YETTE COURIER. 1 STÁTE BOARD OF IMMIGRA flON^ isA Vv We • < I * Address of the Commissioners— A The abolishment of Capita! punish­ . Statement of AtTulri Various Rec- ment in Iowa has hud as a result to ottimendatton; Matters of Great increase the number )f inurdors in -f. Importunes to the State. v ; 1 that State two-fold^ .aihd the people To tiie E ditors of the V ario . ui are in favor of a R‘ti l rn to the old N ewspapers of O r loon —-Gentle law prescribing th$ d< dli penalty. men: I am directed by this Board tefc The Bulletin is thb oi)ty paper pub- ask you kindly to insert’ in your va­ (lisbed in this States sofur as we have rious publications the enclosed ad­ seen that unhesitatingly endorses the dress to the people of this State in re- *-$r ! I OBJECTS OF THE BOARD. —TO THE- MISCELLANEOUS. « « » • ' »• I v ’ «I. To receive itn nigranttf arri- unty on a change of venue and there not. can forward letter deserlbingsymptom^and A. D., 1875, (with the East) comes our immigra­ Í ,il|e enclosing stinnjito pre pa v postage. the hour of one o’clock I*. M. of-»aid day tried resultingin the annulling of the Tho New York Tbibiitye Whatever political; ft il il un J Ip lie. handed to iiiiini- at he will contrib contrib- ­ tion iutercsts. Send for the Guide to Health Price 10c. a- theCottri House door in Lntayetie, In < J. B. ' i’OlT. M.D. I charter of the compauy. Marion ute tho Weekly or ’ SAin-We«kly to opinions you may all entertain, we sal I county, - y 1 ¡ bounty paid a portiou of the costs, 1. To î<»rwurd abroad a nd; to coin to he nai lai the time -of lic and private landdand farms wi.t The «laiin a second time, and if it is re­ » L so'ithwe-t one-fourth, the pontheast ly bankrupt when he died. Locked this State will be benefitted by a flovr PubliahqA Quarterly.— .Tam-ary num,- Io • ; Fale, the Board in no way un- on*-fonrth of the northwest one fourth and jected to bring an action, in which California is mak­ her-imt Lunen, and comains over mo page» up in courts and a b^orbed by the law­ of Immigration. di taking «ales of buc I i lands*, but the west one-half, bf the northwest one « 500'e grav'ngs. d-scrj ‘ hns yf more than f section five a d lab Ny^ K5. 6. » yers and stock slurps, his millibn, 500 . f <|;rr r Vegetable«,. rit hply referring iinmigrauts to the and 7 of section si<. all itf'y'W'^iiip three 41 1 for B. To keeps labor record where G. W. GOUCHER. European nations. We, unforttutate-r the it» 1’nblislie.l in Engl sh and Ger- Ad.r.itiist.atur. ing, or worse than jjotbing. al | irmployeiri employ era willing wishing male cjjf pr fc- luau. The Board of Immigration in an Lafayette, Oregon. ) ■ ■ *. -A k H-' 4 uj : 14 Address. JAMES VICK. During the coming [reek we will ly, as an Immigration Board, hatfe Im^le HTvants and Fkilled labor .Litrifli'V 8tjb 1^7*. I ^duress to the people of Oregon makes Be Chester, N. T. ! no funds like those which California scud todiff rent'perioti{in the county 1 •miv enroll their names! aud wants; the following good suggeitious, and subscription papers J foj; the purpose' inal , sb TTLEMEXT.- NOTIt E 18 i has voted '* for immigration purposes; wi lieh record «Im 11 be opened" to h r«bv gi\en ihaj Mary A. 'Parrish, ii| would te well to make a move in ___ _ ___________ ; “up hill work”, to: l>0 examined by immigrants wLh- administratrix, of the e-ta e of Jacob l‘:r- is -direction. It says: We would of raising sufficunt: funds to pay tor : puslk, this State’s interests abroad. rish de en-e >, has filed lie* final accomit ia ¡IU [silun ions. issuing circulars, add pamphlets for fail e fate, and the C'o nty Judge of also recommend that every county But/by one and all of you stirring up 1 aifaliill county, Oreg n, has ordered that r. To distribute in the United gratuitous circulation through the said final account be I e;.rd ■ h Tuesday the scat arrange a committee of lmiui- the fteople to the necessity of contrib­ Altaic.