COURIER NEWSPAPER POST AGE A rOTSS A1TD NEWS. THE NEW SENATORS, jtV ---- ! I. ’ \ - • The Republicans are congratulating Th* New York Sun of Octob.r 2 m The appended article will be of iu- - T tliej outgoing and in- themselves on thq fact that they have trest to those persons who are ak rays' in 8 spdakiug AY,NOVEMBER 6,1874. ■ . commfr. Unite ^¿Hatw Senators says: ’ j carried Rhode Island and Washing- wanting to know about postage: i m •- * j ton Territery. Third Assistant Postmastor Gen­ ■ Thu ejection#\öf last week disposed of t.l.iyo Sinata^lul chaiijs the next Will those in arreart fbr L-s in in the next Ben Butler, the great leader of the eral Barbour, says a Washington tel- Is widely known Liberal .Republic Republic Tipfon, Liberivi to this paper come to the Republicans in Congress, is beaten egram, has finally succeeded injper- Cong4‘ss. Tipton, as one of the most can, df Nebraska, will bj succeeded j ' effectual remedies for Congress-by a Democrat, This is fecting a system of stamps of hueb ,F i Tiu k .J . i k.a r Frost and settle ?4 by sotìioregulariRepublicauwhol will I* ! denominations as to apply to the pay ­ ever discovered for the last of him. j fer-------------------------------- " — not bJu partila! ¡of ¡Grant, In tjidi- J ■ cleansing the sys­ BRHJJANT VICTORY. I In the issue of September 2úth a ment of imy given number of pounds tem ana purifying j^u ’ ù licai| will ’ r^tiroj of newspaper postage, from onep^und ana,' Katt,, R Is communication signed “***’* appear- the blood. 7t has' State« held elutions to ono ton, without the use of ¡over and a pemoorá^ who is uuceptal^c c to stood the test of cd in the C ourier * in relation to tho four stamps. The Wisis of the system the tlu rteeii IudÄiundentfi iii tlu 11 * ’g-v thfifiwoek, and the result is a most years, with a con­ Lamson-Ai mstrong difficulty. Some WiU t&ie hi» place. Bore- ■ islatugO (*on;p^te and overwhelming Demo-1 stantly growing rep­ consists in tho use of stamps ot ’two, of the facts were incorrect so we have utation, based on its man, j ^'publicas of Wist Virgfuia, ( erslic triumph ••all along tho lino.” ’not in our prov- four, six, eight, nine, ten and twelve, intrinsic virtues, and sustained by its re- stipp Ian id by a Democrat. 1»' return comnlpfn but hnt*. . ♦ .... Thé returns « are not complete, ! ' cents, which amounts are multiplies will ! markable cures. ___ __________ . So mild as to be safe and ‘ I i J ince to misrepresent anyone. At the • «TÍ ’ Th^fj change Icalt to inind thd5 im- ■ ciigh can be ascertained from the of tho. two and-. thrce-c?nt ratci of encsagh beneficial to children, and yet so searching r I ? r Vruuvr iimv we wc will whi proper time give the other< portait fact th h. ‘ly purge out . the great ccn” L tlie ensuing elec-1' as to effectual! .lupatch« beyond all A««-of tho sw nud [ our readers can postage. Abevo twelve cents the / - ruptions of the blood, such as the scrofulous s lions (n New Yj Itk and three ot the tlou thjit tho Democrats Dcinrv‘rn^a have elected » _ _ tlon thst _ _ T ... then form their own conclusions’. * stamps will run in an increasing atio i and syphilitic contamination. Impurities, involve seats in the adjoiiâ ng S?<*tu a njajority of the members of the next of twelve until they reach ninty-six IT r - • • I or diseases that have lurked lurked in .the the system . . ... - ; - The town elections in Delaware, inclusive, which will be tho greatest Senati. . Thetui i ^ s of Fenton, Liber­ 1874. . PALL; for years, soon yield to this powerful anti anti- ­ known in that State as “ the little ie; Stocktou, D jiuo - al, of' New Y< ■ dote, and disappear Hence its wonderful lamuel J. Tilden (Democrat), is denomination , of cent stamps. Tho cures, many of which are publicly known,- election, ” have been almost unnoticed Governor of New York by next above will bo the *2 stdmp. crut, qf New Jq ley;, Washburn, K > : of ScrofUla, and all