LAFAYETTE COURIER. . .-.A. . - , , , ...C Ì —, . . . „.A.. Fifteen pounds of dried apples were taken as pay for publishing a marriage notice by an Iowa pa­ per, recently; which leads to the inference that the wedding was a swell affair. R. R. *•. ‘ u 1 ■** . - T. L 1 . | CURE8 THE WORST PAIN DR. W. K. DOHERTY’S after /eading this advertisement need any SUFFER WITH PAIN. « RADWAY’S READY RELIEF IS A CURE , FOR EVERY I*AIN. It was the first and is the only Pnin Rem­ edy that instantly stops tbo most excrutiar- ing pains, allays Intlamations, and cures ‘Congestions, whether of Lungs, Stomach, Bowels, or other glands or organs, by one application in from ONE TO TWENTY MINUTES, no matter how violent or excrutiating tlic Rheumatic. l>ed-ridaen. Infirm, Crippled, Nervoud, Neuralgic or prostrated with dis ease mav sufler. private Medical & Surgical Institute, FOUNDED IN 1853. Will afford Instant.Ease. ' j Inilauiation of the Lidneys. Inflamatron of the Cladder. Inflamation of the Bowels. Congestion of the Lungs. Sore^Thront, Difficult Breathing. Palpitation of the H^art. Hysterics, Croup, Diptheria. Cataarh, Influenza. , u’ ' Headache, Tijoth ache. Neuralgia, Rheumatiem. ‘ Cold Chills, Agu6 Chills. The application of the Ready Relief to the part or parts where the pain or difficul­ ty exists will afford ease and comfort. Twenty drops in a half tumbler of water will in a few minutes cure CRAMPS, Sour Stomach, Spasms, Heart-burp, Sick //ead Ache, Diarrhoea, Dysentery. Colic, Wind in the Bowels, and ail internal Pains. Travelers should always carry a bottle of RADWAY’ READY RELIFF with theyn.- A few drops in water will prevent .sickness or pains from change of water. It i*better than French brandy jar.-Bitters as it stimu­ lant. S > FEVER AND AGUKi^J Feycif and Ague cured for fifty cents.— Therb is pot fi remeditti agent in this world that will cure Fever and Ague end all o-’“ei Malarious, Bilious, Typhoid. Scarlet, Y yiow and otl’er Fevers (aided by 11ADV AU'S ' • “ as llADWAY'S -................. .. KADY PILLS bo quick RELIEF. Fifty cents per bottls old by all Druggists. — HEALTH I BEAUTY I Strong’^ind Pure rich' Blood—Increase of Flesli.apd'tfeight—fy’lciir Skin and Beauti­ ful Complexion secured to rfll. IK RADWAY ’S • ?. ARSAI’ARILLIAN RESOLVENT nade the most astouishing cures, so ;, so Rapid are the Changes the Body hndefgoes under the influence oi this truly wonderful Medicine, that Every Day an increase in Flesh and Weight is Seen and Felt. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. I QUICK CURES AND, MODERATE CHARGES In from one to Twenty Minutes. A* NOT ONE HOUR BADWAY’S READY RELIEF t • A PRIVATE MEDICAL AID RADWAY’S READY RELIEF i A L iterary Q uestion .-—Grant White, in his last linguistic article, says the New York Krening ^‘ost, t M • ' * * • 1 • presents a literary question tor deci­ sion in a somewhat novel manner. He having, in “Words and Their A Rochester editor went hunt­ Uses,” given it as his opinion that ing the other day for the first time since the days of Shakspèare amV the King James trauslatiwii of the Iiibl«K in twenty-two year?, and he ‘ was the English Jaiigutlge lias undergone lucky enough to bring down nò great change, a\d that the addi'- old farmer by a shot in the tions to it have beci\ little except The distance was sixtv yards -A-------------- -------- new words for new things,” Dr. Hall A man at Andover, Mass., does said bluijStly that “pucli cyiild not be - thè opinion of one who had given at­ not believe in a fall in prices, i, be-< tention to the development of Eng­ cause he has just sold for fifty cents lish in modern times,” and added that a pocket-knife which he bought verbs, adjectives and adysurbs had Í for that price in 1809, and has since the time in question came into for sixty-four years. our language ‘by thousands.’ Where­ used steadily - upon White, naming twenty of tlie When Major Pauline Cushman most eminent, popular, voluminous arrived in San Francisco lately, and characteristic writers of the last hundred years, Goldsmith, Burke, she wanted to lecture, but couldn’t Cobbett, Mill, Macaulay? Helps, Rus­ a fib rd to advertise. So she Just kin, George Eliot and Trollope, prose cowhided a man in public, and is writers, and Gray, ’G’owper, Words­ now one of (he pearls of the plat worth, Southey, Byron, Keats, Shel­ form ley, Tennyson. Drowning and Morns, poets, offers that if Dr. Hall shall produce from the' writings of these Ö11OUKRIKS representative modem authors, not 5 DRUGS *■ thousands, but one thousaiwl distinct KELT Y & SIMPSON, words which were not used by t^e co- teiuporaries of Sliakspeare and ot the translators of the Jving'James Bib^ . or by their predecessors, and which are not the names of new things, “his ” publishers * shall pay one thousand dollanbto Dr. Hull, or to any benevo­ AND DEALKES IN lent institution that he may select.” ROUERIES, CANNED FRUITS —- As authors have proverhjjuHJ^no dol­ lars to throw away, Grant White Oysters must have felt very sure of his posi­ Pickles, tion before making this proposition, Crackers. Nuts of all kinds, "•the question is one òf much interest Tobacco, Jn the history'of tne English lan­ Bar dines. guage. A N ice D istinction .—The Su­ Fine Winec and Liquors for Medicinal mavltf uses preme Court of Missouri has lately decided what is not “disturbing pub­ lic worship.” On a Sunday, some months ago, as it appears, a disturb­ ance tgtk place at a church in War­ ren county, in that State, just as the congregation was departing, after re­ ST. JOSEPH,, .... OREGON. ceiving the benediction. During the V%,rE ARE CONSTANTLY RECEIV- disturbance an assault was made by ▼ V ing New Goods direct froin Portland CZ7”Give lis a call. Jesse* J. Jones. He was indicted un­ der thé law for the protection of re­ » » Advertising is the oil which wise men put in their lamps.’* Modern l’rov. ligious worship, tried and convicted. The Judge, in his charge to the jury, L. P. FISHER,. on his ow^i motion, instructed them in effect &at the pious thoughts and AD VERTISIFG AGENT. •- ROOMS 2QAiqhl, ' impressions inspired by the service apre I.. ” w hile the congregation weie together Merchants’ Exchange, were as much protected as the active services of the sanctuary, and refused California Street, San Francisco. to instruct them that when the serv­ Solicit-^Adevrtisements and Subscriptons the L afayette C ol bier and for papers ice endeng experience and sudeessiu) I practice will continue to insure him a share of public patronage. ByHhe practice of many years iu Europe am) |he United State» he is enabled to apply 'tW Aiost efficient and successful remedies against diseases o ‘all kinds. He cures wiiho ut mercury, char geanioderate, treats his patients in a correct and honorable way, and has references of unquestionable veracity from men of known* respectability and high standing in society. All parties consulting biin by letter or oth­ erwise, will recede the be>t and gentlest treatment and iu^dieit secrecy. To Females. When a female is enervated or afflicted with disease, as weakness of .the back and linib«. paiffiu the head, dimnefs of sight, loss of muscular power, palpitation of the heart, irritability, nervousness, extreme uri­ nary- (I ffleulttcs, derangement of digestive functions, general debility, vaginitis, all dfe- e.ises of the womb, hysteria.sterility und all other diseases pectdiaF to females, she sho'j go or write at once to the celebrated female doctor; W. K, 1'OHEBTY, at his medical Institute, and consult him abeui her troub les. and. disease. The doctor is effecting more cures than any other physician ill the State of California. Let no false delicacy prevent you, but apply immediately and Save yourself from painful suffering and pre­ mature (loath. All married ladies whose delicate health or other circumstances pre­ vent an iiterease i i their famines, should write or call nt Bit.. W. K. DllHEBTY’t# Medical IasiHute, ami they will receive eve“- ry possible relief and help. Every drop of the 8AK8APAR1LLIA N RE­ SOLVENT communicates sOEVENT communicate^ through the Blood r ‘ fluids and juices of Sweat, ........................ Urine and other the system the vigor bf of life, for it repairs tljie wastes of the body with new and sound the hilateri il. It-J- Scrofula. Syphilis, To Correspondents, Pin, Tape and other Worms, __ 1__ _ tVl-TI' ■ Consumption, A. v , 1 iioutii Glanular disease, Ulceijs in‘the throat, lurking in the system of so many thdtasanQs, Patients residing in any nart of the State Tumors, , _ Nodes in the Glands a»i othes are eifectually destroyed and removed. . — ------- : ~nd however distant, wl iw ai ¡; y des ir«* t I ih »piu- , Birts of the. system, - Sore-eyeS, ..... L ■ -* “*• S Strcntrni'S ySays a distinguished physiologist: There is ion and advice “f ___ _ DR. ________ DOHERTY, ifcch " Ears, and __ the __ ivorst ___ , scarcely an hnlivirtual on the face of the luu ges from the in their respective ea>< s, ami who think pro earth whose body is exempt from the pres- fdrmsWof st of skin diseases. Eruptions, Fruutions. Fevbr Fevkr I i ence of worms. It is not upon the healthy per to submit » writ, n stateni. »totem, nt of >ucb, such« Spres. Scald Head, Siiig-worni. Salt rheum, elements of the body that worms exist, but in preference preierenee to lidding li< Bling a e sonul soiih ! inter­ a' “ ] | e< Erysipelas, Acne, Black Spots, Worms ir upon the diseased humors and slimy deposits view, aie me ie«pectlnlly le-pectlnily assured assuredthatt'aer thattaer com cum- ­ the Flesh, Tumors, Cancel's in the Womb, that breed these living monsters of disease. munications will lie J el l nlu-t siicn d. and, all’weakening and painfull discharges’ No system of medicine, no vermifuges, no The:DoctorT8 a regular graduate and inay Niglit-Bweat<~Xoss of Sperm, and all the anthelininltics, will free the system from be consulted with every confidanee.,, wastes of the life principle,,.are within the these Billers. If the cas^ be fu ly and <•*.•- IVlechanigdI Diseases.— persons en­ curative range of this wonder of Modern gaged didly described, ‘ personal ce* forms of disease its potent power to cure to paralysis of the Bowels. To guard against itself (including tbe remedies), will be for­ them. this, «take a dose of W alker ’ s V inegar B it ­ warded without delay, and in sffrh a nnpi- • Not only does the S arsap a riddi an Rws.- ters twice a week. ner as to convey no idea of the purport Bilious, Remittent and Inter­ olvknt excel all known remedial agents in the letter or par<*el so transmitted. mittent -Fev ers. which are so prevalent the cure of C hronic, Scrofulous. Cortstitu SliWild your condition require immediate* in the valleys of our great rivere through­ tional and Skin diseases; but it is the only out attention send ten dollars, coin, or its value* the United States, especially those of the positive cure for in currency, by mail or Wells. Fargo & Co pi Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Tennes­ Kidney pagò‘of water, Inconlin Savannah, Roamtke. James, and many instructidns for use. éncr of brine, Bright’s disease, Albuminu­ others, with their vast tributaries, through­ {^Consultation—by letter or otherwise ria, and all cases where tlwre arc brick dust out our entiEp country ¿during the Summer FREE..'-Permanent cure guaranteed or nd* and Aut umn,-and remarkably so during sea­ deposits, or the water thick, cloudy, miked sons pay. I ----- of unusual heat and dryness, are in ­ with substances like thei white of an egg. o- variably accompanied by extensive de­ Spermatorrhoea. ® threads'like white silk, or there is s morbio, rangements of-the stomach and liver, and *-5¿- DR. DOHERTY has just published an im­ portant pamphlet, embodying hi.» own view» dark, billioug appenraoce, and white bone other aJKlominal viscera.' In their treat- dust deposits}, und when there is a pricking. nunty.a purgative, exerting a powerful’ in­ and experiences in relation to Inpotencc or Verility; being a short treaties, on Sperraa bu'rnipig sed#al(ient FREE on reeeipt generally restoring the healthy functions of of Six cents in postage stamps for return the digestive organs. ;. 11 I ■ II I I ,. ■] I | -■ lu M b-1 ¡i il postage. Address, Scroflilu, or King's Evil» Whitd »*■ «'.v *’ PERFECT PJLT PJJiyjATIVE PILLS, Swellings, Ulcers, Erysipelas, Swelled neck, ’ W. K. DOHERTY. M. 1>. ? tectly I tasteless^ fectly taste gantly coated with Goitre, Scrofulous inflammations. Indolent ipr201y San Francikoo, CaL >et et gum. pu purgo, ifiUe, purify, cleanse Inflammations, ..Mercurial Affections, Old . . n jiilate, Eruptions of the Skin, Sore Eyes, strengthen, ■ Radwans iy?s Pillsjor Palsjor the cure Sores, etc., etc.