Comets doubtless answer some PRIVATE R. R. R good and wise purpose in the cre­ QUICK CURES ANO WÌODÉFUT e RADWAY’S READY RELIEF ation; so do w< men. Comets are CURES THE WORHT I’A IN incomprehensible, beautiful and In from one to Twenty Minutes. . NOT ONE HOUR 'i eccentric; so arc women. Comets after reading this advcrtlsemeiit need any 4 Private 1 : WITH PAIN. - shine with peculiar splendor, but Medical U Surgical4Í Institute. RADWAY SUFFER ’B READY RELIEU IS A CUjlE J , FOR EVERY PAIN. at night apj)car most brilliant; so It was the first and U the only Pnin Rem­ FOUNDED IN 1853 do women. Comets confound the edy that instantly stops the most excrutiau iug pains, allavs lutlaiuations, and cun*« No. 5H Sacramento afreet, most learned, when they attempt Conge-tious. whether, of Lung«, fitoinaoli, - ' k 21SÄJ’ Corner of Leide«dorfiAt, (ajfew doorR lo Bowels; or oilier glands or organs, by one to ascertain their nature; so do What Cheer House) | arrivate 2 application in from ■H■■Kin ul . , Entrance on Lfefd ONE TO TWENTY MIKUTE8, women. Corners equally excite st. San Francisco. H’' nr\ ; * ic diseases of the Longhi Livth mind and body. They are private diseases, t«; itqpMiiB in fe« it* The application x>f the Ready Relief to easy of administration, prompt In their ac­ Street cries: ‘•Shrimp gwineby, all far West and the far future. Nay, forms ami Stages, Seminal ■ weykuess uiid all the part or parts where the pain or difficul­ tion, certain In their results, safe ami reli­ the horrid conseuUenoed of Sent-ah use, Goh- ty exists will afford ease amreomfort. able in all forms of disease. his mental physiognomy is doterai- byas. Here’s yer big, fat shrimp. orrhœa. orrhuea. G e t. t, Btiiciures, Stiiciures, Nocturnal J ¡and m es Ache, Diarrhoea, Dysentery. Colic, Wind and the vital The American never plays, not to go back to stealing Raw that his and organs wasted beyond toe • __ experience» LAW sucre long atót | succi in the Bowels, and all internal Pains. point of repair., i ìuAtìt# |iim a s .» re Ti avelers should always earry a bottle o( I>y«pep«ia or Indigestion, Head­ □even the American child. He shri np gw inc by, byes. Here’s practice will continue to, o By iustÌre practice „ of RAD WAY’ READY RELIEF with them.-v ache, Pain in the Shoulders, Coughs, Tight­ y thtf jirqctic ■ au.d life United Sp^es A few drops In water will prevent sickness ness of the Otaest, Dizziness, Sour Eructa­ many years in.Europe af cares nothing for those games and me.” the|uìost effi(àt$ùt or pains from change of water. It is better tions of the Stomach, Bad Taste In the he h enabled t<> apply y the? sports which are the delight of the spo * usi diseaseso than French brandy or Bitters as a stimu- Month, Bilious Attacks, Palpitation of tho U3id auceessfiil remedies agkni Heart, Inflammation of the Lungs, Pain in liiqrcury, char laut. all kinds. He cures vì iihu ài ‘Englishman. He is indifferent to the region of the Kidneys, and a hundred FEVER AND AGUE. ges model ate, treats lite patfen it^hi a correct otiier palnfiil symptoms, are the offsprings and. honorab'e * ay, and lute deferences |of Fev^r and Ague cured for fifty cents.— of Dyspepsia. In these complaints it has FLUID EXTRACT the play eidier of the mind or mus­ unquestionable veracity frona2nfeb U of kunsru There i< tiftl k remedial ageut in this world no equal, and one bottle will prove a better respectability and higu stano i {•ocitwxv that will cure Fever and Ague nmj all o‘»>ei guarantee of its merits than a lengthy acen mefet successful. Such Diseases at< even in their fancy. ; French wit «if.digeslir* ful Complexion secured Lu all. V paused by Vitiated Blood, which is generally functions, genoral debility. vajkifl^tis, all {»rodneed by derangement of the Digestive h the sparkle of the diamond that BRIGHT’S. DISEASE, ____ eases _ ot . the w<u:shing cures, so Scurfs, and Diseases of tive Skin, of whatever name 1 enres than any otlier plwsiaian in Non-retention or Incontinence of Urine, Ir­ more Quick, so Rapid are the Changes the Bo.lJ or nature, arc, literally