■* I « X » li- I J 2 I If to* ’ 4 o 4 ’í . L V . <» % •M ’ I I »4N- Z . J i Í ! '** ■ \ \ \ » i \ flßliJE/h •• - Z « \ ■a .1 It ¡ J I ; I 31 *• r • -r;r’ 1 f QFIrvi . i» "• to F 4- F .* . -T $ /Oi/ERTl^ L im » « i 1 a ■ Ì 5 4 I I ‘ k! ■i • tí À ♦ * 9, --------------------------------------------------------- -3^^ kfl i I Oourier. Lafayette > RAtES pFáD > i w' ! Pablished every Friday by TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Oz« C«py, Oza Yeur, . «3 00 Oue Copy, Six Monthe, • 1 Oze C«py, Tltree Months, . 1 00 b tìi k 11 ; «oto r , NO. 46. Per—nal Adv-s. 50 Ctz. a Line, “fea Subcriptions Sent Easl. $2 °° a Year V 11 Business notices in the Local Columns, 25 . * cents per line, each in>ei tiot " 5SES51SSS8SHSE5KSESSSSSSS? teleg Ä APHIC w I - w PRICE TEN CENTS. RY 8; 1875. OREÖON, JANU i j ■ f people bmiove there would be no emigrants to surrender their aims'the Graphic’s idea, 38 trouble with the Leaguers conse­ quently tjiey were not prepared for AND DAlj.Y FOR ~875. . Religious services will be held by the ! (EEKl.Y [FROM THÇK Pt^lTÁ AND DAJLIB5.) M. E. Church South, as follow»: n 3 First SilndMv Happy Valiev,............. 11 A. M. N ew Y ork ; ’iaui g4.—Secretary y “ McMinnville................... 6 P. M. 7 b<> approach of the Presidential elec­ whites first began the Third *• West Chehalera,.......... 11A.M. tion iii ves _____ : universal importance to the eveu - a ¿Fish had an ( any* rariew with the Fourth “ Armstrong's Chapel...11 “ *• “ Lafayette,......................... 6 P. M. aii d »evelopeinents of 187o. We shall en- I 11 rove street, after the Our rela- filing On d£av(|r to describe them .fully, d$avi|rto fully, faithfully, President Sotvrd k. E. G. MICHAEL, P. C. «Sid fearieMly. fiariesaly. ajhd blacks hi retreated about a mile. THi! WEEKLY SUN han haa now attained a tions with Spa iTBfjE rising from the Dr. J. W. Watts will preach at this place The colled men were under the ot over seventy ihoasand copies. th« second Sunday in every month at 11 a. circufation r__ - - - - - * - ’ gere discussed, Vir^inius troul ton and in the evening at early candle­ Its readers are ■ found in every State and ImpresMcfo that the colored mill light, ' • Territory, and its quality ia well known to Teri as a result the It is stated that t_ ___________ . . the „ public \Ve shall not only endeavor to tia wore io be organized in Vicks­ < . 1' fl OyL. SAMUEL, ia is our duly autl author- keep it fully up to the olu standard, but to 07 “L SAMUEJL, io President, who lias •Song been res izaa.l t al Purtlnnrf-. Oreiroii. Izod Ajfeut at Portland-, Oregon.. improve and'»ad and'aad to its variety and power, burg on |hajt day, shd came in Tor ................ ». ..y. -r------------------------ Tt& WEEKLY BUN will oontinue to be tive under the | ¿oíifi £ of the Stated A<-rival aud D^partie of Mail»« *that purpose. They all knew that a thorough igb neirapaper^jAIl newspaper. jAlljhe jbb 0®' news VB °f of the Y””-"ifr dny irill be Wrana fonnfl in In iCcdndensed |cided upon a iCrOndensed when un- un­ Department, h at full length when of moment, I Crosby to be deposed, Maay ’ Mails bound South will close at 5 inipefrtant, and Always, we trust, treated iu a clear, in­ vigorous and- decisi 1 ie course with did not ^•know ' 1 » o’clock P. M. each day. r what they “ weie teresting and instructive manner. Mails bound North will olose at 7 1 Itji our aim to make the WEEKLY BUN respect to the Virgil Hue indemnity. * coming for. Some brought their I the best family newspaper in the world. It Under Republfcad P. M. each day. rule in Spain Postoffice will close at 7 P. M. until will be full of entertaining and appropriate I Half of women and . children.» readjjig of every sort, but will print nothing Sccrefury