■ a * N- T*’- y '1 F V ’ 7- r* Í 7 1 f 4 r < t - - V '.- - ” if * t 9 » e<*. « % I .> / r J »■ < e » j T . '1 w I i A * / r i 4 i * / i » I ’ BBSS“ LAFAYETTE COURIER. worse is the Oil whtrh wib S men than, all/one enthusiastic1 ut „ Ailvertisihg PRIVATE ME9W-AL AID iu tlioir lamps.’* Modern l’rov. Irl • family has* removed the cushions ■ ' a J— rp TTT^ L. P. FISHER from its clftirch pews and applied DR., W. K. DOHERTY’S . FRIDAY, JULY 30, 1875 thorn to alleviating the agony of a ADVERTISING ÀGT^T. Medical & Surgical Institute ten inning game. ROOMS 20 AND 21, '¡FOUNDED in 1853. CLIPPINGS, *1 No. 519 Sacramento street, An old lady, on hearing that a Merchants’ Exchange, Corner pf Leidesdorfl st., (a few dour« belr • JRoll call, The baker’s visit. iVoung friend had lost his place on California Street, Hnn Franebco. What jpheer H oumc ). Private »d them that he continues to lias enlarged many an old business; ighorance of three young girls of < cousiiit! nt his Institute lor the cure of chron­ Has revived many a dtdlbusiness; He had Hagar in the wilderness. io disn ics of the Lump«,/Liver, Kidneys« Has rescued many a lust business: that "city Who tried to get their . Digesti e and Genito Liinary Organs, and Has saved many n large business; . ♦ Tl»e wav for a desolate old bach horse’s hea|l down so that it cotdd j all pri Bio disease^*, viz: Syphilis in all its And insures a success in any business. tonus u od Stages, Seminal weakness and all clor to secure better quarters is to drink by unbuckling the crupper. G ourd ' s S ection .—Stephen Gjrrad used thè hor id consequent*« of se’f-abuse, Gun- G e t, Strictures, Nocturnal and take a better-half. j » to say in his old dais: --I have always con­ orrltucM LHurna^Eml sions. Sexual Debility, Diseas­ Probably tie same girls who un­ sidered advertising liberally and long to be of tKe back and loins, lutlaimnation uf the ■/ Boys have diva’s reasons for buckled th»; breeching strap going the great medium of success in business, es Bladdej Kidneys, etc.; and he hopes and the prebule to wealth. And 1 havje that l.^s mid long experience and successfu hokeying from school j«wt now. down hill, because it pulled against made it an invariable rule to advertise in practii tf I will continue to insure him a slum. shart the dullest times as well as the busiest. Long ‘ . .. “ “ ' . practice Y / piil>|ic patronage. By the of F If you doubt it examine their hair. the poor hfrse so. experience having taught me that money ■\>f manv yi tears in Europe and the United States thus spent is well laid out. and by coutimi- ia e p.ibled to apply the most efficient The children in Florida say they At a cirCus, while the rope-walk­ 1 ally keeping my business before the public he and sul bcessful remedies against diseases o hassecured many sales that 1 other-wisse all kind s. He cures witho ut mercury, char live on sweet potatoes in the su n er was going through his perform­ it would have lost.’’ ges mot |o:a e, treats his patients in a correct Advertise Your Business. mer, and on strangers in the win­ ance, a boy about twelve year old ali I hd Lovable way, and hafe references of lILQUCsi Keep Your Name before the Public. uLqqesBonable veracity frotnjnen of known ter turned to gn acquaintance of the Judicious Advertising’ Avill Insure a respfqtlbilliy and nign standing iu society. AUdaii |esi consulting him by. letter or otb- Fortune. To Archbishop Whately is as- same age Ind remarked: “Tom, erwije, ,? will receive the be t ami gentlest If Business is Dull, Advertise. tréiQm epit'and implicit secrecy. ascribed ibis paradox; The larger don’t you wish you could do that? If Business is Brisk, Advertise. To Females. fht income the harder it is to live “Yes, I dor»” .sadly replied Tom, The man who didn't believe in advertising Whet ...