— Lafayette Courier T~ h ; g r Published every Friday by RATES OF ADVFrtrSlNG: 1W r^~T3^ j 3 m T s M 'J' ♦ i Inch, J ill J 1 26 I 1 % t b ÓO715_nr<»ü Inches. 1175 | 2 50 ¡ 3 GO I * UP | 12 | IO~0> DORRIS9 <8c TTEAilBTtEE L< y TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. 3 m « Copy, One Year, • One Copy, Six Month«, - Dae Copy,. Threu Mouths, | Legal Atlc^rlixemeidi to Itc Paid for up- »n Proof by the Publisher. tjl,,Personal Adv». 5(1 Ct«, a Line, il VOL. X ¿ afayette , O regon , S eptember -NO. 30. f I Suboriptions Sant East, $2 00 a Year. —■*——•»*—»aww i ■» i i — ing—wey> BUSINESS CARDS. 3 ûêïïeïTll^ ifmhc», ¡ 300 j fC»»l. ’ 1'0 j i Col. I 600 i 1 I 93 00 1 tô . 1 oo • » gg-1 ‘ Tf I 1 ' ' p. The commission ix cm ¡towered to examinei into and | report on the management of Injjian affairs and they will doubtliss recommend radical changes wl|ch can be brol 17. 1875. PRICE TEN CENTS. — -------- 1 - ................ - -■ • TELEGRAPHIC I ------- ----------------- The Golden Rule. and permitting breaches of them, while assisting in the consignation of such transactions by facilitating the .payments from the treasury. Mr. Walker referred to ,various fraudulent transactions in eon neo tiou with Rod Cloud and Whet- Rmue n^encies. He ga^e vriy vol- uminom* support to all his charges in the shape of officiul documents and affidavits gathered oil Id*« vis ■ it to the Red Cloud agency. 3 50! 4-SO ÎiÎQÔ j ^0 ! zYfo 4 (X) i S¡00 | Il [là | 30 00 5 50 I 6 00 ! IS 30 1« 00 Tift J 9 00 I 10 *| 36 1 40“Ä 9 OilTH fîÔ I <0 I GO Ö0 H’»!. ¡ 700 i ^~~Tio~Ti5 ‘11 “ 1 3òrTW"l¥«to hmineet* notice.« in the Local Colo nun, 15 -entk ner line. e»cl in*rrtion. » ■ -»K I « I————— She Paddlad her Owa Boat. ' • I What’s this boy doing here—this Tho train wa« approaching Atlanta, innocent-looking, white-haired boy? and the obliging conductor went up­ [ fbox the F orti . asd dailies .) - . j . ATTORNEY AT LAW, asked his Honor' to the homely old lady who wat evi­ I ■ - - Gcttin’ up a dog fight, exclaimed dently traveling alone, and aaid: A.- LAFAYETTE, OREGON. Pennsylvania Dvniocrnllc Platform. Bijah. Madam, have you a companion? I ILL PRACTICE IN ALL OF THE 4 about by.the next ebn^ress. What­ My son, is this true? Ob, yea, sir; Martha Anu made me Courte. marl lv8tf inarl.Z,.' B rie , Pa., Sept. 9.—A platform ever evidence Mir >h or We I never said a word—the other boys fetch along her little bhock ridikulu 1 was agreed a late ho'tH* last |heard and the got up the fight! wailed the li*d. may ha ye-«’ill be «heard that she calls a kuiiLpanyh11' * » E C. BRADSHAW, ! night, WTiWis is follows: No! no' I mean an escort.’ I do not know what I cau do with lOmiWrion invitesiuuv one aw are xJ ' e ’j . • I Resolved. That we hereby declare you. We keep a cross-cut saw here A what, sir? and tho looked at him A-ttorn^y at Law, ol anything wr roug< iu the Indian I our unfaltering devotion to the to saw boys iuto, but it is Saturday bard enough to break’ her epectaetes.' LAFAYETTE, OREGON. bureau tO' stale thiir knowledge!. A fellow traveler with you? ex­ fundamental principals of demo­ morning aud I don't want to muss up They are determin ‘ d to avoid ueg Ofllcé in the Court House. the station house. I suppose1 we--* plained the conductor desperately. cratic government as enunciated Testiug Tlleir Houeaty, • • leclingor refusing to hear tcrlimu She rose. Her uplifted band look­ The boys lied on me! exclaimed the by Thomas Jefferson in his first in- : I r ; ny, and the critichimi* which gen The transfer of internal eii'inie ed deadly iu its black mitten garui- boy. trembling all over. P. C. SU LEW AN, * I augural address, to wit: Equal erully follow Mieli invertigaliun supervisors, the Neiv York men They did, eh! Now, boy .tell, mo ture. and exact ju-tiec to all men of You good for-nothing' scamp; no, Marsh has said tint he would up I going lo San Fraiirisvo, t te San the solemn truth—did you have hold •>. . ll * ; • whatsoever state, or persuasion, , 1 sir! The idee of me, a lone woman, ILL hereafter be found at the south pear will) a ch ud vf wiines.