chant in N» w Yoik sub- TH I« •«(jribed liborallv to ihc honor of' WEEXi.Y AND D \I!.Y VOiEl the poet Brjant. ?np|Nk.f lac Prerije;itj|’ was »¡¡¡Iwiil»in > giver g> ****/ "7 n wi * lhe minstrel of ihtit name. On j t¡ <1 uev .(»peinent» »»f 1.-7 . \\e ’sb CUFPINGS. rileavor u describe th m f fly. fait leaininii hw iniriiike, he withdrew and fea ■ tMl v. î ‘ ■ THE EExL-Y SUN 1 i.- now It is better to be useful 'than L . his siilwriptioi). TJicrc is no ac- circulât »n o o.e- se ent h‘».i».i\d 1 L < ad .sure feu I m e t5r. t.* fl r’u h. conutinix for taste. i' h tor , jnd i s i u.djij j . h v. vij k < A ifeMtlcmaii said Io hi^tfUiden- tbe public. Wv shall m. only emits No church is too weak to fake keep it fully up to< ti e <>| 3i«ínÑHt’. |p a collection. f er:' George, tin? time wiP 'eomc e and ;:dd to i s v riet, aa I p THE \\ i.EKi.Y M'will •pntiu e h requiivs no purticuhr skill to when a man will I«» able to enrrv a thoro; gh u wspaj-er A4 *!.ç ».«. wh day M’ill be foúñd in it condor * d wla make n blunder.. ’hr niauuK: an acre of land in i important, at f 11 lc gtli >v tn of 1.1 *r o a d always, wvTrîiri, t e:;fcd i* a vie Ko Chinaman has ever ve't be- t»iiC of his waisicoat p ickets.'J and instruct i emu ncr.. It is ui r aim-to make t e WEEKLY which lli« gardener repliOil. "1 be ­ eoite a I wk agent. the bes: family newiqwtper m ti e *i url be f 11 of ent.-rtai jng am! k> •J ' ”’ A moflier-m-law in tho hou«o is lieve it, sir; bm he will be i able toTwi.i ■ reading uf sort,.b t will prmt iu carry aM the crop in lhe oil»«, r tu px'.Ciiil the in st seniprio u ai.d «U Va well-spring of jawy.. t'rie. "'■■¡■j' It wi 1 alwa; s . ont in t e mil pocket.” esting stories and r- ty 3 i1 Ucylbe wheu he i* no mower. nent ftai. nenlj kni. ie ,n in t! tue e WEEKiA WI....1 B< N.i< likca ticket for the train.’’ Book- ar ... ici. ¿ 1 s .. will ...■/. ;- . íwíi . \ s Le found ............. fi.s « -H' J^inah wa?*a stranger among ful tj the f rn er ing clerk {w*ho tliinks he w ill make < The uuin'iC «¿men inde p < n fit hi inatiire? ‘When Mary Ind a little the passenger train, give me a fear of knaves, aud seeks no fa|or ¡heirs ppor eis. 'lamb. Lhe market of cvery kind ¡.nJ the ticket fir the cattle triiin by all ions ar-» regu a lv reported in it* coin ■ of the Ai r.KiA bl’N is #A client i« never certain about mean?.” . dol ar a year lor a slv et of eight p.-gei ♦ “lawyer, and generally take« him fifty-six i’oL inn*. As thia’bat'ely pai c H r*_ : :: ANO : 7 WEIGHT—CLEAR"KN — D BEAUTIFUL Uo.»i. J t.XlON SECUR A LL. ’j PRIVATE ME3KAL Alli nii'im to friends w h » make special eflu. / Tbe projier siduialio» when you extend its ein illation. Under Uælncw Obl'.K CJScS A'lD M)33RAT G IAUS. wjiieh requires puyn ent of po typjfe ‘in ftieet a writing ata«tri* is, “How do vlinCe, o e dollar-a year, whh twenty < thé cost > f prepaid postage added, fa jrpu^flourish?’’ rate of s.¡bseripti« n. it is not 1 .©cessa get club in order to have the W EE 'fexas has a town called "bnve Vrivate ‘ . >ÙN rtp at a this iivt *. Any« re w ho s- n I.-, df. fQld uiaicU are inquiring Medical & Surgical Institute d dlar and twent ten s will get the p; po l-p.nid .br a y^tar, FOUHDEu IM 1853. flieAdftnato ’ therfl. s V.’e hoe r>o trac» I ng agr, . 