dug up and carried terrible earnestness is, I am per- ritation, Infiaination or Ulceration of the State ot “ California! I........... Lei I nofgilto del undergoes under the influence of this truly put of the system in a short time by the use ply* innjiediiiti ly a prevent yon, but applt woudarlui Medicine, ihfft of tliese Bitters. One bottle in such cases àaèded, at the bottom of tnat ill- save yourself from pJiufi.I an 'flaring and p trill convince the m6st incredulous of tlieir Bladder Kidneys, Every Day an ,Incre«se in Flesh and married btad^cs whe mature death. All i Cturative effect«. health which is so serious a curse Weight 1« Seen and Felt, i * 2 >msj»iices pi delicate heath or other rirctii I C'leunse the Vitiuted Blood when­ * SPERMATRRO THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. vent an increase in their f<«nrid$-, toon ever you tiiid its impurities bursting through to American life. No doubt other I^neorrh*e« or W’hites, Diseases of the Pros­ write Everv drop of thf SA RS A PARI LI A AN RE-. Bhe skin in Pimples Eruptions, or Sores; hr call DR. W, K. ^OHEKTV: ' SOLVENT communira*e< through th^Blood Cleanse it when you find it ohfqructed «nd trate gland. Stone hi the Bladder, Col Mcdioai Institute, and tjidy Celve e tliihgs contribute—climate, stimu- Sweat, Urine and other fluids and jnlce< of 4luggish'in Un- veins ^cleanse it when it is cnlts Gravel or Brickdust Deposit and ry possible relief a rd heli the system the rigor of life, for it repairs tool; your feelings wW tell you when. sedentary occupations, and so Mucus or Milky Discharges. the wastes of the body with new a:i the Flesh, Tumors, Cancors in tire Womb tliat breed these living monsters of disease. ces of their immense activity. Prof. Steel says: “One bottle of Kear­ l»e The and all weakening a ni painful discharges; No system of medicine, no vermifuges, no cousullod w-Ah every; coufid ney’s Fluid Extract Buchu is worth more Night sweat-, Loss of Sperm, and all the iudhelniinitlcs, will free the system from If the caso l>e fully Hence nervous dyspepsia, with than all the other Bnchus combined.’’ wastes of tlie life principle, are within the »|Knns like these Bitters. dully described, personal.. ctmiL..^.... ........ , Price one dollar per bottle, or six bottles be unnecessary, as instruotiomn'for-diet, rogíf cura’ive range of this wonder of Modern Itlechuiiicul Diseases.— Persons en­ consumption, insanity, and all its for tive dollars. in Paints and Minerals, such as iineu and the general treatmentqf the Cas< Chemistry, and a few days’ use will prove gaged Plumbers, Typesetters, Gold-beaters and I>epot, 104 Duane Street New York. to any person using it f- fr'either of those brood of fell disorder in its train. A Physician in attendance to answer*cor­ itself (including the remedich^, will befool- forms of disea-cu>te potent power to curo Miners, as they advance in life, are subject warded without delay, arill in*?ucj> a ma|« to paralysis of tho Bowels. To guard against respondence and give advice gratis. them. Jn a word, the A merit an works ñeras to convey no plea’of t!tó purport this, take a dose of W alker ’ s V isegak B jt - * AS'Send stamp for pamphlets, free.%1 the letter or parcel so trnnsmit^ifc: Not ODly does the SABSAPARILLiAN R es - TEK8 twice a week. himself to death.” Should your condition require jiimei]ia|t| i olvent excel all known remedial agents in .Bilious, Remittent and Inter­ ri »■ VINECAR BITTERS^ * Í £ KEARNEY’S THE WEEKLY * '■ THE cH ic * i , 3 - D RADWAY’S - / i'll' ' y *1 I Si —TO THE-— I --- -------------------------------------------- , . G rant ’ s T urnout .