M ..Advertising is the Oil which wi^C*>mlen ut in their lamps.’’ Modern i’rov. LAFAYETTE COURIER, card monte and losing $90 of fes- tival money . One of the deacons remarked: “We is all human, and .?t FRIDAY, ULY 23, 1875 de game is worry exciting. Mrs. Sweetly. “But why are .fit CLIPPINGS.. . you making so many dolls’ panta­ Something about dogs—fleas. loons, my dear M s. Jinxby.” Mrs A doughmestic difficulty—heavy Jinxby: “These arc. not dolls’ bread clothes my dear, they are for the Summer is On hand. Lettuce poor frogs who go exposed in the have peas. water all winter in our pond.” * improving o îc’s time—mending The reporters were not admitted the clock. *■ ' I * I < • to the late lecture on dress-reform, It takes a pretty smart man to JI by Miss Agnes Burke, at the Uni­ tarian church. Of corset« all tell when he is happy. The home cir Lie-walking around right; but as the public pants for with the baby i it night. (-i information on such subjects, it is natural that the knights of the When a manjcan’t find anything quill should endeavor to glean to do, ho has-lived long enough. some knowledge of the proceed­ • Why is the sun like a good loaf? ings. Wc learn that the lecture Because it’s light when it rises. was about sfivv-sew, and the lady Question for actors—can an ac­ did not hang on the outskirts of tor be said to work when he plays? her subject, but struck the trail at In what ship has the greatest once and followed it up. Sho op- number of people* been wrecked? braided tight-laeers^ aud —a-hein— suggested suspenders for—Hose Courtship. i The man who doesn’t hang out business is it, anyhow? I r his shingle and advertise dies and leaves ko sign. Those who rise to eminence sud­ denly are very apt to come back by the next train. Bashfulness is oftAr 1 ke the plating on spoons. VV hen it weal’s off it shows the brass. A Spanish proberb says a kiss without a mustache is like an egg without salt. When fortune want3 to let a fol­ low-being fall the hardest, she lifts him up the highest. x The spelling mania is raging. Parties of four in the cars turn two seats facing each oilier and spell. Marble-top tables arc unhealthy, according to the Herald » of Health, • but it-doos not state their disease. v * L. P. FISHER, ADVERTISIFG AGENT. BOOMS 20 AND 21, Colifornlu Street, Sun Frnuciico. Solicits Adevrtiits and Subset jptons for the L afayette C o ; bieb and foi>jmpers publislied in California, Oregon and Nevada; Washington, Utah, Idaho, Montanabj Col­ orado, Arizona, and ailjaeent Terricones; Sandwi>h Islands, the British ItewSfflssons, China; New Zealand ami the Australian Colonies; Mexica Ports,Nicaragua..Panama Valpatiso and Japan; the Atlantic'¡State« and Europe , ' , 1 . DBÍ W. K. DOHERTYS & Med: teal : Surgical Institute, FOUNDÉb IN 1853. No. 519 Sacramento street, ■Cor fcet of Leidesdorffst., (a few doors heir ,-‘ Cheer r"---- House). " ■ Private » ty l ’liat Entrance on Leidsdorff st. San Francisco. Ests b idied expressly to hfford the afflicted Sòpnd a ntt scientific Medical treat- . I ment in the cure of al) Pri­ V * vate and. Chronic • : ; . i Dbeases, I Casesit Cases« f secresy and all Sexual Disorders T? Dr. J. Inkers California THE AFFLICTED. I If Business Is Brisk, Advertise. T he H ouses W e L ive I n .