Lafayette courier. (Lafayette, Or.) 1866-1???, December 25, 1874, Image 1

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nday llnnny Valley,........Fl A. M
McMinnville,........... .«P.M
•• We«t Chehalcin,......... 11 A. M
“>>Armstrong’sC’lwipel...IL “
“ Lafayette,...................... 8 P. M
Mails bound South will closo at o
•’clock P. M. each day.
Mails bound North will close at 7
T. M. each day.
PoitoflitJ'will close at 7 P. M. until
further notice.
• OSce Open from five to six P. M.
Aug. 18.
J. W W atts , P. M
the money sidç
erers.has reached 12,229. Moody
Jü0* is now coming in at the rate of
$400 to i500 per day.
’P hiladelphia , December 17.1
died 1
P®l*r8 contain |
lull exposure
the Kate Kinl
and favorable
This is.a heavy blow at
•«Ats C o irU
JN’O. J. DALt,
rjLL nraetwe in tbe Supreme Court
ami ail the cour sot îbeïrl Jndl-
.• -
trt tile CtjuFr-TTun8*?.
p. c. sn.LiyAN,
/ -
•«TILL hereafter lie found at the south
JV eaat corner room of Reed’s Ojx-ra
Mouae, ap stairs, Saleui, Oregon.
$ present
Ijs felt in
»unties of
|ork. At
tihe north-
¡¡was pre
M^ERGUaON A BIRD, corner of Jefferson
dP and Main ; dealer« in prodace and gen
<£|l merchandise.
order was iminediawlj
In an interview with th«
i t
he admitted his gu^l^
e was sworn to do what
ILTY A SIMPSON, north side Main
street; dealers in drug«, confection­
aria« and family supplies.
AS. McCAlN. attorney; office on south
side Main atraet.
M. RAMSEY. County Judge and
• attorney at 'law, —office in the
Court House. _
71 C. BRADSHAW, attorney at law.
-■« .
_ _______ ____
-FOR A $2->0-
“I have comò fornii
said a lender of it on
to a friend. Can’t he
the borrower, “don’t y
I am going odt ¿uh i
ves,” replied the lendei
N ew * O rleans , Dec, 16.-^Tj>e
estimate of the Director of the
Mint allows a gain in specie and doy pupils of the Higlr School k>-
buTion, during the last two fiscal day refu;jjd to allow colored boys
years, of about $38 000.000. The
tojwiter. The Superintendent, in
stock of specie in the country i«
reply to a committee who waited
about $166,000.000, which with
the annual production, about $70,- mi liim, said the whole matter was
OOb.OOO gold and silver, affords in Hie hands of the School Board.
encouragement The stock of coin He behoved the general law made
may. within i reasonable time, no race distinction; but the Board
with favorable legislation, be ac might establish a branch school to
cumulated sufficiently rapid .for obviate difficulty.
specie payments to bo undertaken i C hicago , Dec: 22.—A Wash­
and maintained. ,
ington special says Senator Schurz
The President will issue a proc­ has been asked whether there was
lamation commanding turbulent anv truth in the story in the news­
and disorderly persons in Warren papers to the effect that he 3 m
county, Miss., to avoid transgres­ announced, or caused to be an­
sion of the Haws and repair to nounced, that he would not take
their resjieotive abodes within five any nomination for re-election to
the Senate from the Missouri De­
W ashington
, Dec. 21.--Before mocracy, and that his friends were
■ -1
the ways and means committee to­ urging him fur the mission to Rus­
day, Irwin said he never had em­ sia. He answered that he had
ployed any one to pay money to never thought of making anv spell
member* of this or the 42d Con- annouccment, and never thought
gross. He paid the whole $750,- of goi ng a ? M inis ter to < Russia.
flOO to persons be employed. He Both stories, so far as they refer­
declined to give the names of per­ red to any declaration or intima­
sons employed, or the largest sums tion of aspirations on his part,
paid any one. Ho paid no money were utterly unfounded.
