» A K « k • V ’ ! ' «■‘I ' f ■ •' I ' •? t • j- . ft •* 4 ■ I ä i 7..' ' >t J * Í Í ■» J.1 I . < - . J - * ■ 4 r > t ‘S -ft ■ . I I ’ % 1 "ft > t, t « / X * ! I «ft. I I ! -A. 4 1 i « I » ■ » 4 k it J • ♦ » » « JÏ X A ' * . 7 *-■ r * r •» ■’ —'U % LAFAYETTE, VOL. S. 0 * JLafay ette T Cruelty to a Dautfhtek Courier. I. X t 1 : « X •i I / F :-r • f - k— s— B.ÍÍU--' . _ « 4 i j (A egon , ö — T . -.2 V -T >----------:------- —----- '------ I------ ’----------- * ^rufetic Proceedings of the Dcmocrutie State Central Committee. ! ¿velíÍu8 stories don’t come - MinnesotaiicoHtaios within her ft Adi mar The Democratic State Central Com­ u * from the Wes|, as the following mittee met pursuant to call, in Port­ borders an inexhaustible supply of land, Jan. 22d, and was called to or­ the cheapest ifucljntt|ie world, ei­ New Hampshire yarn shows: ther for domestic or ’nlanufactur- . “Talking o^out cats,” said Uncle der by Col. W. L. White, Chairman. On motion of Eugene Semple,. of Tim, p regulc|’ Yankee, “puts me ing pur|)0ses.| We Vefcr to .peat, An old minister named Rey­ ZDÖEliliaS 38 HEMBREE nolds, living in Muhlengerg coun­ ty, Ky, is charged with b ruta Uy TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. beating with a cowhide his daugh- • 93 00 ter, aged eighteen because she re- . One Cepy, One Year, ‘ One Cepy, Six Months, • 1 75 fused to accept a young mail in the which we hay^e ha ybuhdancel As hi mind of a , t I oncej owned, » 1 00 One Copy. Three Months, 4 y$u about her. She neighborhood for a busband. It might be expected ‘ i rf a , region so j>t me c tell y{ Malteejai nd what that cat and lactis- was R is Stated that the whippings were remarkably jtfatprg(| ar RATES OF ADVERTISING : Minnesota, diii’t know wi sift worth knowing ~ ~1W i âwlWfàM r6MT1 ŸRt frequently repeated, until at las# trine as a large part ^>f M I fr1 1 —— - ■ ' ' 1 1 _-------- , ' it abounds infoci ^b&s, which arc Here’s one th dig she did: In the she consented to the marriage. rineh, I 78 f 1 75 f r7L| ö 001 » ÖÖ f 15 oo lan aicient ponds spring of’46 moved into the lit- jlnches,£175 j 2 50JJ Ö0“| 8 00] 12 J 18 ' A a’ The evening before the wedding nothing'more; than :..4 I liU'ineaa notices in the Local Columns, 25 j Cents ient< per line, eacu each insertion. F'ir legal ífcnl ifcul transient advertisement' $2.- For S' A*l |>er square of 12 lines, forjthe the first inser mser- ­ i iftCh ii»»«. and 11.00 per square tor éac L subsequent a-Crtion. te Paid for up- AdterÜseineiib to be.JPaui on tanking Proof by ttie PubÍMur iiltiis/ier. .Peraoaal Adv«. 50 CU. a Line, “uft »^.Peri----- Subcriptions Sent East, $2 00 a Year. ^"^rsiNESS CARDS. CUA<.A. Bvil.. . ■ ^ALL B STOTT STOTT, JVttolkieys at Law, III Firxt StTset, Opposite Occidental Hotel. ■ j ioni position. Through the inter­ matter in a st^tcof (¿composition. vention of neighbors she was taken Though peat Hhaj Ipnfc been used it 1 * i ■ iii • ■ — before the County court, and a as fuel in magy ($udy ries in ’Eu- f ll,c last ten gentleman of high standing in the rope, it is only withiij yfears that anl serioil attempt has town of Greenville appointed her in.tho Unit­ guardian. Reynolds has hitherto bech madcdolptilize been highly esteemed, and the pas­ ed States. Ill this hpountry the bp lighter and sciins'to l»p tor of a flourishing church. Much crudeipeat seams' isbre brittle tcxlurc texture than in feeling exists against him, but no of a t^bre “ feJ legal proceedings have been taken. Europe, and to makdf jt available From tlic McLean county, (Ky.) as a merchantable ctinmodity' it Progress, of January 3d, the fol­ has been foiled qccasary to in­ lowing additional information of voke the aii| of n^iclnnery -to the affair above referred .to is ob­ squeeze out tie wat&- and comj press 'it into diiy, haydjilocks, capa- tained: ’ from home. ( . ' Ættorney at Law, - w-- ,♦ ’ft j - "" • i » J\ttoi'ney nt ■ • • Hi » • -'BB * E. C. BRADSHAW, L. ’ » ♦ but from some cause, of which she had the sole right to be judge, he LAFAYETTE, OREGiON. was utterly repugnant to her fan­ cy, or her idea of a husband. The onice in the Court H< hisp . old man, however, wai anxious LAFAYETTE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. that she should receive his propo­ of Jefferson sals, and from her statement, after 1er < TtERGUSÒN A BIRD, corne : «Ættorney at Law, —- ----- * I K J W J and Main ; dealers in pr< 0ug- • gies and horses to let at all times, at reasonable rates. NELL A CO., Ferry street Y dealers in general merchandise. The NEW cheap cash store. [ A wealthy pervenu lately gave •* * J the church which lie attends two tables of stone, with the ten com­ mandments engraved upon them; whereupon a member of the church » remarked that his reason for giv­ MINTING. House, carriage and wagon ing away the cpmmandmcRts wes done to or- •T that lie couldn’t keep them. order Vy J-w -3 ' ft ; 7^' Í 4ft ■ •„ r X’.A t • I A I * I * i .J « » . f; 4. W-I f.;' « ft » t • • ■ ■ of Iowa are tlw Granfen Do Inf. What i 1 . ¿ I *” . ■ 4 ‘ I t ■ I w I ... +: i1 >^1 I V ■ • I t "K1. r • ’ t ■W . ' * ■ i . * t * v i «J . : ' 9 r , N V • r ; I '» ■? I : * • < y I I . j 4 f r « 1. Í 4 4 . st V J i n t I 1 I' . l ¡ I I . I ' . ». S ^1 i -■ i as little as possible; who delegate to others, all the work they can, ■ 1 1 i J 7- and who know more of the road — The State Grange of Iowa has pur­ than the ledger.. Famous hotel » i ■■ ■ 4 I I, J < r « .3 - I V t t F J ft I® a. ft' ■ , - A ij X 9 t ,'r - . c ft chased the entire-patent of the Wer­ men. were gentlemen of intelli­ ner Harvester. It is represented os equal, if not superior; to any other gence, men who were the equals of the best iu the land, and never harvester. At least, they propose to sunk the gentleman in their trade. sell and guarantee it to be equal to. Young men, who fling the exam­ the Marsh or Low, Adams and French ple of their sires to the winds, find harvesters. ■ They are now ready to it easier to squander ak valuable receive applications. It is to be man­ nan o, run through a fortune quick-, ufactured by Waldron Bros|, of Des er than it was earned, and find • Myines, and fpropably two pr three thcmselres, while young, ata point other places. They propo e lo soil at from which their fathers started? $140. This looks like business. Now One thing ig quite marked irrNew let all the Patrons come up to tlip York. It is the fact that the work and sustain our Executive Coin 4 heavy business is getting into the mittce and State in their contracts, hands of foreigners. The heavy and one of tho greatest victories .is importers, the great bankers are achieved for which we are organized. foreigners, and rnudi of the trade It is ifie intention to have as many of value is slipping/ out of tho manufactured as there is a demand hands of Americans, as the trade England got into the ixjwer of for. So soon as the National Grange of the Lombards. 1 meets ih February, there will prob­ If ably be other announcements 5 made In the stroking car of a. New which will convince the world3 that Hq ven train were seated two men: the Order means work. ) - An arrangeme>t has boon made faced to each other, whom white with the Weed Sewing Machine, by neck-cloths made conspicuous de* which;it con be had at 40 per cent, spite tho clouds of smokei They ar- were conversing oil the subject of below r the former price. _ And _ 1 __ had;tfi£ whitest, j wrist. A l^dy wlm haddfip » • t * rn' ■'1 rangements have been made, with softest hands in the country, confessed A demure citizen of Portland other*article8 and farm implements, church government, and got pretty well advanced in the topic when that she had a j^reat deal^of house­ was walking-dow$ ^own one morn­ the official announcements of which work to do,* and kept them as- white as