LAFAYETTE COURIER. FH1DAY, AUGUST 20, 1875. sons. Summons. ■ , .Wtq;'. ■ Wheat brings a dollar a bushel at Albany. •. | Farm laborers are in brisk « de- mand in Grand Ronde valley; Injun summer, you bet. Lhin county fair will commence Green corn in the market. October 5th and continue -|our “Shoo fly, don’t bother me. 1 days. * I days. Two weddings on the velvet. Sooh oe time to dig your cabbage. The A’torian claims, that. Clat Base ball seems to nave died out in sop county will produce grasg elev­ this county. en feet high. ’ I Hot. Fly time. j Smoky weather. T he W heat P pospect .—Withiu the last d»y or two wheat has had a tendency to decrease in price in our home market, but no reason can be ascribed for such depression unless it is for the want of sufficient means of transportation. During the first part of the week $1 02 was offered at St. Joe., the extra two cents, we suppose, Hull Johnson came very near hav­ was the result of competition among ing a runaway this morning. the local buyers. The price at St. There is an enormous quantity of Joe. now is 95 cents, an~ in poor de­ wheat going to St. Joe., now. mand at that. At McMinnville and The merry hum of the thresher is Dayton the price still remains firm at heard in almost every direction. *1. When more ships a‘rrive to take Poppleton is having some Mr. E. Po away the surplus, our opinion is that substantial additions put to his resi- .... - . -; . ! u___ it will again begin to advance a little, dence. The price at Portland is ¿till ^till firm at | Tbe The ft B f t mOsphcre has been too full $1 90 and $1 95 per cental. - W« We of smoke see how to get any of suioke for us to «ee would vot advise our readers to hold jtwms. items. their wheat when they can dispose of The whistle at the new furniture it for one dollar per bushel, but our belief is that it will reach a higher establishment toots regularly three l figure in timo, although it may go times a day. down for the present owing to the de-I We ,, are losing big money ____ ___ year this mand b-jing overruri. Wheat in San bynot”having forty or fifty thousand Francisco is quoted at $2 05 and $2 10 bishelt of wbeat to sell. and in Liverpool at Ils 4d. Our friend Haney is doing a rush F ooled .—Last Sanday expectation of business at boot making. ■ He has as to whether Martin Rain-'! reived a number of order« from ran high 1 McMinn vilL-. aey. Esq., of this place, was going to Our pal still tarries by the sound­ run bis I head Into the matrimonial . ’ I. i - ing sea. Ho has found good compa­ loop or not. Bats that be would get ny. A party from Salem are there married during the day were freely among whom arc Gov. Grover and offered but found but few takers. Judge Bon?am. . The officials who have power to tio An editor down east has insulted the double-twisted knot were kept the whole female sex. He says that under the eye, but the watchers were the ladies wear corsets from a feeling not rewarded for their vigilance, for1 of instinct, having a natural love for being squeezed. Mart still enjoys the privileges of the unmarried man. The reason for all ♦ A boy put a rainbow-hued Easter this watching is that Mart is a par­ egg in a hen’s nest, and she fancied ticular favorite with the boys and she laid it herself. She ./as an old, they wanted to see him have a squaro experienced hen, but she cackled her­ self to death in fifteen minutes. ihako. . A G ood C hance .—Anyone desir­ ing to get a good, industrious wife, will do well to visit this plaee. We know of four young ladies belonging to tbe F. F. L.—and who, when they are not at work, are considered as among the most fashionable, and who would grace atiy position in life—tbat have rolled up their sleeves and went into the fields to help their fathers when help was scarce. These girls would make good wives for either the rich or the poor man, and one that he could be proud of. K STATE NEWS. » B orn . -In Lafayette. Aug. 19, to the wife of I. N. Hembree, a son. Newt, is happy all over, which is saying considerable. The following were a few of the maxims of that king of printer*, Benjamin Franklin:—Trade is the mother of monev; be licforehand with yonr business; soend and be