e ■ T f •W t Í. ■ ■■ f ‘ ■ h 1 t - •- • . '■ > ■ J , l ■s i ■* I Ifei 1 i < < b t 4 ! . •f e If 1 b // < ♦ -:i • ---------- ' » 4 ■« I 1 ií>; « w ’ i a *. * b -o' IP I j L t VOL. IX. » .» ’ I- I I A ¡ 1 r I / 1 t I Í 9 I — i *1 - -— LAFAYETTE, OREGfM NOVEMBER 6, 18X4. ■* * O. 37. ' 4 ‘ - ■ iff ' 99fi —-----------——-——----------------- Bills Intro«l*4c»ry Goods, Millinery, Fancy Goods, llo»- sion just closed; Those marled H07. To amend the charter of . 73. Substituted for 31--Oregon j37. To regulate procedure in Portland. ' » iery, A ’ C. til "1Wj ~2W|3W| 3M! GMi lVR. LEWIS STRAUBS, Central Pacific Railroad bill; in­ Cofvsdli?; rifticcs’ Courts. |v No. 87. First st. 1 inch, 1 75 ,12-. |T 15 | «MWi uod , 15 do lt)8. Redistricting the Statcj i**38. For the protection of buoys troduced October 7. •nor: A ¡ J | ¿Inches, | 17» 2 50 [ 3 0 | 9 00J_IS [2*-V? TI1K LARGEST JEWELRY-STORE IN PORTLAND SENATE beacons; . SENATE ¿ÍLLS.Í BILLB.4 ■, » I «Inches, i 3J0 J 4 i 5 (Ml QLJ 109. To prevent racing on pul* ¡i 19.i To amend the Code of Civil to contract for the keeping of the B. r. sI'ONE, 4 Cui. 4-'.O i 5 50 i 6 ()^, H ¡22 ¡32 00 *1. To repeal the Litigant |ct; 103 Front street, f Col. ~ | 500 |’7 00 I 9 ti) | 20 | 2S i 3£00 7, insane; introduced October 7; lie highways; did not reach third introduced September- J7; pa&ed if j ocedure; substituted.^ Dealer in Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry and reel. I lot) I 9 00 | 12 I 20 | 30 | -'.0 00 10. To enable married women passed the Senate October 20th; reading. Silver ware. ssod ?fhe Hoa iWTi io X^-JP |3 a 150 i 9 uu 0 Sole agent for the Celebrated Diamond September 27; -passe dispose of their separate prop- passed the House October 22. (^dispose 110. To amend the aet granting 1 SpcetacleR. Agent for American Watch September 23. I Î Co , National Watch Co., Howard Watch TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. 75. To repeal sections 4 and 5, bounties to Volunteers; failed id failed to pass the House., | Co., and ¿.has, E. Jacot Watches. Seth *2; To abolish the • office of|As- * H44. To provide funds for Leg- title 1, chapter 14 of the General reach third read:ng. - S3 00 . Thomua (.locks. One Copy, Ou« Year, ‘ Watches and Jewelry repaired and sistant Treasurer of State; ‘.djtro Six Month», - 1 75 One Copy, sirative expenses. Laws relating to elections; intro •'Warranted. 111. To create a Penitentiary I 00 All orders sent by express promptly at­ duced September 17; passed ^ep* One Copy, Three Months, . - ¡H2. To amend the Public In- duccd October 8; passed October Board of Inspection; indefinitely tended to. Goods sold at one price only. tember 22; passed the House ¡Sep­ No plated Jewelry of any description at tktjction act; failed to reach third 23; failed to pass the House same postponed; reconsidered and ques­ I»U4ine«3 notice» in the Local Coluiunn, 25 this establishment. tember 25. ! » ■riidintr. » ■cent! ner line, each in-ertion.. j i day. tion on passage ¡»ending when /First-class 3. To amend the Public-Instruc ­ For legal and transient advertisements 52.- SERVING MACHINES, i * 76. Providing for the payment Senate adjourned. 50 per square of 12 lines, for the tirst inser- Sold on a new plan. $25 to tion act;' introduced September tion^and 11.00 per sqnar j tor each subsequent 450 t 44. Appointing a Board cf Im- of swamp and overflowed lands; 112 ..Authorizing the purchase naerHon.- jaraai* • 11; passed September^ 29; ailed , Lrgrd Advn’tiit^nenh to be Paid for up- m n ^ration; indefinitely postponed, introduced October 8; failed to of 4th Oregon Reports; failed t Y i 1 - b - ^45. To amepd the charter of reach third reading,; • Personal Adv». 