—In I The man who didn't.believe in advw.tising other words our bodies,are held on re­ has gone into partnership with tlicl SherifT, pairing leases. Wo'‘must prop ana and that official does the advertising sustain them when they exhibit signs of weakness and decay, or they will inevitably break down. In D r . W alker ’ s C alifornia V inegar B itters , a machlcss compound of newly discovered medical herbs, pe­ culiar to the Pacific region, the de­ bilitated, the bilious, the rheumatic, the consumptive will find the most •......... FOR THE. genial tonic and restorative ever of­ fered to the suffering invalid. It con­ tains no alcohol, and consequently leaves no sting'behind. of PACIFIC COAST. mi ^END25c to (I. P. ROWELL 49ff v MM KEABNEY’S N CI S CO. FLUID EXTRACT EAB. ■ I The Great Pap Mine:*, Meehanjc a the Partner, Merchant. S? depart . s. » •’ll I To Females. n a female is enervated or afflicted iseasc, as weakness of the back and pain in the bead, diiuneis of sight, muscular paw er, palpitation of the irritability, nervousness, extreme uri- fflculties, derangement of digestive ns, general debility, vaginitis, all dis- >f the womb, hystori^, sterility and all otlierfi iiseases pecul ar to finales; sbe Vho’d go Olii vi ite at once to the celebrated female , ------- W. K, ------------ DOHERTY,t»t ’ “ his medical •loctcT “ ‘ Instii ite; aud consult him ¡^about Let ttoub les a 1 disease-. 'I he doctor is effecting .more •urcs than any other physician iu the of California. 1.^. Let no dehctcy State lot .. false __________ pr^v-pt you, but apply bmnediatdy and i —J sa V c ¡ourself ‘ • I aufterinj - and pre- ourself from paint j death. All limnled ladies whose d-li-A te lieal.lt o? other circumstances pre- Vflut kn increase i t their ¡families, alrauld write or call at DR. W. K. DOHERTY’S institute, and ttmy Medi n 11 Institute, they will receive eve- npi -ible relief ayd help. » % To Correspondents. Pat ents residing in anyipart of the S.jte liO’.V^ ■VT distant, who may desire the opiu- ion ■ md advice of >BR. DOHERTY, Ml-thi r respective cast s, and who think pro- per tt submit .............. a writ .............. ............. of .......... n KteteiiKUt such, . iu pl Serene e to holding a pe sonai inter- VleWi 1 a' e respectfully assured that thor o;m- munii ¡itions will bo hel l mo-1 sacred. . Thf : Doctor is a regular graduate and may be e« isulted I w ith every co|ifldance. and ca - DI' the case be " fully didlyi Llescribed, personal comrnication will fe tin .ecessiyy.’as ii B’.ructioiis lor diet, reg- pue ti|md tho general treat mont of tuo case itselii (including the ie iiedie>), will be f<»r- warift d without delay, and in such a man­ ner a to convey no idea of the purport of fiieji Iter <>r parcel so tranimitted. ' ÇHi'uld your condition require immediate atte .. ion send " ten dollars,x-oin. ................. or its value in c^n rency, by mail or Weljs, Largo & Co's » medicines *• ■ • will -1 Expiai and a ? package PARKER BRO’S1 WEST MERIDEN,CT ’ '' ' ¡ ' WÆ'Â 4 To «nil C’honper than ANY JOB OFFRE B L A N of kix kinds « -r il * ’ ’ On Hand or Printed to Order 'j I f i I ■ i t I 1 ' \ . kj L ' ' HP- « * p HAVINU THE ONLY s « IX THIS PART OF THE STATE t We are enabled to make I ñ : Of such Printing as • BLANKS BLANKS • BLANKS ¡BLANKS N ILLS, INVITATION MORTGAGES i J ' . •BLANKS MORTGAGES ano " AND ¡BLANKS MORTGAGES ¡BLANKS ¡BLANKS BUSINESS CARD8, FANCY PLAYCARD' DEEDS I ¡BLANKS BLANKS: CIRCULARS, PLATCARDS, DEEDS blanks ; ¡BLANKS DEED't BLANKS; . ¡BLANKS MSITING CARDS, LABELS, CHECKS, ; - DEEDS ¡BLANKS BLANKS: . ETC. ETC. BLANKS: ¡BLANKS * SUMMONS ¡BLANKS BLANKS: * SUMMONS Address orders to BLANK.