Lafayette Courier e Published every Friday by J f 1 i 4 3 F H 1 RAT DORRISS S» JEÌBJNCBUTaE TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One Cop/, One Year, •3 uo 1 75 1 00 One Copy, Six Jlouth«, One Copy, Throe Month», l^gal Ado^fthfinenls to Paid for u^ on HUiktng Proof by the PMisher. •3.Personal Adv«. 50 Ct*, u Line. aartMSHfiNMlìvMMaMWMHMMMNaMÙD >. - J I _ » A L ■T—r—---- .— - _2 --- f LAFAYETTE, ¿»¿EGON, VOL. X.—NO. 22. I 9 .. TELEGRAPHIC 1 lncL m~T1 75 I 1 7S I ; 10J j 5~(» o ¿ìncheV. | 175 | 2 «fi 3 00 | 8 00 | 12 | SO 00 SlncìteB, | 250 1 3 50 | TóO | tìì» | 20’ | 25 Oo lIlicbeB, | 300 | 4 00j 5 00'| ll^J 25 | 80 ÓO 4 Col. | 4.50 | 5 50 | 6 00 | 18 |3Ò|S5 00 j Col. 1 &óoj 7 00 | 9 00 F2lT [ 35 Ho 00 LF®1- _ L7Ó1I oppi n ì 20 HO | 60 00 1 Còl. r IO ~ I 1.5~rj lx | 3Q | 60 I 1100 ! . J • JULY 23. 1875 f r If PRICE TEN CENTS. . Busineß notices in the Local Colom ns, cents perline, eachinnertjpn. — H ■ 1 ’’T* — “Cut this olit; it may save your so, giving cid to the proseeution av.d St. Ledger sweepstakes for obtain full and faithful ansvfers. and comfort to wavering ¿ituess- 192 extra prizes. They go to I leave this place in a few days for life,” is the heading of an adver­ Monticello, to remain there thro.’ tisement in the Portage Register. OS. cs. Col. Win. FI. Dame is. now Wimbledon toxlay. (FBOM THE PORTLAND DA ILI EH.) confined at Fort Cameron. Elfe’s i / At the competition open to the months of Augustand Septem­ A Portage man cut it out, pasted fine health and very much pleased Americans at Wimbledon, they ber. 1 pray you to accept my it in his hat, and the same day was A Mflkt Shocking Murder. ^at the near approach of Ws jtrial, will have an opportunity to shoot friendly salutations and assurances killed by a brick which fell from N ew Y ork , July 13.« Dr. J. W. Watts wil will preach at this place and nit- ­ ihc top of a building. and isnnnnrnntlv is apparently nnrfnin certain rJ of urn acquit the ______ »oooii'l * “ ttaivtav \ in ' i every month at 11 a. for Buss prizes in the pavillion, of great esteem and lespcct. i la^ ni,r J J and in the evening at early mndle- patch from lialiegh, N C., states TH. JEFFERSON. light. tal. John D. Lee it in faiijhealth. Curtis an¿ Harvey rifle, Oaks and A clergyman in one of our East­ that a most inhuman murder, com­ Col. Ephriam Kirby. ” His wives and children ai|> here, ern cities was met by a seedy look­ mitted in this county March last, giving all the aid they can tojeoun- a few other matches. -In the sev- X E. Church. 1 eral contests the rules require the Extravigalice In Public Buil<|lnga. ing man with a flask of whiskey in Religious serftceB will be held by the M. has just come to light. Scott For- sel to prepare for trial; but.laside use^qf English, rifles./ The Amer- Jiis pocket, who inquired: “Sir, is E. Church, as follows; tinas, a while man, cut his wife’s One of the most flagrant abuses 'Fh»C34bbaUi Lafai»tteut 11 .A- *»4 from his family, Lee has pc| aid, cans had some practice with these UiiVUjJ^st road to thejU^ C«tty*8cliool Ho use al :i r. m . -•*«>» P throat, then cut her head off, un­ of the day is the extravigance . Sabbath Smiths’ Church at 11 a . comfort or support from aniybf the arms. house?” No sir, replied the cler­ jointed her at every joint, then cut » , West Chehalem 7 r. M. shown in the construction of pub ­ Latter-Day Saints in Utah, It Third Sabbath, North Yamliill 11 a . m ., Calliug In 5-20’« gyman, pointing to the bottle; bat I the flesh off her bon&s and attempt­ Lafayette 7 r. m . lic buildings of every class by the seems that lie is deserted by till but Toirth Sabbath at McMinuviite 11 a . m . W ashington , July 14.