' - •* — ' i' 3-J' tj if ■> ■’ ' . ! I -Ì4 I *ih| g - LAFAYETTE COURIER. L afayette , April 16, 1874. 1>AY, APRIL, 17, 1874. E ditor C ourier : In view of Mr. Williani8* misstatements and perver­ I sion of facts, I have been induced* to I -M. E. Church South. < make a slight review of his spoOch. •;:F o W.-D. MAÏS. rA>TOlX. Ho alleges first, that the Albany À »pointments for Lafayette and Tillamook Convention was run by a ring This ('in u>t ure as follows : F rat Sabbath. Happy Valley,at 11 o’clock is in j>OQr grace from the nominee of A. i., McMinnville. <1:30r. M. of a Convention composed of Govern­ Second Sabbath. Tillamook. 'Inird Sabbath, West C’hehalem,. 11 a . m ., ment appointees aud corrupt railroad t’nity School youse, 3 r. m . hpHirth Sabbath, Armstrong*!» School contractors representing but a faction llonse, II a . m ., I^ifayette, 6:30 p. m ., headed by a bigamous I uited States ; —I_____. , --------------------- _____------- -------- W T '*4 • 1 Hr. J. W. Wutta will preach at this place Senator. His (Mr. Williams ) charge < D m M*cond Sunday tn every inontU^»t ll a. and In the evening at early mndle- of corruption portiiitiing to our pres­ • - X ’ < •r 7 . * ent efficient Stato Administration Latajrette Lodge No. 29, I. O. O. F. needs no refutation to satisfy any Meets at lAfayette, every Saturday even- tiian who has taken any pains to sat- ind at 7 o'clock. | Members of the order in good standing arc isfylnmsclf during the last four years, invited to attend. and in the language of a prominent By order of mi X. G. - p' ' ’ a-’-—-------------------- Republican and ex-U. 8. District At­ pold rk to-day, 113 1-2. | torney, was “extremely impolitic.** Tender ratea. Hi buying ; ’ortl.ind Le The defeat to numerous railroad ! $ > selling. 725@750 Tine, Subsidies, reclaiming the "title to our ¡old bars ire quotable sichool lands which previous adminis­ l-lx;-h.ing« on 8nn Franeis'.M», 3-4 of 1 trations hud almost lost to our State, 1” r cent premi.uu. opposition to the importation of de­ Iaxerpool iUi ieat, 12s‘.’d©12s Id; tjub, graded Coolies, wise policy in the IM ''.I. ’ s S a L discipline and reform of the unfortu­ As . SAMUEL, is our duly autlior- nate State convicts, and judicious ac? Agent at Portland, Oregon. tion in the commencement of State I 1 I buildings that1 visitors to our State To N ight .— We arc informed may not accuse us of living in rented tenements—alVtbese things, I admit, that the Ion? talked of Entertain are stumbling blocks to the success of ment will take placb this (Friday) any Radical nominee, and I do not wonder that Mr. W illiams shquld try evening. .'It is for the benefit of to bring Gov. Grover’s Administration the New Hall, and all should pat- into disrepute, but his failure will rbnize it beinf as it is given tor’ll only prove his defeat- consumate worthy object. Tho.-e who come sophist as he is.- Mr. Williams alleges that the fijir the puri>ose of criticising the j ier for lira nee, should bear in mind Lock Bill for the construction of the that the actors are not -stars,, nor present, locks on the west side of the Willamette whs but a job of favorit­ cjven. professionals, and have not ism. Now is it not plain to every one . even had the licnefit of a profess- that this flimsy charge retracts from i mal leader; and we arc a>snred its author and shows to what extrem­ l ave tailored under great disad­ ity the Hippie- Mitchell-Holladay- Custom House faction is driven to. vantages, occasioned by the una­ Mr. Williams knows that at that voidable absence oi some of the time Mr. nHolladay . owned the trincipal characters in the Rehears- franchise of the old P. T. line, and Is. W q think that all who at­ an/"“award to ,that company would naturally have defeated the construc­ tend will feel satisfied/ tion of the Willamette Locks and per­ haps forevéì stopped free navigation of G range M ay D ay P icnic .