Secretar) Fish ^vks fas lenient as further notice. to otteiid the meat scrupulous and delicate with l|e it la nt republic. ' them were not armed, and a large Office open from five to six P. M. Ustet. It will always contain tue most in- possible possible i. . majoritjfof them turned back when Sundays. esting stories and romances of the day, care­ | difficulty and then struggling' Aug. 18. J. W. W atts , P. M. fully selected Hnd 1« gibly printed. they leaded that difficulty would The Agricultural department is a promi- the danger of trqnsitiün from mon nenfffeai re in the WEEKLY BLN, and its BUSINESS CARDS. result if |they persisted in coming ar ippor ers. 4 a^-O.Tk-»* _________ _____ ,jf it. in the Cour.-lionne. nll-3 fciro. oi the wb uesses testified to having- [ ‘ *i |c . . _ _ the ____ !.. - ~! ■ - ie ...... market of e. ery kinfl und fash- Vdmiral Polo. 5 . Julir ~ • regu a lv reported in ..... it col iu s. were im.de will • w ' *■ JAS. McCATN. I ■ - seen twq < colored men killed while ’» « pr ee of the ' r Ki • SUN is one I J. jutions, wl^le, Supplementary Uoblr lying oil I ,r .i i \ »ear itor a si.- ei ut ei^la pages, and the ground. A few of AT LAW, [illljlsiK >: ui-•mu-', as this b.tiely p.n s ibe presented in di£ni kl form ai.d ■'•„ J a s »,»• paipei and printing, we are n-4 !1 J* ♦ h .y^Yi’TrK ouè-diN manner,-were hít p ^ecuted’wiih the colofe ?d were buried. Ji count or allow any pre ithl !ty In ¡.kf ■â f lli LG 1 rieuMS,'.'.ho ludi • s. special etÍM lsto P31CTR E IN ALL .VÉ TH! N. Dec. 26.—A. Berlin ..L on such v’gor as tljev 6\v will beâr. Ind -.its - v hder r » • it« T oji U. in»^!vwt 'Ul - V ut p ri iti P !1 pre»-it r tor fbor StippOTfc tO 8pecibl says that uotjiing has been t* a e, .o:>e • < £. i . ilR.U . • 4 con tost f , bat we can seldom do much in the face of advent cir­ I I cumstances; and can effect noth­ ing without an adequate following. When the Carthageniani met with the terrible and bloody de­ feat of Zama, they bad br their leader the same Hannibal swho u Attaraey-at-Law, Jf r- had /defeated the elder Scipio at Ticino, bad utterly destroyed Tljr' two great Roman armies at the pass of Thraaymenus, had won the great battle of Cannae against the Consuls Paulus and Varro, with 50,000 Romans as victims of the W1^ > 1Ô IS 00 12~r*00 20 Í5 Ü 25 30 35 00 35 4ÔÔÔ _ d Legal Advertieementa to be Paid for up­ on making Proof by the Publisher. M. E. Church South. 4 inch, I Si I 1 25 I I TO I t» UO j 21 x-liez. I 175 J l 5Ö | 3 00 | 8 UO j 3 oubëÎ I 3M I 4 Ml I's^J | Hncfiw, ¡>JÜ J 4 OOj C OO [ 11_| , ( ol.’ 14M) ! 5 ¿0 | 6 00 is I » Col. I öOO i^UO I ‘J 00 SO I ,l. X)OTIEIXSS <3 e HEMBREE' ' X carnage, and had marched in tri­ umph to the gates of the haughty to him, in twti wagons, with which able to pacify the South,‘fettle the “Mistress of the World,” causing he started for Cedar City, telling, cuit cucy quest.ion, provide/or the her to tremble as she whispered, them to follow for protection, soon th« payment of the national debt “Hannibal ante portos.” The after which he heard firing and and solve all die perplexing prob­ Canbegenian had lpst no whit of sounds of the matacre. bis genius; be wks in the prime rnent comes through Lees’ kîèv fe V» j * i Is» of his intellectual vigor, with' a ntt Cil5C w jieh could lend to the im- remeln a r. tinaœhy. . LAFArrrTE ONI i ON. nejt -i' • a mind enriched by experience, when it * was |»rer>|)ll£ that a remission of hifi Üf*i <ÿ(! (b«ç 80111' “ I N ew O rleans , Jan. 3. — The *1» thia is, when we come to view (J,?. «S 1 l.l it pi'gfc'S 5f' st-mteneU would be granted. It is disaster overtook him. The army ifr. uca ejir, ptydti' < »h doors of the State House are se-: h in the light of common $ense. knrwiqj however, tiret the Count’* succumbed at Zama did great not f r Î:.