LAFAYETTE COURIER. Hnmo, Snid at tL a oid social J«'’ dinner, “ CLIPPINGS. ’-I 9 k As twice eleven is twenty-two, hfew can twice ten be twenty too? hat do you consider the object of leg­ islation?” “'fhc greatest good to the gienteet number.” “What do you cousidcr the greatest number?” continued his lordship. ‘ Number one; my lord,” was the commoner’s prompt reply. A sailor dropped out of the rig­ ging of a ship of war, sonfc fifteen or twenty feet, and fell plump on the head of the first lieutenant X “Wretch!? said the officer, after he hatTgathered himself up. “Where the- deuce did you come from?” “Au’, sure I came from the North of Ireland, yer honor. Time iji short, and if your cross tie heavy remember that you have not for to carry it. A New? York establishment ad­ vertises ‘’Perfumed milk baths-for the complexion.” l'he nervous editor, whenever he gets excited,^ goes into the com­ posing-room- sand becomes “com- pose*?’ A poor family in Green Bay had to mortgage their six dogs . . _ - .. J. ” —J f. . X' ■ last week to get a barrel of flour. DfcMOCRATIoy. to the U lion of the States thereby estab- lishe 1, n id we nflirnt, that the people of the Waynesborough, Pa., boasts oi • several $‘.atos have the sole and exclusive right oi governing themselves as free, sov- ff haunted distillery, which i& just eieigu and independent States, subject only to tne limitation the Constitution, anil the place where one would natur-’ tSat all powers ijot of therein expressly grant­ ed i> t-flc National Government arc reserved ally look for spirits. to the States respectively, and we deny the of the Federal Government, tJirough A malicious person says that right the tieaty power, th permanently domicil cotton sheets and uewspapcr sheets .Mongolians within any State without the con.*e -t of tire legislature thereof. are alike in the respect that a 2. We gttinn that the greatest danger with which we are now threatened, is the great many people lie in them> corruption and extravagance which exists i ¡ijjjPRIVATE MEDICAL AID OÜR COLUMN ilUfCK CURES. ' AND MODERATE GKARGES RADWAY’S READY RELIEF w ‘ ‘ W. K. DOHERTYS AT ft j j One can judge something of the patience of Hoosiers from the Statement of an Indiana pajter that twenty men handled over thirty- five cords of wood to get at a nb A ¡San Franciscoan Being an- noyedl by a mud-puddle Jn the street, Reported that he had lost a $20 piece therein, whereupon the pool was speedily emptied by eager seekers after the money. Some one has been looking over the records of the Legislature of West Virginia and finds that at Jteiafct session it passed a law “to prevent the owners of hogs from running at large.” An editor, who speaks with the air of a man who has discovered a new fact fiy experience, says that lhe new way to prevent bleeding at the nose * is to keep your nose out of other people's business. A German enthusiast, while Carlyle's “Frederick the Great' ing }t into (/erman. He perished. A schoolmaster asked one of Me boys, on a sharp, wintry mom- j iag, what was Latin for cold, l'he i boy, hesitated a little. “What?” mid the teacher, cannot you tell?” “Yes, yes,” replied the boy; “1have it at my finger ends.” Why do yen use point?” asked ioliniat of bra daughter, “Fot the Mme reason that you use i train “Why" pope«” “How ia that?'” to help me to draw my beau.*' PATRONIZING I & Surgical CURES THE W0B8T PAIN In from one to Twenty Minutes. NOT ONB HOUR z after reading this adverti-enient’need any < SUFFER WITH PAIN. RADWAY’S READY RELIEF 18 A CUBE Instituía FDR EVERY PAIN. It was the first and fe tlie only Fnin Rem­ FOUNDED IN 1853 J , edy that instantly stop/ tie most excrutiaL ing pains, allays Inflamktions, and cares Con J Infiamation of the Cladder. “Tonics,” “Appctigers,” ‘‘Restorers,” Ac..