—A Wash­ ington Correspondent of the Chi­ cago Timts says: “The President’s •ew team, oom posed of four hand­ some bays, with gold trimmed liar­ neap, made its second appearance on the avenue this afternoon. Very wide, and very; white reins con- trolled them, ¿nd the team sur- pu^ed anything of the kind ever acfn here. About the only thing that ever came npt to it in style was Buchu Hehnbold’s turnout witty a gold trimmed harness also, which was here four or five years •go. The horses of the President’s four in-hand are superior, and it is paid that theicam can get over the turf at a three minute gait. Two of the horses, the leaders, have done better than this dn the pri­ vate half-mile track south of the ^Fi,e •House lot, on more than, one occa­ sion, and once at least president Grant himself held the ribbons.” Nervous ati DMiNM OF BOTH SEXES. No (¡h ir je for Advice and Cofuultation. Du. J. B. D yott , graduate of Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, author of sev­ eral valuable works, can be consulted on all diseases of the sexual or urinary organs (which he has made an especial study) ei­ ther in male or female, no mutter from what cause originating or of how long standing. A practice of 30 years enables >ltiin to treat diseases with success. Cures guaranteed. Charges reasonab'e. Those at a distance can forward letter describing symptoms and enclosing stamp to prepay postage. Send for the Guide to Health. Price 10c. J. B. DYOTT, M. D. Physician and Surgeon, 10 k Duane St. N.Y. no47-ly i • _ _ _ * ____ __ ! . _____ % A PRICE REDUCED. __ ' . -I The Best in the WORLD!, f b I I fi ' ’tf'*' > ..BL... P DR. ' RAD WAY’S 1 ? JSTEW GOOD At the7 i ~ ‘ New Goods / - the cure attention send ten.dollars, irs, com, coin'or or its valifia vahi v" of (iironie, Scrofulous, Constiti! 1 and Skin diseases; but it is the only in currency, by mnjl'«.' “ b B “ s , Fargo A CoV l W cure f,.r f<>r ;e hf j>f mf|dicines wilit r positive l>o^| r. cr.Tc Express, and a package medic Kidney & Bladder Complaints, < be sent to ydwrwddresA with the ! n necessarv '^j'Uri Urinary, and Womh.dise.tacs, Gravel, Dinhe instructions for use. , j . u / staneeslike the white of an egg, <»• portant pamphlet, embodying hl-ovv A views; Fthreads like white silk, or there is s morbiu, - ( Im innetcrice and ’ experiences in relation to itcnce ojr «dark, billions appearance, and white bone treat««^ Sp-rm.f | L lust deposits, and when there is a prickwig. Verility; beings short treatfe^un rbi rhoea and ibiiminig sedsation when passing water, and physical Y»ebiif -this dis main fe the Small <»f the Back and along the Debiil Jr y consequent 4m tfii _ ease ^nd other affections of the Sexual or­ Loins. Price. SI 0(1. gans. t his little work confairi«4,information ( ■- Worm«.— The only known and sure com of the utmost valuo to all, whether married' ftedy for Tape, Pin, etc. or single, and will be .-ent FIU^E qn receipt I er. Inflamation of the Bowels, Piles,And II Derangements of the Internal Viscera. Cz VI ¿ - ’ ’ Farrauted to effect a positive cure- Purely FERGUSON BIRD Vegetable, containing no mercury, minerals T !» >r deleterious drags. 0. ■ I ¿1*AV¥ JU«F WŒIVED U^D ARE > A few doses of R adway ’ s P ills williree be system from all tlie above named disor­ JK1 cOBstawtly receiving it A ' ders. Price, 25 cents per Box. S0I4 by . 4 K ft t - ¡firhergisto. 11 READ EAD “PAUSE AND TRUE?’ Send letter stamp to RADWAY A CO.'No. kf »vi/5on Lane, T. — f—— — Consisting of General M- Maiden New York. 'T Information* I -A rth thousand^ will be sent you. nov9vflv CLOTHING. * HATS, CAPS 4 J BOOTIS F i , . Yj. Ì NOTICE. -GROCE1M HARDWARE, HE UNDERSIGNED WILL CURE ANY case of J 1 8TAPL$ ARTICLES. oV >' ’. V / gents ’ furnishing i- Dyspepsia, ■ GOOTO, ETC., Headache, Bronchitis, 1 » Asthma, : r WILL LAST A LIFE TIME. 1 35,000 oha .S eedy .—A Boston lecturer the other night repeated a ytory which’ •n old lady once told him. This 0F/TÍIE CELEBRATE D lady at one time kept the most se­ lect bpirdiag-hotiBe in Cambridge, Old Srres, by jhe use of Dr, Cham LAD132’ IB)! grsat near the college. One day a see- Of latest Styles and in fine variety;! DYSPEPSIA MEDICINE dy-looking man, with unkempt hair IN DAILYUSE. - / * Í I ' Call.