IIS.IIIIWI II |I ! ka SSJIIII. ......... ur ................... [Communicated.] LAFAYETTE COURIER. r »i OOW - NÓTHlNGISMt . 9 * ■ ... ' .. ||IIWI ________ . •_____________ « I -A. * - LAffATETT ar ltWE ? SUBMIT THE. Li PUBLICr ELECTION IN MAINE. On Mqnday lat4.jhe State of •Maine held her flection for Statç ÎRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1S75 [ officer«, momljçr« of the Icgi.-latme and comfty oiliecr«, resulting in large i? Dcmocnitic gains ¡lirGiiglioiil the e State. Last year tlic Republi- DEMOCRATIC TICKET. i '( ----- *- 11.397 I I eani» carried the State bv majority, and elected twenty cig hl F' gt Congress, OA‘ Î l HS AND OBLIGA Senator*, while tho Drmoc&iL LANE, elected only three. At the recent TIONS. elcctinn. tho Repdblienn mnj ritv Of Douglas County. on a full vote is, accordin'' to the i AxriTt, Sept. 13, 1875. ptTS. TO LITIGE In my last eommimicution J in telegraph, only 4 584 and the Accorili ng to a «Ire :islou of Judge Snpvemo timated that von would heir from Democrat* cleet eleven Senators. Field of th* Vnited State* ä CowrX, tbe COURIES'. is * the only paper t« thl», county in tvhich Litigunt me »¿uin. 1» rnv Fanntcringi* I From tins it will be seen that the firintinff can be lega |)y done ;he ltold* Dcniocracv came very near carry­ that notices pubitape ft iu apap*«r that com4 ill possession of the followi ing baa a patout ottfside Is not legal. All ing the Slate. Maine has befin a >vho Have litigant pi luting to do will facts that Henry, Warren was » «i- •Tho second number of tbe Vancon- Our old- Independent received. ti.. friend, W. Byron Daniels, is the editor, and makes a spicy little paper. The paper is a credit to the place and deserves liberal patronage. Fi oui all the information we ten in the minutes of y jneethig have been able to gain es pee tii ñ» held the 23d, of May , 1855. th«! the catH.-lropbc of the Bank of ||(} was admitted and look the fol Californio, we eoHCiude that the wing (fillI k : cause of the disaster is simply un FIRST DEGREE. wise and extravagant speculation OBLIGATION. fiie managers of ’.he bank thought I, Henry Warren, do solemnly themselves omnipotent, IV swear upon this sacred volutnc. £'•. gnrded the winde Pacific t a< hit.; What is your name? their properly, 'they < k J -- - - I 1 ihe be Democracy of Oregon, in Gomentiou Gumentiou as- an- A rffivate letter received last ov«?n- semb ed J Uy I :' : 30th, L-7..» 1 • . Fro L ii thè JovrnaCc»! róocnt d.xfc T.'-tJ ing from Jacksonville, says the Port­ The dhe l>em l)em ’ «-cratic <eiidon*aMembled, proclaim the take t ie foillowing: land Journal, states that Wurriti ’ s following proposition» of political fuith and “Th are ijs one thing 4 V .at must a.tlou: : speech at that place was ti ifriisdrabrc action 1. Unfaltering devotion to the Cardiac! bar^ino! said ii „favor of the DenuL •crafic party failure, and was far from ft'n answer pn iciple# icfpleS of R bublican government, government. »» of tho present day, nn -1 h it is, it is ' declared and put int > practical operation li to Lane’s Wiling remarks. In the by the tbe Father» Fathers ot the Republic. the A rest of all: The Republican 1 first place at Pie Ix'ginniug of his ’ ‘ 2. The preservation of the general gov­ ernment in exerci-el part y nis lótpnly b »on uilty of cui- Í In tbe proper exerci e of tbe the speorh, Warren was nervous and powers delegated t<« ii fit the Constitution, pable neg ect crii inai wrong, ; frightened dndgav«» all the evidence» carefn caiefu.ly rtrictly construed, construed. and the ly and >trictly in linten J-.,,,. ince. ‘— invalid, states '**, <>f “ ths 1 ,T several ^ , but t a re listing with all its power. of»timidity, »anally characteristic of t_ of t!ie Union rnion in «1 a 1 h< h« ir right*, dfgi Ity ftv and throlq h corrupt rings and bribery, na ity, as ti.e the mo >no t c m etent bb »»4 4 reli reli- ­ tbe schoolboy and bis ‘ntAiden effort.’ e ;naity, sh e ad I'inistratjou ninistratio*» of their own «¿»mes domes ic the ie xn tü, of Democrats to sacare The vmb irrassment only increased as » abe conc'-rns. and the *ure-t bulwark against r strict i vigilane®, and to infiict pun- jhe tendency toward a'centralized deapot- (he Speaker’prbgrcwed, apd those who lOtkl ■“k j1 . ; ism. ¡shine: w lore ver it is dtpervcd. Re­ looked for a change for tbe better af­ to aggressions bt either 3. < Oppo-ithn . . publi<.jih pi ft tiers, here in Oregon and ter ¡lie had warmed up were sorely department of the <»o eminent, , «ponthe i for.nation <»t tbe and to the exercise -5 of f.d- elsew;' ere — strive to defend and palli- dim ippointed; in fact, tho Republicans ' er. 1 authority of any of the right* o orpcwei® “ IA developed a - ate th i rascalities ‘ daily in i; by the Co st: utJon to C thfeStttesi wen •ft soon disswiisfidd with the show- | r a-sirafl " I spectlveiy. or io the people.. ( the re ord of their party, while tho I m.ado by their standard-bearer, i 4. Timte«*rv attempt on the pant of tho ing Den)0' racy as earnestly «belt to reme­ andj failed to applaud birr». With the i Federal Guvernnn-ntt» exerc;»*- any! powers del- gat- 4 to it and «-«p<-cls!]y el ery in- dy till wrongs perpi'trated iit thé past. Democratic candidate, however, ‘it not t< iferer.ee by the (■o'crnm* nt er uoy of With h'*S€ fact»;buferò the world,ftp- was just to the contrary; hi? «pect-h its dopartment-i. wi b the h caiaffai to “ or any ? Ste, or v/ith thejights of the peo; »pie (bète pare» une proven every day in tho from commienceinent to the end was of to cjio s* th« drown representative», hies, is an y.aij v c, v ithout.hesitation or reserve made up of forcible and telling sen* act of ns ¡¡-patio i which Hiio .id bcirepudi- and conde mned by every friend of con- would sub su • nit the attitude of the re-'j tennes, and was received with fro- •-ate.l of if 11 t ¡«llld 1 ii erty. p stitutiomd 5. We dcin;ind retrenchment, reform .and «poctite pf'litictl partie» ta the1 can­ quent and prolonged applause. Mr. the m<>s: rkid'eeo; oiny in t o adnjiuistra- did jujlgm •nt of a disce: iling public, Whitney 10 also reported a» having > ------ d^parnnj^'ntp.f the («»«^rnment. /tion of -- every , ? ■ — tllA t I onc'rf ;>iayju<-nt of! the «1 bt-'Jihe the that njjay be wr ■otig at t me», but is been a particularly sharp thorn m j cred preservatton <-f thje public fait r, strict o. » —— . e 1»11*: 14 * dL *. J« ■*. u- ^3 a 1-.- . A al way s vis o ht in the end. Warrefi’s side, and betwecii him and .. arc u tabili y < e1 fall bfiicei**. ar.d thi.-pedy and j*i« impart!«': arraignme ‘ .t w w ot «•' aj< •« allnsesjJf . t ».an«i *•*!• of ‘ . .-7 . . . .. .1 .. ..rur.. 1 the pcison «iiulcr the (.