- inHaination lntiamation of the Bowels. that lead the.tippler on to’drunkenness and lino THE AFFLICTED IIW uuu^s. Congestion Ill of tlie Lungs ruin, but are a true Medicine, made ftwr if ‘lilt W. K. DOHERTY* returns his sin- Sore Throat, Throut, Itifficult Difficult Breathing; Breathiug; the native roots and herbs of California, free from all Alcoholic Stimulants. They aro the Heart. ^rê thanks, tn his numerous patients fur Palpitation of -the Hysterics, Croup, Diptheria. ' the Great Blood I’dldfier and a 14fe • . ator ot the System, carrying off all poisonous ' L -’ll Headache, Tooth ache, cousiilt at Jdti Institute fur tlib cure of chron­ matter, and restoring the blood to a healthy ic dweases of the Imngs, Liver, Kidneys. Neuralgia, Rheumatiem. condition; enriching it, refreshing and in­ Chills. Cold Chills, Ague Chills Digestive and Genito-llrinary Organs, and vigorating both mind aud body. They are The application of the Readp Relief to ' easv of administration, prompt in their ac­ aJl private diseases, viz: Syphilis in all its lipriiiB and Stages, Seminal weakness and all lhe part or parts wlieye the pain or difficul tion, certain in thetr results, safe and reli­ able In all forms of disease. the horrid consequences of se?f-nbu*c, G<»n- ty exists will afford ease and comfort. No Person cum take these Bit­ Twenty drop* in a half tumbler of watei orrho a. Gleet, Strictures, Nocturnal and ters aooerding to directions, and remain Diurnal Emissions, Sexual Debility, Dheas- st astouishing. cures, so and Diseases of the Skin, of whatever num»* wore cures than any other physician iu the jQ or nature, are literally dug up and carrimfc liauges the Body ¿¿ ’iick, tick, so Rapid are the lhe I Changes ^tate.jof California. no false delicacy imd 7.4>fts under the ’nP.n.'iiee of tins truly ©nt ©f the system lit a short lime by the uso* ijrevejit you, but apply immediatelyi and wonderful' Medicinej last of these BUters.. One bottle in such ease* - ,\- will cwuviiMt the most Incredulous of their yi*ve yourself from painful suffering and pre- curative effects. wiatiljie death. All married ladies whose Every Day un Jilnvasc tn Flesh and Weight is Seen and Felt« Cleanse Hie VUluted Blood when­ delicate health or oilier ciroumstauces pre THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. ever you And its impurities bursting through ient an iucreas% in their fauiilie*. should the skin in Pimples, Eruptions.’or Sore»; .write nr call at DR. W. K. DOHERTY’S Every drop of the S ARS.A-J’ARILLI A X RE­ cleanse it when you find it distracted asd SOLVENT Communicate* throYigli the Blood Medical Institute, and they will recvivel eve- sluggish in tlte veius ; cleanse it when U i» Sweat, Utii e and othqif fluids and juices oi iblc- relief and help. >g ry pos-ibl foul; your fee Hugs will tell you wliru. the system the vigor of life, !‘fe, for it repairs Keep the blood pure, and the health of th* * tire waste» of the boh' with now and sound 1 To Correspondents, system will folicW. Scrofula. Syphilis, Consumption. ponsumption. 4 Pin, Tape and other Worm», Patients residing in any part of Mie State matcriil. Scrollila. lurking in the system of so many tliottsands, G Him la r disease. Ulcers in the tlrniat. nonth lowever distant, who may.desire the opin- are ctrectually destroyed and removed. Tumors. Nodes in the Glands and other on and advice of DR. DOHERTY,, Says a distinguished physiologist: There Is parts of the system. Hore-e.vcg. Strenuous n their respective cases, and who think pro-“ scarcely an individual on the face of the Dischargp.* from' "tlie __ Ear-, and the worst »er to submit a writen statement of such, earth whose body Is exempt from the isnes- >.*. Eruptions, Fever encc of worms. It is not upon the healthy n preference to holding a>.i;.l inter- forms of >ki*r diseüsé •I' ' i ir-werm, Salt rheum, elements op the l»ody that worms exist, bot riew, are respect fully assured thattber com- Sore*. Scald H-'1 1 f •< Spot*. Worms ir I Ervsiper . i , u;>on the diseased humors and slimy deposits munications will be held most sacred. Í th<; fi . ,• that breed these living monsters of disease. i i-ets in the Womb The Doctor is a regular graduate and may­ I No system of medicine, no "vermifuges, nu amt all • ainful discharge* be nonsuited with even- confidinice. f antlielniinitles, will free the system from Sperm, aud nil lhe It>: the case be fully and can­ Xigltkswea. -, _ » worms like these Bitters. wjlstcs of the lit. ■nt ’ pie, are within the ■i ica*i didly described. personal couivnicauon will Mechanical Diseases.