— AYETTE COURIER. FRI0ÍA.Y, DECEMBER 18th, 1874. I. N ice È ri sent .I—Our ydung friend NOTES. t^e store of Hon. A. R. Bq-rbank, but Beading school to-night. Misery loves company. P repared ^—The Orsg^iiUn gives the following: “A long Report is being prepared of the Only oue more week till Christinas. Don’t we never going to have any ice. examinations made along the The Smith-Laiuson case was con­ 1 river, extending from its Yam confiiiaBnce with the Walla meh up to tinued. nville, giving the location of Me A well defined work —Webitor’s uctions, character and Vfiax- dictionary. the imates of tho probable cost of ing Havo you heard about the new their demoval. From the reconnois- f this stream, it seems that miues? is the latest. »an tructions to its free aud the The Christmas tree will ba in vigation are not very aerioui bloom uext Thursday evening. safe fficult to remove. Opposite nor L ist week half solas were iu de­ te is a rapid, and between the mand by some of the legal Maternity. last ¿¡»med point and Dayton are a ilfri of rapid». These impediments Dr. Watts is going to treat the rest can abe removed at a comparatively of his property to a new paling fence. cpst to the Government, and Next. great and lasting advantages con The cross-walk» arc becoming so to nfirt rigation. Congress having re- cent?|y r convened, these reports, esti­ muddy that it is almost impossible to ' *■ matM and suggestions wi ll doubtless Had them. receive tKe consideration their great The many friends of J. R. Majors importance demands at the hands of will be pleussd to hear of his conva­ thaijjody" )ody.” Gen. Michler is prepar­ lescence. / ar reports to be forwarded to ini Tho musical cry of the bird they gton. Wi call the cayote can be heard almost Fix ING U p .—The lust Grand* Jury any night. D ea Ì i Ì would DEAiri would be be I I mpossible mpossible if. if. f^ARQE T axes .— The following fig- will show the amount of taxes ,t soma of “fortunes favorites” his tq pay in this county: 8. G. Reed Jii__ i »noA rr J. T Shad Uk.AA... ¿'ion. $936 taxes; T. den, $380; t r i ' DAY! madman impites»ion on a « » - gas company.| Don’t believe it. ----------- - ■ ....... — I and add to it» v. rieti and power, i '.••IV K*”rn COURIER THE i a t r FEVER AND AOVE. OFFICE * . i. I X ", - - * Is Prepared to do all kinds < . ' . R. SlMISJX. 1 ■ I I r _ ... » i ll 4 To and Chcapar tha> I 4 P ANY JOB OFFICE J uhxson , Í - ’ I 1 J i H oot Manager: D b !| II. R. LlTlLEFIEli). •ri# ' ' ) >A good tiii^e asMired ill who attend, tickets. it|clu Inst deposits, and when there Is a pricking, burning sensation when passle« water, and pain in tho email of the back sed alone tM.1-'-« ■ I n îigATURE’8 M edicine C hest , t.ho Ea h, there is no specific superi- waters of the Seltzer Spring. or to t T arr I t ' s E ffervescent S eltzer - A perient pro void ¿nt upon that world- is an i bil- renow •d remedy _ for indigestion, _ iousnqâb and sonstipatiou. It is at one« |ld, Hborough and infallible, Nod g store is without it. On Hand or Printed to Order X V SHORT .VO TICE R. MAJORS YETTE, k . PEALhX IN SHOP! B TCHER ■ O^FEB. JOB Surgepn. jusr( ave received constantly receiving THIS PART OF THE STATE ' ’ - ■ r; < ■ ■* < We an enabled to make ORGAN, Proprietor. A SPECIALTY ! ’ *1 • ILLS, AMA BUSINESS CARDS, FANCY PLAYCABD’ - ! CIOCCLA as, FL a YCAML’B, VI8IT1NG CARDS, LABELS, ETC. i CHECKS, ETC. : * ’ 4 ’ Hl r a ^ d - abb . Ladies Dress Goods, Toilet Batiste, * Figured Tyrolese, Burmahsf Poplins, Japs. Silks, Mpacas. Shawls, Ginghams, Prints, latest styles. And other trticles too tedioneto mention. GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS, of the latest styles and variety of both For* Address ardan ta sign sad domestic manufacture, —use— . v -r- ■ Consisting of General Merchandise, .S.A * #. . H NEW GOODS! 