-* and in foreign countries 2nd day of I «bruary, 1’75, it one o cT ck ^ration, to whose care we would for­ Eastern States and >Enrope to give uting liberally to the immigration^ paiiphlets, statistic.-, aud details of P..M of sa d day. at the Court-House m La immigrants information regar ding fund, we may yet be able to cope with te i i said co nty. All >peisir s int* r- ward immigrants for guidance and thtf Slate’s resourced, and also to fave _____________ kL.H ourcounty. ♦ rsted Bted h are her* fore required to appear at t ' California in making Oregon’s re-, assistancu; and that tho people of s.pd Nn wne and place and make objecto s foil arc! the hi me to the State’}» a.pd Elsewhere will found the opin- sources known abroad. Public spirit lin|iiiiri*4tion Coininisi'ioiiers hi Eu- thereto to said final a*-cprnt if anv ■ xist. jpvery county raise funds among them- MARY A, PAi.TCrH, aoituB to print a small pamphlet des- , *ons son,e °^‘ leading newspa- if fully aroused to the ad^au.tages of ? » Administratrix. e aud elsewhere. J*n. 8 187*. criptive of the county's local advau- Pevs the country rGgurding the I immigration, may do m|ru for tha r i. 'io procure, at the request ■ — , i— ...... j ..i ■ . t&ges for seitiers, and send the same President's message . - {, on Louisiana af- ,cause th» .u ever the Statu could have ’ and expense of any ' citizen desir- WTOTICE OF FINAL. SETTLEMENT --- !’,, K for ' done - ■’ - had - the L tgislaturp votvd uiv nii to us for distribution abroad,xon the burs, which --- we call n o F pui»lrs in ii, wlnitever whatever i agricultural or ' 4. v No ce is he ebv given he u steamers, and among the immigrants • wan* O1 space A Lfigi iirg4 mojorii °j°rifJ (which it did nor) sufficient funds toj Í- rki led labor lie mar wi.-h from dersigned, ndiuinistrat r of f!ÍB es'ate of h L«n rs . onest, (L e e sed. h h il cd in the [I - - — them are bitterly cppbsed to it and ■ when they arrive. . The county so 4 carry on the immigration interests ok ahi piid/tliioiigh the State’s Lon i o nty Cou t of Y tudrill co .; ty. Siate of ’censure both the Pr^sidfetit and Sher- [ Oregm? his final account ol bis*admi*ii-tra- pontributing funds towaui giving im- Oregon. I 7 remain, geutleiuuu, you ri.- om •y conunissionbrs, and forward tion of s nd es ate and that said ( ourt has ervint. WM. RIED, iiigrauts information ofi its lands, ’ idan in this, lhe greatest outrage ever, obedient serva to neffi conditions for settlement ordered that said ¡account be heard by said j put upon the Aiiierioan people. Court at the Court-Honse in said county, on 'ommis-jioner Immiirra-h A State Commissioner of. Imuiigra^ ■of fanali colonici wished by citi­ Tuesday in this way will secura entirely the 2ndda.v of March. ls?5 at t: n | . A man had the cheek to go into the o'cluck a . M. of said day, at which time and zen] • tion. the benefit Qf its subscriptions. >_... ..... _ _ . place persons interested mav . bjekt there­ New York S'ock Exchange and pur­ V ?! Board: for everybody to give uufor­ stock in a railroad comgany.xand their of thiai Stale iiorfjcreiu cm mation of vacant situations or where coolly 'remark that he jiadn’t a cent To « the P eople of O re < GON:--E ii « bell' i'fit f- ‘ ' i ” WrOTlCE OF FINAL. SETTLEMENT ; * • bi al ed. to pay for them. That? f llow is ev-| ; fniploymenf can be obtained in the trus ed by the people to tai ke clikrg* Xa Nutr-e i- hereby given that Lie :.n £ '■ i^ently the “gover^rui’iit mule i” we / s * eftr igned. so e t te of inducing immigration of Pshaw. Kelly, yqju hover heard of !lH^ #■ STRAW BlDSl Il/W. C orbett , Oregon. her bua! aereo nt of h .r admin stra­ from foreign countries to Or.’gou, tum of the eftate Of sai I deceits cl. an ! thaï the editor of the Re/ivrtdr did you? *T. A. L em EN WEBER, »aid Court has or !ered that said n• U IJ F I : ■............ — — ■ ** ; i ; . - i Ì * * * * «Í connection with some of the principal erosify of lhe public ai.d solicit sub­ time ar.d place any p • son in erested may * have the laws of thb test session of’.' route« in the Western States and Ter- scriptions for the object« we have i» ti e objecti . • _*■ >, s to said . M. » ■ seco . 1 n . r the L gislature printed ajlhin the i A-ETZ VII EP, 2W r J o- 1 *uy« ritories with great earnestness, and JX < view. » xec or«lon K. Henry, deceased. All ner-«o:is having claims agiiinsi said es- e alF the rest. On investigarioji, he tew requires thesi cr decisions to bi siminating information abroad as th gon, lor the conn;y ot Yaiubili: « printed iu the same|volume with the ia;e will piea^c present theiii lonaHl a l- & Fenton, Ediu; found that Ben Holladay, and Barlow Oregon, and selecting for that pur| uiinistra or within six moni if* from da:e; j Sult for divorce, laws. * j r vs, J undall person«’knowing «hemse.veS in- Sanderson & Co., had been able to pose honorary State Conimissiom ri Solon ion Fenton, (lef. J deb e I :o .v suiiimoncd io whisky—made the l.ight hideous last Lafayette, Oregon, Deci 18, 1874. 1H8:4 uajiea L- u id un+wer ilie comn.uini ii.el bid«,” and ho has informed them, i Europe ai.d the Uuitcd States arfi U-Jill HI it you .n .lie a>ove entitiel suit I ---------- - —1—; . j —,— i__;— l-i_ > 4 . ■^LAFAYETTE, • - OQN. Wednesdij . AbouK fifteen of them [ v looking for a country with a com bin! wiSii n aix wee:iicu:io:i of that while their • bids fur the next ibis si hniuions a.Un $>.- were pihd up in a Pour-horse sleigh. I- k i lie ¿2.1 l jay ot March. A. D . 18/ j , NINAD SETTLEMENT. -NOTH E !?' year’s service in Oregon are the low­ at ion of advantages such as w,e pos^ A band of Camanche Indians would W4 Ci Iwi.ibutlic lirsi day of the March . hercb. given h. l the . dm i i tr tor f est responsible ones, he considers the have fled in fear of t^he|rells made by css; and who if 'thvir. attention wn «e. in, *\ 1)., Is7 », of said Couri, (».herwise I -im^esbit- of Ha Till on M.ii r. deceased. l.»s pain; iu w.ll en ei’jonr default against filed ills hnal acc«•■* nt oi arid ia. the price too high, and will not pay it; directed to Oiegon, would come liL jo'u u ■ i hsk tor a decree di-o.ving lhe * I'rolMte Court,«ant tn t the s ala*, n t m tv that he will not allow his Dup irtment this party of gcntl^imyi (?) as they settle amongst us. Fiuiu Cheat Brit r non In sol ma l iuiotiy now exis ing >e ween orders I that the s-.tne te heard :.tthc Feb ■ • • you, v vgtjilier wi;b costs an 1 disiurse- ■. 1 swung around the circle. M my of For the relief and r arv term th re<»f. o i fr.csdii the ’ ¿i.d duv to be hampered by what he knows am, we arc iuformed by f>ue of tbl i lUUll.t ias nruve i lor in her comp aint, cure of all derange- the boys iu the party vrere like poor p.l lislie I «v or ler ot lloiu B. F. lk>n- of February. ¡8 5 at J) o’ lock A. M. of I menu in the atom-- geiitlemcn lately appoiiitod an iiutuij full well is a ring. Thinking they I I bum,' Du lge oi suid lOiuit. bjectjoi.s will te stid day, at which time* »•!,' Tray. ■ . ■eh, liver, and bow­ JOHN J. 1ALY, heard io -.