-®» JSFGive this HouhonM ^Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Tennes­ have a place in every family, library, study, see. Cumberland, Arkansas, Red, Colorado, office, and counting ro6m; m every* reading Brazos, Rio Grande, Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, room, College, academy, or schooL Savannah, Roauoke, Janies, and many A year's numliers'contain 832 pages and others, with their vast tributaro-s, through­ S everal H vnohed E i « ravings , thousands out. our entire country during the Summer and Autumn, und remarkably so during sea­ of volumes are pre.-er\,ed for binding and sons of unusual heat und dryness, are in­ reference. The practica^receipts aie /»ell variably accompanied by extensive de­ ----- toe subscription -frire., worth ten .i times m rangements of tlie stomach and liver, and Terms $3 a year by mail. Discount tot-l toidubs. ___ other abdominal viscera. Iu their, treat­ Specimens sent free. May be lntd^y all ment, a purgative, exerting a powerful in­ r _ fluence upon these various organs, is essen­ « news dealers. TI i fflDlTfnn 1 In connectionwith the tially necessary. There Ls no cathartic R»r P fl H NIX SvtWiTlFIC meki as . the purpose equal tq D r . J, W alker ’ s V ine ­ I Ill 111111 D i , Messrs, 5iyxx A Uo gar B itters , as they will speedily remove the dark-colored viscid matter with which are Solicitors of American ami Foreign Pat* tlie bowels arc loaded, at the same time lishment in ents, and have the largest slinralatiug the secretions of the liver, and jthe world. More than fifty •nplica- generally restoripg tlie healthy functions of tions have been made' for tents tnrough tne digestive organs. •[« their agency, agency. /v Scrofula^ or King’s Fvil, White Patents are obtained on the best terms, Swellings; UkTrs; Erysipelas, Swelled nedt, Goitre, Scrofulous Infianunafions, Indolent models of new inventions'rfhd sketches nx- Inflammations, Mercurial Affections, Old ainined and advice free. All patents are Sores, Eruptions oT the Skin, Sore Eyes, published in the SciFfitifie American the etc., etc. In these, as iu all other constitu­ week they issue. Send for pamphlet, HO t tional Diseases, W alker ’ s V inegar B it ­ pages, containing laws and full direction^ ters have showu their great curative pow­ for obtaining Fate ers in tlie most obstinate and intractable Address for pap^r or concerning Patents, cases, ’ ■ . MUNN & -CO.. 37/Vark Row, N. Y. Branch V Di*. Walker’s California Vine­ gar Bitters act Bÿ on purifying all these. Oases iu a . Office, cor. F /.-.nd 7th St«., Washington Hie Blood siuyiur manner. By purifying the Blood P.O. they remove the cause, and by resolving away the effects of the intlammatfon (»he s tubercular deposits) tlie affected parts re­ ceive health, and a permanent enro is y ’ effected. PRO CLAM ATI OH. Ttie Aperient and miltl Laxative properties of D r . W alker ’ s V inegar B it ­ W hereas iie ^ ras , Under the A c of the tl;e Legirfa-. Leg ters are tlie best safe-guard in cases of erup­ tive Assembly Assembly, , of <*f the State of Oregon, en­ tions and malignant fevers. Their balsamic, titled7““ ** Act A“* *■ to “ protect Litigants ’approved healing, and soothing properties protect the an Oct^x iiitii, l«70, tiro LArAfinr* C uvn I eh , humors of the fauces. Their Sedative prop, October erties allay pain iu the nervous system« a newspaper published at Lafayette, in the stomach and bowels, either from infbinma- countyWYamhill, oonnty of Yamhill, Oregon, haskeen has been desig­ tion, wind, colic, cramps, etc. the Judicial Bd- nated to publish We Legal and ad- « Direction«.— Take of the Bitters on /vertismente for the county ot Yamhill, in going to bed at night from a half to one and •JL,r?