- likthese. as in all oilier constiOT ill disorders ---- s of the^Sfcomach, wmach, Liver* Liver* Bow- Bow- tional Diseases. W alker ’ s V inegar B it ­ Circular to the Liberal Public. els^ Kidneys, Bladiwi; Nervous Fiscases, ters have shown their great curative pow­ V'^dache, Constipation. Costeveness, Indi- ers iu the most obstinate and intractable E PROPOSE TO PURCHASE OB in all the ai>ove above named discr- cflected. a Hall for Free Dieussion, Lectures Amuse­ The Aperient and mild Laxatlvtf H. Price, 25 cents, per Box, Sold by ments, and finally, nn office for the business- properties of D r . W alker ’ s V inegar B it ­ ¡legists. purposes of the Boston Investigator. To ters are the Iwst safe-guard in cases of erup ­ J FAD ¿ FALSE AND TRUE.” Send accomplish this, we heed the assistance and! tions and malignant fevers. Their balsamic, ¡(letter v.w. stamp to RADWAY A CO. No. healing, and soothing properties protect the contributions of all tne friends of Payne aiden Lune, New York. Information huiuvrs of tlic fauces. Their Sedative prop­ and of the Inv«ttigalor, and believing our wordrtir (ftlioiisands will be sent you. erties allay pain iu the nervous system, reader«- and other Liberals to be of that nov9v71v ib stomach and lx>wels, either from inflamma­ numbor on Whom we may relv. we ask their tion, wind, colic, cramps, etc. aid assitance by contributing liberally thehi- Direction».— Take of‘the Bitters on selves and inducing others to do so. Sub­ going to bed at night from a half to/me and senptions will bo acknowledgecTin the col­ one-half wine-glassful. Eat good nourishing food, such as beef-steak, mutron chop, veni­ umns of Die Investigator. We have labor­ ed under many disadvantages during our BliSK.NED WILL CUBE ANY son. roast beef, and vegetables, and take out-dour exercise. They are composed of connection with the Investigator, in provid­ purely vegetable ingredients, and contain ing suitable accommodations for our Liisin»ay : no spirit. . . and in securing a Hall for our Paine Cele­ I . . H AZ r . h . M c D onald &. co., bration, and #e uppeal now to a Liberal', HA* * Druggists A Gen. Agta., San Francisco, Cat, publie to come forward and help us to se­ A < or. Washington and Charlton Sts., N.Y. ronchitis, cure a permaner * place for business and for Asthma, SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS A DEALERS) holding our ’ne mgs. .! “ f ■ r 1 1 Friends. Brot) ers. Sisters, the hour will Of such Printing,as se of Dr. Cham come when tcs. must cease from our labor. The < ans<‘ that the Proprietor and Editor of the Boston Investigator have expended their lives in, fejm eanrffst voucher that not for sAf alone. Bait for huinaniiy, they have AND worn away a life-time. And we invite all ; no nay. BOOK BINDER, PAPER RULER AND our BUSINESS CARRS, FANCY PLAYC à M friends to zealous and prompt action, a» E. il. Eubanks, advancing age indicates that time waits for ette, PLAYCARDS, * CIRCULARS, il. EUBANKS. none. We all feel solicitous that our work» shall live after we retire: and that our advo­ VISITING CARDS, labels , checks , cate of Freedom, our sturdy eld Investiga­ tor, may still, for generations to come, No. 9-l ’ Front Street,between Washington ’ ETC. ? ETC. our railying cry-“For all Peoples! and Alder, over Hopkins'" Hardware Store, sound ' ■ ■■ F i and all lands, forever Liberty.” J. P. M endum , j H orace S eaver , [ PORTLAND, OREGON. Address orders to Fr* ^l* Savaob» ! Trustees. h ' ■' *1 ' M- ALTMENr I V 7 Blank Books made to order, and ruled to D.. B. B urt . I • , any desireir pattern. Newspapers, Maga­ Boston, Oct. 9, 1872. jan3tf ‘ zines, Music} etc., etc,, bound in any style, t HE MORNING with neatness and dispatch, Salem at) 10 I —AT— c. CALL, MANUFACTURER OP V03 Si In it al One o’clock • Saddles and Hamess. All work war­ as at GREATLY REDUCED P1M&E8 ranted. Orders ieft with J. W. Cullan will LAFAYETTE, LEWIS Pro. receive prompt attention. Print RAD WAY’S ■ SHORT W NOTICE. BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURER LLAS-SALEM “THE COURÌER,’! C