—At a Nature’s highway to the sea. meeting of Lafayette Grange,_No. 32, Mr. Williams charges our present- P. of H., April 4, it was resolved to Secretary of State with malfeis- jhold a M ly *f)ay Basket Picnic in ance in office. Why have not Repub­ the grove pear St. Joseph on May 1st lican grand jurors and committees prox., in which all invited to partic­ made such a charge within the last ipate. The following committeo of riour years ? As to his condemnation of the ac­ arrangements was apjx»intedi\p. tion of the last Legislature in the Smith, F. A. Crawford, O. F. Koval, enactment of an odious school law, Mrs. S. C. Carey, Mrs. Jessie Yocoui. I ¡The following were appointed a eoin- it being a Bi-publicaii Legislature. I « ’niitt.^c td proA’ure speakers;,, N. II. have no. fight to make, and while every lover of free schools must dep­ Olds, F. Mirtin, J. D. Fenton, , th a e tbe action of the Sdite Super­ By order of tlie Grange. intendent with the variou4 County A. IL HENRY, M. Superintendents in the adoption of K. II. L awson , Sec. such shoddy text books as the Pacific C ayote H unt .—It is reported series, the law within itself is un­ that the farmers of North Yamhill doubtedly. good, nevertheless. Mr. William i’ attack on Mr. intend to engage in a general cavote, Brown, De uocratic nominee for hunt iu the course of a few weeks, State Treasurer, was unjust, false and and if possible rid the county of uncalled for in that gentleman’s ab­ thyec pests. During the past winter sence. It is true that Mr. Brown la­ they.khnve d:itroy»id' an unusually bored in the Senate of 1870 for the large number of sheep, and from passage of a bill securing aid to the present indications they intend to keep Baker City Academy which was al­ it up. Farmers are getting tired of most unanimously passed by »both this and will try to make it warm for Houses. This bill provided in accord­ thcm~>'ith dogs aud guns. ane.: to law for the loan of $10,000 for ten years with interest to be secured E arly to B ed , —There is by bond and mortgage in txvice the nothing sq . tends to shorten the lives sum loaned. If there h*< been any' of old people and to injury their health mistake made it was not at the hands as the practice of sitting up late at of Mr. Brown, but those who took the night. This is especially the case security. So you see thate this little when there is a grown up daughter variation of Mr. Williams, like the in the family. We publish this item rest, falls to the ground without in at the earnest solicitation of several the least enhancing his chances to represent the people of Oregon at promising young men. Washington, wherein he would not T ayi / jr F amily .—The irrepressi­ have had the ghost of a chance had ble Mart gave his second entertain­ not the Republican party been dis­ ment at this place on last Friday membered and forever divided. INDEPENDENT. • enejung, assisted by Prof. Mills and Til CHaze; both celeWa*-ed violinists. Thc April number of Wood'» Houte- The house was not as well filled as the occasion deserved. Those who did hoid Marine, now upon our table, well attend were fully compensated. sustains its reputation as a first-class, R unaway .—We are informed that live publication. While its contents Dr. Johnsop, of McMinnville, met are not deep or scientific, its pnges are free from trashy sensational with a somewhat serious mishap a day stories, au^ are full of bright sunny or Ko since. His team took ingut fright reading that goes home to the heart. finally The magazine contains its usual num­ and commenced to run and i in ber of illustrations, and its general «mashing the buggy to pieces; pi some way the Dr. got one ot •f his 1 fing- appearance compares favorably with ,cr^ broke._______ the higher priced magazines. Sub­ H orse D ied .