1 *•1* 'ff No. 519 Sacramento » reef THE WEEKLY SUN. -Eifcht p ipes b Before taking libortijs with a Corner of t«eide dpiffst , (a few’dooia lek six columns. On y SI ‘Ji a year, p > paid. No d-n- < r„ t •. What Cuter lima ). Private Rtiabgc dog, observe his tail and * THE DAILY SUN. -four E.’.ti u rice ear, T per-Yefit. winter seeiu snort by giving hi» v. k* ai.d C’hroiiie Address, »«THE SUN, ” New Wrk < i I>i etses, note payable in the spring. Cases of aecre^y aud all Sex :al Disorders Mercy Consolation Smith, is TO THE AFFLICTED. Fort Warne’c. handsomest girl DK W. i;. DOHEIiTV returns liisViti- ee. e thank' t > l|i.4 mum : s p i;io it« lot Mercy will no5 doubt be a Conso­ their ; atr mgeand wonld ................ ¡akf this ’Bopp 1 limfty i»» fi iniiiil them t'tiit he contiiit es to lation tlo some fellow. • at Jnsfiluic .or the .. ■ HHHHL... u. c • f entbn ¿r RAED WAY’ ¿PftBILLIiH RESCLKHT, ' DR. W. .K. DOHERT^T [ GREAT BLOCD PURJFICR Í MADE THE MUST AST QUICK. S't R a 1*II> AKE IHE G!J XNuE IE «ODY UNDERGOES, UNDER THE 11 gUBNCE. OF THIS TRULY iVoNDEKFU .DICINE, THAT :■ TillOirar Bitters fire n nr.rely Yog-- et-tble ptoparatiou. mad'» chiefly froitf | m native I u ' y I h found on th;: lower r< ‘. a ' ** 'l‘e Si ri;l N sva hi tuauntrin c <,f t’fcr.iin prop, rtietf nf v. iiich arc cxtrtCu-d the’e'rem wit out t'uv n *10! Ale.; .<»1 Th*» quvstic'y ?« abuori d illy a ¿to’. at is tho C-’|S«ZX>.r the U«ip‘'A’kl-ld Ml.'?»« <•( \ i'Xr.GAK B it i’ERs V’ fli»*wer iu, r joqvei the can-« di.’«w-v {..At Ü;. V y, • axl t««.o pari nit tv covers bi« b<*«lt>i. T,tcy¿ir ’ t :,î grv» t» o - h ! purifier and ;v!ÍÍ*'jj g’iv:ng p. hic pic a porf<*;'t Rcnn- luv ‘rom ■ •»r <»f tlv' . v^f, jn: Yr.'j ’T itnd i ot »he ’ v .. t 14 ' - if .? f. ,.-e i'i th? ! i 1 k ? • orv ith s 'spent is welfl.t ïd r . out. ___ - py r,. continu- ............ X co tpounded i ;r> n Vi ¿ l' Advertise ÎT^oiir Burine*«« A .Pill .' I;. • a V , t I 4 Keep Xour Name before Ike P«bíí i . >*/ •>r c r • Judi fous Advertising' w ill Imurs 4 ' ■ Liv-'r ;i t • J " F»T‘H.-ie. J i: ',* r ; IT Business is Dti!i, Advert!»«. KE" S i’ih .irò?!'-* ife fl'fl-iiA lirri..HK IMO If Business is Brisk, Advertise. Laxativ.«; Diu*’ pi.'-.C , • he man who didn't believe in advertising 1 ■ reti'?, h dtttive, ler-Irritant, Su- by« gone into partnership with the She rid, dor’fie, A*’ 1 y ♦ •-Bilious. «vi ’ . w an • and that official does the ad\ertisjng iC Tios: ilWfN yr«« limn V ín ; QAR»‘tbe U um 4 '.ui ul i“"* _ *i -ink- --Í limit vr J su .->:¿;:»ed the t igsysVin. ¥ II X-2 ■ I Cw fl \ W eight is S eek and F elt . _____ 1__ ;___ _ ___________ ^•5 - r i> ! i ’y drop of the SA RS A FA ft ILLI AN RF.SO , communicates through the f'.ioo-l, Swell l-Mnd other fluids and jiinrcs of the st «tem ti of life, for it repairs J:.- wasieanf ttie bo«l sew and sound material. Semi iti.t, Svpbilj taption. Glainliiiar diacMe. Ulcers’in tl if, Mouth. Tuntor«. Nodes in the Gland«, al othe -part» of the sys'em, sore Eve«. Siiunvirui. dlMj trues from Ute Ear«, and tho worm forms m F iiscases. Eruptions. Fever SoFea. Scald Henit Korin, Salt Khetitn Ery«ipel;u», Acne, Black Worm« in the Flesh, Tumors, Cancer tn the L and all weakening and painlnl di-chargeai {Sweats, Lessor Sperm and all waste«oi th« dnclnle, are within tiic curative rango of th®l worn |r or ModVrn ¿ntcunUEry, nud a lew days’ iim roye . to any person - using it for either ot rhesA "rillLnr . _____ - _ _______ ,_____ fonajlof Ji-tease its notcni power to cure them. ir;t|M i, patient, dally daily becoming reduced by tbc was* «;and decomposition thnt i< continually pr<>? gr»« jig, succeeds, in arresting tin so wastes, and WPS ri the same with new tnaterml, made trdm heal iy blood— ...... .......... and ................. this the ....................... SARSAl’ARlLLIANi wJIIUnd does secure—a curA hccriain; for when onceluls remedy commences its work of puriflca-; tiOil jf*1 iflsuccnedgdn ^ mir»/» n Ari sari n Hi tnifiichinn fka diminishing the lAi-a loss a of F «a«.»