— Persons en­ be u’iiiiécessary, as instructions tor diet, reg- UqjrAtive range »1 this wonder rof Modern gaged iu Paints and Minerals, such as IcibehiMtrv. and a v _,.„ ..._ .1 fvv. day- ’ u-e will prUve Plumbers, Typesetters, Gold-beaters ami iineh'and the general treatment of the case it for either of tbe*e Miuers, as they advance in life, are subject . ... itself (including the remedies), will b'e for­ To, (iriy pwton using ftirms of disca o e it* potent power to clure clue to paralysis of the Bowels. To guard against* warded without delay, and in such a man- 0riiis 4hem. ih cm. » this, lake a dose oi W alkeb ’ s V inegar B it ­ to convey no idea of the purport of ters twice a week. Not only d<»e* the S arsapa ) ktm . jax 1'js- I^ ks - . ____ ____ Hi lions, Remittent and Inter­ r the gl letter r .. or parcel so . transmitted, ..... . .«• . excel r?mudial agents ¿mid your condition require immediate for.VK.vr • » * < .1 all known • r » /» » * /-» J« . in mittent Fever»*, which are so prevalent cure of < Ironic, Scr»‘fnl«u*. Cmi.-tiitu att® ation send ten dollars, coin, or its value í , - Mio in the valleys of our great rivers through­ , tional and Skin di-oa-vs ; cur it is the only out the United States, especially those of the in ci irrency, by mail or ■Wells. FargoJ& Co’s j I po-i»ive cine for Mississippi, Ohio. .Missouri, Illinois, Tennes­ EXp rest», and a package of medicines will i Kidney of ti>e utmost value to nil, whether married edy for Tape, Pin, etc. the bowels are loaded, at the same tima stimulating the secr&ions of the liver, and tigle. and will be sent FREE on receipt, generally,restoring tne healthy functions of ix cents in postage stamps for returr tne digestive organa. ge. Address. Scrofula, dr Kinciw Fvll, White W. K. DOHERTY. M, D. Swellings, Ulcers, Erysipelas. Swelled neck. PERFECT PURGATIVI K Pl ILLS, '— Frani FrancLco, Cal. ,San Goitre, Scrofulous lnttanimations. Indolent perfectly tasteless, elegantly coated I with luflaniinations, Mercurial Affections, Old sweet gum. purge, regnlate, purify, cL l«:WM Sores, Eruptions of. the Skin, Sore Eyes,’ and strengthen, lladwny’s Pillsjor tlv in cure etc., etc. In these, as in all other constitu­ of i)ll disorders of the Stomach, Liver, ■, tBow- tional Diseases, W alker ’ s V inegar B it ­ seases. els, Kidneys, Bladder; Nervous Fis« ters have Hhown their great curative pow­ y adache, Constipation. CoBteveiicss,, Indi- ers in the most obstinate and intractable gestion. Dyspepsia. Biliousness, Bilior1 s Fe- cases. I>r. Walker** California. Vine« ver. inflamation of the Bow els, Pil« , and gar Hitters act on all these cases in a ' ■ }- all Derangements of the Internal Viiccra. similar manner. By purifying the Blood Warranted to efteet a positive cure. Purely they remove the cause, and by resolving erguson cbird Vegetable, coHtatnipg no mercury, minerals away the effects of the inflammation (the or deleterious drugs. tubercular dépoaM*) the affected parta re­ f » r A few doses 6f R adway ’ s - P ills will tree ceive health, and a permanent curé is AVE JUST RECEIVED AND ARE the system troni all the above named disor­ effected. conttiautly receiving The Aperient and mild Laxativo der*/ Price, 2.» cents per Box. Sold by iwoperties of D r . W alker ’ s V inegam B it ­ Druegi*ts. ■HEAD “FALSE AND TRUE.” Send I ters arethebeM safe-guard in cases of erup­ tions and malignant fevers. Their balsanrtc. one letter stamp to RADWAY A CO. No. healing, and soothing properties protect tho Cohaisting of General Merchandise, VI Maiden Lone, New York. Information / humors of the imices. Their Sedative prop­ worth thousands will be sent you, erties allay pain in the nervous system, » Í nov9r71v stomach and bowels, either from inflamma­ \ CLOTHING. ** ’ " H t _ -—- tion, wind, colic, cramps, etc. / {1 <■ t ? i •• ,9- ■ I ' * y * T’ IIATS, CAPS, Direction«.