Il» | U» . .................. I, ami teli ji | h l »yri... . LAFAYETTE COURIER. r....... -i---.- T " -..... . FRIDAY, I I . t r i i 1875 Wet moon. It’s a good sign, and it reads: Haney, Boot Maker.” R. P. Bird and family returned A ttempted S uicide .—Friday last from the Dalles Wednesday last. some little excitement was caused by Rev. Mr. Summers will'bold servi­ the announcement that J. Swires, a ces at this place next Sunday at 11 county charge, had committed sui­ o’clock. cide by cutting his throaL The facts, Joe. Huston, road supervisor of this as near as we could learn, are about district, is putting tho roads in good as follows: Sometime in the forenoon condition. r Swires took his testament and started Mr. L ee Baker is making the Day­ out to walk and read, as Mr. Henry’s ton school a power. The right man family supposed, and no particular in the right place. attention was given to the act. His Wanted—an editor for tho Reporter. stay becoming somewhat prolonged T. B. has moved to Hillsboro. Re­ Mr. Henry became uneasy and sum­ muneration glory. moned a couple of the neighbors and W. R. Dunbar, G. W. C, T., will deliver a temperance lecture at Carl­ a thourough search begun J S\vires was found about a quarter of a mile ton Thursday evening next. North Fork will have a spell next from thehouse in thebrush. He had cut Tuesday evening. It is the Grangers his throat in twD places, with a pock­ et kaifu, however, he cut too far back preparing for their contest. to prove fatal. Finding this did not The worst spell we have seen is the have the desired effect, he aimed to weather we are having. Just as we stnka the main artery in his arms. want to go a fishing, too. These attempts proved futile he threw The Reporter mon seems to be agent the knife away and tried to bleed to death. When found he got up and for the sale of a löt of school benches. said he was stout enough t j > walk to We suppose he would like to keep the the house. The uien told him no, he other part of the school. would bleed to death. He said he did Two new babies in town. One at not care if he did, that’s what he Milloy’s and he’s a boy: the other at wanted to do. A wagon was procur­ Charley Royal’s and she’s a girl. ed and he conveyed to the house. Dr. All are happy. Next. Littlefield was summoned and dress-' Miss Emma Baker was the lucky qd the wounds. Everything possible speller last Friday night,—receiving Was done to make him comfortable. Swires some eight years ago aad a a handsome croquet set froni Dr. H. severe attack of fever,—was sitting R. Littlefield, as a prize. before the fire and through - exhaus­ One attorney who is practicing for tion or a spasm ho fell for wad into tlm spelling match had twenty- eight tho five and burned one side of his words pronounced, to him, and out of fuco, head, neck and shoulder into a that number missed twenty-three. crisp. He is certainly a terrible look­ Considerable tiilk on tho streets of ing object; life is a torment to him—no McMinnville/a few days since, by a hope of being cured and if anybody little man going to cowhide Mr.----- . ever was justified in suiciding it is Nice moral town,that. Callout the certainly Swires. crusaders. I > , I • S hameful .