ing lastfweek, wlffena stranger ad­ will soon be made. This is the be­ two men shat iiig their scats drew any idler’s, by «leering bran mittens dressed him: 7 Do you know ginning of the fruits of this organ­ forth a pack of cards, and pretty every night. Thbfpastes and poultices ’ where the postofcce is?” I “Yes? ization, ' and so soon as «plans sooir the conversations on church , can be made government were -diversified by for the faoeowc mueh oftWbir efficacy answered the P q wander^ affably, and contracts to their moisture^ l^hich dissolves the and?walked on;without further and the x noble Order is more such remarks as: “What’s trumps?” thoroughly established,, wo will be “Take up?’ “Pass.” “Skunked old coarse skin, and to theii|protection parley. . After ¿proceeding jor from the air, which alldwii. the - new about ten steps |e looked back, arble to dictate our own terms to other by thunder!” /’ manufacturers, instead of begging, as skin to come tender 'delicate. Tipk ips a roused his wile from a Oatmeal islas efficacious aslimything, ■ and inquired in |is turn, “Why? we have been the last year, t The Or­ Did you want to| know? ” “ No, ” der has been laughod at and manu­ sound sleep the other night, saying though less agreeable thaiijihe pastes made with the^ White of anfegg, alum replied the victim^with great earn­ facturers have spurned our advances, he had seen a ghost in the shape and rose-water. ' the alunU astringes estness; ajbd then,{the account hav­ ‘but the day of our triumph is at hand. of an ass. “O, let mo sleep/ was the flesh and makc&it firm,iwhile the ing beeifJSdancedL the two shook A comfaiiatwn of 900,000 farmers, the reply of the irate dame, “and egg keeps it sufficiently soft» and the which is likely to be doubled, in nine walked toward hands gravely, an rose-Watór perfui ii4ss the ture and months, bolds a power not to be baf­ don’t be frightened at your. own t inakos the our< idhso han the Falmouth r shadow. ” " fled, nor is it safe to tempt them to ft T i <7 * 4 I Nevertheless, f this ‘ diflieultv is sim- ply a question <|f jngcii|ity in thè tnccliahical Ahn was puttii ‘ the children .to invention of c|cD|)CF< ( s{ iuid.wqj tvould &ug- hed we heard a scratchin’ and a contrivances! ’ ’ at the outside door. I gest that tlid Stille opifi’ a liberal * waulin I ■ i ■ ^•'1. reward, sav $ !{j,000* to any one .went andjofKii ?d it; and there who shall invi lit à ¡machine capa- stood our Máltei1 on the door step, bog and Iwlund her.® whole army of ble of convert^ Sg tliq ’crude Í cats all paradedias regularlas ye *. peat of this into^ood mer­ ever seen soldiera! 1 let our old chantable fuelA fuel'/i iu eoi^ct eonbiihct orcohc- or colic- cat in and flic o(jl icr3 followed her. sive dry .blocks^ or id jome form' She went right í • the cellar door, available for ..trans^i tat ion or and ‘scratched tl| ire. I began to handling, qt a ,cp3t of |ay $1 50 understand. Oh| Maltee had been out for help. L ¡opened the way perUpUx If, ¿is maintained persons, ii, • a^.is mawitained, a to the cellar; sin i marched down, f -- and — J - a quarter ---- .JLJ-- of r pdiit k / • is^equal ton and the other ca js tramped after ---- > 1ST’ — r to a ton of anthracite icoal as a her in regular o$ler—and as they $ ... It State . generator of stpjam, thi| ■Bi can __ i went past I codjited fifty-two of certainly well SaiTord b I pay |25,- ’em! Oh, my! if I Sere wasn’t a row and yumpus in it ’ere cellar that 000 to any‘ir.ventor of ja process night, then l’i mistaken!. The which will giv^Yus a fii< æl which next morning th¿ old cat came up will do the saute work li s’ anthra- and caught hold |f my trousers leg cite ecal at a sixih or less than a andipulled me toward the door. sight. Talk sixth of its cos^*-S^. Pmd Press. I went down to s(jc the sigljt. about yer Bunkor Hill and yer ■ ■ f Boston massaerejj! Mercy! I never , the ; Z M ands . 