1 I ' . i At the Old Brick Comer. CCO. SEGARS, NUTS, dies, sardines, Oysters. t tionery, etc. f A FARM _WA nt ^P . perfectly tasteless, jlegantly coated with sweet tea, »arse, regulate, purity,cleause and strenech- ea. Redway’s Pitfe,for the cure of ail disorders of the Stomach. Liver. Bowels. Kidneys. Bladder. Nervous Diwases. Headache, Constipation,('-«•lire- aese. Indigestion. Uy >-pei*iA >■ pelvis, Biliousue«. Biliousne«. l-iUoaa l iiloas ceMiun. lb Fever, In flam Is in niation in at ion or the lhe Bowel», Bowels, Fites Files and alt all Deransementsot : the Internal __________ Vucera . U'srranteA r;______ ; te effect a po‘ litive “'- cure. ------ " “ f*«Hrety — ------------- *-— - vrgetifi>te. eon- mining no me cury. mineral* or <1eletcnoii»dru*a. RADW a Y S PILLS will Irro iKe sf A few doses system irom a il the above named du< rdera Price » cents per box SOLD F’ DRUGGISTS Read r' FA USB JkND A jLJB “Rend Aoe letter stamp to RADWAY A S3 warren Warren at m k.w ■ OO w . , No. si York Inlormatiea — ‘ « wa'.i - be >**. ___ i worth ihMteads ysa |. 'V■ I FERGUSON &, BIRO OREGON. IN otice. I Every drop of the SA RS KPA lit I.U AN VENT eominunicatei" tlmmyh Ute Kiool, Swear. Urine and other fluid* and juice i of the svstetn the Igor of Ufe, repair« ih • •*a*feKof *w vigor life, for it .repair* ttm bhi|iS Consumption. Ulaiulular «l*k*sr» in U m Throat, Mouth, Tumont Noilex in the Gland«, and other parts of the sys-oui. Soro J£yra. KirumAawiM k . u-v- StoeharwM r..._ from . the Kai's,) nr)(| (fie wi/ c forms . 4 k K THE ji i J. E. IlKS B IKt, í.R. LITTLLFIELD ; so Erar B it n I screase in F lesh mb W eight is Sin mg Fur. > ;tee of Arr&agemonts: H i THE CRFAT BLOOD PURIFIEft, MEDICINE. THAT . • p ; ' SIRSAPARiLLIAN RESOLVENT, THE BODY UNDHRdOEs, UNDER THE IN­ FLUENCE OF THIS TKCLY WoNMMFJUL jK Jon* H erd mx, I N. H kmurkx . P ei kb P. G vtib , OF FLKy the t^o'glity nt of moat» and would- respeci fully tributed. A barrel of flour foe the Court of ................... Yamhill co ufi I ly, Oregon, m$n. patronage. ¡xipular preacher, a writing desk die estate of Benjaini Franklin, deefcys- solle a »bare of the public e most |M>pular 7 murgan , ng claims against and all persons ha for the handsomest young lady, and «il Afid estate are required to present ' them ito !■ L -1 a jack-knife for tke hoiuliest maw will ihe atuiy residence near sberidan,ln>Yfii tn- 111 county, with th4 proper vouchers, M ’ * • I ; be decided by vote, and probably oth- oth­ ' Uti fit ithin six months fr< m the date of ,this er articles will be offered the iiime AO otice. * To whom It may Concern :* L C. Airad skaw atto nev for the estate. way. There will be a postoffic Ash I E. 4. SCRtXiGIlg ? 6 set is hereby given that there ia no pond, grab-bag, etc., etc., and iy no ■ I t ; Administrator«* nger any partnership between J. B. November gßth, ll 874. means the least feature is the € firist- «.RK ot Dayton. Oregon and JAMES C. \ >N REh’B>EuA£iL of Portland^,Gre- mas tree, which is in charge of rh&h partnership formerly existed at gon petent committee, and already gaome n. under the name oi HAItKrJl <£ Go. May very fine presents have been bi^mghfc ce is also given that neither ¿iid J. A AN WHO ti in for the time honored institJtiony B Y pay B. 1 irker or any other per-on ia or has been in EMIGRANT* time n-'tos. secured on re^i for 1 be past six months, authorized io c >n- No charge for admission and apverf '------ in time notes, secured on re$.l es- — 10 7------ - cent, t psr ------------------ ®’’Fer traci Fany