> ’ J ' '.V LAFAYETTE, ’ VOL. 8 j?11 \ ' — ■ JANUARY □3 ■ —1 ‘ 1 'y 1 1 1 “1 yi y i Wool-Groy-lng a S hccpbi 2, 1874 NO. 1 45. i, FABMIN8 NEWS. the body of the payer, one cando the CLIPPINGS. otherwise unpleasant job of pampering --------- 1 L afayette , Dec. 30, 1873. We are asked why ¿wool-grow­ There are but few du tie« per ­ Tho end of the world — To make Published every Friday by alone, and all help is superfluous. Knowing as I do that agricultural ers do not fail r as others men some- J performed by town or municipal By using the brush instead fof the money. i DORRISS f“Whati know about Farrn- Las been taught that he must, Hartford, Conn., is^&Ofcrified at a tinche», I 3 Ml I I en, . . i i col. I IO I 15 waits in silence till the biasing is ’ 8OU l . growth and nii less# Everything good roads, as thev contribute not so young, who, are looking^-to over. * • Basine.« Motice- in thè Locai Coltimi»*, 2.5 that does nqt go into market trav vents per l|ne. eat-liinsertion. i immensely to the comfort of farming as their vocation.” He says: The majority of* the married col- ' fl* ilS’i Once fairly perched ora 1 I -.r Mary’s For log-lian 11. ’ “«L O No farmer should occupy more* drinks she holds up to Jiim -a spoon- te t>p Imitili jdr iip- we must not expect in the rural may be sick if .does pqt stop the Gray’s yElegy” contains 997 word^. Ar Proaf !>jj tk»' Pul »Usher. land than he can manage profitably: ful of tea or coffee, which h® sins as of which 8D3 ar6 derived from the- on ’ilambs.l ’ • ■ districts tho well-cared-for, solid growth of the ti : ' Li? •’ ; jßW.Pers*» uni Adv«. 50 C'ts. n Line» 3d. The begitmer should, ‘ select bis» iff he*lik< d it Anglo-Saxon. Anglo-Saxon. • * k ' M Not so .with oUcr I business. location carefully and opeefor all.’ Subcrip ii.ns Sent Fist, $2 00 a YenV. roads of suburban towns around : i. ' ' r . j * One day Mary was ill d faint. Sixteen dollars is as low Ms fash ­ The mccanidoV tlie njawwho works 4th. No one should engage in farm­ The doctor ordered brandy albd water cities: but there is no excuse tor Ì1 USINEE CARDS. for salary hhs’’ notlii^

Ve whten fol­ A sensation was produced ¡i^Bienville The Louisville Ledger thinks that experiment. Ride over a neg- ments and ibwns.Mepriying them­ South Carolina last izeek, y the ar- lowed is always productive of good JE». C. S'. ¿.LiVAN. I selves of society for :the sake of if a pedestrian is run over by a fast lec^-d road in the country of a rrv« Jf11 t • Jkll • f It. rest of the Bender family urder- money. )j(xr4on. can be results. Other States in the Union era at Bevinsville irttliis ci ty,some drivdr, he has a right to shoot. at Law, mile.in extent, if you have the L lll 'i . j * K w-» 1 1 £ • J are advancing rapidly in all their ag­ Stopping up the cracks in cellars » obviated. Ir> all new countries ery one D.nl- ’ us* Or-aron. epurage; then stop at the farm­ ricultural persuits, and we (the form­ five miles from town, i there are ¡feillagepp fe|)nstantly ers of Oregon) are entitled to a like will remember the _ great citement and houses is one of the on mis taka bio WjMTILd BE V’TICE IN THE COURTS house and give the farmer a coup­ signs that winter is approaching. springing^ ▼ v '»f fAiiiuill, Pulk and other countie«- springing nenr^w|i|èh speed of advancement. All that is produced ‘by the wholesalfs murders le of dollars to pick out the f ’i Oregon. • 20!v Mormon missionaries are said to required of us is to be ready uqd will­ committed by the Bender, ¡family in stones; ride back : over the path­ i sheep range ßän be H0^whe owner can 'v|£it his| flocks do , . ’ ______ 4L. is the change. Upon your return One of the at frictions at a Tennes­ family all made good their escape be­ fit of schools L ’and spificty.^3 r::.\ forming; fence making and stock- u ?