50 Ct», a Line. “&•< reach third readiftg; Manufacture commenced in griffs 4. To create¡salariw for ‘ I RU N N I N G 1873. Over 80,000 in use. » Subcriptiona Sent East, $2 00 a Year. - 77. To relieve Frank J Crouch. tll3_. Willamette Valley and Mr. A. J. Dufur, State and County Clerks; gave w IV to c * Agent, P, of H., ¡pis .made 4(>. To create the county of Douglas county, n miner; failed to Coast Railroad bill. FOR SADE, HOME special arrangements to sup­ substitute October 15 I ** 31:1 A* [¡hpqua;i indefinitely postponed, reach third reading. ply members with these Ma­ 114. To divide Douglas county; i HAVE FOR SALE ONE OF THE S tí W I N G chines. 5. For protection of Sa fhôn; ▼ T Celebrated BARKER BROS. Breech 47|. Relating to the service of ■ 78. Relating to bridges on pub­ did not reach third reading. - NO MO­ passed October 19. l.osding Shot Guns, at a bargain, I MACHINE. NO COMBINATION! NOPOLY.’ SI unfions; gave way to substitute. lic roads; failed to reach third +115. To create a Board of Im­ ( “ ’ lhe Home Machine Co.” 6. To amend the laws concern- BÜBINE8S CARDS l.lGHTESr, /Ml ' ? the only one that - refused to I ¡48. To lease convict labor; reading. migration without pov. join the -cu ing Machine Ring ing the fees of officers; £av^ way SlUIM.tHT, 79. To authorize a tax in Lane Prices of all kinds < f Sew­ pl in committee; joint resolution 7UAS.A- BAbL. ’ B STOTT. ing Machii e Neeules reduced to substitute October 14. HOUSE BILLS. < > BEST to 60 cents per dozen. Price BILL d» STOTT, 7. To build a bridge ovei the I |sed giving power to the Super- county for completion of State | I 1. To establish the fees of offi­ List, (.irculuis and full par­ i University; passed in Senate; failed ijendent to 1 cq . sc labor. , i ticulars sent to any address North Umpqua, ljeaV • Winchester /YttorAeys. at Law, i » cers; gave way to substitute, and on application. in House. 49. To extend facilities for for- Gv.O- W. TRAVER, 1 indefinitely postponed. . 111 First 3.roM, Opposite Occidental Hotel. laid on table. * General Agent |gn corporations; failed to reach . 80. Amending the law relating Home Sewing Machinet R. 2. To repeal the act to amend PORTLAND, OREGON. to licensing sale of spiritous liq­ W. corner Morrison and ..d Jhd reading; j anlOtf street. ___ • • ____ title te 1, chapter 1, tH the General uors; passed both Houses. | 50. To appropriate proceeds of TUU t lK->r PKr,.Mlu.MS, W. M. R.\MSEY, rèaeh thûrd reading. ’ Law . State Fiiir, 1 »73. 81. To amend the act relating « s; gave way to substitute. fiile of swamp and tide lands for a PORTLANI Largest manufactory north S B Uí¿To repeal thè act giving 3. To repeal the act relating tor Attorney at Law, ‘ . -r’ , A r, % lilroad from Portland to the Cen- to election of Ulerk of Supreme of ftan r raucisco. A Lili as- ”* ibrtment of Sugar tois, cor- expensed t 1 the traveling and incidental ex L A FAYE ri’E, OREGON. Court; failed to reach third read­ hil or Union Pacific line; died in nocupias, Wax Gandies, etc,1 pass. penses of the Judges; Senate re­ MANVFAt'iORY for t.;e Holidays jlinihii t tee. ing. ALlsKY AHEGELE, Oxke in the Court House- amend thé game law; ----- 11---- No; 107 fiist stieet. 82. Relating to swamp lands; fused to concur. { 51. Relating to private corpor ­ P. C. SULLIVAN. |D..U iMJilr. APuTHr.KE. indefinitely postponed.. 4. Supplemental to the act for ations; gave way to substitute. failed to reach third reading, Weil ; ssorted foreign and GERMAN domestic drugs, <-h inicals, 11. 