—There is a father of a small family liviug not for from this place, who, wo are told, has in­ humanly forced his daughter, a girl only 15 years of age, assisted by a younger »ister and a brother who ia still younger, to grub out a patch of brush on Dis farm this winter. The girl says that they have cleared over • six acres this winter, she alone taking out one hundred grubs in one day. The girl has Uft home Because she thinks that such hard work is killing her. She does not seem to be at all lazy for shooffe-s to work for her liv- ' ing with anybody if they will only give her a home. She is now living with one of her neighbors. C amp M eetings —Rev. E. G. Mi­ chaels, pastor iu charge of this cir­ cuit, has annouuocd that tbe M. E. Church, South, will held their annu­ al camp meeting at their grounds on North Yamhill, near the Gaunt bridge,.commencing on Friday before ■» j the 2d Sunday’ in June. There will be a camp meeting held ear Mays' Mays’ Ferry, under the auspices ^^Miear F ___ th«.- *_ T*. ‘ tan Church, to begin on Christi Friday, the 28th inst., and probably to hold over the first Sunday in June. L I i C lam B ed F ound .—Parties who came over the Coast Mountains from the verdant valc3 of Tillamook report having found a clam bed between the summit and tho the toU-gate. Some 2(T large ones were taken out of a marshy piece of ground. The uien bad no ‘ means of telling how extensive the bed was. This adds another variety of fruit to be sought for by berriests in the Coast mountains. From the “swell” of the-shells one would sup­ pose they caino from the briny deep. R epresentatives .—P. P. Gates and J. E. Hu board have been elected representatives to the Grand Lodge I. O. O. F., which meets at Portland on the 18th inst, b? Lafayette Lodge, No. 29. J. W. Carey and Frank A. Hill have been elected representatives by Yamhill Lodge, No. 20. • f T he G ranger S pell .—In another column will be found the challenge from the Granger« to the lawyers, doctor« and merchants of this county, also an acceptance of the same from the “outsiders.” This contest gives promise of being hotly contested for tho championship. i * i » - <»» A djudged I nsane .-—Joe. Swires, the young man who attempted to commit suicide last Friday, has been adjudged insane. Sheriff Dale took him to the asylum last Tuesday. i “J. - f-------------------------------------------- - I I I MAY 14, - ■ ------------------ A pples .—Mr. Hadaway has our thanks for a lot of apples. May y our orchard never bo blighted, your au- ger always «harp, and lastly, may you be the next S’g’t-at-Arnis. i_______ ---------------------- P remium L * ist .—The Premium List of the Fifteenth Annual Fair is, before us. Tlui Fair comyaeuces Oc­ tober 11th. ~ END2 ¿ND25C tuG. >c tu G. P. ROWELL BO WELL A CO., New _----___ " _ (97th editi lpt1) contaiu- York, for Book ing lists of 2000 newspapers, and estimates ,_____ ,—nol.dy showing cost » of . advertising. S LAFAYETTE MARKETS. North Side Wolf Club. NOTES. !' '"'f11“ L afayette , May 8. North Side Wolf Club met persi - ant to adjournment. Moved that J. T. Hembree take tfre chair vice Wisecarver absent. Gai­ ned. Minutes of last meeting read anil approved. Moved that any person killing cayote prior to becoming a membm of this club shall not receive a reward on the scalp of the same1 from . this R. K. i | CORRECTED WEEKLY. 'lADWAY’SREADYRFLItt i ♦ CU atp TH i WORST PAINS ?n ti crr Jne to T wenty Minutes. FLOI R, GhAIN. ETC. Wheat, best white, bushel.... O.vts, bushel.............. . ........... Cora Meal ft....... ................... Flour best, sack, (?i barrel). 1 Bu«kwheat Flour, ft....... Bran toil......... .. .-.......... .’. .12 Hay, to|n... .............. i____ 12 ‘ « ‘ » baled^ ton.................. f i Ç ..... fit) • J: 1 his advertisement need anyone SUFFER WITH PAIN. ¡.EADY RELIEF IS A CURE FOR • EVERY FAIN. I: waa the first and Is 25 7......... 00...i.. 00......... ..