-■ t I ■ I . . * Fads see fair was a prize of one bushel of you can trot briskly along, with raising. Mr. Greeley fnrther says: fore’their crimes were discovered. "W^ERGUSoN A BIRD.'corner of Jefferson and “The beginner is cautioned to make- The head of the family, Thomas potatoes for tho ugliest man rider. JT and Mam ; dealers in produce and gen a sense of comfort and security; —r 1* & "*** lf ; * T er^l mejphandisc. W a ¿ ‘no haste’ but tq acquire that first .Webb, and old man nearly severity Alpacas are looming up again about whereas, in passing over it previ­ G reasing £ uggies 4 this time, possibly because they are It KIMI’BON, north side Main greatest pre-requisite experience even' <| years of age, has liyed at Bienville. ous io the removal of loose stones," ONS.-Greasife I buggies, ¿nd wag- if he must gain it by hiring as a la- It is learned that this man Webb, a cheap and times are uncommonly dealers ih drugs, Confection- ONS.—G i : « ily s ipplies. eries u—.1 you proceeded slowly and in mis­ shoemaker by trade, formerly lived hard. ‘ borer Qtt Soule well managed form. ,'d impórtancc than 0D3 Ì9 Of AIN, attorney ; office on south ery. This illustrates how cheaply near Bienville, arid moved west about Such apprenticeship and the study of A dandy is a chap who would be a ain street. some imugfPWK W jauny --Vtwheel a^wuei is imag seven years ago. . The name of Ben ­ and expeditiously bad road^ can lady if he could; but as he can’t, does good agricultural works will furnish E AMBE Y. County Judge and ruined by ihg jjícntif ntifully. der. must have been assumed by them torney . at lawoffice in the be improved. If every town in . capital for purse, hands and brains.” all he can to show the world he’s not in '_*1 J■ î.; „1 _ .t? «iï, 11 : 1 ’■ ■. ,| ' ■ : ' : ' ill when they moved west, as the old Court Honie. A well-mailci HI r|U endure 'He advises the beginner to study well a i man. * w 1 those sections where lands are full ! I OHN HIRD, weatside Jeflfemon street, constant wi tô twenty the character and capabilities of each man and his wife moved back to this Che-Ting has been charged with of small liuulders would provide ; dealer in stoves and tinware. acre, and plan howlto make the most county a short time since and settled I ;q use the years, if eape is swindling a brother Chinee in Cincin­ simply for the removal of, them in the neighborhood' in which they C. BRADSHAW, attorney at law. of it ‘ before he cuts a living tree or anil ^nount of nati. Why not spell his name the from the pathway as often as once Tight kind I " . , formerly livod, without any suspicion, !• digs a solitary drain, ’ and says, ¿1 right way? oil; but if tHii matt’ not at would devote at least a year to this • being remembered by the name of ST. JOSEPH BUSIN8SS DIRECTORY. in two weeks during warm weath­ A Western paper, under the head­ tended to, |l .lie wheel will be used thoughtful observation and study.’ ” Webb by some of the old citizens who er, the roads should be more com­ ing of “Sporting News,’’ copies the lj®x knew them many years ago. - «X ycars^öri years, o1; it may up in five qi Now is the time for us to raise the ELTY a SIMPSON, cor. 4th and Elm; fortable than if ten times the cost announcement that “the L Colts 1 of y------------------------- £ be soonef. ? • Ijjôrd » fc ’ dealers in groceries, glassware. Qaeena lever be culture of our farms. - We have neg­ Hartford are running on. full time.” was expended in dumping on loads Ware and patent medicine« rill pen- lected our farming interests to dabble X /K West Virginia woman is thus used on a w Economy is said to be carried to illiard saloon , Powe« a stewart, of sand, or plowing up roadside in politics until we ale at tastefully described by a writer: She was rfc its way and etrate the ietors. Best wine«, wines, liquors, Ac. soil and piling it on the driveway. such an extent in a town in Michigan proprietors. convinced that political extremes sit feet long, with an ugly, angular Badons of* the spokes that the^paper mills have been com­ , J. H. Olds, proprietor; cor We hope these hints will not be around tli don ’ t pay.\ We will therefore permit and Depot streets. New house lost upon those who have our com­ and spoil ’ wheel,’& Castor oil politics to cool off a l|ttle and with face.Xhe color of putty. Her nose pelled to suspend operations for want icommodations. mon highways in charge.