scrofulous diseases, ... Of Mat „ hc’d . usetis; . . and Scott, | (X) majority. Budle (Democrat), timid the October elections in» the The remaining dollar stamps will bo publii Ulcers, Eruptions, and eruptive dis-- I ■' New Jersey by 8,000 majority West. The choice of municipal offi­ $3, $6, $12, $24, $36 and $60. fl!here Repulirán» of | ¡iunsylvania, expire orders of the skin, Tumors, Blotches, i Boils, X Pimples, Pustules, Sores. St. XJU119, lUlfFIKTO, X UOLU. and William Gaston (Democrat), is cers indicated very plainly that the will not be more than twenty-three i l Anthony ’ s Fire, Kose » or Erysipe- elected Governor of the old Republi­ general election will result in a vic­ denominations of stan^pa. General of thq-L -gislatuBes w1 ich select their las, Tetter, Salt RheaBi, Rii Scald id elected in Novem-* . can State of Massachusetts by 8,000 tory for the Democrats. Whatever Barbour is now engaged in eom}u|ting successors are ttwi Head, Ringworm, and internal Ul- beri f -cerations of the Uterus, Stomach, ¡Ority. Mississippi and Delaware leaning Delaware may once have bad the tables to be prin ted for the use of M1MO 1 t .and Liver. It also cures other com- WhiV? the l||rty toward Republicanism, the develop­ postmasters. They will give.thq ag­ managers, a:’d ¡Democratic Governors. ■ J' k* ' j i I* 'll — 1 plaint% to which it would not seem especi­ 1 seems that the Democrats have ments of the past two years havo gregate postage and denoinin/atiur.sbf mo’.e csj^.‘ci.‘illyl|he iiiddpeiident vot­ ally adapted, such as Dropsy, Dyspep­ elected all their candidates for Con- quenched the hopes of the Grantites stamps to bo employed in the pay­ ers iu It hvio fou '¿'States, should not Have pleasurein announc­ sia, Fits, Neuralgia, Heart Disease, LB ' • , , A, I Female Weakness, Debility, and in Delaware, Alabama, Georgia, there. ment of newspaper postage on ove^y neglect 1 lie co HtustS for Governor, ing the receipt Leucorrhoea, when they are manifest»* Maryland, Texas, Virginia and Ten- The intelligence that the London pound, from 1 pound to 2.000 poiinds. Coiigr|ssmcn, nid dthqr officers of tions of the scrofulous poisons, l||ey ought to bvstow Ex ‘‘John L. Stephens” and varioiw grades, Hi neqsee. The Democrats .1 deut three The tables umko upward of 100 pities and Sun Francisco Bank has thrown It is an excellent restorer of health and ¿1 - la unusubl ■ attefitwii upon tho election strength in the Spring. By renewing the of legal cap paper. - It is believed by t’tmgri iwmeii in Massachusetts. E. E. Morgan’s Sons of New York in­ “Ajax” I ( r ...L..k i ... ir appetite and vigor of the digestive organs, B their Legislatures, kt is imposaibli le to figure up the ex- to bankruptcy on tho same claim postoffice officials that the revjenue of members ' 4 I1 it dissipates the depression and listless lan­ Of the most complete and ac 4 majorities; 1 but it is safe to say which closed tho San Francisco agen­ from the newspaper po3tag ’o, under By payii fog due fegard to this mat ter t guor of the season. Even where no disorder ork and New Jeifycy will con- extensive stock of the Democrats have carried cv- cy of the firm makes it certain that the new system, will ap] ioxiinatq New’W^ appears, people feel better, and live longer, for cleansing the blood. The system moves try Southern State but South Caro­ the Grangers who shipped through $1,000,000 ar year. This als< is at a tinue to be repiiagented by j? two Sbua- on with renewed vigor and a new lease of pjroriouijiced in and ppi lina, and tile result is doubtful in that Walcott will lose quite as heavily as reduced rate of about one half tho tors who arc opeai ____ ...... 5 ■ - V ■ • I life. ij the prqseiitA prosehf corrupt I their hostility l|jthe , Hme. 