-es. Il Fiuci.-co meu lo Richmond, and j of either dog? east corner room of Reel’s Onera religious or political, the support • * .■ No, sir— ypu may kill me if I did ’ with no natural protector but a sheep House, up stairs, Salem, Oregon. nilly Welsh will not cope to Washing the Richmond mon to New York. || Did you say sickem? skin kivered New Testament, having ot state govetnments in their rights ton the commi.'kioi wi.l go W. M. RAMSEY, No, sil-r-uo! a feller travelin' with me! -Your as the most competent administra­ addphia or i>r scud >(|iiTv one to Didn’t you but five marbles against mother ought to weep over your im- Attorney at Law, tion for our domestic coucerns.and his deposition. I i • ' Il three jaw-breakers, that the red dog perdence,, youngs man, and I’ll hare LAFAYETTE, OREGON. the sun^t bulwark against an an- Gov. Amei B.liked. >• ye to know that I kin git along iu estv of officers. The recent dis- would win! • I ti-repu »lici. ti'tendency ; supremacy this world about- as well as any sixty- No—no! W ashington , $4pt. ID.- A tele emery of frauds in Cdifunda has Office in the Court House. of the civil over the military au­ Well, boy, this is a curious case, year-old widow that you ever struck I f!' 4. . 7 giam hlis jti.eace I Grantsville, Utah, arrived last that it is four times butter to pull heart’s CM) t«-nt. t tion ol the public tuiih; freedom of ---- t- - . '««» I u .............. PORTLAND, OREGON. offitiers are not prtwenied from ex­ night to inquire into the cause of weeds iu the garden than to attend a A Mutual MutuudorsteMMUng. . S» religion; ireedom of the press; that janllUf ecuting legal prqjcess, and that the Indian tr uble. . lie had qii dog fight. undue multiplication of public offi­ l'wo colored citizens Saturday •• »* I will, sir. good citizens will ¡»id him in i the interview with the Indiuns to-dav, 7 . w - REMOVAL. cers und the inordinate increase of And remember to keep trutl^ in your had a little trouble on the postoffi­ djt>cbnr ge of his difties when ncei|- and found that thcri e were two cir- R. ALFRED KINNEY HAS RE- salaries and emoluments ol office handkerchief pocket all through life. ce corner. * moved h s office.uu I Residence >q the cd. T he attorueylgencral expres- cmnatances connected with the af­ i Ouu ounce of truth is worth more in are among the many evils which “Sir, I stigmatize you as a false- Northwest corner of Alder and East Park- scs the opinion that ihi} difficulties fair. First, there were two pros* the wholesale market than forty tons Stieets. (douh e h >L80), where he c.an be radical i ulu has loiced upon the hoodfieri” exclaimed the first. found at any time. i are at ah end. * of lies. pector f < who came tn Indian Tcbe ’ i country, and favoring an ecoiiom “And you, sir, are a cante^ìg t Yes, sir. The attorney getjcral to day teli camp in Snake Valley, during his A. M. HURLEY, hipck-ritel^ replied the second. .¿I icul administration of lederai and Now you cau go. and his squaw ’ s graphed Gov. Am|s iequesting in- absence. W hell ¡state g »veriiments,so tliut the peo “Ah! talk away!” growled the Thu boy. l eached the door to en­ they ! i( lui't.ed to camp the white formation resqiectihg me pre.-ent counter the baud who marched him first, "but my character is above LAFAYETTE. - ' • OREGON pie may be as speedily as possible relieved- »rum lèe burdmiyf^axu- coiuliliou olufi’uir? in the ii |x>ried iiu^n uffergd Tobe^fiO Ibr hissqmrw off, singing disprove!. it t" ” ‘ ■ A, which he refused. 'They then want- • Oh, b try i artholoinew u tin the woods. / disturbed portion of Mi.-si sippiL tiou with which they are now .--e- “And your influence don’t de- t lua bea tif I hole in the gro nd. As soon the necessary informa cd him to show them a quartz ledge \\ here b ruble bees buzz sad woodpeckers tach from my reputation one Iowa/’ riuusly oppressed. We call upon sin« ‘ •’ our lederai and state repre.