•rotectii’n ohthe habe­ Demol racy to secure position^ h: aVe gori: Io tli e party iu poiwer, and in for .Mibs-criptioiH and advei ti?1ng as corpus, and trial by juries impntially selected. j 6 We protest against iheburdens of a this way tho Democracy has been please come forward and settle up. frteh' f corruption. Thu men who We need the money nml must protective tai if, as needless exactions fi om a p -O;»Ie alre idy inttrferablv «pprested by r national debt, and we insist; thst the tgriu*. ’ now,! ad tho Democracy! aro Demo- have it. • ' bos ■ regulated as to provid -£.nlv sliificitct - 4 ‘ W ♦ P* —* p r i» I “ from principle anti a sense of crat,< •reven .e f *r an etonomi^ai adt*jizi-.irali<>n of SPEAKING. i, the Go- eiiMnvdi. aud u«»t for tke j urpof© Of right They are Jionest then who love ON. LÀTATHiTTE DANE W1IA enrobing the few at tbe expe »u of the ma- the ÿr ith í s they view it, and never xpeuh ut Lafaj'ette, Septem­ ■ nv, or f -Hteiing < r.p btr.n-Ji of milustry to the (iet i’.n nt of the utii. r- - d- sn thè D.-mocratic side and so tor ■ « t h«)se*vis hoseivis'i ’nrjg on Sai- iinp Certiite4i.es Certifica Sar- ur iu la er. ]87>, J67 i, at rognes elsewhr-re, and ' liéucu it 1 the Lafcvetie School bouse, coiumeiwiatf I *-• ‘ J j H CARSE, o'c.ock A. M. h ths Democratic ’party is so at 9 ------ Superimeli Jtmt. • gaining fa.vor with people at TO KENT. hat it is only a question < of ! ra OR 500 A RES goo ;> FARM rtfen it shall one in ¡ore assume !✓ Lini torcash. 1 of th>? Government. e .. t tfjia olicd. ?cpt:n t T mi a N \ andaulet ’ B elano . - e *1 !•«» a a!.« «. «-«k.• • .,i~>X:. »»-. is of copnncrcia! basis cocnncrcia! values; th^t an irre- (leein ble paper cut rem y is a nat, Ubidii curse and^veinsist nponfthe speedy »euir^.by the Nati * nai Go>« rement ____ _ to «peci4 ,. _ je ya\men s. Ti e irstit di «» id lhe •; M<*»n <>f na- lr*' «**••■<» «1 ««»«vu iliuin/uiui»«' tion «1 Itavi bank w:.s h Tr»n«l irpthi ilie icouutry and :|u'injustice ¡in injustice upon the ihe lab.>ri g£cl:ii es, end labori g'jels/S ileurand such pr..dent legi4gticnk«i.s and we demand pn.dent ìegi la fieni sis 1 will ** iradnalh bling t; is s a stem tb V do o: that $1 e rre «-y winch mm he is-n- ctl shnll be cohverribie into «: inji.p > ~ D «fc- * m nd anti be iss ed directly by the G« oVejrn1-' ment T iat the treaty between the Ui.i ed, istatrs and i i.iuj s mil be so n odnn d a# t<* applj solely to commtv cial rclati u . 10.' Th.ti we coadem i the party i-i pow­ er n it only foV jis cont-a pt of constitu- ional ubFg’tio s, b t for extravagan * pr.r- tiz oppressi-c rujvst and «lefec- ti' e syrieni nf finance awd t «.ration: for the prose: vatfon of t .e f.ii.«.*trons «»f the Gener­ al Governme h to «nrich the groat corpora- at theo'pe so of the people: t< r tbe jobb i-y and fra i«i» which Ivivc brought ie- pro.ich H’ o demo«-.'atiek.sti utkn : f r ’he iniquities ot *he jr teethc b .- s em: fui the '•urso «*f the l.t- oa«ertable paper menci } for t-^disgrae fol dipl inaiicservic.-rndl i!- B- «li.nl mance fi -appoint:; e ts ar>«l f iu o ¡¡pete t anti c«»!r;i| t men at L mid and ahro d: for its aticinpt to j,a?s an i.j*- Constit tional force hfll nndforn cit ftigiw; of other • normities whit-b hr.v. render red that Qrga> izaticn «e of.ihe declared ]>r n- ciple and sympathize with the avo . cd ob- eefs of the ord-e known as the Patron* of H isbi: dry, and w th tbr e cf al etherlor- de's havin-r tor their obeet «•*.• tree chine nt amlrt tormfn rubli^ at!» rs and ti e social advancement oft- e . eople. l’>. Tl>»> we r.re. in favor of laboring to seenr- tW j*nlieioos app op i* ions from • ongress f ir the p :rp- ho ot imp. o\ ing our. harbor«' alo p the western a <1 noitheiii to ndaries of cur Staff, and we «lemaud that our re.>re»cntative» in Uougiess sliaii use thoit best, effor s to secure the ai I of tho General Government for th • Lee navigation and ynprovein nt of th? Columbia rjver, by the construction of locksjat the Cascades; the i uppvemenl of the tyillametti* and » 0- q el‘e ri ers: the «-onstnietion of the Port­ land. Dalles and sa't Lake and Winnemucca Ra Iroad-. and ihe early completion of the Ore ton and Ca'.ifornia Railroad from Rose­ burg to ti e S ate line. >4. That the jx>licv jiolicv of-*the 44. of the RepnWieaw Republic.