1. i • ? • 1 h !• rl*!i * ‘ ♦ Citation ¡Ill ex [il tu re ENGLISH BANKRtH’T STl by him were d surprising. ENGLISH BANKRÜTP STOCK Rever«uble Ottoman. ¡Rfcawk gras I Beeclitr, •fall 4 H Ï E nglish B ankrupt ?> tock 70 P« Unbleached Table Thirty-five cent« per Y ard. Mm ENGLISH BANKRUPT STOCK ■'84 P« Blenched Table Einen. Sixty i >- ■ . ' cent« per Yard. ENGLISH BBNKRUPT STOCK .Underwood or some one the matter in charge, in- y it is that papers sent afayetto postotlice to Sa- banv are stopped at the office I and returned to ¡jro id to those points? This 120-Dozen Jroii Frame Hose. dozen. ‘ ENGLISH BANKRUPT STOCK E a GLI o II UANKRÜPT ST 830 Dox. White Cotton doze». ' rccognit l&ij nnouncedT-i y J H on 60 dozen White and^C 50c each. z 75 Pieces all Wool Cloth, 50c per Yard. 45 Piece« Scotch Tweed«. ie 1st any I Y ard. —J um liions , « . « : J • of Oregon Fine Emprei ; • ENGLISH BANKRUPT STOCK 30 Fleets West of Eirglnn I Broad elothji 68 prs all Wool 75c pr Yit rd. 88 Pieces French Silks, per.yard. 3,300 yd«. Fancy Dreas Good«, 85c, i>er Y ard. 4-------- ENGLISH BANKRUPT SI • ■y Corset«/ ENGL1SH BANKRUJ^T‘STOCK ENGLISH B a NKRUPI’ ST ENGLISH BANKRUPT ST OCR wiqie. T;le Delaware Democratic Stab jpondrention met at Middleton on tin and noihinated John P. Coch ' rt^J for G< iovernor and James Will- ’ iojna for d ,'ongrpss. Resolutions are >Rigorous in denouncing tho Adminis- udrttSon and tho Civil Rights bill ’ 1 hey oeuaprZ* the bourse of Reprosen- S French Merino/ ENGLISH BANKRUPT STOCK fr< in equity ENG Uriti BA NKR UP f STOCK 386 French Felt Skirt«. ENGLISH 1: le young mon 600 En if lid J •lO’upuiinr oy siuiu lime.ine p ;H>i>ly to:tlie court lor ihë re t'KUiàiyleâ, torwil: A decree i 4®e uiarfiage contract rir.w c tfveeli pâalntiifànddeicntlaut ti ipj I disUursnicntsot suit. P .JjThjs siiunnons published Hoi),. «. F. Bonham, Judge of jfuvjé August 25,1874. J 8 Cases ! aprica 7? j ree, \at\> / I . . i <_ Hr ! (•>“ Mission Elan, por pair. ohg do position id lire a Sixteen «ted a OREGON NEW’S mas COST MISCELLANEO WAR CLAIM eruption since Saturday., lava arc pouring from th It is announced that will run for Congress» i Massachusetts District.! The Kiowas and Conia ed Gen. Davidson on tile Wickett Agency, near F vzor^twice repulsed, and ing to return to the agen Perhi aps there will be a clamoring | for iBtarte aid for that next. The elai^x would be just as legitimate. Botfe.roads ought to be built; but can thfejeople afford to pay taxes for a*ctf a purpose? Congress has built rofcds for other »States and now let us. hav* (Kir share. . -I 1 Mi . ............. . I L ' —————--------- ] KÆARNÈY’S x 1 N. •- a / ,'TN California Itei Greenbacks, 911192. A Shasta dispatch of tl John E. Baker, aged 26 Charles Crouch, aged’ 1! cuted here to-day at 1 former for the murder oi the'^nail-rider, on the 301 berA'1873; the latter for of Mrs. Hadler, on the 2 Seven marriage licenses issued ary, 1874. jj IifDlQNATiON M eeting ! —A large mfee^i^g was held at Memphis on the [ t<£ express the indignation of the cdpahianity at the barbarous mur- dtjrs of the colored prisoners taken from Trenton jail. B. M. Estes pre- j- silefl, with ex-Gov, Harris, Judge Archibald Wright and Charles Clati- ’ in Marion county in August ▼Mf, as Vice Presidents. Speeches Emigrant trains from Kansas wkrt mode by ex-Gov. Harris, Jeffer- passed through La Gjandc this sqn¿Davis, Col. Duncan McKee, Gen. Fullest and others, denouncing the week Msome4 f whom will settle in ccfwardlyassassination of the prison­ Union county. ers, | and calling for a prompt anft Some of the Salem factory girls most ishergetic enforcement of the work all day and then play cro­ lwwi gainst the perpetrators of the1 the mocn. deed. ‘ Gen. Forrest stated that he quet / by , the light of ....... stix^/eady to start next day to as- i For Jaundice, Headache, Constipa­ ko officers of the law in bringing' tion, Impure Blood, Pain in the to punishment. Reso- i Shoulders, Tightness of the Chest, lutiMa were adopted expressing the Dizziness, Sour Eructations1 of the hdnfot and indignation of the com mu-; Stomach, Bad taste in mouth, Biljous n^tvkt the foul crime, and demand- attacks, Pain in region of Sidneys, ing pf the State Government prompt Internal Fever, Bloated feeling about stomach, Rusli of Blood to Head, andfenergetie measures in bringing High Colored Uriue, and Gloomy thU hntirderers to justice, and rcliev- Forebodings, take Dr. Pierce’s Plcas- »fbe State, as far as possible, from Purgative Pellets. In explana- xiThs uu ui- crimes; ! Gon of peUct8 the remedial power of these tlA&ugmoe of « Mich horrible a varlety **klM the Governor to employ the diseases, it is proper to say that their potil* experts of Memphis to assist in action upon the animal eoonomy is capt&ring * the assassins -and to em- ’ universal, not a gland or tissue es- plXy^the best legal talent in the State caping their senative impress. 25 to|oMisit the Attorney General in cents a vial, by all first-class Drug- nrosttutinff them. . gists. < . ? I M. Murray, who has L at Collusa for the murd^i at Jacinto, was adjudgfe for shooting the man w| bly'entered his premises him and his wife. The idea of a universe piedicineKs at last realized in Dr. V I cer’s Cali­ li is con eil­ forhia Vinegar Bittezs. trated escence of the fl st medical herbs and roots in the | ¡¡ tern lieti- üises which isphere, eradicates all havo not undermined i Sources lof vitality, and in Chroufi ndigestidp, nervous headache, coni tjon of t|ie liver, rheumatism,,gout general dr- bility, and innumerably innumerably u içerous a*d scabious disorders, it isa i pecific, Jb* solute and infallible. 3 Nature’s own great and good remedy I’ar rant’s ’Effervescent S -» Seltzer Au- orient, ve class of diseases. The nursing jabe, its brothers and sisters, its pa4 qiits arid grandparents will all find His pleasant remedy well adapted or tlieir different complaints. Fo[ ale by all druggists. K 1‘. A It N" RY’S EXTRACT BUCHy OF BOTH SEXES, i * Ao Charge fir A ^ice And (JbitftM it,oS. % KELT Y , I’ernjunently cures all diseases of the IH.AIinKIt, K1UNKVS. AM) 1>KOI Hl Al. MWJCLING, Existing in Men, Women and Children. d7”xo SlATrEB WHAT Till AGENCY D r . j J. B.. Lh'9TT,s-graduate of Jcfivrson Prof. Steel sàysr^^One bottle of Kear- Medical College, Philadelphia.,ivithor of sev- nev _ ’^ Fluid Extract Btichw is _ worth mor* oral valuable works, can be consulted oh all *tliatj Bnchu* combined ' all the other ’ ’ ’______ ..._J.” diseases of tU<| sexual or urinary organs Price one dollar per buttle, or six bottles (which he has ni.ide an especial study) ei­ for lire dollars. ’ « ther in male or female, no matter from what • Depot, 104 Duane Street New York.-** cause originating or of Low long standing. | A Physician in attendance to answerxor- A practice of 3b years enables liini to treat respondence jnnd give advice gratis. diseases with »access.' Cures guaranteed j&rSend stamp for pamphlets. free.“5> Charges reasonabe. Those at a distance C rane & B righam , can forward letter describingsymptoinsand Wholesale agents, 8. F. Cak, .to prepay postage. enclosing! stamp ...... ‘ " •’!. Price 10c. Bend for the Guide'to Health J. B. DYOTt. M. D. . NOTICE TO FARMERS, Phvsiciah and Surgeon, 104 Duane St. N.Y. uo47 ly * di SIMPSON ■ : '•! ■ ' ' ' \ . I •. * p-rr -— GROCERIES, Ï CANNED FRUIT: J/ SIMON.’ JT ickles, ' ‘ Crackers. Nuts of all ki" ds Tobacco, Fine Wine* IlHOS. ! Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Doors, c Sash, and Blinds, also German French, and American WINDOW ’ GLASS. Crystal sheet, enameled, stained and ent glass. Glazing done to order at San Francisco prices, and satisfaction guarantee«!. .»«Front street, ini<‘în-”!n erson» Wishing their own wheat ground I plen e run the same ihroi gh a fanning I in oiderto insure-extra fix d flour.' . . , HARKER A Co. ftonJI arch 10x 1S74.. -■»• I»»--------r . .-,-1........ .— AllKER & ;CO., Ferry street; dry goods, groceries a nd’general mcrclian- 1», Dkvton flo*:rjn* mil!!». I