-euta tiou is received the attorney gen and spring on the mouhtai':^ When And the straddle b 'ga tumble around: growled the other. A That in winter when the snow and the slush oral will arrange a conlvrance with they arrived . at the Ipfiud one of Delivered by lives to strive by all proper means And thus they pai ted.--Ace •-., j ■ * » "sY ■» in Ltfayeite at 3 ceni» i currency and circulating medium . .One hundred ni|n in Jack old genie man residing on Congress struction of* a higk.S|>ccd boat on ti canV per puuna. heretofore mudeb« the Republican | city. Mtssissipp'., reported to the him, one striking him in the back, street, Detroit, whose son was a mem­ ' i./ > : I . . . I.. ■. t Z .. ♦ • I... ■ • .... slightly w oundhig him. No shot < ber of one of the winuing crews at an improved plan. Her outer Acll Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturday s, party, and the further contraction ! . g‘nel »•-<»’ were fired bv •> the Indian. •The the Toledo regatta, has rather conser­ is made entirely of Mtintz metal,ii propo.-ed by it in view ol foiced.j ' ^eei wflU be at Lafayette. allo,, of great durability much us­ resumption of specie pay pa\men has. lo preserve (jeaje and pro other circumstance occurred in the vative notions concemifig the muscu­ men is has JOHN BOSTON. jlptf already brought disaster to the C I i the aioht ol 1 hey ^Sacramento mining district. Spring lar art. On Sunday the following ed in Europe for sheatifig wooden VI citizens. I .’..Kiivas any insur­ vallev. A white inun discovered dialogue occurred tietwecu the father vessels, and for axle bearings and business oi the country and threat . ' diti not . kiiow lher aud son. the like. In |he tria! with one a? ens general bankruptcy; demand I rection in Hinds of any other Co. two Indians, one riding a hoive (Father) My boy, bow much did the fastest boats, this new craft I that this policy be abandoned and I until they saw his» dispatches to he*had lost a vear previous. and you weigh when you begau to train proved victorious, accomplishirf BOOT & SH0£ MAKER, that the volume of money be made Washington, but they were never- apprised him of the fact, and that i for this regatta. . nineteen miles per hour, the en­ n, LAFAYETTE OGN. and kept equal do the wants of theless ichdy to respond. It is ah liflktvanted the hor>e. The . Indi- (Sou) 160 pcuuds. (Father) Aud you pulled at 145 gines making an average of neneKr so.understood that one hundred an refu.-cd to j give it up and run PREPARED TO MAKE A No. trade, leaving »he rcslonution of AM PR J six hundred revolutions per min­ 1 pair of Boot« or Shoe« on «bort legal tenders to par in gold to be men from Lowndes county have away. The i\ ¡hite man procured pounds, didn’t you? notice. (Sun) Yes, I worked down to that ute. working with steam at 100 brought about by promoting the also reported by ¡qttci to the gov­ the help of eight other men and beautifully, i1 ff^Repairing done with neatness and dis­ pounds per square inch in the toil­ intercepted the Indians as thev industries of the people and not by ernor to the same effect. patch. I [ (Father) And how much is that juljr9;tf J. HANEY. A Stubborn ' W itne»«. were passing a ranch and filed on badge worth that, you won down er. This vessel is described as be­ destroying them; that the public ing 48 feet long . at the load i ‘ , interest demands that the govern- C hicago . Sept. 12.- A Wash­ I them, killing I mh I i Indians. No there? (Son) Don’t know exactly, but I and 6} feet at the beam, mk 18| gurnt should cease to discredit its ington special says |he Indiun In­ white men were hurt. These are depth’of hold, while hei fffetn »! own uionev and should niase its vestigating Commisi’ion spent the all the Tacts that can las ascertain., think I hvat d some of the feilere say draft is one foot pjne hk hes/SliO they cost $27 apiece. legal tenders receivable lor all • greater part of yesterday tn the ex- cd o1 the killing of cithjer white or ' ■ - i- '■* 1 ‘ (Father) Um; $27. Now, then, if is fitted with command ci ghfv-, public dues except where re.