free, hut make no waste; prayer at d provender hinder no journey ¡credit is like a looking-glass,easily biokcn he who looks not before, finds him­ self behind; keep thy office and thy office will keep thee; they can never thrive who spend their time in beerhouses,and in gaming-houses God helps. them who help them- selvc-. ?.. * Bishop Peck woe serenaded ty about 50 musicians nt Salen| on la-«t Saturday evening. Work has begun on the naifow- gauge railroad from Con|edo, Coos county to the Coquilie The burnt district in the ►wn of Weston is being built in q ore substantial manner than, ever? be­ - ■ fore. I i' T. M. Reed, ha« snhsetibed $1.000 to the Corvallis abd| Ya- quina railroad. Ninety-niye more such subscriptions are wanted. The Rev. J. A. Campbell,^ who Ins been for some month pas|)r of the Christian church at* l^alcm, preached his farewell sermoj last f Sabbath. ' I' In Che Uirtuil Court of the Slate of Oregon for the County of Yamhill. Nancy A. Grigsby, plaintiff, va. Joseph M. Grigsby, defendant. \ . Bull for divorce., , To Joseph M. Gflgiby, the above named defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon: Yon are hereby notified and requtred to appear in the|above named court, and answer the complaint filed against you therein, in the above&ntitled suit by the above named plaintiff, with’n ten days from the date Of the service of this summons upon you. if serveff in thio-countv. and if served in any other eounty of this State, tnen you are re­ quired Jo appear and answer said com* plaint, within twenty days from the date of such sei vice, ana if tnis summons be served upon you by publication thereof In a newspaper« then you are hereby notified and required to appear in said court and answer said complaint on or before the 4tb day of October, A. I>. 1875, that being the first day of the next regu ar term or said court following the expiration of six weeks publicaiion hereof, and yon are hereby no­ tified that if you tail so to appearand an­ swer said complaint, for thq Want thereof the plaintiff will apply to said court for the relief prayed for therein, which is, tn brief, for a decree of said court dissolving the bands of matrimony exist ing between said pialntiffand said defendant, and for thecnaiody of the minor children of said - partieavtiid for general relief. This summons is to be served by publi­ cation, by vi tueof an order of non. H. F. llonham, Judge or said court, dated Aug. Hth, 1875. “ RAMSEY & McCAIN. 25w6 Atty's for the Plaintiff: Thos. B. Jack#):', has beep ap- , . > asristant ------- _L secretary ------ L_ oi| pointed vice David Flei-chman, who I re signed some daVs since. | Mr. Jackson entered upon thd dis- charge of his new official d uties Monday morning. An old hdy aaed aboijt ÿ 80 years, by the name of EstesJ •: Wilf» resides on the Oregon liank f of the Columbia river, »ume five oi ? ( mx miles above the Cascades, mqt with a serious accident on lust Md nday morning by falling on ’ the^ floor and breaking her right leg. | *■ I ’ f r I ■ SJ K. r. BOW«. I L. 3. BOWEK. Bl A R H B E R S H H 0 HAIR DRESSING SALOON,, À ' ED. I PERKINS^ ating bought the shop owned by J. R. Majors, wish­ es to inform the public that be is now prepared to do. any and all kinds of work in hii Hnh fa th* lat­ est stjle, • ? » Sharing,...'.. . 23 C«ats Shampooing,... M md U Bair enttfag,..? ...V cents 1 i hve THOROL’GBLT over - BOWER BROS. h a filed sad repaired my BATH ROOM, those in need of a good Can b« accommodated reammablt, t KO PKBKINK. Lafayow« Summons. In the Cirmit Court of the State of Oregon for the Cou. ty of Yamhill. Marv L. Hess, plaintiff, vs. Joseph Hess, defendant. Sult for divorce: To Jos ph Hess, the above named de fendant: In the name of the State of Oregon: Yon are hereby n 'tiiied io be and appear in tbe above named o « ■ - ’ I.,' The Best in the World! 1 r I r NO ttOCsEKEEPfcB CAN MA^E RWfcEt E ARE NOW PRF>AREb TO TUR- AND WHOl-EsOMN BR£ a A) WITH* nfsh umber, such as flooring, ceil­ OVT IT. ing, siding ing, mafic. siding malic, ccd r ccd finishing, r finishing, oak nod oak and alder st the ¡owi-st cash price. 