lafay : ETTE COURIER. OUR COLUMN- paragraph beginning “Grant’s auc­ tion was ,not a succes.” and he spelled auction with an s. “Chills and fever.” I “What are you* doing now “Sitting out heie irt the iuhi.and FRIDAY, « DECEMBER 3, 1875. tl.i: The castor bean is cultivated in may be losing a ehance to seli J ¡ this 9 • ■ .-J H want Come up Ijere if you- Kansas, and a castor oil factory hay. C 1 Clippings. ‘ • V ' has been erected at Fort Scott. to talk.” [ ■ ’ • The reporter scrambled up to Belles call a great many people k^en the West is not without this pleasant and exhilarating bever- the side ot Ins ncw niade-acqiiain- to church., , tence, a::d„ as • they jolted on he To dp bsiness a man must have , age. Noisy little boys in Cincinnati again produced his note book(and dollars and sense. continued: What’s in a name? D. Seaver are told that right in the center of “What did the farmers do lapcn- fish will weigh by lookiug at its as usual.”) knife. scales. Did your wheat do anyt |g?” The prisoner at the bar seems A fac simile of the high C’s in “Yes.” to have a very smooth face, said a music is reached by treading gent­ “What?” ■ spectator to the jailor. Yes, re ly on a cat’s tail. “Sprouted.” pKcd the jailor; he was i. oncdjust “Or in you rai.-e any tobacco, Why is the job stone like a before he was brought in. now?” greenhorn? Because it s often im- There’s a letter in the candle, is “Yes, dj you Mjabt a chew J” * posed upon. the title of a new .«ong. - It’s a Did you ever know a country pretty production, but yet we can’t •“How arc potatoes?” * I - “ Under the weather somewhat, town that hadn’t the best brass •h.clp thinking that if the letter •I ' ■/’ but able to be out. ” band in the State. stays there long it’s going to get Becoming just the least bijt dis­ Why is the type of an unfinished ' scot ched so that no one can read couraged, the reporter timidly! ask job like old cheese? Because it’s ¡t. ! ed: live matter.1 ‘ . - A gentleman was examining an “Will you brjhg The editor who said his mouth umbrella and commenting upon its the city this year?” never uttered a lie, probably spoke ! fine quality. Yes, said a - person “Got a good load now,” wq^ the through his nosfe. present, he fancies everything he rejoinder, as he checked his horses Tailor measi ring fat customer— sees. And. added a third party, and said: “ G uçss you’d bctltci Would yo hold the end, sir, while. is ¡relined to seize everything he plant what I’ve told you, and See fancies. what it. will yield. Here’s where I go around! The Rev. Mr. Kalloeh, of Cali­ ,where you git off.” i ,|n Norway, the longest days Remembering that i ‘l was about are three months; the morning ptv fornia, formerly of Massachusetts, time to report at the oflice, the thinks that there is no more sin in baffled searcher alter ¡' news dim bed pers are published quarterly. The most effective way for a boy going to a theatre than in going to down the side of the wagon , and to learn a bee sees—by just put­ a chui ch festival, but that voung thinking that a soft answer. turiL- men should not go to.either when cth away Wrath, he camly said; ting his Anger into the hive. “That’s nice hay my friend; their washing bills arc unpai J. where did ¡J come from?” A modern essayist defines gos-‘ . ru ■ Copy was out. The devil pick ‘'Timothy seed.” r \ sip to be the putting of-two and The interrogator grew faint,but two together and making five of cd up a paper and said, Here is something about a woman—must he summoned up enough energy them. ask: I cut it out? Nol thundered the ‘•What do you think you’ll ■ Quills are things that are some editor, the first disturbance in the for it?” ■ I times* takenjTrom the pinions of world was occasioned by the devil “Cash,‘ofcourse Get up Whi ©no goose to spread the opinions t’.iis fellow will talk l us „ .. all ’.1 ’ blind * ■’ fooling about a woman. *. of another.. a minute. He asks more q__ t Ji*’ John Smith was born, baptised, I han a catechism,” and bvfoie t: -tWby are - ideas received while arrested, shot, buried, married ami disc» ura#ed reprcseptajlive of t foxhunting like handbills? Be­ Fcntenccd to the penitentiary for press could recover hbm his sv cause th^y are impressions taken life, all in one week, recently, in piisc the Lay wagon had turni in the chase. Omaha. This did not prevent his the adjacont eoruc'r. I * X Union is not always