1 1. To To amend .amend the Cc Codo of C.ivil Jkttoi'ney at Law 83. To repeal the act relating the construction of the Dalles and 52.. To contract with certain and medicines at the new Procedure; gave way to a snbsth Sandy Wagon Road; left in the drug store of Dallas Oreffoa. iàilroad companies for the convey- to the expenses qf the United W ild.lAM PFUNDER, tute. :| .1 Senate. i coiner First and. Oak* sta., ------- ILL ’ll ACT ICE IN ILL I P1SACTÍC-: IN THE THE COURTS tTILlU* J neo of troops, etc.; failed to reach States Centennial Commissioner; 12. To repeal tlicJUsury ¡Laws; of ïaïuhill, L*jlk and other counties Apothecary orders from the „country 5. For the repeal of the iftft pro attended to with caie and did not reach third reading. ■ 201y jhird reading in the House'. In Oregua indefinitely postpone^. dispatch. P. O. box, 21s. 4 viding for clerical aid in the office 84. Supplementary tef the Sandy JAS. McCAIN, B 53. Taxing foreign corporations; J. K. ihLL & 1 U, 13. To amérfd sesión 111 chap BOOKS 75 First Street, and Dalles Wagon Road Act; did of the ¿Secretary; gave way to subv died in committee. ter 27, title 1, GencrjU Lau^; did ATTORNEY AT-LAW, •cho.d Books. L,lank books, Btitute. , | ! AN D miscellaneous books, and a not pass. ' not reach third reading. 54. Incorporate Gervais; pass- Í ’ * LAFAYETTE, OREGON. c'L'l.L hue of stationery, al 6. Providing for the Study of | • 85. Relating to the assessment Stationery, low rates. I *14. To aipend'thb activating r *55. Regulating fences. -------- ILL I PRACTICE ’RACTIl.. IN ALL OF THE r l > k . j . b. P ilkington , and collection of taxes; did not anatomy; gave way to substitute. marllv8tf «t*te Court». I. 7. Amending the amendatory L i I 56. Portland Police bill;'gave Professor of Diseases of the the University vat 1 reach third reaiding^ Eye and Ear in Medical passed the House. J E. C. BRADSHAW, way to a substitute. act concerning fees of officers; ta­ ■ Department of the *86. Right, of way into Oregon * OÇUIJST 15. To abolish4li^- Grand Jury Willamette Uni- 57. To ameijd the charter of to the Northern Pacific Railroad. bled. attorney at Law, •. - versify. Office cor. l ijjit and Wash­ system; indefinitely ’] Postponed, 48'. Preventing the exhibition of 'Scio; passed. LAFAYETTE, OREGON. *87. To facilitate telegraphic ington sts. Portland, Ogn. ANJ) 16. To repeal, th! ï same law; Makes a speciality of the 58. Fencing railroads; left- in communication between America human monstrosities/ diseases of the E\e, Ear, Office in the Court House. { 9. To provide for the time and committee. Cross- indefinitely postponed.’ aurist . Aose and Throat. and Asia. «yes straightened. Artificial *17. To jepeal the act creating 59. Providing for the education’ LAFAYETTE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. eyes inserted. Spectacles *88. To provide for loans from plaee of the meeting of the Legig- v prescribed, for imperfect vis- the State Board oHÈqualizationj of mutes‘[gave way to substitute. lative Assembly; indefinitely post* "■TIERGUSON 4 BIRD, comer of Jefferson the Escheat Fund. ion. <________ • ■ ’ and Main ; dealers in produce and gen *18. To pj-ovide ,for • the pa^l 1 > ■ *60. .To convert currency funds’’ poned. (EZ"NEW-lfc« eral merchandise. 