*-i;: ¡BLANKS SUMMONS iBLANKS BLANKS: * .A i'- SUMMONS • ¡BLANKS BLANKS; _________ ; , , ‘ ¡BLANKS blanks BLANKSi BL-ANKS¡ WAinuvr8 VVAKKAXTK 0K ok AUUK AUUE ‘ - S1 ¡BLANKS i- Jl4ANKS: 0|r AKKEi} LBLANKS Ul^ANKSÍ" WAKKAXTi} ’AKRAXTá 0F AR«K»«:BLANKS I LAFAYETTE, OGN, l|l4YNKSi'*'AKnAXRH 0F AKRKin¡BLANKS I ¡fUANKS:VVARRANTS o*1’ arhkst :BLANKS BLANKS; ■ ¡BLANKS SUBPCCXAS J" BLANKS: •BLANKS SOUPtCNAS IUNKSi ■BLANKS sn«Pa’XA8 [¿ANKS: < ¡BLANKS BllJJ’œNAS LANKS: ¡BLANKS ^ijANKSi t . ¡BLANKS BLANKS^ EXECUTIONS ' ¿BLANKS ¡JÉANKS? EXECUT1QNS ¡BLANKS j EXECUTIONS ¡BLANKS BLANKS: EXECUTIONS •BLANKS BttANKSi a t BLANKS! ATTATCHMENTS ¡BLANKS I nt a NKS¡ — -_____ _ _ ___ _ ¡ blanks BLANKS ATTATCHMENTS •BLANKS BLANKS! ATTATCHMENTS ¡BLANKS I ¡ANK*: ATTATCHMENTS ■BLANKS 1 • » »■* - - - A • -i> ’BLANKS ,ANKS! i ANKS BLANKS BLANKS BLANKS ANK8 blanks 1 BLANKS BLANK£ MORTGAGES “THE COURIER,” ed. All fe lasses of work- ing people of both sexes ¡ytfiung and old, make more i money at work ’ T us , in their ow rn localities, during snare foments, or all the t ¡ha at anything he time, than ¡«6. We ofler employment that __ _ will . pay indsoirely for every Loup4rwoi k. Full hrticulars, terms, Ac., sent free. * Send us ¡pur address at one*. Don’ t delay. Now 1 | the time. Don’t look for w ork or du sines* hewherc. until yo t have learned what wa G. S tinson A Co., Portland. Maiue, prevalent'in the valleys of onr great rivers the United States, cspecndlv tljps-j of tho Mississippi, Onio, *jlissc.uri, Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberland. Arkuu-as, R .'d.Colorado, Brazos. Bio Grand?, Peari, Alabama, M .bi!.-, Eouaoko, James, and many other?, with their vast trib­ utaries, throug’-out our entire country • during the Summer and Autumn, aud r. iharkal ly so dnri g seasons of un­ usual heat*and dryness, aro invariably accompanied by extensive derange­ ments of tho s or.uwh and liver, aud other abdominal vi: c- rn. In “their treatment, a purgative, exerting a p iwerful iufiuence upon these va ious organs, is e seut’ul. There is no cathartic for th' purpos* equal ta D r . J.'W alkxp ’ s V inegar B itters , a* they vvlll speed ’y remove the dark colored viscid matter with which tho bowels ¡arc lo d -d, at tho same tim^ stimulating the eeretiaus of the liver, cr.iily-re and gapeîaily ' Joung the htalthy fuuctions of the digestive organs. disClDiO Ly purif ing all its fluids with the. B etters . No epidemic can Lio hold of a system thus fcre-armed. Dyspjpsiu or Indigestion, Headiche, Pain in the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of the Chest, Diz- zi.iess, Sour Eructations of the Sto­ mach, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Bili­ ous Attacks, I’. lpitation of the Heart, IiiflainiuaUon of the Lungs, Pain in tho region oft 0 Kidneys, and a hundred other painful tdfttfptbma, are tho off. springs of Dyspepsia. One bottle will prove a better guarantee of its merits than a lengthy r.dvcriisemcnt. Scroful«, vr King** Evil, S’'’el’ ii;’-/T7ic -,’‘». Frvsipelit:. Swelled Ned, '¡Coitr •, {Scrofulous In­ flammations, Mercurial affections, Old Sores, Eruptions cf the Skin, Sore Eyes, efo. In these, a; iu all othey constitutional Dhe.u es, D r . V’ alker ’ s V inegar B itt , rs have shown their . great curative powers in the piuet t obstinate and intractable cases. For Inflammatory er Chron­ ic Rheumatism, Gout, Bilious, Remittent and ¿Intermittent Fevers, Diseases of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder, these Bitters have no equal. Such Diseases aro caused by Vitiated Blood, Mechanical Diseases.