*71 •! . * J ■ 1 ’ ’ • ,7 1; Ji c , « * 1 í 1 • • r 1 t ’’ '. 1 T 1 . . ' Î » 1 ■ Work oiTtlic State Capitol lias These soem to be times of bogus re­ FRIDAY, APRIL. 10, 1874. form. Politicians who have been been resinned. shelved fot a decade now come to the The rivers in Eastern Oregon surface, and, with tho voice of a Sten­ Dfimftrra tie Staffi Tickfit. i tor, vociferate reform! Men who have are rising rapidly. Rumor says a newspaper will hud their ftrnis into the public treas­ uries up to their elbows, but who havo soon be horn at Oakland. A>r Governor, in consequence of official delinquen­ U F. GROVER, Baker county will soon rejoice cies - or incompetency, been thrust in the organization of a number of Of Marion County. aside now talk long, and loudly in - ’IB ' For Representative in Congress, ^Granges. favor of the downtrodden farmer and G. A. LA DOW* The Circuit Court for Josephine ■Jjorny handed men of toil. Almost df Umathhecotinty. every discarded office-seeker and county will convene Monday, midnight schemer has ranged himself ’ For Secretary of State, April 13th. • , along-sidc the Independents and. when 8. F. CHADWICK, There were seven interments in they talk reform, the chronic office- of Douglas county. seeker hastily cries amen! There is the Odd Fellows’ Cemetery at Sa­ • 'For siato Treasurer, nothing very étrange in this. Tt is lem in March. A. ' H. BROWN, the old attempted deception,—the The Dalles, with 1,000 inhabit-, of baker oounty. “wolf in sheeps clothing.” People ants, has seventeen places where who possess discrimination can and For State Printer, do comprehend these gentlemen. liquor is sold. MART. V. BROWN, But there is à certain element of the Two more petitions for whisky of Linn county. human family that will be humbug­ license have been given notice of For State 8upT of Public Instruction, ged. They arc prone to run after new by citizens of Cornelius. . - * X J. bAWNE, or whitewashed schemes or measured. The mining season in Jackson of Marion county. This element will be found shouting For Prosecuting Attorney, 1st, JiuliT Dis. reform. The Independents at flm last qbunty is drawing" to a close,, in election in California carried almost consequence of failing water. H. K. HANNA, - everything their own way. Now It is estimated that 40 per ceftt. of Jackson county. some of the California papers are de­ fee Judge of Second Judicial District. nouncing them as bribers, corrupt­ ot the cattle in Klamath Basin ivill /x. f TM okher , ionists and plunderers of every des­ die of starvation and exposure. 4 * of Douglas county. t cription and allege with apparent The Union county iraccs will f I ' • - ' ? J - * i truthfulness that the present is the commence May 19th apd continue For Prosecuting Attorney, 1 * most corrupt Legislature that ever C. W. FITCH, five days. Rare sport y anticipat­ convened in that State. What is rtf LAne .¿Minty’, true of that State will be equally ed. I routing Att*v 3d Judicial District true of this, if the Independents carry Wm. Poe was, last week, con- JOHN J. WHITNEY’, the electiou. Take their ticket in this county for an example. It is’- con­ ' Linn county, « Attorney, Fourth Judi- fessedly the most incompetent ticket nomination not yet made ever presented to the pebplo of this county.. They may be honesty but siness most of them are absolutely incoili potent, . tem- of Grant county. \ ' Ì ’j ‘ ' i 7 I North Fork,... 2 I West Chehalem. ELECTION NOTES. a A II- « J t » j. ■ T Fl 1 s *- 1 " MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS DR. LITTLEFIELD’S THE ‘SILVER TONGUE * I ■ rosy cheeks and [fair and free from Pin PiiH es|and Eruptions; purif . by taking Dr. Pierce’ Médical leal Discovery. Discovery Ithas n ttyis-purpose? ODD FELLOWS BUILDING. « . -■i ......... I ' • ‘ . LAFAYETTE, Ofö Il ZBORTsT. fe of Mr, F. P. Hcmbrci) >n. IN THE W Off LIT. I • I 4 ' rt DRUGS, MEDICINE, Paints, Oils,, Perfumes, , 1874, W illie , infant soil nd N. J. B elcher ; ageil ’ •’ • ,> > ’ •’ tliie cup of life to «ip — fitter ’twas for it to drain, it. fnp.pklv from ita t- . , — .... .r Fancy Toilet Articles •Musical Instruments,' And a full Stock of J • / V ... JVERTISEMENTS ■ ’ ! : I .. HAND The Best for Clmrche» «nd Lodge»« . The Best for Sunday Schools. RTAINMENT The Best for Parlor and Vestries. The Best for Academies and Colleges/ The Best for Public Halls. - . / -+T- PEMPLAR Hal The Best for Orchestra and 8tage. FINE WINES & These instruments, which for sweetness 0 tone »ml elegance of appointment stand un rivalled, have inet with 1 hprecedphted cess'in this country and abroad, 7 MANUFACTUREP BY For Medicinal purposes noóOitf ESTABLISH E JUST RECEIVED AND A| intly receiving W GOODS! f General Merchandise, ■ lies Dress Goods, Jet Batiste, dred T.ijrolese, . f v rinahs, dins, i COMMUNICATION, The Democracy of Yamhill County wilj Met la County Convention at the Court House in Lafayette, on Monday the 27th tfay W April, 1874, at 10 o’clock A. M. of gM day for the purpose of nominating, a Ml County Ticket to be voted for at the en piing June election and to transact such •ther bneinesaas may properly come liefore snih Csavsniion. ■ Tbs various Precincts will be entitled to (he fellowing number vf delegates in said . ’ : ■ e ’ !