— a female is enervated or afflicted- with dj lease, as weakness of tlje back and but my folks make me go to school within it. ltmbe, pain in the head, dimness of sight, and arc determined that I shan ’ t. — --- 1 — ------------- — : --------- — lo-s pi innecular power, palpita’ioti of the liVhy does a duck go under the Le-irt ijrit ihility, nervousness, extreme uri­ nary diflcalUes, derangement of digestive witer? For divers reasons. Why never be nobody. f ' OUR COLUMN. '.V •» I • I ¿ - 4 T 'i 'f .... — ■• ... ........................... V ’i- f I 4 ¿»C 4 I I ■-»» ■ ■ ------------ — - - - ------------------------- — 1 E'3 * - < f v t t K V f. Au i n vs I r » I Í k • ! i i fl / I I ♦ does she go on land? reasons. For sun dry * T he H ouses W e L ivh I n .—In other words our bodies,are held on re­ The Wisconsin fanner who left pairing leases. W jb must prop ana a candle burning in the barn sqss sustain them T- when they exhibit signs of weakness KO< 81 Al. 8W EI.I.NG Existing in Men. ^omen and Children. C < Q, öl! sL O3*' d'Z’NO MATTER WHAT THE AGEi-feS ® 3 ~ -? os ; í at r ft Z 3 ST Ô * —J * < 5 Ct < □. 5, '< = O' o Prof. Steel says; “One bottle of Rear ney’s Fluid Extract Bnchu is worth more than all the other Buchus combined ” Price one dollar per bottle, or six bottles for five dollars. Depot. 104 Dnant 8treet New York. A Physician in attendance to answer cor­ respondence and give advice gratis. 4&"Send stamp for pamphlets. free.“®0 * — "• 7i ■W r* X ®- « r - * . VH •J B L “ C bane & B righam , O s *T a. u ft - ’ *-■. i r . I OFFICE ■ ; i ' Is Prepared to do all kinds ' - • ' ' ■ i ------- 0F------- ' I ■ ■ ■ JOB PRINTING ——-IX !’ A----- , ‘1 < , .’d - MANNER SUPERIOR' , I . •' T A To and Cheaper than ANY JOB 0FFIŒ Ä z ’N I A r ■ OF ALL KINDS -*■ On Hand or Printed to Order ■ , = O —> ■ a "? on „ _ LBANUS t BLANUS >« i BLANKS!' • 5 4. ~ F2. ? -3ß o X O * o » S' 3 -X® ®s*q = CD sas ~* _ » g s --• a S rr = -’S pa’-« B” = fc-.-. £ 2 E ft fX H ® J* g 3 2.® □. Ä. s » 3 -S x*œ • s» 2. ; s § 2 Oc "R e.» a-’ K. >♦ ZX -r ’ “ C Hft 2. - ï ’ _ =* ST Z. o' ~ E- - as —« « w'f 3 “• ft O <6 » * I— - Z w *. O' o, o • « « ■ S 2 S' * gig ; CD ■z - 2 -r. ■— S' < 2 ft 2 S 2 -■ o ° * 2 “'S 5 * » ? B » » ® 2.5 2 *? S’® S’ a.» e- CÌC J-. » g o Í2 S n s S r ! ■ — s Ir* ■ . , i •[ THIS PMT OF THE STJ1TE ■» We are enabled to make THE PARKER CUIt Of such Printing as BLANKS KLANKS t I 1 * e per day. Agents wantt ed. All class?« of work­ ing people of both sexes yo iok ai pd'old, make more money at work sin for us. i n i theimown localities, during spare mumen s, S or all ail the tbe time, than at anitn sn\thing else. A» fe e oner'employment otter 'employment that wpl wjil pav . _ '1 handsolely for every w nr’swork. Fiiil ¿'end us _ particulars, terms, Ac., sent free, * , «Send I ' vour a^die-sat once. Don’t delay.. Now is the ti iine. Don’t look for work ordnsinesa elsewhc eye. until you have learned what we offer. ( G. S tixsox A Co., Portland, Maine,* f ■ 4 *| (’ • SSU$20 SEND STAMP FOR CIRCULAR : PARKER BRO’S 1 WEST MERIDEN,CT. f 73no3j lv ■ ’ » pr«S » X < \ 1. f r < t M Í i ■ 1 j Í Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Headache, Pain iu the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of the Chest, Diz­ ziness. Sour Eructations