—The that is. ed to burn her body up, but did towns, cities, counties, States and «n I 7 r. M. 1'1 ' ■ his family and his attorne, sccratay of the treasury will to W. B utt , P. C, not succeed. Then he murdered Garibaldi wore the traditional - N ew Y ork , July 16. -(-«¡Tames day make a call for ten million the General Government. Enor­ his little boy, a child 8 months old, tE7"L. SAMUEL U oar duly author­ Loeder, indicted with J. J. Price coupon 5 20 bonds oí the Ioan of mous amounts of money are wast­ costume when lie was sworn in the ized .If eut at Porlliuid, Oregon. in the same manner and buried the ed in unnecessary aud tasteless or­ Italian Parliament (a red shirt, for perjury in connection wifth the call made ¡ 1862 This is the 22d two bodies in a marsh, where they namentation; buildings are con­ white- mantle and blue cap, em­ Arrival and Departure of M«tt* was hi'raign- -for the syndicate. Tilton Beecher case, were found last week bv •» the infu- structed for show in manv install- broidered witlr gold), Whenhe A Bold Robbery. Midi* bound South will close at 5 riated neighbors. Circumstances ed in Brooklyn yesterday anil ces rather than for use, and so vast answered in- n V. BRADSHAW, taxpayers that the real estate of the 19th verse, that “There was no Lane Express, in its weekly re­ to be minister resident at 1 Brussels whole country has seriously depre smith found throughout all the land -A.ttorn.ey at Law, view, says the crops have been pro­ has j Civil Service In 1803. been sent to the J’re|i< dent (or ciatcd in value. In this State, we of Israel.” Of course not. All gressing favorably, and reports to LAFAYETTE, OREGON. I The following letter from Thom­ have been erecting palaces in nu­ the Smiths were living in this; this effect have produced a quieter signature. I Office »*> the Court House feeling in the London market, A Washington special ip-8 Elli- as Jefferson has just been brought merous instances for public pur­ country at that time, and they have where prices had begun to advance ot, the special agejit sent io Alas to light, It is worth reading, as poses where plain, and substantial wonderfully increased and multi-' T. C. SULLIVAN, but there has been a further im­ ka, 1 ias submitted /his reifa ft, from a specimen of civil service opera­ buildings would have answered plied since that time. provement in the country. Prices which it appears that theJ nds are tion before the “interests of tho better; while the useless expendi­ r < Attar tiey-ai-Law, Napoleon was, one dayj search­ ■! I % ILL hereafter be found at the aoufh in many places are again lu2s dear­ ui fit for agricultural purpe ‘Cs;that party” became the first considera­ ture upon such edifices as-the new ing for a book in the library at. east corner room of lieed’s Oiwra er for wheat, and as the idea of the fisheries arc not extern ve and tion in the making of federal ap­ Court House and the State Capi­ Malmaison, and at last discovered House, up stairs, Oregon. n411v having a crop equal to last year’s scarcely profitable; that 11 »ere -is pointments: 5 tol—to say nothing of what has it on a shelf somewhat above hie W. Ji. RAMSEY. is given up and stocks decrease, no evidence of mineral defcosits of “W ashington , July 15, ’03.— been stolen outright in the course reach.! Marshal Moncey, wU-' -Attorney at Law, there is plenty of room for a fur­ commercial value; that tjie only D ear S ir : I yosteidav signed a of their construction—has been was present, who was one of the' « • • • •» .• Ji - j r .1 LAF ■AYETTE, OREGON. ther rise. In France the damage considerable industry is ilijt f I of the coinmission appointing you one of enormous in the aggregate. Mui- tailcot men in the army, stepped to crops * from floods has been very * annual catph of seals ¿1 l a few the commissioners to receive and lett’s reign of unrestricted folly forward saying: Permit me, sir; I GffitçLiihe Court House. extensive in the provinces, and fig­ less important fur-bearii|f I8i animals determine the titles of land held while he was in charge ot all the am higher than "your mejesty. B. STOTT 5MAA. A. BALL. ures snow, a rise in wheat from 1 the profits of which gojtO the Al j on tlie east side of Pc-arl river. new buildings of the general Gov­ “You are longer, marshal,” said- BALL * STOTT, to 2s. ’ aska Commercial Compjwy The place of session will be at ernment. cost the country millions the emperor, with a frown. ■ Another Church Scandal. ' Attorneys at Law, The complaint of the postmaster Fort Stoddart. I am happy in hav­ and millions of dollars, for which Detroit boys seem to advance in* 111 First Street, Opposite Occidental Hotel. P hiladelphia , July 13. — A general against district ^attorney