- H <(;, st l.T !T .■ K curdy barricaded to night, except^ that 1 Leader« ”rare needed in all TP tour po, ¡1 ill: os 1 > j iufliiUrri|i il frieiad« are'at work in lack a leader,, for theirs was prob­ ■■ V the Royal street entrance. Con­ < A ttöi’ !i ey-at-L aw,. . h i »vi♦ i ably the greatest in the annals of nr ’■ 1 < i â' O- b-‘Ut servatives thia evening had a con­ if » i their ¿ft v ettr I- í bit»! mar ultimately bo ft ar. The army itself was disor­ to demand a pro ♦ K Moie forty .re- mans on the banks of the Siris, > During an than examination to-day * of them . L \NK h‘-L.\NKS and cli I idrcn were placed on a and we have no reason for believ­ li 1 * f AGffclS ill ,NK liLANKb all claims, in-a n imw ?r which can it in stated that the congressional BLANK ioLaNKii not be mistaken, ing that Napoleon at Waterloo e question of railroaf 1 train, ready to put out if D! El S ■* . T committee were unanimous in ex­ iiiLAAKS sympathy will i^>t.-eii*t$r into the an attaik was made. Nearly all DEEIS »HAVE TWQ GOOD FARMS FOR SALE waa in any respect inferior as a • i.LAN KS pressing ait opinion that the report Ji; *t very reasonable terms—t ach contain DEEDS BLANKS negotiations. i T|iei I)on Alfonso the wltjltos have left the town of of the returning board cannot general to what he had been at iug* S20 acre». i t deeds £ ♦ [BLANKS • situate one mile and a half no> th Government cani o' Choutd Marengo or Austerlitz. reject the pro* ¡BLANKS |iu, south of here. The Lsfayette; is well improved. Ha- a good f; stand. »Their bel etc the Demo- SUMMONS ¡BLANKS tocol Without itif.a [ogation. and Cheroi B A truly great and wiao man, en­ ¿res reading on Grand Riv- SUMMONS ; ¡BLANKS f BLANK crate have a majority in the Home . y -..h ..... SUMMONS ¡BLANKS to abrogate a cob» let as binding er aiei Coining in in droves. An dowed with the genius of leader* I Aud al! kind« of shrubbery of the best v<--• SUMMONS and the Republicans a majority in •BLANKS rietj. The otb*:r' i> in UeJ«al lem Vai ey near- l ■ ould be èquiv- advaiuj pguard ia about starting to ship, is in a critical time a great ¡BLANKS on a nation as th the WillauietKviveLTnTHf» e -i» u good * the Senate. I ' , * Chron­ From the San Francisco BLANk.'iWARK'XTf5 OF AKlOkS I »BLANKS a lent to declare -itor, an event cer­ meet t| hm. Hiey «ire now report* blessing to any nation. But as a S.BLANKf:WA,‘KAXri O» AKKfcHI ¡BLANKS report icle Conservatives of recent date, we forty take eight the ¡umber only 100. ¡BLANKífo^»*^ OF AK « k «''ÍBL NKS Spain in view ed to ia mere party leader bis power de­ On thi-< place.plenty 4f^aoXtimber; abo# ? ! iBLANKsi^«^“7«- or ^“‘»¡BLANKS tainly not desile i appended. members in caucus to-uight; Re­ A 1J of existing divisliàhs in political pends upon the spirit and charac­ i Z -- (er dispatch dated Vinita, BLANK- •BLANKS The New forty. York Gtapbic thinks publicans, ither of these farmsrin be secured at ith' people. At BCÜEœNAS ¡BLANKS opinions among Hi BLANK: ,S ter of his party. No irian can con­ Ind. T| L.JaRuarr 2nd, says every- bagrain. Terms easy. 4 r»T a vrv< «LBPœ.XAS it has found out what ails the Re ­ ^BLANKS ’F blanks For further particulars enquire of N ew O rleans , Jan. 4.—All the least, the acts of t&vlate Repuli- thing ÿ kas quiet until 3 o’clock svBi’texAr trol a party except by making ¡BLANKS 8. SMITH, blank .- h is. not rjngw.or publican patty, SLBiœXAS doors of tl;e State House, except »- at this office.____________ __________ BLANK-! ¡BLANKS lie $o far as they el$te to the Vir this an leruoon, when news came the Credit Mobilier, or the back- hiin»elf inemain exponent and •BLANKS blank - one, s re now securely barricaded; jw^Ebe recogniz* EXECUTIONS •BLANKS ginius indemnity, blankh that a $ nob was at Prior’s Creek pay^teal, ôr Bw 11er ism, or carpet­ I chaintoon of its ideas and polity. EXECUTIONS Lines of metropolitans prevent per­ blank .