©.... OROCEKIES. Sugar, San Francisco refined 1 V ft.13® U \ Island....... . 10® 12 crushed... ... 20®. gr.uiiila ted 2o®.‘... Tea, black, ft 63® 75 4 r Imperial....... * < I Û5.. Coffee, Cosla Rica, ft 5 Rio................ Kono....... . » Java.............................. v, Salt, Csnpen I«!und, ^cwt... J. I Liverpool, coarse .............. dairy..;........ . i ’ ■ club. Carried. > « A motion to extend the boundaries of ten itojy so as to read “Willdmettie •?OT OHE HOUR 4........... Tl o Quly Pain Remedy I RADWAY’S READY RELIEF WiLL AFFORI» INKTANTEASE. INFLAMMATION WTtiE KIDNEYS. I i NF I. \ M iIA T15 < (> F T J i E BLADDER. ......:. r T'b INFLAMMATION OF I'HK BOWELS. , cong H- : f [ < IN T h TH E Ll’N.OS. SORE-THR >AT. OlEKOUI ' ' I KEAIHi.NG I’AL-f n ION OF THE HEART. IlYSTEiUC CROUi*. Dll’-'i HEHIA. I CAT akkii - INFLUENZA HE’.^kCJE. TO ) TTI \ HE. NTUK AL '.CIA. RHEUMATISM, T cor.nrtnt.LT ag - t .: chii .IX . Tftle app.i, :l I »!( ol lit-- !<« vi»«iy licifef In the i ’ ii < c il.fficuUy nut car; • r p- wili i3T> . .1 1 t > • f iVn'cr wilt m'a T e i i'AFMS. Mll’R '■(• */ n . n I ■ti|< Hl. i !>Al HR, *T> H II I ». LU< WIND IN !>■ v.:»ui 'r. a . T. — i'.IL O . Si.. . an 1 n.l INILRNAL 4 l-SlA.-i. Tri •■ ••>- fh.'tnl rliims ’.nrfi n I r 50® 4® ® 12® ® 75®. 2® Hint HiMhnily .t«pn «lie meet excruciating pains, luliar.iiiiubons. and cures Congestions, Congestion»; allnyK ¡uflahmia'.ious, Mbciiicr» ihv Li.n.b Stomach Bowels, or other uin, iiv one application. application, gluud i>r organs, 1»«' uno *--------- ’WENTY M IN FROM ONE TO TWENTY MINUTER. no inn J«-r Imw ’ hdt-nl or excruciating the pain the RHEUMATIC. Bed-ridden, Infirm.Crippled.Nerv- oii< Ncmrnigjc, or prostrated with disease may suffer, 00 5 16} . i i iv . ii . r w il pr>-v» lit »icknessor P kiii S i.r«Ull ctiailBC <>f «• r <-r l’ i- belter Ui.-.n j’reitcli iJraudy or Bi.ters . hi .1 a. I.GUi l l!. MEATS. FEVEIl AND AGUE. Beef;fresh, ft............ corned .................... Smokril ..... ..... Pork, beali, ft ft__ .. Veal, “ «... ......... . Mutton “ I ’ ÍÍ ’J •••••><♦ Baeôu, hante F ft......' ‘sugar cured, side«..................... ■shoiiMlcrs .............. II I • FE.’.'E t kND AGUE cHfi-illor ibcenti There is ut iii ii >r h •‘’in • !i.i 1 itjeur in the world w<\rI,J that *hat will cure Fi-n-ra f'l Amu- U' ■nl Hilo her Malarious..Billions. Sea-let. T |» ■ ‘ «> d. Y '«•Iliiw ninl oHicr Fever«, aided »0 quick srs RADW a Y'S i > A > ji » Y ï • .. ri U.S; I In- R . i!i Fifty ecu s per bottiei REA Y . HEURE ....... 6® 7 Dr. J. Walker’s California Vinegar Bit ters tire r purely Veg­ etable preparation, mad/> chiefly from the native herbs fouud on the lower ranges of the Sierra Nevada uimtutninA of California, fhe medicinal properties of wliieh are extracted therelroih lth- ont tho use of Alcohol. Tho question •s almost daily asked, “Wlmt is th® causa of the unparalleled success of V inegar B itters ?” Our answer is, that they remove the cause of disease« and the patient recovers his health. They are the great blood purifier and rfect Renos a life-giving principle, a perfect __ie system. valor and Invigorator of the system; Never before in the histoty of the wdrld has a medicine been compounded pos* sensing the remarkable qualities ot V inegar B itters in healing the sick of every disease. ■ They are a ^etttl® Purgative as well as a Tonic, relieving Congestion or Inflammation of the ■driver and Visceral Organs, in Bilious Diseases. The properties of D e .W atxkr ’ s V inegar B itters are Aperient, Dia­ phoretic, Nutritious, Laxative, Diu­ retic, Sedative, Counter-Irritant, Su­ dorific, Alterar*ve, and Anti-Bilious. Mi a.i .u- â> I « Od Oil amis Bilds proclaim in /. gar BiTi-ERS'lhe ui"st wo nd« -Mill . ivigor.ait that elm su ta :ed the sink- g : ysl* in. • • • • an assesiuent on all of tlie memljMMS and place the same in tho hands 6® .. the collectors of the different precinc®* ...i .. w. 10® "12 within the jurisdiction of. this clulf 15 11 STRONG AN 3 I'U I’URE EICII RÍXlflO-INUREA-«E and tliatt said collectors collect anfl OF ifLE'lt SNb i VEIGHT—CLEAR SKIN 12 OF AND A SO •BEAUTIFUL .... COM; LEXION, SECURED report at each and ¡¡every regular 12 ÍO Al.!.. • I meeting. The following geutlemei poultry : act as collectors for their respective Chickens / ■ I i • dressed, each 25®.... districts: peUdoierf.’.... 3 00® 4 00 5. J ' i iMjayette— James T. Hembree anc ETC. THE; GTÌ^AT BLOOD PURIFIER I HAS MAUK THE MOST ASTONISHING CURES* Win. Roberts. RO QUICK so RvUII) AKE III E CHANGES, HO fresh rolls, Rbrth Yamhill— Abe Roberts aud : a.-. Butter, packed, ' THE BUM ITW!?«UOES, UNDER THE IN­ ... \o } ^rson ran take thèse FLUENCE OF THIS TRULY WONDERFUL ( alifornia . R. Laughlin. MEDICINE, T|IAT BUlers according to directions, Í™ and .. hei reni.ii i long vuwtll, provided tlieir II?»/ Chdialem— Jesse Carter and 4., EL destroyed by mineral ft : », Clice-e, Oregrtn prime, E. Hembree. p-n-on cr other m°a'is. and vital or­ ’“ i C_ ’alifornia East Chdudem— S. Brutscher. gans w-iFted i evond. repair. L ud, V lh :¡?.......... ; < »u rtiUteilt,’ UHll McMinnville— Sam McCreoty and . kihoi ami III* In- * WOOL , HIDES, ETC ; v«ri d-np.oi the S'.RSM’AIULLTAN RESOL- tCFBl iti UHt FcVCr*, which are so tor^i The plasters, Messrs. Murry and WisecarVer. V'-NT coininuifkati'« Uirougli ilie’iiiood. Sweat, | »••r Ruidt »rut juices efthe svstem the .I'r.'r.n anit'Oihe: I ■ ' I d' 74 ft . . K preval ml iu of òjir grfeat Sutherlin, two of Portland’s best • • I Moved that all members failing $> W ml, p ft .. ; ' cor of life-, fo for it rvpalfsi die ’ll a-ies of tlie haOtind i tn aerial. Scrofula, SyphiU*. workmen, who have been on O 50®3 00 • in ____ the Cnnsiimprion. . GtaiiuUtar «li-case. Ulcer* ___ ... pay the amounts asiessed to thei^ illpd, each ffi'ü en nr^ , Illinois, T- nu<-*feö» from time to time for o;her parts of flic sys etn, Sore Eyes. Struntoruus Wednesday. discharges ¡ruin Sheep -ski:.a, 'wool on, each from the the ’ Ears, and the worst forms of 3à® .. ■Juiub. la .d, ArXuu a , Bed. Colorado, regular meetings in succession l|e Skin diseases, Ihnd. diseases. Eruptions. Fever Sores. Scald Head. Ring Worm, Sult Rheum Erysipelas, Acne. Black Br-.'.fe'Ni 7Ìio Grind', PtNirl, Alabama, The schools taught by Miss Eliza­ thereupon denied of alt the bjiiii- OILS.CTC. Spots, Worms iji the Flesh. Tumors, Cancer tn the àIn!:iL- Sa -im.ùh. Boanoke, James, beth Lxrge and Campbell Hendrix fits of this organization,- until theft7 Womb, an t all weakening and painfu|.d¡■•charges, 1 50 9.... Nfgut Sweats, Loss or Sperm and all wastes of the Oil, boiled,*^ gallon nd m.iuy otnrr^ , with their vast trib- met at the school house of the former first pay up the amounts of their de­ Linseed life principle, are w ithin the curativcjrange of this ’ raw. ,i..... 1 50®.... arl -s, t.u cr." __________ _ _ oat ‘ : al oil form* of di-e t“c its potent power to cure them. 50® . remarkably m » duri g seSsóns of ñn- If the patient, dully becoming reduced by the Neatsfoot Oil. V gailon copy of the proceedings of this muff ­ 75®2 00 1 resulted in a draw battle. wastes and decomposition that is continually pro­ '.sual eat and dryno ^, are iuva riably Ta’low. ft................ b@ 10 gressing, succeeds in arresting these wastes,'and ing to the C ourier aid JiejK/rtcr icvompani. d by pxtcnsivç Jerauge- repairs the samo with jtew material, made Irdm This county is receiving its share healthy blood — and this the I4ARSAPAR1LLIAN n-.