— Pcr- sous engaged in Points and Minerals, such as Plumbers, Type-setters, Gold­ beaters, -and "Miners, as they advance in life, are subject to paralysis of the Bowels. Te guard against this, take D r . W aiter ' s V inegar B itters . For Skin Diseases« Eruption«, Tetter, Salt-Rheum, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Boils, Carbuncles, Ringworms, Scald-head, Sore Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Discolorations of the Skin, Humors and Diseases of the Skin of whatever name or nature, are literally.dug up and carried out of the system in a short time by the usq of these Bitters. Pin, Tape, and other Worms, larking in the system of so many thou­ sands, are effectually destroyed and re­ moved. No system of medicine, no ver< mifuges, no anthelmiuitics will free tho system from worms like these Bitters, For Female Complaints, in young or old, married or single, at the >. dawn of womanhood, or the tuyn of life, these Tonic Bitters display so ds< cided an influence that improvement is soon perceptible. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood 7 •!* I Bilious, Remittent, and In- t-ermitteiit Fevers, which are so Fortify tho body against SHORT XOTICE. A SPECIALTY 4 BJiCUh ftdcCtf&fig to directions, and I’cifijih long unwell, provided thei< Dk?nes are n<>t d-.str■?jeu by mineral poi&on ci other means, and vital or- • gans waited beyond repair. MANNE1Ì SUPERIOR per davi Agents want- SEND STAMP FOR CIRCULA^ No perjh cite take U mo t Spermatorrhoea. DOHEllTY has just published an im- p >rUi it pamphlet, embodying hi«own views and# xperiences in relation to lupotciiCe or Verfiity; being a short treat»- on Hperma jea or Seminal Weakness, Nervo'us Nervous and toriKiea phyiinil Debility consequent on this dis- ♦ «¡wij and ^..2 other -2.— affections of the Sexual __ 1 or- .g‘»nfL l his little work Contains information oft i < i utmost value to all^‘whether married or s liigle, and will be sent FREE on receipt of '8,1:: cents in postage stamps for returt posici i re. Address. W. K. DOHERTY. M. D. >r201y San’Ffancvco, Cal. KS KS KS:' KS¡ ÑKSÍ VillOgftF Blltors area purely Veg*» etable preparation,' made chiefly the native herbs found «1 the lower ranges of the Sierra Neva — £* CS » i* ' ’ A colored congregation in Chi­ cago have decided to forgive their ¡¡slergyman tor betting un three OUR COLUMN. DRI ' W. K. DOHERTY roturns hissin- cere. I tanks to his numerous pati outs for their | itrunage Jrunage and would take this opp<»r- oppor­ Has created many a new business; tunità to remind them that he continues to Has enlarged many an old business; coùsur l|'at his Institute tor the cure of chron- lias revived many a-dull business; ; ÌC di» a.ises of the Lungs, Liver, Kidney». Has rescued many a lost business: and I11D Grnilo ■ Urinary . Organs, and DlgesL i|ve JMi Has saved mawy ii large business; all par ate d.seascs, -r, viz: - Syphilis -w. - in all its r_I And insures a success in any- business. forma III uh I’Stages, Seminal weakness and all the h^ rriVee Co; uhoever gets p a Club maiden is translated nothing, and PElVIl, NIBA o I’S 1>EB!L.T»', UKorsv 3 Copi Ono Year, - 10 60 marriage is gammcn. 