NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. LAFAYETTE COURIER ■ P recocity and P retension .— A few evenings since Mrs. Friin- fer was unfortunate enough, in her Eolf-aFMring mood, to consult Dr. .Sprow® in public. Mrs. Frimper ^fliul Mrs. Badger and Mrs. Wop pic anti’ Mrs.’ Torlgcrs had been talking a) out their children, and * 9 Mrs. Friin per had endeavored to impress it upon the minds of oth< ei’s that ¡vir children were the es­ pecial pa agons. Dr. Sprowle camé up while they were’talking and • Mrs. Frimper appealed to him:' ‘ i ' 4 “Deai; doctor,»you have often noticed a peculiarity in my child­ ren, especially in my little Benny?’’ The doctor nodded and grunted; “So^different from most o,ther. childrcg?’’ paid the lady. “ Y(|i ent irely different,” ” assetti ed the (ioc or. “Do you not thjnk my Benny needs great care, doctor?” u Yes, m;id am; gieat carc^” “He is so far in advance of his n 1*j____ en year?—so ery ni'n/iAniMiin precocious," “ 7 pur sued the do|atinjf mother, ‘ I must rostra n Idm. You have observed his head, doctor?” ofi L ?n. u r Wlèit cin I do. dtictor, to re­ strain gie Ambition so far in ad- vanee Jf his boyish years and to prevent thak large,head from over- balancing itself?” G “Wall, madam,” -answered old ' ■ » »MS - Sprowle, with another grunt, “1 would advise fust, a good, sound whippijg. vr ritli assurance that the dose would be repeated until he can restrain himself. Then, when you have got him under sufficient control* F w ould wash Ids face and comb his l|air! That miii*:t re- strain him tor a bcginiribgl” Mr«*. Friinpcr went home early froin that pirty. 44—|—----- - The T 1 oy Times says: “Rccent- ly, at a . church fair on !? wm L * ■ • * V7 i ■ I -|- —■<-»»>----------------- VVhat a hing fame is! This is the way in w huh one of our French fcontemporar iesi the Messagcr, jdc- scribes that little difficulty at Bun­ ker’s Hill: “On the 17 th of June, 177.% the American volunteers 1 * commanded by Artemus Ward, at­ tacked and thoroughly beat the British troo b near Charlestown, in Massaeliujeth!” » “Phebe douzins doesn’t dress like her brd|hers of the bar,” says the Chicago Tribune, by way of commencing ¡an item? That’s-un­ doubtedly true; she dresses by put­ ting on bedclothes over her head, while |hey don’t, and, what’s more, lut what business is it they can’t. of the Tribune e ’s, anyhow? E • ■R. R. R. g; ,r ■ . «■ — - ‘ ... MISCELLANEO!? IS. , . PATRONIZING DR. - PERFECT I RAD WAI ’S J * PURGATIVE PILLS, Established c>pressly to afford ihe afflicted I Sound an 1 scientific Medical treat- » ment in the cure of all Pri­ DRUGS, MEDICINE J TO THE AFFLICTED • DR. W. K. DOHERTY return« liis'sin- Pdint^ Oils, Perfumes, : cede thank «i t >„ his numerous patients for PddntiL , their patri nage and would take'this oppor- tiujity to r< miud them that he contiri>ek to . consult nt his Inhitine :or the cure of chron- I ic diseases of the L^ngs. Liver, Kidney», ; T■ r^irrf the Tnb cco and Ci^-u g ^Bladder and Kidneys, etc.; and he hope-» that his long e.xp.rience and successful practice will continue lo insure him a »haré st A tiozstiliuy , ! of public patronage. 1’y the praeiice practice NFECTTONERY, many years in Europe and the Bui ted Sta'ew lie is enabled to apply the most efficient and successful remedies against disc ases o . CANNED FRUITS f all kinds. He curra witho nt mercury,char ges moderate, trçats his patients in a correct Of all kinds. , , . . . i and honorab’e way, and has references of kinds unquestionable Veracity from men of known respectability and high Blanding i;i society. All parties run»ul ing him by letter or oth­ erwise, will receive thé be t gentlest treatme if and implicit secrecy. F ol Medicinal purposes. Fancy Toilet Articles - 6 i j I ’ FINE WINES & no3():tf To Females. When a fen ale is