«.. waste«,; its rig jir« will bo rapid, and every day the patientj ■willjfrel himself growing better and stronger, the! food-digesting better, appetite improving, aud flesh' food? and weight increasing. < > No® Efnlydoes the S akiaparilliai « RMot-rxirrexcel allkl ifhwn remedial agent« in the cure nf Chronic, •orS Hjlops. Constitutional aud Skin Disease«: bat it is i(e only positive cure for KEARjVEl’ê No perxon IRl On JR INCREASE IS FlESH 1J0 ■ . f I i * he Only Pain Rem I t > I BOOMS, 20 AMD £1, )WAY’8 READY RELIEF IB A CURS FOR I- EVERY PAIN. 1 .* £ . fter'reading this advertisement need any ona : SUFFER WITH PAIN. Z X I I I AE VEllTISIFG AGE j ^ frorr One to Twenty Minu • meli L. P. FISHER, ?«JRES THE WORST PAT . • Ahe 3 19 ïî -s «F3 ft _ S 5 •< 20 •-* X ». -a a. »S *' □. »¿7 u j* -* “*• S—' * *- =r3 C5.Î * < CO » - -*} CT 1 1 * 3 = 3 K & _• ¿1 M X ® K ** "» -• 7T • -? • si® jt r*5j tc flis'i-c-- id th? I. i-iirs, l»i'. F ‘t-r,> Kulmys. Monkeys never grow older in Ihge uve a. d G.ui.o l.’iinai - v ‘a-e-. vu: : _ 8y phi s in a l its V-» - \*A-, yxiung mh: a illQits, intlauttnuiiuiri f t’u And a positive remedy for A father in Dubugtie makes hi* l»..i‘l !er ii ki Kiiin*£t, etc.; and he hi pc- t rit lii> I >!ix exp rtence a d f»acie<-*• üriufc all kinds. II - ru- Ch'tir^e A low? find C n-iult: i on with «ii.'euae, ¡is weakness < of rhe back i:nwer. p»'pita’.if>n of ti c Perfect Purgative^Regulating Pills |?.Iedic,ul (jollege Phinuiclphi.i n. tbor of sei’ ton, S. C., s«v( the daughter of a heart irritability, nervocsaess, e.vuamic mi- , Permanently cures alldisoaues of the ' naty difficulties, derargemrnt i«f digrs’ive BLAPPEli, KIDNEYS. AM) DlfO. HI AL SWDIJNq* permctly tasteless, elegantly coated with sweet | *ruf > al .able works u made an «special strjdi) ei- few DT'ea^s^Hvadaciic^Coi^supaUo'ii jxsUve* °.r female, no matter from what Gy.SO MATTER WilxT TUT. A GK'.'VA j - of tils pctaented witkf a pair of hip boots eiaes of the w. mb, hysteria, rierthty at d all Stomach, Liver. Bowels, Kidneys. Bladd - j5‘Iei'!n ’ ’ 1 ' Nervflgu ,v --------------------------- --------------- --- -• disca'-'es pcrf lxr to feiu:r!o< slta'sho’u Prof. Steel saja: *\)ne boffie of Keair 3« the C*l?l;ruted female ney’s Fluid Extract B chu is worth inori] . ne Wing Up» ?’ " ’ ' - tioll of Fe f,: Inflammation ot tiste tltb Bowels, . 1'iles and all |A , practice of 3li years enable« him to treat f •loRfOF, W, K. I’GIIEHFY, at |>L» ntedfCa) than all the other Buchua combined.,} einciv« of the In Interiial Viscera terital Viscera. . _ Warranted L ’ Dt Sdiseases with success, . Cures ( ares guaranteed l to et a positive cure. B Purely £ Instiinte, m d eor.solt, him nb^ut her troub l ’ urciy vegetable, con- ‘‘ W hat won? i|d you be. dearest, Price one dollar per bottle, or fix botdgS f t*i no mercury, minerals nr deleterious drugs. fCbargcs « reasonab e. Tliosé ITierfp at a distance les am! di»<-fts the «tamp of love n»oru enrts tuan any other p iy»iiJ:ni in the Depot. 