—A valuable horse scription price one dollar a y6ar; with chromo of Yosemite one dollar and a belonging to I). Smith died on ed- half. Subscriptions may begin with nesday. When he came to town the any number. Address, Wooa» H ou » c - hcJrse wi& apparently well, but soon hM Magazine, Newburgh. N. Y. took sick and died. No one.could tell what the ailment was, and to all the Following are the officers df West cause of the death is a mystery. Chehalem Grange, No. —t M. Tom —a»» — * ’ H aun B ridge .—There is any Nelson; O., J. E. Hembree; I»., Miss M. A. Smith; Sec., G. Noble; Treas. amount of complaint about the con­ J. Noble; S., J. Bryant; G., G. Bog­ dition the road is in between-here and ers; C., Wm. Jones; Flora, Mary St. Joe. Best easy, gentlemen, our Williamson; Pomona, Mianda Smith; supervisor will have it fixed as soon C4res, S. Bryant; L. S., Mrs. Mianda as the weather will permit. Smith. This lodge is in a most pros­ perous condition. West Chehalem BECOVERY.+-We are pleased to now has two Grange*, both, so wo chronicle that the little boy who was are informed, arc doing well. G. Bryant, Jas. Bryant and Job run over by a wagon—son of B. F. Lewis—is recovering, and will ere Carey were elected School Director, long, we hope, be able to be around. and W. Wimer, Clerk, of Distriot No. five. . I n T own .—During the week quite a number of lawyers from abroad Some one without the foar of the have been, in attendance at Circuit Bailroad Company or the law, broke .. Court. Well, the list would be too open one of the box cars on Wedncs- long to enumerate. day. K ♦ < • " I— I — - 1 1-k k«* r^4-* eliikxvik - •_/. il no Tl’iini I OREGON. COMMUNICATION. ►Il Roscbtirg 1 < ’ * w . * V TEtEÜRAPHtCSBMMARt' f ________ » ; . ì. • ' r « County -Judge........................... .M. M. R; »BMJ R. H. L ssmo * ’ t. lorg. •••••••* V...,» • Sheriff.......... .....R. P. Bird . Treasurer... ... J. M. Kelts 1 Dawson Co. Commissioners’. ......... 1 Huleiy ' ,...C. Handley Sunieyor..., Stove and Tin F tore, Assessor.. .•. : ’ Go to JLaka’n E -w • • »V ....... ¿1. Parto ¿ 13M Front st cut, Portia nd Ì and sge H. H. HewR School Sup't r «r • •• « f tured at the th« atovea I>r. Johnson Coroner......... is going- ■‘to Iqjve a Liverpool Wheat, by niail advices from San Francisco, l‘2s 2dal2s £ May Day picnic. - r • _ eJ. I !a • The .Corvallis brass band Is pr$ for average California, an< H 4 12s 8d Cor club. U f I BL7 The Rosedale paring for a concert. i w r- » o ’IW [ Yamhill Ccuaty Directory, ■ MIKCELLANEOUS. * OREGON - ILIADE ■■■ SrJ iVES, ' Brjant, the murderer of Steel, theatrical troupe= was hanged at Nashville on the c billed for Baker Ci tv. if : < arc billed for Baker City. i ■ LKUlSIJVrUKK. 10th inst. . i M OREGON IRON W0RKÎ ** ‘Î ' ' State Senator . .J. W. Cowls » • . XInrry county promises tn be a Lowenstien, convicted of the They can be ^had at no other place, as »epl...!......... IT. R. Harrte« ' ) A. R. Barbank great wool growing seefion^j murder of a peddler last Fall, was •TJ handed at 2:20 on ljie -afternoon ernoon Empire, Empire; City Citv folks haveb havebéençd- of the 10tb at Albany^ N. V., 0BE90H OmCUL MBSCTOBT. ’ , pro pro- ­ --------- * joying a billiard tourmime testing innocence. KXKCLTIVK nKPVBTBENT. Stoves manu* Governor ' H. K. Hanna has been Chosen U F. Grorat Capt. Brown, witness f^r thp Secretary of State........ . .8. T. Chadwick i City Attorney of Jacksonville/ » claimant on Tichbom^ trififc wae You an now buy a Stove of thicker plate, Treasurer of Stat«.... .. - Ju Eleiachner State Printer............... .. ..Eugene Sempto ai|d af any plate fails it ■ struck rich gold mines near Balcer U. 8. Collector..... ....... J,.. W. Bowtt>y Please remember that 1 also have'a ' a Senator in Massachusetts appear Ci tv: ; — •* to be as distant as when the votibg LAND OFFICEK.