— Jour­ is a good rial for i¿c on an the aid of the Grangers we will look Her mouth was of rags. _____________________________ nal of Applied Chemistry. . Boston is said to have an election i a frost-bitten oil enoty>h f^ould out for the interests of our agricul­ # DAYTON BUSINESS DIRECTORY. iron axli ■; 1 Box's F ight W ith an E agle .— be apgli a spindle t| give it ture, instead of assisting political open, it revealed official who, after searching the “N’sM through, said he could not find a cer­ C. DALL, MANUFACTUBER OF The New Bedford Mercury says that a demagogues. I A. A. P. three long froht teeth, blackened ; this is better than a light (X • Saddles and Harness. All work war­ tain Mr. Knight’s name on the voting ranted. Orders left with J. W. Cullen few will days ago Nelson H. Stevens; a with smoke and calom calomel. On each rplu$ put oú will more, for t list. receive prompt s Mention. j boy living at East Fair Haven, Mass­ How to H ang P a ^ er .—Take the temple were three little flat, blue­ • ' Washing machines will be more •ee litt the end* and be CHRIS. T a YLOR, dealer In general mer­ saw a large eagle swoop down on a work i strip by the two upp^r corners and: shoulderstand nut chandise* Odd Felldws’ building. The colored curls, which seemed to have fashionable than ever this winter, and flock of fowls, seized one and fly into forced by ,/Jl place them against ¿he wall. Tho cheap cash stSte. rouhd out^de of the been made arriTput there under the many young ladies will take their . f » ■■■! i »» ■ , —..........— i. the woods. The boy weht for his gnn, into the jj 'XI/ S. l’^WEl.L, Saw Mill. Dressed paper will haug close to the wall, but pressure of a ton to tho inch, She first lesion in this household accom­ v v • lumber of all kinds, doorsand win­ which was loaded with shot fpr rabbit­ boxes. T p J the axlegrec, first I \ plishment. will not stick at the bottom, and you dow frames, shooting, and, on pursuing the eagle, wipe the p jodies: clea¿ l^ilh had no other hair or hairs on' ndleflj clea^ |wilh a her ------------------------------------------------------------- A fashionable young lady dropped H oward & stewart , blacksmiths, found that the fowl had escaped, and cloth wet ¡t i turpén tifie, if it can sight down the inner edgo and head.. A black clay-pipe with a ' Wagons, hacks anil buggies ironed. that the eagle was chasing it through see when you have it true with the one of hjjr false eyehkows in a church GwMiuithiog and general job work done. long clay stem, was held tiglitly Without it. On a bug- ’ won ’ t wipe ’ casing or last piece laid. Then fast ­ the bushes. He then fired, wounded pew, and badly frightened a young JffiADBETTER A RILEY : pictures of all UD-side down between her snags. i, wipte atiárclean off* en at the top. For working it against the eagle, and! a firce hand to hand gy or car man next to her, who thought it was descriptions always on hand and frames froqt ends of the- the wall don’t use a| oloth: take a Her eyes resembled two larg pew­ his moustache. - ‘ tussle ensued, in which the boy the back of all descriptions made to order. l apjMy a ^‘dry small whitewash brush and ^arcfully brush ter buttons dipped in lard, Her “Where shg>ll I put this paper so as MJTARKER a CO.; Ferry street; dry thought he had killed it. He seized hubs, and the paper to its place.i These direc­ frame was the only thing she his prize, and started for horn/), threw quantity < <: <• re- to be sure of finding it to-morrow?” tions may be old to. sofoe of our read ­ it over a wall which, came in his^by, u *- ------------ — *— -------------------------- -—■——-------------- ’iT_ tained of what may once haVe been inquired Mary Jane of her. brother 0£ BEST, livery stable Ferry-street; bug- when it again flew back to the wood. ers, but it? cost the writer a vast itor got a When • gies and horses to let at all times, at a goodsized body, ¿r . ’ Charles. “On the looking-glass,” amount of trouble and possibly some The boy followed, and in. another letter inclobpig a dried human ear; reasonable rates. was her bi other’s reply. ■ —-1" . -------------------- i i i > scolding before they were found out fight made sure of killing the bird. and contaitìiu^. the statò, »ent that NELL