J IiAFxYYETTE COURIER ——■ - - ' ... ; I i '■ / scott - e * urdam affair . « ___ NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ADVERTISEMENTS. OREGON. J I ------ —--------- I To Mr. Duckworth, the gentleman­ • Wàshington county wfllj pay JAS. McCAIN, ' Sheriff’s Sale. !. WEEKLY, SEMI WEEKLY, AND DAILY. oono owa ___ i *r7TlK* polì ^«11 FRIDAY,- JANUARY 2, 1874. ly officer who arrived here some days $8,898 37$ State, and $775 RNEY AT LAW, since for thè man Hopkins alias ‘Pur­ tax. ICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT BY h ’■ ' 10 virtue of an execution issued out of •THE WEEKLY SUN is too widely known lAFAYETTE, OREGON. Meeting of the Democratic state dam, wo are indebted for the follow­ 11«€ Hon. Circuit Court of the State of Ore- to require any extonded recommendation; The proposed building foratile Central Committed. r* for the county of Yamhill and to me but the reasons which have already given it PRACTICE IN ALL OF THE gem ing particulars concerning the case: Corvallis Agricultural College ulfi'Cted.by the (lerk of said court, in l'a- fifty thousand subscribers, and whicTi will, ite Courts. , inarllyBtf vif’1 of Samuel Brown, l’lff. and against The Democratic State Central Com­ . The murder was committed near will cost $75,000. , f.’t for the n 8. Cooper, Def. t lie sum suin of one we hope, give it many thousands more, are Ripley, in Butler county, Missouri, hundred and thirty-five 54-1IM) dollars ($135- brielly as follows: ■. mittee of the State of Oregon, is here­ It is a first-rate newspaper. All the news DR. ALFRED KINNEY, 54Uwilh vitli interest iij,te mg an heir of Esther Cooper, deceased kind, but containing nothing thatcan offend , nating the time‘and manner of hold­ a farm near Ripley. He had not rs—9 .................................... to 11 a. m. till after 5 p. hi Tile south,haif of the Donution lalid claim the most delicate and scrupulous taste. «ai- county, had a grand gatheriji g and ||., In Jitice at Night, i ing a Democratic State Convention, been there long before he seduced a offeuQqli Cooper and wile, being notifica- It is a first-rate story paper. The 'best «mas a general good time op Chri t uWi No. i t.«», claim No. 53. Said ciaim be­ taleB and romances of current literature are cousin of Scott. This, however, war in accordance with the usage of the ing situated tn sec.’s 3, 4, 9 and 10 in T.5, 8. carefully selected and legibly printed in itd It. ¡3, W. in Yamlrill county, Oregon. party, and of transacting such other not generally known and when found day. pages. , ‘Andon It is a first-rate agricultural paper. The business as may properly come be out by Scott, he and Pu/dam had We Wo learn that tl^ tlie wH I Monday the 29tli day of December, most fresh and instructive' articles on agri­ «WY_ •_!_ _ I-?. •W«» / cultural topics regularly appear in this de-, f>re said committee. Said committee some words about it. Scott had been Washington county has noi I been r.t the hour of one o'clock P. M., Twill pro- paying attention j to another young injured by the freez$, an^J is composed as follows: t (feed to sell at public amiiion 10 l^artmcnt. I It is an independent political paper; be­ the highest bidder for cash iff hand Benjamin Haymond, JaOkson; A. lady, and while he was attending the looks fresh and green. m front of the court saouse door in Lafay- longing to no party and wearing no collar. TJ0, Yamlrill county, Oregon all the right. It lights for principle, and for the election Coos; Missouri University, Purdam com- Rose, Douglas; W. H. J __________ ________ belonging _____ ____ i to , I The sawmill aUe and interest of said Defendant in and of the best men to office. It especially de; Wm. Tichenor, Curry? . L. Wal- menceij keeping coùtpany with the ip ilie al»ove described property to satisfy votes its energies to the exposure of the Buell, on Mill creek, inPolkeounf JLVWI*, vu XU.U1 vbwcb , »*» *. dron, Josephine; J. 0. A , Benton; sjiid execution and accruing qosts; corruptions that now weaken and disgrace same lady. July 4th, Scott came; ty, was burned down lastn|ffeek< R. P. BIRD, t J. H. Hackleman, Linn; J. Wai- our country, and threaten to undermine re­ Sheriff of Yamhill county, Oregon. publican institutions altogether. It has no ’ ton, Jr., Lane; G. W. Gray, Marion; borite; on the 5th he attended a pic­ It caught accidentally. Lafayette, Oregon, D-' T fear of knaves, and asks- no favors froid Nov. 28tli, 1873.