101 Dr aim Street New York. ;!i; ) ij-om all tbe-aboveiikmed di* rders »* iic « ‘ fenclosing stump to prepay postage. •i State ot Caiiomia. Let n I’hl.-tb d“l;cary ts per b<>x SOLD B’ DRUGuMrs A Physician in attendance to answerept; » j upon those seal ling wax lips?’’ “1,” yrev nt yon. but apply immediat ly and Semi for the Guide to Health. P • ‘‘FALSE AND ii.JB” Send one letter 1 10c. ~ « u B. IY0TT, 1 .-vn i-n, Price 11 D. respondence and gi c adxicc gratis. « tp to RADWAY A <10 , No 32 Warren Sf N-w J. M. ive yonwlf from paint 1 si.fferin-x and-pre- lulormatiou worth thousands wt'j b«t .«n* 4 raepoéded thè 43TSend stamp for pamphlets, free."iA è fairy-like creature, s mature Physfeiaq and Surgeon. 101 Duane St. N.Y. death. All-maili?ar 1 of ¡lie Slate * tion, but it|is bolieved she only however distant, who may ilesirc the opin ED. PERKINS, ion nnd adv’ree of bit. PGJIEKTY. to go dies Inulti ng in their rt sp- c:ive c:is< s, ami whotiii ik pro­ married h AVIN s’ ’ G BOUGHT THE SHOP I »XU ' • per to uubmit a write» alatem* nt nr such, ownc ------ ned by J. II. Majors, wish in preference -1» holdu>pa i e somd Jn er- es to inform lhe public that die is ‘ AVE Jl/fJT RECEIVED AND AR w, a e ie pec fully assured tiiatf'.ier csm now prepared to do any and ail Ladies should remember to keep vi> conslantly receiving j m'inicati-ns will be held tro t szc rd. kind» of work in hie line in the lat­ Doctor is a regular gradaale and may tiieir mouths shut wkçn wk^n going.out going, out be The est style, v Reject all violent purgatives. Tlicey consulted with every coufldance. •If the cas.* be fu ly a- (1 ca • ruin the tono of -the bowels, anjt |i a warm room into the cool air. Shaving, .25 cents ilidly d-scii'-rd. personal e mirni.-a ioii will weaken digestion. listing of General Merchajidise, n fact^ it|rouldn’t hurt anything be oil .ec?Mury, as I’ « ructions lor d'rt. res- * ’i and V o general trea'uientof thu e.»?e T arrant ’ s E ffervescent S^ lt Z e ^ i Shampooing, i. .25 cents jb^m shut most of the time. rrre itaelf (ineimlmg the re tmdias^ will I e for­ A perient r. «r 1FT warded witlicttt delay. a»«l in mi h a man- 25 cents A little girl, reading thertHÌ3to- ngr a& to convey no idea of. the purport <»( is used by' rational people as' a meaj® i i i of relieving all derangements of thb letter or parcel *0 tranrruitled. 4 rr of England ” with her mother, the Should your condition require immediate stomach, liver and inf&tines, Ikn- i attention send ten dollar», coin, or its value causoit removes obstructions without and comiog to the statement that [ 11 in currency, hv mail or Wells, Fargo & Co's $ riiVE thoroughly QVÉ;?- Henry Li never laughed after the Express, and a package of medicines will pain, and imparts vigor to the orgabs hunled and repaiied my Ji A Til K IDIOM, those in need of a good be sent to yo-ir address n ith the ncceBxr.rv which it purifies and regulates. Bold death Of'hisjon, looked up and instructions for nse. by alt druggists. ■ * . 1 < I i.,'' 3- aaidt “«UKrfMid-'cTtf'-wken he ryConsnlt.aii >n -bv J< t or or ntherwlite Tsr rest '9 FREE. Pernianeat enre guarantied or no ' * e pay. 1 • v —*- !Ä : ' Was tfckfed?’’ .ccommodated reasonable. Speri-natorrhcea. W DR. DOHERTY has just pnbliebodan hn* A UHU1V4 r U4VUU fl® Dll If 1U1LH rd §mdney forever—A Penn- portant puthpUet,omhodyin-x hhown views ED PERKINS Uli i er 1 ¡Fí and experiences in. relatio • to h-.potence ot WHIGHT & STEPHESON, PROPWS 1 sylra nian fool fooled with a pistol, Verility; being *' short treut e* on Sp.Tma - Lafayette, E WILL KEEP CONSTANTLY ON j nr Seminal IVeakness, Nervous an-' lek a fivo cent piece in his torrhtea liana all kinds of rough lumber. phy^icnl Debili y consetjnent pii tbD <’ s noffr If which wo are selling cheaper than any pocket, and took to his ease jnd o‘her afl'rCt’ona of the .-Si xial or» opier mill in the county. I gang. ' his little work’, cor/aii r infertr.afion •Person« who contemplate .building wjll Mead of his vitals. A thou- of the ntnioet yalno fo all, whet’-or ninrrisd And it to their ad van’age to give us a call I nd other articles too tedio tome or single, and will bn $en’ FltEh 'Ti reodp‘ before purchasing elsewhere. in paper would . not of Six <•«•.»•« 11 postage «tamp.« |< t ie an . JOHN WILLIAMSON ¿ENTS’1 FURNIoHi postage. Address. Boxing ...... ......... $9 er M, I# I W. K. DOHFRTY. M. D. . “F* -WF-’ afcyj--y j» » ’ Feeding, -......... . .........’ 9 “ M 00 DS, ■ ap ridly San Franci-Cf,. Cal. BRIGHT’S DISEASE <€Bladder Complaints, Bladder & Kidn j of 12 Years9 Growth q‘ed by Railway's Resolvent. *DR. RADWAY’S K K A H NfrY KWAHN ’fc'Y ’ii EXTRACT BUCHU * rti feRGUSON Sc BIRD < B the Gid Brick Cerner J 4 EW GOODS! Il Ladies Dress Goods Toilet Batiste Figur Bu r mails Poplins, Japs. Silks, Alpacas f Shatvls, Ginghams, Prints, latest styles. ; to W I............... A«» had better have a mill- etotto tied to his neck and be cast into the sea, theu^tft promise to a Texas girl and then re- Tho whole country turns out t iont him, and he ie gencr* •n j i > to grow up with a tree. ; ; k F.or Urge bills of lumber for houses and . ■ j barns we will make reductions. , • - WRIGHT“& STEPHBSONi f GENTS WANTED to sell B oy ­ dec4:nfl:ly -J Dollar-and a-half case ofL tan - H omi . opatujc M fdicin ! s com­ ■ bining excellency of preparation, with beauty and cheapness. Good ‘ Has tbe larceat assortment of First ('ll wages guaranteed.; Sample canes & pry Goods, Millinery, Faucy’ Goods, li outfit given to agents. Particulars lory, &c. iu Portland. free. J. N. BOYLAN, LEWIS 4 STB A USB,. Detroit, Mich. « No. *f, l-'irtt st • e lan ’ s d ahd “The White House,” ; ' ' ?5' . *, • ____ ^Jtvles and variety of both ;n an i domestic manufacture, £ » ALSO— i 1 O Y S strirFB If latori Sty-fes ard in flue variety, «arGive this Hou»« a, Call. aprfimR AT! ’•! HAIR DRESSING SALOON, H E R Ü p R^L ESTATE AGENT Í OF YAMHILL County, OGN. WISHING TO INVEST IN Real F.sigte will dp well to call on uie P ERSONS before purchasing e!i*ewhcre. I have land of all varieties, and in quan­ tities to suit purchasers. Temiu reasonable. t^“Reeidenc^ and offle* In Chebalem Tilley Valley. -i tnke these' Billers- according to diicctions, and" rennin long vuwell, provided their' bcrnes ar*' n »t destroyed by mineral poison or other menus. and vital or- guns wasted beyond repair. i MW Bilious, Remittent, and In tí •’ /»' I 2=3 -■ csib terinitteiit Fevers, which are bo prevalent in the valleys of our giotrt riv’ers throughout the United States,- especially those of the MiFsissippi,- Okio, MiuKouri,; Illinois, Tcnuenaee,- Cumberla id. Arkam-as, Red Colorado, Brazo«, l^o Gmi.d», PenrU