of the Sto­ mach, B;id Taste iu the Mouth, Bili­ ous Attacks, Palpitation of the Heart, Inflammation of the Lungs, Pain in the region of t’-.e- Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symptoms, are the off­ springs of Dyspepsia. One bottle will prove a better guarantee of its merits than a lengthy advertisement / Swelled Neck, CFuftr •, Scrofulous In­ flammations, Mercurial affections, Old 8ores, Eruptions of the Skin, Sore Eyes, etc. In these, as in all other constitutional Diseases, D r . W alker ’ s V inegar B itters have shown their great curative powers in the most obstinate and intractable cases. For Inflammatory or Chron­ ic Rheumatism, Gout, Bilious, Remittent and Intermittent Fevers, Diseases of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder, these Bitters have no equal. Such Diseases we caused by Vitiated Blood. 4 Mechanical Dfaeaaes»~Per- sons engaged in Paints and Minerals, such as Plumbers, Type-setters, Gold­ advanoe beaters, and Miners, as they advanoo f in - life, \ are subject ... to - paralysis - - of the Bowels. To guard against this, take r . ^W W a alker ine ~ D b T x K ee ' s V inegar B itters . E Or Skill DisCRSCS, Eruptions, Tetter, Salt-Rheum, Blotches,. Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Boils. Carbuncles, Ringworms, Scald-head, Sore Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Discolomtions of the Skin, Humors and Diseases of the Skin of? whatever name or nature, are literally dug up and carried out of the system in a short time by the use of these Bitters. i • » ir. .B.nftTaP®, and other Worms lurking in the system of so many thou­ sands, are effectually destroyed and re­ moved. No system of medicine, no ver­ mifuges, no anthelminitics'will free the system from worms like these Bitters. For Female Compliiints in * young or old, married or single, at the dawn of womanhood, or the turn of life, these ‘ vuwe Tonic A OHIO Bitters mtters display »0 de, cided an influence that improvomant is soon perceptible. r 4 f _ Cleanse the Vitiated Blood A 1‘ « 4 Scrofui.u, or King’s Evil, Wu?e• S—eP toy-- Ervsioe!'*'« A SPECIALTY e I Bitters according to directions, and remain I od " unwell, provided thew bones are n<>t destroyed by mineral poison or other means, and vital or­ gans wasted beyond repair. 9 HAVING THE ONLY ■ 4 disease by-purifying all its fluids with the B itters . N o epidemic can Like liol 1 cf a system thus fore-armed. [ -VP B 4 Fortify the body against SHORT NOTICE. BLANKS BLANKS 7 / "¡BLANKS blanks ; .MORTGAGES : BLANKS INVITATION I ILLS, MORTGAGES BLANKS! ■BLANKS MORTGAGES BLANKS' AND AND ¡BLANKS MORTGAGES 'BLANKS BL a NI> ¡BLANKS BUSINESS CARDS, FANCY PLAYCARD’ BLAN1S DEEDS ¡BLANKS L \ NF >. « PLAYCARDS, CIRCULA»«, DEEDS ¡BLANKS BL A M S I DEEDS BL AN J :si BLANKS VISITING CARDS, LABELS, CHECKS, i DEEDS blanks ; •BLANKS ¡BLANKS ETC. BLANKsi SUMMONS B.LANf Si •BLANKS SUMMONS BLANK?: •BLANKS SUMMONS 4 ¡BLANKS. blanks : SUMMONS blanks : ¡BLANKS blanks ; ¡BLANKS R L A X’b <’WARRANTS OF arrest ;BL anks ‘7 OF BLANis^™*-'™ " ar reh 1 ¡BLANKS BL AN OF arr ^ ht ;, jun KS BLANi:sj^RiuMW LAFAYETTE, OGN, BL AN . » BLAjIb S:* arrawts OF ARREST: BLANKS I f >' BLA^K'i ¡BLANKS SUBPOCNAS 4 - BLANKS: ¡BLANKS SUBI ’ IEXA.S BLANKS: ¡BLANKS I SUBPCBXAB *1 • ¡BLANKS BLANKS: 4 suBrœxAS Ù' BLANKS: BLANKS I BLANKS: BLANKS ¡BLANKS EXECUTION’S BLANK'* I EXECUTIONS BLANKS ■ BLANKS i EXECUTI 'NS BLANKS < BLANKS BLANKS 't ■ EXECUTIONS BLANKS ■ . ■ ' ’• ! I t BLANK 4 LANKS 1 ATTATCHMENTS BLANKS BLAN1 ATTATCHMEN1S BLANKS BLANK attachments 