Lafayette courier. (Lafayette, Or.) 1866-1???, December 04, 1874, Image 1

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CISCO. 0^5^
LAFAYETTE, I O regon , D ecember 4, is74.
Ladd <fc Bush note and
interest........ ......... $2.085 00
Note of P.. O. Riley and
interest....................... 3,300 00
2WJ3\V j 3M"7 m T1TK
• 1 Inch, I ft 11 2¿ 11 ft 6 00 j 9 (X) I 15(0 Orders drawn at fairs of
¿Inch««, | 174 2 50 | 3 (JO 8 00 | 12 | 18 0Ó
1873 and 1874, trn- .
*1>cfae«» r*5O | 3 50 | <50 j 0 0*3 I 18 | 22 00
1,363 87
3001 ioo; 6°°l11 ! w_ VL00
Total indebtedness. .$7,448 85
Reduction of indebt-
ncss......................... $4,344 97
O m « Copy. Ou* Tear,
Messrs. Ladd A Bush, bankers,
One C*py, Six Months,
Salem, were elected Treasurer, in
Dae Copy, Three Month«,
place of Mr. J. H. Moores, who
7. - '
' Ua^ineM notice, in the Local Columns, 25 declined longer to serve.
cent« per line, each insertion.
The President, Secretary, and
Legal Advertisements to be Paid for up-
S m making Proof by the Publisher.
General Superintendent were elec­
Personal Adv». 50 Ct«. a Liinfe*W*
ted Executive Committee, with in­
Subcriptions Sent East, $2 00 a Year.
structions to give notice in April,
The Oregon State Agricultural Soci­ 1874, for the removal of all build-
ety—Summary of Proceeding« of j in^s within die enclosure belong-
Board, November, 1874. •
i ing to other parties than the Soci­
ety, and for the erdetion of new
O ffice of S ecretary . (
S alem , Nov. 20,1874. i
bootlir, a suitable building for offi
In accordance with the instruc­ ces for President. Secrettyy, Tress-
tion» of the Board of Managers, urer, Chief Marshal, and General
at the meeting just closed^ 1 give Superintendent; also instructccLto
the following summary of the pro­ make the needed changes and im­
ceedings, including the receipts provements for beautifying the
:n.d expenditures of the Fair of grounds, and adding to the com­
1875. as also the indebtedness of fort of the patrons of the fair.
1873, and that of 1874.
They were also instructed to thor­
The attendance was larger and ough l_. revise the list of licenses.
the' business of the meeting wgsT
1’iit list of premiums was revis­
prosecuted with an eagerness nev- ed though not materially changed
er btjorc known in the history of from lust year, except l»y adding a
the Society. Toe accounts of lhe list for graded cattle and sheep.
Geo. Downing of M irion was
•* und Treasurer were sub
jectcd to a most rigid examination elected Chief Marshal; E M. Wil­
by the Fbmi'cv Committee, con­ kins, of Lane couuiy, was elected
sisting of Messrs. 8.- G. Reed, o! Marshal of Pavilion.
. Port ¡ami. W. P. Watson, Wasco
Lewis Savage, ot Marion, elected
county, and A. Lulling, of Wash­ General Superintendent.
ington county. Tfcc report of the
The lime of commencing die fair
cotnuiittec as received and adopt­ of 1875, was fixed on Oct. 12.
ed, shows that the sum of $101 95
Seven nl special premiums were
is due the Secretary for tho rear offered, ainonix them two
by T.
1874, over and above all receipts, CUnningham *fe Co., Salem, of two
as money paid out bv him in cx-f fine plows, and several by .............
W. U. .
cess of that * received. The Trcas-
My res, of Jackson county.
urer’s account was also approved.
The following resolutions were
passed: ■
receipts . of F air , 1874.
R so'iMd, Tiiat thc^thanks of this
Gate money....
Board arc heicby tendered to the
Enhance fees....
120 00 O. & C. R. R. » Co., and the O.isi
Licenses. j-......
2,127 50 N. Co., for favors extended.
Resolved, That the thanks of thi*3
Grand Stand....
273 59
428 52 Board are hereby tendered to the
A^ent of the Alden Pateut Fruit
Gross receipts... $13,769 96 Dryer, for favors^ and that we
heartily endorse the invention, and
wish the enterprise now commen­
Expenses of the Fair, in­
ced in Salem, and others in con­
cluding improvement«
over $1,000... .„ ¿.$3,257 57 templation, complete success.
Paid on premiums and
Resolvtd, That in view of the
order» 1872, 1873,
long and efficient services of J. H.
1874...................... 1.. 5,304 81 Moores, as Treasurer of this Socie­
Paid on premium» 1874 3,775 58 ty (now resigned), we tender to
Paid on Swegle note..
him the heartfelt
thanks of this
i • * ' ¥ ■'* **
Paid on Webber note..
