A CAIA. R COLUMN FRIDAY ? Salcm has lost twon. MABCJI 13, A Democratic State Convention for the State of Oregon, is hereby called by tlie Dem ocralic State Central Committee, convened at Portland, Oregon, this the 22d day of Jan- nary, A. 0. l«<4, to meet at the city of Al- banv, Oregon, on Wednesday the IRth day •f March,1*74 for the purpose of nominating candidates to be voted for at the genera# election in June next, for Congress and for the various State and District offices then to be tilled) and for the transaction of any other business that may properly come be­ fore it. ' i The apportionment of members of said Convention among the counties, is based up­ on the Democratic vote cast for .John Bur­ nett for Congress in Is 72, allowing one dele­ gate in said Convention for each one hund­ red or fraction of fifty votes, so cast. The several.cuunties of the State will be entitled to delegates in said Convention as follows. Baker,.............. ................ «.............. „ 5 Benton ,..«••••• ...••«•<•• .-s ••••••••»••• 6 Clackamas,. r..»................. 7 Clatsop .............. .................. -.............. 2 Colom hia ... l ...*.. .................. 2 ^yooa, j .••»•••••.I. *•••••••••••• ••■••••.• 3 Curry,,,*...................... 1 1 »ouglas,, ...-••••• .••••••••.—... • • • • • • 9 GranU....................................... • 3 Jackson,. J............. . .......... 9 Jose pbme... —. .2 Lane.............t.... S Linn, .«•*•■••• ........ .. 4............ 12 M a non, ...«••^•••••• 10 Multnomah, ............. 12 Polk,....................... .......................................... .. 6 Tillamook,,.......... ......... ........................... ,-s 1 L ma till....... ••••••••••••. • •». . •••••• 6 I*mon,,«••• — ■•£• ........ ••..•./••»..• a . 5 W asco, . .......... t *^sh ington *. • • •>..... 9... • •... • • • • 3 kamli111,..*•« ...... G Total 124 It is suggested by tile committee that the several counties holdaheir primary Con­ ventions on Saturday, the 28th day of Feb­ ruary, at 1 o’clock P. M., and their C-ounty Conventions on Saturday, the 7tli day of, March, nt the same hour. In those conn-' ties where these "appointments do not meet the convenience of the Democracy, it is expected that they will make the nec­ essary changes through their County Com­ mittees. W. L. WHITE, Ch*m Dorn. S. C.’ICom. J. J. WALTON, Jr., Sec. Next. The wheat movement at Salem is yen’ lively. Oregon City bas two writing schools in running order. Some Salem mechanics are busy­ ing themselves making artificial UUuN* A beautiful pair of deer antlers have been presented to tlie State Cabinet. The editor of the Albany Demo­ crat .is going to wage war against the feline race. There is a project on foot to have Spring races over the Bybee track, Jacksonville. 1 r • i * ‘L'J 0 y BRONCHITIS. The Teachers’ Institute for Ma rion county will be held at Salem The Democratic State Convention during the la?t week of the pres­ will assemble at Albany next Wed­ ent month., nesday, t<5 nominate a full State tick­ A beautiful farm, about -three et, a candidate for member of Con­ miles from Salem, was sold at pri­ gress, arid candidates for Judges of vate sale, one day last week, for the 2nd and 4th Districts, and five District Attorneys. It will be seen |31 50 per acre. We would most respectfully call the attention of all those in arrears for the C oui A eb on volume eight to call and settle at their earliest conveni­ ence. Tcryou the amount is small, A Polk county wagon maker has contracted to build three hun­ dred fcagrfhs for the Farmers’ Club of Laue county. Clarence Scofield seems to be giving the Salem police some trouble. He won’t leave the town nor stay in jail.. I ’ ■ 1 The trial of Scar-faced Charley and eight other Indians is docket­ ed for the ensuing term of the Cir­ cuit Court of Jackson county. COURIER î DR. LITTLEFIELD’S Polk county, and we learn that great The County Convention passed off disaffection Avista in relation thereto. harmoniously last Saturday. The leaders“busted’ ’ the movement in Polk, and they are very apt to do the Hon. Charles Sumner died on the Uth inst. same throughout the State. « i to do all kinds * ■* ODD FELLOWS BUILDING ■ ! i. I ' . JlRt^ER SUPERIOR DRUGS, MEDICINE, ■ ‘ t i .