1 ¡BLANKS BLAN1 j ATTATCHMENTS •BLANkS i ’BLANKS BLANI BLANKS BLAN is BLANKS jZ BLANKS BLANKS BLA iKS g a 3 s « * -. " Sj - W J -g X 5. - - * I z ■■ ft 5 Í —> ft ë. 3 - ft 7 ft s w O M ~ o o X Si <* ft -e THE-— I $ -I BLANKS ’ i Bilious, Remittent, and In­ termittent Fevers, which are so ‘ T • r whenever you find its impurities ing through the skin in Pimples, 11O58-’ 80,68 ’• cleanse it wht_ you find it obstructed apd sluggish in the veins ; cleanse it when it is foul ; your feelings wiU tell you when. Keep the blood pure, and the health of the sys­ tem will follow. TT ' . R. h . M c D onald a col t of Wbasrngtcm A Charlton fits.N.T. : f i t* No j»erson can take theso J* ♦ M We han for Sale Cheap! = » c ft" z. I ® •-* s' - = ft W« — „ - X ;z. S 7T a. J? 3 = Wholesal^agents, S. F. Cal. ta**- <.'--4 Lák ’ ’ *1 . \ J&s. The only people in these parts whose habita’iops have marble fronts, are those who aie least giv- or BOTB SEXES. en to boasting and vaiu disp’ay. No Charge for Advice and Consultation. k— They occupy the cemetery grounds. Da. J. B. D yott — , graduate of Jefferson Medical College. Philadelphia, author of sev­ The fiddler of a minstrel compa­ eral valuable works can be consulted on a!l ny ran away (lie other day, in diseases of the sexual or urinary- organs (which he has made an especial study) ei­ debt to the manager, at which the ther in male or female, no matterfrom what cause originating or of how long standim.'« /manager facetiously declared that A practice of 3b years enables him to treat with success. ( ures guarantee^ he had engaged the fc’low for a diseases Charges re a son a b e. >Those at a distance ' can forward letter dencribibgsymptoms.and fiddler, but lie had taken the part enclosing stamp to prepay postage. Send for the Guide a» Health Price 10c. of a base violinist. J. U. DY01T. M. D. Surgeon. 104 Duane St. N.Y ' No, gentlemen of the jury, thun­ Physician and x noif-ly dered an eloquent abrácate the other day in a Denver court, this mailer is for his honor to decide, who sita there sleeping so beautF “Tully. His honor opened both eyes Published Quarterly.— January num­ < . and • his * mouth, and said: “All ow- ber jgMt i-e ied.and contains over 100 pages e ¡grav nga. descriptions of more than ing to your narcotic speech, sir.” 500 500 <>f onr best Flowers and Vegetables, with directions fc culture. Colored plate, Base ball has demoralized Hart­ etc. The most useful and cb-gant work of the kind in the woild. Only ^3 cent« for ford. The carqful Clemens has the year. Published in English and Ger bought a seat iu the grand stond; man. - e_ Addrearfi JAMES VICK. ♦ th* clergy have season tickets; an —■ 1 T*** ITUTIONS !” To Correspondents.^' t 1 * I Paha its residing m any oart of the S ate howeve ■ distant, who deair-* 4 the opiu- io may desir* i-ul ariu advice of Dll. DK. DOHERTY; DOHERTY, 111 tbeir^vspective casts, and who think pro­ per to- jubmii a wrifon statement of such, ov s/4n p m pret&i ence to holding a pe sonal inter- vi'-w, a jo re-p?qtfnllv assured thatt’aer cum-, a EAB. ninni' a’iions will be held mo4 sacred. * ;■ ' ¡The,doctor is a regular graduate and may Tlie ^Great I‘apei/iw r the l armer, be considted with every confidence. FLUID EXTRACT ILiic.-, rJechanJc al |d Merchant«’ It ' me cas|.* be fu.ly J and ca • OUlt Bum AXt) G J *•! lidly dAc ribed, personal cunnmication will Vr 1) EPAKTE i .V/;.Vk- J2J A pIOnT '\\TTEACT1VE i I xj jiuneij issary,. as instructions for diet, reg- ime; and t!ie general treatmentof the case J'EAXUBE f itself (mehiding the remedies), will be ft or- Aa a ¡¡ h : ds Companion tp C e Family wa d’d} without delay, and in such a a mail ma_ ner as iff convelv no idea of th<» purport of I.? iC tl.e “ I eguale..’