Paid interest on Drders
Resolved, That the Fair grounds
and buildings of the Oregou State
’ 1873......... ....
Agricultural Society, are hereby
Total................... .$13,769 96 tendered to the Oregon Pioneer
As3ociatiou for their annual reun
Ladd & Bush note (moo*
ion of 1875; provided# that the?
ey borrowed) tmd in­
property and grounds of the Soci­
terest ................................. $3,360 00. ety are protected from injury by
Not« of P. O. Riley for
the Association.
70 ^cres land purdiM-
> The Secretary was authorized
¿d in 1871, and inter-
to secure a loan sufficient to pay
wt .... ......................
3,300 00 all outstanding orders and interest
Interest order» drawn
on notes/ Also,' to give notice tuat
' for premiums due and
as soon as money was received on
unpaid at fair 1873. . 3,661 82 the premiums of Mr. Vick, par­
Nott of Chas. Swegle
ties entitled to them would receive
the same. Also, that the diplomas
(money borrowed) and
interest........... ..
600 00 would be forwarded as soon as re­
Webber notefaioney bor-
rowed) and interest.-
550 00
The Board adjourned at 11 p.
I «1
i <h •«« —
M., Wednesday, Nov. 19.
Total indebtedness,$11,471 82
E. M. W atte , Secretary.
J 1
■ ■ H
E'lO ■ -
: i
-* -a Sight.
— --
A Mom
Published every Friday by
, While the deep-mouthed cannon
in its continuous^oar in our city,
sought to ,rc8uri^ct|4he »leeping
Democracy, veryjt mAch as people
will strive tos ra^o the drowned,
f . L-
, -■.I i...
breast hung a placard which read:
•‘Stanton taid-NO. He organized
victory and a negative. I am
Stanton’s successor.”
- Close upon Belknap’s heels was
the Rotund * Robeson, That jolly
sea-dog of the Navy Department.
Under each arm ho carried au
iron clad. Hi* shining countenance
illumined tlio procession.
banner had these significant words:
•‘Claims favorably considered atid
promptly,paid * For further par­
see 1 1 cords
them.” i V ' ' •[ > < |
’ * ’’
- ‘ ’ ii ■'
In that famous landaulet, loaned
for the occasion by Judge Wright
who also consented to drive, and
pulled by Government horses, snt
the tali, cadaverous form of the
Attorney-General. His whapper
jaAv was more whappered than ev­
er. i His flag had upon it the sad
wopds: “Alas, twas my necessity.
Necessity knows no law.” f
As the procession headed to­
ward Salt j^ivei-, it nccessa ri a ly
took a Southern direction, mid as
it did so the Attorney-General
turned An ashy tint and trembled
so violently that he shook the
landaulet, and Judge Wright turn­
ed to him and said:
J u
“You tremble, do you, ch? You
a re scart are you, eh?”
At this Williams started up,and
pointing to the Soerth, cried:
Governor Shepherd appeared .keep- ’ '¿4 ■
in stop to Mullett’s music, and his
Which times are the best? Meal
Mi 41
banner hhat waved proudly aloft, times,
read: “Courage my fi ields, the
Ignorance is the wet nursQ 8F
devil is not yet dead.” ' ’ ’
| ' prejudice.
• Of course, immediately in his
One bad thing a' out gold —Nofc
rear came Father George Gideon, having it.
our beloved friend, faithful in
Domestic broils make unsatis-
death as he had Iveeu loyal in life. tory meals.
The handsome Hallett Kilbourn,
An ' Oregon blacksmith is a •
with his massive brow and now
“horse jeweler.”
' n a-
useless deeds of trust, marched
Easy shavings ; Taking ‘
with easy nonchalance along. He
lmd no banner, but his face and beard off an oyster.
A set of bad teeth, like
mannersaid, “1 .don’t care a damn.”
Then came Colonel Magruder has many achcrs.
grasping his stubs. He seemed
“Arose” by affy otlie
lost in the study of the multiplica­ would be “got up.”
tion table. He would get to the
A musician is an airy
line of six and break down again., but he can’t help it.
Ruf. Ingalls, walking at hi« side,
Ono way to get a roaring trade
kept saying, “bother your arithme­
is to buy a managerie.
* V'
• z
tic; lhe only one-I cure for has but
The best way to riso in a lady’s
one pari and teaches the rule of
ik:- ’
estimation Ì9 not by stares.
three—that is subtraction, division
Standing on the 'dentist’s door-^
and silence.”