— Take of .the Bitters on going to bed at night from a half to one ami ... -d-l f / BOOTS, SHOES, one-half wine-glassful. Eatgo«xl nourishing Bv GROCERIES, tood, such us beef-steak, mutton chop, veni- ’ F son, roast beef, aud vegetables, and take HARDWARE, 8, out-door exercise. They are composed of STAPLE ARTICLES, R . HARRIS,. purely vegetable ingredients, and contain • • f ... ..Proprietor no spirit. GENTS’ FURNISHING LAFAYETTE.; /j r . h . M c D onald a co ., ’ GOODS, BTC.; ETC., ETC. Druggists A Gen. Ag««., San Francisco, Oak, Ì:- ttest class saloòn . always & cor. Washington ami Chartton Sts., N.Y. L ' i4 ' • ' -13 I supplied with the very choicest U SOLD BY ALL DBJDGGJST8 & DfcLVLERA —AL»0-|r WINES, r DR AN DIES, i . ■» ’ WHISKIES, i • CIGARS, f OÍ latest Styles and in line variety. 4 OYSTERS »nd 1 . i • ? .... Give kids House a CaU.-^t ' ’h SARDINE aprUmii book binder , paper ruler and To be had in the best markets. Tlii* saloon ia also provided with a good BILLIARD TABLE- feblS-tf / : THE COURIER i- V OFFICE Ts Prepared to do all ki I't HEALTH ' BEAUTY! D h RAD WAY’S MAXXER StJPER i To anti Claeaper titan ANY JOB OFFI Federal otliciaIs in local election*, and the Rse «: large sums of money to defeat the voice of the people through the ba'lot-box, deames and receives our .-eveiest condem­ nation. • a. j That 'orporations are the creations of law, their framdii e and privileges are granted toaub-erve the public i.itcrc'ts.and whvii these are used, not to subserve th»; ob­ ject i>f their creation, but for purposes of oppression pud extortion, we declare it to be'tlie right and duty of the Ixjgi-lature to control such corporations. , 6- That we favor speedy return to specie L E Q A L B paviaients, just and equal taxation for the support of Federal and State governments, i iiiMl that ife are opposed to all discrimina- t ■ - £ i the a-.-e.-sments of Federal revenue for he purpo es of protection. OF ALL tI\l>S 7. That the free navigation and improve- .... met t of,, the Columbia, the constrnc- tion of a breakwater at Port Orford, the ini- prqrement of the Coquille And Willamette fivtrs, rs, and the construction of the Portland On Hand or ~ Printed to Ord •al es A Salt 1-nke Leke Rai-road, Rui road, are improve- improve­ ments .fcman led bv the commercial into re ts of dhi isStiite, and that tlie Federal Govern- inent ;■ ought by all proper means to assist th eke mens ires; that we^are in favor of the bill now before Congress, g nerallv known as jhe Portland, Dalle* A Salt Lake Railroad bill, and we al*o favor the early completion of ¡he Oregon aud California Railroad to the sodthern boundary of the State. 8. That we disapprove all measures in the interests of capitalists and monopolies against labor, believing that distinctions, if distinctions be ma le, should be in favor of the laboring class who constitute the mass of our citizens, the producers of the wealth anti prosperity piit.j of Vi., our . country vuaiiiy, We there- fore approve i of the declared principles, and sympathize with the avowed object of the Patrons of Husbandry, and with those of all other orders having tor their object re­ trenchment,and reform iu public affairs,and the social advancement of the people: that w^ are opposed to a monopoly in the publi- oatiofi anil sale of bo<>k.+ used in tlie com- inoh schools Of this State, aud we. are in f.i- vdr of amending the existingtaw* In relation to such, so as to take away from the pub­ lishers of the Pacific Coast series of readers aijd spellers the special privi^e^e* in rela­ tion thereto which they now enjov, !f>. That the act relating to the fees of . i . «• ’ ¿L .3 shesitfs and clerks ought to be so amended either by making such offices .»alaried, or by reducing the fees now attached to the same,; We are enabled to make as shall make the compensation received by RMh officers a fair, remuneration and noth­ ing more for the services required of them. That thte. Constitution "he so amended that all printing for the State af er the expira­ tion of the term of the 8tate Printer in office when such amendment is passed, shall be provided by letting the same to the lowest, Of Meh Printing at responsible bidder. 