«id ::na« acc amt. £ had the Depart meat attlvir mercy, els. They are a mild JL. gtatiou comiuissiwner, and Who ldj- R?:6w Atiornuy tor P ainiitf. Tht- noLce is ubli bed br order of H. It is said that the inaugural cere­ aperient, ■ and an the contractors coolly informed him excellent purgative. Hurley, Judge of said « o,.tt. ■< ceiitiy visited us, that many of th|) monies of Governor Tilden were no­ Being purely veg»- MJUISM. MILLER. , . .that if he did not accept their terms small farmers with means are desi^ 7 table, they contain Admii ist'ntor. tably simple and in good taste. There no mercury or mine­ they would ’ discontinue the service. December 31. 1875. frjal-4 ral whatever. Much was no occasion for enthusiasm or ex- ing authentic information about Ore­ and post jaid- THE BEVERLY BUI GET serious sickness and Not a bit alarmed thereat, he repin'd , .. i ., ’ ; i citement ot any kini- Governor Dix' gon t*Mt cannot procure the saini. —$75 per week, CASH louii, a; home or suffering ie prevent­ otice of final 6 settement .- that be should readvertise the routed . , , , . I Again, complaints are mad. that ■ trave Ang. Something ent ir« ly new. Ad- ed by their timely * 01 once. THE BEVERLY COt, No lee is hereby given-1ba ' he un-I use; and every family should have dress A- . '.................... retired and Governed rilden canvc m them on hand 'lej-sigived execu or of thewit) of Edward 1 : Chicago. and see that responsible bidders got for their protection and relief, when required. wfl on, lec-eased, ha-» bresontoa io the Long with €;qu31 grace aifd dignity, »nd in wiien immigrants du arriiu amongst experience haa proved them to be the saf­ an opportunity t® make honorable County Cour .ol Yamhill county. Oregon, est, surest, be. t of all the Pills with which the exchange of pJrscRial codYtesies R»*» w« give tin in ucii her attcniiui i his iina! aeco int o*. his a ¡minis- ra. i ni ot the market and abounds. By their occasional use, competition. tliees a e ot «ai l decease I. and »bar sai l tetWHcn them the tear^ig of the gen­ guidane« nor ft.toi mat ion; and do uc|t I court ha« or lered iha sai l account l>e the blood is bUi iiied, the corruption« of the sva- It.woqld be wejl for the Postmas­ expelled, obstructions removed,: and the The great sihier p:a*er, c.eanfr, an and i poi- po heard by «nt l von: t on Sat nr lay, Jan nary- ■ tem tleman in politics Was ¿pleasingly ¡1- , tell them where to gut Gyvernmep . whole of life restored to its healthy j itilier. : iiulespeiitiiii.e o e*ery lumiiy. Ai ter-General to turfi his attention to 9t.h, 18/4. a.’ 11 o’clock A- M <’i sai l day. activity machinery Internal organs which become clogged - lor. lor ageiì.s» Se.»« a. ¡ «¡¿ili . 'Sam Sam- a? which tune iwrsona IniereSied mayoo- and sluggish rtre cleansed by Alter’s Pills, and ! “straw bids” in other sections of the lustrated. Governor Ip x ret ires, with Statu or farm laiuis; and, hs a nutuf- j'pie irrhj#' . Send “'* lor 11. Aldressa *’ * once. jcci thereto. stimulated into action. Thus incipient disegs« a clear record of. a faithful public al consequuiKiu they discouragp tftvt i ' •, * KEN I.ALL A CX>, S. R. BAXTER. | is changed into health, the value of which chanr~, country, and see if some of the enor­ servant.. The people 0f New ^Yotk friends, who. wouid have follow^ Chivado, 111. Executor. 