>. Following thealxivc was a vast step will often cure toothache. w
A friend that sticks in prosperi«
concourse of politicians-and office­
holders. *' It was Sb long that little ty and adversity— Mucilage. • ’
Babcock, mounted on the Pjesi-
Ten highwaymen cannot pull a
dept’s horse Cincinnati, stolen from shirt off a naked man’s ba^k. ., tii
Jeff Davis, aud acting as Marsha],
A man cannot expect half a loaf
could not ride from end to end, when lie loafs all of the tine.
and he kept swearing to himself,
Never wait for anything to turn
“Damp them, had they stopped
up, but go and turn it up yourself,
stealing long enough to vote, ive
Skinner keeps a hotel in Chica­
could have won the polls.”
And-so on they marched, never go. . It is a good name to keep's
hotel with.
to return. The dim, barren, mel-
When is money damp?. When
oncholy shores of Salt River nev-‘
er befo'-e reached such a multitude it is dew in .the morning and mitt
at once, and never sc disreputable at night.
a one. The old residents there
“A splendid car, but a "very poor
swore they would not remain to voice,” as the organ-griSder sajd
associate with such a.lot, .and went to the donkey.
busily to work packing carpet-bags
The band played “Little Brown
’brought there by carpet-baggers, . Jug” at the proto ibi tory ratMW
and found to be no longer of any (ion meeting in Worcester.
.. .>*
use, preparatory to a retuyn to the
An Indiana father crawled wi­
sunshine of li*c to be' found in of­
ficial existence. The lot that is to der a corn-crib and wept whewiws
return will afnazc the people as daughter mal ricd an astronomer.
Josh Billings says that ii| l||g
much as those have disgusted us.
But we are prepared for both.— beds of many hotels “yusleepaom,
but role over a good deal.v-
. :
and a brass babd and bonfires
made merry, a mwrrnil procession
was being br^aiized under the
clouds near the ¥ Yhite House, to
move out pnd gi|e ^decent
to the late Repu^libpa party upon
the shores' of Sali rirfr.
The party dec^s^was
laid out
in a casket made bf tbe beit and
well-protected piilfot, and was
decently clad in gre ieabacks, gold-
bearing bonds, certjl iates of stock
from the Credit ^fdbiLer and the
Seneca SandstoiS.” Jf^o c^unte-
nance of the parti, al
hougbf com­
■ ‘
posed in death, had M t a painful
expression, as if it? hac :4i$<l with-
’■ ;-
out any resignaticih’ I
The part of und rhder was done
bj old General
sfal. ^pin'ricr,
iriricr, assisted
by the ladie s’of the
easurv, and
it r í
■. .
the painful duties tre well per­
formed, barring, J 8^:0 giggling
from the freusur y ^rils who hat-
a little hard
ed the late party,
swearing by Fatl ¿pi^pinner, who
said he had dieted iid lecouchec at(
the birth of the ipirtx* deceased,
' ■*
IF’ -
and he’d be some^iiiij awful if he
did hot have it d$< eufly < interred.
The pall-beard| I re composed Shake nut tbv gory I oc I cb «t ]»e
of ^Muasra. BTain(I ¿<dikling,'Mor Thou can st nut say I did it.’’
“Damned if they can’t, eh
ton and other -laji? ^ndidates of swered the venerable Juck.
said party fqr thpl Piq^ideucx too
Again he cried.
numerous to u^nt|(jin. fl Father “The
__ ___
_ has
“ ■
' time
-J« b< ...
I That when the b.ain8 weie out the man
Spinner had muc| ubublc in man­
would die,
Toombs lives.”
aging his pall bairCys, from a sin­
‘That wasn’t in yourtime,
gular way each |adi w hen in pro
ckiug the pall bearer quo.h Jack..
cession, of kicki
■ > -, But the Attornev-Gcneral
• ^rew
directly in front
The music/Mlr I jnolM fearful ever bo ill that the procession had to
Icard at a funejjal, was made by be-stopped to allow the unhappy
Mr. Architect M RlldLt blowing his map to descend. At,the ranks
own horn, It i | as 'L
The closed'up without him, and the
mournful music 4 J l ^aui^hty Mui- edrtego moved on, the minor ran
ett made the ft
j ou ilk ts “almost along the line that ho Jiad the
cholera, and the 'general.* verdict
wish they were qead*j
i I
u|ner||r as of course was, “Served him right.”
The chief moui
Delano, supported by Cowen
course he
the President,
» * j. ’
■J He bad crape on and Dave Cox, a Rd followed by
smoked r a r. cigar.
Did you ever see a woman throw
".J •
■ *
HL 2.
his arms, legs, a
aqoyt his waist Baker and Joe Dwyer, moved on a stone? This perspicacious nem-,
and he carried t a r^t t sack, on his knees knocked together, while bcr of the human'family is up in
his putty-like countenance was
which was inscrj bedtKxiFTS.
spotted with blue, so groat was his tjhe garret sorting over paper fags.