enervated er afflicted with disease.'as ‘weakness of the back' and litid 8. pain in the hi ad, dimne-s of sight, los» o{ muscular p i other < ircijnsnii ces pre vent ait increuse iti tfaejr fitini je-, should write or call at i’ll. W. K. DoHEUTY’tí Medical Institute, and fliey will receive ivo­ ry pos-ible rclièf and help. c. Z n S- 5 5 z. ~ 5 » **Y¿ HÊ I ' °3 IL'- ~ ® g * ”0 * r* 3 — <—« SH.! Bilious, Remittent, and In­ termittent Fevers, which are so 1 = ■ ft -fr’t V"' ft — n O 1 V ? SUPERIOR Cheaper than Mobile, Savannah, Roanoke, Jjames, st trib trib- ­ and many others, with their vast iauntry utaries, throughout onr entire country during the Summer and Autumn. an,d remarkably so during seasons of un­ usual heat and dryness, are invariably accompanied by extensive' derange-_• merits of the s.omueh and livet, and other abdominal viscera. , In their treatment, a purgative, exerting a powerful influence upon these various organs, is essential. There is no cathartic for the purpose eqiMil to D r . J. W alker S V inegar -Brrri rs , as they will speedily remove' the generally restoring tlie hialthy functions of the digestive or&ani. i z. => To Correspondents, Raflent ; resi ling in any part of the S’ate X ft - 3 liowevtrf dtsiitnt. v. l.o may t’esir* the opiii- ion ana advice > of DR. DOHERTY, xi_i their r<^pi c.ive ran s, and wbntlfl ik pro­ per to submit a write» sta’ciiKiit of >w:li, ¡in pieerence to Bidding a pe simal in er-' vr w, are re pectin’iy assured that tuer cj IH- tni>nic;f~ the letter or par. el so transmitted. Should your condition require immediate attention send ten‘dollars,, coin. or. its value in currency, by mail or Wells. Fargo dt Co’» Express, and a package of medicines will be sent toyoor address with the necessary instructions for use. Advertising is ‘.lie Oil which w te men Consultaronr-by Idler or other« iso put in their lamps.’’ Modern Prov. FREE. • I’erniKiieiiv cure guaranteed or no uav. • Spermatorrhoea. DR. DOHERTY has just published an im­ portant pamphlet, ernbmiying Itisown views ' ADVERTISING ^GEJfT. and experiences in r.-latio:i to lnpotencc or Vi rility; being a skmt treat e- on Sperm.i toriliœa or 8emin^l Weakness, Nervous an ! ROOMS 20 AND 21, ! phxsical Debili'y consequent oil 11ii< dis-4 ease and other uTéct-o s of the Sexual or- Merchants’ Exchange, g:u;è. • his little work contain» information California .street. San Franctao. of the utmost value to all, whether married or single, ami will be rent FREE or r.cvipt of Six ce ns in postage stamps for leturn ' Solicit* Adevtireinenta and Sub^criptuns for the LAVAvrare C oubier and for papers postage. 'Address. W. K. DOHERTY. M. D. publisiied in caiiiorma. California. uregon Oregon ano and ntvau»; Nevada; published %pr^ly San Framri-co. Gal. Washington. Washington, Utah, Idaho, Mohtanali, Col­ Territories; orado, Arizona, and adjacent Territories Sandwish Islands, the- British PóssesSons, „ ____ — ____ . .. . » China; New Zealand and the >Vtf’n';|lian. Colonica; V/V1VU I , Mexica P1UA IUCV JL Torts, VI , . A. Nicaragua. » Up,«’" 1 • • . - Panama — 1« . « 1 IVU .il A. _ — . ..1 _ a Valpariso and Japan; the Atlantic -State» and Europe Go to Lake’s Emigrant Stove and Tin Store, £ D V ERTISI N G. 13tf Front street, Portland, ar.d see- T the stoves manufactured at the Has created many a new business; Has enlarged many an old business; OREGON IRON WORK! Has revived many a dull business; » Has rescued many a lost business: They can be had at no other place, as - Has saved many a large business; -j ! 