-pect' amiuatiofi of Samuel Walker, lie red men. The Indians say they you’ll wprk olf the sauie amount of said to ba of very siqierigr'worit- It costs no more to k ep good fun is (ban I poor ones. for the obligation < f contract re pioxeua very .»lublmin wilncs^and want no fighting with white men, ’ ilvsh next season t>y sawing wood, I but waul to live peacefully, and if ! will ¡five you a badge worth just four muiHihip in ever)' respect^ quires pa) meat in coin. produced an array ot testimony I« .____________ . ,V1 drive a screw two feet nine niches Red Cloud. very cxHiviucing. The manner ut white men are dete:mined to kill times as much as that one, aud ¡uu or- in diameter and three on — my ’ d*;r — j tailor --------- - for the best suit of. C hicago , Sept. 10.--A Wash ' the commission toward Wulker them they can’t help it. 1 clothes v/.v.u*..' you vu cau v>' i I. over, one of the members called in A womau went out to make a call and w. lit |<> a notary to git’ fflhi is a member, is at Laramie yet at all about * his construction ol the tlnvhosiess. Angelique, he M»idzl on a neighbor, just at dusk, the other to draw up an aliidarij^. jgifg qiun contracts, the wish of the Black Hills treaty law beariftg on Indian urn going to give y and warranted to cairy commission be might be allowed to ing him or impal ing the etrengih *'J * ' year, when " Where’s your mother bub? of the great Platonic when •afcly any ■aLiQce. the varieties up his hand unfi I join them, but that he thought it ol the evidence hei>ffert¿d. Dur- Oh, she’s gadded out somewhere. comprise every thing mu.-1 return .to its for.- : Park awl Lfgjt Brann Brabmja, Buff and Part- pest lor Seuutur Howe to complete iug the years 187 ual promise, 187 Ij, ij, 1872, 1873 ¡873 Where's your sister? ridga Cachjaa. White ______ leghorn». _____ ___ T Hou-1 1 mer condition? Know, then, that Gone off ou the excursion. dans, and bilver Kpaxgi-d Hamburg», ■ the Red Cloud agency iuveatigu and 1»74 Walker became person­ prouerly ^sealed ners, and he Importer and dealer of Choice poultry. Box had her reply. I am perfectly’ j The baby? Why, some boy# took 1®) ! retm ned tho grateful but4oi> • C5J, Sen Franoi-co. no evidence is found to implicate found, as the record'* will prove, him down on Lewis street to see a gedul pledge taker. You’re a brick willing, she retorted; Imt it kjiut Let*» taka a drink. , [jy Please stete what papar you saw this Secretary Delano, secretary Cow­ that during that tiine^with the poJl Let ’s take : • 3 . , • . . - . X •*<» < . j. sixteen thousand veais since you ■ Aud why dou’t you go some ./here? advertisement in. 50m3 an or commissioner Smith in the riod of Francis* A4 Walker’s ad • ' I ‘ We acknowledge tW rooeipt of th» were here liefo’ e, and you left naked the UJy \he shut the gate. frauds, and they have not discov- ministration, secretary Delano, as r Mt bout paying; settle the ‘ old ’ I *m going--waiting now to go Second Annual Reportfifty. cred that frauds as alleged by distant secretary (J ._i j _____ . . ». . . - my S'1’! down U Michigan ave- Sup rintenduut of Publio Schwob •< score, and 1 will trust y< ou oil the and post mid+THE beverly budget Mursti, Marsh, U elsh and Wulker iid— the reverly w eisn Walker exist commissioner of Ind pue to buy some onions and four cents the city of Portland, far iu*- - 8^«ti^ oMiiVnSw® Adi BOW, or have existed in the man- July 2, 1875. The report is v- ? * worth of chernas. j. Somethin« entir.-Iy new. Ad l ( cd together in const! iiitlv violating - Li. ■ ■ dxe»«at once, THF BEVEFL , YCO., The family didn't seein to care pletc ancl spuakx ageincnt of the Red Cloud agency. I the laWjboth as to Ip, the man^ Çhkwço ting contracts Subscribe for the COURIER. call er i. > , ■» about callers. ■ ageinent. D r 9 .U- JAS. McCAJN, - i ■ ' . r W Attorney-at-Uaw, W t 0 1 Attorney at Law, FRESH BEEF, JOHN BOSTON I — J 4—————------ ——■ -- ----------- — . ■ ■ ' *- J. HANEY, 9 » I ■ l. 9 Iwi YOUR POIllTf. OAKLAND POULTRY YARDS. j SEASON^ 1875. Eggs for Hatching SENT rMg 1