^ no40-v>4 H. N V. Holmes, Polk; J. H . Upton, nic where all three met. Scott on Farmers in Hillsborb, ft deriding their supporters. Yamhill; F. A. Bailey, Washington; this occasion spent most of his time It reports the fashions for the ladies and last W. L. White, ¡Clackamas; Eugene in the lady’s company. Purdam saw a meeting of their A ra ~ the markets for the men, especially the cat­ SheriiTs Sale.,! tle-markets, to which it pays particular at­ Semple,’Multnomah; W. A? Mus­ Saturday, report the rolliifgUandg .................................... 1 - ,/ ' j grove, Columbia; A. Van ibusen, them together and remarked that he too dry yet to plow. Y-VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION AND tention. ? I Finally, it is the cheapest .paper publish­ order of salcrissved out of tlijb circuirt Clatsop; W. H. Faucett, Tillamook; would shoot the 8- -b yet. Early in court of tliprStat0 of Oregon for Yamhill ed. One dollar a year w'ill secure it for any The officers of the University J. M. Baxter, Wasco; H. C4 Page", and soon after their departure Purdam ebunjy under the seal of said ooiytAiiMfii I subscriber. It is not-necessarv to get nn a ii jiidifmeiiK and decide of twd losnrc' in .club in order to have THE >WEEKLY SUN a Jüdinnen Umatilla; A. C. Craig, Union; I. D. the forenoon Scott took the lady home Association at Eugene, npkeja .. the suit of Alfred W. Stowell," Plnintiif, vs. at this rate. Any one who sends a single Haines, Baker; J. W. Baldwin, Grant. r “ ‘ ' •-- 1-’ • ---- •-- .................. Sítniúel li. - i'iiulelland Mavy Ê, Tiindell, Ills folloV^d. Leaving her at home he touching appeal to those vifyo ha vie wile, Hcnty Hewett surviving ¡partner of (dollar will get the paper for a year. Should any vacancies have^. occur­ We have no travelling agents. tlie iiui ’ -tnepihip oi Hewett, Floyverdew «'tl started back the way he had come not yet paid their subscriptions to r ; ■ J ' ■ .-*■ • I. ii R. Dawson, Adnìinist ratrir < 0m| any. Jpu red in any of the counties, the Coun­ do so at'once, i . ................ lil ' 4M az. VI. 1 14/VV ’ . 1 Uk, V»,'lWVttOVU T . of the estate of .J. G. FlqwerdeW, deceased,. THE WEEKLY SUN.—Eight pages, ty Committees are recoinmended to when he met Purdam and another a John McCracken ’raekcu and Henry lLenryf ¡¡iewett Hewett de de- ­ fifty-six columns. OnlyiSl 00 a year. No -A call has been issued for à. igndants (loinmanding mi ing and ré^uiring^ tealulring me fill such vacancies. A full 1 attend- man in the road. Purdam rode up th-scl! thcpreinbes liereimiftpr described I discounts from this rate. tlsKsel! tlioprenri>cs hereinafter until abreast of him and d-'ew a pis­ meeting of the physicians CÎf Liiûi I THE YiEMI-WKEKLY SUN.—Same ip satisfy the tiie judgment- Judgment- aiid decree decide ance of the Committee is earnestly re- • rendered rèndenti in said suit in,favor in^fajvor of the si«e as the Daily Bun. OO a year. A County on January 3,1814, for tlfej tol and shot Scott without any warn­ said plaintiff and against the defendant discount of 20 per cent, to clubs of 10 or quested. j. * W. L. WHITE, Samuel H. Tlndcll i herein for the suin'bf over. ing whatever. Scott was unarmed ur)K)sc of organizing h >Coui • y [ -1 *52,’¡57 CAnrmiin Dan. State Cen. Cam. S. gold coin and nd intones interjes THE DAILY SUN.