indebtedness z that will be binding tate, drawing per snn'iirt# ©no is cordially invited to attei am particulars.apply to ¡C. M. CABTÉI M. joiid upon the owners of toe Dayton spend their money if they wau# to, if decllrml ■ Portbnd.,Ori-| Hoti âng Mi.l, and notice is furthermore gon. decll:ml not it will be all right anywayJ -----------------------------L-4---------- - V K»'ci a tnit Aima Van lienaselaer will not DB. ALFRED ¡KINNEY, payi: any portion of any indebtedne-s <>r ex pen(i « of any kind whatever, which has oys qi^st of T oy », , E tc . — To those in q I wiik to the time abi>ve named ^.or may here- 2 toys and holiday presents for the lit» .iflejj Sbe incurred in or about of in beba.f of tie H > ones, VU 3) wo TV V would w VU L1A say that A OAWV Kefcty heA Sa life ^nill. nor permit tha same to beeome a u.« N .XV. I, 4/tAl r U Ul 4L . dino Ó , ’ o . 7, D bki M m ’ p iti a choice assortment. Littlefield has J R oom lienWpon bar interest there in. N. W. Cantar Firat and Washing’ I' m . C. SUHUYLEB. alp. At many valuable presents, a FORILA ND. OREGON. (................. & Ag< of Anna Van RenssolsM apd guardi- either of these places you can .be sc- OfflceHonrs —8 tolti. m. till after 5' jd i of estate of J. C. A an Btotaeher. • § J I m I b Jffief at : Night. com tn od» te l. Poi AND.OgB. Hept- % i874, k All Ô» YETTE, LA ad 4 il fay-, wa - ;ru-t, t.ealed |a a clear inj* 1 tei?Mi| hg and ihstr.ietive inn’der. Comn It , pi r aim to make the WI.EKLY 'SUN, the Ifc t — bea: family newspaper in the world. ’At! J a < Met _____ , wijjlef ’ing and appropriates wi;i be f H 11 of eutvrtai. eutvrtai.jiitg appropriai J. M. K elt reading of exery sort, b..t will print nothin/ lUj to <» â e.i’l the ill st seriipi Io » alul d> liva « I Itwilalw.it» cont-iji ieuumt iiu i •: ti.-ta ratini iitoiieHnnd romances of th> day, care| f.ntl 1 c.ed and I gib.y pripted ,j* ji 8*^ will bold a pablio examination *- 7 ¡•signed executor of t will of E ltv$rd del-signed e: ‘I » F ‘ Hilton, deceased, has !p irescnled io fhe 9 t T he C hristmas S ociable .— B om County Court of Yamhl 1 county. Orc- ^j>n, , * a 1 minisi ratini* of. h T of bis final tinul account Qt Ills his q 3 the Reporter we take the follot: ingj' his (lie estate of said deceit ed, and that i Hi H . An In fact everything that ia to be found r ven i fiourt has ordered tin t saidaccoani t class cla»8 variety störe. -v in a concerning the sociable to be >uard bv-said court on i qtnrdAy, Janv f .III respectfully solicit a share of the* ’ fa _____ «. h, 1874 18/4.nt 11 o’clock ¿\. M. Qf said (toy, publié’ patronage. at McMinnville under the » auspieg auspices of »th, : wliiéli t'me persons interested inayWtb- the order of I. C. R. C.: “ Everything 7 J .R. MAJORS. ao 12 tf ^t thereto. » - | > S. R. BAXTER, . indicates that, the sociable at\ the Í Executor; Grangers’ Hall, Christinas Eve., will àfayette, Oregon, ( I ! 1 be a grand affair. The plans fo£ the ; December, 11,1874 i F j i managers who have the arrangeing II I ■z I A*/.-*» th!» rale. >« yL> 1 licit subscriptions for the purposd of p rid, N'> ;è THE DAILY fciUN.-J.\ Luge four buying presents to put on the CM st- tcolii imi'. IM1 nawspaper of t«ent> rig . v i mas tree for th childreu whoso i sr- »-Ir fation over H). All the new» & ir « tl i20,0 I AJ. tnts are not able to do so. Don’t £ rip Sub-crin ion. teatage piepaidg 5 ents. bub-crip To emb * .18 s month, or <5 60 a your purses lurses to tight, t but reinem >ur • » lb or o< r. a di-c unt of i> ¡xr cent, that Jesus said, , “Feed my lambs. ess, ‘THE SUN»’’ piew York City^ Give a little aud make tho children * ■ ■¿"■’■“I“' h*PPX- “Cast thy bread upon i; th* •^LT OTICE OF FINA I SETTEMKN'f- the än- Jj| Notice i is hereby g jen water and it will return again. “ ” ii »n that tha in­ for a bag time ia being made by the f ■ Wf i fj i ■ i—i Hi (X)N(IESTION OFTRE LVMQB. RO AT, DIFFICULT KREATHINO SORE TQR FALF1TAT1ON OFTHK HKJUKT. HYSTERIC CS, CROUF. DU’THERl A. . _ _ CATARRH, lNFLUKMto, headache , toothaciie '. ' ' T bhivmatimm . rrr“.