strength,as haying bis tooth pulled, and stop­ Sir Charles Napier said, when he ping his paper on t!.c following •STSAVE $50. saw the purser mixing his rum and Monday cither. water. WHY l’At - 85 ? Indian corn in North Germany Why is a printing office like a often assumes a place- among the HpU-regulated financial institution? household plants. » It is regarded SEWIbIG’MÀCHÌN’S Because there are plenty of quoins there as fropical. In our country ■ 2EÌ.UÌED EEICE; $35. m lite bank. NOME SHUTTLE S1AV- it becomes- tropical only under the HOME AND IXG MACH1NEH. «? It is now reported that Guibord name of Bourbon, and then it REDUCÉD.TO LIVE AND LET UVE will decline any longer to partici warms a man up so that he feels as PBIl_ES. pate in religious disturbances, on if he were under the uopic of Cap­ »'gTHESE MACHINES ARE SUPERIOR account of his health. A3 to :my ; i.d all; Dice pewe’H. slrak'ht ricorn. necdlo'-; twu thieail-. k ! irttle. locjt-stiic ■k Why docs an omnibus conductor r. The story is told of a New Bed­ ¡he -impl •»: amicheapest. and iheMi?ked by an Irishman to mar THE it’s a four-jienny bit. ry him. Why, Pat, said the cler­ HALL TREAtÌLE itCats- • 1 b there a country editor in the gyman, what have you coinc to me world who can speak favorably of for? Why didn’t you go to the a new paper and not wish it success» Catholic priest? I’ve been to him. yer honor, said Pat, and he told or wy, here’s our 1 me to go to the devil, and I have A popular writer, speaking of the ocean telegraph,wonders wheth­ come. AA 1 <4 • V ■ : n. i Î • Aen^FM1' schoolmaster excuses his passion for angling by saying that, from constant habit he never feels quite himself unless he’s hand­ ling tbe rod. Wishing to keep pasted as to the condition of the crops, and to ascertain the exact amount of dam­ age done recently byjthe floods, a reporter started out on an inter­ viewing expedition. He was for­ tunate cneugli to encounter a far­ mer at the edge of town bringing a load of hay into the city* Burn­ ing with enthusiasm the reporter hailed him. lie halted and the following colilcq iy took place: •‘How are you friend?” “Tired.” “What’s bay now?’ ", “Same as it always was.” ^“What’s that?” Mi « - - T " COURIER — ALSO— Cream ol Tartar Crystals and Eng. lish Bi-Carbonnte of Soda in kejfs. OFFICE Fon SALE !!T > D. CALLAGHAN a CO., Manufacturers, 121 Front Street, ban Francisco. a April 22:Sm-lpf ' ' " Is Prepared to do all kinds '< I ■ 4 I i i ' L ; 1 s > The most i»np >rtant improvement evcl ma.le. I: spves labor and preserves health. No more disease and deaths, side ,<>r back­ aches from usjiig sewing machines. No teaching required. A child can run it. At ways .-tarts the right way. Never* goes backwards and breaks things .Can be stop­ ped instantly. With it on your machine, you can do double the work you ca/i with­ out it. Fifty stitches can bs made witlrone pressure of one loot. It can be applied to any sewing machine. Approved by the Massachusetts btate Board of Health, (sec O.Iicial Report, 1*72), Massachusetts Medl cal Society and Massachusetts Chariti Me Mechanic's Association. The Hall Treadle is a part of all Home Machines sold by us. The Ilall Treadle Grinding’ Machine Must be seen to be appreciated. For, ft farmer or mechanic to see it. is to buy on«. It is an indispcn.'iible article in every farm house, shop or hotel The Hnll Treadle Jij? Saw and Ro: iny* Machine^. » Is an accomplishment in every workshn The Hall treadle is appiichb’e to all m chinery requiring a fo = 2. X < ’ _ Q « X J !<•* - X o X _o s : ¿ x cd ' 2 33 ':t¿F -3-S 5 CD ? « s - S X R S X -< ï K : 5 o «“*■ tí c * X® c- * ■c Ti-n Ä 2-S’a 5 o H 2 »3- Q'ö9 THE..«,.. ht STAI OF TH® PACIFIC C MST. • S TC -I • 3 1 L •» "Í *- B L A 111111n < o 1‘ s a :: pfe I N 01 s c o. i «S4 A ^IlAR. -! » 1 Sih-.e:*, -Zecli OUll BOYS AN MENT IS -1 j-Viurujiii a Flrrdìfla Ur ie ÇhcÎM Hll Y ■« - ' ■ ' • • On Hand or Printed to Order .Merchant. to xvhoevar gets 3 Copi . Ono Year, • 6 Copies 10 Coi Payable A m PI ». 2.“ a > . I * SHORT NOTICE. FARMS ™ SALE HAVE TWO GOOD FARMS FOR SAI K each contain* * A Erce Cb; C Ä S’ DEPART* 1TTRACTIVR r the Family equaled. HAVE IT. y • ' X » hM — s-a *0© B? or ’ALL KINDS Tko Gi’eat Piiporflqi- the Farmer« X HA VINO THE OXLY Club 0 50 8 00 I 00 advance in U. 8. equivalent in Currenc » p £ OWFIt f Coin uifleent MAP. of the Pacific Coast to every subscriber JOB BB.BS ... ' 1----- INJ----- I z s this P art of the state We are enabled to make . DE YOUNG <£- CO., Tro II, P.un Fi-nncli*?o. All Postmasters are authorized ivo subscriptions. Specimen sent free. S end fob one . A SPECIALTY I à ' J i .