89. To.alriend the act for the WINNER Wur claims. I into coin arid pay off the lock 10. Tor amend chapter 13 of the ment of the Modoc i War WILSON convcvance of the insane; did not ELTY A SIMPSON, north side Main *19. To amend tlilCode bfciv OF THE street; dealers in drugs, confection­ General Laws concerning Clerks - bonds’. , V I , : ; reach third reading. v eries and family supplies. »,»’rvnr>iln»-n » . procedure. HIGHEST 61. For a Board of Immigra- 90. For the delivery of the laws and Sheriffs; passed both Housee. • (XzTse the straight needle». AS. McCAIN, attorney; office on south 20. To abolish theiofficeo iStaj y* tion; til. Concerning submarine sites ' nun? rejected. ikjAvivu« side Main street. Prize Make» Lock stitch, runs and reports of the Supreme Court light a dwill do either light Geologist; failed to’»ass. ; 62. Relating to Pilotage and to the Judges in the Niftth Na­ and other aids to navigation. M. RAMSEY. County Judge'and or heavy work without AT TUE | L ». ... > 21. To abolish thd;office q f Stai Towage; «... • ittorney at law,—office in the change of adjustment, being' 12. To exempt a Homestead left in committee. tional Circuit; passed both Houses. an improvement over all Court House. f t VIENNA Land Registef at La G ran di high-priced machines. t63. ■*'■*» For the sale of School • 91. To regulate inclosures; re. from forced sales in certain eases; I P ~ 1 -1 C. BRADSHAW, attorney at law. buy no machii.e until you died in the Senate. ; Exposition have examined the Wilson— failed to reach thi»*d reading. Lands rivd the management of the jected in the House. the price is Ten td Twenty 22. To amend thè Road La » Coinmon School Fynd. , ST. JOSEPH BUSIN8SS DIRECTORY 413. To prevent swine running dollars less than otheis. OVER *92. To irtedrporate Marshfield Needles for all machines not reached in the Ijouse. 64. Providing for the fees upon OTEL, J. H. Olds, proprietor; cor cheap. *93. To amend the act for the at large in certain counties. ALL 23. Scalp bill; left *ifl* cpmi [5 f State Commissions to be paid into of 4th and Depot streets. New house tl4. To emend the act for pro • Send for Circular and Price sale of tide and overflowed lands. Liat. 4 » A. VAIL. good accommodations. I COMPETITOR« I Hi f tee. tection of game and fish. ’ ^ Gen’l Agent, the Sitate Treasury; failed to reach *94. To amend the charter of 119 Third street Portland, " JOHN WILLIAMSON, 21. To dipOfgani^e Tilíam ¡ 15. For the payment of boun­ third H eading. Harrisburg. TRUSS * nd county; Indefinitelyí poítpóncd^í I u. warenkros , ties on scalps of wild animals; left ♦65, To autltorize Al. Zeiber to REAL ESTATE AG EXT 95. Substitute for 51, amending Manufacturer and dealer in *25. Fixing timer ’ >of County SPLINT / i -n- J c -K Cutlery, Surgical and Dental ''OF establish a gas «manufactory im the acts ■e relating to private incor­ in Seuate. Instruments. [• • 16- To amend section 28, title T T-: * ■ _ t ■> Manufactry No. 191 IirBt Street Portland Courts in Union cotro&r. Portland. porations; passed both Houses. *26. To amend tlie '¿ot relating 1, chapter 47 of the General Laws; j(56. Amending the Swamp and *96. Defining the duties and fix ­ J. A. S'lROiVBRliHii, LEAliiEK PERSONS WISHING TO INVEST IN to Assessor». Overflowed Lands act; laid on the ing compensation of State Printer, failed to pass. 7, Real Estate will do well to call on me ... - and SHOE fore purchasing elsewhere. / Direct importer and dealer in depo 17. To repeal flieact to protect ' L ’ . I have land of all varieties, and in quan­ j 97. Substitute for 4, 6, and 30, Leather and Shue Findings, tities to suit purchasers. I . FINDINGS . >4 failed .to pass. 4 *67. To incorporate McMinn­ amended Fee bill; passed both the game and fish; tabled. Xo. Ill Front street. Terms reasonable. .' 