6 Copi 8 00 Non-ye tention of Incontinence of Urine, ,Ir ritation, Ialtamnliou or Ulceration of the r *Ccj 10 00 \ The Rock County Recorder, Payablo advanco in U. S. Gol equivalent in Currenc heads its funny paragraph colupjn Bladder & Kidneys, in this way: “Written with seis- • SI*FRMATRBO ifleent MAP of Leucorrh;ca or Whites, Diseases of the Pros ­ sors.” Those witticisms ought cer­ the Pacific Coast trate gland, Sto;:e in the Bladder, Col to every subscribe cults Gravet or Brickdust Deposit and tainly to be sharp. DE YOUNG & CO., Mucus or Milky Discharges. San Fraiiciftco. A Boston lady recently left a All Postmasters are authorized sum of money, the interest of which K EA i F n EY’S ive subscriptions. Specimen', aentfree. S end fob one . is used in providing the inmates of EXTRACT BUCHU Permanently cures all diseases of the the Home for old women and BLAODEK, KIVNI&Y8. AND D k 6. HI AL MWBLING Home for old men with a supply Existing in-Meii, Women and Children., . tXT’NO MA,4FEB WHAT THM AGEl‘U.8 ‘ \ , - = S* - ----- g ft = * ’S J Z a. of tea. Prof. Steel says: “One bottle of Kear­ 2 A young lady while out walking ney’s Pluid Extract Bucliu is worth more than all the other Barbus combined.” Price one dollar per bottle, or six bottles board, for the first time, her inoth for five dollars* or-q - î 11 er’a intention to marry again, and DeT>ot, lOt Diiane Street New York. 2* ? S' fi»a- h 75 ’ ’ A Physician In attendance to answer cor­ a»’ 3 - 2 i she was obliged to sit right down respondence alid give advice gratis. <• S- X jfcirSend sta'tnp for pamphlets, free.*®) and cry about it. She could not Í ¡C rane & B rigiiam , *2 o « -, ©• ~ go a step farther. Wholesale agents, S. F. Cal. B a n ~i O“ © a" If Georg« Washington himself s 3 e. y rr t bad only been cross-examined by -~TO THE-— Judge Fullerton before he died, O?2“ ® 2 ‘ we haveTio doubt it would. have _ h Hr- 3 a - ■ 3 — B Ä 3 » «-J5 S « r 3 a g'-s s S turned out that he really lied about OF a BOTH SEXES. the cherry tree after all. » Er-ty Idiot! exclaimed a lady, coming A’o Charge f jr A lvice and C'onsaUution. 2 « Da. J. B. D vott , graduate of Jefferson out of the theatre, one evening, as Medical -»•$ .fi 5 College. Philadelphia, author of sev­ s a gentleman accidentally stepped eral valuable works can be consulted on all ri 9 diseases of the sexual or urinary organs B i □, => 2.® AW f on her trailing skirt. “Which one (which he liai made an especial study) ei­ rn » _ Kl* fi- h ther in male or female, no matter froin what B a x‘® 2 « E F 3 • • of us?” blandly responded the man. cause originating or of how long standing. t. fise s ® r A practice of 3b yoars enables him to treat > =J5 5 “ 2 ® ~ u “No cetin appuls in school ours,” diseases with success. Cures guaranteed •5 «-• B’S ® m « r* Charges reasonab'e. Those at a distance 5 - fio*2,5’e.» reads a sign on the blackboar 1 of : can forward letter describingsymptoms’and ”2.» ? s E.S 2 stamp to prepay postage. a schoolhouse in enlightened old enclosing Send for the Guide to Health.' Price 10c. J. B. DYOTT, M. D. Massachusetts, where education is Phvsician and Surgeon, 101 Duane St. N.Y nn4.7-1v I* supposed to sit on the top rail and make faces at ignorance. A -.1 ■ I Merchants’ Exchange, P rivate I* F h ■ I i whenever you find its impurities burst­ ing through the skin in Pimples, Erupv tions. or Sores; cleanse it when yott find it obstructed and sluggish in thy veins ; cleanse it when it is foul ; your foelings will tell you when. Keep the blood pure, and the health of the sys? tern will fofiow. ’ z R. H. feDOIALD A pO,. OruRgiHU & Gen.'Axt».. San Fmirci^co, Callfar- iiia. At cor. uTWhasiugton & Charltou 8te.,N.X Sold all and