— A large four-page -jj aqd when he found he was shot turn­ Iddical Society. since the rendition of said judgment to newspaper of twenty-eight columns. Daily O recon C ity ,’ Dec. 26, 1873. t wit: « ♦ • circulation over 120,000. All the news for . ed his horse and run, Purdam follow­ j Since Novopibcr 12, 1 1872, tunoiintipg to The Forest Grove Dqbati 82,382 40-hHJ U. S. coin and thu iprther sum, 2 cents;' Subscription price®® cents a ed him shooting as he went; Scott Club has decided that tl^ pco . of’ $1,07.0 L”. S, currency and iuicrest si neo month, or 96 00 a year. To clubs of 10 ór FARMERS FOR OFFICE. the said Novetiiber, ’, 18Ï2, aid ,12th 12tl| day "of of Noveinliei 1872, over, a discbunt of 2u per. cent. run about three hundred yards when of the United States shihuld HpC I- ■ ’ —— * " der to ¿hdw Cause- tMuountiug to $4,292 35-100 U. S. currency, ♦4’ttE SUN,” Address; Borne time since a prominent gen­ he fell from his horse dead. Purdam elect all the officers. . we trw| and the costs costs» of strid said suit aud and accruing sccrulng New Yerk City. noli tAJRlOf XL will Will prtjcec*l. costs, A 1 IJUV.U have ivvrvu levied utkm «III aud ¡tie county court ofYatnliiJl county, to$>ell tleman residing in this county re­ then rode to his (S.’s) uncle’s house the Congress of the United Statfe^ to i^ell at al public auction to the highestbS highestlri .1- 1- p Sf Oregon. currency to to-me mu? in Filo mnrter of the guardianship of Dari deHoi’U.S, coin and cnrrej.cj marked that “next spring the farm­ and told them he had shot Scott, and will now acquiesce in ihaiH^pinipi^ hand paid on day of sttle r “ ' Ini/Vbnt 4*—* - of r * the '■“ jijBerkins, a minor. ____ ‘ 1 the tmvn of latfay- Court Houre door in ers are intending to look out for them­ that they had better take care of him of this high authority. December Uth, 1873. ’ ette. Yariihill coutity, Oregon, i BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED. I 'ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE. selves in politics and they will .run as he was lying in the road and the Mr. Mansur, who wei/i |o Sn T| t H1>- 11th DAY OE DECEMBER. A. Jlonduy the 5th Day of January, The Scientlllc American now in, the farmers for office. They are tired pf hogs would eat him up. That night 129th year, erfjojs the widest circulation uff __ I 1873, comes Daniel Johnson, sole Francisco after machinery* for p th giiiri iari of Dan Hann Penkins, a minor, At the hour of one o’clock P* M.,of suid any weekly newspaper of the kiud in the voting for professional men.” Upon Purdam rode over into Illinois and ami p -events his verified written petition day in accordance With and in c bedieiuxs world. A new volume commences January North Bend Mill, at Go tothl (court, showing that, the income of t o said decree and the order of sal e t herein 3,187,4. this “text” we will write a short ser­ stopped at the house of his mother has returned. The iniM nas /thfo O! fate of his said ward Is insufficient to iconlained all|t he follow ing described piece ’ Its contents embrace the latest and most mon: In selecting men for office, re­ and brother; here he remained one sumed work, and is nowl main a1n him and that suiti estatein parcel or tract of Ignd to-wit: interesting ihforumtibn pertaining t<> the In­ turni ■< i nd hasnotsutlicient means outside of That piece or parcel of ia,nd situate in gard should be jiaid to tHir fitness for night, ‘there Raving his horse and out lumber in as large |jupiitlt|^i debt nftl 1 roperty to*p.iy said indebt idness and Yamhill county, county. State t of Oregon and dustrial, Mechanical and Scientitic Progress sliow ng tipitit tlpitit would be lor the lienelir benefit of knowiiand described on ilie official plats of the World: Descriptions,’ with Beautiful S. r , the position. The candidate should saddle he took the cars and started