«. I ■ ■, •; " PATENT_CHURN. » W4R. Willi«. Register • There is talk among the 'ladies first began. .Roseburg »» B. ^Herman, Receiver... Don't forget to look at tlio ’ of Dallas of beginning a ¿rusade Owen Wade, Register. .. .Oregon City On a motion to‘table the motiph ■ ■if'' <.1 1 5.,!« I ■ »•' / -li Wliich is made of Spruce Wood, and is al Lighter, Cheaper, More Cleanly, More JDurablck •j i / ren, of Oregon City, has a slight ■ Six boys are in the San Fiiin- 'cisho City Prison, charged with attack of varioloid. I I felony. . ■ o . . . ■ ■ ' ■ I i The road, through thp Blue Report« on the 12th from vhri- Mountains is improving daily, and Otis portions of the State si l|ow is now quite passable. J heavy rains. • ' ¡ The temperance crusadors have Geo. Coffey, of Long T^ qi, pi as three ewes which haveijust artisfent- divided the city of San Francjsco d into fifteen districts for distribution ed him with nine lambs. | of pledges. The Good Templars qf lk Since, the first of January there county will have a grand i enje at have l>een, in San Francisco, nine Dallas on the 1st pt*o:xiina ty-onc deaths from accidents and In King’s Valley, Bend oun- violence. . » ' ------- —- ----------------- tv, every available acre of und ' G. W. Snyder, editor of the Reporter, is being plowed and prepare lor called on Tuesday. quite ill Mr. H. H. Si now has • • been sowing graiik . ‘ 5 I • • r ' I / ■ ’ i • • ■ with typhpid pneumonia. Ferguson & Bird have a new »kind of tobacco—choice—try some. There are more old i I » m * J Brownsville,, in profior tlQ population, than iii any r °‘Í . A horse stepped on the foot of Dr. Poppleton one day last week, causing ' Ì] on the coast. • * 4 ■* I him to lose a toe-nail. , Ground ha3 been bro! :cn$ and The w time for is a ap- • - w making wr1 a . a garden • • is labcr commenced on 1 ••c fBlue proaching, and Kulty & Simpson >8Qn ’ S s 1S . ' < . , ! • It i Mountain University to liji erected tho place to go to for ,a fine >«sort- ment of gárdeu seeds. - , t at La Grande. • i • j ■■MW! ’ Salem City Council has fevied — of six mills on thcjtìol|ar to a tax the run the municipal gòveriimept gòver 4 i •iL ; current year. If Mrs. Bridgefarmer, oj Albany, had her connubial «hackly knock- edoff’»y Judge Bonharq A the last term of Court at thit |>lace. The bills around Pemflet|n are now covered ■> with . grò m J grass ifil from one to six inclies hijn. ¡ßtock /i 1 1 t • 1 * 11‘ i J ' • _ of all kinds are rapidly iiipi&ving. ■ I J. E. Officer writes fn miArizo- 'I •r at |e fc com- na C’ty, Arizona, that com- h 4 say£ that ing back to Oregon. noplace this State is far ahead ohanjiplace f ' * ’ I *‘3 F' he has seen. -Í Some of the leadin igjfcrpngera, Grande, residents principally,oI made efforts a few days|>«lnce to purchase from W. J . 8npiigras8 his flooring mill and stole at Oro ! Dell, to be rnn a^an cn|ir^*Gran* ger establishment. Hardin Dawson, Wm. Poe and J. H. Bernover, all Jhajliftg from Linn, have been. placed1 at brick­ • • making making at at Shlem. Salem. Dawson is in _ . i for two years for rape, Poe thtee years for ipcest, and Bcynover ope year for embezzlement ] I m - “That is just the sort of umbrel­ Í la that people appropriate, or, in Ì other words,, hook,” said Smiggles to a companion one morning, show­ ing him a very handsome pera- chute.—‘ Yes,” saidhisij i “I thought so when I sawyou have ¿i; 1 Ar •i ij- ¡ Í ------------ y------------------------------------------- ! I ■ a DRUGS L ■ X. LAFAYETTE MARKETS. ,1-ft - i ’ ■ J ARKER A CO. are now prepared to offer to the Farmers and Consumers of Oregon, the largest and best selected stock of General Merchandise ever ode red in Yamhill county^co.nsisting of H corrected weekly . FLOUR,.GRAIN, ETC Wheat, best white, btishoL.. ,, 9Q.... 4» w ®.. Oats, W bushel. A • / 3H.. C-orn Meal lb Fl^ur best, sack, (*4 barrel) i 63...j. buckwheat Flour, !b............... i 7.... Ifc 00... lirnii tou................. 12 00©15 • .. • > Hay, ton............... ,..