-iiU of the s ornarli and Nv«-r, rfnd emigrants. Already quite a number for publication. will and does secure—a cure is certain; foe when »th -r ab '.omiu il vi: c ri. In their The meeting adjourned to meet thfo j i. once this remedy commences its work of purifica­ f have found their way to our midst. tion. and succeeds in diminishing the lot» of wastes, •a a prfí¿'aLVu, cx ■=. !' food digesting better, appetite itnDroving, and flesh is e ; eût a 1. There is no >rgaus -----------------»------------------------- 1’ F and weight increasing. time feniember how it was when you .athartic tor th i ¡»nrpic^o equal to ’1 !gi Not on i y does t he S a rs ata billi am R ksolv bmt e x cèT Marks Convicted. i all known remedial agents In th® cure of Chronic, D r . J. W. xk - r ’ j - V: ntga » E itt :. rs , aS first came here. • - K. . • EXP LINE, Scrofulous. Constitutional aud Skin Diseases; but i * — licv W 11 Pv ‘ 'j i’.úicve the (link' it Is tho only positive cure far publisjieil A farmer plowing the other side pf ''riseli io it-r with vliith tbe i ; ' , Some months stnoe was EROM •oliized Kidney A) Bladder Complaint», towels arc le d ' i] McMinnville last week found an “old iv the C ourier an article pertaii^ng it the same time Urinary and Womb d’seasea. Gravel, Diabetes. fashioned Missouri skunk’s'fiesf’con- etio s of tire liteer» itirault tin » tlie ew. Dropsy, Stoppage of water. Incontinence ot Urine. to St. Joseph, to the trial bf J. J. Marks, for en^- Dayton Bright's Disease, Alb’.iminura, and in all caM*s taining one old one and young ones. Joriug the healthy r ■ •. ’ j d ge pl Cl; illy 5b i where there sro brick dust deposits, or the water is, .U"c*.icl digestive orgfiliH» ..s ut the We don’t know much about Missouri bezzlement, since then hp has bada thick, cloud?- mixed With substances like the white cf an egg, or threads like white silk, or there is a the agaiiisi skunks, but Oregon ones are stron new trial, of which the* Chronicle ojf For í T ’ . morbid, dark, bliions ajrpearance, and white bone- WILL tun a hack from Dayton to St. dust deposits. and when there is a pricking, burning enough for us. i . .i.-i ■¡sr:?. ST by ..j pnrif irg. all its fluidi Joe, i ’/ h Lafayette, connecting with the the 2,)th says: sensation When pssslrg water, and pain in the cats every (lav. ’ ritb tha B itters , N o epidé'aie eftn email of thebaok »«<• ».cue the The second trial of Joan J. Marki We hear the following joke on the l C7”A11 bimines- promptly attended t->. ‘ake Lclii Dispepsia, Biliousiie-.«. i iiluai nriug » of liyspepCa. bottle will ' For the relief and the night*and prepare himself for the expiate his crimes by serving a teriR Iml.i.n na.ii >!i"<.t ihe ÌL>w. Is, i’ - ll. • » aii.l • all cure of all derange­ l-'cvor. •rove better guarantee of its merits ■rove a e n n *«•( the Intentai — "...h .......". Vwccrn -------1 u wri'uutfil trial next day. ments in the stom­ h in San Quentin._J£he former verdic| a fu» i.h e cure. Uun-iy v«’g ■e'lHilo. coft- •.an a Lu ■ilhy ulvirtisemeut. ach, liver, and bow­ tai i-ft-ct ling a > m<-rriiri*. minerals i.r delctvr:«»isdrusa - 4"* *♦ Wi- v els. They are a mild K M’iv s|.yu*s :.f R a DW a Y S PILLS ir. i tr-cthc against him was set aside and a nevjr t » r . .A *'. » cr Ilium’s Evil, A CHALLENGE. aperient, and an »i-.