4 And insures a supcess in any business. I Fortify the body’-against disease by purif'ing all its fluids with the B itters . N o epidemic can take hold of a system thus fore-aimed. L A Dyspepsia or Indigestion,- Urinary and womb diseases, Gravel, diabe- tis. dropsey, stoppage of water, incontin­ ence of urine. Bright’s Disease, «tlbuminuria ¡tad in ad cases whe e there are brickdu-t deposits, and when there is a pricking burn­ ing sensation when pa-sing water, and pain I prevalent in the valleys of our; great rivers throughout the United States, SAB8AVARILL1AN RESOLVENT Has made the most a-tonisLing cures; so | especially those of the Mississippi, quick,- s i rapid are the changes the body Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Tennessee!, U'de: goes, under the i ibuence of the truly Cumberland, Arkan; as,' Red.Colorado, wondeiful medicine, that abama, Brazos,^Rio Grande, Pearl, Alabama, Kidney & Bludder Complaints, FOUNDED IN 1853. V ' . Surgical Institute vate and Chronic the native herbs found on the lower, ranges of the Sierra Nevada mountains of California, the medicinal properties of which are extracted therefrom with­ out the use of Alcohol. The question is almost daily asked, “What is the cause of the unparalleled success 0/ V inegar B itters 2 w Our answer is, that they remove the cause of disease, and the patient recovers his health. 4 They are the great blood purifier and > a life-giving principle, a perfect!IJeno- 4 valor and Invigorator of the system. | Never before in the history of th$ world ! has a medicine been compounded pos- ] sessing the remarkable qualities of | V ineg X u B itters in healing the.sick OFFICE of every disease. They are a gentle ; Purgative as well as a Tonic, relieving I Congestion or Inflammation ot the | Liver and Visceral Organ«, in Bilious Diseases. ” • I ì I ■ j r The properties of D r . W alker ’S £> ’ Prepared to do all V inegar B itters are Aperient, Dia< phoretic, Nutritious, Laxative, Diu­ ■< '» retic, Sedative, Counter-Irritant, Su­ dorific, Alteranve, and Anti-Bilious. 1 Headache, Paijii in ' the Shoulders, Coughs, Tighftess of tue Chest; Diz­ ziness, Sour 'Eructations of th4 Sto­ mach, Bad Tasto in the Mouth, Bili­ ous AttacJ.s, T.ilpi’.ation cf the Acart, Inflammat ion of th«- ljungs. Pain in the r'gidnof. t e Kidney a. and a huhdred other painful symptoms, tffv off­ spring.-, cf Dysp_ps.a. O:ie bottfe vpll prove a better guarantee of its merittf than a lengthy advert isoment. ' & ? i Dt-ease», ' • Cases of sccrcsy and all Sexual Disorder» HEALTH ! BEAUTY I E.ery drop of the Sarsapari lian lies lv- ent communicates through the blood, sweat urine, and otocr fluids and juices of «lie sys­ tem the vigor of life, for it rtpaiis ;he M ast sof the body with’new and sound ma­ terial. Scr<.ful:tj svphilis, cvii'umption, glandular diseases, «.hers in ti e tbn at, ihe mo.ith, tumors, nodes iu the glands and oth­ er parts of the syste n, sore eves, struinous» from the ears, and the woist forms of ski.i diseases, eruption», feter s'l-es, sr.ald head, ring worm, salt rl:etm. erysipelas a< ne, black -pots, worms ia the flesh, tumors, cancels in the womb,, and ail weakening and painful discharges, iiight sweats, loss of speim. and all wastes < I the life principle, are witliin Ihe curative range ! of this wonder of Modern l hemistry. and a I few days use wi.I prove to any pqrson u-iug it for either of thes • forms of disease jts po­ tent power to ciirfc them. If the patient, daily becoming r< dacefl by the wastes and decomposition that i* eon- linually pr< gressing, succeeds in arresting these wastes, and repaiis the same with new material made from healthy blood - and this the Sarsiparidian will and dots secure. Not only does the Sarsapari lian Resolv­ ent excel all known r-dial agents in the cure of chronic, scrof..lo>.8. constitutional and ► kin di ea.-cs: but it is the only p.o itive cure for Medical Musical Instruments, Betters according to directions, and |l regain long unwell, provided their I bo&es are not destroyed by mineral Str>ng and rich blood —lncieuse4 efl poison or other means, and,vital or­ •11 sb and weight—Clear skin and beau- | gans wasted beyond repair. tiful complexion scci.ied to all. Every- Day au Increase in Flesh und Weight is Seen and Felt. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. i j , 'Villafibrd instant case. Ini1:imniutio:i of the kidneys. Inflammativu of the b.adder. Ii)‘!ainniation of the bowels. Co igestion of the lungs. t- riore thrum, difficult Urea thing. i Palpitation of the heart. Hy. terics, croup, Dipthvria. Catarrh, Iwliuenzu. Hc.idachW. Toothache Neuralgia, Rheumatism. Co d'chiLs. Ague The applicati n of the Ready Relief to the put or parts where the pain or diiticul- ty e s not a remedial agent tn this world Grateful Thousands proclaim 1 thi ’’ cure fever and ague. au • r . DR. W. K. DOHERTY’S ODI) FELLOWS. BUILDING. < ? J QUICK CURES AND MODERATE GHARGES — NEW DRUG STORE, t alter readi.ig this advertisement need any sUFFR WITH PAIN, RADWAY’S READY REIIEF IS A CURE FriR EVERY I» A1N, It is the first and is *he OMA PAIN REM­ EDY that instantly stops tl.e most excrucia­ ting pains allays in lauiniatiou.-, and cor. s Conges ions whe.herof Lungs. Ftomach, Bowels, or other glands or-Ctgane, by one* J application in from ONE Tri TWENTY MINUTER, no uxulter how violent or excruciating the‘I Dr. J. Walker’s California pain the Rheumatic, bed-ridden,infirm, crip- > pled, ui-rvoas, neuralgic, or prostrated with Vinegar Bitters are a purely Veg­ etable preparation, made chiefly from disease may s U er, • , , PRIVATE MEDICAL AID e LITTLEFIELD’S I CURES THE WORST PALS'S In from one to Twenty Minutes. NOT ONE HOUR -e l:?. : 1 I RADWAY’S READY RELIEF GALWAY’S HEADY BELIEF i I ■■¿■■ H .- »^2 i. — I ’ . K •'2 í 1 *? > ' A L. P. FISHER, KINDS J r I ’a foij| Hand or Printed to Order d n X 5 Í . - /. ■ i SHORT NOTICE. OREGON MÄDE - • STOVES JOB L A' K E G irard ’ s S ection .—Stephen Girrad used to say in his old days: ”1 have always con­ i I . * ’ • p. ' ' N sidered advertising liberally and long to be the great mexliiinr of success in business, Is the sole Agent for a 1 the Stoves manu­ and the prelude to wealth. And I have factured. I > - « made it an invariable- rule to advertise in the dullest times as well as the busiest, long You can now buy a Stove cf thicker plate, experience having taught me that money and sf any plate fail« it can be replac­ thus spent is well laid ont. and by continu­ ed at a >mall expenre. We have the ally keeping my busies» before the public- Oven it has secured many sales that» I otberwisse Driving Flue and Elevated ' i - , i z - would have lost.” -—IN 'M . in life, are subject tq paralysis of thtf Bowels. To guard against* this,, tafce Du. W alker ' s V inegar B ittees . For Skin Diseases, Eruptions; Tetter, Salt-Rheum, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Boils. Carbuncles,« Ringworms, Scald-head, Sore Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Discolort^ions of the Skin, Humors and Diseases of the Skin of whatever name or nature, are laterally dug up and carried hut of the system in a short timo by thé use of thèse Bitters. perfectly tastelrt», elegantly coated with sweetgum, purge, regulate, cleanse aiid strengthen. Railway’s Pilis for the cure of all disorder ot the »toniach, liver bowels kidneys, bladder, nervous diseases, head­ ache, constipation, coativeness; indigestion, dyspepsia, bilo isne?», bilious fever, inflam- nuMtoQ of th»- bowe’s, piles and all di-ar- angements of the in:erual viscera. War­ ranted to effect a posi he cure. Purely veg­ etable, con ainjng no nierenry, minerals or Fiji, Tapi', and other Worms, deleterious diugs, «“Observe the following symptoms re­ lurking in t ne system of so many thou­ ft dting from disorders of the digestive or­ sands, are effectually destroyed and re­ gans. moved. No system of medicine, ng ver­ Cvnstipation, inward pilesK fullness of the mifuges. no anthcliuinitics will free the 1 ---------------------- bloop in the head, acidity of the Stomach, system from worms like-these Bitters. 