1— 1 Thia well known «nd long Wiblfahed We keep on hand all kinds of YEAST POWDr.iris now tn grett deauind. rough hintbcr. — joists, studding, rafters, and t ‘ Sale« increasing daily» Now 25 grots per gener 1 butidng lumber. day to the trade. D. CALLAGHAN now (GT/et 037*‘,ek oils oH!* looking for for^ j nod bargains «ofe manufacti rer and proprietor, use« no efore pureha^ will d<> web to give us a call drugs—ho bone d»sti pure white eream of ing els where.~ Tartar, imported direct and ground on th« K7*»Ve have it and Wil LL sell. tBa premises, being the chief ingredient. .‘' t’. . I /> • W E 4 E. P. a L. X BOWER. 7 ! x Always on han« Citation, Creai J. W. Rogers, Guardian. lish Bi-Carbonate of Soda In kefft. On this 11 th day of August A. D. 1875, 7 FOB sale ry conics J. W. Roge’rs. guardian of the estate A T ramp .— A full fledged speci­ D. CALLAGHAN* A CO., ■Manufacturers,. of Lewis Rogers, Thomas Rogers. Frank­ . 121 Front Street, Sun Frsncisco. / lin Rogers, minor heirs of Mary E. Rogeis, men of oue of these nuisances passed April22:3m-lpr deceased, and filed his petition, du.y veri­ through here last week on his way to fied, prlying for license to sell the real property of the estate of hissaid wards, « Portland from up the Valley. His GnscrB>ed in said petition at follows, tn • Forestall Summer Fevers and all wit: The undivided one-eleventh interest., cry was bard times and a sore leg and the complaints generated by excessive in and to ql) and singular tbe tract of land containing three hundred and seventeen de i ing a “sit.” We £ave him a heat, by keeping the blood cool and ; and seventy-seven hundredths of an acre, » piece, and it was astonishing to see • ( HATE TWO GOOD FARMS FOR SALK the bowels free with • | and liefm^ part of -the original donation now quick he fuiind a beer shop. He Taarrant'i Efferveseemt Seltzer Ap- land of Jfisse L. Henderson and wife, in » nt very reasonable terms—each contain­ Yamhill iQiinty, State of Oregon, and more erient, ing 35*0 acre«. is a seedly looking pill, sure. He particularly descrided ns being the west One 1« situate one mile an«l a half north pf a at once a most refreshing drau light and says that he would not object to the naif of claim No. 87, notification No. 1222 Pn Lafayette; is will improved. Ha» a good edicin sections six and seven, in T 4, S of R 4 5V. íes. the best of all regulating mi position of bar-tender. tte should Í And it appearing ‘o ihe court that it is noc* think not for the house would never Mr. Whaley of Cincinnati, in the Sold by all druggists. essary to sell said estate and that thw sale ' be wanting a customer. of sai’d real property is and would be for course of a panygeric upon the Hon. i And all kinds 6f shrubbeiy of the be-t va­ the i»cst interests of the wards of said riety . The oth*ir is in Chchalcm V al-ey near guardian. I . John Morrissey, avers that ho excels the Willamette river. There is a go<>a G athered .—Dr. Watts has taken It is therefore orderfid that the next, of at gnsh. “He is the best gush play­ kin of said wards and all parties intrusted steps towards reforming the morals • Notice is hereby given that my w fr with in said estate appear before this court on er I ever knew,” is the emphatic lan­ oat provocation has left my i bed ’ ' ax 1 board, Tuesday, 'the 7 th day of September, of some of v the people of this place, On this pliiceiplenfy of good tiini>cr: about ¡••r oil guage of Mr. Whaley. This suggests and I warn h II per-on« not to < «d | a h-r A. D. 1875, at the hour of one o’clock In the by removing temptation from before my account. 0 acres cleared. R. M. 10 afternoon of said day, and show cause, If tbe possibility of a new and exalted Lafayette, Aug. 20, l> 75. J tther of these farms can be secorcd ata anj’ there be, why the said real property them. Thoso nice plums hung too bagrain. Terms easy. —--------------------------- *_j---------- ' ,r', I. should not lie sola tn accordance with the career for Morrissey. Could he ’ not close to the sidewalk for the boys to For further particulars enquire of prayer of the petition of said guardian and M. SMITH, keep their digits from nipping them. be induced to abandon his wicked license granted as therein prayed for. Is widely known And it is fur'her ordered that a copy of o- at this office. They/ir« gathered now. ways, to forsake the cards, the bottle, as one of the most this order be published in the Laiayotte Courier for three successive weeks prior to effectual remedies and tbe dice, and to accept a situation is hereby given that by virtue . said 7th day of Scpienibcr, A. D. 1875. D ied .