-4 -in »!•» -i all thii above named dis; h'cis “iico •i --- J ■ 1 ■"•’e - Fr’ .dpel.i . b -x S old __ _ P' drug -¡Isis trial ordered on the ground that life excellent purgative. -• R t.l • per F ll.SE AND »... E ” Send .uie . At! ;cr Being purely vege ­ Swelled Neck, ~ a‘tr-, Surofuloiw in« To the At tome «, Merchants and Doctors had been convicted on the uncorrol^ A Y to R U»W*« * * CO ’f‘ , *' table, they contain stain, York |;-.t< iriti.i i ir wortti (ItuaSuud,-vt't iu •A n. llammatioD % Mercurial affections, Old no mercury or mine­ yon of Yandiill County^ Ortgon: orated testimony of his - accomplice, ------------ I--------- Sores, Eruption« < f the Skin, Sore ral whatever. Much Lyes,, etc. In incs ’, a> in all other 'A I i We, the under signed committee On Callahan. Although it is quite likui . . serious sickness and ’ i ■ , ■y [ suffering is prevent­ i-onstikutimal Di. e ves, D r . W alker ’« ' • [I •: behalf of the G.ange, would respecti- ly that another attempt to obtain i ed by their timely V inegar B itt . bs have .shown their fully ask ten of you to spell- against : 'I ' use; and every family should have them on hand new trial w ’ ill be made, the objection great curative powers in the most I for their protection tfnd relief, when required. a like numbur^of Grangers at the obstinate and intractable ca^ea. Long experience has proved them to be the saf ­ which was before successful eanne^ Court-House in Lafayette, Thursday est, surest, andT best of all the pyis with which * For Inflammatory or Chron­ evening, May 20th, 1875. The “les­ now be urged, as the evidence wag tho market abounds. By their occasional use, ic Rheumatism, Gout, Bilious, son” to commence on the 128th page this time fortified on the point whic> the blood is purified, the corruptions of the sys­ tem expelled, obstructions removed, and the Tl Remittent and latevmittout Fever«, of Webster’s Primary Dictionary, Re­ machinery of life restored to its healthy c rendered it technically insufficicpC Whole Diseases of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys FLUID EXTRACT activity. Internal organs which become clogged vised Edition. Twenty pages or less r.ud Bladder, these Bittdrs have no and sluggish are cleansed by Aper ’ a Pill», and Whatever moral assurance it ca.rrieiR to bjj propounded. stimulated into action. Thus incipient disease eqiv.l. Such -Discuces are caused by Suitable prized will be given to the with it. Marks has been ably and Is changed into health, the value of which change, Vitiated Blood. reckoned on the vast multitudes who enjoy when champion of the evening. pertinaciously defended, whb It, can hardly be computed. Their sugar coating Mcihaiiical Diseases.—Per­ U. F. ROYAL, Committee makes them pleasant to take, and preserves their sons engaged iu Paints and Minerals, are charged with similar ct imes ad J virtues unimpaired ior any length of time, so of such as Plumbers, Type-setters, Gold- that they are ever fresh, and perfectly reliable. E. D. LARGE. Arrang’m’ts. ways are, so long a^ enough of tli bea|ere, and Miners, as they advanoe Although searching, they are mild, and operate plunder remains to filo eminent coun lie/torter please copy. without disturbance to the constitution, or diet, or in life, are subject to paralysis of the The qnlv known rentedv for occupation. Bowels.