except for personal services. He , N ew Y ork , Dec. 22.—The will
refused to divulge Hie names be- of the late Mayor Havemeyer has
cause all counsel and other par­ been admitted to Probate. The
ties’ services secured were employ­ value of'tlic property is estimated
ed confidentially.
at from three to five miHion dol­
The only heirs are the wid-
. The- H □use bill introduced by lar;
Nesmith for, the construction of ow, six sols and two daughters. r
the Oregon Central Pacific Rail-
N ew Y ork , Deo. 16 ■A^feteU
• ' -
- ;
road and telegraph
brottt copy
of the VieRBTfWPrcss
■ . his
'■ '■'’"I
up to-day, bnt the House refused, the following account of the dam­
by a vote of 60 to 105, to second age to the Russian' Winter crops:*
the previous question.
Wc learn from Novochopersh, in
I Lewis E. Parsons has been ap­ the Government of Woronesch,
pointed United States District that an insect has made its appear-*
Judge for Alabama, vice Richard aiiee ¡there which'Causes just as
much devastation as the phylloxe­
Buateed resigned.
N ew Y ork , Dec. 21.- A new ra did in the vineyards of France.
civil suit has i>een commenced This insect, which has appeared in
against Win. M. Tweed, in which enormous numbers,* is of grass cnl-'
Edward Marriner is joined as de­ or and moves very slowly, but is '
fendant on behalf of the city tore- voracious to an alarming extent/
cover from both $500,(i0l) alleged and the wimcr crops iu this Gov­
to have beeii fraudulently charged ernment are completely destroyed.
by Marriner for supplies to the This worm attacks alikfe wheat
street department and fraudulent aud rye, and is not satisfied with/
ly certyied to by rfweed’s deputy devouring the tender sprouts, but
street commissioner, for the pay­ makes its way under the grouiïÎ,
ment of 31 bills of Mairiner’s, al­ where it eats the roots, destroying
leged in the complaint to bain this the entire seed. The cold has no >
effect on the insect.
W ashington , Dec. 22.—Repub­
H aydensville . mass., Dec 19.
—A large new dam. just cnmplet lican Senators were in caucus this
cd at Ilapden, Gere ¿Co.’s ’brass afternoon at the solicitation of the T
work«, bnrrt*- at 11 o’clock this Southern Republican Senatorsand
morning. A large bod}* of water Representatives. The condition
covered with ice ten inches thick of the South was considered. Sen-
swept down the channel through a tors from the South advocated
the village. The cotton mill dam sending troops to several Stake of
just below the village held the wa­ that section. Thcy-feared the Re­
ter and ice and probably pi event­ publican party was dead unless
fid a great sacrifice of life. At decisive steps were.takeo during*
Leeds with which there tele­ the present session of .Congress to
graphic ccmmimication, there were put down turbulent whites, and
seventy or one hundred children confessed the inability to poll white
skating on a pond at the time. It votes. Northern Senators did not •
endorse thé proposition well, and
the Indians ha ye killed is thought they all escaped A la-
ter dispatch says there was no loss some expressed themselves in fa­
persons near Iliko ai®
vor of and some against further
The settlers have ¡nl of life.
■/ 1
interference with whites in the
N ew Y ork , Dec. 16—Benja South.,
min D. Stillman, referee in the
Senator Lewis of Virginia de^\
Proctor-Moulton-»case, has filed
dared the Republican party had .,
his report in CourU The reports,
lost power in the South because of
imputations and statements in the
the character of many of t|jc would ■
publication concerning character
be leaders, and its advocacy of •<:
of the plaintiff are wholy false, and
the Civil Rights Bill, which he .
the defendawt by his own counsel
considered a most iniquitous vneae-
disclaimed malice in the publica­
ure. The South could only be
tion. He admitted the untruth of carried by the Republican party -n
such imputations and statements, as at present organized, by sending
and cites
-f the
. it ■ terms of the final set- soldiers enough there* to prev<4t"v
tiement as before published.
the people from voting.