■ ' . -. ■ Paints, Oils, Perfumes, Fancy Toilet Artieies Musical. Instruments, ! Anda full Stock of CANNED To tlie tax-payers and laboring men of all classes, of Yamhill County: Whereas, in view of the fact of tlie best in'erests q£ laboring men of all classes have hitherto bepn wholly subverted ana wan­ tonly- neglected by would-be frunds aril midnight schemers of political pariks, and that burdensome taxes have been .levied and unjust legi-laiion hull 'which has hivbriably worked a hardship on laboring men every- w here; therefore be it • ! lies feed, That as laboring men, we will come opt and make a bold? stand against such tiiÿn.-t opposition and assert our rights as freemen o/’ old party ties and prijudicts, and « ill everbefpond batileing for just and impartial laws, and will to the bitt,er end oppose any and all eftortHby d • signing trick-Ars and dishonest politicians for riding into office by this bartering and felling game, thereby trampling under foot the will of the people. ' . / Resulted. Thatwc Save the moral com-• age to cut oiirt-elves lèose from party and openly and earnestly contend for-the rights of laboring men of all classes; that we will support none but honest, temperate men for office; and that we will hereklter oppose arty and all chronic and constitutional office seekers. , Therefore, ns laboring men we call upon the taxpayers of Yamhill county irrespective of party-^-who advocate the principles here­ in enunciated—to meet at their respective places of holding erections, on Thursday,' the 19th day of March,'at Otic o’clock P. M. to select from the taxpayers, irrespective of party,‘(i : COMBINES ALL IMPROVE- R“”,**»»ar;inents of other machines. i A CHILD CAN RUN AND ««HOME** understand it. = IT 18 THE BEST BECAUSE Sewing- the simplest, and not liable to get out of order. Muchine.- Furnished in -five different styles. . p Latest, : prices from $60 to 80. ; Henuuer and feller, braider. Simplest ruffler. gauge, uuiltqr, extra throat plate, shuttle, six bobbins and ¡twelve needles, etc , free with ( each machine. - Beat. ,; Guarantee Perpetual. J fl • We also von Unite W/sell the favorite “HOME SHUTTLE ” ’ - PRICES. REDl’l ED—No. J. $2& N i Of Meh Printing as In the Circuit Court of tho State of OregoqT fpr Yamhill county. ! T, 5* Clemintine Allen« Plaintiff vs Hank Wr Allen, DefendanJ: • To Hank W. Allen, Defendant: • J IN THE NAME OF THE STATE Pf? Oregon, you are required to appear^ane, answer the complaint filed against yoh,ir: ’I FLAYCAKV8 1BCULAB8, the above entitled suit, on or before the. first day of the next regular term ctf .said;. VENTING CARDS, LABELS CHECKS, Court, Immediately following six wfeeM Sublication of this summons, which ¡rikitf ? etc ' ETC rst day will be the 13tfi day of April,,T87|J And you will take notice that if you faiS ; to apiiear and answer as above required^ tho plaintiff will apply to the Court for & decree disolving thei bonds of matrlrtonri Address orde rato ,¡ in you and ana iriaihti^ now existing between and for tho care and . custody of the mint •r oostSana disbursnion child, I.ols, and for and for such other relief as to the (Jo'll may seem equitable and just ja A - ' Hurle*. Attorneys for piff. Thts Summon »"published lished I by order of 1 F Bonham, Judge of said i Court, dutt Match 2nd, 1874. LAFAYETTE, * xnarG-wG CULTIVATÓRS CULTIVATORS “THE COURIER, E HAVE F or BAI Celebrated PARK Loading Shot Gtfhs, at a bl W Notice to Creditore. fTlIIE UNDERSIGNED HAVING BEEN JL appointed executor of the last will or Edward Hilton, deceased, by the Coun­ ty Court of Yamhill count county, Oregon. All personshaving claims against tne estat* of said sakl deceased are hereby required to present them with proper touchers ‘ * to me, at my residence in Dayton, JJayton, ii in said county, within six months from :— tne ---------- i date of thia notice. 8. R. BAXTER, < Jan. 23d, 1874. Executor. Jau?3w4 •-