--On August the 16th, at the as one of the assistant pastors of Ply­ WFOTICE ever discovered for ’ w ot a license and order ot *afe, duly * - . H. HURLEY, lÿ <<>urt of f Judge. Aug. 11. 1875. cleansin' ‘ residence of his daughter, Mrs. Dorr, mouth Church? According Jo the made and entered hy the couniy the Suite of Oregon, for Yainhif ig ciunty- Attest, K . ROGERS, R< tern anu r-..v...d Uncle Joel Chrisman. The deceased testimony of Whaley, lie possesses in sitting in Pro'mte—op the 4»l) ‘< lo< k in this State in 1844. where he has sin. 1 7.. sell at pnh| ic auc- next October he would have been 80 wr Chicago,11U b\ virtue and authority pf a tvrir ot tion tptbe highest bidder Tor go| J coin • j------ , MVCRVAVll, based UH A13 utation, on its It is estimated that the wheat crop cash inTiaud, .Ji and si giJar ilte f< liowing years old. The remains were interred ’ execution duly issued our of the Circnlr 3 ’ourt of Yamhill county, State of Oregon, Intrinsic virtues, and sustained by its re­ in the Dayton burial grounds. of California this season will fall d >crib'-d real property belonging ti the en- i t on markable cures. So mild as to be safe and ----------------- -,------------- the loth day of July. 1875, on a Judg ­ tate oi the minor heirs of T. K. M| ¡l.iaius, ment dock vied on the 14« li day of Septeni- short of that of last year bj about deceased, t > w.t: beneficial to children, and yet so searching ! 1 *ber. 1874, in favor Of H, V. V. Johnson. J ohn W illiamson , - t W ill P reach .—From * private one third, but that the decreased pro­ An undivided one-half interest I an«l to «¿aim Iff and ngainsi George S. as to effectually purge out the great cor- I- all and singular, the tract of land c mtain- indant. for thesam of oue hundred and ruptions of the blood, such as the scrofulous i pr/r 'TP WF kP'fr letter to Mr C. F. Royal we learn portion will be fully compensated by ing one hundred mid twenty ac ei j being twenty-six dollars, coin, with Interest a and syphilitic contamination. Impurities,- • «aGr/CiAQc pixrt of the original donation lartKl claim n part oft he la* one percent, per month from the 8th er, 1874, now actually due on or diseases that have lurked in the system* ' OF . - J rnimy, S ate of Oregon, particularly particula deft, said Judgment: also the sum ot five dol ars religious services at McMinnville on become a staple product of that State, cottniy, for years, soon yield to this powerful anti ­ Criiiei as “commencing at them niOu ih of costs, and for wan* Of personal proper.y - next Sabbath (Aug. 22d) at 11 o’clock and in some years the yield is enor­ the Yamhill river on Tbe south si» ii»® there­ out of which to satisfy said Judgment an I dote, and disappear. Hence its wonderful of; tltencvnn tiic south bank of said river tnteresi, I,have levied upon the following cures, many of which are publicly known,' and at Lafayette in the evening. Let to the east line cf the Original laml claim described real e*t*ite belonging to said G. mous. Recently largo quantities of ERSONS WISHING TO INVERT TN every one turn oat and give him a of Loiis LaBontc; thence sontlvaldng said S. Miner, defendant, in said execution of Scrofula, and all scrofulous diseases, Real Esjftte will I lé* to «fitt niirchjfshrs. Boils, Pimples, Pustules, Sores, St. * W illatnette river: thence along thebaiik nine, in t V aluable H orse .