••• • • <• ‘baled "fel ton... ..« Rio......... . 4 ... O * * Kono... .u ••••,•• • « • *_ ■ Java. . A_______ ••• Salt, Carmen Hand, ^cwt... •■■f Liverpool, coarse • » • • •• 2 00@2 50 dairy.. rariTR, vfgwables , rrc. bo® 00 Apples, green bush.. . 4®.... Jried. f • @ ’ Beans, 1b tb.. 50». .. Potatoes. hush f 2j Onions. lb ■•fé.» ; 2 © i » • •••» • • • 4 • • • • 4, 12®.... K® 10 10».... 10® 12 10® 12 10® 12 10® - Y .•-••• • A • • • • shoulders............. •to J • 12@... DRUGGISTS, AND DKALEER IN gROCERlES, ! ■ ‘ ■ » £ ' F » CANNffD Oysters I I’icklC4, I Crackers. Nuts of all kind«, Tobacco, f 6 ♦ »•- — Í' Are now running, and are prepared to buy Wheat or to exchange for Wheat, to grind THi PARKER CUlC or to grind low or not to grind 1 at all, or any au, that they will way to pkase the farmers, so f* ■ * í ‘ not go away scolding. . _ . 4,. I The Dayton Granary JSENO STAMP FOR CIRCOLAt l • I ' » Is now open for storage, free of charge to all those that will give us tbe preference or puachasing their Wheat for ¿ash, at the highest market price, any time when the may see proper'to sell. Sòconie 8d come on, gentlemen, we have a free bridge and no ferriage, and «'ill accommo­ date you any way to suit the times. LI VERY & FEED SWULR LAFAYETTE^ - - I 1 . J poultry . 37®.... Chickens, dresaed, each...' , ' per dozen.................... 3 d)@4 00 butter , rc . gs , ctc . * © 30 Butter, fresh rotis, $ lb, ..® »••••«•a * packed. ... ► HARKER California Dsytoi^ Ocaober 2,1873. -..® • • .:d‘«: Isthmus 16 © Eggs, V GROCERIES, “ ------- 1 CLOTHING. » - ■ 1 . I BOOTS AND SHOES. ï 4- « - Y GKrtCEMES. T - ‘1 ' • 8 Sugar, 8>n FranciacóVcfined, $ft.l3» 14.. <■ HATS AND CAI'S, Island........... .*....................... î>® 11.. GLASSWARE AND QUDENSWARE, IS® 20. crushe-l. > HARDWARE AND CUTLERY 2i»®. granulated 00 75@1 ,rr.. Tea, black, lb DRUGS, MEDICINES. 70® 75 Imperial... ................... • • TxN WARE ETC. 33» *** Coffee, Costa Rica, $ ft Beef, fresb, lb. corned--..... Smoked ... Pork, freah, lb ft. Veal, “ ......... Mutton “ ........... Bacon, bams F ft If* r- ' - - .... GROCERIES. Ì I 1 i " "i * I î- .■ r ■> Ln Grands w r • It gives the best satisfaction to all who try it, and 1 only ask you to enquire of any one who has used them, to convince you that the jrDlClAL «1 UlVlAbLlMTltlU. ’El«TTlCT8. Wohden Blind is the very best that you can First District : Jackson and Josephine. huy. ' ' ' JOHy R. LAKE.' 2d 1 1 District! Jienton, < oos, Curry, Dougla« _________________ jnnelnol4 A arçd I Lane. 3d District: Linn, Marion, P ’oik, " Tillamook and Yarohiy. 4th District: Summons* Cl lackamas, C«dumLia( Multnomah, and w rashington. .¿th District; Grant, Unmtil- In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore- la l Union and V; asco. gon, for the county of Yamhill, II. M. Beall, plaintiff, vs. Wm. S. Torrance, TKUMS OK ClRCL'iT COURTS. and M. J. Torrance, defendants. Frst District—In the county of Josephine, ToW'in. S. Torrance and M. J. Torrance, on the fourth Monday in October; Jackson defendants: - seicond Monday in February, June and No­ N THE NAME OF THE STATE OF vember. Oregon, you are hereby required to ap- ]>ear and answer the com plaint filed against Second Distirct—Douglas third Monday you in the above entitled suit bv the sec­ in October, aud seconed Monday in May; ond Monday of April, A. D. 1874, that being Coos, fourth Monday, in May, and second the first day of the next term of saiu Monday in September; Curry, first Monday court, and fcf you