I “ « f ------ • ■ FRIDAY, FEB. h Democratic State Convention for the "Btate of Oregon, is hereby called by the Dem ocratic State Central Committee, convened at Portland, Oregon, this the 22d day of Jan- aary, A. fit 1874. to meet at the city of A1-. • ----------------- —--------- - Spring fights imv begiiji. fat Jacksonville Peeled noses sire The following in riigard to tbe re­ 13tl>, 1374 duction of the army, is from the New fashidhable. Notice is given that bn Friday, LAFAYETTE COURIER --j- - ------------ ■---- J bany, Oregon, on Wednesday the 18th day •f March,1874 for the purpose of nominating candidates to be voted for at the general •lection in June next, for Congress and for the various State and District offices then to be filled, and for the transaction of any other business that m&y properly come be­ fore it ~ * apportionment of members, of said j- Convention among the counties, is based up DirtTrecratic vote cast for John Bur- Wit r Congress in 1*72, showing one dele- gate i said Convention for each one liuud- red < tcaction of fifty votes, so cast, several counties of tiie Stately ill be d to delegated in said Convention as follows. Clackamas,.................................... ................ .. • • • 7 Clatsop .•••••••••«•• •,* •••••<•» ••••••• 2 Columbia.............................. ............................... Coos,. ........... .. • • f.......... • • • • Carry,M ------ ....... 1 Oongltis,,........... ..................................... • 9 Crant. ...w Jach^on,.. ................................*. • .. ............................. *•, 9 •Joseph inc. • «v«i# - •••••••*••••■•• •*••••••* 2 Cane. ...•••.••••••••••••••••••••>• * • 4 Linn,.............................. A.. T................... 12 ill a non, .•••.••••••••••••••.. • ••• • ▼ ••••• • 10 ui tnomab,. .•••••••••• •» • • .••••••• • •• * 1 Polk.................................................. 6 *1 i 11 «A IYHVOk , , .•••«• ••••••••• • J •**•••»••* I ». • 1 liJsaaCill... , b I nionM. •••••••• . •• *.......... ........... • S W ascov......«• • •• • 4.. •••••••••• (> v?-.li.mgU>P ” ’ ’' " ’ ’ ................................. ’ '* r REDUCTION 0F-JT1IE ARM} York Sun, of Jan. 28th: Tho disbanding of threo-fourths of our army as a useless and burdensome charge on tho taxpayers of tho coun­ try win be resisted witli the plea that the officers were educated and set apart by the Government to military service for life, and that a contract existB to maintain them till they die or resign in the receipt of pay, rations and allowances. The claim of an army officer upon tho nation is cer­ tainly no better than that of a post­ master or collector of customs. If one of these officials lias served a dozen years be does not dream of setting up that service as a title to indefinite employment. He does his work and gets his pay. The cadet is sent to West point, the door to his chosen livelihood. He gets his education for rtbthing.and when commissioned com- irienees to receive income. The col­ lector of customs selects politics as his livelihood, gets ‘into office and draws his salary. The relation of ebch to the public is that of work and Wages, and is terminable by either at ^ill. Every officer in the army knows t|iat. this is the nature of his contract with the Government, and the enter­ prising and ambitious men in the ser­ vice are constantly acting on this knowledge. After brief seasons of post life on the border they resign and go into civil employments. I Let the army be reduced. At W hich is “T he P arty - ¡the October election in this county, 1 aiuuiii,. • • • • • • •• ••• «...b .