. EVEBY Gll^ U PIACE IB du* letter <>r parcel so transmitted. ’ Should your condition require immediate B I I * ' nttenti«i send ten dollars, coin, or its value- The onH known remedi for in cttji*«ncy, bv mail or Wells, Fargo A Co's GET/UP CL Expresg, and a package of medicines will A l'rce io whoei'cr pef«Wp a Club br.soiit 'tp vo ir address with the necessary O Cci 3 - -- -- -- fi| 8 00 GOUT. Gjnnt, STRICTURES, I)I.'B;.TEF, I YS FREB-Jj Permauont cure guaranteed or uo ft 10 Coj 15 00 pay- 1 rsrsiA, NERVOUS DKBILIT«', dropsy . -4- 1‘uyab.e advanco in U. S. Goh kCoin . Spermatorrhoea. Non-retention or Incontinence of Urine, Ir or f s equivalent in Currenc; DR. DOHERTY’ lmn just published an im- ri tat ion. Inllamation or Ulceration of the p >rt int* pamphlet, embodying hi':*aiiclMco. trate glaud, Stoue in the Madder, U<>! of the qjtmost vatthe to all, whether married All Postmasters are authorised cults Gravel or Hiickdust Deposit and i or singli, ami will be ?«nt FREE on receipt Mucus or Milky Discharges. ive subscriptions. Specimen >1 Six te “*" in ir* J* “-»-"“ stamps (or roture enis postage »ent free. S end for onk . .»ostiige; Addfets, s W. K. DOHERTY, M. D. afijoiy San Francbco, Cal. C Nemos aofl DeDililatefl r fftnctioim, general debiiity. vaginitis, all dis- 0 rses off the Womb, hysteria, sterility and all other diseases pecul ar to females, she slic’d go oC write at once to the celebrated female •lt;C!or,AV. K, DOHERTY, at his medical Iirsti utn, ai.d consult him -abo^it her tibub les a«(U disease. The doctor is ejecting more ci res than any other physician iu the St do q Califoiuia. Let bo false delicacy prevent you, but apply immediately and save yo qsejf from p.iim 1 Buffering and pre* mitur? death. All married ' ladies jvhosc dclibaU Lealib or other circumstances pre vent ail increakfrin their famiiie«, slionld write <>f call at DR. W. K. DOHERTY’S MedicaPlnsiitiite, and they will receive eve­ ry possible relief and help. HOME 4 etabla preparation, made chicfiy from the native herbs fouud on the lower ranges of the Sierra Nevada mountains of California, the medicinal properties of which arc extracted therefrom with­ out the Use of Alcohol. The question is almost 'daily asked.i “ What is th« cause of the unparalleled succeHH of ■ V inegar B ittehs ?” Our answer is, that they remove the cause of disease, and the patient recovers his health. They are the great blood purifier and a life-giving principle, a perfect Reno­ vator and lnvigorator of the syWr*m. Never before in the history of the world has a medicine been compounded pos­ sessing the remarkable qualities of V inegar B ittfrs in healing the sick of every disease. They are a gentlo Purgative as well as.a Tonic, Relieving Congestion or Infltynmatiou ot the Liver and Visceral Organs, in Bilious Diseases; The properties of D e . W alker ’ s V inegar B itters are Aperient, Dia­ phoretic, Nutritious, Laxative, Diu­ retic, Sedative, Counter-Irritant, Su­ dorific, Alteraave, and Anti-Bilious. * Grairin1 1 bgumhk I s proclaim V inegar BrTrtns the most wo; dertnl Invigoraut that ever sustained the sink­ ing system. 1 ■1 ♦ Dr. J. Walker’s Calironita Vinegar Bitters nren purely Veg- w i u Ji i'x I by all Drayyistt and Dealer«. i * k < K I if ! -V * i I- f i 4 t ♦Í >• i 9 t * . V ' f a 'Ì-1 « ✓ - r A ✓ T • ,fr I 1 i .* ■4 ■ ♦ < I « # K * J ■