*» pnty hi «lealii put« *leafii ff g a »Uh Uh- iJm tha India'«.tribe» IndlajL trito» ia inipo itic and unw se: *hat the tin e hr>s ar- ri" ed when fi toe e tvw fvw Ind Indians ri«ed “’»« n®w now occupying occupving ilia. Grand Uonde Bond? and Siletz r< r« Ber »er the U„.J L'ma ills. vati>ns to rMue other vati >ns sh' uld I to ms removed V> lwalitv. and th«;» open up to settlement by the white» some of tto Richest portions of. MH .... St ite. th«» •15. That we invite the b»-arty ­ hearty co opera o] tion of all ali pers pets ns. ns, wb wh ttrver t ver may mav 1 have been tbe ue the pa t political ] olitical affin t ee, e?, to unite with ... in carrying out tbe principles bc.eiu enun­ ciated. Sheriff's Sale. . / * — l'i a ! Bclé ¡w Me give a little of tho “lan- OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT b\ virtue and. kunIjoriij oi a writ ot daul»*| ’’ business as carri« d on by séc- rxeeution dnly-i«jsned our ofihe Circuit ('ouirt oi Yamhill ebuntv. S afe of Oregon, all alDns and foreigners, for all local. by Samuel l Delmo, a» stated retarci andl to uiedivected by ¿. Kogers, clerk of •« With the issue of 8epteujber 101b, State and government offices? ot Oliver Moor Moor, WaiH r whotxi tho Intel ior Depart- said county, in ia\’or ol nmlhtiif. an<’. against Richard .Mu one, de­ ’the &Jem Mercury closes its sixth vol­ u><4 j io severely assnikd. De la­ fendant, for the sum.ot a xty-sevendol- iars-rt»»d seventy-live cents. ¡$t;7 75). U. 8. ume. Undoubtedly tho Mercury is one no*8 1| [nda ìleting is atout on a par gold coin, with interwr tbbreon at -the THIRD DEGREE. nite of ten rerccnt. ner annum nntii paid of tljg best papers published on the wnb ì Viiliuus*, and it Williams baJ togmher with costs and disbiii-smems obligation . Pacifi4 Coast It is fearless and bold According to a statement in the tu rèssp, iv’i.yn(> Delr.n amdnnring o .*12 7Q and wWning costs. 1 am dire.- cd to soil the follow ng desen >- I, Henry Warren, kricciinii bo- Engineer a w eek’s work in Birming- nel Walke f says; —condemns wrong wherever found. e-l premises, to-wlt": Lo-, No.'S in b.ock No. 18. with huiiling Mr. Bristow, the editor aud proprie­ fore God my Maker, my left hand him coinpiiijs, amorfg its various re­ io has, at the lhereoni ThtgSdcn •etary’s office ’In the town of S’. Jo^vrh. Y'am- Oregon, which ju lament un i tor, should receive liberal patronage. up iidsed toutird, Heaven, to all sults, tile fabriciitiou of fourteen mil­ govérimm. 1 t cx punse, :opr carriages niil¡county, cree was cmolietl and dockejcd in ihe « -------- - i ■ < » » •rk’s office of said court in sat 1 conn y lions of p« n i, six thousand liedsteadi, aucfefl /e bprses. TU ose i an* attended I the 2.»tli day of October, A. D., 1373, and ; A ‘> J iosell to the highest, ar public cev-L .,_____ T_____ _ ___ 7rire(rc is nothing witty in the alty than that of having my grave five millions of copper or bi onze coins, pur ai| UUUJ each; two dr ivers at $>720 and ton, in front of the Court-House door in Latayettc. Lafayuttc, Yamliih Tinnitili county. Oregon, for abnvfl. iii hand, tbe above descrioeu proper* above. Strange isn inn ’t it, that a traijiplrd on by forcigrte rs nini (<» twenty thoi sand pairs of spec’aqlcs, pur at uum each. '< The cc it of harness r' casti - i T j e ■ ' apcr macho wares, $11)0,- six tons of {; rriagds, etc., and nj ipairi i, repair» of ca«i X n. C. Ó a LE, s II. A/. I'JIUC., man possessing as powerful mind ImviT n»v • »r mcmorv • cnr-ei (1 by my Sheriff of Yamhill county, Oregon. 