'This shows that the Derno- was at firs; intimated. The ruin of present rate. It will be ronj jink 3red ever exhibited in this city. } 11 \ MaSsa- KT ¡I ¿cii - I i>uiJy| „ PREPARED BY n p0WHi< : while pveiU r _ j ei^tic party is destined to elect the the house is complete. The executive that the country pipers circulate free IT * The fit tension of the public it earn­ next President, and administer the committee of the State Grange now of postage in the county where pub- ebus tts and 1 I ¿imsylvinia can get Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass., we opposed to estly called to thb inducements kvo Government in the future; aud it fur- in session in this city, are taking lished, except in cities vvlicroMfliq let­ two Bflhata v i ; f>. Practical and Analytical Chcniiste. 1- ’ it ' uu I term o Grant and are. offering to purchasers this! season, ¡er shows that the Republican party measures to ideinnify all members of ter carrier system is in full forcl, in having jauqtbffi which far exceed qur fpmier unpre ­ i SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE. the Order for losses. It is probable which case they cannot be delivered Gr*sit|s|u.’ > - -fi almost, if not entirely, dead. cedented attract ioihs. i ». 1 ' ;1 everyone rejoice at the result that the Grangers of the State will except th? postage be paid. Tho de­ carried- Louisiana 11 I . I -A- I I <»K Um election and buckle on their unite iu a subscription to reimburse signs of the new st.imp3 havo been by a lli ge ni r. What will bj- ■' ' < < 7 •- ■ • « M Jl 4 F tho unfortunato ones. The leading received, and -will b j determined upon come of Kelloi at mor anew. Grangers give assurance that all in­ at once. Printed' Circular. . We would call especial attention to & LAST 1 THE ÎE4K THEY DO JT. our magnificent stock of silks selected dividual losses will be .made good.— IS .«!’» OF THS «xpressly, for this season ’ s trade. i. Chronicle. ¡lb. Just think of it! Massachii M&ssacliijsctts J I * • ’ . i 1 ■ . !’ ! 1 • j 4” ' ie leader« of the Adaimistraticn Public Library of Kentuchj On bfovem $ 1st, at. the residence f with a Democratic .Goveror aud three t t M • r a . A ♦ From present indications it would rty in Louisiana, alarmed by tlie rents in this plaice, by •ft of the bride’s cr four Democratic. Congressmen! Re*. Äv. But Mr; I. N. Hembree i ! W*' It of -- the October elections and the seem that the four great Powers of This is the first thing of the kind and A iss Jeiu POSTPONED TO . • Q unity No. I.. Perkins. indifference ‘erence which the negroes in that Europe arc preparing for a general within the memory of man. Con iplimAi I received. May your Q ta liti’ No; 2 . □bite are manifesting iu regard jto war. As severely as France suffered f k glide to them in politics, notwith- liilg Agi ntin Yanihill couii- Our 75,eoo' One. Grand Cashi that the navies of these powers would daily avocations and offer thianks tv, 'A i Jies. is ie ieied and lus.n<» One Grand Cash I inding that the great majority of .’0,ilO 50d píete« Sergi».......... .. ..j... .. 25c U 5 a rd One (Jrahd C.;sh ' Sift................ .. play a vpry important»part. Ger­ to Almighty God tor the mqrcies furti, e »une ìkn wjtli o»irj Company. 2 >,000 . i the colored voters in Louisiana belong Par: < rt‘is ■ig*, tó pnrch ise Machines, a Cash Gif: luü.tXtO • 4 !, $20,* MM) each. many is equipping her army at a cost and abundance of the year Which nee He or sv pg machine ¡itìachnien’8 caìi a;0 pieces 100 030 i 5 Third st. Portlaiid. 000 men are available for offensive has responded to the hbor of the 10) Ca........... Grand total, 29,900 iqaet A la\lbr -«» i sub».-iipj i Government which cr powers has prevailed. It h fit-, < ■ ' and makes every able-bodied man not j.i\et;e 1 lidgd. will pl. rse'cal» (This line is well worth 50c ) I Supported almost entirely by the ting at stated periods we should Ink’s Stoic ind pay the sime PRICE OF TIOZKETS; ‘ ni A. 1Ç belonging to the Line, Reserve ov the isfscm, date, And thorehy,save ixes which they pay. The iustitu- cease from our accustomed pursuits within I AVho’o Tickets,. 