-.:. ...... COLD CHILLS. CHILLS. _ r 4 '- x.. -. AGUE - - — -- ''The aiipikadnn of the Heady Rolle? to tha . MK parM where the paiu ¿r iLffl^ulty part or pa • extata aud com • will • g-C afford ea*o - «ml - comfort. - * tort. Twenty dropsin lialt a tumbler of watyrwillina few moments cure CRANI'S. KFASMS. SOOR STOMACH HEAHT r CHN. SICK HEiDACRE. btomach f ilARRHOEA. DYSENTERY. VA>LIC. WIND >3 HE BOWKL4. and ail IN I ERN a L C a INS. A I Travelers ehnuld alwn vs entry a boule of £*4» vrajr’a Kcady .Bellrf with them. < A few dro*a In water will prevent sickneMor paint from change ..'’water. Itu •fvmi_. ___ better thnu French Brandy or »IttcM as a stimulant. -/ - jOHRI^TM’S NIGHT T he D atto * B all . —Preparations U0 E xamination .- Mr. J. H, Carse, County School Superintend- % * BL a DD b *. INFLAMMATION OF THE INFLAMk [ATIONOFTHE HOWELS, JOB PRINTING but the rheumatism left a marked^ The approach of thè Presidential elec­ tion giv .fa« .¡ni.ersalimportance to the even s impediment iu his walk. and . .We shall en- describe them fully, faitbfilly, . , , , Now is the winter of our discontent deav«1 fo sslv.. and fua^'easly made glorious by that son-of-a-gun . .. EEKLY SUN has ________ now attained a TTOWEEt _________ . eireti&tion, ol over seteuty seventy ibonsaid ihupsdüd copies.! coplea. from—he’s not from Nivork. tiouul ’ i I Its riders aYe fon d in *veh’8’ate and 1 "I: If you want to win a young fortune Terriloty, and its quality ia well known lb ----------------------- --------- : take a chance iu the lottery for th$ I the $ We ----- slutll no: only eudéavont iblic. bee ji W t fully, up to the ol . standard, but iu organ to be rallied off Christinas. Christmas Eve. Boys, we are sor^y for you, and should any of you con­ clude to attend the ball here, you can bet on enjoying yourselves. •ubarhf apd displayed their prowess in shooting for chiokens, turkeys and •W 4 m J1 peraea. We didn’t get INFL AMM ATION ATIO N pF OFTHE THE K KIDNEYS. I ON E YS. _( , __ ___ I Billy Aiderman is ablq to be out,! room ftfir their contemplated dance on qtobs a number of the sharp-shooters of this vicinity congregated in the ____ p —AT — * RAD WAY'S READY REUftF WILL ILL AFFORD INSTANT EASE. EASE. B ' .if St. Joseph, WEE.viA AND DAILY I OR 1S7X > « Û. FAILED.—We understand that the McMinnville Hook A Ladder Qo u- pany warw unable to secure a suitable S hooting M atch .— Last Saturday I- bo ma»t*r how vtntoM vfei ■o m«'br or exeniciatlnatii« pai« Um RHEUM ATK'. Bed-ridden. KHEUMAT1C. Bed-ridden, Infirm. Crippled,Mdrr- Crippled/ oat Neuralgic, or prostrated with oiaaaaa alsaaaa may oaa svEar, suffor, 4 ’Till-: do. fancy goods suited for the holidays.. Now is the time to make purchases of presents io bang on the Christmas tree. If you desire the first choice of anything in this line, now is ths ac­ ceptable time. s. a r i FBOM ' ~ f ■ dl of Kelty A Sampson, has just Return­ ed from Portland with a full stock of that iMtantlr stops the most exenKtatiBS excraotatiag aatem, l _1—, ; allay» intiamiuaiions. and cures Congeatiooa. _____ __ Stomac*' :h Bewota^ W rifcat whether ot the Lungs. - ------ --------- ^“‘■7 rT<;rPWS 2.1 ’Tfeyuignk fftoudMor ■“ -. - ? ■ ■ ’4 A e RIVED.— -Mr. Kelty, of the firm « LINE J Lss Dayton neutri ar i fl M Tl . tica \gric Itur.ii i epart «ent is a prom^ l»t ei ! VJ« a. 