/1 I '•'4 '