■ Of such Printing as ■ ' ■ -K ? N 1LLÎ,. AND AND ’ BUSINESS GARD», FANCY PLAYCARD i * PLATCARD8, VISITING The philosophy of headache. The $tom- ach, the bowels and tlic4iver tlicJiver are responsi- responsi­ head. ble fof every pang that !*.„*, racks __ 2._ the i_______ Regulate, tone, and harmonize the action of .these allied erg ¡ns with Tarrant’s Setzer Aperient and cure the complaint at its source Sold by all druggis a. I nt very rc.isouuble terms ing 3'^0 acre*. One 1« aitn.ite o ie mile and a half north of Lalnyctte; is w. ll improved. Ha> a good f ORCHARD And al. kinds of sLr; bhc y of tbe be-t va­ riety. Theotlr r is in Ulicktlem Vai e.v near the Willamette river. There is u good MIDR-SI I K On this placc;pl®n»y of good timber: about 0 acres cleared. i itber of tiiewe farms can he aeeur.d ata bagi ;iin. 'I'ertns e:-P.v. For farther particulars enquire of f 8. SMITH . ‘ at this office. O P HER1.D E , . t c ' ■ * i- The great silver plater, cleaner, and pol­ isher. Jndespensible 10 every fnmilv. A fortune < >r agents. Sells at "sight. Sam­ ple free. Send for it. Address at one©. KENDALL A CO. 4S 7* Chicago, Jll C1KCCLARS, CARDS, LABEL8, CHECKS, ETC. Address orders to LAFAYETTE, OGN. JOHN WILLIAMSON. REAL ESTATE AGENT i OF YAMHILL bounty, OGN. ERSONS WISHING TO INVEST IN Real Estate will do well to call on me P before purclMising elsewhere. I have land of all varieties, and in qnan ' titles to suit purchasers. Terms reasonable. ^rRcsidence and office in Chehalem Valloy. / 10 $20 i per day. Agents want­ ed. All classes of wnrlt- ing people of both sexes young and old, make more money at work for ua, in their own localities, during sdi spat e moments, or all 1 the time, than at anything dl par ra else. We offer employment that will handsomely for every hour’s work. Full particulars, terms, Ac., sent free. ¿’end 1?» your uddie. sat once. Don’t delay. Now is the time. Don’t look for work ordusineau elsewhere, until yon have learned what wo offer. <». » hnhon & Co.. Portland. Main* ooqooooooiioovoooo oooooooooooeooobooeo SEND STAMP FOR CIRCULAR PARKER BRO'S west I meriden . ct . HALL TREADLE MANUFACTUR’G. Cl 17 New Montgomery st, San F»acB< no3<> ’ . DE l .DS jBLANK» !BL a NK^ . ■ ' I ’ T ' ' » “THE COURIER SMESSA - -As Always on hand and for sale at lowest prices: - Calla^baii's Yeast Powder, in 1 lb cans, a superior article,' Callit^liau's Cream of Tartar, in all styles <>f packages. > -* Cnllajplian*« Pure English Bi-car- bonate, ,of Soda and Saleratus, FOR SALE BY ALL GROCERS, i I blanks ; blank H I X .... NO HOUSEKEEPER CAN MAKE SWEET AND WHOLESOME BREAD WITH­ OUT IT. i ■ -------- This well known ami long established YEAST l’QWDER is now in great demand. Sales increasiug daily. iNow 25 gross per day to the trade. D. CALLAGHAN now sole manufacturer and proprietor, uses no drugs—no bone dust; pure white cream of Tartar, imported, direct and ground on tbe premises, being the chief ingredient. DEED» DEEDS DEEDS u i blanks ; i BLANKS: BLANK.-; BLANK-: ETC. * T ■ MORTGAGES mortgages MOR! (J AGES • • RTGAGES BLANK.-' BLiNK-: BL INK-i BL \N’K.-i BLANKS; BLANKS: The Best in the World! ----------- . Iuterv'ivwiti^ a Furmer. A Ney Jersey female institute contains thirty-four red-headed and the principal dispenses with gas and all other artificial light. 4. There’s one pleasant thing about “I)iicd grass.” hoase cleaning. A man can strad “What did you think of the late himself out in the parlor for a day rain?” I or two and spit on the fioor with­ “Thought it was damp.” out spoiling a brnssels carpet. “Didn’t raise anything, then, \ The irtelligent compositor uced eh?” to .hang up his coat in the Detroit “Nothing but an umbrella.” Post office, but the editor wrote a “What did your neighbors get?” « . BLANKS BLANKS blanks ; .w er •the ifeWs transmitted through the a%lt water will be fresh. Gathering autnmn loaves was fcrmerly a fashionable amusement, but since the irruption of the pinch back dress the gathering has been confined io boys. ' LBANKS BLANKS BLANKS; BLANKS: • 1 EMIL E0RIE8. Wulchuiuker Jeweler, M c M innville . ooooooooooooooooooo oeooenoooooooooeo* 73no3:>-ly _ K