VOL. IX. L AFA VETTE, ÓR WON, NOVEMBER 13, 1874 z ; — - ' I I ( ~ ...- -.jA .¿I - A Lejfend of William Pen William t do you not? Swear that - ‘ ‘ * I j Some of u^ ^lown in I) q I gware you love me. Swear by you moon are preparing to celeloh’ate j h No- i —no, the moon is not out— swear vemher the anniversary of I lie ar- by yon stars that you will never [• rival of William Penn ad d the cease to love me.” | “I’m afraid I’ll have to get our signing of his treaty witM he In- dians. That treaty jjeservi ¿IÓ b nj book of discipline and read it to celebrated, for und^r it M illiamj- you. When you’ve perused it a gouged over three million ac re|of couple of times maybe yqu‘11 under­ land out of the savage« fora cötip- stand that I never sweaq I affirm.” Then she arosd, looked at him a le of hundred, dollars’ wHl th of hatchets, plug-tobacco, anc ènpen- I I moment with ineffable scorn, and ny nails. That was the b nning I fled into the trackless forest; so that of our present Indian policy Wo match was off, and William Penn carjy on the same nobloyivstem was left disconsolate. This ifl as yet. I have been bufi isl >g up j much of the legend as 1 havq scar­ my antiquarian stud fes foj ho. an- j red up thus far. If it seems to*in- 1 tercst antiquarians maybe I can niversary, a*n id among oth of yy j excavate the rest of it. Max. I have resuri octcd aileg e Penn, which may be vaimi c, nev Ade lei. NO. 38. ■F— 5 PORTLAND DIRECTORY. Courier« Ltvfayetto * Be Kind to the Stranger. u — Every steamer from San Fran­ Civil rights--Obliging auBwers. cisco brings.to this port a number | DORRISS As HEMBHEE “The White House,” Beginning to leave—the leaves. Has tbe largest assortment of Firstl'lass of immigrants. The number iff, RATES OF ADVERTISING : Dry Good«, .Millinery, Fauvy Gogds, Hos­ The acrobats of every household •3c?=r — as we said a few days since, much iery, Ac. in Portland. _____ iw f'¿W pWf 3M f 6M j ÏŸÏL .1 ’LEWIS STRAUSS, —The pitcher and tumbler. larger than people general!) sup­ nñcfi, ~f75"iT25"| F75 I b uO i y ü¡HT3 No. 87. First st. A doctor is wanted in Genoa, 2Tnches.'| 175 | 2 50 p. GO | 8 00 [1$ Ï 18 Û0 pose,. Jn the course of a year it ! 3inches, fSSO | 3 50 ¡ 4 50 | 9 0 > I H ( 22 < 0 THE I.AKUKST JEWELUY STORE IN »■0RTLAND amounts to several thousand. Be­ Missouri. The last one is hang* Itnches, j »JO I 4 00 ! € 0Ö j lì J 20 | 300;) I Cui. (- 450 I 5 rio I Ji DO I i s j 23 ¡ 32 00 sides these, some come overland ing to a cottonwood tree and lk L. STONE, j Col. j 5ÔO j 7 00 j 1)0 j 20 j I 3'00 103 Front street, from California and some by the wants to get down. 700 1 9 OÜ H 2 f W 4 30 I 50 ÖÖ Dealer in Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry-and The kind of whisky that, makes l\’oL ~| 10 I 15 ~ I is j 30 |~50 j 90 00 Silver ware. Boise route. * i Sole agent for the Celebrated Diamond Spectacles. Agent for American Watch Oregon has made ho provision men lie down on railroad, tracks Co , National Watch Co., Howard Watch TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. for receiving these strangers. They is being introduced in nearly ev­ Co., and Chas. E. Jacot Watches. 88th * • ' •3 Thomt.s Clocks. O imt Copy, One Year, • ery western Slate. come among us knowing neither QZ" Watches and Jewelry repaired, and 1 On* Cepy, Six Month», Warrauted. the people nor the geography of the 1 A clergyman at Paris,Kentucky, On« Copy, Titre« Mouths, All orders sent by express promptly at­ tended to. Goods sold at one price only. country. Most of them having stopped his prayer -to lead an un­ No plated Jewelry of any description at come hither because they were tot ruly man out by the ear, and went Butiness notices in the Local Columns, 25 this establishment.. cents per line, each insertion. ^rst-class getting along satisfactorily in their on: “As I was saying, 0 Lord.” For legal transient advertisemcuUS?.- SEWING MACHINES, >0 per square of 12 lines, for the first inser­ former homes, have no means to Sold on-a new plan. $-5 to Horace Greelev tion, and $1.09 per square tor each subsequent * used to sav • $50 usortiou. wa«te in a strange land among a .that a strictly honest mam could Legal Adt>^rti^eu\ents to be Paid for up­ _ ? j i _ r i . 