're in t' e Wi.i-aiiA] S-. N. und it^ i will IwjjS be fo nd fresh and ».».i, I P ’n i ile, ,m I for lh<- eievtion of _ f V a d ins the it^tions. it 1‘lEKLY SUN i& row a trout throw ucreaMing, .• f iep iblican 1 I ’ — • ... ' jiiper especi It bJu nopafe a. lly. d seeks no .gsto favor iruui f. fi4.s nt quar h i pporers. obe<* co d taliop ibéifi . . . c mending f-f actor. Cook, tile largest, and w io of cue seiiooi iuug’it by ALis Lizi rljet of every kind and the LisS- ! hq market always serins anxious to .“climb o < I vj regu a ly , reported in.it col ini g, Lug , in th Liugliiiu District. I i- ns bis pal whenever he has an opportu­ D*t I pried of the A i* i'.XoY .*iU.N is oAe ct r> speak very highly of I d««li | a vgar or a »h et of eight pages, and nity, was chained down, but iuorj G> : auiL.ty as a teacher. ti té fix col tun . A» this ba-ely pays frighten him thau for punishiueut i .» a 8 olpa1 er and pi i ting, wd are ngt e ■ " .i ■ -i n so What light has that “truly good abft o make uny di co .nt or allow .-viy pre- A ttention . —The committee ap­ , man,” .Fa: her Butts, to say who ,|AU mil' II to friends w h;» make special effo; ts to pointed to take charge of the Chri t- or snail not occupy the Cuurcbi' 'or ex« I its clr ulation. Lu der the new lax' i ’» • . . ,, .. . -a. v .. i - h .I v.'iiiA Al nA! i nn < u i requites pay“ rnt ofpo t ge in . 14 wn< several y ais th.« the “ “McMinn vili S mas tree desiro that all those content-. L e, o e dollar a year, wi\li twenty cclw i Circuit has Deen supplì d with jfi-it Vlljl' t|k plating putting presents on the tree. 1 , such arbitiary genti, men by the M. till 4 jst <-f prepaid postage added, is t ral e iff a bscripti n. A is • ot necessary to hand them to some of the commit- j r . Conference. . They bad Ixttter try a club in ordci tolmvetlie WEE a fie' toe before Thursday next if possible. ' again, and thvii cut off the McMiin bU at Ibis rat«*. Am. ne who sen-14 r, W- • and twenty cei. ■ s ill get die pa; Donner* should be careful to iu vrk ViiL circuit. w’> e . . _ A__ V Jt.__ _ a. L ' 3 . paid .or a year, P 1 fl th«ir presents before handing th mi * A>h »\e notravl ng ng- ntJ. Mi-;» Louisa Chrisman* and h fl ISS THÈ WEEKLY SUN.—Eight pages fifty in, Mthe committee will have enou^n six col imi». Omy $1 ’4» a year. poAace to attend to without having that to Emma Perkins .¿ill, next week,) ------------------- i The Only Fain Remedy PATRONIZING I Although Professor Morey has low ’mropcan & Oregon Land Co., $54 »; Fletcher, $219 15; R. J. Laacc- his Hoult he still continues to cou- i«ld; $243; John Perkins, $274; £ l- ducr the school with marked success >r Poppletdh, $525; A. K. Sitto •' L ifaydto now boasts of having *201; 201; R. K. R. Thompson, lhouipson $653«. O»mr four luged ehickeii, and a dog tba twenty, besides, pay $1 i a Over fif- can crow like a rooster. Fit subjecl ty pay $100. i tor the Mds^um. F ' — ■ ass»" ■ Every body and his wife, and even » ; A F ight .—pVeduuaday uveuing th c. two prisoners confined in the jail at bodyTuls^s with, and more too, wii i * r . - 1 . ■ \ this place, agreeing to disagree, hid i att< ml the Lali at this • piaci: Christ- I a lively little skirmish infheir cJ|, nias'B’ght. You but. The teachers and pupils of the L which resulted in a few manly em­ f'.y. ite Academy Ao.i. cit(se'.ery dav^ $ promptly attended to. (£7”A11 b ;si yrillERE WILL BE a public examiHA- ,t ’ J. BEST. deci liti -a J 5 X tie«» in t he Lalayette School House, on X Illip TO C .... ORE^OJV, EXPR i’ I WivLKbl bUN will cpnlinue to beq ih Watt, $288; J. G. Baker, $: $2 ¡4 T kite ph A Star fell the other evening naati oi gh n wspaper. Ail tiie news <-f the< a tbof