ing in that commission the nirue it wi,ll never have any benefit, education whether they attend PORTLAND, OREGON. council of the Baptist clergy, to in­ Fisher was in consequence of ap­ of a person already so well known while it lias led to the expectation school or not. A newsboy who* jiinlOtf vestigate charges prcfcired against parent listlcssncss and |afck of in­ to the public as to insure their con­ on the pa.i t of ever, little city that couldn’t change a tcn-cent piece a Rev. Bott fur improper intimacy terest displayed by the dfetrict at­ fidence. The other commissioners wants a new postoffice or Custom year ago, was recently heard re­ REMOVAL jyjth certain ladies of his congre­ will bo Mr. Robert Carter Nicho ­ House, that an edifice of the most marking: “William Scott, if yon torney in his preparation! of the R. ALFRED KINNEY HAS RE- gation, met yesterday afternoon moved h:a Office aut^Residence Io the thfejpnd fear- las, of Kentucky, son of the late pretentious character will be built ever corrugate your brow at me in* Hindi case. Seeing P Northwest comer of Alder and East Park - and continued its session till this (Streets, (double house), where he can be __ had t loptnuch bu- Goorgo Nicholas of that State. I for it at the-expen?e of the whole that way again, I shall temporari­ ing that Fisher found at any time. ' morning. They agreed upon a siucss on bis own accoupf tf to allow am desirous of appointing to the country. Add to the wasteful but ly deposit my papers on the pave-* verdict of hot guilty, holding their him to properly attend J Tto these register’s office some worthy in­ not dishonest use of monev in un- ment, and cause the blood to coag­ pastor altogether blameless. gases, the postmaster-ge $icral of- habitant of that part of the coun­ necessary cost, the temptation for ulate under your left optic. «Hear* Mountain Meadows Plot Thickens. * fered assistance by the enj nbloyinent try, but I Imvc never been able to jobbery offered in this rule of ex­ me, William?” get a recommendation of any one. S acramento , July 17.—The fol­ of the best counsel whid tji Fisher HAVE TWO GOOD FARM8 FOR SALE travagance, and we have an addi­ at very reasonable terms—tach contain­ A boy about twelve years oldr lowing is an extract from a Beaver declined. The postniast^ ar general He should be of perfect integrity, tional reason for demanding econ­ ing 320 acre«. One is situate one mile and a half north of (Utah) letter in this morning’s knocked at the door of a house in* reported this to the President, and good understanding, and if a law­ omy and reform in expenditures of Lafayette; is well improved. Has a good Record; Detroit, and when the lady ap- > was directed by him to again make yer, so much the better. Under this description.—N. Y. Sun. ORCHARD Amasa Lyman, originally one of an offer to Fisher, He fid so,and these circumstances, I have tho.’t peared lie said: There’ll be a boy And all kinds of shrubbery of the best va­ riety. The other is in Chehalem Val.ey neai the twelve apostles, but now apos­ An honest old gentleman from it best to ask you to take charge the offer was again declibcd, Fish­ the Willamette river. There is a good around here pretty soon to clean* tate and leader of a new branch er assuring the Postmastjgr-general of a blank commission, to be filled a rural county, who went down to your walk, but doir’t give him the* MILL-SITE of spiritualists and renegade Mor­ that he would attend to the case. up by yourself as soon after your New-York to spend the Sabbath job. His name's Jim; he’ 8 i croffl- On this placejplenty of good timber; about * with friends, was asked by one of arrival there as you can acquire mons in Salt Lakp City, is here in By 0 acres cleared. lack of interest and failure to eyed and he blows up cats with1 ither of these farms can be secured at a them what the people up bis way Beaver, aiding the prosecuting at ­ information of the best character. bagraia. Terms easy. devote the proper time tb the case powder snaps. 