1....... Llndwher, liable to be called in to do ¿nd expense#. I 50 00 wftof such prosecutions under the and turn from the turmoil of our jose V ii P aquet . Halves, .1...... Blankets, Shawls, 3» 00 garrison duty. Austria, also is busy Tenth, or each Coupon., ¡Nov. 6, 1S74. Sin pretence that under theEnforce- 5 W daily lives, and unite in Umijkful- L af . i Skirts. 11 Whole Ticket# for... Sheetings, * | 500 00 « arming her forces with arms of a new ness for the bles^iugs of the)pail,, ent law is a criminal offence in a 22| Tickets for. J....;.............................. loco (X> T * W ANTED. Underwear, Bed Spreads, qb of citizens to unite in a policy pattern. Sinco tho-battle of Sadowa and the cultivation of kindly: feel­ For Tickets add rnformation, address ------ — _ THOM. I E. BaAMLBTTE, took place the Austrian army has of OATH. Empiii e at the ings toward each other, bow, J 00 Dr Hosiery, tended to protect themselves from Table Linens, I ' id of Agentand Manager," fobbery by unscrupulous politicians, been greatly improved. The army therefore, recognizing these t con­ Public library Building, Lcui-villc, Kv H: B. LITTLEFIELD/- 4; ’ 9 Gloves, Linen Napkins; . »*.] • >< oc -3-á (jrant, Frehi- come« with a poor grace from an Ad­ availaole for invasion in an enemy’s siderations, I. U. 8. U Handkerchiefs, Flannels, itatC6, dd ree- ministration andbr which resp ectable territory is 450,000. The great Em­ dent of the United St: Umbrellas, *• Shirting; Cherks, ^rhite mechanics employed in navy pire of the North is no less fully pre­ ommend to all citizens to assemble i» I ’* i ' I I wor­ Trimmings, &irtU are driven Robes. tn up to the poll» like pared. The Russian armies in Eu­ in their respective places of |wor- • I slaves in gan£e under the supervision rope and Asia number upward of a ship on Thursday, the 26th dby of Ate., die., November next, and express¡their million and a half. It is stated that 4#! overseers, and forced to vote the Those in search of real’ and unusu­ I No Cliarije for Advice and ConsuUnlion. ticket placed in their hands by offioe- in the .event of an European war Rus­ thanks for the mercy and favjor o( ally attractive bargains will be amp- the Almighty God, and laying undet penalty of immediate sia could immediately put a force of ly repaid by an early visit, • , B. D yott , graduate of Jefferson aside all political contentions: and 660,000 men in the field and could . Medical College, Philadelphia, author of sev­ N- B.—The Tho attention of our City go. That such disgraceful oc- eral valuable works, can be consulted on all all secular occupations, to observe Friends (?) is called to these bargains ififoreneee have taken place at the call up an additional body of 8-7,000 diseases of the sexual or urinary organs cuch a day as a day of thanl .«giv­ (which he has made an especial study) MareleUnd Navy Yard in Califor- troops from her Asiatic possessions. T hk ther in male or female, no matter from what ing and praise. In witness where­ ieine i fence confirm the i tin and elsewhere since Secor Robc- - cause originating or of how long standing. •th in its frvdr at the outset? J. : • Í Sarsaparilla »1 - t DRY GOODS! X. 4 ■ ' ■ ' ...Ç GRAND OPENING! Magnificent Display! BRADLEY. MARSH iCO 1 iff I 1 i DRY GOODS I •'■■•• ’ SILKS’ V - I ANOTHER CHANCE! SILKS’ !' * « j • • Rich Black Grosgrains * ■ . NOVEMBER 30, 1874. .. Drawing Certain at that I Í I DRESS GOODS 1 Í f à 4 4 Us 1 ♦ t of 1 havo hereunto set my hand Çorrectiow. haa been Secretary of the Navy, and caused the seal ofjbe Uiuted iq q fact too well known to admit of Tlie following communication from States to be affixed. Done q-t the serious denial from any quarter. Hon. William Galloway will explain city of Washington on the |29th day of October, rn the year of otir ?.The paper published at the upper itself: Lord 1874, and of the independ­ • B ellevieu , N ov . 