J- F- Bewley. $181; A. R. B lur- the tin-shop. It was caused by ¿j fl be fo nil in it. condensed when tine d y V pik, $192; J. W. Cowls, $298; Wiu. jEmptoll, $244 68; T. C. Davis $215, stove being plaevd on thc-sidewalk^ i tn pul 8nt at f JI length m e* of tn iioent,! of the Grand Dance at Dayton, on New Year’s night. The object is to procure money with which to pur­ chase a bell for the new school house, recently erected. A jolly good time is anticipated. a » RAFFLElfor TURKEYS jo have after raadinc thto advertiaeaent noad say oes »¿gf Su«V. A «» 4 z. r ;e >- THE WORST CURES In frorr One to Twenty Hinutet. / not onc hour 4 Mwsie- Boxpn, Photo( vayliic Album«, Puck* <( i pas! their terrible excitants send et.. Cutlery, 8< Uxors' Gift and Toy ♦ to endless variety of Books, and thousands staggering to tho grave. which we ofTer at Yanlsee Nutt ( RADWAY’S READYRRIEF I ✓ Instead of adding fuel tq the fire of Lowest Rsjtes, at Wholesale and diseas^ with such deadly compounds ^•y r..nAir.1 tiiri purifying F y th© thé ^fwvlirn» pooling, renovating, id regulating effect of that inestiin- fi i|ble combination of herbal juices and i 1 1 — AT— Extracts, D r . W alkf . r ’ bj C alifor ­ nia V inegar B itters *t|ie «ole spo­ lie for Dyspepsia, Physical Debility, citic Slid and £3rd, 1874. cadache, Bilious Colic, Liver Com- DECEMBER Headache, y plaint! >, Gout, Rhcumtiti'iiu« and RER:- ttjlll i nn opportunity to shoot Chrof iic Constipation. raffle at ixy be de ired. —♦ »------———— . fl i " —■ F PORTA ' N. ■ Ari- ashington newspaper claims R.~R/ a J îîb I R OREGON! &SP ectfullt call to their new and Only one more week left in which you will have o re an oppbrtunity to get |l>ece|uber 36il>, cQiniuencini; at h> o’clock |A. M h for those wishing certificate».' a chance in t__ .. the raffle. N l J. H CARSE,; co. sup’t - ' Some excellent pictures were raf­ fled for at Dr. Littlefield’« drug store , last Saturday evening. ___________ ____ : 1 iic proclamations of the alcoholic ¿rtnnistfnff ts )>art of Toy«, ijostruin-njongwrs were ¡true. But, Boston says he can furnish beef to this place about three times a week, “mit’out sthoping.” plenty of exercise in to give them tl grabbing j out soutie of the stumps iu Court-House block. Try it. Tl I . Books, S iationery, and HOLÌD' IY GOODS, in their report recommended that, the Several persons have lately tried to v Quite a severe shock of an earth­ esgd in tb. the jail be^ixed the ellipse the Transit uf A^nus, owing quake jwas felt in Oakland on the bo^ixod up, and .the i5th|i|tet. \ > ) Co^ty officials acting on the sug- to slippery walks. an mrr. — co. KEEP YOUR MONEY AT NOME, C. AIRS [TEL No 77 ¿Front Street, I pom píete stucl ■■■■ gei ion have ordered that additional ire bars be placed across the front cage. This will be very apt vrtpt the escape of anyone that be confined in there. Tho two ers now lodging there would very little if any effort to os- should opport unity present, have a “dead thing” on grub the winter and don’t want to lose Ijft would be no more than right MWCkl'.LA’SKBlW.'”“ ’ 1 nx>w residing at M :rtd >siaf III., being called lienDu by the sad intelligence qf the dedali of his brother, has sent Dr. kittle field a handsoipe prewat, PORTLAND. consisting of * box of assorted cigars, of the finest brands. We know thal they are good for we h id the pleasure cf trying thank. Doc. say$ that thay remindgmm of tho “outd counthry.” re in nr Eh, Snyd. OUIl COLUMN. PORI MT NOTICE. p : ^uyal M. Carver, formerli’ a clerk in • Foggy nights. rts being J l * . “THE COURIER,” a\, «4 UAFAYBTTW, OW. ' • 1 BOYS’ SUITS. -J/ ‘ Of latori Sty lea and io fine varitiy. WGke this H uum - a faII.'’M >}4 ’¡R <