1’11 be here with1 For further particulars enquire of thought of ’ the Beecher scandal. Your own judgment will suggest torneys to expose those guilty of before the trial. erroEs| occurred 8. SMITH, my partner pretty soon. We go­ or at this office. aiding irt the slaughter at Moun­ which resulted in tho acquital of to you the advantage of keeping it He replied that he never tried it, to Sunday-school, never sass our * ; t " entirely secret that you have such and didn’t know anything about it. tain Meadow. His appearance Hinds. K|^| J ’ ■ * mothers, and we are going to give hero has cheated no little excite­ apoweri in order that you may That he and all his neighbors half the money to the grasshop« The secretary of the interior has obtain disinterested information. burned kerosene. ment in this community. What } pers. The job was saved for Eim.- 0TEPHESON & SHAMLY, PROPR’S the result of his visit will be is al­ appointed the membersfelect from But I am obliged to impose on you New Hampshire, Van‘fVooriiees, A Detroit gentleman walking- 1TTE WILL KEEP CONSTANTLY ON. together conjecture, but it is be another task, quite out of the line < Au old college prex. used to «ay hand all kinds of rough luml>er, which wc arc selling cheaper than any lieved generally he will unearth of Ohio, Judge J. C. Patker and of your official duty, yet within that he woul4always assign a rea­ behind two school children the pther mill in the county. Persons who contemplate building will many facts that have long been Inspector Kemble, as A- commis­ that of a citizen of the United son for any official act of his. (>ne other day h&u*d the boy inquired find it to their advantage to give us a call before purchasing elsewhere. •dormant; that rnasy of those who sion to visit the Osage îhdians and States. • Wj) have had-so means day Jones, who was a stupid fel­ will you be at the party to night? examine into their condition. Hou. of acquiring any knowledge of the low, went to him and co nplained I shall be there, answered the miss, $0X111$...:............. ». ........... $9 er X». acted under mistaken ideas of duty “ M at the time of the tragedy, and aid­ John Hancock, of Te: ejdis, will be number, nature and extent of our that in the distribution of com­ but I may as well tell you - now* f......... . ........ . edt the posi­ settlements west of the Pearl river mencement honors, no oration had that your love is hopeless. 1 Mam­ For large bills of lumber for houses and ed in carrying out the orders of added if he" will accent barns we will make reductions. , J I WRIGHT & STEPnESON. yet it is extremely important that been assigned to him to deliver, ina is determined, father is set, and1 those in authority, will now, under tion. *1 deckntHly- the advice of Lyman, make full L ondon , July 16.—The Ameri­ we receive such information. I and asked Prex. what reason *here it isn’t right for me to encourage confession of what they know ,of can rifle team will compete indi­ have therefore taken the liberty of was why he was not to speak. your attention.- I can be a sister’ 4 Scriptural reasons, sir,” was the to you, but nothing more. There* and post pfiid-THE BEVERLY BUDGET th? affair, laying the responsibility vidually at Wimbledonjfor the Al­ stating some queries to which Ì • —875 per week, CASH to gll, gt home or fore you- needn’t buy me any vai- traveling. Something entirely new. Ad where it belongs. Bill Hickman, bert cup, valued at £500; the Ar­ pray your, attention, and that vou reply; there is no piece for the weak dress »t oqce^ THE BEVERL’YCO., a»y more gvs« endue or givp t *• of murderous uotorfetv, is here al- thur rifle, worth £100: the Derby will take all the pains you can to - head. Chicago r M. E. Church South. i ■ I : / • • I “ “■ ■ "" 1 • ■ Religious services will be held by the T. w------------ ------------------- r — Xi. E. Church South, as follows: — - .............. Ji A. M. First - - Sunday “ Happy Valley, XToWI r» m v’ i 1 lo McMinnville,T ................ fi P. M. West Chebalmu.......11 A. M. Third Fourth “ Armstrong's Chajuil.. .11 “ Lafayette,..................... RP. M. E. G. MICHAEL, I*. C. • » I t >■ I 4 i •i r >*• r* , I , * . -■ w . i. , ■ ■ ' 9 a > i -■ i' I ¡ W I * «■ • * *. W t .„V M. ........ D FARMSJ2R SALE 1 ■ » 25 ■ Panlisr Creek Mil. - ----------- —----------------------------- —hr- 1 f SENT FREE •- ■< I Í