Alabama, Mobile, Sr. -.’annah. itwanoke, James, und many either “, with their vast trib-< iibtries, thrcug’iont our entire country daring the Summer and Autumn, and remarkably so duri-ig seasons of un­ usual neat and dryness, are invariably accompanied by extensive derange­ ments of the s.onmch and liv»«r, aud abdominal viscera. In their treatment, a purgative, eurting a powerful iuiluABca upon these va ions organs, i< e >ent'al. There is no cathartic for th? prrjiosA equal te ltit. J. W alkl ’A V infoar B ittebs , aa they w'll speedily r. move the dark colored viscid matter with which the bowels ar«) loaded, at the same time stimulating the secretions of the liver, aud generally restoring the Lcr.llby function» oi the digestive organs. Fortify the body against diseaso by purifying all its fluids with the B itters . N o Epidemic can take hold of a system thus fore-«rroed. Dyspepskt or lit irifostkw, tlaa<’«N ol the Cljuii. Di.x- ihie.Ts. Sour ExucUrioo of the Sto­ mach, Bad Taste hi the Month, Bili­ ous A.t ieks, P-lpiratifni.oi the Heart, Iiidaniraa’lion of the Lungs, Pain in the region of : e•Kidneys, wad a hundred other paii-fid f-yhiptoms, arc the off- spring« of id., spepn a. One bottle will prove a better gnaraivtee of Us merits than a l.mgthy iulve.rtisenu*tiV Scrofula, or Kins’* • Evi-, ^Vh?e S”-e]!.:nr— t’lc--»-«’ F’—sineb- « Swelled Neck, Coitr •, Scrofulotts In­ flammations, Mercurial affections, Old Sores, Eruptions of the Skhi, Sore Eyes, etc. In these, as in all other constitutional Diseases, D r . W alker '« V inegar B itters have ehown their great curative powers in the most obstinate and intractable cas« s. For Inflammatory or Chron­ ic Ilhenmafism. Gout, fiilious. Remittent and Intermittent Fevers, Diseases of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder, these Bitters have do * equal. Such Diseases arc caused by Vitin ted Blood. * . Mechanical Diseases.—P^r- sons engaged in Paints and Mineral*,- such as Plumbers, Typo-w tiers, Gold* boateia, and Miners, os they advaned in life, are subj»-ct to paralysis of tho Bowels. To guard against this, tako D r . W alker ' s V ineoar R itters . For Skin Diseases. Eruption«, Totter, Salt-Rheum, Blotches, Spot«, Pimpljs, P.istnles, Boils, Carbuncle«, Ringworms, SdUI-IuwV Sore Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Dir colorations <4 the Skin, Humon and jDiseases of the Skin of whatever name or nature, are litt-rally dug up and carried put of the system in a short limo by tho use of these Bi ters. Pin. Tape, anti other Worms, lurking in the system of no many thou­ sands, are effecfually de troved and re- movod. No syHteai of medidtne, no ver­ mifuges. no anthc lmiuitics will free tki system from worms like these Bitters. For F<‘inale ( oniplMiits, in youug or olX married or sin -le, at the dawn of womauhooti, dr the turn of life, these Tonic Bitters display so de­ cided an influence that improvement is soon perceptible. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever you find its impurities burst­ ing through the skin in Pimples, Erup­ tions. or Sores; clcause it when you find it obstructed and sluggish iu th« veins ; cleanse it when it is foul : your feelings will tell you when. Keep the blood pure, and die health of the sys­ tem w ill follow. r R. II. yicDOHAV.b 4k CO., DnigsrUt« A Ghm.AxG.. Mn Fri>^. ,«n. «MIZor. et WhMingteu * C’lar’t Hi SU..W.Y. by nil t;n'l