‘ : one-half wine-glassful. Eat good nourishing } the State of Oregon, and hereas , The proprietors of said lavAA W akrkas LavJk> food, such as beef-steak, mutton chop, veui- / yettb Coi'BiBK, C ockier , has tiled with the toe cdunty cAuniy son, roast beef, and vegetables, and take /* tette out-doör exerctee. They are composed of «' Clerk of said Yamhill Co,written stipula|runs stipula|wna ,» jurel|rVegetabic ingredients, and contain accepting the conditions of said Act, together with a Bond approved as toe law dfeetta ' R. H. McDON AU) < CO., with proper returns and notices thereof, to incisco, (Jal., Diuggists A Gen. Agta., Sau Francisco this office therefore said ^Sts., N.Y. & cor. Waaliington anil Charltoi L afayettk C oi rikk , is hereby proeiatipad SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS 4 ¡.D ealers . to be appointed aDd confirmed an the medi-» umthrough which all Legal and Judicial *d- z vertisments for the county of Yamhill in toe State of Oregon shall be published forxhe period authorized bylaw. In testimony whereof, I have heaennto set my hand and caused the seal Of the State of Oregon n to be ne arnxed, affixed, at toe the Executive BOOK BINDER, PAPER RULER AND office, m the city of Saloni^ »feiu, this it*- the - ¿2nd ’ T « day of November, -, A, - D, - le73, . > ■ ’ [ ju s .J - L. F. GR0VÄB, Governor of Orego^. Attest: No. 94Tront 8treet, between Washington •'/ * * 8. F. C hadwick ,. and Alder, over Hopkins’ Hardware Store, Sec. of State. Al Gèo. W V’oilum, BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURER A' PORTLAND, OREGON! 4 J i * * States.” X •> • ■ r I a ♦ > r I L i. ' ■ , I * —AT— GREATLY REDUCED PRICES., mil r V j Surgeon. R oom No. 7, D kxum ’ s B vildino . N. W. CFirstand Worms. PORTLAND, OREGON. Office Hours Zjurs —9 to II a. m in. till after 5 p. id In Office at Night. i Í f « 1 ■ Í ■’ 1 i r I » •i I * Blank Books made to order, and ruled to any desired pattern, newspapers, Maga­ zines, Music, etc., etc,, bound In any style, with neatness and dispatch, -f ’ I Ì. a i-- <#<4X1 DB. ALFRED KINNEY, 4 f » j t i. r ■? giving at Dallas at 4. JESSE IX LEWIS Pro.. the cata. and returning l ! ' 1:15 ¿. ¡ft. nS3 tf HULL JOI HÜLL JO l> NSON, Prop. . I lb' Í '■ ' . A 11' <• . no48-6in * SUN.—game Th BsWOTl! e ' . / *■ ' BEMI-WEEKLY No size as thf Daily Sun. •‘■i OO a year. A discount of 540 per cent, to clubs of or over. x H THE DAULY HUN.—A large four-pnge newspaper of twenty-eight columns. Dpily circulation over 120,000. All the news for cents. S'iYtscription pnce price 50 30 cents a month, or tio 00 « year. To’ clubs * ofrlO or over, a discount of 20 per. cent. Address; ‘ ’ < • ‘THE .,2 HUN," New York City. i • * . SUN.-Eight pages, fifty-six columns. Only fl OO a year. discounts from this late. I I T THE WEEKLY BUN is too widely known to require any extended recommendation; but the reasons which have already given it fifty thousand s (Mcriliers^ bnd which will, we hope, give it many thousands more, are briet|y as follows; ’ ' It is a first-rate newspaper.. All the news of the day will be found in it,, condensed when unimportant, at full length wlien of moment, and always presentedin a clear, in­ telligible, and interesting manner. ' It Is a first-rate family paper, full of en­ tertaining and irtstruclive reading of every kind, but containing nothing that can Offend the most delicate and scrupulous taste. It is a first-rate story paper. The beat t tales and romances of current literature art carefully selected and legibly printed in its pages^. u , • u... i It is a first rate agricultural paper. The most fresh and instructive articles on sgrh cultural topics regularly appear in this de*. partinent. It is an inde pendent political paper; be* longing to no party and wearing no collar. It tights for principle, and lor the election of the best men to office, it eapeciallv de­ votes its energies to the exposure of the ’ corruptions that now weaken and disgrace oar country, and threaten to undermine re- Iniblican institutions altogether. It has no «ar of knaves, and asks no favors frotq, their supporters. it reports the fashions for the ladies inu inTT the markets for the men, especially tlie cat- i tie-markets, to which it pays particular»«- tention. <, Finally, it is the cheapest paper publish­ ed. One dollar a year will secure it for any subscriber. It is iiot necessary to get up a club iu order to have THE WEEKLY 8UN at this rate. Any one who sends a single dollar will get thé paper for a year. - We have no travelling «gents. 1 ■ • - * « ■i •E •> ■ « ‘ •. « / ». •fe « ft - ■ r c 2- .