11» That the only legitimate object of ’ /' i' '-.I k government is the protection of its citizens IMV1TAT1OH i HANDILU in their lives, liberty and property, and thfe pursu t of happiness; that to accomplish this /• . a : ANO end direct means only should be resortedto; re {iat the good resulting from a departure BUSINESS CARDS, FANCY om this rule is temporary, the evil lasting/1 CIRCUÍ ABM, g ’eare-,therefore, opposed to,the State en­ 1XAXCARM, ? ’fl gaging in the purchase, leasing or »peculat­ ing in propei ty of an;’ kind, except only VISITING CARDS, LABEIE, ;CHßT 5. fHic-h aw ie nece*sary for cwnWicting the or­ I - kt . ETC. ’ dinary functions of the Government. 12. that we favor the immediate con­ 1 « ■‘■fé struction of a good and serviceable wagon •» road along the eouth bank of the Columbia Address orders to ü river from the mouth of Sandy river to the jv An Easton, Pa>, editor growls eawe the water company of that Ftoee Wgwe with every gallon of DaUee.- ■■ ■“a’- green water from a half dozen to 13. That the compensation of all office re should be oulv such as will be a just remu­ a doaen fish." He wants a dozen neration for their services. josh avfltpra with that aoantitv of That are in favor of of Congrereional wem oymers wnu umi qunuuij fQr the we confrtrilction the Krtiaal, Water. Some Dcrsons can never Dalle» and Salt Lake Railroad, and forcon- > tinning tbe Oregon Central Railroad from •"bt Joeepli to Junction City, get eooogh for their ’ money• Private MÍ high official places, and we do declare a« A-dog with two tails wgb seen the t-aidinel principle ot our future action, retrenchment, economy and reform are in Germantown the other< day. I that imperatively demanded in all the govern­ of the people, Federal as well as State One be onged to an ox, and was ments and Municipal. and we here proclaim our­ carried in t^e mouth of the canine. selves th • uncompromising foes of the sala­ ry grab law ring politicians and land nio " A Sioux |ity hotel has a black nopolists, wh ievcr tho.v may be and where ever they may be found, whether they are in and tan dog that killed a thousand or out of office, and we appeal to' honest men everywhere, without regard to past rats in a niDnth. This is a good party affiliati ms, t > jt in us in branding as they'deserve these corrupt leeches on tlie puff for the dog, but hard on the body pjolitic and assist us to purge official stations of their unwholesome and baneful hotel, j P’ ehenee. > ’flio pre-ent Federal Administration, Aii exchange says: “Keep an eye by 3, its utter inability to comprehend the dig- nity oil of t ie duties with out for the early resumption of which ji it rcspo.isibihtics is charged, by its devotion to per» payment.” Both of our eyes are sonala ind partisan interdSts, by its weak and inn ■onsis ent management of the Nation- already out looking for it, and so al linali ices, by its unwarrantable interfer- Iith the local ¡self-government ? once with of the ar^ our clbo^r<> sapjio of the corrupt gov­ people—by its sap]»ort ’ * ernments which has imposed by its power Thcp foreiguers have caught the upon in several Sutes of the Uni ion, by its jy with corrupt practice scandals plirit. infect w m, and the very peaks of n various quarters, and by its ■s and appointment of notoriously» iucompetvut men to high of- o - daubed .»itù the arU being positions, has jus ly brought upon jts- ih. lettered advertise- self the condemnation of the American peo­ ' the ple. meats of Par isian shopkeepers. . 4. That the per.-istent interference bv R- R SHORT JVOTÌ p THIS PART OF THE &TA A SPECIALTY ■ •T w • I : nf Í! 7 - Ji’Lv THE COURIER ”' . ., ,/ . • I ' 1 ■ i ¿-• ’ I LAFAYETTE, OON^ ■ '* J I. E ÈÆO WAY’S J9Æ. EW GOODS! At the Old Brick Corner. F A New Goods Lone Star, A /;; l ' G co. W Vollum —■—— - - --------- -—— Corner Jefferson and Third Sts., — -------- — BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURER No. 94 Front Slreet,between Washington and Alder» over Hopkins’ Hardware Store, I * ,AFAYETTEf - 2 - OGM HHE UNDERSIGNED TH KES pleas- jJL ure iu announcing to the travelling pub- lidthat in connection .with his Feed and ijv-