4~T • C are of jiie j 4 o make see such a sight ^cfore nor since. the hand soft Rivd’lwhite &no of the Betsy Ann and aud life, with.ipy boy : ! best thing is to wear at ájght largo , Sammy, was all day as hard at mittens of cloth ¿filled witfi wet brand work as we could be, cleann’ the tho or oat meal, and'tafcd clo|e &round the dead rats out of jt’nat ’ere cellar! It’s a fact—everyi word of it.” ” •’ repeated persuasions to this effect, all of which she answered in the- negative, he gathered up a horse­ whip and forced her to take her dress from her fair young should­ ers, which he lacerated with cruel blows, from the whip until she promised to accept this man as her companion for life, which she ac­ cordingly did that evening, know- ST. JOSEPH BUSIN8SS DIRECTORY. K B f* Il ' I • •! ,X *» “The worst case of brutality up­ blc of transj)oitation,^nd of being* to on the part of a father that wc handled without ci^Uibling to pieces, as the ¿rude p<|at will% But have been called upon to chronicle ' Î5 though a greaimany chincà and is that of an old man by the name of Reynolds, a minister of the gos-‘ processes weiic patoited a' few Dallas, Oregon. years ago, nona of the^i were found WSriLL practice in the courts pel, anckwho lives near the linJof years ago, non to answer t|icljpnrpos(fc for while v ▼ of Yamhill, Polk and other counties the counties of Muhlenberg and to answer ia Oregon. ' 201y • prepared feat male an admir- McLean, his residence being in the the prcparcil p IJ m eg t i clhoco m o t i v c, former county. This old man, able fuel for dt W. M. RAMSHY La\V/^w^0 heretofore borne a good or manufactur jhg pipibses, the at- • a tempts to make peat dvailablq for character, among his brethren, ' LAFAYETTE, OREG ON. ;cn- licen long-winded in .the pulpit, those pur|)oscs seem te have* gr " * __ _ _ < ’ Á ma­ O fi •« in Court House. and vociferous in his prayers; is erally fitiled; Some qf these „n 5 as . McCAIN, the father of a handsome daughter chines were iiUroducej into tliifc State, and attc^ipts were made, to to whom a young gentleman in -..p- r I;« LAW, ATTORNEY AT manufacture ’ p at fot j fuel ¿We. the neighborhood a few weeks Í > LAFAYETTE. OREGON since made proposals.of marriage. can testify tha tljC; p|at produced ’ s r .L OF THE VMTil.L I^ACTICE IN ALI. marllvStf This young mdn is of goo$l family answered to it: iurposhpidnrirably; '»♦ftte5Courta. |íe failures, and the owner of’ some property, but the'nujchipos 1‘OllTLAND, OREGON. , j aniotf Ä C. SUL.I.I VAN. ■ fash resolutions, or attempt to oppose r their plafis. It has already far ex­ ceeded, in its wholesome arrange« meiits, more thap it« most atAmf. friends anticipated early in, its his- tory- . T It is estimated that 1,800 of the Werner Harvesters will have to be manufactured by next June, to sup­ ply tho. demand in the United States; after which, if it has the succcsb mr-j- ticipated, there will be a largely in-* Multnomah, J.. J* Walton, Jr., jjf r Lane, was elected Secretary. On motion of W. H. >Watkins, of Marion, J. H. Hackleman was author-, ized to act as proxy for J. C. Avery, of Benton. , creased demand for it. Other manu­ - On motion it was ordered that the facturer» have driven the Patrons to Democratic State Convention be held this resort, and ruinous reduction of tie old house on Crooked river, on Wednesday, the 18th day of March prices of all rea^rs, which is antici­ We put our i irovisions down in 1874. pated to break our manufacturing the cellar, an 1 the first night we Z On motion of W. H. Watkins, of down, will avail them nothing, as wsr a made up our beds on the floor. Marion, the basis of representation will buy and sell our own.