'A / Extra attuehmen s for doing er . mind where I dugj it « L Here on making Proof by the PiMisher. LIGHT Stanley ingoing is going to take a Bible strange people. The greater- part live outside the poor-houce. Be all kind« of work. FREE. Personal Adv«. SO Cts. a Line. - Manufacture commenced .id it is: weighing twenty-two pounds into find at last a way into the paths wasn’t acquainted in Chicago. ^^bcnption^en^isLJ^jOOui^fear^^ RUNNING 187.1. O.er 80,1)00 in twith ear ring; js, i»iid J I” sten this sod and safe from all danger of Wel| ; asorte.l foreign and to camp meeting. GERMAN you may falling into the ruck of the Brook­ made for receiving the immigrant« domestic dr; gs, ch mica!*,* ring to your nose, so rtl ^Yttorney at Law and medicines at the new I An pld gamier was receutly appear noble as tbe q t • braves.” lyn Platonism!” If any of Gcncr” that come to pur shores, this might I iri.g store of . ’ ' Dullu«, Oregan. WILLIAM l’FUKDER, “Excuseme, dprti he said, al Washington’s body servants are ’»e avoided. A commission to see killed in . yirginia at the age of ill i’KA ,' t ; c ;; in tue courts I Apothecary coiner Fiist and Oak sts., the immigrants when they first ar­ ninety. The name of the fortu­ Orders from the country “but 1 daren’t wear jfc <*£ auJ ouMjr countjvs iv. The lying around ’ oose yet, let them attended io with caie and ¡.j -d'y rive; to ascertain the occupation nate boarding house that drew tbe dispatch. P. O box, zls. yearly nieet-in’ won’t« it.” be jealously guarded from, the con- JAS. McCAIX, and purposes of each one; to give piizc is not given. J • K. G i L L vV L (), ‘ But you,will coml pur coun- I tagion. 5 books 75 First Strict, to each information as to where he 'Cho 1 Books. LLtnk books, cil fire to night, dear! ATTORNEY AT LAW, An Ohio constable has absconds --------- ----------------- AND j 1 • you not mis. ellaneo; s boola, and a I.AFAYLTrn. CKllfcoN. A wag Walked into a saloon the would be most likely to find em­ ed with the sum of $3 25. Do rCLL hne of stationery^at and join ’our chief ait warriors in r-- —...» Stationery, iow rates. i tires, who other day where three men were ployment in his line, or to fiud not, gentle reader, turn up your dancing about our ILL FRAG ¡ ICE IN' ALL OF THE Pic. J. »>. P h . king 'ION, luarilxStf *»tate toirts.’ ik c? I know sitting around the fireless stove. lands suitable to his condition and nose, for it was all the public Professor of Diseases of the will be kie(i to the > Eye and Ear ;n .Medical E C BR a D.SH aw , I ,? As he entered all eyes were turned purposes; to give them a cheerful, money Ke could get hold of. you’ll come? Department of the OCUL 1ST ‘ Well, it it pinkest h( ifference towards him. Apparently taking kindly, hospitable welcome into hillaine.te Uni­ When a widow in any neighbor­ .ZUttorn 'y at Law, versity. f our State; this would help won- » Office cor. first and Wash­ to von.j jjl beHcve I w| ili I don’t a mental inventory LAFAYETTEi OREGON. • of the number hood sets her cap for a young man, ing; t-n sts. Portland. Ogn. AXL » derfuHy-MicJp the State, and help .Makes a speciality of the dance; it’s aghin our cipline.” of people in the room, the new there isn’t one chance in a million' diseases of the Eye, Ear, Office in tbe Couri the stranger to whom we owe such “Ah, Ihfjn, -Ì will li ejfflyou what comer stopped hp to the bar and Cross- for any young woman to win, even AU RIST. Nose i nd l hro.it. •yes straightened. Artificial you shall ^lo. Ycfe; attentions; LAFAYETTE BUSINESS DIREC TORY. sfinii sit by blandly ordered four glasses of if she holds the four aces. eyes inserted. Spectac es *» In absence of such provision by presented for imperfect vis­ the fire ain beat th »¿eat war- beer. The boots that had adorned 1T1ERGU80N & PIRD, corner of Jefferson Mrs. Nye, of Iowa, can get sup­ ion. R * •v ? and Main ; dealers in produce and gen the State, there is a duty upon our the top of tbe stove now sought (free music drum,.and j make the KZ'N lu “few per, split kindlings, wash the dish­ ersi merchandise. ' WINNER people; upon each and every indi ­ WILSON of battle. , Youcaniu iftily do this the floor, three men cleared their es, milk two cow» and feed the ELTY 4 SIMI’SON. north side Main OF THE vidual. That duty it is hardly nmouths of tobacco r and all looked miich?” i street; U8.ilers in drugs, confection­ % „ hogs while her five boya and two Sewing Machine i eries and family s»pplies. necessary to mention, as all must HIGHEST at the bar-tender ns he filled the tally don’t “Upon the whole, girls are playing a game of cro­ $ KT^Uae the stiaight needles. AS. McCAlN, attorney; office on »both see it at once when brought face io ¿lasses and placed them in a row I ’ m down think