for as ever. siuqfiinor to sell ail of the right title or in the surveyordieiienil’s office of Oregon Engravings, of New Inventions. New Imple­ ! J -- j in - •- v or j in n equity which st law wliich his said •aps donation' claim number sixty (60| in ments. New Processes, and Improved -In­ be honest and capable, and if he lacks Oregon. His statement is: “They lias in or to the following descrll>ed Jownjdrip four, (4), south of Blase line and dustries of all kinds: t sefal Notes, Receipts The schooner Enferpiiise; , whic either capability of honesty he should met in the road and that Scott rode I ftreinise.s tow it: Range three West and notification num* 11 was ashore at thefmouil fof i ;ks, nunil>ered 1. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. 7. 8. 9,10, ■or 1020, except260 acres off the West end, Suggestions and advice, by practical writers not be selected. It makes no differ­ up to him and said, ‘g - d you, there 13,14, 15, 16, 17, 18. 19, 20, 21, 22.23,‘T», fl gfihl claim to satisfy said execution, for workmen aud employers in the vario.m arts. t Umpqua, got dff s^e aim madeT <128, 29, 30, 31, 32,133, 34/35, 36, 37, 38, 3'5, costs and accruing costs. ence whether a man is a farmer, a has been a heap of talk going around The SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN is The 1| 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48. 49,50, 5L 52, 53, R. 1». BIRD; trip to San Fraiici^o. .Rdm wh| 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64(<«5, 66, 67, cheapest and best illustrated weekly paper Sheriff of Yamhill county, Oregon^ mochanic, a doctor, a merchant, or lately and we had as -well settle it 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77. 78, 79, 80. 81, published. Every number cont.iins from it> 2 I “’ , no4Lw4 Lafu.vette Dec. 5, 1873. port she arrived at Engpfe Ci 81, and its, and lots No. 4 and5 in a la wyer, if^ie is honest and qualified first as last,’ and that Scott attempted to 15 original engravings of new machinery ikfNo. 24 all in the town of; Uilayette, last week, 'and is and novel inventions. Citation ’ Notice. for the position he seeks, his claims to get a pistol from his saddle-bags, 111 couutyL Oregon. And i< appearing ENGRAVINGS, illustrating improvement, coal. I necessary to sell said premises for the are entitled to consideration. but that he (P.) was too quick for him.’ discoveries, and important works, pertain- % tcnance of said minor. ; In the county court of Ytunhill county, ing to civil and mechanical engineering mill­ County orders in s therefore hereby ordered by this ip the St ute of Oregon. : i Being a farmer will not necessarily -He says that the man who was with ing, mining and metallurgy; records of the that said petition lie heard by this DECEMBER TERM, 1873. latest progress in the applications of steam, Pit at the court, house in iAfayetto in make a man honest. We find honest him will swear that this is the way of county, buying, 97J, ( In the matter of the last will and testa" steam engineering, railways, ship building, [Ipourityand State, on Monday, the 12th 98c. Very scarc^. and dishonest men in every avocation. it.” . pf January, 1874, at one o'clbck 1*. M. of, Înt of WHlftun Blair, deceased: navigation, telegraphy, telegraph engineer­ |lay, and the next of kin of said minor ___ _ ________ ( ex|$lierifF ; jof O ISABEL MITCHELL AND MA1CGA- ing. electricity, magnetism, light and heat. At the last election every man on the Mr. J. C. Moore, He is known to have killed one 11 persons interested in hisestatc are ret and Eilzubeth, daughters devisees v directed and required toap)x*ar Ite­ . hi the said deceased and to his unknown . FARMERS, mechanics, engineers, invent­ Democratic ticket, excepting the can­ man in Kentucky a number of years Washington county, ha^been ms Court at the tfme arid place here- I heirs: V < ■> • ors, inenufacturere, chemists, lovers of -sci­ ore specified to sliow cause, ifuhy ex- I W iie R eas , T. A. Wood, administrator ence, teachers, clergymen, lawyers, .and . didate for Coroner, was a farmer, yet ago, and admits to having killed two. very ill at his faim' n W? Green­ order should ‘ not not lielgranted wenuiwu gv s-* ’itb the will annexed, of the estate eslate of, of. people of all professions, wiU find the S ciex - ivàleacitìg, they were all defeated. - So far as this Near the close of the war he belonged ville, but is now •( fevalesci^g, sing said guardian *1" “,l the ~ “’1 | William Blair, deceased, has duly filed in T.xiu A merican useful to them. It should to sell real rises hereinbefore described. iscrlpeu. And it I the above *nained*-edurt his petion in due have a place in every family, library, study, county is concerned, the farmers have to a band of horse thieves, and as whereat numerous frier fts heartily reby ordered that a copy of tlris ordei form praying for an order of said court office, and counting room; in every* reading. blished once a week for at least three authorizing aiid empowering him to sell always controlled politics, and we matters begap to quiet down he went -.. J • < Kf U. Ive weeks prior, to said 12th day of J he following described real property, be- room, College, academy, or school. ■ A year’s numbere.contanr-832 pages and y, 1874iu The LafayettejCourier. Samuel Da^, of .Ctàp allis, has presume they will in the future have to Missouri. Here he was implicated onging to said estate, to-witj: S everal H i ni > k >A)E*. oka \ im }S. Thousands W. M. RAMSEY, The original Donation Land Claim of such matters their own way. Then in passing counterfeit money and a received a patent front Washing­ Judge. a no43-w3 — Isaac Vejott, situate In Yainhill cornity» of volumes are preserved for binding and State of Oregon, and being notification No. ’reference. The practical’receipts are well r invented ton on a grain separata if why should they complain? warrant for his arrest was issued and 1042 and claim No. 86 and being parts.of sec­ worth ten times the subscription .pricey by him. The michin^ iísaid to Estray Notice. I ig tions 26,27, 34 and 35 in T. 4,S. R. 3. W. anil Terms $3 a year by mail. Discoun^kclubs. placed in the hands of an officer. The more jKirticularly described as follow^,to- Specimens sent free. May be b all * same SCHOOL. TAX officer found him and said: “You are be superior to mbny f<$ the wit: . VKEN UP BY THE SUBSCjl news dealers. IBER, llr-* g lit* * purposes now in use. fe J Beginning at a point two Chains and fif­ n A rnpufflii ing ...H six „.A miles northwest of or Lafayette, connec6°® ■* the * 8CIKNTIFIC Alt Eb I A>. This year the levy of tax by the my prisoner,” and commenced to two year old horse Coltjliay, black'mane ty links cast and twenty three chains ifA I HN I N ■ A Farmers ’ Grange^ and sixty eight links south from the N. as organ­ tail, with star in forliead. No marks* 1 HlJLlll 1 Ui Messrs, M inn fc Co. county for school purposes is three read the warrant to him, when he (P.) ized atuMonroe, Bentoi^ountyjpe- irands visible. Appraised by D, C. W. corner of said section 35, aiid, runn­ arfe Solicitors of American and Foreign Pat­ ing thence N. seven ty-|li rec chains and fif ­ art, J. P., at $20. n^ills on the dollar, and the amount drew a pistol on the officer, and there­ ty links, thence 8. scvepty-five degrees ents, and have the largest establishment in WM. MERCHANT, cembeF 20th, by Deputy Simpson, ^.afayette, Ogn, Dec. 13,1873. < West two chains and fifty-two links: thence the,world. More than fifty thousand applica­ of school money raised by county tax­ by effected his escape. I i f : H - — 1_ •_______ _______________ , — — ----------- —- — - • ., O a í s O F. '1 ________________ _____ a_______ f - . t t “ -t I S I V» 11. \ ici.j otiiLv .yihy DDD/vi mini4 ivi A • «■ _<.