—• hua State • ■ \ - But we didn’t! sleep. No sooner was fixed by giving each county one Register. had it come di rk than we heard a delegate to tho State Convention to every one hundred votes, an A one for What become« of the Son« of Mem. ]ueakin ’ hi the cel- tearin’ and a every fraction of fifty or, over, cast lar that was a| iful. I lit the can« for Burnett. Next to the inquiry: What be­ iL ” ’ 1 die and went ^own. Jerusalem I » On Mbtion of M. V.Brown.the Com-, Talk about Jrfcti I I never keen 1 mittce proceeded to select the place comes of the pins?.an interesting’ question woûld be: What becomes such a sight ir my born days. Ev- for holding the next Democratic State c of (he sons of successful men? A Convention, and. inch inch of tl 3 cellar bottom was Chi motion of M. V. Brown, it wa3 few men and a fçw firms are in tho covered with,] icm. They run up ordered that Albany be selected as the hands of the founders; but these onto me, and 11 over me. I jump- place for holding the next Democratic are exceptions. The old name and cd back into t e room, and called State Convention. old trade generally pass into the me down and look- i On motion of John Myers, it was c; the cat. She ‘a . hands of others. “Do you see that cd! I guess e sot there about recommended that the primary meet­ man shoveling in coal?’ Well, hia ten minutes, 1 iking at them rats, ings be held on the 28th day of Feb­ ruary, and the County Conventions, children, and children like his, w^ll and I was wai n’ to sec what she jostle your pampbred sons and rule on the 7th day of March, 1874. would do. By n-by she shook her On motion of M. V. Brown, the this land,’ said on old New York*' head, and tur cd and went up following resolution was adopted: er, the other day. Tlie old names stairs. She di n’t care to > tackle. Iie^red, That we, the Committee, have ceased in the pulpit? The ’em. That ni, [lit, I tell ye, there extend du» warmest thanks to Hon. famed men of the bar seldom have wasn’t much si Ijep. In the morn- W. L Whitei our very able and effi­ successors. The eminent jurists in’ I called forijthe cat, and could cient Chairman, for the active, im­ partial and admirable manner in carry their hondib. with them to not find her. Sac’d gone. I guess which he has discharged the duties of the grave. Merchant princes a re the rats bad frifchtened her, and to his office. obliterated.. ,Th0 reason is clear.? tell tell the the plain plain tjjuth,-1 didn’t won- On. motion, the following resolu­ Fathers laid the foundation of bus- 4» dcr much.- Ni^ ht come again and tion was adopted: iiæ.3s one way and the sons build •“ ifcftoZtvtZ, That the thanks of this tlic old cat hi id n’t come. Says another. Men who earned their Befsy Ann (tija ’s my wife), to me Committee are due W. Wi Page, for says she, ‘Tim, I f that o’d cat don’t his courtesy in- giving it the use of fortunes by hard work and dili­ his office as a plaQc of meeting and gence, and who knew sixteed conic back, we 11 have to leave for other acts of kindness. hours’ toil by personal attention, tlii'* place; the bats’ll cat us up.’ the Committee ad- On motion, who #cie their otvn book-keepers, • -- I ', ■ ? -/ Says I: ‘Just you let the old cat jounied. jourded. i . ■ . salesmen, cashiers, and often por­ W. L. WHITE, Chairman. . be.’ 1 didn'i t believe she left us .T .T at . ton , . Jr., Jr.. Seo. . * ters, are followed by sons who do ' J. J. W alton for good ahd a . Just as Betsy 8iucl»ÄjW| 3W£4fiôfsôoLll_i2200 was to take place the girl escaped or lake3 filled up |>y . vegetable 4Inche», J 3ÄU 4 00 I 5 001 11 I 20_| 30 00 4 Cui. ~ì ¡SO 1150 I 6 00J 18 I 32 I 32 00 I Cui. Y 600 I 7 00 j'9 00'i'2() 1 28 | 8s 00 I Col. j Ì00 I 9 00 j 12 j 20 j 30 | 50 00 fl’ol. I là I 15 |1M j 30 (¿0 19000 , T NO. 51. 1 TLe » * r ¡ ' ’* 13, 1874. FEBRUARY »• ■ ; t - ■ 1 4-U- r- ____________ -U» -■"T * in Minnesota. • Published every Friday by J K ft b V 4- 1. ♦ ‘I * « ? I J '*». 7 ♦ / 4 s| ’- / ' « r r » ft t t * » ’ I -A Ba ' x « 1* • ■ f f » , i •k 1 I '*> i / ft * > ■ 1 v . I K ) I s I » r t t i ■ . -i’ • ft/ * i * j - » V 4 ' ¿ A e 1’ ♦ i