—Dr. Littlefield duced to cultivation, and have proved I tdwnship No. 4 I south of range No Terms rea*onahh'. of said Willamette river to t lie place of be- five west in Yamhill co county, State of Oru- Anthony's Fire, Rose or Erysipe­ ¿£7"RcsldJncc And office in ChchalAn has just purchased a fine horse from exceedingly productive. The 8an ginning. Also a like undivided one half gon. ’ las, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Scald .’alley. interest in the following lots of fand in — Mr. Dick Phillips, for which he paid Francisco Bulletin says that a farmer the town of Dayton. Yamhill, eouffty. d and 1 ' Thonce Worth ninety-two ro Is; Head. Ringworm, and internal Ul- * Thence west eighty ro Is: S:ate of Oregon, to-wlit Lots, 2a. * “ “ 24,25 cerations of the Uterus, Stomach, ‘ Thence »ou:h will nine:y- ninery- wo role; ro ls; $425. We have been told that this on a tule ranch lately sol$ 1,000 tons 26 107 and ISi, of mid town of lhi on. 1 The ice past st eighty ro I* Is to the place o' and Liver. It also cures other com- horse has pared his mile in 2:45 on of wheat, a part only of his harvest, B. A. i.ll PlNCf T. beginning: containing torty-sixacres, si - the track at a recent State Fair. The for $40,000, holding the remainder Guirdian of Hie ests'e of the miuoi tetre of uate in Ygmhiil county, Slate of Oregon, plainta to which it would not seem Tspcci* ally adapted, «uch as Dropsy, Dyspen- and on T. K. Williams. dac» *»ed. I P«] doctor don’t believe in this slow-coach Friday, A «fust 91 th, A. D., 1875, I.aiayete, 1 li- ' . ' Aug« st t>, . Î i for an increase in price. This crop business. At the hoi r of one o’clock In theafternoon •' < Î was raised on an island in the Sacra­ , of said da ’, I will proceed to sell in iron: ‘ —■ ■■■■■ *♦0 r!-House door in t be lown of Lu- A ppointments .—The Oregon Con­ mento river, the whole area of which l >inhlll county.iSiate of Oregon, tioas of the scrofulous poisons. pwr rwwm ucflpn to the highest bidder for It fa an excellent rertoreTof health and ' ' . , B3T3 5**TC' ference which has been in session at was not worth twelve cents an acre a id, Tn U. 8. gold coin, the aiiove I descrilleil ava, «vu anon u,>uii onuiurv^- real emme, estate, iw levied asafore- few years ago. It is estimate^ that fa the Spring. By renewing the Charge for AJeiee and CuneuUutio.i. Salem and has just closed its labors, , p4>r _ the .*.■______ .‘„.„.j sum _______________ of one hnndreri mid PR'S said to satisfy and vigor of the digestive organs, » T . , . .. n — twenty-sli dollars * “ — - and - fivodol- - * ■ made the following appointments for there sro 25,000 acres of the marshes Judgment, this county: McMinnville Circuit, J. known as tule land this year sown to U7E WILL KE e F CONSTANiLI ANtLY ON lars costs | Mid accruing costs. II. C. DALE, - ▼¥, buna all kinds of rough pin umber, guor 0« tbe Itfjaiofj I Even where DO disorder laltiMble workH can lie for.?: lied on all Moberg; Dayton, W. D. Nichols; timothy and wheat, while 25,000 which we are -selling cheaper than ’of Yunhlii cointy, Ocd-jo.i. Sheriff i any appears, people feel better, and live longm •’’•J»«* of the mxnal orVrit).nrv organa 4w" July 21,11 it» Sheridan, J. W. Miller. othpr mill In the county. i for cleansing the blood. The system moves vmAtm ; A Drat! pr*ctic«\»f ytats aniuLIm^ eusbles Inin luui to t*erf QU AVE _. FOR ___ BALE ONE OF THE has been awarded the contract for re­ duced next year. The reclamation of Boxing.. ' I ’ »Mb • • fires .............. ebratod PARR EK BROS. Drtech Charges reawnshe !h<,«*e at • painting the academy at this place. these lands, which four years ago did Peening, • «í¡^ • • • • • . loading Sl|ot Gnns, at «.bargain* •.................. í furward letter desriif ’ ! . When finished it will help th« looks not yield a dollar in value, will add enclosing . •*M i»mp to v:r- Two set ond-band ùârriags tops tor • [Alfa euP,5oi,uin’ler /orhbuies and of tbe town, and will speak well for uext year at least $2,000,000 to the barns »? • Mend fortbs iie.’ith. 1’ir s lfic, we w|t) nfake red ictfona“ ____ . .. .-utcbler ’ « wag- reasonabl Inquire at A. Mutcbler'« th* getupfuln«*« of our citizchis. PK > . *'-B WRIGHT & STOTT ’«ON. agricultural products of California. on shop, I »; ay ton, Ysmhifl oofisty, Oregoa. f d»»c<:r»< ;)jr ;lv i ».n.’ MMsn ami '*urgcvn. 10; I u. re St. N.Y' i 1 *« ‘ jn sxîbs ’ p* >"rT m Writ » * • ■ i • • FARMS/ SALE I ORCHARD "Notice. Ayer’s MILLSITE Sarsaparilla F nd - Notice of the sate of Jieal. Estate by Gaardic^i. ?Ä'O 'p HE RI D E I Sheriff's Sale. N YAMHILL County; OGN. P 1 items art DMilato : n •.•••••! w M, Or. J.C.AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass.,