2. landing on the Yamhill gives us a »pukind aud uncalled-for thrust. , E d . C ourier .—Noticing in the ence of the United States the OOtli. U. S. G ba ^ t It some time, in fact ever since the Oregon Statesman and other papers President. . that a man living in Gopher valley D rier has been under >he present agetnent, if we got any news from Uican source the next Week Reporter oontained some eonteiupt- » slur or insinuation, at that pcr- it would be safe to that is not three prominent the county but wbat iblicans the Reporter has pur- the esih^the dignity of any ‘is beni nal that it lays claims to respecta- Iplity. Comfi out “square-toed” with qrhat you hafire to say and Let evqry* I body know you stand. .wanted to bury the corpse of his de­ ceased child before the same was cold. Also that his neighbors had to buy the shroud, coffin, etc I have been induced through justice to the party concerned, to state that such is not the fact. Mr. Agee and myself were with the corpse for twenty-four hours and prepared it for interment, and I knew of no disposition on the part of the parents to hasten burial, but the eoutrary. ? W m . G alloway . olaims question. Apply th!» ciiteri- is the yel fo seavchi.ig. to T arrant ’ s on, wo..-..,, EFFfcBV tsv r S eltzer . A j ’ ibient . H ow What has been us history? has it ' or and to-day? How dd ¡8 i /nirir I’« Seltzer Aperient » nauie thr ugboi t the United is a lio&eh States. It r adniini tcrediis a specific,aud with an ceaii ill dyspepsia, , . . sick headache, nerv-om dettjiiy, j, liver complaint, bilious re- re­ 1 complaints ^specially ct>n- mittent stipatioft), mmatism, goet. gravel, nasuea the copmla a peculiar to the sex bf inflammation. So mild is it and allAy n that it < sn b given with in its opf P lain Q uestions for I nvalids . t» the feeblest child; ¡'nd so perfeeL«/ —Have the routine medicinpa cf the agrees fie i# t»the taste,; so re fresh iug to t children never nev rof. «eto ' > profession done you no good?; Are the y all druggies. it. ♦ you discouraged and miserabl^r If so, test the properties of thq new Vegetable Specific, D r . W al KE b ,’« C alifornia V inegab B itter *, al­ ready famou# as the finest invigor-' ant, corrective aDd alterative* that has ever seen the light. Dyspeptics and*”person8 of bilious habit should keep it within reach, if they yalue health and ease. HER Wholesale apd Retail Dealers in Dry Goods, Groceries, &c. AND GENERAL IMPORTERS f OF American, English &, for- eign Goods, A practice of 3v years enables him to treat diseases with snccess., Cures guaranteed Charges reasonable, Tjhose at a distance can forward letter describing symptoms’and' enclosing stamp to prepay postage. Seud for the Guide to Health. Price 10c«- _ J. B. bYOTT.M. D. Physician and Surgeon, ipi Duane St. N.Y«. no47-|y * c PORTLAND, OREGON. Cash advances made on every des- cription of produce. SHOP! YETTlfi, OREGON. £. I BRADLEY, MARSH ¿ CO . Administralor’s Sale. TVrOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT JLW the undersigned administratrix of IPS.®!*1® Logan, deceased, bar thTs day filed in the County Court for lamhill county, het- final account as such adndniatratrlx. and that t he Judge Judge of of said said1 Court has set the twent3MQuit It day day of of No- No­ veml>er, 1874, forllearin^M^stion tion to to sucli' such' final account and settlement thereof. ,MARY MARY P. LOGAN, Ad?ntniatra fi-t-.« olfiSw Lafayette, October, 12, 1874. A ! 1 ÉMI GENTS WANTED to «e!l Bov- Dollar*and-a-hnlf case ofbTAN- Bo.'n o “ atuic NjEnicixES, com­ ■ ■ biping excellency of preparation, I ■ with beauty anty and cheapness. Good wages guaranteed. Sample cases A outfit given to agents. Particular* free. j. x. BOYT.AN, Detroit, Mich. - - » GAN, HAND A CHOICE ASSORT-: KEEP juts and aim would respectfully' respcciiuiiy eats mento solicit a sb of t lie public lia t ronnge. , E. MORGAN, r ’ Ä 1 i lax ' r ♦