48 when reckoned on the vast multitudes who enjoy Lafayette, Oregon. I mous frauds cannot te stopped. Let it, can hardly be computed. Their t have an abiding .confidence that H>e i them from coming here* In every December, 11, 1874 j makes them pleasant to take, and preserves 1 him look to Montana next. new Governor will do fihe same when ! . . . • , »„It TT ▼ UlAitJipHLA CU IV» virtues unimpaired for CM1J any length VI of time. BW . . . - i nv F: j i overland traiu on the raciuc Kail- that they are ever fresh, and perfectly reliable. his term shall hayp expir'd. I . , Although searching, they are mild, and operate operate W|j are in receipt of tbs Fourth An­ ! way there are oil board a number of without disturbance to the constitution, or diet, or t at Cost. occupation. nual Catalogue of th« Bishop Scott I PROFESSION AND PRACTICE. iinmigrant3 destined for Oregon wtfo • t*-'.- . j P&r-r > U TO I YEST A FEW DOLLARS WITH ' -__ Full directions are given on the wrapper wra]— to , .... ,. I are turned back iu California for ; l’OSS BLE RETURNSOF iHOISANDS Grammar aud Divinity School, Port­ each box, how to use them : a a Family Fa rhysie, . u After the Novelfiber election we • - aud for the following .complaints, ts, which th«so FEkED , THE 1 OS I FONE- IS o and afier this dale land, Oregon for the year ending June . The undersigned :r; m i want ot autheutic information aboiijt; Pills rapidly cure:— I were’told th?t ns soon i as Congress „ _ „ :> „ , , ; , MENf (>F PUBLIC LIBRARY OF KY. For I>yM|»<*|»Mia or Indig-eation, Uetleeo» 5th, 1874. The School has since the . . our State, From N«w t Zeland-aftd IU 1| HE '/I ih OF FEBRUARY. N e XT. Mill se’.l th- ir extensive and well selected neM, Laaguor and L oom of Appetite, they met, the Republican majority would , ... „ . ' « 1 • 3? ■ 1st of September last been under the should be taken moderately to stimulate the stom­ r ,! * J Australia—Great Britain s colonies - TO 11 1EIR FIFTH AND LAST CUA- htsek <*f dry goo queensware; hardware, ach, and restore its healthy tone and action. enter upon the work of reform with a > ' and drawing . HIE MAN- UER lì ; management of the following officers: we have also letters inquiring as io - For Livrr Complatnt and its various symp ­ AiiEfE T ARE PLEDGED TO THE e c., at cqst for cush. 1 toms, Bilioni* Headache, Mick Head­ Rev. Geo. Burton, A. M.. HeacTMis­ view of reinstating their party in the ¡ourcountiy. o supply t'hoBu. UK j ( LiN OF I HE Al ONE V* IF ’1HE It is to ache, Jaundice or Green Mickneaa, Bil­ confidence of the people. This is no humbug. B;ing on your coin ious Colic and Bilious Fevers, they should NOT COME.OFF ter; Wm. M. Barker, A. B , Junior VING SHOULD wants aird to attend to immigration j DKA I; • • - ' W IVA -J •» - ■ ‘ be Judiciously;taken for each case, to correct the Well it is now more than a month .. x. . . H .DAY NOW appointed . Master; Rev. A. Wrixoix A. M., 7^ , „ ■ . generally, that we, at the Governor s and we wi 1 prove to you that we mean i". diseased actioh or remove the obstructions which I 4 $250.000 it. A st since the meeting of Congres*, and „ ■ One ( rand'Casu Gi t cause it- • X and J. G. Grant. Masters. The dis­ request, accept office as Honorary For DyBatery DyUntery or IMarrBaea, but one IMaL_2_. ¡QuO (I a hat we say. rAU Gift. . « , i On-» < what has been doneftoward this rein- ‘ cipline and s progress of the school mild do*ye do-p is generally- generally required. <5 0 U [ran i < ash Gift. ■ i Immigration CoinmissioRers. F’ But one < For RheMmatlam, Pal- Rheamatinm, «>•■<, Clout, Oravel, <■ We wou d farther gi re notice to all per- I 7..' 5u0<0 « i whilu we and the Committee of Im- ; <»n-51 Land cash Gih... daring-that time has been most satis­ statem.jut? etf tlw Heart, Pain ia the , ‘ X Ü.eO i 5) each l .),0»h VS.