4w’ as the editor of jU»e Reporter would children and my vhikh'd n’s child Q00tof jewelry, fotir thousand miles of tur sia if months (was ropQrted to hav« •sept. i.,T ,s. iron ahd stenl wire, ten tons of pins, uuen'< Sver ¿2,100. < At the same rate rcn. &c. perpetrate the above? I ' I Final Settlement. fivo tons of lair-pius and hooks and fur thj V balance of the ye-^r, thy entire i For the truth of the nbove I i eyes, one hundred and thirty thous­ cust O| f car -iag«s and horses lbr the Henry Warren Werten joined ^he the Know- T^TOil E IS HEREBY GlVi-X THAT I challenge thb editor of x\\C~Reporl- and gross of wood screws, five hund- hund­ S>. tfi-j Jary’s office alou® » would be JLx h tve tiled my Anal account its p isr *i NetiuDff party in aijd pledged red tons f f nuts and screw bolts abuu$i«9,r (j00 p«jr annum. The «corc­ an of Guy \\ ¿llkuns. Mirrick Wiliams and hutiMlf by a solemn oath to support • r for a contiaoirtion. 'Vp|. Aden "il'batn-, minors in t C Co nt; 1 fifty tons of tary 4oub ¿(less dues not 1 uso spik n?s, all ths Court Of the 8 ate of Oregon for Yam ¡11 foreign born citizen for office. Now r I anv bodv doubts the rruth of and co ility,. »nd that »» eJbes i ¡y; he t4h .day is thc^time for foreign-born citizens to the above, the’*d< cuincnLs’' can be wrought ire in binges, three hundred c'ar|itì|;es t.ud borse» hi nself exelu- of de tub r. 1 «at ;t o’clock 1*. SV i-'t.i«- and fifty miles’ length of wax for siyelyl B at it makes no difference to tim| ap, ointe 1 by »ail court for I caring get eyen with him by voting for Mr. produced. vestas, forty tons of refined mutai, intjlal, thu tM -ptiyur who pays or them I oh'icti'jns thereto and settlement thereat. . Lane who doe» not entertain nny such . KE. l!l.i PlNgOTT. forty tons o.’German silver, one thou­ tin irdian of the e«ta fe ■ f the minor heirs of ¡that oue of am c-Ädits bly informed ’ fnoatioal notion#. Let overy nstur- COMMON SCHOOLS. • V sand dozens of fenders, three thous- T. |i> Wjliiams dace scd.f citizen-go to the polls on the and five hundred bt-Dows, eight hun­ the c¡ riaj^s, a driver, a d two hoTs- t 1 IkTayc.te. Sept, 10, 1'75. The Republican papers uro striving I dred tons of brass and copper wares i es, haXe bien at Mount drnon, Ohio' SMh-day of October and vote againaf I to in*ko the’people believe (tot the — these with a mulfitudu of other ar­ Henry Warren, the Know Nothing. the p«|: ¡st f< ur mouths, am (I the wife of Democracy Are in favor of dividing ticles. being exported to al’inost ev- thii dii ver, who is employed iu the globe. The Republican party in this State tho cominori school fund for sectarian ery part of he Pateia off co, draws his pay during ' ■ ' .11 bag no opinion on the tariff question. purposes. We presume there is no ;e. Non*i of phese things A new Cnglish lamp for light- bis absence. The Democracy, on the other haud, person so dull ar ignorant as to be­ mt the abso abso-< ­ iqg and liHiting is constructed in cvul(F;tak(i place without have declared unequivocally in favor lieve the charge. Tho D.uiocratic lute If-ow ledge of the Secretary and 3 . a » of o tariff for revenue only. This is party is opposed to all 6ueh proposi­ such a num ner that the oil rocr his as|ista|nt, who thus concur in and an agricultural State and has few tions and wlways has been. The plat­ I voir and cône plate can be plid in- profit th) the