-; ¡BLANKS ed by the new C loVirhunent, and If they are onwise and unpopular, lasr nig lit and killed three men, EXECUT1 -NS blanks »BLANKS bagging. . Neither ia Louis the liquor f . FBOM reparation, so fa| 0 sons passing on St street EXECUTIONS i; ihonev can sappoJj d to be some of those cap- blanks • blanks anti he is patriotic and clearsight­ que.-tron, nor the railroad question .¡BLANKS from Royal to Qbartres. Only blank .-! atone for our grievaac will be tured ' i ¡esterday. Troublt is an< ed, he must desert his party or blanks ' ATTATCHMENTS ¡BLANKS nor the IitdepHndeuts, nor State the Civ ­ ­ member*, reporters and offi BLANK.' j ATTATCHMENIS ¡BLANKS very apon made, i ticipatf il as one of the men ca|> il Rights bill, nor Cæsarism, nur lead it to defeat. Great move­ blanks ; ATTATCHMENTS ¡BLANKS A member of t@e 5quse foreign tiired i i$ a Senator from thia Di.«* cers are admitted. Superior offi­ ments are noUcontrblcd by great WILL ran a hack from Dayton to St. blank ; ATTATCHMENIS •BLANKS f the plague, nor the Joe, ora Lafayette, connecting with the BLANKS5.......... cers grusshopper admit such x pei-sonei •BLANKS affairs .committee; ■o* has too trict. f mpn, but control them; * ♦ : ; ■' ! car» cars every day. day. ’ every BLANKS BLANKS BLANKS canker worm, (he nor lines, thé fine promisas i sire within K7*AI1 business promptly attended to. long felt restive ut ^r, N. Y., Jan. 2. t-fhe idei I the restrain- There never waa a time in the BLANKS BLANKS BLA iKS deell:tf deoHrtf J. BEST. A lb ol ties the hro Democrats, nor the natural ---------- r,„ . in caucus in iug policy of Seci !Ctl y Fish, has inaugul ration bf Governor Tilden desire for a political change and a j hisiory of the United States when House. All contestant publicly stated th ¿ time must I topk pi new deal all around. No, it is the personal influence of men of i»ee yesterday in the pics- *- - milted. The Republic; • • Y AN EMIGRANT, WHO WDJL I come for the nalii n I assume a commanding abilities was Jess JpP pay in time antes, secured on real S a lai-rfe concourse of 0iti* ence ol none of these, nor all of them com ! WAR CLAIM AQENÖY fifty members present this morn ­ more aggressive pi Ji Ute, drawing 10 per cent, per annum. Per powerful in political affairs as it is zens.s hined. Here i$ what id the mat ­ particulars, apply to C. M. CARTEHF, Ml No. 34 Montgomery Block, fog- ■I ' . deelkml T Portland. Oregon. ter with the Republican partyf ac-l to-day. V icksburg , Jdnu 3.- The S ali L ake , Jan. 2.--A state BAN FRANCISCO, - - CALIFORNIA. mained in tlie State House during - . * «»»■ Legislative Inveut^atlon Commit ment h s been published here, pur- cording —:0:— • , to the The Graphic —“ in It wants the night. streets the v : - When old Sam Crowder, down . W H. AIKEN, Attomey-sfc-Law and tee adjourned last- ntgf Couiinnnder of the Grand Arm« of the Re- leader. The rank and and hundreds file of at to meet poriiiqg to be a description ot the a cihity a ” e crowded, ibllc in California and Nevada, will give •> I in Pike, was running for Justice • to-mori^iwij- A promi Mountgin Mead< w M acacie, by the party is all right; its prcalicen iroinpt attention to the collection of Ad- in Jackson to-moi-ij) of persons are gathered on the of the Peace, his wife, in anticipa­ itional Travel Pay, now 'du^California mumper says they Rachel wife No. 4 of John 0. Lee. is as good as that of it? political and d Neva la Volunteers discharged more nent Republican ni|i corner*. " ; < tion of honors in* store for her, three hundred miles from home. witne^ ’ wl Í Ho. 17 Front Street, - J j than