< I »’■ £21 - — .— .1 2 — ^1,A. ft M Passr, Try IE i ' • ’ ' if r II ation will exceed fifty-five hundred dollars when collected. This together with the interest on the irreducible school fund will*raise almost twice as much school money as We had last * k year. < • I ts S t A ait .—It is said that promi­ neïït nent Republican Senators have ex ex- ­ pressed a decided aversion to permit­ ting Mr. Mitchell to retain his seat, with divers felonies scored up against him; but they declare that there has been so many disgraceful develop­ • * The Netci gays that integrity is all ments in Republican quarters that the capital that is now pretended to they feel averse to bringing out any be claimed for the man whom Mr. more, as long as they can help it. Grant was kissed into appointing It has about come to that pass when Chief Justice of the United States. all the ability, ingenuity and energy The very most that all of the few pa­ of the party in Congress is needed to pers that have spoken of the appoint­ keep party rascalities and scandals ment jvith yrith. any degras degree of < patience from getting abroad. If they can have been able to say l-Hs been this: only get the rules of Congress so f ‘‘After all, he is a safe man.” v ‘in* amended that no information ban be is a man of integrity.” “Most of called for and no investigations set the charges against him have been on foot unless the majority shall first disproved of.” “It might have been conclude that it is proper to call for worse,” etc. The average integrity such investigation, or that there is of Radical statesmanship can be grounds for the investigation; if this judged from the fact that nothing can only be done, and a retroactive worse has been established against repeal of the Bankrupt Act be effect­ Attorney General Williams than buy­ ed so as to prevent any party nasti­ ing a $600 private carriage, and pay­ ness from coming out through the ing for it with public money; and settlement of the Cookes’ estate, the •. selling a surveying ¿contract fqr a party may be able to shift through consideration in gold paid to Jake the session in some way, without be­ Hoffman. Mr. Williams is consider- ing finally damned.— New. cd extremely fortunai ,te by his party idthing more Fse- brethren in having ndt T ile P rospect .—The large levy of rious established against him than taxes this year will pay the county these little irregularities, and quite indebtedness that was run last year, J likely they are right; they Ought to and the expenses of the county for know. this year, ancL leave some money on hand unless our county jail is filled . Owing to the New Year festivities, with prisoners soon. The ordinary wc were not out in time to q^tch all expenses have, thus far, been light. the mail«, In the future shall try to —— ... » Kr i .. Seehowalinelookswithoutspaces. bu promptly ou tim<| with Luther Hasbroujtìi.Esq., Master, and H. B. Nfchols, Esq., GEM SALOON 1 Secretary. There ard .thirty char­ £ 4 OREGON^ Bumber ter members, the fuil|L-. - s al- , J l A fayette , lowed by the rules of |Se Order. / j Proprietor! Isaeo Sampson, south eighty degijBes West one chain and sixty-four links: thenceN. thirty-six de­ ■ a grees W. two chains: Llience North six degrees W. sixteen clialnsand eighty-eight Jinks; thence north eighty-eight degrees West West four chains and Tfffty tifty* links; tiience thence Nortli’eiglity-six degrees West eight chains and thlrty-tpree links: thence South sev­ enty-live degrees and thirty minutes West 0—0 chains and seventy links;thence West •The people of Empfe City ex­ D ealer in fine ” wi N es and jjq - two five chains arid twenty links; thence S. JLw uore, such as: chains and sixty links; then tie pect telegraphic cc pnication j iWhisky, Brandy, Ale, Porter, Deer and seventy-five East torty-two chai ns and fifty links to the Wy.