•••••• ••••• o only about ; one-half of tho Republi­ . '-------- cans voted for Iliram Smith, and the Total ' - 124 If is suggested by the commit tee that the Other half refused to vote. Those several counties hold.their primary Con­ ventions on Saturday, the 28th day of Feb­ who voted, claim that they are “the ruary, at 1 o'clock 1». M., and theiv-Counrv Conventions on Saturday, the 7th day of ¡party,” and entitled to the offiebs. March, at tho same hour. In those coun­ ties where these appointments do not Those who could hot staud to swallow meet the convenience of the Democracy, Hippie, think that they havo some ;TX)Ct^^w that tlmv will — _____ _____ __ tl>e __ ____ —— it s expected make nec- eesary changes "through through their t heir Countv Conntv Com- Com­ rights and are members of th-- party, mittee«. W. r.. L. WlUtE, w. in “good standing.” IIow this mat­ Ch'm Dem. S. C. ~ '1 Com. X J. WATSON, Jr., Sec. ter will be adjusted we know not; but ■ - - ■ ---------- it is certain that there will bo a vast TÜ SCBSCRIBEBS. amount of warm talk about it. We predict that not a man Will be Dom­ would call tho attention inated to any important office in this county, ou* the Republican ticket, i who refused to support Hi. Smith. Mark this. . TUE COUNTY CON VENTION. Tho County Convention to elect six delegates to represent this county in the Democratic State Contention', which meets at Albany on the 18th day of next month, is called to meet at Lafayette on the 7th of March next. The people.of this county owe 4 theJWHelves to attend the prima- ries, and send delegates to the County Convention that will fairly and faith­ fully represent them. This is no time to go to the rear. Every Democrat should attend tho primaries - and b “plead his own case,” instead of trusting to a few tp transact the busi­ ness for him«. Now is tho time to put on the armor and prepare for the com hig conflict, and if prudence and energy are observed by tho De­ mocracy, from the primaries to the State Convention, victory is Certain. The State Convention will nominate candidates for Governor, Secretary of X State, Treasurer, State Printer, State Superintendent of Schools, and Coii- gvessman; and it will adopt a plat- form of principles upon which these candidates will ran. If this convention is true to the principles of the Democratic party, it will opi»ose all ’monopolies of what­ ever form which are oppressive to the people. j j • The State Convention ought to de- 1 clare in favor of the enactment of laws ljy the State Legislature regula- ■ ting charges upon railroads afld steamboats, requiring railroads to fence their tracks or be responsible for «all damages done by them to stock; and reducing the onerous fees Of Sheriffs aud Clerks. Any platforp Which does-not favor such laws will I ’ not be satisfactory to the party or the people. • The. candidates for office must be men who have a good record upon the monopoly question, or they j. can not, and ought not to bo elected. Hence the supreme necessity of a gen-, oral attendance at the primaries. The Reporter draws a “statistics”, or two on us, and in it adds ill the grain that parties rosiding at McMinnville purchased during the past season at St. Joe and throughout the whole neighborhood [ as coming from that point. ' It also mutters something ‘-wheel-borrow,” etc. All about of which is very unkind. C ounty C ommittee .—Tho Demo­ cratic County Committee met at this place on last Tuesday, and called the County Convention to elect six dele­ gates to attend tho Democratic State Convcntjon, which meets at Albany, March 18th, 1874. Seven out“pf the nine committeemen were present in person. Everything was harmoni­ ous, and every member was sanguine that success is more than? probable in tho approaching campaign, eyen in this county. The proceedings of the Committeo appear4 in full elsewhere. The coraniittee will meet to call the County Convention to nominate coun­ ty officers on tho 7th.of next month. ,W ADVERTISEMENTS OUR COLUMN WEEKLY, SEMI-WEEKLY, AN15 DAILY'.. February. 