4i 'O"Residence and office in Chehaiem ‘ JOHN A. HECK, id, ville. *28. To incorp 418. To amend sections 35, title . Valley. _____ _____ "______ I - WATCHMlK E R (Formerly with Beck A Son) Houses. ] t Watchmaker and Jeweler, Jackson county.* , 68-, To prevent the disposal ofx *98. Substitute for 59, provid-. 2, chapter 7 of the Miscellaneous No 1G> Front street. Spe­ ANO tart liquors on election days; passed. ing for the education of indies. cial attention given to re- , Laws. priring watches, clocks and Bill; did not pas9. 69. For the protection of game jewelry. HAVE TWO GOOD FARMS FOR SALE |99. For the maintenance and i 19. To provide for the construc­ JEWELER. Odors by mail or express at very reasonable terms—each contain­ 30. Fees of Offic w’ udì live and fish; introduced October 1; in­ education of the blind. tion of ditches and flumes for agri­ promptly attended to. ~ ing 3‘5O aer«» T • t One 1.4 situate one mile and a half north of way to substitute. Í ’ definitely postponed October, 8. J 100. Substitutejfor 56,- city of, cultural and stock purposes in cer^ A F. SMITH 16 CO. Lalayette; is well improved. Has a good 31. 0. 0. P. R. ¿ill; gave ESTEY Importers and general deal­ iray 70. To repeal the* act creating Portland bill; did not reach third • tain cases; passed. j ORCHARD if ' ers in ORGANS und PI ­ *: ORGANS, I to substitute. i . j i'v Register in La Grande" District; reading. ANOS. 20. To cmeud chapter 36 of the “ And alt kind» of shrubbery of the be^t ▼»- General Agents for the ES­ 32. To jedeen^ j introduced October 7; left in com­ tiety. The other ia in Chehalem ValTay near TEY C koan and ARION P i ­ 101 and 102. Relative to rent! Mi seel lav eon 8 Laws; left with a Uie Willamette river. There is a good - >i : . i < ARION ano ; tates; left ia comtnil mittee. • ? committee. Warerooms 105 Front St., of State rooms, eel.; tabled. * PIANOS. Portland. r MILL-SITE 33. To provide fc 71. substituted for 11^,39, and; 21. To amend chapter 27 of the 1103. Defining the boundaries gOn this placeiplenty of good timber, about of Equalization; ind 47 —To amend Code of Civit Pro- B0 acreqcleared. • f: ■ - ■ t Miscellaneous Laws; indefinitek •I poned. ' !' ' Either of these farms can beyecured at a icedure; introduced Octpber -7; of Baker and Umatilla counties.! postponed. • * . ’. bargain. Terms easy. 104. Redistricting the State ur I ARKER A CO.,- Ferry street; dry 34. To amend tin For farther particulars en^i uire of of passed October 20; failed to reach 22. To repeal the act regulat- I goods, groceries and general merchan­ j. SMITH, to ‘ S’enatorial Districts; rejected. f , East Portland; pass dise, Dayton flouring an ills, ! O' at this office-' [Concluded on fourth page.] th rd reading ml the House » - I, s I I fr J . ■ A M Í I ■ B I ’ — „, « - ? s. •d ,’r ■ -■ ...A. +— .• > • 1 □ « 1 iri ■ I • <9 V A, IT V . M % A v| e r • ■. IH3* «. I % f ; w i >■ « *1 Í » '■ * ’i ,u » Í « w \ • i < I « / m J r* > t * 4t » •I ¿ •* ì , i; /a * i » J 4 I ' i / «A ) 7 . ■ 0 ; i I * . > 1 —- -ft The White House,” f 7 t ■> Í L 4 . I È È Í ■ ‘ Ii'! 1 I ,1. I-j I II * * » i 5 : • 1 I ; t tI A I«-'" *•* • ' Ji i I ■ lIlF I I 1 < Í 1 / , I ■ .-Xr»»-' ■ 4 1 CANDY ff I ' * 4 ■ ‘ » 10- T° ! F ♦I 4 i i W < ! K t r -Z - ■ W •J 1 4 I I. • ' i'- ! «a ■ 4 I ■ ■ i! t f. » 1 K J W E • Sewing Machine » 1 ■« ♦ ■ : I . i. H i |¡ I f I t" ’ l' v ■ - I i t > YAMHILL County, OGN. 5 p i 4 . I » I I I 9 FARMS ™ SALE ( J I I i 1 Í f / * -I Ì H » t ■ e 4 I ■ I • 1 >■ . 4 * - -I 1/ 7 4 r ! if » a 1 » '«% 1 1 : - ' i ♦ ■ -TT-—-1 I1 j I ■ I .■ t. ' • I' h i I f' • * . I t * *■' 1 V i Í I » ♦ H ' • < ■ T.i ■ I ■ --"»-j., ... .i - H * ‘ t.X I