-J place of beginning, eontiiining three hun­ with Roseburg by ne: ;ii!7*Also, Segare, Tobacco, Candy, Nuts,: dred and twenty acres more or less. Said land to be sold to pay tlie claims presented Six thousancl box|| of apples He, Give me a call, and-allowed.agaijtst^ ‘said estate and theex- . noS.Vtf V penseS.otadtninistHitidn thereof. And were shipped for -'Saja Francisco, K’--------------- j-------------------’— - W hereas by, order of said Court duly from Empire City, fE« j uri ng the made and entered of record Novemben22, : -j ■ :> third week in July. H 0 ! Tuesday the Gth day of January, > . ’ 1H74. It is understood thj|tE. E. Mor4 At eleven o'clock in the forenoon of said ìiincisco, arci gan’s Sons, of San day was appointed as the time^and'tbe court room in the court house ’in L:ithj'- mts of the’ ÀVING B( to be the resident aving bought the sh ette, Yamhill county, Oregon,as thb iviu:e mpany j thtà owned My J. R. Majors, wisS- for hearing said petition by said court; Oregon Packing ^es to inform the pubHb that And, he |s = . 1 yea»*. Ten thoisan jases o| th^ W hereas , by said order ¡it was directed 1 now prepared to do any and kinds of work in his line in the lat­ that ri citation be issued directed to you in next season’s c$tch 0 salmon ‘x hav due form. . est style, * been contracted for. SB I ■ •.B : Therefore, in the name of the State of i Oregon you arid each of yoji arc hereby |..,.25 cents required to appear at the time and place Shaving,........ • • The firemen’s ball above specified and show cause, if Tiny exists, why an order of sale of said prem­ - I - 1 night at Astoria w Shampooing,. •> • e • ■ • L..-.25 cents ises should not be made as in the said pe­ tition prayed for. cess. f .25 cents In testimony •ivliercqf we have hereunto Hair cutting,... .;. • • • affixed the seal of said Court and our of­ to a s$tt There is already ficial signatures. this the 2d day of De- 4.7 ceriilMir, A. D.1873. inent at Brookfield, Ji ear Ajiori W. M. RA3LSKY, [Seal: and the town has nojjfcet be Judge of biiid. COúrt. UVfi THOROUGHLY:. OVER- Attest: off into lots, blocks liauled'apd repaired my BATH R. II. LAMPSON, ROOM, those in need of a good Clerk hiio4a-w4 r ----- - The Seattle DiapaU P n HAIR DRESSING SALOON. A »• PIERC El H Í Ch , I granài ■1 H h says: On last Bunds following notice was conspicuous places al “N otice .—The ba: will pop! After the 1874, we, the undersi tify the public to stdj^ trave on the Nfc B. Bj. B. unA‘ debts are paid in fu the de on the N. P. R. R. main unpaid atter tti^ first of ry, 1874, the jpublic||i*" ill ,be desperate chances t^i < xavel • I road.” (Signed) X M ontgomeries L abo z: g 0 ry I Ættorney at Law, B Corner Jefferson and Third Sts. • LAFAYETTE, ■■ OffAC it T he undersigne I) thkes pieag. j ^ure in announcing to the travelling pub- lie that ia connection with his Feed and Liv- — business he is running a DA “ a ILY nry EXPRFSS to and from St. Joseph. Lei _ -------------- -------- r— _javea Lafayette at 10:16, making connection with. the care, and returning at"12:15 p. m. - n35-tf HULL JOHNSON, Prop. J. R. MAJORS LAFAYETTE, - - - >■ ORÉGO N. DEÀL&IC IN TOBACCO, SEGARS, * NUTS. -k Candies, sardines, Oysters^ stationery, etc. And in fact everything that is to be foundj in a first-class variety store. Can be accommodated reasonable, otice is hereby given that I would respectfully solicit a share of thes Win. Coii.wgeU, adiubiisuraior oftthe pnblic patronage. estate of Michael Cohve'J, dtC’iisedJ.'.ias HUBERT PIERCE, mno42-tf J. R. MAJ0B8. tiled in • the bounty court of Yamhill ....... ,,, couuto', Oregon, his final account of his Lafayette, adnnRistrAticht iij naid estate, and tlmt by order of stid court this day made, tlie same will be heard by said court at the nolO-tf court house in l.aiayette in said county, on Tuesday the 6t h «lay of January; 1874. at one o’ cixjk e