20, at 10 o’clock at Good Templars' Hall .in Shl^m, there - will be held a meeting i of delegates from each- Grange-jin Manon . county,, to consider ihc feasibility of organizing a Marlon County Giange Association, pnd any other business of interest' to the Order. A Master and iwo delegates will be admitted tp .rep­ resent each-Grange, and aijymh degree members of the Order jjyha feel'interested can be present.J; i.J The Salem City Treasury' ij in - - THE WEEKLY SÍ N is too widely known to re«]itire any extended relommemlation;; but the reasons which have already given it fifty thousand subscriben», andikhi< h will, we hope, givo it many thoLBamAiiQrmjire* briefly as follows: - If isa first rate newspaper. AU tire new»»- of the dav will be found in ft. condensed, when unimportant, at full length when ofi moment, and always presented in 9ck?urtin­ telligible. and iutéresiing manner. ... a .' It is a first-rat^ family paper, full aiu- tertaining and instructive reading oí every-' kind, but containing nothing that can offend: the most delicate and scrupi lot s testé. It i¿ a first rate story ¡taper. The best, tales and romances of current litera tare are? carefully selected and legibly printed in it» pages.. It isa first . rate agricultural paper.. The- ____ . " and instructive articles ---------- most fresh on agri- cultural topics regularly appear in this de­ partment. a ------------------------ f It is an independent t>ohtical pajier, be-« longing to no partyxnnd' wearing no cttfarJ It‘tights for principle, and tor the elect ioju of the best men to office. It especially^d»-' ▼otes its energies to the exposure of the- corruptions that now weaken and rti/gnice- .pur country, and threaten to underinifte-re­ publican institutions altogether. It has no* fear of knaves, and asks no furots- fronr their supporters. ■ / . * ' It reports the fashions for the ladies .and the markets for, the men, especially the cat­ tle-markets, to which it payB particular at­ tention. • . y . , Finally, it is the cheapest paper publish­ ed. One dollar a year will secure it for any subscriber. It is not necessary to get tip a, club in order to have THE WKEKLY'-SUN at tlim rate. Atjy one who sends a singlo dollar will get the paper for a,year. > e . We have no travelling agents. PATRONIZING LOW WORKS funds. *' Salem is to have two more tauf papers: ’ • * J ly r . 1 r Salem lias sufficient moaey in the Treasury to fay all warrants from No. 1 to 150. J I , —------- u«»»- -------- 1 I> THE ‘ J M arried .—On February 8, *18*4, by ReV. F. W. D. Mays, ,Mr. ljobcrt Miller to’ Miss Iola Eads. 411 of Yamhill county. ’ i - u OFFICE ows ows. NEW ADVDRTISEME Is Prepared todo ad kinds LOWS, THE ‘SILVER J ¡I • ■ . Lows, JOB PRINTING Reed, class J Î ■. ■ ' : » . J MAKKER SUPERIOR ÇULTIVATO CULTIVATORS, ULTIVAT febl6:m6 The Best for Churches and,4.6^ges. • The Best for Sunday Schools. { ■ , y The Best for Parlpr and VestneB.. The Best for Academies and Collets. The Best for Public Ilatls- The Best for Orchestra and Stage. | •These instruments, which for sweetness of tone and elegance of appointment stand un­ rivalled. have met with unprecedented sue- cess in this country and.abroad, ' > OOH & LADDE manufactured I by 4 | MOHAWK H j . OREGON ALL KINDS WAT EVENIN9 FEB. 2 On Hand or Printed to Order 1 OOD MUSIC TO BE FTIO fllir the Ball. Il Hz*Ticket$ including suppe f Tickets for sale by members yiany, ■ ’ . Responsible parties applying in sections still itnstipplied, prompt attention and liberal i Parties residing at a distance I thorizej agents, may ardor iron Send for illustrated price list. • their agency. Patents are olitained'on the best, terms» models of new inventions.and sketches ex­ amined and -advie» free. All pate«!» patent» ar* ar« published in the Scientific American Ike week they issue. Send for pawphlet, pamphlet, 110 pages, cniitaininglaws and full direiitious for obtaining Patents. Address4or paper or cone ’em lug Patent*. MITNN A CO.. 37 Park Row-, N.Y. Bra ih h Office, cor. F and 7th Sts. Washington no 13. D. C, X. ■ * LAFAYETTE LAFAYETTE. » • ' - ' 1 FIRST CLA8S SALOON supplied with the Very clw WINES, BRANDIES, < W1U8KIE8, . . CIGARS, I OYSTI RS aji •J " ■ i M1 ' ' A PROCLAMATION. GIVEN B? To be had in the best markets?? jft This saloon is also i provideAwith. ------ BILLIARD TABLE. W ¡ ' ; MONEY SAVED bjoying !