-H Gifts. •» J • fc The most irapoy^ant evept is the t de, Back and Aetas, they should be contin ­ sons kuowing ’ hen selves indebted to us to factory to all parties interested. There Cash Gifts, $20,(WjXach. . ino.uoo migration, appointed by the Board of j uously taken, as required, to change the diseased It Cuih Gifts, <140 0 > U.IKT.) each ,cul»iu»tion of the ¿oinsium villainy; ty a3alJt d(J obeerfull? action of the system. With such change those is an excellent library, a well stocked •■ r;, - xniue IV naaui ua( uv vuvw* 10 003 each. .1 ouoo call immediately and settle up as we intend complaints disappear. IÍ C.iibh Gifts .nd«, far tuo Kopublieans in Cou-.^ 8crïioes gratuitously, 5,0. 0 each. . lOU.OQ.I ■' For Bronay and Bropaical Swel|ln I tn PVPrv nart (if . . zacih Gifts & 2 have consented to every part of; nevertheless, carry on ad immix­ chemical and physical expei intents, | to produce the effect of a drastic purge. 3 000.each. . 90.000 3d Cash Gilts, FERGUSON & BIRD. For Hwppr*MMion, a large dose should be 1ÜÜU0J ■ 6 Gif a, • 1 As a Dinner Pill, take one or two.Pills to 100 each. .. 50,000 5Jt) Cash Gifts. stitution. Tho next term begins for reform by refusing to investigate have had appointed Emigration Com­ promote digestion and relieve the stomach. ; . - ' 4- ‘ ‘ ' An occasional dose stimulates the stomach and the safe burglary conspiracy, because missioners iu a few foreign counties, Whole Tickets $X). Halve s $23. Tenths.- February 1st, 1875/' This is undoubt-' NOTICE TO FARMERS« bowels, restore- the appetite, and iurigorates tho system. Hen;« it Is often advantageous where or each coupon $'».* Eleven whole they felt certain that such an inves ­ edly one of the best institutions of; who are crying out for printed mat­ no serious derangement exists. One who feels T I Tickets, »5UJ. The Dailo i Flouring Mi’.'s are now run learning on the Pacific Coast aud tigation would implicate Boss Grant. ter, statistics, pamphlets, btc. Th>se n:ng and a e ’e*'-y to bui wh* ai or ex­ tolerably well, often finds that a dose of lheso Pills makes him feel decidedly better, from their Finally they have passed through iekets or information addre s change f. r wueat, or tn grind J >r iulL or t I should receive a literal patronage. cleansing and renovating effect on the digestive we cannot supply without money,and '|H0S. E. BRÂMLETTE, . chop lor toll or any o|lipr way to mdi the apparatus. 1 ; the Senate Sherman’s humbug bill rade. seeing the L «gislature has voted ncih- 1: f Agent aud Manager. PRBFARED BY • r* We would like to have Snyder ar- for th0 inflation of currency; and -Persons wishing tbeir own wheat ground 1 ui the mo vurreuvjj » um . f ° U . i i.,, .... — CO., Practical ChensioU, all that they have* ln 8 toward the ob i ect .* m ‘ VW / 7 ’ will pl««?« run the same through a fanning 2>r.<. V. •wer commenced these iuiug« thiugs are an < •wui why wuj he uo qnco uvii . u . vuvv « suit . to — rnese - , , - ___ KER A CO., Ferry street; dry mill in order to insure extra food flour. . YOifBltL, MASS., U. $1. A. set the litigant printing if be did not done toward the regeneration of their : must appeal to the cititeni of Oregon marehan« goods, groceriesand general------ v— . HARKER A C«. FOB SALE BY ALL DBUGG18TS KVfcRTWHERW vast to “rob the widow and orphaiu” decayed and bapjer^pt i>arty.—Stm.. J to contribute liberally. Dsytoa fienring tnills, ‘a Dayton Marell 10,1874. B Daytea ' « • ' . n -r‘r Ì 4 F- 4 I i f 4 . I Í r < i ( k •> r; 1 Ayer’s Cathartic Pills, SENT FREE m.... . K N HE RI D 1’2 ANOTHER OPPORTUNITY Selling Off ----- -------------------- I ! i». 1 1 ------- -S- - - - - - - V- - j : ■