I caq. You sei ■ide Main street. Prize Makes Lock stitch, runs quet. light a d will do either light lace with the situation. Every Ore ­ M. RAMSEY. County Judpe and or heffvy work withoat on the fierce music o J ttlc. I’m on the bar. When everything Lately a Western young lady AT THE change of adjustment, being opposed torfnusic of ^njfkind, and was ready the three loungers rose gonian should interest himself and • attorney at law,—office in the an improvement over all Court House. ■ had occasion to Hiforin a young VIENNA high-priced maclilnce. particularly fhat y^hièlSshammer­ and the stranger paid for the beer. herself, to see that the people that buy no machi t until you JP C. BRADSHAW, attorney at law. gentleman that “her hand was not Then starting with the glasses fur­ come among us receive a cordial Exposition have examined tile Wilson — ed out of t ic war-drifei] a lemon.” He wanted a punch the price is Ten to Twenty thest iroin the door, he emptied all welcome and such assbtance and ST. JO8-TH .BUSfxN8SS DIRECTORY have to beg off.” dollars less 'han others. OVER Needles for all machines encouragement as can be given. and had the ether “ingredienti.” —ITT -------- - — Î “But atlLcast you’i ç Jhat the bar-lender had filled and with me Al.¿' . cheap. HOTEL, J.H. Olds, proprietor; cor Paddies^Longlegs or Daddy Send for Circular and Price to the lodge of the r f:ene man quickly left the saloon. The three We were all immigrants oiicezand of 4th and Depot streets. New honae List. A. VAIL. the most of us remember enough Louglegses -which? This is tbe good nccniumodations COMPETITORS ì 'Gen’l Agent, ronderful chair« were resumed* and sec him perform of the hardships and trials of our great grammatical problem of tbe 119 Third street Portland, JOHN WILLIAMSON, feats of magic?” " journey hither, aAd of the loneli­ TRUSS AND Here is an Irish gentleman ’ s U. WARENKROS, ness of our position after our ar­ day. Nbt more tbau a column of HEAL ESTATE AGENT SPLINT Manufacturer and dealer in “I’m afraid I’ll ha letter to his sont in college: “My rival, to enable us to take in at a argument on either aide will be Cutlery, Surgical and Dental diet yoiragfe, my lov I?'to con tra- OF Instrumenta. Manufaçtry No. 131 Hr.-A Street Portland have testifiou a * I AF. SMITH &C0. information you can, to help him hold her—then a mere child— on Latayette; is Well improved. Has a good ESTEY Importers and general deal­ “Now. see bere' bei 'easonable. 1 are well, except that your sister .to a place a nong you. Give him his knee, when she went to visit ers in ORGAN'S and PI­ ORCHARD has got the measles which wc think You know I can’t let| ORGANS, ANOS. S-- ‘ 1 something to do. Give him God him in Bedford jail. . And al< kinds of shrubbery of the best ▼•- General Agents for the ES­ would havo spread amoug the otfi- You certaitaly know speed, it will be time enough to speed. risty. The other is in Cbehnlem Valley near TEY O rgan and ARION P i ­ Now, after a lapseof ninety odd er girls i?Tom had not of had it the WiHamett« river. There is a good ARION ano . drive liard bargains with him a allowed to ’ take off mf Ware rooms 105 Front St., before, and he is the only one left, year or two hence, when he is years, it has been discovered that it’s absurd.” 7/1 MILL-SITE PIANOS. Portland. j hope you will do honor to my well on his feet and able to return spitting ou the bait doesn’t help On this placeipledty of good timber; about I do not u ii dorata Di] 80 acres cleared. the compliment, if, you must in­ Either of these farms can be secured at a 6f your people. But I gm willing teachings; if not you are an ass, dulge in that sort of. thing. Op­ in tlie least to catch the fish. It » bargain. Terms easy. there any one in America that is < ARKER 4 CO., I>rry st&et; dry to submit to you if I s ¡now that and your mother and myself your quire or For further particulars enquire of press not the stranger that is with ­ •" r S. SMITH, goods, groceries and genera? merchan- 8. SMITH, not as mad as blazes? you ¡ove tK|e. i. " You d i b lóve in yourgates.-—Oregonian. me, affectionate parents.” : dise. Dayton Souring mills, ’ er at this offlFe. r Í Published every Friday by Í I .................... . I - “ I I I i > • ’ • * ■ ’ 1 " ■! 1 - - g I . • . ♦ ~ ~ ? . i . ... • « ' I j. !■ -4- ■ 11 1 4 i ! f ■> r 4 i • • 4 W I «Ml _ 4 ■x~ W ! * - »? ■■■ I Î* ■■ ■ — * a CLIPPINGS. K J W 1 t > « I I I t t FARMS1 SALE V gr 1 • ■< - . H • i 1 Ì . . « ~ — — — F t V