opponents; but it k all body and I Soldierscan depend on fair dealing. In­ have had a witnem Ofc ■ *C rao testified It stat- .that at the time of the formation given free of charge, when' The Matter with th» Republican said: “My dear, when yon get to (hai Chrdoza, ex Cilcijjl itClerk, Da- writing enclose stamp for reply and state that Cbrdoza, ex Cilci : OREGON- needs a. Moses, a no head 1» It Party. masacré I a * c was living at Fort 1 toííilan D h ür Ma® company and regiment and whether you be Justice of the Peace, what will have a discharge. Congress has extended yen port, Chancery fclAj k, and Dor- Harmoÿiy as an Indian farmer, un* Saul, or i a Cae-ur to rule over it, D AES^bcTFUlXT CAM- the time for tiling claims for additional Ibe?” “You,” said old Sarn^“ why, ‘ <• ta«ir » tow — UM<1 4 Bounty under Act of July 2«, 186«, to Jan- sey, ex Circuit Cle^c.l^ H| Graphic: der Br^hum Young, who wan then fill colored, Says the ■ - 4'2 Y— wary 1875, so all such claims must be made you’ll be the same old fool yen al­ f:'? btlore that time. Original Bounty of $100 have been guilty o(] fi^rgei - What the ‘ party wants is a leader [ r and Superintendent of toy, and Go ver i 4 has been allowed all Volunteers who » en- T«X ' I —a Tbad “ ‘ Stevens or a Henry Clay— ways wab!” listed before July 22, 1861 for three yeara. ye___ Cardoza ol emdmlpnji Cardota ol em'dezzl Indiani g»t,for which ¡Affairs in this Territory. 1 if not naid the same when, discharged. < who by his commanding personal Land ,nd Warrant» Warrants can be obialned obtained lor »erv- serv- i they have been i nd & It clair |s that the eii igranb poi character could compel discipline and and would At a competitive examination j . ices rendered before 1856, but not lor serv- i enforce the adoption of measures that ■ ices in the late war. Pensions tor late war , have beerTtried, bu! tji Decemlier soned i spring at Corn Creek and for a prize for the best composition CniufMinff U part .i Toy», Mi i and 1812 obtained and increased when al- j would give satisfaction to the coun­ B »««■», ■ Photographic Albums, Poch ¡» lowed for less than disability warrants, term ok Court W8a | :eti up by an Indi [in and some stock died try. at a grammar school, one of the ___ _______ fy hut no pensions are allowed to Mexican ! et Cutlery, Bcizz»rs’ Gift and Tdj Bonkz, anti endless ranoDT variety* mx -and * Fio.i Bmtha, and an en«B>v>» .......... la — war -•<» soidiers. —.... State ol Texas a riot, which forced| N i^CHgnation i thvrefr m; that the Indians then Tiere we have the sovereign effusions baoded in contained the Von hr« Nntionv which we offer at 1^ g W^d Pei.sions in zurvivlng vdier- ol Sheriff Crosby. J! the hi»wt-zt o I oom I o and R,‘f’ MoW of Texas Revolution. New due Orleans 5iqt Aitor- rallif djind followed the train, and thing, the balm to heal all the following passage: MA man who tnv ho west Ratos, Nate«, at at WH Wholesale and ftn4 ,e Prlze Money is now and I _ L____________________________ '■ ; being nai'L W H Aiken ai*oattend» to ney Lee testified thji a his opin- notwithstanding all the efforts of l»olitical bruises suffered by the has been born aud bred in the lap W’ 1%$ ~ rGenem! ~ "" Law and Cdllection ’** Business. T FOR SALE, " 't t | ' - iou, ahimpartial tr| ionld have the Mtijmons, the party was snr- Republican party, the panacea for of luxury is more apt to succumb : . i ktetftimony roundey by Indians, After sever- all the ills it is heir to. With a to bedbag poison than the hardy - when yoi cat get Ayers been given them. | age of-Ike world, v s l r + »■ < il »: I !*• *• » 7 - - • T» X* »’ J Ì S'* !(. 1 • I ! \ ‘4. » 4 ’• IY FARMS ™ SALE _ J ■ ♦ > .ft ORCHARD » . i , ■ - . < J i - S--------------- 1 ----------- •MILL-SITE • ■ I if >r' -