4 heartbinn, disgust of food, fullnejj “Do you understand the English nausea, For Female Complaints, in or weight in the stomach, sour enictations. young or old, married or single, at the sinking or flattering at-the pit of the stom ­ language?” said a McLean county ach. Swimming of ihe head, liurried or xliffi- dawn of womanhood, or the tupi of cul breutliinja fluttering at the heart, choak- life, these Tonic Bitters display so de­ man the other day, addressing a iug or Suffocating sensation when in a lying an influence that improvement fightning-rod agent. - “I do,” re­ postir'e, dimness of vision, do’s or webs be­ cided is soon perceptible. >. r fore the s’ght, fever and dull pain in the Cleanse the Vitiated Blood plied the agent. “Then 1/11 be head, deficiency of perspiration, ye’lowness whenever you find its impurities Burst­ of the skin and eyes, pain in the side, chest, V»— d— if I want any of youK- limbs, and sudden flushes of heat, burning in ing through the skin in Pimples, Erup­ tions, or Sores cleanse it whefr you Xpds.” The lightnmg man, some- the A flesh. few doses bf Radway's Pills will free find it obstructed and sluggish in the the system from all the above uanrd disor­ veins ; cleanse it when it is foul ;your - what electrified, drove on. 9 ders. Rrice, 25 cents per box, Sold by . feelings will tell you when. Keep the r druggists. r Read “False and true.” Send one letter-, blood pure, and the health of the sys­ KfTFor the Very bestaPhotographs, follow. , _ > to Bradley «& Rulofson ’s Gallery stamp to Radway AUo., No. *1 Maiden Lane tem will go & Bulofson R. II. yicDONAI.D co.; Few York. Information worth thousands Druggist» A Ocu. AgU.. Han Kivneixco, Ci a’ifor- with an i ^E a V TOE, tor , 429 Montgomery will be sent you. nia, h oor. of Whanington A Charlton St»i prx Streetv-Saifi Frapcisco. cisco. july21:7 Lly Sold bynll Driiyglata and ‘ Dea ir». »'• i ? •. -V W •I Give us the peripatetic cu?cus manager for sensational novelties in advertising His latest exploit of prominence has lieen to an- -^nounce that -up in Wisconsin, his mammoth, golden, rfemiramisian band-wagon tan over and killed ‘‘Black Eagle, the last chief of the once powerfitl Iroquois tribe.” '•. 1 OUR COLUMN. ' T J- PART OF THE STATE f ’ . 1 1 ÍÍ ■ I ' < • I We are enabled to make I - ■ • -Í . ■ ..fl - n . < k • ; I; Of such Printing as 7« H ■ *‘j; t * V àlVlTATlON AXD «■ ' r I ■ ■ can’t buy them. . PATENT_C H U RN. Don’t forget to look at the NUTS» Which is made of Spruce Wood, and is al Lighter, Cheaper, More Cleanly, More ¿Durable And is the handsomest Window- Blind in use« It gives the best satisfaction to all who try : And in fact everything that is to be found it, and 1 only ask you to enquire of any one who has nred them, to convinceyou that the in a first-class variety store. X- al._ ._______ 1_____a onden Blind is the very best that yoa can I would respectfully solicit a share of ’ the ' ' buy. JOHN R. LAKE. public patronage, I ■ J.R. MAJORS.' junelnoli mno!2 tf ■ stationery, etc. 'I' -i —. '■ • >■ ‘ í» : 'ti LAFAYETTE, OON. . PATENT WINDOW BLITD, Candies, sardines, Oysters. ■ * < I THE COURIER, 99 » / • J,’5' All manufactured in.this city. OREGON TOBACCO, 'SEGARS, Addrew orders to ■ AND DIFFERENT KINDS OF Please remember that 1 also have a - DEALER iy ■ » ' STOVES Parlor and Box Stoves. /’’■ LAFAYETTE, CHECKS, ¿ En: - >1 * » ' - r} IL J. R. MAJORS CIRCULARS, • COOK Advertise Your Busluess. Keep Your Name before the Public. Judicious Advertising will Insure Fortune. [ If Business is Dull, Advertise. If Business is Brisk, Advertise. ( SPECIALTY » 1 » I i t. 1