^ To guard against this, take sei. The jury were out five hour; Full directions are given on the wrapper to L' r . V i ’ atjclii ' s V inegar B ittees . each box, how to use them as a Family Physic, and fears were entertained by tho: CHALLENGE ACCEPTED. , - I 01'Skill Diseases, Eruptions, and for the following complaints, which these And a positive remedy for who know how hard it is to procure a Pill» rapidly cure: — • Tatter, Salt-Rheum, 'felotches, Spots, For DyapepMia or Indigentton, IjUtleM- To C. F. Ihcal and E. D. Large, Com­ conviction in such cases 1 that the dJ- taeiM, languor and I k »«« of Appetite, they GOUT..GKAVEL, RT1MCTURE®, Dl.lBKTK1, 1Y-*- lbnipl?n, Pustulos, iioibs. Carbuncles, mittee of 'Arrangement* on behalf bf Ringworms, Se&l-head, Eves, should be taken moderately to stimulate the stom­ FE.SIK, NEBVOl’S DNB1L.T«*, VRD.'HV, : fendant would be acquitted. • He wi V ach, and restore its healthy tone and action. JSrysapelas, itch, Scurf«, Discolorations G ranger^ For X4ver Complaint and its various symp-i Non-retention or Incontinence of Urine, I»' Of the Skin, Humors aud Diseases of appear before Judge Blake for seiir toms, Bilio«» Headache, Nick Head­ We, the undersigned on behalf of ritation, Intbuii.ition or l lceratioh of the Die Skin of whatever name or nature, fence on Saturday. The punishment ache, Jaundice or <2reen Kicknes«, Bil­ i’ ' I ’ ar a literally dug up and carried out of the attorneys, merchants and doctors prescribed by the penal ’code for tb|) ious Colic and Bilious Fever», they should be judiciously taken for each case, to correct the - .{^ladder & "E^idni'yy ■ the system in a short time by the use 3 of Yamhill county, would respectful­ diseased action or remove the obstructions which | of thLse Bitters. crime for which he stands convicted cause it. •; - 1 , SPERMATBRO ly announce that we will take up the For Dysentery or Diarrhoea» but one í Fin, Tune, and other Worms is imprisonment in the State Prison [ mild dose is generally required. Leucorrluva or Whites, Diseases of the Bros • ....... ’ lurking svstem cf sO gauntlet so gallantly cast before us ’’"'S iu the system sd manv many thon- thou- For Bheumatis'ni. Clout» Gravel, Pal­ for a term of not less thail one yeai, trate gland, Sto.le ia the LIhdder, C*- 1 1 — - J - --- i ■ 8a * 1< kb ,ir e > effectually destroyed and - re- pitation of the^Heart, Pain in the in your challeff£c published, in the and not more than ten. It is too late Hide, Back and Loins, they should be contin­ _, ___ _k C ourier , upon the terms therein uously taken, as required, to change the diseased mifuges. no anthelminitics will free the specified; provided, however, that in now for the defendant to avail him­ action of the system. With such change those fcy.-tem from worms like these Bitter«» disappear. consideration of your making the self of the merciful provision of Sec­ complaints For Dropsy and Dropsical Swellings, For Female Complaints, in choice of books and place of meeting, tion 513 of the Code which makes ia. they should be taken ip large and frequent doses r young or old, married or single, at the produce the effect of a drastic purge. that wd have the choice and manner restoration ôf tlje property embezzl^l to For •i dawn of womanhood, or the turn of Suppression, a large (lose should be Permanently cures ell diseases of the of test And choice of orthoepist. 1 fe, these Tr. «T. C. AYUR & CO., Practical Chcmltts, ^■jrSetid stamp for pamphlets. free."4;i tem will foll.’W. an Medal for the best in the worlds gent reasons for experiencing a “fel­ I.OWSLI,, MASS.,'U. S. A. IK. 11. -VI« DONALD < CO., C rane & B righam . I*c»M4 Montgomery street, San Francisco. low-feeling” for the accused. 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