He was folloy [ed»T T he F am -
terror. In vaiti Cowennnd Dave She receives, by intuition, informa­
ily of brothers i| Haw! QDiisins, un-
triéd to cheej- him. They kept as­ tion that a hen has somehow got
cles and nephew
suring him that Salt River was into her .verbena bed. With char­
carrying a baine hl • draped in
not thè penitentiary. But behind acteristic *agilitv she descends to the
mourning, on w ch* y vas inscribed
garden, and gracefully picks up a
two words—-“Ti I D NASTY.” . (
stone, dropping off her glasses and
After, walked
adì r and solemn-
thieving land agents, thieving pat­ lo.«es a spool of thread, a pair of scis­
ly the Cabinet.
sors and a tape-line out of her
! I
ith’arms folded, ent agents, and they all howled pocket in the operation. She
and bead erect, a leajred thè Great dismally. At every extra howl, peaks around the corner of the.
te ^Department. Delarfo would sink upon his knees house, and spies the animal. Cau­
Seal of tht
Behind him cam|Sidpoy Webster, and cry out: “Oh, Lord, have tiously she advances until near
hired for the ( casg>n, carrying mercy upon mel” Then Dave and enough, then she elevates herself,
the banner of t o l&n. Fish, on Cowen would hold him up ugain. thrbws back her neck, poises most
which was dcpic d.f igLCANT ROOMS At last they run a stick through gracefully her left hand and let»
between his legs, and with one at
for R ent .” On pe j reverse could
flv, and—strikes toer next door
be read, "Dqst jhoul hart, to dust each end succeeded in keeping the neighbor, who happens to be in
thou shalt retun r » ^d a quota­ interior in line.
i the garden weedii g. plump on the
tion frorp the di
nose. And then hen, oh, where
• >
is she? Readers, this is no fancy
Rattle bis bones ove the 8 Sne»
You never knew a wo­
He is a very old pauf r tha every one Own», containing the Postmastcr-Gencr- picture.
Aud for further ¿part
,nj.. Ho seemed thf only happy man to hit anything with a stone
to Spanish legati in.”
individual present. His olèvation she ever aimed at, even weie it the
There tnarchci on* wifli no less was so astounding that he had not broadside of a barn; but give them
majesty, the stab art’ orni of Col. yet recovered from tho hysterics a child across their k*nee, and (we
Bristow. In h| FH d» was an into which it threw him; and then know by experience) they never
empty cash Uoxi &n¿. above 4ais he has not been in long enough to miss the mark. And yet we love
head waved a s *kenu Lanner, on steal much, so liis conscience is, theft.
which was in«< ribed, “de bonis comparatively speaking, at ease. *
The St. Louisian never dies
At intervals Jewell would swing suddenly. He walks arotTnd half
non” of the esta’I I of the late Bout-
well, and the to ¿hing Unes ,
bis hat and cry: . ,
a dozen years, telling people about
‘bo sofn was I dune
“’Rah for Grant; let’» folk ow his liver and chewing quinine, be­
I don't know what 1 yas btgtm for.”
Then we saw &e b|p'ly figure of him to h—II or China.” .
fore crossing the ri ver.--Boston
■|uf il*
Tho tall, commanding form of Transcri^.
General Belknap
‘ '
• r» *
-- J-4 * ■»
• ■
• t
•f| 5
<JF 'A
i . I
If ■
r A -•
• /
■ " ■' r
I ■
There is to plural to
Longlegs, as it’s always been re­
garded ks a singular creatore, --f -
TI kj procurement of a clca$ pa­
per. collar for the groom
a high-toned Newark wedding 041
hour aud a half the other day
Daniel Webster has accepted a
position op the New York police,
and it is therefore inferred .that
his dictionary has not proved a
Short dresses are coming into -
fashion again, and yauug lad if»
are experiencing the old# old difi«
culty of getting a No. 6 foot into
a No. 4 shoe.
Some of tho students at Eastern
colleges can board ibernacivoactor
tlùrty-five cents per week; bat they
don’t7 fepl like tearing arbund
F g
A Michigan man Ims hit upon a
happy expedient for get ting-rid of ..
lhe rheumatism. He crowded it
do<a to bis two fingers, and then
had them amputated.
- W: ’
V 4Klk
No man ever worshiped/ljgm-
zen image who had once tnpabyl
with a life insurance agent.-r-Ter-
re Hante Express.
* .
tu ,
1 .
i;/: '-7
• '
• --ci
If you want to know whether
your grandmother was croi» .u,
or where your great uncle su
I his arithmetic cla»,i jusLruMtdor
office, and y.oft’U know it all. »: