G ■' ■ i '• •• * 1 1 . ‘ ¿1 1 \ . 'j ■ , ' OREGON JULY IO, 1874 VOL. IX Í2íT0íl A Black Banuon Transfusion of Bloo x • .ideartlxsmenf.* to be Paul for up- i on mixing Proof hg the Publisher. y single medical or covery iever made, he most prominent the city of Chicago ?cn conducting a sc- ments in transfusiiiir S^Perionnl Adv« SO Ota. »• IAi»e. >»•{) Suberlptions Sent East, $2 00 a Yeet. I J > Fï « vn »Meeting would* have calf and made th(^brute now as compare previous to the operation. ? Thi the physicians suring to the sul This, the. tin J The Washington fire depart­ ment wasted ten thousand gallons of water to amuse a company of Indiana editors. ; ’ The Brooklyn Argos is of the opinion that a kind word * will al­ ways go further th^n a flat-iron or a potato-masher.” • roas • A Vermont debating club is now strugling with the question, “Which-eats the most chickens— ministers or owls.,r fusion operation place in diicagt will excite^uorq ment, and its ter looked forward interest -wlten thi are borne in mil * BUSINESS CARDS A malicious person says that cottoi) sheets and newspaper sheets are alike in the respect that a great many people lie in them. China has streets paved with granite blocks laid over three hun­ dred years ago, and as good as new. The contractors arc dpnd. Oifice in the Court House- U .-T-J1T UA-«. A. BALL. B ILL A STOTT, Attorneys at Law, 111 First direct, Òppoairé Occidental Hotel. PORTLAND, OREGON. janlOlf iTic station house, as ’ exact Dire cente» Office in the Court Horne ■J^ERGUSON A. BIRD, corner of Je He num JT and Main I dealers in produce and gen end merchandise. got intimacy appears to between the Rresi- The Fastest Train in E LTV A BIWI’BON. north side Main street; deniers in drugs, confection tries and family supplies. K J W A cquainted .— Afi. McCAlN, attorney; office on south •ide Main street. [nine M. RAMSEY. County Judge and • attorney at law,—office in the Court Hoose. ,______________________ J0HX4HRD. west side Jette rseo4 street, demerit) stoves and tinware. papers to It starte a . M. and mance WJ1 C. BRADSIIAW, attorney at law. ST. JOSEPH BUdiNSSS DIRECTORY OTEL, J. H. Olds, proprietor; cor of tth and Depot streets. New house good accomniodations. 1 H DAYTON BUSINESS DIRECTORY. HRIS. T AYLOR, dealer In general mer­ chandise. Odd Fellows” building. lhe cheap cash store. C 8, POWELL, Saw Mill. Dressed e lumber of all kinds', doorsand jnn- dow frames. \ W W BE8T,livery stable Ferry street; bng- «E • gies and horses to let at all times, at reasonable rates. AHKER A CO., Ferry street; dry goods, groceries and general merchan­ dise. Dayton flouring mills, Hardware, Iron, Steel, ■UBS, STROKES, RIMS, OAK, ASH I AND- HICKORY PLAlQK, NORTHUP k THOMPSON Porthnch • • ma29-3p • Oregon^ ■ al contrivances'for iu ing gambling imp|e|ii€ ---- -J A Nevada la'dy |re unfair advantage of:h unusual indulgence^ i elope with a u other 4m bereaved on(j expre^e tion that she had be< the opportuiiity for jn< ntty took husband’s 1 bath to i, and the pis convic- ; -awaiting fhs. : . A Boston ¿preacher ip 'speakin g of the , danger of' per itting tho Bible to be «crowded o t by the" newspaper, ¡ferpetra^d he follow- ing pun: “Men, up adtys,” said . he, “are like ¿acchei —desirous of seeing Jesus, but thdv be- cause of the press.” J - minute. The • -I jeration about ; with but one uck a carriage 5. W|ten the in it was man- i .fireman ¿and pthe papers. the company tv in case of pretense of plea, was any person i allowed to ride. Tbe company finding that the train was as safe as any other and that an addition al car would add to its safety by giving more ballast to the locomotive, have added a passenger car thereto and v silver dol- ccapturdd it