“Hom«” 8ewing | Machin Light ;cently patented, p .t j COMBINES Ar&’lMPIl Itunningments of other machines. ‘ : A CHILD CAN RUN. *‘HOME'’under8tand it: rU ' • IT IS THRREljT' BEC Sewing :the simplest, and* iioti lial jget out of order, . •• Machine.: Furnished in dif styles, i Latest, : Prices from $6(K't6'80- ■ Hemmer» anil feHer, 4>r Simplest rtifller, gauge, «lUfltef, I q .’ bíx bobb • ■ throat plate, shuttle.' and ¡twelve needles, Step, fre.e « ¡each machine, f: K if j Best. : Guarantee Perpetual. We also continue to Boll tiip S. The '5‘HOME SHUTTLES’ PRICES RED(W>-Jib; L $-10: No. 3 (Half Case). $45’.i - I £ "V 7 • «FW**» 7 Orders for either i machine^proinpily h aceiptof prfeft. 1 ACTIVE A gents * WAxni),. Qjl Mid kinds of Sowing Machine NehdtesFfoj $al< CEO, W, Til AVER, tien.Agt-,. f "• 8, W, Cor, Morrison A Third Portland, Orcgoi • s uolO ni4 U W h ERCAS. U ik I cv the Ac of .the Lcgisb»- tiye Assembly, nf tbe State of Oregon, en­ titled “an Act to protect Litigants ’approved October 24th, 1x70, tho L apaybttb C oukiek , a neW>papjer published at Lafayette, in they county of Yamhill, Oregon, 1 ms been desig­ nated to publish the Legal and Judicial ad- vftrtismenbj for the county q < YauihiiL in the State of Oregon, and, ..//• W hereas , Tile proprietors of said L afa ­ yette C ovbier , has lilo’f.with the copntv W» are enabled to .make Clerk of said Yamhill Co,written stipulations accepting tbe condition» of said Altogether with a .Bond approved as the lair directs with proper returns and notices thereof, to this office according to law.now thereforesaid L afayette C oirier .J s hereby proclaimed to be appointed and confirmed as the • medi­ um through which all Legal and Judicial ad- Of such Printing as veriismeuts for the countv of YapihUl hi the State of Oregon shall be' publujiod for the .--■/I ’ period authorized by law. In testimony whereof, I have heaenntc set my hand and caused .the seal of the State AND AND ? of Oregon to lie affixed, at the Executive office, in the city or Salem, this the 22nd BUSINESS CARDS, FANCY PIAYCARD' day of November, A, D, lb73, PART OP THE STATE FOR SALK, E HAVE FOR BALEÓME Of Celebrated PARKER RIJOS. B¡ Loading Shot Guns, a| a bargain. PA'PPNTS 1 D. 11J11 1 kJi .Messrs. M i nx A Co. are Solicitors of American and Foreign Pat­ ents, and have the largest establishment in the world. More than fifty thors.nid applica­ tions have been made for patents through SHORT NOTICE. R. HARRIS............ ....................... reference. The practical receipts air we® Worth ten times the s.Iw upturn prit*r. Terms $3 a jear by mail. biacunRt taclubs. Fp'eciniens sent free. JIay Le Lad by all news dealers. ' ’ ■ t . ' .. * 'Í - n Committees I. N. Hembree, ■ i ' ] '“ ■> ! ’ ‘ r ’• ' Hnll Johnsort. Geo. W. Snyder, •George Hulery. ' no« •" < •• Committee« r ¡ ti 7 • I ' James McCain, • 4j.---------------- .. •11 » ickets admitting c T Ladies to qance and aupp ceed$2 00. j . ■ A general invitation 1» extei dod to all. and an 1 timo aiutici Mited. .. noW-td' ' t .* VI8ITING . CARDS, LABEL8, ETC. * . [«•Al CIRCULARS TLAYCARDB, L. F. GROTKB. tfoeecno»* of Oregon. CHECKS, ETC. ' ; Attest: 8. F. C hadwick . ’ ' / /»>r. of Slate. Address orders to« DIT. ALFRED KINLEY THE COURIER,” Wuras. LAFAYETTE, OGN èli J' p'- ■' ■ • / . ■