• 1 * Over ¡the'election rotur: anti, parts of the eoui pdndqnts fail. It will 1 thia. State * in ’ June. OREGON, . ■ » BOGUS REFORM. • rt V E COURIER J1 ■ i- Í ■ F LAFA V; W illow G len , Y amhill ) Co., Ogn. April 1, 1871. | E d . C ourier :—>1 notice by the C ourier that our Central Committee has set the time for holding our reg­ ular precinct and county nominating conventions on the 24th and 27th re­ spectively. Now, this is sufficiently early in the season io give ample op­ portunity to all persons w ho take an interest in these matters to ponder well and arrive at maturo conclu­ sions as to the proper course-—tliat is, the course that seems to bo the most promising of success, and most prop­ er to pursue in filling up a ticket to be voted for at our coming election in June. I hope that I shall not be ad­ judged as one prompted by .Un worthy motives, if I venture a few sugges­ tions. I have for several elections back believed that if we would adopt the plan of bringing out new men in­ stead of continuing to renominate on«/ time after another the same men sim­ ply because they arc bed’-ockers, old standbys and more extensively known that we would be more successful. I have long been wording in my hum-, ble sphere for this end; I would like to see a new man in every position to be voted for, and I believe that if tho Democrats of all the different - pre­ cinct s would begin to think of it in time it would bo practicable in the main at least. BROKEN ATA. ' I j -■ | t! ’ L "/J 1 Tit® Summons Light Latest, The Republican County Conven­ tion of Union county, which mdt some tune »gn, unanimously pass'd resolu­ tions endorsing Senator l^itchell and ihüfer, who introduced the notorious Mitchell resolution in the’ Albany Convention last fall. This ia the sentiment of majority of the No O riginality The Indepcnd ffgalar Republican. They may hes­ ents of this oounty copied their “call” itate, but they wjlhbs compelled to from the one.gotten-up in Polk coun­ ty. They also adopt the plat­ form of tho Polk county Independ­ ents without any change or amend­ ment. This probably ^ought to be ad a rousing. ratification excused in as much as the committee Sastern Oregon as well as on resolutions wanted to be excused ,rts of the State is well from .acting, because they thought they were not capable of drafting a platform. Here we have a party of “reform” which is not capable of drafting a platform expressive of their principles. They ought to have made a demand on Polk county for candi­ dates, also. inai Settlement _ , Simplest I.J,- ;___ 11 , and 2 IS «HEREBY GIVEN BY TH undersigned, adminlstnitrlj < of A. 8. Hcndiix, deceased, qu e<’ her final account in satdje i County Court of Yamhill c leklate of this notice. MARY P. LOGA 1.10,1874. w4 ------------------ ---- -------------- — ♦ . * - 11 ' 41 ; " L < A ' In tho Circuit Court of the State of Oregon lor Yamhill county. Clcniintine Allen, Plaintiff vs Hank W. Allen, Defendant: To Hanjc W. Allen, Defendant: ■ o take sheet on and after n the I N ame of the state of Oregon, you are req”i' 3d to appear,and answer the complaint 1 against yon, in the above entitled suit, on or before «the first dav of the next regular term of said Court, ’immediately following six weeks Sublication of this summons, which sgid passengers five hours, in lf¡jrt- rst day "will 1>c the 13tl 1 day of April, 1874. And you will take no lee that if you fail to appear and answer 1 s above required, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for a < decree disolving tne bqndsof matrimony * ,0 33 H |5 now existing between you and plaintiff, S ! H and for the care and custody of tlid minor * M ’ « i child, Lois, and for coat sand disbursinents O STATIONS. M and for such other relief as to the Court O • * may seem equitable and just. 5 0 ’1 ■ H. A A. M. Hurley. X h • I . Attorneys for l’lff. X 2 11 Tills Summons published by order of B. ci “ if !.. F Bonham, Judge of said Court, dated I ' March 2nd, 1874. pnar6-w6 Portland r—:---------- -— Fourth St. Sidi’g * vte ' - ■ W. M. RAMSEY Summit Beave'rton. Reedville . . Newton Oornelius Dilley’s Gaston Office ia the Court House. North Yamhill _____________ - ______ * ■ • Carlton .• St. Joseph. NELL Æ CO.. Ferry street: deniers in general merchandise . Tlie NEW cheap cajsh store.. BRANDT, Jp. Shampooing Hair cutting, . F I NO 'DAY. MARCH 3GIÙ 1874. es fo'infonu lite public that he fa r.ojr prepared to do any and all kinds of work in his line in the lat­ est style, < < i M ail F acilities —The last change, made by tho railroad may bo benefi- cial in some respects, but n$4 as re- gards the mail. When thp papers under the present arrangements reaches us they are from one to throe days behiud their usual time. negg Even the lie}>orter which has to' travel , only five miles, and is stippoeed to be issued on every Thursday, does not ‘>c get here until Saturday night. Copy S reasonable, Lafayette, notOtf -. 7 ' i 1 DB. ALFRED KINNEY