fail so to answer plain­ in June ; lurne. third Monday in April, and tiff will take a decree against you foreclos­ and first Monday in Nevember; Benton.sec­ ing a mortgage given by you to him, No- ond Monday ju April, and third 'Monday in vcniljer 17th, 1871, upon the tracts of land November. in Yamhill county. State of Oregon, which Third District—Linn, fourth Monday hi are described as follows: March, and second Monday in October: of N' W‘ * of Section 2, town­ ship 2 S. R. 5. W. aud E. M of N. E. M of sec­ Marion, second Monday in March June «nd tion one, T. 2, 8. R. 5, W.; also the W. M of November; Polk, second Monday in Mai, 8.. W. Kof section 11, T.2.8. R. 5 W. and the and fourth Monday IM in iIVTClUUUl November; , Yamhill, w * li» MVllUU« llllllliJIly - E. X of S. E. if of section 12, T.2 8, R. 5 W.; sfeorid :ond Monday inLApril, inuApril, and fourth Monday containing 320 acres, for the purpose of se­ in October ; Tillamook, second Monday in curing the payment oT $500 00 in U. 8. gold J ri I v . coin and interest, and directing t lie sale of \ Fourth District—Clackamas, fourth Mon* M—» said lands as upon execution and that the proceeds be applied to pay plaintiff the day in April •‘and September; Multomah, sum of «¿25 in United States gold coin and second Mondav in February, June and Oc­ interest on 4500 of said sum since Novem­ tober; Columbia, second Monday in April: ber 17tli 1872 at one per cent a Clatsop, second Monday in August, and month and costs and uisbursments, fourth Tuesday in January; Washington, and will take a judgment against you for fourth Monday in May, and first Monday in said sum of mcneyafrd costs and disburs- October. ments. Fifth District—Wasco, third Monday hi An order directing publication of this summons was made by the above entitled June, and second Monday in November; court October 27th, 1873. Grant, first Monday in June, and third Mon Mon* ­ E. D. SH.Y1TUGK, & B. KILLIN’, day in September; hi ember; Baker, third Monday to w Atjorneys for Plaint iff.- May and first rat Monday in October: Union, LafayetteFeh. 6,1874. . no50-«w_ firwMondav in May, and third. Monday in October; Umatilla, last Monday in April, and fourth Monday tn October . J ’’•• from the Commit te on Eduwiion to the Fore^n Affairs Commifee, The farm of,Samuel Cdad, on materially decreases the probabili­ the Luckiamutc, was sold last week ty of action on it this session I » for .$4,000. $4,000. > .! H P. P. Prim, Chief Justice.... Jacksonville A. | J. Thayer... . ä .Corvallis B.i F Bonham... B. jF. ...... Salem I W7 W. Upton... .. Portland L.| L. McArthur L.' ............. Baker City I And is the handsomest Window Blind in use. '•LI California Items. < M PKKME - - - - COURT. - . and seeding. We learn that Mr. Henn’ War- Henry Warren, Receiver.... J. JI. Stepheas, Register,... D? Chaplin, Receiver....... PATENT WINDOW BL.ITD, to reconsiderjthe vote pòstponihg the Currency till, Clayton, Lutici , A number of Polk countians Page and Nesmith voted in Ì J have been “taken iif” by anger­ negative and Houghton and K|r- >- ing peddlers. ' , I L /• dall in the affirmative. • ¿X ’• ;i| J* I r f ' 1’1 1 Farmers throughout the Will^m- The transfer of thç Anti-Chinçâe ettc Valley are all busy plowiig bill of Lutrell, Page and Houghton it” .. J;’»• • on the rum trffic. --------------- ■*- . 1. . * . . *■ OGJV. PARKER. BRO'S WEST MERIDEN,CT 73no3.»-ly T------------------- 1 HACK LINE! I J. Hr OLiS - PROPRIETOR. . N AND AFTER MAY 1«, THERE will be a regular stage running be­ »nd Jtortlaijd, 0MF roakiRj- ____ tween __ Lafiyetfe _____ ' ••• • 1^. — . r—» --nur___ ’ ,K_- etery weckiv trips, leaving i^tfayeUe Fri­ day rooming rooming at* at h o'clock, retun jng S day day. FARE, EACH WAY, *i, A.ivii •• A* , flip. ▼* ¿7». O I H ANEW HAO*» Will be place» epee