he misappropriation of the LAFAYETTE O G N. manufactories that clamor for protec­ form of thq party in Ohio is explicit to and out of |M)siti»n the cone publié uioaeys, whil| crippled solders tion; Hence, a large majority of the on this subject as is also the constitu­ i plate being formed to fit ‘the bodv •/ starve, that they may have able-bod­ tion of that State framed by Demo ­ people favor tbe Democratic proposi - j of the lamp, i rid in this wav shut- ied stable hands. • '........... »4»»»1, ' I crats. In this State tho Democracy lion to regulate the tariff laws so as ! ling air ................................... icnmnmnicaiion bei ween 'W1|EELp-o i X7 o *L tn B.— The Port- ,u.^ oil .... to raise sufficient revenue and not pro­ under Governor Grover’» Administra­ the nnper :md lower >ide«, except iaud Journal, which has been one of tect (me class at the expense of thj tion has fo’tared and protected the af- ; other. Let them say so by vot ing for oresaid fund. Tbe Republicans under j through tllje cone. Tlte top of the the staunchest Independent papers in Woods aud May stole tbe school fund. J lamp stove is formed of two pjàles ¡ths S^ate, has àt last flung its Domo- Hon. L. F. Lano. It says: says: Such is the record of the two parties in the lower one ol which is fixed ¡oratio banner to the breoze. It The matter is in tho hands oi here. “Heretofore the Jonmal has been in- ■A a short metal tube, whilo in the SCHOOL COMMENCES - Democratic lawyer«, ond when •deperfduHt of all political parties’; to­ Republicans order their printing Tho Journal gives tho Oregonian the upper one is formed a hole to serve day, iccognizing the corruption exist­ a« R seat foiur-fcettle or other ar­ ing ig the republican party as being 4one in this paper, straightway it following pertinent dig: ffoea into the paper that abuses The Ortyonian thinks we are ^oing ticle. and i|t one side is fixed a widespread and threatening tho liber­ Republicans and makes them pay too far back when we bring up War­ chimney. Spacc >g left between ties of tbe people and the life of the The King of &the body is tho brain; the stomach its main support; tho 7 plates to allow the the two to two price« for their work.—Re- ren’s KnoW-Notbing record. We ap­ natioi, the Journal supports the only nervesits messengers; thu bowels, tho’ pofftr. ,»x-.. i : , preciate the wit in yonr little para- i heat and iroductu of combustion party that can save the country, and. kidneys and the pores its safeguffrds.- I the ketlle. .. We know nothing alxnit the graph, friend Hill, but does it not to circulate around .. ., and . is now and forever will l|io Democrat- Indigestion creates a violent^ revolt the STces ori ol . ^nettiy contending for th» the A*«««' causo amonir among these attaches of the re^01«ted comejover w.U be the Xyorter. 2 — - ---- ---- 1? history from the cradle until the time which we have nothing to do; without di#lurbing any part rtf the A méchant who doos Rot advertise Ta^rfaLvæEffei ------ rrant*» Effervescent Seltzer Ap- he became our bigamous 8enator? lamp. Tl^s seems to be a decided can no u>ore succeed in drawing cus- , ,---------------------- erient. btrt the !a«t w« do, and say there EJÌD25o lo G. F. ROWELL A CO., New ||ian Oftn a young woman, with- It renovates tho system and restores No. 2 of The )F«i Shore, Portland, improvement upon the plan of. don- 1 ii not the shadow of truth m it. York for Hook (»itti «diti«'») cotitiia- sti iicti s-f'i. . , • i s U--.'i" "li-■•r J I f- i ----------------- ------------------------ s* ** O'.--TT S V. •* * c